/* C K C F N 3 -- Packet buffer management for C-Kermit */ /* (plus assorted functions tacked on at the end) */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz , Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City. Copyright (C) 1985, 2010, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions. */ /* Note -- if you change this file, please amend the version number and date at the top of ckcfns.c accordingly. */ #include "ckcsym.h" #include "ckcdeb.h" #include "ckcasc.h" #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckcxla.h" /* C K M K D I R -- Create a directory */ /* Call with: int fc = 0 to create, nonzero to remove, a directory. char * s = pointer to name of directory to create or remove. char ** r = address of pointer to return name or message. int m = 1 to print error messages, 0 to be silent. int cvt = 1 means convert s from standard format to local format; 0 means use s as is. Returns: 0 on success (directory was created or removed). -1 when attempt to create the directory failed. -2 on internal error (e.g. no code for creating directories). On success, the name is pointed to by p. On failure, the reason is pointed to by p. */ #ifdef CK_MKDIR static char ckmkdbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; #else #ifdef datageneral static char ckmkdbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; #endif /* datageneral */ #endif /* CK_MKDIR */ #ifdef CK_MKDIR int ckmkdir(fc,s,r,m,cvt) int fc; char * s; char ** r; int m; int cvt; { int x, rc = -2; char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; char buf2[CKMAXPATH+1]; if (!s) s = ""; debug(F110,"ckmkdir 1 fc",s,fc); if (!*s) { ckmakmsg(ckmkdbuf, CKMAXPATH+1, (fc == 0) ? "mkdir" : "rmdir", ": no name given", NULL, NULL ); *r = ckmkdbuf; return(-2); } #ifdef datageneral /* Come back and make this nicer later if anybody notices */ if (fc == 0) { /* mkdir */ rc = createdir(s,0); } else { /* rmdir */ /* AOS/VS rmdir() is a no-op. */ ckmakmsg(tmpbuf,CKMAXPATH+1,"delete ",s,NULL,NULL); debug(F110,"ckmkdir 2",tmpbuf,0); rc = system(tmpbuf); } *r = NULL; #else /* not datageneral */ /* First make sure the name has an acceptable directory-name format */ #ifdef VMS { char *p = s; int lb = 0, rb = 0, sl = 0; while (*p) { if (*p == '[' || *p == '<') lb++; /* Count brackets */ else if (*p == ']' || *p == '>') rb++; else if (*p == '/') sl++; /* and slashes */ p++; } if (lb != 1 && rb != 1 && sl == 0 && p > s && *(p-1) != ':') { /* Probably just a word - convert to VMS format */ ckmakmsg(buf2, CKMAXPATH+1, "[", (*s == '.') ? "" : ".", s, "]" ); s = buf2; } else if (lb == 0 && rb == 0 && sl != 0 && p > s && *(p-1) != ':') { int flag = 0; /* Seems to be in UNIX format */ x = strlen(s); if (x > 0 && s[x-1] != '/') flag = 1; ckmakmsg(buf2,CKMAXPATH+1,s,flag ? "/" : "",NULL,NULL); s = buf2; } if (s == buf2) { ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,CKMAXPATH+1); s = tmpbuf; } debug(F110,"ckmkdir 2+VMS",s,0); } #else #ifdef UNIXOROSK #ifdef DTILDE s = tilde_expand(s); #endif /* DTILDE */ ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,CKMAXPATH+1); s = tmpbuf; x = strlen(s); if (x > 0 && s[x-1] != '/') { /* Must end in "/" for zmkdir() */ s[x] = '/'; s[x+1] = NUL; debug(F110,"ckmkdir 2+UNIXOROSK",s,0); } #else /* UNIXOROSK */ #ifdef OS2 ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,CKMAXPATH+1); s = tmpbuf; x = strlen(s); if (fc == 0 && x > 0 && s[x-1] != '/') { /* Must end in "/" for zmkdir() */ s[x] = '/'; s[x+1] = NUL; debug(F110,"ckmkdir 2+OS2",s,0); } #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ #endif /* VMS */ #ifdef NZLTOR /* Server is calling us, so convert to local format if necessary */ if (cvt) { nzrtol(s,(char *)buf2,1,PATH_ABS,CKMAXPATH); s = buf2; debug(F110,"ckmkdir 3",s,0); } #endif /* NZLTOR */ debug(F110,"ckmkdir 4",s,0); if (fc == 0) { /* Making */ #ifdef CK_MKDIR rc = zmkdir(s); #else #ifdef NT rc = _mkdir(s); #else rc = mkdir(s,0777); #endif /* NT */ #endif /* CK_MKDIR */ } else { /* Removing */ #ifdef ZRMDIR rc = zrmdir(s); #else #ifdef NT rc = _rmdir(s); #else #ifdef OSK rc = -2; #else rc = rmdir(s); #endif /* OSK */ #endif /* NT */ #endif /* ZRMDIR */ } #endif /* datageneral */ debug(F101,"ckmkdir rc","",rc); if (rc == -2) { ckmakmsg(ckmkdbuf, CKMAXPATH, "Directory ", (fc == 0) ? "creation" : "removal", "not implemented in this version of C-Kermit", NULL ); *r = ckmkdbuf; if (m) printf("%s\n",*r); } else if (rc < 0) { if (m) perror(s); ckmakmsg(ckmkdbuf,CKMAXPATH,s,": ",ck_errstr(),NULL); *r = ckmkdbuf; } else if (fc == 0 && zfnqfp(s,CKMAXPATH,ckmkdbuf)) { *r = ckmkdbuf; } else if (fc != 0) { ckmakmsg(ckmkdbuf,CKMAXPATH,s,": removed",NULL,NULL); *r = ckmkdbuf; } return(rc); } #endif /* CK_MKDIR */ #ifndef NOXFER /* Rest of this file... */ #ifndef NODISPO #ifdef pdp11 #define NODISPO #endif /* pdpd11 */ #endif /* NODISPO */ extern int pipesend; #ifdef PIPESEND extern char ** sndfilter; #endif /* PIPESEND */ extern int unkcs, wmax, wcur, discard, bctu, bctl, local, fdispla, what, sendmode, opnerr, dest, epktrcvd, epktsent, filestatus, eofmethod, dispos, fncnv, fnrpath; extern char * ofn2; extern char * rfspec, * sfspec, * prfspec, * psfspec, * rrfspec, * prrfspec; extern char ofn1[]; extern int ofn1x; extern char * ofperms; #ifdef VMS extern int batch; #else extern int backgrd; #endif /* VMS */ extern int xflg, remfile, remappd; extern CHAR *data; extern char filnam[]; #ifndef NOFRILLS extern int rprintf, rmailf; /* REMOTE MAIL, PRINT */ char optbuf[OPTBUFLEN]; /* Options for MAIL or REMOTE PRINT */ #endif /* NOFRILLS */ extern int wslots; extern int fblksiz, frecl, forg, frecfm, fncact, fncsav, fcctrl, lf_opts; extern CHAR * srvcmd; extern int srvcmdlen; extern int binary, spsiz; extern int pktnum, cxseen, czseen, nfils, stdinf; extern int memstr, stdouf, keep, sndsrc, hcflg; extern int server, en_cwd, en_mai, en_pri; /* Attributes in/out enabled flags */ extern int atenci, atenco, atdati, atdato, atleni, atleno, atblki, atblko, attypi, attypo, atsidi, atsido, atsysi, atsyso, atdisi, atdiso; #ifdef CK_PERMS extern int atlpri, atlpro, atgpri, atgpro; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ #ifdef STRATUS extern int atfrmi, atfrmo, atcrei, atcreo, atacti, atacto; #endif /* STRATUS */ #ifdef datageneral extern int quiet; #endif /* datageneral */ extern long filcnt; extern CK_OFF_T fsize, ffc, tfc, sendstart, calibrate; CK_OFF_T rs_len; #ifndef NOCSETS _PROTOTYP (VOID setxlate, (void)); extern int tcharset, fcharset; extern int ntcsets, xlatype, xfrxla; extern struct csinfo tcsinfo[], fcsinfo[]; #endif /* NOCSETS */ /* Variables global to Kermit that are defined in this module */ #ifdef CKXXCHAR /* DOUBLE / IGNORE char table */ int dblflag = 0; int ignflag = 0; short dblt[256] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; #endif /* CKXXCHAR */ int winlo; /* packet number at low window edge */ int sbufnum; /* number of free buffers */ int dum001 = 1234; /* protection... */ int sbufuse[MAXWS]; /* buffer in-use flag */ int dum003 = 1111; int rbufnum; /* number of free buffers */ int dum002 = 4321; /* more protection */ int rbufuse[MAXWS]; /* buffer in-use flag */ int sseqtbl[64]; /* sequence # to buffer # table */ int rseqtbl[64]; /* sequence # to buffer # table */ int sacktbl[64]; /* sequence # ack table */ int o_isopen = 0, i_isopen = 0; /* Input & output files are open */ #ifdef DYNAMIC struct pktinfo *s_pkt = NULL; /* array of pktinfo structures */ struct pktinfo *r_pkt = NULL; /* array of pktinfo structures */ #else struct pktinfo s_pkt[MAXWS]; /* array of pktinfo structures */ struct pktinfo r_pkt[MAXWS]; /* array of pktinfo structures */ #endif /* DYNAMIC */ #ifdef DEBUG char xbuf[200]; /* For debug logging */ #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef DYNAMIC CHAR *bigsbuf = NULL, *bigrbuf = NULL; #else char bigsbt[8]; /* Protection (shouldn't need this). */ /* BUT DON'T REMOVE IT! */ CHAR bigsbuf[SBSIZ + 5]; /* Send-packet buffer area */ char bigrbt[8]; /* Safety padding */ CHAR bigrbuf[RBSIZ + 5]; /* Receive-packet area */ #endif int bigsbsiz = SBSIZ; /* Sizes of big send & rcv buffers. */ int bigrbsiz = RBSIZ; #ifdef VMS int zchkpath(char *s); #endif /* VMS */ /* FUNCTIONS */ VOID dofast() { long maxbufsiz = RBSIZ; /* Configuration parameters */ int maxpktsiz = MAXSP; extern int spsizf, /* For bug in IRIX Telnet server */ rpsiz, urpsiz, spsizr, spmax, wslotr; extern struct ck_p ptab[]; if (maxpktsiz < 40) /* Long packet length */ maxpktsiz = 40; else if (maxpktsiz > 4000) maxpktsiz = 4000; wslotr = maxbufsiz / maxpktsiz; if (wslotr > MAXWS) /* Window slots */ wslotr = MAXWS; if (wslotr > 30) wslotr = 30; else if (wslotr < 1) wslotr = 1; urpsiz = adjpkl(maxpktsiz,wslotr,maxbufsiz); ptab[PROTO_K].rpktlen = urpsiz; rpsiz = (urpsiz > 94) ? 