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Typical device name for this platform: %s. The default device name is %s (i.e. none). computer. SET LINE alone resets Kermit to remote mode. SET LINE xxx, then SET SPEED, then give a DIAL command. with no device name, or if you specify %s as the device name, software. If you SET LINE to a specific device other than %s, /SERVER - Enter server mode automatically if SET LINE succeeds. Also see HELP SET MODEM, HELP SET DIAL, HELP SET SPEED, HELP SET FLOW. Kermit will be in "remote mode", suitable for use on the far end of a To use a modem to dial out, first SET MODEM TYPE (e.g., to USR), then Kermit is in "local mode", suitable for making a connection to another If you do not give a SET LINE command or if you give a SET LINE command For direct null-modem connections, use SET MODEM TYPE NONE, SET LINE xxx, connection, e.g. as the file-transfer partner of your desktop communication Optional switches: /CONNECT - Enter CONNECT mode automatically if SET LINE succeeds. Syntax: SET LINE (or SET PORT) [ switches ] [ devicename ] Selects a serial-port device to use for making connections. Returns: \fnextfile() 0 on failure 1 on success Returns: integer. Returns: yyyymmdd. Synonym: \fcaps(s1) \flower(s1) s1 = string. \fupper(s1) s1 = string. \fcrc16(s1) s1 = string. \flength(s1) s1 = string. \fdate(f1) f1 = filename. \fsize(f1) f1 = filename. \fhexify(s1) s1 = string. \fcommand(s1) s1 = string \fliteral(s1) s1 = string. \freverse(s1) s1 = string. \fcode(c1) c1 = character. s3 = optional include set. \fchecksum(s1) s1 = string. \frawcommand(s1) s1 = string n2 = optional grouping mask. Converts yyyymmm to yyyymmdd \fabsolute(n1) n1 = integer. \fcharacter(n1) n1 = integer. \fcapitalize(s1) s1 = string. n3 = optional separator flag. \ftime([[date][ time]]) - Time. c2 = optional final character. \fdoy([date-time]) - Day of Year. \f_eof(n1) n1 = channel number. \f_pos(n1) n1 = channel number. The corresponding error string. \f_line(n1) n1 = channel number. \fname2addr(s) s = IP host name. \fdefinition(m1) m1 = macro name. Returns integer: Size of file f1. s2, s3, n2, n3 are as in \fword(). \f_handle(n1) n1 = channel number. \f_status(n1) n1 = channel number. \fday([[date][ time]]) - Day of Week. \f_getchar(n1) n1 = channel number. \f_getline(n1) n1 = channel number. Difference expressed as delta time: Returns string: Full pathname of f1. \fsexpression(s1) s1 = S-Expression. The corresponding number of seconds. Returns integer: Length of string s1. Returns string: s1 repeated n1 times. Converts MJD to standard-format date. Returns: The result of evaluating s1. \fntime([[date][ time]]) - Numeric Time. \faddr2name(s) s = numeric IP address. \funhexify(h1) h1 = Hexadecimal string. Returns number: Seconds since midnight. \fn2time(seconds) - Numeric Time to Time. \fevaluate(e) e = arithmetic expression. \fpermissions(file) - Permissions of File. Returns integer: The integer part of f1. Returns integer: The lesser of n1 and n2. \fn2hex(n1) - Number to hex n1 = integer. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. If no argument given, returns current time. The argument converted to a DOS pathname. Returns integer: The greater of n1 and n2. The argument converted to a Unix pathname. See HELP WILDCARDS for info about patterns. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. \fdos2unixpath(p) p = string, DOS pathname. \frepeat(s1,n1) s1 = string. n1 = integer. \fpathname(f1) f1 = filename, possibly wild. \fbasename(f1) f1 = filename, possibly wild. If no date/time given, returns current date. \fnday([[date][ time]]) - Numeric Day of Week. Reads a line from channel n1 and returns it. Returns the associated error message string. \funix2dospath(p) p = string, Unix pathname. \fn2octal(n1) - Number to octal n1 = integer. Converts date and/or time to standard format. \fdoy2date([doy[ time]]) - Day of Year to Date. \fmaximum(n1,n2) n1 = integer. n2 = integer. \fminimum(n1,n2) n1 = integer. n2 = integer. \fmodulus(n1,n2) n1 = integer. n2 = integer. Returns integer: 16-bit checksum of string s1. Returns string: Literal definition of macro m1. \fcontents(v1) v1 = variable name such as \%%a. Returns string: The octal representation of n1. If s1 contains no separator, nothing happens. Returns string: s1 literally without evaluation. Assigns the value, if any, to the named macro. \fcvtdate([date-time][,n1]) - Date/time conversion. If no date/time given, returns current date/time. \fdialconvert(phone-number) - Convert phone number. Returns day of week of given date as Mon, Tue, etc. Reads a character from channel n1 and returns it. \f_getblock(n1,n2) n1 = channel number, n2 = size Returns number: How many elements were converted. Returns integer: The numeric code of character c1. Returns integer: Number of words in source string. \fmjd([[date][ time]]) - Modified Julian Date (MJD). keyword = keyword to look up (can be abbreviated). \ffpint(f1) f1 = floating-point number or integer. \f_putline(n1,s1) n1 = channel number, s1 = string Returns integer: A random number between 0 and n-1. If time included, it is converted to 24-hour format.\fmjd2date(mjd) - Modified Julian Date (MJD) to Date. &a = array designator, can include range specifier. This array must be in alphabetical order. Returns number: File %s of open file on channel n1. \f_putchar(n1,c) n1 = channel number, c = character \f_putblock(n1,s1) n1 = channel number, s1 = string Date-time converted to UTC (GMT) yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss. Corresponding IP hostname if found, otherwise null. \fdelta2secs(dt) dt = Delta time, e.g. +3d14:27:52. Returns string: Output of system command s1, if any. \frandom(n) - Random number. n = a positive integer. Negative if d2 is later than d1, otherwise positive. Returns string: The hexadecimal representation of n1. Converts the given phone number for dialing according Returns the given number of seconds in hh:mm:ss format. Returns integer: The absolute (unsigned) value of n1. Writes the string s1 to channel n1. Returns number: Corresponding numeric IP address if found, else null. Converts date and/or time to day-of-year (DOY) format. Returns integer: The remainder after dividing n1 by n2. [date-time], if given, is free-format date and/or time. Returns string: s1 with its characters in reverse order. Returns string: The leftmost n1 characters of string s1. &a = array designator, can include range specifier. c = Optional field delimiter, colon(:) by default. Type SHOW FUNCTIONS to see a list of available functions. Returns integer: The result of evaluating the expression. Returns string: The rightmost n1 characters of string s1. Returns standard date or date-time string yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss \foct2n(s) s = octal number Returns decimal equivalent. \ferrstring(n) n = platform-dependent numeric error code. Returns string: Substring of s1 starting at n1, length n2. Returns character: The character whose numeric code is n1. Type HELP FUNCTION for help on a particular function. Returns string: s1 %s-padded with character c1 to length n1. Returns number: 1 if channel n1 at end of file, 0 otherwise. For function settings use HELP SET FUNCTION and SHOW SCRIPTS. Returns integer: 16-bit cyclic redundancy check of string s1. Returns string: s1 with n1 characters removed from the right. Returns floating-point number: f1 rounded to d decimal places. Reads a block of n2 characters from channel n1 and returns it. Returns floating-point number: f1 minus f2 to d decimal places. \fhex2n(s) s = hexadecimal number Returns decimal equivalent. \fleft(s1,n1) s1 = string. n1 = integer, default = length(s1). to the prevailing dialing rules -- country code, area code, etc. Returns time portion of given date and/or time in hh:mm:ss format. Returns number: Read/write pointer of channel n1 as byte number. Returns number: Read/write pointer of channel n1 as line number. \f_errmsg([n1]) n1 = numeric error code, \v(f_error) by default. \futcdate(d1) d1 = free-format date and/or time (default = NOW). Returns string: s1 with uppercase letters converted to lowercase. Returns string: s1 with lowercase letters converted to uppercase. \fright(s1,n1) s1 = string. n1 = integer, default = length(s1). \ftod2secs(s1) s1 = time-of-day string, hh:mm:ss, 24-hour format. Returns string: s1 up to the rightmost occurrence of character c1. Returns numeric day of week of given date, 0=Sun, 1=Mon, ..., 6=Sat. Returns permissions of given file as they would be shown by "ls -l". or -2 if keyword was ambiguous, or -1 if keyword empty or not found. If s1 contains a separator but no value, the macro is undefined. \fstripn(s1,n1) s1 = string to look in. n1 = integer, default = 0. More info: HELP PATTERN for pattern syntax. HELP ARRAY for arrays. Returns floating-point number: f1 divided by f2 to d decimal places. \ffpexp(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \ffpsine(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \ffplogn(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \ffpsqrt(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \fdirname(f) - Directory part of a filename. f = a file specification. \ffplog10(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \ffpround(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. Converts date and/or time to MJD, the number of days since 17 Nov 1858. Returns time portion of given date and/or time as seconds since midnight. \ffpcosine(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. n2 = 0 or omitted to put spaces between elements; nonzero to omit them. Returns string: Modification date of file f1, format: yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss. Returns floating-point number: The sum of f1 and f2 to d decimal places. \ffptangent(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. \ffpabsolute(f1,d) f1 = floating-point number or integer. d = integer. Returns floating-point number: The square root of f1 to d decimal places. Returns string: The hexadecimal representation of s1. Also see \fn2hex(). Returns string: Standard-format date and time: yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss (numeric) Returns string: Literal definition of variable v1, evaluated one level only. \fstripb(s1[,c1[,c2]]) s1 = original string. c1 = optional first character Returns number: The index of the first matching array element or -1 if none. Returns floating-point number: The product of f1 and f2 to d decimal places. Returns floating-point number: The maximum of f1 and f2 to d decimal places. Returns floating-point number: The minimum of f1 and f2 to d decimal places. Returns floating-point number: The modulus of f1 and f2 to d decimal places. Returns string: The return value of the macro (HELP RETURN for further info). Returns string: Filename f1 stripped of all device and directory information. Returns string: The part of s1 after the leftmost occurrence of character c1. How many characters written if successful; Otherwise a negative error code. Returns numeric string: DOY: yyyyddd, where ddd is 1-based day number in year. \farraylook(pattern,&a) - Lookup pattern in array. pattern = String or pattern Also see: HELP FUNC ARRAYLOOK for a similar function. HELP ARRAY for arrays. Returns floating-point number: f1 raised to the power f2, to d decimal places. Writes the string s1 to channel n1 and adds a line terminator. Returns number: \ftablelook(keyword,&a,[c]) - Lookup keyword in keyword table. pattern = String \ffpadd(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. Returns floating-point number: The natural logarithm of f1 to d decimal places. Returns string: s1 with all characters that are also in s2 trimmed from the %s. .Returns integer: The number of directories that match f1; use with \fnextfile(). \f%cpad(s1,n1,c1) s1 = string. n1 = integer. c1 = character, default = space. \flop(s1,c1) s1 = string to look in. c1 = character to look for, default = ".". \ffpraise(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. Returns floating-point number: The logarithm, base 10, of f1 to d decimal places. 