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Usage: gkermit [ options ] Options: -r Receive files -s fn Send files -g fn Get files from server -a fn As-name for single file -i Image (binary) mode transfer -T Text mode transfer -P Path/filename conversion disabled -w Write over existing files with same name -K Keep incompletely received files -p x Parity: x = o[dd],e[ven],m[ark],s[pace],n[one] -e n Receive packet-length (40-%d) -b n Timeout (sec, 0 = none) -x Force Xon/Xoff (--x = Don't force Xon/Xoff) -S Disable streaming -X External protocol -q Quiet (suppress messages) -d [fn] Debug to ./debug.log [or specified file] -h Help (this message) More info: %s <%s>G-Kermit CU-1.00, Columbia University, 1999-12-25http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/kermit@columbia.eduPOSIX/dev/ttyNo start state Can't open terminal Can't set packet mode input[%c] input streaming ttchk %d Fatal i/o errorTQNTransmission error while streamingnak #%d (%d/%d) Too many retriesEscape back to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.KERMIT READY TO SEND...sfile filnam [%s] max = %d sfile error %dFailure to open filesfile pktnam %s sfile encstr[%s] x=%d sattr seq %d %ldsattr data %s sdata interrupted cx = %d cz = %d sdata getpkt = %d seof [%s] seof zclosi failure %d Failure to close input fileseof spacket %d Failure to close output fileresend #%d (%d/%d) rpacket runtrpacket bad lengthrpacket header checksum: %u rpacket bad xlengthrpacket type=%c, seq=%02d, len=%d rpacket chk1 (0x%x:0x%x) rpacket chk2 (0x%x:0x%x) rpacket crc (0x%x:0x%x) BLOCKCHECKchksum=%u crc=%u decode rpt error A decode rpt error B decode ebq error decode ctl error decode putc a=%u errno=%u spar attributes=%d longpackets=%d spar whatami = 0x%x spar streamok = %d spar sysid [%s] U1spar recognizes peer rpar streamok=%d whatami=%d Escape back to your local Kermit and give a SEND command.KERMIT READY TO RECEIVE...Escape back to your local Kermit and give a SERVER command.KERMIT READY TO GET...rcvfil as-name [%s] Backup file creation failurercvfil filename [%s] Write access deniedError opening output filesinitsfileseotsattrseofsdataDrcvfil"Packet decoding errorclosofscmdUnknown packet type,\ȷHиlܹ,x<|ػexit %d %s %s %s: errno = %d ttopen __STDC__ ttopen SIG_V ttopen nonblocking read/write ttopen TINBUFSIZ = %d ttopen xonxoff = %d ttopen noxonxoff = %d ttopen ttflags %d ttopen nomodes %d ttopen fcntl(0,F_SETFL,O_NDELAY)ttopen nonblock = %d ttpkt SVORPOSIX Xon/Xoff ttflui = %d, errno = %d ttinl read timo = %d ttinl timeout ttinl nonblock tincnt=%d errno=%d ttinl fcntl O_NDELAY offttinl BL readttinl fcntl O_NDELAY onttinl blocking read %d ttinl XX read 1^C...ttinl interrupted ttinl overflow ttinl length = %d PKT<-[^A%s...](%d) rc=%d PKT<-[^A%s](%d) rc=%d ttol len = %d PKT->[^A%s...](%d) PKT->[^A%s](%d) ttol writettol partial write %d (%d/%d) ttol foulup %d != %d zchki access %s errno = %d zchki %s is a directory/dev/null.zchko(%s) x = %d errno = %d rzopeni %s: %d wzopeno %s: %d zltor %s: maxlen = %d, literal = %d zltor np %s zltor result: %s zbackup A %s: %d zbackup B %s .~%d~zbackup failed: link(%s): %d zbackup failed: unlink(%s): %d zbackup %s: OK zbackup failed: all numbers used NONAMEzcloso(%s) cx = %d keep = %d  `Z^(# &Y~ ##     Zjzʈڈ *:JZjzʉډ *:JZ < 4xh  40>QNX/home/qa/621/cvs/qa/toolsrc/gkermit/gkermit/nto/x86/o/gkermitGCC: (GNU) 2.95.2 19991024 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3qnx-nto 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3qnx-nto 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3qnx-nto 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3qnx-nto 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.2 19991024 (release)hx4<D d 4 @    Ċ # '5Ċ K V d  r  # {  V     -  $ 0  , 4 $ . 6 ? 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