94 : urpsiz; /* Max non-long packet length */ debug(F111,"dofast","uprsiz",urpsiz); #ifdef IRIX #ifndef IRIX65 /* IRIX Telnet server chops off writes longer than 4K */ spsiz = spmax = spsizr = urpsiz; debug(F101,"doarg Q IRIX spsiz","",spsiz); spsizf = 1; #endif /* IRIX65 */ #endif /* IRIX */ #ifdef CK_SPEED setprefix(PX_CAU); /* Cautious unprefixing */ #endif /* CK_SPEED */ } /* For sanity, use "i" for buffer slots, "n" for packet numbers. */ /* I N I B U F S */ /* Allocates the big send and receive buffers. Call with size for big send buffer (s) and receive buffer (r). These sizes can be different. Attempts to allocate buffers of the requested size, but if it can't, it will allocate smaller ones. Sets global variables bigsbsiz and bigrbsiz to the actual sizes, and bigsbuf and bigrbuf pointing to the actual buffers. Designed to be called more than once. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ CHAR *bigbufp = NULL; int inibufs(s,r) int s, r; { #ifdef DYNAMIC unsigned int size; #ifdef OS2 unsigned /* Don't you wish everybody had unsigned long... */ #endif /* OS2 */ long z; int x; debug(F101,"inibufs s","",s); debug(F101,"inibufs r","",r); if (s < 80 || r < 80) return(-1); /* Validate arguments. */ if (!s_pkt) { /* Allocate packet info structures */ if (!(s_pkt = (struct pktinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct pktinfo)*MAXWS))) fatal("ini_pkts: no memory for s_pkt"); } for (x = 0; x < MAXWS; x++) s_pkt[x].pk_adr = NULL; /* Initialize addresses */ if (!r_pkt) { if (!(r_pkt = (struct pktinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct pktinfo)*MAXWS))) fatal("ini_pkts: no memory for s_pkt"); } for (x = 0; x < MAXWS; x++) r_pkt[x].pk_adr = NULL; /* Initialize addresses */ if (!srvcmd) { /* Allocate srvcmd buffer */ srvcmd = (CHAR *) malloc(r + 100); if (!srvcmd) return(-1); srvcmdlen = r + 99; *srvcmd = NUL; } if (bigbufp) { /* Free previous buffers, if any. */ free(bigbufp); bigbufp = NULL; } size = s + r + 40; /* Combined requested size + padding */ z = (unsigned) s + (unsigned) r + 40; debug(F101,"inibufs size 1","",size); debug(F101,"inibufs size z","",z); if ((long) size != z) { debug(F100,"inibufs overflow","",0); size = 65535; } /* Try to get the space. If malloc fails, try to get a little less. */ /* (Obviously, this algorithm can be refined.) */ while (!(bigbufp = (CHAR *) malloc(size))) { debug(F101,"inibufs bigbuf malloc failed","",size); size = (size * 2) / 3; /* Failed, cut size by 1/3. */ if (size < 200) /* Try again until too small. */ return(-1); } debug(F101,"inibufs size 2","",size); /* OK, we got some space. */ /* Now divide the allocated space between the send and receive buffers in the requested proportion. The natural formula would be (s / (s + r)) * size (for the send buffer), but that doesn't work with integer arithmetic and we can't use floating point because some machines don't have it. This can be rearranged as (s * size) / (s + r). But (s * size) can be VERY large, too large for 32 bits. So let's do it this way. This arithmetic works for buffer sizes up to about 5,000,000. */ #define FACTOR 20L z = ( (long) s * FACTOR ) / ( (long) s + (long) r ); x = ( z * ( (long) size / FACTOR ) ); if (x < 0) return(-1); /* Catch overflow */ bigsbsiz = x - 5; /* Size of send buffer */ bigsbuf = bigbufp; /* Address of send buffer */ debug(F101,"inibufs bigsbsiz","",bigsbsiz); bigrbsiz = size - x - 5; /* Size of receive buffer */ bigrbuf = bigbufp + x; /* Addresss of receive buffer */ debug(F101,"inibufs bigrbsiz","",bigrbsiz); return(0); /* Success */ #else /* No dynamic allocation */ bigsbsiz = SBSIZ; /* Just use the symbols */ bigrbsiz = RBSIZ; /* ... */ return(0); /* Success. */ #endif /* DYNAMIC */ } /* M A K E B U F -- Makes and clears a new buffers. */ /* Call with: */ /* slots: number of buffer slots to make, 1 to 32 */ /* bufsiz: size of the big buffer */ /* buf: address of the big buffer */ /* xx: pointer to array of pktinfo structures for these buffers */ /* Subdivides the big buffer into "slots" buffers. */ /* Returns: */ /* -1 if too many or too few slots requested, */ /* -2 if slots would be too small. */ /* n (positive) on success = size of one buffer. */ /* with pktinfo structure initialized for this set of buffers. */ int makebuf(slots,bufsiz,buf,xx) /* makebuf */ int slots, bufsiz; CHAR buf[]; struct pktinfo *xx; { CHAR *a; int i, size; debug(F101,"makebuf","",slots); debug(F101,"makebuf bufsiz","",bufsiz); debug(F101,"makebuf MAXWS","",MAXWS); if (slots > MAXWS || slots < 1) return(-1); if (bufsiz < slots * 10 ) return(-2); size = bufsiz / slots; /* Divide up the big buffer. */ a = buf; /* Address of first piece. */ for (i = 0; i < slots; i++) { struct pktinfo *x = &xx[i]; x->bf_adr = a; /* Address of this buffer */ x->bf_len = size; /* Length of this buffer */ x->pk_len = 0; /* Length of data field */ x->pk_typ = ' '; /* packet type */ x->pk_seq = -1; /* packet sequence number */ x->pk_rtr = 0; /* retransmissions */ *a = '\0'; /* Clear the buffer */ a += size; /* Position to next buffer slot */ } return(size); } /* M A K S B U F -- Makes the send-packet buffer */ int mksbuf(slots) int slots; { int i, x; sbufnum = 0; if ((x = makebuf(slots,bigsbsiz,bigsbuf,s_pkt)) < 0) { debug(F101,"mksbuf makebuf return","",x); return(x); } debug(F101,"mksbuf makebuf return","",x); for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* Initialize sequence-number- */ sseqtbl[i] = -1; /* to-buffer-number table. */ sacktbl[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < MAXWS; i++) sbufuse[i] = 0; /* Mark each buffer as free */ sbufnum = slots; wcur = 0; return(x); } /* M A K R B U F -- Makes the receive-packet buffer */ int mkrbuf(slots) int slots; { int i, x; rbufnum = 0; if ((x = makebuf(slots,bigrbsiz,bigrbuf,r_pkt)) < 0) { debug(F101,"mkrbuf makebuf return","",x); return(x); } debug(F101,"mkrbuf makebuf return","",x); for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* Initialize sequence-number- */ rseqtbl[i] = -1; /* to-buffer-number table. */ } for (i = 0; i < MAXWS; i++) rbufuse[i] = 0; /* Mark each buffer as free */ rbufnum = slots; wcur = 0; return(x); } /* W I N D O W -- Resize the window to n */ int window(n) int n; { debug(F101,"window","",n); if (n < 1 || n > MAXWS) return(-1); if (mksbuf(n) < 0) return(-1); if (mkrbuf(n) < 0) return(-1); wslots = n; #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) dumpsbuf(); if (deblog) dumprbuf(); #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } /* G E T S B U F -- Allocate a send-buffer. */ /* Call with packet sequence number to allocate buffer for. */ /* Returns: */ /* -4 if argument is invalid (negative, or greater than 63) */ /* -3 if buffers were thought to be available but really weren't (bug!) */ /* -2 if the number of free buffers is negative (bug!) */ /* -1 if no free buffers. */ /* 0 or positive, packet sequence number, with buffer allocated for it. */ int getsbuf(n) int n; { /* Allocate a send-buffer */ int i; CHAR * p = NULL; if (n < 0 || n > 63) { debug(F101,"getsbuf bad arg","",n); return(-4); /* Bad argument */ } debug(F101,"getsbuf packet","",n); /* debug(F101,"getsbuf, sbufnum","",sbufnum); */ if (sbufnum == 0) return(-1); /* No free buffers. */ if (sbufnum < 0) return(-2); /* Shouldn't happen. */ for (i = 0; i < wslots; i++) /* Find the first one not in use. */ if (sbufuse[i] == 0) { /* Got one? */ sbufuse[i] = 1; /* Mark it as in use. */ sbufnum--; /* One less free buffer. */ *s_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0'; /* Zero the buffer data field */ s_pkt[i].pk_seq = n; /* Put in the sequence number */ sseqtbl[n] = i; /* Back pointer from sequence number */ sacktbl[n] = 0; /* ACK flag */ s_pkt[i].pk_len = 0; /* Data field length now zero. */ s_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' '; /* Blank the packet type too. */ s_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0; /* Zero the retransmission count */ p = s_pkt[i].bf_adr + 7; /* Set global "data" address. */ debug(F101,"getsbuf p","",0); data = p; if (!data) { debug(F100,"getsbuf data == NULL","",0); return(-3); } if ((what & (W_SEND|W_REMO)) && (++wcur > wmax)) wmax = wcur; /* For statistics. */ /* debug(F101,"getsbuf wcur","",wcur); */ return(n); /* Return its index. */ } sbufnum = 0; /* Didn't find one. */ return(-3); /* Shouldn't happen! */ } int getrbuf() { /* Allocate a receive buffer */ int i; #ifdef COMMENT /* This code is pretty stable by now... */ /* Looks like we might need this after all */ debug(F101,"getrbuf rbufnum","",rbufnum); debug(F101,"getrbuf wslots","",wslots); debug(F101,"getrbuf dum002","",dum002); debug(F101,"getrbuf dum003","",dum003); #endif /* COMMENT */ if (rbufnum == 0) return(-1); /* No free buffers. */ if (rbufnum < 0) return(-2); /* Shouldn't happen. */ for (i = 0; i < wslots; i++) /* Find the first one not in use. */ if (rbufuse[i] == 0) { /* Got one? */ rbufuse[i] = 1; /* Mark it as in use. */ *r_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0'; /* Zero the buffer data field */ rbufnum--; /* One less free buffer. */ debug(F101,"getrbuf new rbufnum","",rbufnum); if ((what & W_RECV) && (++wcur > wmax)) wmax = wcur; /* For statistics. */ /* debug(F101,"getrbuf wcur","",wcur); */ return(i); /* Return its index. */ } /* debug(F101,"getrbuf foulup","",i); */ rbufnum = 0; /* Didn't find one. */ return(-3); /* Shouldn't happen! */ } /* F R E E S B U F -- Free send-buffer for given packet sequence number */ /* Returns: */ /* 1 upon success */ /* -1 if specified buffer does not exist */ int freesbuf(n) int n; { /* Release send-buffer for packet n. */ int i; debug(F101,"freesbuf","",n); if (n < 0 || n > 63) /* No such packet. */ return(-1); i = sseqtbl[n]; /* Get the window slot number. */ if (i > -1 && i <= wslots) { sseqtbl[n] = -1; /* If valid, remove from seqtbl */ sbufnum++; /* and count one more free buffer */ sbufuse[i] = 0; /* and mark it as free, */ if (what & (W_SEND|W_REMO)) /* decrement active slots */ wcur--; /* for statistics and display. */ } else { debug(F101," sseqtbl[n]","",sseqtbl[n]); return(-1); } /* The following is done only so dumped buffers will look right. */ if (1) { *s_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0'; /* Zero the buffer data field */ s_pkt[i].pk_seq = -1; /* Invalidate the sequence number */ s_pkt[i].pk_len = 0; /* Data field length now zero. */ s_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' '; /* Blank the packet type too. */ s_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0; /* And the retries field. */ } return(1); } int freerbuf(i) int i; { /* Release receive-buffer slot "i". */ int n; /* NOTE !! Currently, this function frees the indicated buffer, but */ /* does NOT erase the data. The program counts on this. Will find a */ /* better way later.... */ /* debug(F101,"freerbuf, slot","",i); */ if (i < 0 || i >= wslots) { /* No such slot. */ debug(F101,"freerbuf no such slot","",i); return(-1); } n = r_pkt[i].pk_seq; /* Get the packet sequence number */ debug(F101,"freerbuf packet","",n); if (n > -1 && n < 64) /* If valid, remove from seqtbl */ rseqtbl[n] = -1; if (rbufuse[i] != 0) { /* If really allocated, */ rbufuse[i] = 0; /* mark it as free, */ rbufnum++; /* and count one more free buffer. */ if (what & W_RECV) /* Keep track of current slots */ wcur--; /* for statistics and display */ debug(F101,"freerbuf rbufnum","",rbufnum); } /* The following is done only so dumped buffers will look right. */ if (1) { /* *r_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0'; */ /* Zero the buffer data field */ r_pkt[i].pk_seq = -1; /* And from packet list */ r_pkt[i].pk_len = 0; /* Data field length now zero. */ r_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' '; /* Blank the packet type too. */ r_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0; /* And the retries field. */ } return(1); } /* This is like freerbuf, except it's called with a packet sequence number */ /* rather than a packet buffer index. */ VOID freerpkt(seq) int seq; { int k; debug(F101,"freerpkt seq","",seq); k = rseqtbl[seq]; /* debug(F101,"freerpkt k","",k); */ if (k > -1) { k = freerbuf(k); /* debug(F101,"freerpkt freerbuf","",k); */ } } /* C H K W I N -- Check if packet n is in window. */ /* Returns: */ /* 0 if it is in the current window, */ /* +1 if it would have been in previous window (e.g. if ack was lost), */ /* -1 if it is outside any window (protocol error), */ /* -2 if either of the argument packet numbers is out of range. */ /* Call with packet number to check (n), lowest packet number in window */ /* (bottom), and number of slots in window (slots). */ int chkwin(n,bottom,slots) int n, bottom, slots; { int top, prev; debug(F101,"chkwin packet","",n); debug(F101,"chkwin winlo","",bottom); debug(F101,"chkwin slots","",slots); /* First do the easy and common cases, where the windows are not split. */ if (n < 0 || n > 63 || bottom < 0 || bottom > 63) return(-2); if (n == bottom) return(0); /* In a perfect world... */ top = bottom + slots; /* Calculate window top. */ if (top < 64 && n < top && n >= bottom) return(0); /* In current window. */ prev = bottom - slots; /* Bottom of previous window. */ if (prev > -1 && n < bottom && n > prev) return(1); /* In previous. */ /* Now consider the case where the current window is split. */ if (top > 63) { /* Wraparound... */ top -= 64; /* Get modulo-64 sequence number */ if (n < top || n >= bottom) { return(0); /* In current window. */ } else { /* Not in current window. */ if (n < bottom && n >= prev) /* Previous window can't be split. */ return(1); /* In previous window. */ else return(-1); /* Not in previous window. */ } } /* Now the case where current window not split, but previous window is. */ if (prev < 0) { /* Is previous window split? */ prev += 64; /* Yes. */ if (n < bottom || n >= prev) return(1); /* In previous window. */ } else { /* Previous window not split. */ if (n < bottom && n >= prev) return(1); /* In previous window. */ } /* It's not in the current window, and not in the previous window... */ return(-1); /* So it's not in any window. */ } int dumpsbuf() { /* Dump send-buffers */ #ifdef DEBUG int j, x, z; /* to debug log. */ if (! deblog) return(0); x = zsoutl(ZDFILE,"SEND BUFFERS:"); if (x < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } x=zsoutl(ZDFILE,"buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries"); if (x < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } for (j = 0; j < wslots; j++) { if (!sbufuse[j]) continue; z = ((unsigned long)(s_pkt[j].bf_adr)) & 0xffff; sprintf(xbuf, /* safe (200) */ "%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%6d\n", j, sbufuse[j], /* Avoid warnings when addresses are bigger than ints */ z, s_pkt[j].bf_len, s_pkt[j].pk_len, s_pkt[j].pk_typ, s_pkt[j].pk_seq, s_pkt[j].pk_rtr ); if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } if (s_pkt[j].pk_adr) { x = (int)strlen((char *) s_pkt[j].pk_adr); if (x) sprintf(xbuf, /* safe (checked) */ "[%.72s%s]\n",s_pkt[j].pk_adr, x > 72 ? "..." : ""); else sprintf(xbuf,"[(empty string)]\n"); /* safe (200) */ } else { sprintf(xbuf,"[(null pointer)]\n"); /* safe (200) */ } if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } } sprintf(xbuf,"free: %d, winlo: %d\n", sbufnum, winlo); /* safe (200) */ if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } int dumprbuf() { /* Dump receive-buffers */ #ifdef DEBUG int j, x, z; if (! deblog) return(0); if (zsoutl(ZDFILE,"RECEIVE BUFFERS:") < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } x=zsoutl(ZDFILE,"buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries"); if (x < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } for ( j = 0; j < wslots; j++ ) { if (!rbufuse[j]) continue; z = ((unsigned long)(r_pkt[j].bf_adr)) & 0xffff; sprintf(xbuf, /* 200, safe */ "%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%6d\n", j, rbufuse[j], /* Avoid warnings when addresses are bigger than ints */ z, r_pkt[j].bf_len, r_pkt[j].pk_len, r_pkt[j].pk_typ, r_pkt[j].pk_seq, r_pkt[j].pk_rtr ); if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } x = (int)strlen((char *)r_pkt[j].bf_adr); sprintf(xbuf, /* safe (checked) */ "[%.72s%s]\n",r_pkt[j].bf_adr, x > 72 ? "..." : ""); if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } } sprintf(xbuf,"free: %d, winlo: %d\n", rbufnum, winlo); /* safe (200) */ if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) { deblog = 0; return(0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } /* S A T T R -- Send an Attribute Packet */ /* Sends attribute packet(s) for the current file. If the info will not fit into one packet, it can be called repeatedly until all the fields that will fit are sent. Call with: xp == 0 if we're sending a real file (F packet), or: xp != 0 for screen data (X packet). And: flag == 1 for first A packet flag == 0 for subsequent A packets. Returns: 1 or greater if an A packet was sent, or: 0 if an S-packet was not sent because there was no data to send or there was no data left that was short enough to send, or: -1 on any kind of error. */ /* (don't) #define TSOFORMAT */ /* which was only for making C-Kermit send TSO-Kermit-like A packets */ /* to try to track down a problem somebody reported... */ int sattr(xp, flag) int xp, flag; { /* Send Attributes */ static int max; /* Maximum length for Attributes */ static short done[95]; /* Field-complete array */ static struct zattr x; /* File attribute struct */ static char xdate[24]; extern char * cksysid; /* Some extra flags are used because the "done" array is sparse */ int i, j, rc, aln, left = 0, numset = 0, xbin = 0; /* Workers */ int notafile = 0; char *tp, c; notafile = sndarray || pipesend || #ifdef PIPESEND sndfilter || #endif /* PIPESEND */ calibrate; debug(F101,"sattr flag","",flag); if (!flag) /* No more attributes to send */ if (done[xunchar('@')]) return(0); /* Initialize Attribute mechanism */ if (flag) { /* First time here for this file? */ initattr(&x); /* Blank out all the fields. */ for (j = 0; j < 95; j++) /* Init array of completed fields */ done[j] = 0; max = maxdata(); /* Get maximum data field length */ if (notafile || xp == 1) { /* Is it not a real file? */ extern char * zzndate(); char * p; int i; #ifdef CALIBRATE if (calibrate) { /* Calibration run... */ x.lengthk = calibrate / 1024L; /* We know the length */ x.length = calibrate; } #endif /* CALIBRATE */ x.systemid.val = cksysid; /* System ID */ x.systemid.len = (int)strlen(cksysid); ckstrncpy(xdate,zzndate(),24); xdate[8] = SP; ztime(&p); for (i = 11; i < 19; i++) /* copy hh:mm:ss */ xdate[i - 2] = p[i]; /* to xdate */ xdate[17] = NUL; /* terminate */ x.date.val = xdate; x.date.len = 17; debug(F111,"sattr notafile date",x.date.val,x.date.len); } else { /* Real file */ rc = zsattr(&x); /* Get attributes for this file */ debug(F101,"sattr zsattr","",rc); if (rc < 0) /* Can't get 'em so don't send 'em */ return(0); debug(F101,"sattr init max","",max); } } if (nxtpkt() < 0) /* Got 'em, get next packet number */ return(-1); /* Bad news if we can't */ i = 0; /* Init data field character number */ /* Do each attribute using first-fit method, marking as we go */ /* This is rather long and repititious - could be done more cleverly */ if (atsido && !done[xunchar(c = '.')]) { /* System type */ if (max - i >= x.systemid.len + 2) { /* Enough space ? */ data[i++] = c; /* Yes, add parameter */ data[i++] = tochar(x.systemid.len); /* Add length */ for (j = 0; j < x.systemid.len; j++) /* Add data */ data[i++] = x.systemid.val[j]; numset++; /* Count that we did at least one */ done[xunchar(c)] = 1; /* Mark this attribute as done */ } else /* No */ left++; /* so mark this one left to do */ } #ifdef STRATUS if (atcreo && !done[xunchar(c = '$')]) { /* Creator */ if (max - i >= x.creator.len + 2) { /* Enough space ? */ data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(x.creator.len); for (j = 0; j < x.creator.len; j++) data[i++] = x.creator.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } if (atacto && !done[xunchar(c = '%')]) { /* File account */ if (max - i >= x.account.len + 2) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(x.account.len); for (j = 0; j < x.account.len; j++) data[i++] = x.account.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } if (atfrmo && !done[xunchar(c = '/')]) { /* Packet data format */ if (max - i >= x.recfm.len + 2) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(x.recfm.len); /* Copy from attr structure */ for (j = 0; j < x.recfm.len; j++) data[i++] = x.recfm.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } #endif /* STRATUS */ xbin = /* Is the transfer in binary mode? */ #ifdef VMS binary == XYFT_I || binary == XYFT_L || /* IMAGE or LABELED */ !strncmp(x.recfm.val,"F",1) /* or RECFM=Fxxxxxx */ #else binary /* User said SET FILE TYPE BINARY */ #endif /* VMS */ ; if (attypo && !done[xunchar(c = '"')]) { /* File type */ if (max - i >= 5) { /* Max length for this field */ data[i++] = c; if (xbin) { /* Binary */ data[i++] = tochar(2); /* Two characters */ data[i++] = 'B'; /* B for Binary */ data[i++] = '8'; /* 8-bit bytes (note assumption...) */ #ifdef CK_LABELED if (binary != XYFT_L #ifdef VMS && binary != XYFT_I #endif /* VMS */ ) binary = XYFT_B; #endif /* CK_LABELED */ } else { /* Text */ #ifdef TSOFORMAT data[i++] = tochar(1); /* One character */ data[i++] = 'A'; /* A = (extended) ASCII with CRLFs */ #else data[i++] = tochar(3); /* Three characters */ data[i++] = 'A'; /* A = (extended) ASCII with CRLFs */ data[i++] = 'M'; /* M for carriage return */ data[i++] = 'J'; /* J for linefeed */ #endif /* TSOFORMAT */ #ifdef VMS binary = XYFT_T; /* We automatically detected text */ #endif /* VMS */ } numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } #ifdef TSOFORMAT if (attypo && !xbin && !done[xunchar(c = '/')]) { /* Record format */ if (max - i >= 5) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(3); /* Three characters */ data[i++] = 'A'; /* A = variable with CRLFs */ data[i++] = 'M'; /* M for carriage return */ data[i++] = 'J'; /* J for linefeed */ } } #endif /* TSOFORMAT */ if (attypo && !xbin && !done[xunchar(c = '*')]) { /* Text encoding */ #ifdef NOCSETS if (max - i >= 3) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(1); /* Length of value is 1 */ data[i++] = 'A'; /* A for ASCII */ numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; #else if (tcharset == TC_TRANSP || !xfrxla) { /* Transfer character set */ if (max - i >= 3) { data[i++] = c; /* Encoding */ data[i++] = tochar(1); /* Length of value is 1 */ data[i++] = 'A'; /* A for ASCII (i.e. text) */ numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } else { tp = tcsinfo[tcharset].designator; if (!tp) tp = ""; aln = strlen(tp); if (aln > 0) { if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i++] = c; /* Encoding */ data[i++] = tochar(aln+1); /* Length of designator. */ data[i++] = 'C'; /* Text in specified charset. */ for (j = 0; j < aln; j++) /* Copy designator */ data[i++] = *tp++; /* Example: *&I6/100 */ numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } else done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ } if (atdato && !done[xunchar(c = '#')] && /* Creation date, if any */ (aln = x.date.len) > 0) { if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(aln); for (j = 0; j < aln; j++) data[i++] = x.date.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } /* File length in K */ if (atleno && !done[xunchar(c = '!')] && x.lengthk > (CK_OFF_T)-1) { #ifdef COMMENT sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%ld",x.lengthk); /* safe */ #else ckstrncpy((char *)&data[i+2],ckfstoa(x.lengthk),32); #endif /* COMMENT */ aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2)); if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i] = c; data[i+1] = tochar(aln); i += aln + 2; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else { data[i] = NUL; left++; } } /* File length in bytes */ if (atleno && !done[xunchar(c = '1')] && x.length > (CK_OFF_T)-1) { #ifdef COMMENT sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%ld",x.length); /* safe */ #else ckstrncpy((char *)&data[i+2],ckfstoa(x.length),32); #endif /* COMMENT */ aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2)); if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i] = c; data[i+1] = tochar(aln); i += aln + 2; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else { data[i] = NUL; left++; } } #ifdef CK_PERMS if (atlpro && !done[xunchar(c = ',')] && /* Local protection */ (aln = x.lprotect.len) > 0 && !notafile && xp == 0) { if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(aln); for (j = 0; j < aln; j++) data[i++] = x.lprotect.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } if (atgpro && !done[xunchar(c = '-')] && /* Generic protection */ (aln = x.gprotect.len) > 0 && !notafile && xp == 0) { if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i++] = c; data[i++] = tochar(aln); for (j = 0; j < aln; j++) data[i++] = x.gprotect.val[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } #endif /* CK_PERMS */ if (atblko && fblksiz && !done[xunchar(c = '(')] && !notafile && xp == 0) { /* Blocksize */ sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%d",fblksiz); /* safe */ aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2)); if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i] = c; data[i+1] = tochar(aln); i += aln + 2; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else { data[i] = NUL; left++; } } #ifndef NOFRILLS if ((rprintf || rmailf) && atdiso && /* MAIL, or REMOTE PRINT? */ !done[xunchar(c = '+')]) { aln = (int) strlen(optbuf) + 1; /* Options, if any */ if (max - i >= aln + 2) { data[i++] = c; /* Disposition */ data[i++] = tochar(aln); /* Options, if any */ if (rprintf) data[i++] = 'P'; /* P for Print */ else data[i++] = 'M'; /* M for Mail */ for (j = 0; optbuf[j]; j++) /* Copy any options */ data[i++] = optbuf[j]; numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else { data[i] = NUL; left++; } } #endif /* NOFRILLS */ #ifdef CK_RESEND if (sendmode == SM_RESEND && !done[xunchar(c = '+')]) { if (max - i >= 3) { data[i++] = c; /* Disposition */ data[i++] = tochar(1); data[i++] = 'R'; /* is RESEND */ numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } else left++; } #endif /* CK_RESEND */ /* End of Attributes -- to be sent only after sending all others */ debug(F111,"sattr","@",i); debug(F101,"sattr numset","",numset); debug(F101,"sattr left","",left); if ((left == 0 || numset == 0) && !done[xunchar(c = '@')]) { if (max - i >= 3) { data[i++] = c; /* End of Attributes */ data[i++] = SP; /* Length 0 */ data[i] = NUL; /* Make sure it's null-terminated */ numset++; done[xunchar(c)] = 1; } } /* Finished - send the packet off if we have anything in it */ if (numset) { data[i] = NUL; /* Terminate last good field */ debug(F111,"sattr sending",data,left); aln = (int)strlen((char *)data); /* Get overall length of attributes */ return(spack('A',pktnum,aln,data)); /* Send it */ } else return(0); } static char *refused = ""; static char *reason[] = { "size", "type", "date", "creator", "account", "area", "password", "blocksize", "access", "encoding", "disposition", "protection", "protection", "origin", "format", "sys-dependent", /* 0 */ "size", /* 1 */ "2", /* 2 */ "3", /* 3 */ "4", /* 4 */ "5", /* 5 */ "6", /* 6 */ "7", /* 7 */ "8", /* 8 */ "9", /* 9 */ ":", /* : */ ";", /* ; */ "<", /* < */ "=", /* = */ ">", /* > */ "name", /* ? */ "@" }; static int nreason = sizeof(reason) / sizeof(char *); int rejection = -1; char * getreason(s) char *s; { /* Decode attribute refusal reason */ char c, *p; if (rejection == 1) /* Kludge for SET FIL COLL DISCARD */ return("name"); /* when other Kermit doesn't... */ p = s; if (*p++ != 'N') return(""); /* Should start with N */ else if ((c = *p) > SP) { /* get reason, */ rejection = c; /* remember it, */ c -= '!'; /* get offset */ p = ((unsigned int) ((CHAR) c) <= (unsigned int) nreason) ? reason[c] : "unknown"; } return(p); } int rsattr(s) CHAR *s; { /* Read response to attribute packet */ debug(F111,"rsattr",s,*s); if (*s == 'N') { /* If it's 'N' followed by anything, */ refused = getreason((char *)s); /* they are refusing, get reason. */ debug(F110,"rsattr refused",refused,0); tlog(F110," refused:",refused,0L); return(-1); } #ifdef CK_RESEND if (sendmode == SM_RESEND && *s == '1') { /* RESEND length */ int n; CK_OFF_T z; CHAR *p; p = s + 1; n = xunchar(*p++); debug(F101,"rsattr RESEND n","",n); z = (CK_OFF_T)0; while (n-- > 0) /* We assume the format is good. */ z = (CK_OFF_T)10 * z + (CK_OFF_T)(*p++ - '0'); debug(F101,"rsattr RESEND z","",z); if (z > (CK_OFF_T)0) sendstart = z; debug(F101,"rsattr RESEND sendstart","",sendstart); if (sendstart > (CK_OFF_T)0) if (zfseek(sendstart) < 0) /* Input file is already open. */ return(0); #ifdef CK_CURSES if (fdispla == XYFD_C) xxscreen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,""); /* Refresh file transfer display */ #endif /* CK_CURSES */ } #endif /* CK_RESEND */ refused = ""; return(0); } /* Get attributes from incoming A packet. Returns: 0 on success, file is to be accepted -1 on failure, file is to be refused */ int gattr(s, yy) CHAR *s; struct zattr *yy; { /* Read incoming attribute packet */ char c, d; char *ff; int aln, i, overflow = 0; #ifndef NOCSETS extern int r_cset, axcset[]; #endif /* NOCSETS */ #define ABUFL 40 /* Temporary buffer for conversions */ char abuf[ABUFL+1]; #define RFBUFL 10 /* Record-format buffer */ static char rfbuf[RFBUFL+1]; #define FTBUFL 10 /* File type buffer */ static char ftbuf[FTBUFL+1]; #define DTBUFL 40 /* File creation date */ static char dtbuf[DTBUFL+1]; #define TSBUFL 10 /* Transfer syntax */ static char tsbuf[TSBUFL+1]; #define IDBUFL 10 /* System ID */ static char idbuf[IDBUFL+1]; #ifndef DYNAMIC #define DSBUFL 100 /* Disposition */ static char dsbuf[DSBUFL+1]; #define SPBUFL 512 /* System-dependent parameters */ static char spbuf[SPBUFL+1]; #else #define DSBUFL 100 /* Disposition */ static char *dsbuf = NULL; #define SPBUFL 512 /* System-dependent parameters */ static char *spbuf = NULL; #endif /* DYNAMIC */ #define RPBUFL 20 /* Attribute reply */ static char rpbuf[RPBUFL+1]; #ifdef CK_PERMS static char lprmbuf[CK_PERMLEN+1]; static char gprmbuf[2]; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ char *rp; /* Pointer to reply buffer */ int retcode; /* Return code */ d = SP; /* Initialize disposition */ ff = filnam; /* Filename returned by rcvfil */ if (fncact == XYFX_R && ofn1x && ofn1[0]) /* But watch out for FC=RENAME */ ff = ofn1; /* because we haven't renamed it yet */ /* Fill in the attributes we have received */ rp = rpbuf; /* Initialize reply buffer */ *rp++ = 'N'; /* for negative reply. */ *rp = NUL; retcode = 0; /* Initialize return code. */ if (dest == DEST_P) { /* SET DESTINATION PRINTER */ #ifdef DYNAMIC if (!dsbuf) if ((dsbuf = malloc(DSBUFL+1)) == NULL) fatal("gtattr: no memory for dsbuf"); #endif /* DYNAMIC */ dsbuf[0] = 'P'; dsbuf[1] = '\0'; yy->disp.val = dsbuf; yy->disp.len = 1; } while (c = *s++) { /* Get attribute tag */ aln = xunchar(*s++); /* Length of attribute string */ switch (c) { #ifdef COMMENT /* This case combined with '1' below */ case '!': /* File length in K */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */ abuf[i] = *s++; abuf[i] = '\0'; /* Terminate with null */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); /* If field was too long for buffer */ yy->lengthk = ckatofs(abuf); /* Convert to number */ break; #endif /* COMMENT */ case '/': /* Record format */ rfbuf[1] = NUL; rfbuf[2] = NUL; for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < RFBUFL); i++) /* Copy it */ rfbuf[i] = *s++; rfbuf[i] = NUL; /* Terminate with null */ yy->recfm.val = rfbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->recfm.len = i; /* Length of string */ if ((rfbuf[0] != 'A') || (rfbuf[1] && rfbuf[1] != 'M') || (rfbuf[2] && rfbuf[2] != 'J')) { debug(F110,"gattr bad recfm",rfbuf,0); *rp++ = c; retcode = -1; } break; case '"': /* File type (text, binary, ...) */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < FTBUFL); i++) ftbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a static string */ ftbuf[i] = '\0'; if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); /* TYPE attribute is enabled? */ if (attypi) { yy->type.val = ftbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->type.len = i; /* Length of string */ debug(F111,"gattr file type", ftbuf, i); debug(F101,"gattr binary 1","",binary); /* Unknown type? */ if ((*ftbuf != 'A' && *ftbuf != 'B' && *ftbuf != 'I') #ifdef CK_LABELED /* ... Or our FILE TYPE is LABELED and the incoming file is text... */ || (binary == XYFT_L && *ftbuf == 'A' && !xflg) #endif /* CK_LABELED */ ) { retcode = -1; /* Reject the file */ *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: type","",0); break; } /* The following code moved here from opena() so we set binary mode as soon as requested by the attribute packet. That way when the first data packet comes, the mode of transfer can be displayed correctly before opena() is called. */ if (yy->type.val[0] == 'A') { /* Check received attributes. */ #ifdef VMS if (binary != XYFT_I) /* VMS IMAGE overrides this */ #endif /* VMS */ binary = XYFT_T; /* Set current type to Text. */ debug(F101,"gattr binary 2","",binary); } else if (yy->type.val[0] == 'B') { #ifdef CK_LABELED if (binary != XYFT_L #ifdef VMS && binary != XYFT_U /* VMS special case */ #endif /* VMS */ ) #endif /* CK_LABELED */ #ifdef MAC if (binary != XYFT_M) /* If not MacBinary... */ #endif /* MAC */ binary = XYFT_B; debug(F101,"gattr binary 3","",binary); } } break; case '#': /* File creation date */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < DTBUFL); i++) dtbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a static string */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); dtbuf[i] = '\0'; if (atdati && !xflg) { /* Real file and dates enabled */ yy->date.val = dtbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->date.len = i; /* Length of string */ if (fncact == XYFX_U) { /* Receiving in update mode? */ if (zstime(ff,yy,1) > 0) { /* Compare dates */ *rp++ = c; /* Discard if older, reason = date. */ if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: date","",0); retcode = -1; /* Rejection notice. */ } } } break; case '(': /* File Block Size */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */ abuf[i] = *s++; abuf[i] = '\0'; /* Terminate with null */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); if (atblki) yy->blksize = atol(abuf); /* Convert to number */ break; case '*': /* Encoding (transfer syntax) */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < TSBUFL); i++) tsbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a static string */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); tsbuf[i] = '\0'; #ifndef NOCSETS xlatype = XLA_NONE; /* Assume no translation */ #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (atenci) { char * ss; yy->encoding.val = tsbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->encoding.len = i; /* Length of string */ debug(F101,"gattr encoding",tsbuf,i); ss = tsbuf+1; switch (*tsbuf) { #ifndef NOCSETS case 'A': /* Normal, nothing special */ tcharset = TC_TRANSP; /* Transparent chars untranslated */ debug(F110,"gattr sets tcharset TC_TRANSP","A",0); break; case 'C': /* Specified character set */ if (!xfrxla) { /* But translation disabled */ tcharset = TC_TRANSP; debug(F110,"gattr sets tcharset TC_TRANSP","C",0); break; } #ifdef UNICODE if (!strcmp("I196",ss)) /* Treat I196 (UTF-8 no level) */ ss = "I190"; /* as I190 (UTF-8 Level 1) */ #endif /* UNICODE */ if (!strcmp("I6/204",ss)) /* Treat "Latin-1 + Euro" */ ss = "I6/100"; /* as I6/100 (regular Latin-1) */ for (i = 0; i < ntcsets; i++) { if (!strcmp(tcsinfo[i].designator,ss)) break; } debug(F101,"gattr xfer