0 if d1 is equal to d2; 1 if d1 is later than d2; -1 if d1 is earlier than d2. \ffpdivide(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \fcmpdates(d1,d2) d1 = free-format date and/or time (default = NOW). d2 = ditto. Returns integer: The number of regular files that match f1. Use with \fnextfile(). Returns string: First IP address in s1, scanning from left starting at position n1. Returns string: The result of unhexifying s1, or nothing if s1 is not a hex string. \ffpmaximum(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \ffpminimum(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \ffpmodulus(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \fdiffdates(d1,d2) d1 = free-format date and/or time (default = NOW). d2 = ditto. \fstripx(s1,c1) s1 = string to look in. c1 = character to look for, default = ".". \ffpsubtract(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \ffpmultiply(f1,f2,d) f1,f2 = floating-point numbers or integers. d = integer. \fexecute(m1,a1,a2,a3,...) m1 = macro name. a1 = argument 1. a2 = argument 2, etc Returns floating-point number: The sine of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places. \fipaddress(s1,n1) s1 = string. n1 = 1-based integer starting position, default = 1. Returns floating-point number: The absolute (unsigned) value of f1 to d decimal places. Returns floating-point number: The cosine of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places. Returns floating-point number: The tangent of angle f1 (in radians) to d decimal places. Returns string: Output of system command s1, if any, with final line terminator stripped. Returns number: 1 or greater, index of array element that uniquely matches given keyword; \fradix(s,n1,n2) s = number in radix n1 Returns the number's representation in radix n2. \fhex2ip(s) s = 8-digit hexadecimal number Returns the equivalent decimal dotted IP address. \fip2hex(s) s = decimal dotted IP address Returns the equivalent 8-digit hexadecimal number. Returns the (selected) elements of the array joined to together, separated by the separator. \faaconvert(name,&a[,&b]) name = name of associative array, &a and &b = names of regular arrays. \fpattern(s) s = string Returns string: s with any variables, etc, evaluated in the normal manner. Writes a character to channel n1. Returns number: 1 if successful, otherwise a negative error code. Returns number: Sum of open modes of channel n1: 1 = read; 2 = write; 4 = append, or: 0 if not open. \f%s(s1,s2) s1 = string to look in. s2 = string of characters to look for, default = blanks and tabs. \fjoin(&a[,s[,n1[,n2]]]) &a = array designator, can include range specifier. s = optional separator. Returns string: s1 with its first letter converted to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase. Returns floating-point number: e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the f1 power, to d decimal places. \fkeywordvalue(s1,c1) s1 = string of the form "name=value" c1 = separator character (default separator is "=") \freplace(s1,s2,s3[,n1]) s1 = original string. s2 = match string. s3 = replacement string. n1 = occurrence. Returns string: The dial string that would be used if the same phone number had been given to the DIAL command. \fcmdstack(n1,n2) n1 = Command-stack level, 0 to \v(cmdlevel), default \v(cmdlevel). n2 = Function code, 0 or 1. \fverify(s1,s2,n1) s1 = string of characters to look for. s2 = string to look in. n1 = starting position in s2. For use with INPUT, MINPUT, and REINPUT to declare that a search target is a pattern rather than a literal string. n1 = nonzero to put grouping around elements that contain spaces; see \fword() grouping mask for values of n. \f%ssearch(s1,s2,n1) s1 = pattern to look for. s2 = string to look in. n1 = optional 1-based offset, default = 1. Returns integer: The number of files whose names match f1 in the current or given directory tree; use with \fnextfile(). Returns integer: The number of directories that match f1 in the current or given directory tree. Use with \fnextfile(). Returns directory name: The full name of the directory that the file is in, or if the file is a directory, its full name. Converts the given associative array into two regular arrays, &a and &b, containing the indices and values, respectively: Returns string: s1 up to the first occurrence of any character%salso in s2, scanning from the left starting at position n1. assumed. If c1 is given but not c2, the appropriate c2 is assumed. if both c1 and c2 are given, they are used as-is. \f%sindex(s1,s2,n1) s1 = string to look for. s2 = string to look in. n1 = optional 1-based starting position, default = 1. Returns integer: 1-based position of first character in s2 that is not also in s1, or 0 if all characters in s2 are also in s1. If n1 is given: n1 = 1: yyyy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss (mmm = English 3-letter month abbreviation) n1 = 2: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss (ditto) \fsplit(s1,&a,s2,s3,n2,n3) - Assign string words to an array. s1 = source string &a = array designator s2 = optional break set. Returns integer: 1-based position of %smost match for s1 in s2, ignoring the %smost (n1-1) characters in s2; returns 0 if no match. \f%s(s1,s2,n1) s1 = string to look in. s2 = string of characters to look for. n1 = 1-based integer starting position, default = 1. \fsubstitute(s1,s2,s3) s1 = Source string. s2 = List of characters to be translated. s3 = List of characters to translate them to. \ffiles(f1[,&a]) - File list. f1 = file specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign file list to. All arguments are optional; if \&a[] already exists, it is recycled; if array not specified, the count is returned but no array is created. \fsubstring(s1,n1,n2) s1 = string. n1 = integer, 1-based starting position, default = 1. n2 = integer, length, default = length(s1) - n1 + 1. Returns integer: 1-based position of %smost occurrence of s1 in s2, ignoring the %smost (n1-1) characters in s2; returns 0 if s1 not found in s2. n2 = 0: name of object at stack level n1 n2 = 1: type of object at stack level n1: 0 = interactive prompt 1 = command file 2 = macro \frfiles(f1[,&a]) - Recursive file list. f1 = file specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign file list to. Alternative format: Include a grouping mask number in place of c1 and omit c2 to specify more than one possibility at once; see \fword() for details. \fdirectories(f1) - Directory list. f1 = directory specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign directory list to. Returns string: s1 with the indicated enclosing characters removed. If c1 and c2 not specified, any matching brackets, braces, parentheses, or quotes are \frdirectories(f1) - Recursive directory list. f1 = directory specification, possibly containing wildcards. &a = optional name of array to assign directory list to. Returns string: Name of next file from list created by most recent \f[r]files() or \f[r]dir()invocation, or an empty string if there are no more files in the list. Returns string: s1 with occurrence number n1 of s2 replaced by s3. If n1 = 0 or omitted, all occurrences are replaced. If n1 < 0, occurrences are counted from the right. Returns: s1, with each character that is in s2 translated to the corresponding character in s3. s2 and s3 can contain ASCII ranges, like [a-z]. Any characters in s2 that don't have corresponding characters in s3 (after range expansion) are removed from the result. not working yet - %s 0pʰ0p0p˰̰̀@̠̐0Հ֠` PېPp@p0@@0pP0@0Pٰ@P00Pܰ@ppP@@@ސ@P@ppp@@@߰@p@@@@ Ӱ@@PpP0pppP 0PP@@p@@0@@pP@@p@0p@@P@@@P@p@   P  p  0@ 0@ P  0 p @0Pppp@P@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@@p0@@0@@@P@@PА!#`#$ %@!%&0!&`&#!#0!'!!!!*0!*`!*+*+P!!*++%!,-0-`'#$,')&&"p,$P+ "@!#!""!!!-$!!*%p$!,@'P&%!!"!---!!. !' !!!!!!.P!.!!!!!00000`!../1 ,p/@!//p/0!0!!!!!!!!!! 223(3X3334(4X4455H15556(6h667877888x2881111111111119H999:(:(::1;;H;x;;<8(>>X>?H?1?1111T1@hAAABHBBC(CxCD8Dh12x2x1DE(11EFxFGGhIJJhHKXF(HXGHJ8KIHHILKKLhLMMHMMN(L(Nx7xN=XOOhOOOPPHPQ(QXRxRQRSSHS1S10STTHTUU8UhUUS8S8S8UV(VXVS8VVS8WWHTxTS?Not a directory - %s ?Wildcards not allowed ?Internal error - malloc ?Too many directories - %d max "%s" - too long, %d max Please respond; type '?' to see valid answers. %s: %s %s %s %s - OK ?Filename required %s - Access denied ?No files match - "%s" ?This switch requires an argument ?A file specification is required ?This switch does not take an argument sexpression echo-result: %s sexpression depth-limit: %d maximum depth reached: %d longest result returned: %d last sexpression: %s last value: %s ?