VMSLZ.HLP The files VMSLZ1.ARC, VMSLZ2.ARC, and VMSLZ3.ARC contain an adaptation of the Unix 'compress' program to VAX/VMS by Martin Minow of DEC (minow%rex.dec@decwrl.arpa), as submitted to the DECUS library. The files are in DOS-ARC format, which can be picked apart by a VMS program call TARC.EXE (which we don't have), or can be easily decomposed with a text editor. The Unix compress program was originally written by Spencer Thomas, et al., to implement the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) file compression algorithm (as described by Terry Welch in IEEE Computer V17 #6, whose initial is sometimes appended to the acronym to make it LZW), which replaces common strings of bytes with compact codes in a single pass over a file in a deterministic manner. The VMS version of this facility adds knowledge of FILES-11/RMS file structure, and compresses record-oriented files together with their attributes, restoring them to their original form upon decompression. The files are: VMSLZ1.ARC - contains a readme file, plus 3 pieces of the compression program. VMSLZ2.ARC - decompression program, in 3 pieces VMSLZ3.ARC - header files, common functions, makefile, formatted documentation The archive format is strictly textual, with each file beginning with a line of the form -h- filename date-time origin The LZ programs are written in C, and can be compiled with VAX-11 C, DECUS C, or under Unix. The VMS-specific features are switch-selectable. Note that the ARC format described above is not the same as the MS-DOS ARC format, in which multiple files are archived into a single file, each compressed by the most appropriate algorithm (run-length, Huffman, or LZW). [End of VMSLZ.HLP]