charset lookup","",i); if (i == ntcsets) { /* If unknown character set, */ debug(F110,"gattr: xfer charset unknown",ss,0); if (!unkcs) { /* and SET UNKNOWN DISCARD, */ retcode = -1; /* reject the file. */ *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: character set","",0); } } else { tcharset = tcsinfo[i].code; /* it's known, use it */ debug(F101,"gattr switch tcharset","",tcharset); debug(F101,"gattr fcharset","",fcharset); if (r_cset == XMODE_A) { /* Automatic switching? */ if (tcharset > -1 && tcharset <= MAXTCSETS) { int x; x = axcset[tcharset]; if (x > 0 && x <= MAXFCSETS) { fcharset = x; debug(F101,"gattr switch fcharset","",x); } } } /* Set up translation type and function */ setxlatype(tcharset,fcharset); } break; #endif /* NOCSETS */ default: /* Something else. */ debug(F110,"gattr unk encoding attribute",tsbuf,0); if (!unkcs) { /* If SET UNK DISC */ retcode = -1; *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: encoding","",0); } break; } } break; case '+': /* Disposition */ #ifdef DYNAMIC if (!dsbuf) if ((dsbuf = malloc(DSBUFL+1)) == NULL) fatal("gtattr: no memory for dsbuf"); #endif /* DYNAMIC */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < DSBUFL); i++) dsbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a separate string */ dsbuf[i] = '\0'; if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); rs_len = (CK_OFF_T)0; if (atdisi) { /* We are doing this attribute */ /* Copy it into the attribute structure */ yy->disp.val = dsbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->disp.len = i; /* Length of string */ d = *dsbuf; #ifndef NODISPO /* Define NODISPO to disable receipt of mail or print files and of RESEND. */ if ( #ifndef datageneral /* MAIL supported only for */ #ifndef OS2 /* UNIX, VMS, and OS-9 */ #ifndef MAC #ifndef GEMDOS #ifndef AMIGA d != 'M' && /* MAIL */ #endif /* AMIGA */ #endif /* GEMDOS */ #endif /* MAC */ #endif /* OS/2 */ #endif /* datageneral */ #ifdef CK_RESEND d != 'R' && /* RESEND */ #endif /* CK_RESEND */ d != 'P') { /* PRINT */ retcode = -1; /* Unknown/unsupported disposition */ *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F101," refused: bad disposition","",d); } dispos = d; debug(F000,"gattr dispos","",dispos); switch (d) { #ifndef NOFRILLS case 'M': if (!en_mai) { retcode = -1; *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: mail disabled","",0); dispos = 0; } break; #endif /* NOFRILLS */ case 'P': if (!en_pri) { retcode = -1; *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: print disabled","",0); dispos = 0; } break; case 'R': dispos = 0; #ifdef CK_RESEND rs_len = zgetfs(ff); /* Get length of file */ debug(F111,"gattr RESEND",ff,rs_len); #ifdef VMS rs_len &= (long) -512; /* Ensure block boundary if VMS */ rs_len -= 512; /* In case last block not complete */ debug(F111,"gattr rs_len",ff,rs_len); #endif /* VMS */ #ifdef COMMENT if (rs_len < 0L) /* Local file doesn't exist */ rs_len = 0L; #endif /* COMMENT */ /* Another possibility here (or later, really) would be to check if the two file lengths are the same, and if so, keep the prevailing collision action as is (note: rs_len == length of existing file; yy->length == fsize == length of incoming file). This could be complicated, though, since (a) we might not have received the length attribute yet, and in fact it might even be in a subsequent A-packet, yet (b) we have to accept or reject the Recover attribute now. So better to leave as-is. Anyway, it's probably more useful this way. */ if (rs_len > (CK_OFF_T)0) { fncsav = fncact; /* Save collision action */ fncact = XYFX_A; /* Switch to APPEND */ } #else retcode = -1; /* This shouldn't happen */ *rp++ = c; /* 'cause it wasn't negotiated. */ if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: resend","",0); #endif /* CK_RESEND */ } #else /* NODISPO */ retcode = -1; *rp++ = c; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: NODISPO","",0); #endif /* NODISPO */ } break; case '.': /* Sender's system ID */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < IDBUFL); i++) idbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a static string */ idbuf[i] = '\0'; if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); if (atsidi) { yy->systemid.val = idbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->systemid.len = i; /* Length of string */ } break; case '0': /* System-dependent parameters */ #ifdef DYNAMIC if (!spbuf && !(spbuf = malloc(SPBUFL))) fatal("gattr: no memory for spbuf"); #endif /* DYNAMIC */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < SPBUFL); i++) spbuf[i] = *s++; /* Copy it into a static string */ spbuf[i] = '\0'; if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); if (atsysi) { yy->sysparam.val = spbuf; /* Pointer to string */ yy->sysparam.len = i; /* Length of string */ } break; case '!': /* File length in K */ case '1': { /* File length in bytes */ char * l2; CK_OFF_T xlen; for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */ abuf[i] = *s++; abuf[i] = '\0'; /* Terminate with null */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); if (rdigits(abuf)) { /* Make sure string is all digits */ xlen = ckatofs(abuf); /* Convert to number */ l2 = ckfstoa(xlen); /* Convert number back to string */ if (c == '1') debug(F111,"gattr length",abuf,xlen); else debug(F111,"gattr lengthk",abuf,xlen); if (ckstrcmp(abuf,l2,-1,1)) { /* This is how we check... */ xlen = (CK_OFF_T)-2; /* -2 = unk, possibly too long */ overflow++; debug(F111,"gattr overflow", (c == '1') ? "length" : "lengthk", xlen); } if (c == '1') { yy->length = xlen; debug(F101,"gattr length","",xlen); } else { yy->lengthk = xlen; debug(F101,"gattr lengthk","",xlen); } } /* If the length field is not numeric accept the file */ /* anyway but with an unknown length */ break; } #ifdef CK_PERMS case ',': /* System-dependent protection code */ for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < CK_PERMLEN); i++) lprmbuf[i] = *s++; /* Just copy it - decode later */ lprmbuf[i] = '\0'; /* Terminate with null */ if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); if (atlpri) { yy->lprotect.val = (char *)lprmbuf; yy->lprotect.len = i; } else lprmbuf[0] = NUL; break; case '-': /* Generic "world" protection code */ gprmbuf[0] = NUL; /* Just 1 byte by definition */ for (i = 0; i < aln; i++) /* But allow for more... */ if (i == 0) gprmbuf[0] = *s++; gprmbuf[1] = NUL; if (atgpri) { yy->gprotect.val = (char *)gprmbuf; yy->gprotect.len = gprmbuf[0] ? 1 : 0; } else gprmbuf[0] = NUL; break; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ default: /* Unknown attribute */ s += aln; /* Just skip past it */ break; } } /* Check space now, because we also need to know the file type */ /* in case zchkspa() differentiates text and binary (VMS version does) */ if (atleni && !calibrate) { /* Length attribute enabled? */ if (yy->length > (CK_OFF_T)-1) { /* Length-in-bytes attribute rec'd? */ if (!zchkspa(ff,(yy->length))) { /* Check space */ retcode = -1; /* Not enuf */ *rp++ = '1'; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: length bytes","",0); } } else if (yy->lengthk > (CK_OFF_T)-1) { /* Length in K received? */ long xlen; xlen = yy->lengthk * 1024; if (!zchkspa(ff,xlen)) { retcode = -1; /* Check space */ *rp++ = '!'; if (!opnerr) tlog(F100," refused: length K","",0); } } } if (retcode > -1L) { /* Remember the file size */ if (yy->length > (CK_OFF_T)-1) { fsize = yy->length; } else if (yy->lengthk > (CK_OFF_T)-1 && !overflow) { fsize = yy->lengthk * 1024L; } else fsize = yy->length; /* (e.g. -2L) */ } #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { #ifdef COMMENT sprintf(abuf,"%ld",fsize); /* safe */ #else ckstrncpy(abuf,ckfstoa(fsize),ABUFL); #endif /* COMMENT */ debug(F110,"gattr fsize",abuf,0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (retcode == 0) rp = rpbuf; /* Null reply string if accepted */ *rp = '\0'; /* End of reply string */ #ifdef CK_RESEND if (d == 'R') { /* Receiving a RESEND? */ debug(F101,"gattr RESEND","",retcode); /* We ignore retcodes because this overrides */ if (binary != XYFT_B) { /* Reject if not binary */ retcode = -1; /* in case type field came */ ckstrncpy(rpbuf,"N+",RPBUFL); /* after the disposition field */ debug(F111,"gattr RESEND not binary",rpbuf,binary); } else { /* Binary mode */ retcode = 0; /* Accept the file */ discard = 0; /* If SET FILE COLLISION DISCARD */ #ifdef COMMENT sprintf(rpbuf+2,"%ld",rs_len); /* Reply with length of file */ #else ckstrncpy(rpbuf+2,ckfstoa(rs_len),RPBUFL-2); #endif /* COMMENT */ rpbuf[0] = '1'; /* '1' means Length in Bytes */ rpbuf[1] = tochar((int)strlen(rpbuf+2)); /* Length of length */ debug(F111,"gattr RESEND OK",rpbuf,retcode); } } #endif /* CK_RESEND */ if (retcode == 0 && discard != 0) { /* Do we still have a discard flag? */ ckstrncpy(rpbuf,"N?",RPBUFL); /* Yes, must be filename collision */ retcode = -1; /* "?" = name (reply-only code) */ } yy->reply.val = rpbuf; /* Add