%s - "%s" BAD OP [%s] ?Not defined - "%s" ?Not numeric - "%s" ?Not Numeric - "%s" ?Domain error - "%s" ?Divide by zero - "%s" ?Invalid operand - "%s" ?Too %s operands - "%s" ?Too few operands - "%s" ?Too many operands - "%s" ?Invalid assignment - "%s" ?Macro disappeared! - "%s" ?Resources exhausted - "%s" ?Too many operands: max = %d ?Too many operands: IF - "%s" ?Argument out of range - "%s" ?Assignment to constant - "%s" ?Memory allocation failure - "%s" ?S-Expression depth limit exceeded: %d ?Memory re-allocation failure - "%s..." %s%s available push%s available pipes%s available CHECK: %s not available CHECK: push not available CHECK: pipes not available E= %s %s: No record. Status: %s Opened: %s User: %s PID: %s Type: %s To: %s From: %s Device: %s Origin: %s Elapsed time: %s Encrypted: %s Log: %s %s: No connection. LOGLINE BUFFER OVERFLOW %s %s T=SERIAL H=%s D=%s %s %s T=%s N=%s H=%s LOGNET BUFFER OVERFLOWThis space available (use SET MODEM NAME)WARNING: modem info for "%s" not filled in yet ?value required ?No keywords match: "%s" Unexpected SET MODEM parameter 100033011800888877866(no slashes, please) Modem's command to %sable %s(please omit the plus sign) (please omit the parentheses) ?Unexpected SET DIAL parameter ?Sorry, area code must be numeric ?Sorry, country code must be numeric ?Unexpected SET DIAL STRING parameter ?Dial-command must contain "%cs" for phone number. AT SB EC DC KS TBon ITUoff %s HWFC SWFCauto none (none)unknown %ld bps rts/cts xon/xoff (= "%c")(unknown) (interface speed %s) Modem capabilities: Sorry, command disabled Modem maximum-speed: Modem flow-control: Modem carrier-watch: %c Init-string: %c Dial-mode-string: %c Dial-mode-prompt: %c Dial-command: %c Compression on: %c Compression off: %c Error-correction on: %c Error-correction off: %c Autoanswer on: %c Autoanswer off: %c Speaker on: %c Speaker off: %c Volume low: %c Volume medium: %c Volume high: %c Hangup-command: %c Hardware-flow: %c Software-flow: %c No-flow-control: %c Pulse: %c Tone: %c Ignore-dialtone: %c Predial-init: Modem speed-matching: %s Modem escape-character: %d Modem error-correction: %s Modem compression: %s Modem hangup-method: %s Modem speaker: %s Modem volume: %s Modem kermit-spoof: %s Modem info for "%s" not filled in yet For more info: SHOW DIAL and SHOW COMMUNICATIONS MODEM COMMANDs (* = set automatically by SET MODEM TYPE): No modem selected, so DIAL and most SET MODEM commands have no effect. Use SET MODEM TYPE to select a modem. %05ldInternal time conversion error, sorry. %ld - illegal value, must be 0 or positive ?Error reading key ?Key definition too long Press key to be defined: ?key code must be between 0 and %d Sorry, %d is the CONNECT-mode escape character ?Sorry - maximum length is %d ?Sorry, REDIRECT capability required for external protocols. ?Access denied - %s Sorry, printing disabled ?Memory allocation failure ?Directory names not allowed ssh command: %s SSH is external. PATHtcp/ipEDITOR?Too small %s, %ld bps may suffer. %s, 134.5 bps Sorry, too long %s, 75/1200 bps Not implemented - %s ?Buffer size required ?Not yet implemented ?A single file please ?internal error, sorry ?Unexpected value - %d ?The choices are 7 and 8 ?Sorry, command disabled. ?Sorry, command disabled. ?A positive number, please ?Network type not supported Number must be 2 or greater Shell expansion is disabled ?Alarm time is in the past. ?A single character, please. ?Unsupported line speed - %ld ?Sorry, no space for variable. ?SET SPEED fails, speed is %ld ?Internal error - malloc failure Serial-port speed (bits per second)Sorry, access to pipes is disabled Sorry, not on a TELNET connection. ?Illegal value for prefix character ?Negative numbers can't be used here ?This switch does not take arguments ?No keywords or switches match: "%s" Cancel character must be 0-31 or 127 (not implemented yet, nothing happens) ?A non-alphanumeric character, please. ...Use SET SEND or SET RECEIVE instead. %% fields are not used in this command. Sorry, not while Xon/Xoff is in effect. ?Please specify a number or the word ALL ?Values allowed are: %d-31, 127-159, 255 ?Character must be in ASCII control range ?Sorry, only Kermit protocol is available ?SET WINDOW does not apply to %s protocol TELNET IAC = 255, CR = 13, not affected. ?Number, expression, or time of day required ?Speed cannot be set for network connections ?Integer overflow, use a smaller number please ?SET SPEED has no effect without prior SET LINE ?Sorry, access to external commands is disabled ?Warning: receive buffers larger than 52248 bytes may not be understood by all hosts. Performance XON/XOFF characters 17, 19, 145, 147 not affected. ?Specify a positive number, or 0 for no server NAKs Type HELP SET SEND or HELP SET RECEIVE for more info. Adjusting receive packet-length to %d for %d window slots ?Sorry, "automatic" can not be assigned to a connection type. SET FLOW NONE or RTS/CTS to transmit these characters unprefixed. Sorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. * A serial connection might still be active on %s. A network connection to %s might still be active. An incoming network connection might still be active. 127: %d 255: %d %3d: %d %3d: %d control quote = %d, applied to (0 = unprefixed, 1 = prefixed): %d SET SEND DOUBLE characters: SET RECEIVE IGNORE characters: RpRRSPS`S`RSPRRRRP p` P` 0P  @0@p`p`@ (((((((x(((((8((((((((((((((((((((((h ##%&&&&P' 'p p'I(%PPP*)P+PP,,P.P.-./@@0023@3@3P405P//<6`PP67799NpNpIIJJPJJKKPNpHKKLLN0'hx(x "-RpPːа&*,.23?hxXhHhhHP`p0@ @0P`p&`(&@5<BS__7@(_@:W________&P[3 _(p_YUP0QPPQQQRR@ehj0kpmljnoo`e lzX|Hz(y{|0@E8x8 +B0p@`ǐ0PѠ@Ҡ`  lKLMN@YpYpYpYpYpYpYpYp@$YpYpYpYp%(-@4Yp6Yp7Y@Yp9Yp?PBPAJPLMNYpYpYpN`NP0*PPQ0QpW%0.6f%0.250f /PATH+--.kermrc?Sorry, IKSD cannot CONNECT. SEND and GET for file transfer. Enter Client/Server Mode... Use: REMOTE commands for file management. BYE to terminate and close connection. FINISH to terminate Client/Server mode. REMOTE HELP for additional information. REMOTE LOGIN to log in to the server if necessary. %04X^C... ?Timeout ?Output error ?Connection lost Connection closed. ?Can't open file %s Can't open device %s Can't condition line ?Communications error ?Can't start command: %s ?Can't transmit character ?TRANSMIT output error: %s ?TRANSMIT file read error: %s Session Limit exceeded - closing connection. %s (%s) => %s (%s) ?File output error: %s ?Can't open output file %s /dev//dev/tty?A single file please ?Name of an existing file ?Wildcard expansion error CX.LOG ?Unknown log designator - %d ?Anonymous log creation not allowed ?%s - %s %02d %s%s ,%s%sforcedTransparent Transfer Bell: %s Transfer Display: Transfer Mode: %s Transfer Pipes: %s Transfer Message: %s Transfer Protocol: %s Transfer Character-set: Transfer Locking-shift: Transfer Slow-start: %s Transfer Interruption: %s Transfer Cancellation: %s Transfer Translation: %s Transfer CRC-calculation: %s %-14s: %s %-14s: (%d) Current flow-control: %s Switches automatically: no Connection type: %s Switches automatically: yes Defaults by connection type: %ld D, d%d 134.5localnone remote, pipeunknown75/1200 (8N%d) Mode: , mode: , TCP/IP, DECnet (8%c%d) (7%c%d)flow: %s (SECURE), modem: %suplex: %s, , DECnet LAT, Named Pipes Parity: %s%s, handshake: Lockfile: %s, DECnet CTERM Modem State: , stop-bits: %d, timeout: none, pseudoterminal, telnet protocol, rlogin protocol, timeout: %d sec CTS Signal On DSR Signal On %s: %s%s, speed: Carrier-watch: %s Network Host: %s%s CTS Signal Off DSR Signal Off Ring Indicator On , stop-bits: (default) Ring Indicator Off Terminal bytesize: %d, RLSD (CD) Signal On Secondary lockfile: %s Lockfile directory: %s RLSD (CD) Signal Off , rlogin protocol (SECURE), close-on-disconnect: %s Communications Parameters: Speed : %d Outbound Flow Control: %s Inbound Flow Control : %s Parity : %s Data Size : %d Stop Bits : %s DTR Signal : %d RTS Signal : %d escape character: %d (^%c) Signature : %s Typical port device name: %s , Meridian Technologies' SuperLAT Speed : (unknown) Trailing Edge Ring Detector On Trailing Edge Ring Detector Off Linger: %sno timeout Nodelay: %s address: %s Keepalive: %s DontRoute: %s http-proxy: %s SET TCP parameters: %d x 10 milliseconds Send buffer: %d bytes Reverse DNS lookup: %s Receive buffer: %d bytes Send buffer: (default size) DNS Service Records lookup: %s Receive buffer: (default size) %12s %12s %12s %12s %03d %-17s %21s %12s %12s %12s %12s %-21s %12s %12s %12s %12s TERM u, %s u, n/a me, %s; kermit: me, n/a; %-7s: %s me, refused; u, accepted; u, refused; u, requested; u, required; binary-mode: me, accepted; u, %s; me, %s me, accepted; me, refused; me, requested; me, required; ACCOUNT: %s DISPLAY: %s JOB : %s PRINTER: %s USER : %s SYSTEM : %s LOCATION: %s terminal-type: environment: %s BINARY newline-mode: none (%s will be used) binary-transfer-mode: %s bug sb-implies-will-do: %s bug binary-me-means-u-too: %s bug binary-u-means-me-too: %s SET TELNET parameters: echo: %s NVT newline-mode: [%s]pipe , via: tcp/ip DECnet %2d. %s TCP/IP NetBIOS Host: %sSuperLAT Host: noneHP-UX X.25 DECnet LAT Named Pipes SunLink X.25 IBM AIX X.25 DECnet CTERM TCP/IP [%16s] [%16s] pseudoterminal SSH COMMAND: %s Raw TCP socket Stratus VOS X.25 TELNET protocol Supported networks: Network directories: Network directory: %s LOGIN (rlogin) protocol Echoing is currently %s Active network connection: \\%c\{%d}(none) ? %s%s = %slocal (none)auto defaultpulse tone %4d sec0 (auto) = (none)international long-distance Dial method: Dial timeout: Dial restrict: = Unknown error Dial status: %dDial connect: %s Dial directories: Dial directory: %s Dial pacing: %d Dial sort: %s Dial ignore-dialtone: %s Redial number: %s Dial lc-area-codes: Dial toll-free-area-code: Dial pulse-countries: Dial tone-countries: Dial pbx-exchange: Dial prefix: %s Dial suffix: %s Dial lc-suffix: %s Dial ld-prefix: %s Dial ld-suffix: %s Dial force-long-distance %s Dial intl-prefix: %s Dial intl-suffix: %s Dial toll-free-prefix: %s Dial pbx-inside-prefix: %s Dial pbx-outside-prefix: %s Dial macro: %s Dial lc-prefix: %s Dial country-code: %-12s Dial area-code: %-12s Dial hangup: %s Dial display: %s Dial retries: %-6d Dial interval: %d Dial retries: (auto) Dial interval: %d Dial confirmation: %s Dial convert-directory: %s Also see: , SHOW PATTERNS, SHOW STREAMING, SHOW CHARACTER-SETS (SHOW PATTERNS for list) SHOW PROTOCOL, SHOW XFER File collision: File end-of-line: File patterns: %s Transfer mode: %s Default file type: %s File type: %s File names: %s Send pathnames: %s Receive pathnames: %s Match dot files: %s Wildcard-expansion: %s File destination: %s File incomplete: %s File bytesize: %d File character-set: %s File default 7-bit: %s File default 8-bit: %s File UCS bom: %s File eof: %s File download-directory: %s Send move-to: %s Send rename-to: %s Receive move-to: %s Receive rename-to: %s Initialization file: %s Kermit doc files: %s Root set: %s Stringspace: %d Listsize: %d Longest filename: %d Longest pathname: %d Last file sent: %s Last file received: %s File scan: off File scan: on %d File UCS byte-order: %s-endian Computer byteorder: %s-endian (but disabled by TRANSFER-MODE MANUAL) Disk output buffer: %d (writes are %s, %s) %-31s %d %d%8d Also see: transparent Protocol: %s Send backup: %s Transfer mode: %s Packet Length:%11d Send filter: %s Receive filter: %s SHOW FILE, SHOW XFER Pad Character:%11d%9d Pause: %11d%9d Packet Start: %11d%9d Packet End: %11d%9d Buffer Size: %11d%9d Padding: %11d%9d Repeat Prefix: '%c' Packet timeouts: fixed Maximum Length: %9d%9d Block Check: %6d Delay: %6d Transfer character-set: Cancellation: %s Locking-Shift: Max Retries: %6d%s Timeout (used=%2d):%7d%9d Attributes: %s 8th-Bit Prefix: '%c' Timeout (used=%2d):%7d*%8d Transfer pipes: %s Auto-upload command (binary): Auto-upload command (text): Auto-server command: Packet timeouts: dynamic %d:%d Executed by external commands: Block Check: blank-free-2 Transfer slow-start: %s, crc: %s SEND command (binary): %s SEND command (text): %s RECEIVE command (binary): %s RECEIVE command (text): %s Autoreceive command (binary): %s Autoreceive command (text): %s Window Size:%7d set, %d used Repeat Prefix: ('%c' but not used) Protocol Parameters: Send Receive 8th-Bit Prefix: ('%c' but not used) Language-specific translation rules: %s 7-bit8-bitmultibyte: %s (%s): Transparent File Scan: %s Transfer Character-Set Transfer Translation: %s File Character-Set: %s (%s), Default 7bit-Character-Set: %s Default 8bit-Character-Set: %s SEND character-set-selection: %s RECEIVE character-set-selection: %s Because transfer translation is off, the following are ignored: (Use SHOW ASSOCIATIONS to list automatic character-set selections.) %-25s%s For incoming files: For outbound files: Transfer Character-Set File Character-Set File Character-Set Transfer Character-Set Show what? (Type "show ?" for a list of possiblities.) no SUCCESS FAILURE yes [%c] yes [%c] (%ld) FAILURE (i/o error) FAILURE (interrupted) No file transfers yet. (detected automatically) status : 8th bit prefixing : compression : parity : %s protocol : %s reason : %s remote system type : %s packets sent : %d packets received : %d damaged packets rec'd : %d timeouts : %d retransmissions : %d locking shifts : %s block check type used : %d crc-16 of file(s) : %ld files transferred : %ld files not transferred : %ld characters last file : %ld total file characters : %ld communication line in : %ld communication line out : %ld reliable: : %s%s clearchannel: : %s%s transmission rate : %ld bps effective data rate : %ld cps peak data rate : %ld cps window slots used : %d of %d crc-16 of file(s) : (disabled) window slots used : (streaming) transmission rate : 75/1200 bps block check type used : blank-free-2 elapsed time : %s (%0.3f sec) effective data rate : %ld cps (%d%%) external protocol statistics not available Use STATISTICS /VERBOSE for greater detail. packet length : %d (send), %d (receive) control characters : %ld prefixed, %ld unprefixed doinput string %2d?INPUT initialization error Fatal error - disconnected. ?Connection %s %s is not open. Internet Kermit Service in SERVER mode. Please use REMOTE commands. ?malloc error 6 %04d%03d%04d%03d %s%04d%02d%02d%04d%02d%02d %s0.0-0.0%%0.%df Z%d%u-1-2%lu()>0%lx?%s (prompt)farg[%d]=%f%d.%d.%d.%d%02d:%02d:%02d%02x%02x%02x%02x ?\fexec() too deeply nested .0%fTMPUNIXfiletextpipeTEMPmacroimage 8N%dpromptbinaryserialtcp/ipCK_TMPTMPDIREDITOR 8%c%d 7%c%dlabeledBROWSERmacbinarytcp/ip_telnetpseudoterminalarg %2d ?Out of memory?definition is circular or too deep MMJJMJKKKKKLXLhJ(+-7ABMRSYdhxyz((}x}x88X`P00000(hxP`!:X-H-H-H-HH @AB<VW[8[8[8RUJ<<<Z[`hxs8kss`z(` |0P`  @@pP`dDD$89:>?CDմ4ՔTt"'(<[`{8HHHx TTTT$$4x4x9hTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT;xgpo`kgij j kn g0grrs oopq~8888X`08(00PP0dd$TdT !"Xixixixixixixixixh(  8 (     H  8  H$dTTTt01456789:;<=SThemos8  p@`0 P !p""## P>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQR)8)+X(8*8*,,X,-H-(8.h//0x11%H7h3H3H3H345H56778983H9:8:3H3H(8?@8=>X>>;}~CCAAAADDEhEFHAGG@LM(MK^^^^^^NHNO(OOP(PKQ(QRHRShSKTUKKUhUVVXVW8ZxZ\(\x\]8]KKK^YYZ(WX8XXY8^BxbXbbxbb_tPxtuxnxxx$%&:fmsv=+" .5--+ + %ld75/1200\&@[%d]\&_[%d]K_CHARSETK_INFO_DIRK_INFO_DIRECTORY/r?%s - %s CKERMIT.INICKERMIT_INI/usr/share/lib/kermit/ckermit.ini%s %3d. %s?Memory allocation failure [getnct] ?Line too long, maximum length: %d. WARNING: Last line of %s lacks terminator _xif_forx_while_switx %2d. Prompt: %2d. Macro : %s %2d. Prompt: (top level) %2d. File : %s (line %d) %2d. ERROR : Command source unknown %sAlso: ?Invalid: %s Timeouts: %d Command stack: ?Invalid - "%s" Packets sent: %d Packet length: %d Retransmissions: %d Damaged packets: %d Packets received: %d Sender's message: "%s" Receiver's message: "%s" ************************* SEND-class command failed. ************************* Transfer canceled by sender. Most recent local error: "%s" Transfer canceled by receiver. ?Error in TAKE command file: %s Fatal Kermit Protocol Error: %s Command error: macro terminated. Most recent local OS error: "%s" Command file terminated by error. RECEIVE- or GET-class command failed. . Try it again with SET RELIABLE OFF. . Try it again with SET PARITY SPACE. (Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress hints.) . Try it again with SET PREFIXING ALL. . Try it again with SET STREAMING OFF. ?Connection broken (carrier signal lost) . %sive a ROBUST command and try again. . Try giving a ROBUST command to the %s. . Try a smaller window size (SET WINDOW). . Try it again with SET CLEAR-CHANNEL OFF. . Try telling the %s to SET PREFIXING ALL. . Be sure the source file has read permission. . Did you start a Kermit SERVER on the far end? . Did you start a Kermit SENDer on the far end? . Give me a SET FLOW NONE command and try again. . Adjust the timeout method (see HELP SET SEND). . Increase the retry limit (see HELP SET RETRY). . Did you start a Kermit receiver on the far end? . Try smaller packets (SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH). . Give me a SET FLOW XON/XOFF command and try again. . Be sure the target directory has write permission. . Try placing a new call to get a cleaner connection. . Is the other Kermit in (or does it have) SERVER mode? . Try changing the remote Kermit's FLOW-CONTROL setting. . Choose a different FLOW-CONTROL setting and try again. HINTS... If the preceding error message%s not explain the failure: ?Failure to allocate storage for local variables?OUTPUT execution error ?OUTPUT initialization error ?Connection %s %s is not open. %s, for%s Type ? or HELP for help. Copyright (C) 1985, 2001, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. >>> %s: "%s" >>> %s: (undef) ?addmmac malloc error: %s !addmmac internal error! ?Macro table overflow ?addmac malloc error 2 ?Space exhausted - "%s" addmac macro error 7: %s ?Addmac: Out of memory - "%s" _for_swi_whi[%d] -F: "%s" [%d] -M: "%s" ?Packet log wasn't open ?Session log wasn't open ?Debugging log wasn't open ?Connection log wasn't open ?Transaction log wasn't open ?Unexpected log designator - %d \%u%c \%uString: Character: String: \{27}%c Key code \%d => String: \{27}[%c String: \{27}\{%d} String: \{27}[\{%d} (self, no translation) %c\{%d} %s %s %s %s for%s Patches: %s Numeric: %ld Versions: %s Built for: %s Running on: %s %s %s %s transparent %s (remote) %s (local) Terminal character-set: (via %s) TERM %19s: %-13s %19s: %-13s Terminal parameters: %19s: %-13d %13s: %s %19s: %-13s %13s: %-15s %19s: %-13d %13s: %-15d %19s: %1d%-12s %13s: %1d%-14s CONNECT-mode escape character: %d (Ctrl-%c, %s): %s Line: %s, Modem type: Communication device not yet selected with SET LINE Modem type: (none) File binary-patterns: File text-patterns: Set file patterns: %s Set file type: %s Maximum patterns allowed: %d (but SET FILE SCAN ON overrides) Output special-escapes: %s Output pacing: %d (milliseconds) Input autodownload: %s Input cancellation: %s Input case: %s Input buffer-length: %d Input echo: %s Input timeout: %s Last INPUT: %d (%s) Input silence: %d (seconds) Last INPUT: -1 (INPUT command not yet given) %3d. %s \&%c[%d] => \&%c[]?Bad array: %s (Link to \&%c[])Declared arrays: No arrays declared \&%c[]: Dimension = %dArray not declared: %s *^%c %d "%s" \%%%cEDITORCDPATHunknownBROWSER "%s" Macros: %d. %s , speed: \v(%s) = (none) Triggers: --root:%s Press key: \%%%d = %s , carrier: %s Suspend: %s options: %s file: %s url: %s --cdfile:%s --syslog:%d --privid:%d --dbfile=%s \&_[%d] = %s Printer: %s%s editor: %s browser: %s --wtmplog:%d --xferlog=%d --timeout=%d IKSD conf=%s %s - ambiguous , timeout: noneAlarm at %s %s (no alarm set) --helpfile:%d --wtmpfile=%s --initfile:%s --userfile:%s --xferfile=%s --database=%d --nointerrupts --cdmessage:%d --anonymous:%d "%s", "%s", "%s" Server get-path: , timeout: %d sec Exit hangup: %s --bannerfile=%s Global variables: Exit warning %s Triggers: (none) Clearchannel: %s ?Error reading key %s - (not defined) Command retry: %s send-list is empty Reliable: %s Streaming: %s --permission:%04o Command height: %d Command width: %d Hints: %s Quiet: %s Macros defined: %d Nothing to show... Server login: Command quoting: %s Packet log: %s Session log: %s Connection log: %s No variables defined Debug log: %s GET %s SEND %s MAIL %s PRINT %s REMOTE ASSIGN %s REMOTE CD/CWD %s REMOTE COPY %s REMOTE DELETE %s REMOTE DIRECTORY %s REMOTE HOST %s REMOTE QUERY %s REMOTE MKDIR %s REMOTE RMDIR %s REMOTE RENAME %s REMOTE SET %s REMOTE SPACE %s REMOTE TYPE %s REMOTE WHO %s BYE %s FINISH %s EXIT %s ENABLE %s Unknown-Char-Set: %s (db directory=[%s]) Server timeout: %d Server idle-timeout: %d Server keepalive %s Server cd-message %s Server display: %s Exit on-disconnect: %s Maximum TAKE depth: %d ON_UNKNOWN_COMMAND: %s %s, mode: %s, alias: %s previous directory: %s cd path: %s cd message: %s server cd-message: %s Maximum macro depth: %d current directory: %s cd message file: %s Sorry, command disabled. Current exit status: %d Command autodownload: %s Command interruption: %s Transaction log: %s (%s) Function: Status: Command bytesize: %d bits Command doublequoting: %s Command quoting: %s Take echo: %s Take error: %s Macro echo: %s Macro error: %s Quiet: %s Function diagnostics: %s Function error: %s Script echo: %s Command buffer length: %d Atom buffer length: %d Command more-prompting: %s Maximum command length: %d Maximum number of macros: %d LEARN file: (none) Command recall-buffer-size: %d LEARN file: %s (%s) Transmit EOF: Most recent trigger encountered: Top-level arguments (\v(argc) = %d): File type: %s File character-set: %s Terminal character-set (remote): %s Terminal character-set (local): %s Terminal bytesize: %d Terminal echo: %s Transmit Fill: %d Transmit Linefeed: %s Transmit Echo: %s Transmit Locking-Shift: %s Streaming will be done if requested. Type SHOW MODEM to see modem settings. Last transfer: %sstreaming%s, %ld cps. The following functions are available: Transmit Fill: (none) Transmit Prompt: (none) Type SHOW DIAL to see DIAL-related items. Transmit Prompt: %d (%s) Type SHOW MODEM to see modem-related items. Macro arguments at level %d (\v(argc) = %d): Escape character: Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s): %s Type SHOW COMMUNICATIONS to see modem signals. Transmit Timeout: %d (second%s) Access to external commands and programs%s allowed Transmit Pause: %d (millisecond%s) Streaming will not be requested and will not be done. Streaming will be requested and will be done if the other Kermit agrees. HELP FUNCTION gives the calling conventions of the given function. Date: %s Length: %s Attributes: %s Blocksize: %s System ID: %s Protection: %s Disposition: %s System Info: %s Type (text/binary): %s Encoding (Character Set): %s %s = Too long - "%s" Bad number - "%s" ?Divide by zero ?Extra characters after expression ?Operator unexpected ?Missing right parenthesis ?Not an array - %s ?Array reference too long - %s ?Invalid format for array name - %s ?No closing bracket on array dimension - %s ?Array dimension or subscript not positive or zero ?Array dimension or subscript missing or not numeric ?Not a variable name - %s ?Invalid array reference - %s ?Incomplete variable name - %s ?Array subscript expected - %s ?Array not declared or subscript out of range ?Only one character after '%%' in variable name, please [%d] +M: "%s" Macros nested too deeply ?TAKE files and DO commands nested too deeply ?Off limits: "%s" %sTLOGUNIXHPUXSVR3SVR4TIMEHIKSDBATTSVSIG_VXFRCANXPRINTCK_APCDIRENTRENAMEUTIMEHh_addrNETCMDNETPTYTNCODESELECTCKEXEC__hpuxMDMHUPNEWFTPCKHTTPCKROOTIFDEBUGCK_FASTWHATAMIDYNAMICNETCONNTTLEBUFCONGSPDHDBUUCPCK_NAWSDCMDBUFCKREGEXCKLEARNFNFLOATGFTIMERBIGBUFOKPIPESENDCK_SPEEDCK_MKDIRCMDBL=%dVNAML=%dPARSENSECK_TTYFDRLOGCODEIKSDCONFCK_LOGINNOSETBUFPATTERNSNOKVERBS__STDC__CK_ANSICSTERMIOXCK_DTRCDHWPARITYCK_INI_ACK_PERMSCKTUNINGZXREWINDCKSYSLOGCK_AUTODLCMDDEP=%dMAXWLD=%dCK_TMPDIRTCPSOCKETSO_LINGERSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFHADDRLISTSVORPOSIXOS2ORUNIXVMSORUNIXUSE_LSTATCK_CURSESCK_RTSCTSCK_RECALLCK_TIMERSTTSPDLISTSTREAMINGMAXTAKE=%dMAC_MAX=%dMAXDDIR=%dCK_DNS_SRVSOL_SOCKETTN_COMPORTIKS_OPTIONUSE_MEMCPYCK_PCT_BARCK_DSYSINICK_TTGWSIZCKREALPATHOBUFSIZE=%dFORDEPTH=%dMACLEVEL=%dMSENDMAX=%dMAXDNUMS=%dTCP_NODELAYSVR4ORPOSIXCK_ANSILIBSCK_WREFRESHINPBUFSIZ=%dINBUFSIZE=%dDEVNAMLEN=%dINCL_PARAM_HCKMAXPATH=%dCKMAXOPEN=%dZ_MAXCHAN=%dz_maxchan=%dFOPEN_MAX=%dUIDBUFLEN=%dSO_OOBINLINESO_DONTROUTESO_KEEPALIVEUNPREFIXZEROFD_SETSIZE=%dMAXPATHLEN=%dckmaxfiles=%dMAXGETPATH=%dARRAYREFLEN=%dCK_ENVIRONMENT_SC_JOB_CONTROL_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL None long=%ldchar=%ldshort=%ldchar*=%ldfloat=%ld No SOCKS double=%ld Streaming Host info: Target: %s rounding=%dprecision=%d Autodownload No encryption RESEND command Machine: %s Model: %s OS: %s OS Release: %s OS Version: %s sizeofs: int=%ld REDIRECT command Built-in FTP client Telnet Kermit Option Built-in HTTP client Hardware flow control Pseudoterminal control No X Windows forwarding Compiled %s %s, options: Control-character unprefixing No Kerberos(TM) authentication Greek character-set translation Major optional features included: Hebrew character-set translation Fullscreen file transfer display Unicode character-set translation External XYZMODEM protocol support Japanese character-set translation Major optional features not included: Telnet Remote Com Port Control Option No Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol No Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol No SRP(TM) (Secure Remote Password) protocol Internet Kermit Service with user login support Network support (type SHOW NET for further info) Latin-1 (West European) character-set translation Latin-2 (East European) character-set translation Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, etc) character-set translation x8XhHxx !#(.:;<@^{hp``hxp`@؀؀؀p٠ P0P؀@؀؀؀؀؀؀Pp؀؀؀؀Pp؀@@`@`0???@4@@?#+-<>@| ?Timed out ?Read file not open ?Oops, no READ buffer! ?Variable name required Please respond Yes or No ?Timed out, assuming "No" ?This switch requires an argument ?This switch does not take an argument ?Variable %s not defined or not numeric %s (OK) (FAILED) (SELECTED) %s...error undefined: %d, errors: %d ?Memory allocation failure (Type HELP ARRAY to see other methods.) ?UNDEFINE /MATCH can't be used with arrays. ?%s failed ?Name too long: "%s" ?Argument vector array is read-only ?Too long: "%s..." Error - No phone number to convert WARNING - Prior SET DIAL AREA-CODE needed Error - phone number ends prematurely: "%s" Error - No international dialing prefix defined Error - prior SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE command required rw OK %-16s %-20s ; %5s %-6s %s %-16s %-20s ; %5s %-6s ; %s ; %s - Kermit dialing directory Saving old directory as %s. Converting %s...Opening: %s... Sorry, can't convert. Lookup: "%s" - ambiguous%s ?internal error - ludial malloc 1 Warning: %d matches found, %d max ?internal error - ludial malloc 2 WARNING: Old-style dialing directory detected: %s new format. Type HELP DIAL for further information. Will ignore speed and parity fields, continuing... OK, will ignore speed and parity fields, continuing... ERROR: You seem to have old- and new-format entries mixed in your dialing directory. You'll have to edit it by hand to convert it to the %c%s %s [%s]/dev/null%s => %s Dialing %s TESTING... ?Lookup what? Number: "%s" And %d more... Dial status: %dModem type: %s Device: %s Speed: %ld ?Bad phone number Ctrl-C to cancel... %3d. %-12s => %-9s %s Number: "%s" => "%s" Lookup: "%s" - not found Dial attempt %d of %d... ************************* DIAL-class command failed. . Is the modem turned on? ************************* Lookup: "%s" - not found%s Lookup: "%s" - exact match Restricted: %s, skipping... Sorry, dialing is disabled. Sorry, you must SET SPEED first %3d. %-12s %-20s => %-20s (%d) Sorry, you must SET MODEM TYPE first Lookup: "%s" - uniquely matches "%s" %s %d network entr%s found for "%s"%s Lookup: fatal error - dialing skipped %d telephone number%sfound for "%s"%s Sorry, you must SET %s or SET HOST first SET SPEED to a lower speed and try again. (Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress future hints.) Please SET HOST first, and then SET MODEM TYPE . Are you using the right communication port? . Maybe the interface speed (%ld) is too fast: . SET MODEM HANGUP-METHOD RS232 and try again. . Is the modem connected to the telephone line? SET SPEED ? to see the list of valid speeds. WARNING - memory allocation failure: redial number . SET DIAL TIMEOUT to a greater value and try again. . SET MODEM HANGUP-METHOD MODEM-COMMAND and try again. SET MODEM TYPE ? to see the list of known modem types. . Are you sure you have chosen the appropriate modem type? . If that doesn't work, try again with SET DIAL HANGUP OFF. . Give a HANGUP or SET DIAL HANGUP ON command and try again. Will redial in %d second%s- press any key to redial immediately. . HELP SET MODEM, HELP SET DIAL, and HELP DIAL for more information. . SHOW COMMUNICATIONS, SHOW MODEM, SHOW DIAL to see current settings. . Use SET DIAL DISPLAY ON to watch the dialog between Kermit and modem. . Please choose a specific modem type with SET MODEM TYPE and try again. WARNING - SET FLOW RTS/CTS is in effect but modem's CTS signal is off. Disabling flow control temporarily %s... WARNING - No modem signals detected. Is your modem turned on? If not, use Ctrl-C to interrupt dialing, turn on your modem, then %s. Translation will be skipped... WARNING: Translation buffer allocation failure. %4d. ^C... %s: %d line%s %s: %d match%s ?Can't open file: "%s" ?Not a regular file: "%s" ?Can't open output file %s: %s %s%s:%s:%d ?Pattern required ?File specification required ?This option can not be set -> "%s" - %s (%0.2fGB) (%0.2fMB)Files: %d %-10s %s %s%10ld %s %s?Off limits: %s %10s%-10s %s %s%10s%10ld %s %s Directory of %s ?Date-time required ?%s %s match - "%s" ?Array name required ?Bad array name - "%s" ?Empty directory - "%s" %2d-%s-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d?Array declaration failure * Will proceed without sorting... ?Sorry, not implemented yet - "%s" ?Memory allocation error - try /NOSORT %ld director%s, %ld file%s, %ld byte%s* Warning: Failure to allocate memory for sorting. CK_DIR?Sorry, not valid for guests ?Sorry, DISABLE ENABLE can not be undone ?Sorry, this option can not be set ?%s: %s %s (OK) %s (SELECTED) Deleting %s...%s %s (FAILED: %s) ?Can't delete: %s ?No files match: %s %s (FAILED: directory) ?Not implemented yet - "%s" %s (FAILED: not a regular file) ?A file specification is required ?Sorry, DELETE unavailable to guests ?Does not match switch or filename: "%s" %d file%s %sdeleted, %d byte%s %sfreed%s ?DELETE failed for %d file%s (use DELETE /LIST to see details) ?ELSE doesn't follow IF ()_switx ?Unbalanced braces ?Closing parenthesis required ?SWITCH macro definition gone! %d_forx ?Incomplete FOR command ?FOR macro definition gone! send e-mail to: Or contact us by post: Or by fax at +1 (212) 663-8202. mailto:kermit-support@columbia.edu . The comp.protocols.kermit.misc newsgroup. . Your own organization's support staff, if any. . The book "Using C-Kermit" (type HELP for more info). . The Kermit FAQ, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/newfaq.html . The C-Kermit FAQ, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckfaq.html Before reporting problems, please use the SHOW FEATURES command to get detailed program version and configuration information. Before requesting technical support from Columbia U., please consult: Kermit, Columbia University, 612 W 115 Street, New York NY 10025, USA . The Kermit support website, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/support.html If you still need help or have a bug to report after consulting these sources,?File does not exit: %s ?Wildcards not valid here ?Can't get modification time: %s ?Number, expression, or time of day required Sorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. /%c%c%s => %s (FAILED: %s) (FAILED: %s - %s) (FAILED: Swap error) (FAILED: Encoding error) (FAILED: Decoding error) (WARNING: Odd byte count)(FAILED: Permission denied) (FAILED: Phase error at %d) (FAILED: Not a regular file) (FAILED: Input/Output error) ?Sorry, /APPEND and /SWAP conflict ?Name for destination file required (FAILED: Not found or not accessible) (Source and destination are the same file) (FAILED: Source and destination identical) ?Sorry, overwriting existing files is disabled ?Sorry, /APPEND can be used only with single files ?Multiple source files not allowed if target is not a directory. (FAILED: %s ?%s required _xif_for_swi_whi<<< %s: "%s" <<< %s: (null) ?Can't return from level %d ?Mode required ?Not implemented?Filename required ?Command name required ?Read file already open ?Write to pipe disabled ?Input filename required ?Read from pipe disabled ?Write file already open ?Positive number required ?Can't allocate read buffer ?Please specify a single file ?Sorry, %s is a directory name ?Write/Append file already open Can't open process for writing: %s %s%s?Can't create %s ?Can't access %s ?Command required ?Can't create "%s" ?Pattern too long - 256 max ?Can't get current directory ?Unexpected switch value - %d ?Unexpected function code: %d ?New name required for /RENAME ?Sorry, as-name not allowed with MGET ?A remote file specification is required ?Sorry, /MOVE-TO not available to guests ?Sorry, system command access is disabled ?Sorry, %s works only with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, /RENAME-TO not available to guests ?Sorry, no GET /COMMAND when RECEIVE FILTER selected ?Sorry, this command works only with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, no GET /COMMAND while RECEIVE FILTER selected ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. ?A Kermit Server is not available to process this command Sorry, you must specify a name when receiving a file with XMODEM protocol ?Label '%s' not found ?Bad label syntax - '%s' ?Stack problem in GOTO %s ?Sorry, %s only works in a command file or macro ?Text required ?String required ?Quantity required ?IF: strings too long ?Failure to get file date ?Boolean expression too long?File or directory name required ?XIF macro gone! { \flit(if ( not ?WHILE macro definition gone! ?Internal error parsing WHILE condition ?Can't allocate storage for WHILE command[%d] +F: "%s" ?TAKE files and/or DO commands nested too deeply x(ǰ 0@Pɰ@P`pʀ`pɐɠɀǰʐʠʰP֐ְ֠ؠذ@׀נ`P0@؀ؐp`PPP    PP8HXh@`pp0Pp PxhX88888H88888888***@(((()@)p)5 5 *P5 ****+p++,!)+,,\L<~H(PPP(X n`000```à``0Ȁʀʀ00 *t.%$#&4/TC$C$C$/T/T)2).36d6$4$98dC$C$99<.<==="#4!"DC$?D@t@@?@@A9BTBC$(@!  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678'OOP(PPXP; ?Value required %s?Not a number: %s ?Sorry, %d is the maximum ?Invalid - %s ?Not a control character - %s ?Not a control character - %d ?Not in ASCII control range - %d ?Not numeric: %s ?Bad range: %d:%d ?Bad array name: %s ?Array name required ?Array not declared: %s ?Array %s smaller than %s ?Unexpected function code: %d ?This switch does not take arguments ?range %d:%d exceeds array dimension %d ?This option can not be set ?This switch requires an argument ?This switch does not take an argument ?Please specify a number between 0 and %d %s (%s) *.