it to attribute structure */ yy->reply.len = (int)strlen(rpbuf); if (retcode < 0) { /* If we are rejecting */ discard = 1; /* remember to discard the file */ rejection = rpbuf[1]; /* and use the first reason given. */ if (fncsav != -1) { fncact = fncsav; fncsav = -1; } } debug(F111,"gattr return",rpbuf,retcode); return(retcode); } /* I N I T A T T R -- Initialize file attribute structure */ int initattr(yy) struct zattr *yy; { yy->lengthk = yy->length = (CK_OFF_T)-1; yy->type.val = ""; yy->type.len = 0; yy->date.val = ""; yy->date.len = 0; yy->encoding.val = ""; yy->encoding.len = 0; yy->disp.val = ""; yy->disp.len = 0; yy->systemid.val = ""; yy->systemid.len = 0; yy->sysparam.val = ""; yy->sysparam.len = 0; yy->creator.val = ""; yy->creator.len = 0; yy->account.val = ""; yy->account.len = 0; yy->area.val = ""; yy->area.len = 0; yy->password.val = ""; yy->password.len = 0; yy->blksize = -1L; yy->xaccess.val = ""; yy->xaccess.len = 0; #ifdef CK_PERMS if (!ofperms) ofperms = ""; debug(F110,"initattr ofperms",ofperms,0); yy->lprotect.val = ofperms; yy->lprotect.len = 0 - strlen(ofperms); /* <-- NOTE! */ /* A negative length indicates that we have a permissions string but it has been inherited from a previously existing file rather than picked up from an incoming A-packet. */ #else yy->lprotect.val = ""; yy->lprotect.len = 0; #endif /* CK_PERMS */ yy->gprotect.val = ""; yy->gprotect.len = 0; yy->recfm.val = ""; yy->recfm.len = 0; yy->reply.val = ""; yy->reply.len = 0; #ifdef OS2 yy->longname.len = 0 ; yy->longname.val = "" ; #endif /* OS2 */ return(0); } /* A D E B U -- Write attribute packet info to debug log */ int adebu(f,zz) char *f; struct zattr *zz; { #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog == 0) return(0); debug(F110,"Attributes for incoming file ",f,0); debug(F101," length in K","",(int) zz->lengthk); debug(F111," file type",zz->type.val,zz->type.len); debug(F111," creation date",zz->date.val,zz->date.len); debug(F111," creator",zz->creator.val,zz->creator.len); debug(F111," account",zz->account.val,zz->account.len); debug(F111," area",zz->area.val,zz->area.len); debug(F111," password",zz->password.val,zz->password.len); debug(F101," blksize","",(int) zz->blksize); debug(F111," access",zz->xaccess.val,zz->xaccess.len); debug(F111," encoding",zz->encoding.val,zz->encoding.len); debug(F111," disposition",zz->disp.val,zz->disp.len); debug(F111," lprotection",zz->lprotect.val,zz->lprotect.len); debug(F111," gprotection",zz->gprotect.val,zz->gprotect.len); debug(F111," systemid",zz->systemid.val,zz->systemid.len); debug(F111," recfm",zz->recfm.val,zz->recfm.len); debug(F111," sysparam",zz->sysparam.val,zz->sysparam.len); debug(F101," length","",(int) zz->length); debug(F110," reply",zz->reply.val,0); #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } /* O P E N A -- Open a file, with attributes. */ /* This function tries to open a new file to put the arriving data in. The filename is the one in the srvcmd buffer. File collision actions are: OVERWRITE (the existing file is overwritten), RENAME (the new file is renamed), BACKUP (the existing file is renamed), DISCARD (the new file is refused), UPDATE (the incoming file replaces the existing file only if the incoming file has a newer creation date). Returns 0 on failure, nonzero on success. */ extern char *rf_err; int opena(f,zz) char *f; struct zattr *zz; { int x, dispos = 0; static struct filinfo fcb; /* Must be static! */ debug(F110,"opena f",f,0); debug(F101,"opena discard","",discard); adebu(f,zz); /* Write attributes to debug log */ ffc = (CK_OFF_T)0; /* Init file-character counter */ #ifdef PIPESEND if (pipesend) /* Receiving to a pipe - easy. */ return(openo(f,zz,&fcb)); /* Just open the pipe. */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ /* Receiving to a file - set up file control structure */ fcb.bs = fblksiz; /* Blocksize */ #ifndef NOCSETS fcb.cs = fcharset; /* Character set */ #else fcb.cs = 0; /* Character set */ #endif /* NOCSETS */ fcb.rl = frecl; /* Record Length */ fcb.fmt = frecfm; /* Record Format */ fcb.org = forg; /* Organization */ fcb.cc = fcctrl; /* Carriage control */ fcb.typ = binary; /* Type */ debug(F101,"opena xflg","",xflg); debug(F101,"opena remfile","",remfile); debug(F101,"opena remappd","",remappd); if (xflg && remfile && remappd) /* REMOTE output redirected with >> */ fcb.dsp = XYFZ_A; else fcb.dsp = (fncact == XYFX_A) ? XYFZ_A : XYFZ_N; /* Disposition */ debug(F101,"opena disp","",fcb.dsp); fcb.os_specific = ""; /* OS-specific info */ #ifdef CK_LABELED fcb.lblopts = lf_opts; /* Labeled file options */ #else fcb.lblopts = 0; #endif /* CK_LABELED */ if (zz->disp.len > 0) { /* Incoming file has a disposition? */ debug(F111,"open disposition",zz->disp.val,zz->disp.len); dispos = (int) (*(zz->disp.val)); } if (!dispos && xflg && remfile && remappd) /* REMOTE redirect append ? */ dispos = fcb.dsp; debug(F101,"opena dispos","",dispos); if (!dispos) { /* No special disposition? */ if (fncact == XYFX_B && ofn1x && ofn2) { /* File collision = BACKUP? */ if (zrename(ofn1,ofn2) < 0) { /* Rename existing file. */ debug(F110,"opena rename fails",ofn1,0); rf_err = "Can't create backup file"; return(0); } else debug(F110,"opena rename ok",ofn2,0); } } else if (dispos == 'R') { /* Receiving a RESEND */ debug(F101,"opena remote len","",zz->length); debug(F101,"opena local len","",rs_len); #ifdef COMMENT if (fncact == XYFX_R) /* and file collision = RENAME */ if (ofn1x) #endif /* COMMENT */ if (ofn1[0]) f = ofn1; /* use original name. */ if (fncact == XYFX_R) /* if file collision is RENAME */ ckstrncpy(filnam,ofn1,CKMAXPATH+1); /* restore the real name */ xxscreen(SCR_AN,0,0L,f); /* update name on screen */ if (zz->length == rs_len) /* Local and remote lengths equal? */ return(-17); /* Secret code */ } debug(F111,"opena [file]=mode: ",f,fcb.dsp); if (x = openo(f,zz,&fcb)) { /* Try to open the file. */ #ifdef pdp11 tlog(F110," local name:",f,0L); /* OK, open, record local name. */ makestr(&prfspec,f); /* New preliminary name */ #else #ifndef ZFNQFP tlog(F110," local name:",f,0L); makestr(&prfspec,f); #else { /* Log full local pathname */ char *p = NULL, *q = f; if ((p = malloc(CKMAXPATH+1))) if (zfnqfp(filnam, CKMAXPATH, p)) q = p; tlog(F110," local name:",q,0L); makestr(&prfspec,q); if (p) free(p); } #endif /* ZFNQFP */ #endif /* pdp11 */ if (binary) { /* Log file mode in transaction log */ tlog(F101," mode: binary","",(long) binary); } else { /* If text mode, check character set */ tlog(F100," mode: text","",0L); #ifndef NOCSETS if (xfrxla) { if (fcharset > -1 && fcharset <= MAXFCSETS) tlog(F110," file character-set:",fcsinfo[fcharset].name,0L); if (tcharset > -1 && tcharset <= MAXTCSETS) tlog(F110," xfer character-set:",tcsinfo[tcharset].name,0L); } else { tlog(F110," character-set:","transparent",0L); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ debug(F111,"opena charset",zz->encoding.val,zz->encoding.len); } debug(F101,"opena binary","",binary); #ifdef COMMENT if (fsize >= 0) #endif /* COMMENT */ xxscreen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,""); #ifdef datageneral /* Need to turn on multi-tasking console interrupt task here, since multiple files may be received (huh?) ... */ if ((local) && (!quiet)) /* Only do this if local & not quiet */ consta_mt(); /* Start the async read task */ #endif /* datageneral */ } else { /* Did not open file OK. */ rf_err = ck_errstr(); /* Get system error message */ if (*rf_err) xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0l,rf_err); else xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0l,"Can't open output file"); tlog(F110,"Failure to open",f,0L); tlog(F110,"Error:",rf_err,0L); debug(F110,"opena error",rf_err,0); } return(x); /* Pass on return code from openo */ } /* O P E N C -- Open a command (in place of a file) for output */ int openc(n,s) int n; char * s; { int x; #ifndef NOPUSH x = zxcmd(n,s); #else x = 0; #endif /* NOPUSH */ debug(F111,"openc zxcmd",s,x); o_isopen = (x > 0) ? 1 : 0; return(x); } /* C A N N E D -- Check if current file transfer cancelled */ int canned(buf) CHAR *buf; { extern int interrupted; if (*buf == 'X') cxseen = 1; if (*buf == 'Z') czseen = 1; if (czseen || cxseen) interrupted = 1; debug(F101,"canned: cxseen","",cxseen); debug(F101," czseen","",czseen); return((czseen || cxseen) ? 1 : 0); } /* O P E N I -- Open an existing file for input */ int openi(name) char *name; { #ifndef NOSERVER extern int fromgetpath; #endif /* NOSERVER */ int x, filno; char *name2; extern CHAR *epktmsg; epktmsg[0] = NUL; /* Initialize error message */ if (memstr || sndarray) { /* Just return if "file" is memory. */ i_isopen = 1; return(1); } debug(F110,"openi name",name,0); debug(F101,"openi sndsrc","",sndsrc); filno = (sndsrc == 0) ? ZSTDIO : ZIFILE; /* ... */ debug(F101,"openi file number","",filno); #ifndef NOSERVER /* If I'm a server and CWD is disabled and name is not from GET-PATH... */ if (server && !en_cwd && !fromgetpath) { zstrip(name,&name2); if ( /* ... check if pathname included. */ #ifdef VMS zchkpath(name) #else strcmp(name,name2) #endif /* VMS */ ) { tlog(F110,name,"access denied",0L); debug(F110,"openi CD disabled",name,0); ckstrncpy((char *)epktmsg,"Access denied",PKTMSGLEN); return(0); } else name = name2; } #endif /* NOSERVER */ #ifdef PIPESEND debug(F101,"openi pipesend","",pipesend); if (pipesend) { int x; #ifndef NOPUSH x = zxcmd(ZIFILE,name); #else x = 0; #endif /* NOPUSH */ i_isopen = (x > 0) ? 