~[1-9]*~ %s (KEPT) %s (FAILED) %s (SKIPPED) %s.~*~ (KEPT) ?Pattern required Files purged: %d%s ?Date-time required ?Not implemented yet - "%s" Purging %s, keeping %d...%s Matches = %d: Not enough to purge. ?File deletion by guests not permitted. ?Bad size - %d %s - Not a 7-bit set %s - Not an 8-bit set ?The choices are 7 and 8 ?Memory allocation failure ?unexpected file parameter ?Remote file parameter required MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR - FATAL ?This command not valid for guests ?Wildcards not allowed in directory name command. Type "help set terminal" for further information. Sorry, this version of C-Kermit does not support the SET TERMINAL TYPE \{%d}output ?Sorry, command disabled. ?UTF8 may not be used as a local character set. ?Out of range - %d Please use 128 or 1024. Sorry, 10 is the minimum Parameter for inbound packetsParameter for outbound packetsSorry, the legal values are 0-31 ?Internal error - malloc failure ?Remote receive parameter required ?Illegal value for prefix character Sorry, bad packet length for XMODEM. Use SET SEND PACKET-LENGTH for XYZMODEM ?Please specify a number or the word NONE ?Please enter a character code in range 0-255 Remember to SET BLOCK 2 or 3 for long packets. Adjusting packet size to %d for %d window slots ?Sorry, this command does not apply to %s protocol. ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. Adjusting receive packet-length to %d for %d window slots ?Please use SET FILE COLLISION to choose the desired action ?Too many characters, %d maximum Press the X or E key to cancel. ?%s missing ?Not confirmed ?Access denied - %s ?"%s" has no effect in remote mode ?Sorry, access to external commands is disabled. Hint: Try again with an output redirector. ?Canceled ?No connection ?Internal error: malloc ?Too long ?Name required ?Not implemented - %s ?Option string too long ?Parameter name required ?Remote filename required ?Disposition Attribute is Off ?Name of remote file required ?Remote Kermit command required ?Name of local file(s) required ?Name of remote file(s) required ?Sorry, REMOTE CDUP not supported yet ?Name of remote file or directory required ?File specification required ?Not available Sorry, command not available K_NET_DIRECTORYrOpening %s... Warning: %d matches found, %d max ?memory allocation error - lunet:3 ?"%s" - ambiguous in network directory Closing connection : %s?%s loginklogin:logineklogin:telnetInternal errorRLOGIN failure?SSH to where? Sorry, too long Username requiredDevice open failedCan't connect to %s Access to lock denied%3d. %-12s => %-9s %sTimed out - no carrierAccess to device denied?Internal parsing error ?Timed out, no carrier. Network type not supportedNetwork connection failure************************* ************************* ************************* %d entr%s found for "%s"%s ?Sorry, too long - max = %d Hostname or address requiredSorry, device is in use: %s Connection to %s failed: %s Can't open connection to %s Username required for rlogin Making connections is disabledNetwork directory lookup errorDevice is in use or unavailableSorry, can't open connection: %s ?Sorry, pseudoterminal open failed Sorry, access to device denied: %s SET MODEM, SET LINE, and then DIAL. ?Sorry, making connections is disabled Access to external commands is disabledError - network type "%s" not supported ?Fatal network directory lookup error - %s (Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress future hints.) ?Sorry, access to external commands is disabled Try SET CARRIER OFF and SET LINE again, or else HINT (Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress future hints): or the UNIX appendix of the manual, "Using C-Kermit". Sorry, write access to UUCP lockfile directory denied. Hint: RLOGIN requires privileges to open an outbound port. Please read the installation instructions file, %sckuins.txt, RWAB%s %ld (%s) [EOF] /READ%2d. %s /WRITE /APPEND /BINARY /COMMAND %ld %s%s ?READ error: %s Channel %d:%s%s ?Number required ?Buffer overflow ?COUNT error: %s Can't create "%s" Channel %d:%sOpen At byte: %ld At line: %ld ?Filename required Size: %ld ?OPEN failed - %s: %s Channel %d:%sNot open ?Variable name required ?File operation required ?Channel number required ?Relative SEEK failed: %s ?Wildcards not allowed here ?Write access denied - "%s" ?Channel %d WRITE error: %s System open file limit: %4d Maximum for FILE OPEN: %4d Files currently open: %4d File: %s Modes: ?Syntax error in variable name ?CLOSE failed - Channel %d: %s ?FLUSH failed - Channel %d: %s ?REWIND failed - Channel %d: %s ?Channel number or ALL required ?Channel number or EOF required ?SEEK /BYTE failed - Channel %d: %s ?SEEK /LINE failed - Channel %d: %s ?Variable name and file name required ?Sorry, %s is a directory name IKS Settings ?Command disabled Anonymous Initfile: %s Anonymous Login: %d Anonymous Root: %s Bannerfile: %s CDfile: %s CDMessage: %d DBfile: %s DBenabled: %d Helpfile: %s Initfile: %s No-Initfile: %d Privileged Login: %d Server-only: %d Syslog: %d Timeout (seconds): %d Userfile: %s Wtmplog: %d Wtmpfile: %s Xferfile: %s Xferlog: %d ftpanonymousEnter Password: Login cancelled Login cancelled Enter e-mail address as Password: 0HXXXXHXXXXXXXX(88HhX(hh8888Hx @p0ɐ0@ `PP``pՐ@ ' HhPp@p00p0  PpP 0p 5GXZ`ltuv<@==;`>`=P>:`uePfghi`jl0ldddmpvdndopqr0twwwdXXXXXX8XPp                    p xpPp0PPPppP0Pp0`@ipiiiiiiiiVP^Xc(W8c(WhZ]`V`ff(fHfeerModem signals unavailable Carrier Detect (CD): %s Dataset Ready (DSR): %s Clear To Send (CTS): %s Ring Indicator (RI): %s Data Terminal Ready (DTR): %s Request To Send (RTS): %s No modem control for this device Modem signals unavailable in this version of Kermit HOSTCK_NOPUSH more? ^%c... ?IKS idle timeout - Goodbye. Y or space-bar for yes, N for no, G to show the rest ^C...^C... %s suspend disabled Job control not supported %ld[%s]%s%s%s%s: %ld[%s] %ld%s %ld %s%s%s%s: %ld?String too long?T-Log string too long?Invalid format for tlog() - %ld"%ld%s"%s"%s"%0.3fsec %ldcps"Size: %ld, Type: %c%9ld%5ld%%%8ld%8ld %c%9ld %8ld%8ld %c. %s %s: SKIPPED : REFUSED ERROR: %s : DISCARDED : ERROR: %s , %ld byte%s: INCOMPLETE WARNING: %s : INTERRUPTED : MESSAGE: %s : SKIPPED (%s) (%s) (%ld byte%s) SUMMARY: %ld file%s, %0.3f sec, %ld cps: WOULD BE TRANSFERRED : OK (%0.3f sec, %ld cps) : WOULD BE TRANSFERRED (New file) : WOULD BE TRANSFERRED (Remote file older) OK Closing %s...%s=%c .%03ld %s=^%c %s=%ld %s[%s] %s=~^%c %s=0x%lX %s[%s]=%c %s[%s]=^%c %s[%s]=%ld %s[%s]=~^%c %s[%s]=0x%lX ?Invalid format for debug() - %d %s%c%s %s%02x .%03ld: %s TERMWarning: terminal type unknown: "%s" SCREEN command will use ANSI sequences. Fullscreen file transfer display disabled. clcecm[%d;%dH%-3ld(unknown)TEXTIMAGETENEXBINARYLABELEDMACBINARY / resend / partial (%s => %s)BINARY UNDEFINED (no translation)%d%s:LINES%s, %s => %sCOLUMNS75/1200unknown%.55s..00 / 00RefusedFTP PUT:SENDING:FTP GET:%d of %dSTREAMINGDelete OKParity: %sFile Type:File Size:I/O Count:RESENDING:RECEIVING:File Name:Incomplete%s, %s [%s]%s (SECURE)I/O Length:Last Error:FTP DELETE: => %.51s..Transfer OKRefused, %sFAILURE: %sRTT/Timeout:Packet Type:Error Count:%02ld / %02dFile skippedPacket Count:Last Message:Percent Done:Bytes So Far:Network Type: Packet Length:Damaged PacketTimeout %d secFile discardedWindow Slots:%sNetwork Host: %sFile skipped (%s)Transfer Rate, CPS:Estimated Time Left:Transfer interruptedCurrent Directory: %sCommunication Speed: Network Host: %s (%s) Elapsed Time: %sCommunication Device: %s^C to cancel file transfer.(Fullscreen display disabled) ?LINES variable not numeric: "%s". (Transfer interruption is disabled)?COLUMNS variable not numeric: "%s". *** screen() called with bad status ***SUCCESS. Files: %ld, Bytes: %ld, %ld CPSCommunication Device: %s (remote host is %s)*** screen() called with bad function code *** ...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90..100X to cancel file, Z to cancel group, to resend last packet,E to send Error packet, ^C to quit immediately, ^L to refresh screen.%08lxiksd.db00000000/var/log/0000INIT%s%s7F000001%s%08lx.%lx%08lx:%010ld P P P @  @  P @  @  P GNPQYgnpqy #x " " !8 ! X H  0X 2 6 9h 0X 9h 7 0X 0X 0X 8H 0X 9 8H 0X 0X 0X 0X 8H 0X 0X 0X 0X 9 7 0X 6 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 2 6 9h 1 9h 7 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 9 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 8H 2 0 0X 0X 0X 7 0X 6 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 2 6 9h / 9h 7 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 9 0X 0X 0X 0X 0X 8H 2 0 0X 0X 0X 7 0X 6 c( c d eh fH f c( g h i jH j kX k lX l a n o pP q q s s` r0 f  X  x  h ۸ 8 X X X x !!!! X !! !D!d! !! ! T%DEQSTZq!!p!!p!0!!! %s %s -%c %s%s -%c %s Argument: %s Argument: (none) For a list of extended options use '%s --help'. To prevent this message from scrolling, use '%s -h | more'. :+--local action=%c Trying %s... Connected to %s Connected to %s [%s] ?HTTP Connection failed. Usage: %s host [ options... ] ?Internal Error: HTTP command line processing %s [%s] %s %s ?Wildcards not allowed ?Value must be between 0 and 7200 -.0:telnet/dev/tty%3d. %s %-12s => %s %d entr%s found for "%s"%s Error - network type "%s" not supported !!!!!!kHHPglpu!X!!!!!!8!X!x!!!!!!!8!X!x!!x!!8!!!!!!!!!!0!!!!!!!!P!p!!!!!!0!P!p!!!!!!!!0!P!p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0!P!p!!!!!!0!P!p!!!!!!!!0!P!p!!`!@!P!! !!!!!p!!P!0!!!p!!P!0!!!!!Ƹ!!Ȉ!Ɉ!H!!˨!!X!(!h!Ƹ!!Έ!!Ѹ!!ը!!!!Ƹ!Ƹ!ň!!!!!"!!!!!!"""H!!!!!!!!!H!x!(!"""(!x!!!!!"X"!"!8!h!!!!!!!!!!!!" !h!X"!!"!!(!!!!!x!!(!!x!!!!!"X!!x"5("5("1"4"2"2"3"4"2X"2h"1x"1"4("2"3+-8DEKLTadfhklx TYPE ?Sorry, this option can not be set ?This switch does not take an argument ?Sorry, PING command disabled _xif_for_whi_swi%s: "%s" ?Directory name required %s ?%s - "%s" CALIBRATION?%s too long ?name required ?Bad array: %s ?Off limits: %s ?Pattern required ?address required ?Filename required ?No such array: %s ?Can't create "%s" ?Date-time required ?Failure to open %s ?MSEND list too long ?Wildcards not allowed ?Sorry, No MAIL with FTP ?Sorry, /BINARY required ?E-mail address required ?name of protocol required ?Read access denied - "%s" ?Bad array range - [%d:%d] ?Pattern too long - 256 max ?Invalid switch combination ?Unexpected switch value - %d ?Unexpected function code: %d ?New name required for /RENAME ?Filename required but not given ?This switch requires an argument ?This switch does not take arguments ?File deletion not allowed for guests. ?Sorry, /MOVE-TO not available to guests ?Sorry, ATTRIBUTE DISPOSITION must be ON ?Sorry, system command access is disabled ?Sorry, sending files as mail is disabled ?Sorry, %s works only with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, a command to send from is required ?Sorry, /RENAME-TO not available to guests ?Sorry, this command needs 32-bit integers ?Sorry, wildcards not permitted with /START Sorry, %s available only with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, sending files for printing is disabled ?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME Sorry, /MAIL and /PRINT are conflicting options ?/STARTING-AT may not be used with multiple files. ?Sorry, SEND /START works only with Kermit protocol ?Start a RECEIVE command to complement this command. ?Sorry, no /RECOVER or /START if SEND FILTER selected ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. ?A Kermit Server is not available to process this command. ?Sorry, no SEND /COMMAND or CSEND when SEND FILTER selected Sorry, /RECOVER is possible only with Kermit or ZMODEM protocol Sorry, you can only send one file at a time with XMODEM protocol ?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ?As-name for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ?String required ?No switches match - "%s" ?Too many patterns - %d is the maximum ?A file specification is required Sorry, can't allocate space for nameSorry, can't allocate file list nodeWARNING - \v(filespec) buffer overflow Sorry, can't allocate space for as-name?Sorry, REMOVE SEND-LIST not implemented yet. ?Sorry, ADD SEND-LIST does not work with external protocols ?No connection ?The HTTP command may not be used from the IKS =?Declare failed ?Array name required ?Bad array name - "%s" ?Memory allocation error Array initialization error: %s %s ?Segment notation not allowed in array declarations ?New size required ?Array not declared - "%s" ?Sorry, \&@[] is read-only ?Bad array reference - "%s" ?Array segments not allowed for this operation ?Failed - destroy "\&%c[]" ?Partial arrays can not be destroyed ?Array %s is not declared ?Array already exists: \&%c[] ?Sorry, whole arrays only: %s ?Array is not declared: \&%c[] ?Links to links not allowed: \&%c[] ?Variable name required ff%02x ff%02x%02x %s %sEDITORCan't create "%s" ?A single file please ?Sorry, editing not allowed ?Editor not defined - use SET EDITOR to define BROWSER?Sorry, browsing not allowed ?Browser not defined - use SET BROWSER to define ?Sorry - "%s" not found ?Sorry, command recall can't be used now. ?Sorry, access to system commands is disabled. /text/HTML?%s what? ?Get what? ?Open what? ?Delete what? ?Non-HTTP URL ?Head of what? Connected to %s Connected to %s [%s] ?HTTP Connection failed. ?Remote host[:port] is required ?Directory/file path not allowed in HTTP OPEN URL TRACE %s [%d] +P: "(prompt)" ?Command stack overflow: %d (Recursive command prompt; use END or RETURN to return...) TELNET /TELNETSET HOST /NETWORK:TCP IF FAIL STOP 1 Connection failed %s%c %s "%s"%s%s?%s CK_WHOtake %skermit %c_%s%c\?Too long ..tmp:%03d_file[%s](%d) Patches: %s ?Write error ; Scriptfile: ?Invalid - %s ; Directory: ; Recorded: ?REINPUT failed ?No connection. ?Write to what? ?INPUT timed out Sent: %s Stored as: %s Received: %s ?MINPUT timed out ?Command required ?Already logged in ?REDIRECT disabled ?Too long - 63 max ?No macros defined Recording to %s... ?Macro name required ?Connections disabled ?Type of log required ?More fields required ?File or log not open ?SEXP too long - %d max %s, for%s Numeric: %ld File most recently... ?Sorry, COPY is disabled ?Connection was not open ?A file name is required ?Access to system disabled ?Sorry, DELETE is disabled ?Invalid S-Expression: "%s" ?Sorry, printing is disabled ?Sorry, WHO command disabled ?Not a command or macro name. ?Sorry, DIRECTORY is disabled ?Take files nested too deeply ?Sorry, TYPE command disabled ?Sorry, DEFINE/ASSIGN disabled ?Unbalanced S-Expression: "%s" ?Sorry, SPACE command disabled ?You must say which file or log ?LABEL: Label name required: "%s" ?Name of server function required ?Sorry, sending files is disabled ?Sorry, IKSD can not be suspended ?Can't execute a directory - "%s" ?Not a command or macro name: "%s" ?No connection - use EXIT to quit. ?Name of an existing file required ?Sorry, not implemented yet - "%s" ?You must specify an option to save ?You must specify a parameter to set ?SET LINE or SET HOST required first ?Sorry, access to system is disabled ?Row and Column must be 1 or greater ?GOTO: Label name required: "%s" "%s" ?Sorry, renaming of files is disabled ?Sorry, directory removal is disabled ?Please specify remote, local, or both ?Sorry, reception of files is disabled ?Only a single file may be transmitted ?Sorry, directory creation is disabled ?Sorry, host command access is disabled ?Sorry, changing directories is disabled ?REDIRECT requires a command to redirect ?Sorry, BYE only works with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, no PSEND while SEND FILTER selected ?Wildcards not allowed in command file name ?Number, expression, or time of day required Sorry, PSEND works only with Kermit protocol Sorry, FINISH only works with Kermit protocol Sorry, SERVER only works with Kermit protocol Sorry, E-PACKET only works with Kermit protocol ?Sorry, wildcards not permitted in this command ?Sorry, CRECEIVE works only with Kermit protocol ?You must specify a command for the remote server THIS IS A TEST VERSION, NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE. Sorry, REMOTE commands only work with Kermit protocol Sorry, "%s" not configured in this version of Kermit. ?A Kermit Server is not available to process this command Sorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. directory or your download directory (if any - SHOW FILE to find out). If the full path is not shown, then the file is probably in your current WARNING: If you type your password during script recording, it will appear in the file. Be sure to edit it or take other appropriate precautions. "1"1h"1"28"2("18Pelm"9X"L":h"="?">">"@X"L"8"="C("9X"8"L"C"A("9X"9X">">"Dx"G"G";";"H"I"L"8"9("KH"L("K"5h"5h"5h"5h"5h"5h"5h"5h"9"9""X"""""###8####,`#/@#/@#,`#+#+#+p#*`#/@######ܸ##ܘ######X############x#8$k$jX$j$i$k8$k$k$kx$k$~p$~P$~$~$0$p$~$$ $ $$$$$$$$H$$($H$8$$$h$$$X$$$ {%c\N\B\L INPUT PAUSE 1 OUTPUT } IF FAIL STOP 1 INPUT timeout , speed %ld(Back at %s)Connecting to %s Remote Logout Connecting to host %sSession Log: %s, %s Can't send characterDebugging Display...) first tell C-Kermit to: SET CARRIER-WATCH OFF Connecting via command "%s" Connection closed by peer Communications disconnect set proto %s, %s, set proto %sSorry, you must SET SPEED first Sorry, network type not supported . ESCAPE CHARACTER IS DISABLED ?Carrier required but not detected. *********************************** *********************************** or followed by ? to see other options. Sorry, can't condition console terminal Connection closed due to telnet policySorry, you can't CONNECT to an FTP server Sorry, Can't condition communication line Hint: To CONNECT to a serial device that Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first is not presenting the Carrier Detect signal, Sorry, CONNECT input buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT output buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT keyboard buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT temporary buffer can't be allocated . The escape character is Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s) ---------------------------------------------------- Type the escape character followed by C to get back, ---------------------------------------------------- Speed %ld Parity: %s Autodownload: %s Elapsed time: %s Terminal echo: %s Command bytesize: %d Terminal bytesize: %dError resuming CONNECT session %p%%%P%%%|%}%|%}H%~(%^8%% %%`%%%%p%`%%% %%`%`%%%p%%  !0?@abchilqsuzUnknownLOGDIAL BUFFER OVERFLOW %s %s T=DIAL H=%s D=%s N=%s O=%s %s Speed changed to %ld. WARNING - speed change to %ld failed. 1900001180088887786635899019961011K_PBX_OCPK_PBX_ICPK_PBX_XCHK_AREACODEK_LD_PREFIXK_TF_PREFIXK_COUNTRYCODEK_INTL_PREFIXK_DIAL_METHODK_TF_AREACODEK_DIAL_DIRECTORY" "%c%s: unknown Timeout. %s Failure: Interrupted. %s interval expired. Error initializing modem. Timed out while trying to initialize modem. ANER. INV%c%sAPM0 ATM0%cET: BusyATS111=0 ATM1L%d%cATS7=%d%cAPM1;KMC%d ATS2=%dS7=%d AB: Timed outNT: No answerRT: Ring toneNUMBER TOO LONG! Dialing: %s... , retrying%s... DLC: Delayed call %sall complete. ATS111=%d S112=%d CB: Local DCE BusyFC: Forbidden callINC: Incoming callCU: Command unknown Initializing: %s... WARNING - no carrier NS: Number not stored %sall complete: %s. %sall complete: "%s". MS: Message syntax errorTry 'set line %s' again. No response from modemPV: Parameter value errorPS: Parameter syntax errorDIAL command + phone number too long! No response from modem, retrying%s... error correction and data compression.WARNING - Trouble enabling compression WARNING: Carrier seems to have dropped... Sorry, Can't hang up communication device. WARNING - Trouble enabling error-correction. PROGRAM ERROR - No response handler for modem type %d WARNING - You can't have compression without error correction. WARNING - I don't know how to enable autoanswer for this modem. Likely cause: Your modem is an RPI model, which does not have built-in %s (none) /dev/null%d seconds , speed: %ld %s timeout: %srying: %s... , speed: (unknown) Sorry, can't open %sSorry, can't reopen %s Device: %s, modem: %sSorry, can't open deviceTry 'set line %s' again Sorry, can't reopen device************************* Waiting for phone call... ************************* Via modem server: %s, modem: %s Invalid modem type %d - internal error. Sorry, Can't condition communication line (Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress future hints.) Sorry, handler for this modem type not yet filled in. If dialing fails, SET SPEED to %ld or less and try again. Interface speed %ld might be too high for this modem type. To cancel: type your interrupt character (normally Ctrl-C). OK at at AT ATOK ERROR ERROR LAPM RELIABLE Busy. Wait... COMPRESSED Ringing... Dialing... No Answer. No Carrier. Dial Locked. No Dialtone. No Prompttone. Answered by voice. Modem Command Error. Local phone is ringing! CONNECT 1200/75 - Not supported by C-Kermit CONNECT FAST/KERM Speed changed to %ld Can't change speed to %ld Hangup OK Hangup error Hangup skipped Modem hangup OK WARNING - modem hangup failed %%%%8%X%x%%%&`&&&p&`&P&`&&&&`&&&`&p&&`&@&&r &r@&rP&r&s&sp&s&tp&t&u&u&v&vp&v&w@&w&x&x`&x&y &y&y&z &z&z&{`&{&|&|`&|&|&}&~&0&&&0&p&&&`&&& &P&&&@&&@&&& &&& &P&&&&&q&q&q&&P&&&&&@&q&q&p&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&&q&q&q&q&q&@&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&@&q&q&q&@&q&q&q&&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q&q\b\BEOTBREAKScript successful. Sorry, script failed Executing SCRIPT to host %s. Executing SCRIPT through %s, speed %ld. Sorry, Can't condition communication line &h&H&&&8&&(&&&&&X"'bcdnqrstwx:tcplogin(OK) kermittelnetFailed. Listening ... TCP socket error Reverse DNS Lookup... %s connected on port %s %s connected on port %d Binding socket to port %d ... Cannot find port for service: %s ?Unable to bind to socket (errno = %d) Edit SERVICES file if RLOGIN fails to connect. Waiting to Accept a TCP/IP connection on port %d ... Warning: login service on port %d instead of port 513 http DNS SRV Lookup... Failedrlogin bind Trying %s... DNS Lookup... Can't get address for %s %s connected on port %s No reserved ports available. Can't find port for service %s protocol error - 0x%x received instead of 0x00 %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT?Array declaration failure ?Invalid service: %s Host: HTTP/1.1GET %s %s User-agent: Authorization: Basic Failure: Server reports %s %s HEAD %s %s %s INDEX %s Date: PUT %s %s Content-type: Content-length: %d DELETE %s %s POST %s %s CONNECT %s %s Proxy-authorization: Basic Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Extension: Security/Remote-Passphrase ?Telnet waiting for response to DO %s ?Telnet waiting for response to SB %s ?Telnet waiting for SB %s negotiation ?Telnet waiting for response to WILL %s ?Telnet waiting for response to WONT %s ?Telnet waiting for response to DONT %s . (OK) Negotiations.************************* ?Connection closed by peer. ?Connection closed by peer. ?Telnet Option negotiation error. Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress further hints. ?Telnet Protocol Timeout - connection closed The Telnet %s is not sending required responses. In case the Telnet server never responds as required, You can continue to wait or you can cancel with Ctrl-C. you can try connecting to this host with TELNET /NOWAIT. %c%02x VAR ESC IAC VALUE IAC SE USERVAR %s%c%s %s%02x SE IAC DONT%s TERM%cUSERUSER2JOBACCTPRINTERDISPLAYconsoleLOCATIONSYSTEMTYPESFUTLNTVERSFUTLNTMODE(~(~(}(}(}({ ({p(}({p((( (|((0(p(((0((((()))) )x)x)x)x) )h)*)+),),)-)-p)-).).`).).)/ )/P)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)/)/)/)0)0@)0p)0)0)1)10)1`)1)&)2)1)1)1)3)5)1)1)1)1)1)2)1)7)2)1)*()7)")")")80)9 )8)")")")")7)")")7)")*`)1)")")")1)2)")")")")")1)")")1)")*)/)9@)9`)9)9)()9)9):):H):);8););)<()0)" )<0))>X)>)>)8)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)M)L)L)L)L)L)L)L)L)Lp)L`)L )L)L)K)H)T)}h)())l)tT)x$)x)e'/)L)<)ռ)))|,/*1(*h*28*28*28*28*28*28*$*28*28*28*!H*28*28*28*+*28*28*28*28**28*28**x*y*z*{@*{*|p*}P***0**P*x *x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x*y*z*{@*{*|p*}P***0**P*x *H*h******(*H*h****x******P** ***P** *z******+P+++P+*emnos+2+2+2+2+2+2+3+3+3 +30+3@+-+3P+3`+3p+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+4+4+4 +40+4@+4P+4`+4p+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+5+5+5 +50+5@+5P+5`+5p+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+6+6+6 +60+6@+6P+6`+6p+6+6+6+6+6+.        ! % & 0 2 3 ; >!!+!!!!!!"""""" """"" "'"(")"*"+","4"5"="R"`"a"f"g"j"k"""""#+58+5H+5X+5h+5x+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+6+6+6(+68+6H+6X+6h+6x+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+7+7+7(+78+7H+7X+7h+7x+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+8+8+8(+88+8H+-%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %#%$%%%(%+%,%/%0%3%4%7%8%;%<%?%B%K%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&@&B&j&m&o+=+>+> +>@+>`+>+>+>+>+?+? +?@+?`+?+?+?+?+@+@ +@@+@`+@+@+@+@+A+A +A@+A`+A+A+A+A+B+B +B@+B`+B+B+B+B+C+C +C@+C`+C+C+C+C+D+D +D@+D`+D+D+D+D+E+E +E@+E`+E+E+E+E+F+F +=$'()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[\]_{|}!!!!""" 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Example: -u name = username for autologin (or -M) -P password = password for autologin (RISKY) -m mode = "passive" (default) or "active" -Y = do not execute Kermit init file -d = debug (double to add timestamps) -a = force text ("ascii") mode (or -T) ftp -A kermit.columbia.edu -D kermit -ag TESTFILE -p files = files to put after autologin (or -s) -S = Stay (issue command prompt when done) C-Kermit's FTP client command-line personality. Usage: ftp closing %s... ftp open trying "%s %s"... ?This switch requires an argument ?This switch does not take arguments ftp user "%s" password "%s"... MKD command not recognized, trying XMKD ftp mkdir "%s"... ftp rmdir "%s"... RMD command not recognized, trying XMKD ftp rename "%s" (to) "%s"... ftp reset... ftp help "%s"... Directory of files at %s: Directory of files %s at %s: PWD command not recognized, trying XPWD CWD command not recognized, trying XCWD CDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP CREATED DIRECTORY %s WOULD CREATE DIRECTORY %s -?No files selected ?Too many files match ?%s: file not found - "%s" ?Warning access denied - "%s" ?getnextfile() - unknown failure %s ?%s - "%s" ?name required ?Bad array: %s ?Off limits: %s ?Pattern required ?No such array: %s ?Filename required ?Can't create "%s" ?Date-time required ?MPUT list too long ?Failure to open %s ?Wildcards not allowed ?Fatal upload error: %s ?Read access denied - "%s" ?Bad array range - [%d:%d] ?Invalid switch combination ?Unexpected function code: %d ?Fatal: file not found - "%s" ?New name required for /RENAME ?Filename required but not given ?Fatal: Read access denied - "%s" ?Conflicting switches: /RECOVER %s ?New name required for /SERVER-RENAME ?Conflicting switches: /UPDATE /UNIQUE ?Sorry, system command access is disabled ?Sorry, a command to send from is required ?Conflicting switches: /PERMISSIONS /UNIQUE ?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME ?You may not give a PUT filespec and a /LISTFILE ?Sorry, no PUT /COMMAND when SEND FILTER selected ?/RECOVER can not be used with Unicode translation ?Sorry, no /RECOVER or /START if SEND FILTER selected ?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename. ?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ?As-name for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) ?/SERVER-RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \v(filename) DOING GET... DOING MGET... ?Backup/Rename failed wbOK %s...Failed ?%s: %s ?Empty listfile - "%s" ?Wildcards not allowed BBB ?Too many items in MGET list ?Failure to open listfile - "%s" ?Sorry, "%s" works only with [M]PUT ?Memory allocation failure - MGET list ?Switch conflict: /FILTER and /COMMAND ?Sorry, a command to write to is required ?Sorry, GET /RECOVER requires binary mode ?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and Update ?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and /RECOVER ?You can't give both /LISTFILE and a remote filename ?As-name for MGET must contain variables such as \v(filename) ?Not usable with FTP - "%s" ftp cd: "%s" ftp chmod: %s ftp system... ftp cd: "(up)" ftp closing... ftp site "%s"... ftp size "%s"... ftp account: "%s" ftp umask "%s"... ftp status "%s"... ftp query umask... ftp modtime "%s"... %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d ftp query idle timeout... ftp idle timeout set: %d... ?ftp what? "help ftp" for hints %s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT Not logged in SET FTP values: FTP connection: %s FTP server type: %s Logged in as: %s ftp auto-login: %s ftp auto-authentication: %s ftp type: %s ftp get-filetype-switching: %s ftp dates: %s ftp error-action: %s ftp filenames: %s ftp debug %s ftp passive-mode: %s ftp permissions: %s ftp verbose-mode: %s ftp send-port-commands: %s ftp unique-server-names: %s ftp collision: %s ftp character-set-translation: %s ftp server-character-set: %s file character-set: %s transfer display: %s get-put-remote: %s Available security methods: (none) Sorry, FTP command help not available yet task. them again. ON by default. OFF by default. have the same OS type. firewalls. ON by default. SET FTP AUTOLOGIN { ON, OFF } Syntax: SET FTP parameter value Syntax: SET FTP DEBUG { ON, OFF } existing file. Default is OFF. Syntax: SET FTP DATES { ON, OFF } as part of the connection process. text files with FTP. OFF by default. Establishes the default transfer mode. Syntax: SET FTP PASSIVE-MODE { ON, OFF } Syntax: SET FTP VERBOSE-MODE { ON, OFF } Whether to print FTP protocol messages. Syntax: SET FTP SERVER-CHARACTER-SET name Sorry, help not available for "set ftp %s" server. Enter a name of '?' for a menu. messages for each non-file-transfer command. Syntax: SET FTP TYPE { TEXT, BINARY, TENEX } SET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION { ON, OFF } an existing file when downloading with FTP. Syntax: SET FTP PERMISSIONS { AUTO, ON, OFF } Syntax: SET FTP PROGRESS-MESSAGES { ON, OFF } Syntax: SET FTP ERROR-ACTION { QUIT, PROCEED } OS type of the server. The default is AUTO. Syntax: SET FTP SEND-PORT-COMMANDS { ON, OFF } list. HELP SET FILE to see how to change it. Syntax: SET FTP UNIQUE-SERVER-NAMES { ON, OFF } set the date on files uploaded to the server. Type "help set ftp ?" for a list of parameters. Syntax: SET FTP GET-FILETYPE-SWITCHING { ON, OFF } for any uploaded file that has the same name as an FILE TEXT-PATTERNS and FILE BINARY-PATTERNS. ON by parameter xxx. Type "show ftp" for current values. default. SHOW PATTERNS displays the current pattern Type "help set ftp xxx" for information about setting Whether to translate character sets when transferring Syntax: SET FTP FILENAMES { AUTO, CONVERTED, LITERAL } OFF by default. AUTO means only if client and server Whether Kermit should send a new PORT command for each the appropriate file type, TEXT, BINARY, or TENEX, by Whether to display all responses from the FTP server. of files: quit and fail, or proceed to the next file. Whether Kermit should print locally-generated feedback Tells whether GET and MGET should automatically switch Tells whether to ask the server to create unique names Tells Kermit whether to try to log you in automatically Whether to use passive mode, which helps to get through Whether to try to send file permissions when uploading. platforms such as TENEX and TOPS-20 and for downloading Tells what do when an incoming file has the same name as The name of the character set used for text files on the TENEX is used for uploading 8-bit binary files to 36-bit matching the name of each incoming file with its list of Whether to set date of incoming files from the file date What to do when an error occurs when transferring a group on the server. OFF by default. Note: there is no way to What to do with filenames: convert them, take and use them literally; or choose what to do automatically based on the Syntax: SET FTP COLLISION { BACKUP,RENAME,UPDATE,DISCARD,APPEND,OVERWRITE } PASSQUIT---> %s %sAUTH PASS XXXX?FTP command too long: %s + arg No control connection for command8tcp?Bad port name - "%s" ?Can't FTP connect to %s:%s ?Already connected to %s, use FTP CLOSE first. ^C... scommand(%s) encoding %d bytes Couldn't base 64 encode command (%s) ?Translation buffer overflow Unknown reply: %d %s Cannot decode reply: %d %s Cannot decrypt %d reply: %s Can't decode base 64 reply %d (%s) "%s" Unauthenticated reply received from server: 421 Service not available, connection closed by server Canceled... netoutFSEEK: %s: %s local: %s: %s ?Sorry, send filter + filename too long, %d max. Canceling... abRETRnetinmalloc%s: short write local(2): %s: %s local(3): %s: %s Temporary file %s: %s File might not have transferred correctly. WARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode ftp: %s: ftp: bindftp: socketftp: listenftp: connectUnknown host Trying %s... ftp: getsockname%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dPassive mode refused ftp: connect to address %s: ftp: setsockopt (reuse address)Passive mode address scan failure ftp: acceptWARNING: tiny ucbufsiz: %d ERROR: ucbuf allocation failure ?Error while trying to malloc PROT buffer:?Unable to negotiate PROT buffer size with FTP server cancel?Cannot set protection level to SAFE ?Cannot set protection level to PRIVATE ftp: setsockoptConnected to %s. Remote system type is %s. Default transfer mode is %s FTP login failed. 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