1 : 0; if (!i_isopen) ckstrncpy((char *)epktmsg,"Command or pipe failure",PKTMSGLEN); debug(F111,"openi pipesend zxcmd",name,x); return(i_isopen); } #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef CALIBRATE if (calibrate) { i_isopen = 1; return(1); } #endif /* CALIBRATE */ x = zopeni(filno,name); /* Otherwise, try to open it. */ debug(F111,"openi zopeni 1",name,x); if (x) { i_isopen = 1; return(1); } else { /* If not found, */ char xname[CKMAXPATH]; /* convert the name */ #ifdef NZLTOR nzrtol(name,xname,fncnv,fnrpath,CKMAXPATH); #else zrtol(name,xname); /* to local form and then */ #endif /* NZLTOR */ x = zopeni(filno,xname); /* try opening it again. */ debug(F111,"openi zopeni 2",xname,x); if (x) { i_isopen = 1; return(1); /* It worked. */ } else { char * s; s = ck_errstr(); if (s) if (!s) s = NULL; if (!s) s = "Can't open file"; ckstrncpy((char *)epktmsg,s,PKTMSGLEN); tlog(F110,xname,s,0L); debug(F110,"openi failed",xname,0); debug(F110,"openi message",s,0); i_isopen = 0; return(0); } } } /* O P E N O -- Open a new file for output. */ int openo(name,zz,fcb) char *name; struct zattr *zz; struct filinfo *fcb; { char *name2; #ifdef DTILDE char *dirp; #endif /* DTILDE */ int channel, x; if (stdouf) { /* Receiving to stdout? */ x = zopeno(ZSTDIO,"",zz,NULL); o_isopen = (x > 0); debug(F101,"openo stdouf zopeno","",x); return(x); } debug(F110,"openo: name",name,0); if (cxseen || czseen || discard) { /* If interrupted, get out before */ debug(F100," open cancelled","",0); /* destroying existing file. */ return(1); /* Pretend to succeed. */ } channel = ZOFILE; /* SET DESTINATION DISK or PRINTER */ #ifdef PIPESEND debug(F101,"openo pipesend","",pipesend); if (pipesend) { int x; #ifndef NOPUSH x = zxcmd(ZOFILE,(char *)srvcmd); #else x = 0; #endif /* NOPUSH */ o_isopen = x > 0; debug(F101,"openo zxcmd","",x); return(x); } #endif /* PIPESEND */ if (dest == DEST_S) { /* SET DEST SCREEN... */ channel = ZCTERM; fcb = NULL; } #ifdef DTILDE if (*name == '~') { dirp = tilde_expand(name); if (*dirp) ckstrncpy(name,dirp,CKMAXPATH+1); } #endif /* DTILDE */ if (server && !en_cwd) { /* If running as server */ zstrip(name,&name2); /* and CWD is disabled, */ if (strcmp(name,name2)) { /* check if pathname was included. */ tlog(F110,name,"authorization failure",0L); debug(F110,"openo CD disabled",name,0); return(0); } else name = name2; } if (zopeno(channel,name,zz,fcb) <= 0) { /* Try to open the file */ o_isopen = 0; debug(F110,"openo failed",name,0); /* tlog(F110,"Failure to open",name,0L); */ return(0); } else { o_isopen = 1; debug(F110,"openo ok, name",name,0); return(1); } } /* O P E N T -- Open the terminal for output, in place of a file */ int opent(zz) struct zattr *zz; { int x; ffc = tfc = (CK_OFF_T)0; x = zopeno(ZCTERM,"",zz,NULL); debug(F101,"opent zopeno","",x); if (x >= 0) { o_isopen = 1; binary = XYFT_T; } else return(0); return(x); } /* O P E N X -- Open nothing (incoming file to be accepted but ignored) */ int ckopenx(zz) struct zattr *zz; { ffc = tfc = (CK_OFF_T)0; /* Reset counters */ o_isopen = 1; debug(F101,"ckopenx fsize","",fsize); xxscreen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,""); /* Let screen display know the size */ return(1); } /* C L S I F -- Close the current input file. */ int clsif() { extern int xferstat, success; int x = 0; fcps(); /* Calculate CPS quickly */ #ifdef datageneral if ((local) && (!quiet)) /* Only do this if local & not quiet */ if (nfils < 1) /* More files to send ... leave it on! */ connoi_mt(); #endif /* datageneral */ debug(F101,"clsif i_isopen","",i_isopen); if (i_isopen) { /* If input file is open... */ if (memstr) { /* If input was memory string, */ memstr = 0; /* indicate no more. */ } else { x = zclose(ZIFILE); /* else close input file. */ } #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"clsif zclose","",x); debug(F101,"clsif success","",success); debug(F101,"clsif xferstat","",xferstat); debug(F101,"clsif fsize","",fsize); debug(F101,"clsif ffc","",ffc); debug(F101,"clsif cxseen","",cxseen); debug(F101,"clsif czseen","",czseen); debug(F101,"clsif discard","",czseen); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if ((cxseen || czseen) && !epktsent) { /* If interrupted */ xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,""); /* say so */ #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,psfspec,fsize,binary,1,"Interrupted"); #endif /* TLOG */ } else if (discard && !epktsent) { /* If I'm refusing */ xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_REFU,0l,refused); /* say why */ #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) { char buf[128]; ckmakmsg(buf,128,"Refused: ",refused,NULL,NULL); doxlog(what,psfspec,fsize,binary,1,buf); } #endif /* TLOG */ } else if (!epktrcvd && !epktsent && !cxseen && !czseen) { CK_OFF_T zz; zz = ffc; #ifdef CK_RESEND if (sendmode == SM_RESEND || sendmode == SM_PSEND) zz += sendstart; #endif /* CK_RESEND */ debug(F101,"clsif fstats","",zz); fstats(); /* Update statistics */ if ( /* Was the whole file sent? */ #ifdef VMS 0 /* Not a reliable check in VMS */ #else #ifdef STRATUS 0 /* Probably not for VOS either */ #else zz < fsize #ifdef CK_CTRLZ && ((eofmethod != XYEOF_Z && !binary) || binary) #endif /* CK_CTRLZ */ #endif /* STRATUS */ #endif /* VMS */ ) { xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,""); #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,psfspec,fsize,binary,1,"Incomplete"); #endif /* TLOG */ } else { #ifdef COMMENT /* Not yet -- we don't have confirmation from the receiver */ xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0l,""); #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,psfspec,fsize,binary,0,""); #endif /* TLOG */ } } } i_isopen = 0; hcflg = 0; /* Reset flags */ sendstart = (CK_OFF_T)0; /* Don't do this again! */ #ifdef COMMENT /* This prevents a subsequent call to clsof() from deleting the file when given the discard flag. */ *filnam = '\0'; /* and current file name */ #endif /* COMMENT */ return(x); } /* C L S O F -- Close an output file. */ /* Call with disp != 0 if file is to be discarded. */ /* Returns -1 upon failure to close, 0 or greater on success. */ int clsof(disp) int disp; { int x = 0; extern int success; fcps(); /* Calculate CPS quickly */ debug(F101,"clsof disp","",disp); debug(F101,"clsof cxseen","",cxseen); debug(F101,"clsof success","",success); debug(F101,"clsof o_isopen","",o_isopen); if (fncsav != -1) { /* Saved file collision action... */ fncact = fncsav; /* Restore it. */ fncsav = -1; /* Unsave it. */ } #ifdef datageneral if ((local) && (!quiet)) /* Only do this if local & not quiet */ connoi_mt(); #endif /* datageneral */ if (o_isopen && !calibrate) { if ((x = zclose(ZOFILE)) < 0) { /* Try to close the file */ tlog(F100,"Failure to close",filnam,0L); xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_ERR,0l,"Can't close file"); #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,prfspec,fsize,binary,1,"Can't close file"); #endif /* TLOG */ } else if (disp) { /* Interrupted or refused */ if (keep == 0 || /* If not keeping incomplete files */ (keep == SET_AUTO && binary == XYFT_T) ) { if (*filnam && (what & W_RECV)) /* AND we're receiving */ zdelet(filnam); /* ONLY THEN, delete it */ if (what & W_KERMIT) { debug(F100,"clsof incomplete discarded","",0); tlog(F100," incomplete: discarded","",0L); if (!epktrcvd && !epktsent) { xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_DISC,0l,""); #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,prfspec,fsize,binary,1,"Discarded"); #endif /* TLOG */ } } } else { /* Keep incomplete copy */ debug(F100,"clsof fstats 1","",0); fstats(); if (!discard) { /* Unless discarding for other reason... */ if (what & W_KERMIT) { debug(F100,"closf incomplete kept","",0); tlog(F100," incomplete: kept","",0L); } } if (what & W_KERMIT) { if (!epktrcvd && !epktsent) { xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INC,0l,""); #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,prfspec,fsize,binary,1,"Incomplete"); #endif /* TLOG */ } } } } } if (o_isopen && x > -1 && !disp) { debug(F110,"clsof OK",rfspec,0); makestr(&rfspec,prfspec); makestr(&rrfspec,prrfspec); fstats(); if (!epktrcvd && !epktsent && !cxseen && !czseen) { xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0L,""); #ifdef TLOG if (tralog && !tlogfmt) doxlog(what,rfspec,fsize,binary,0,""); #endif /* TLOG */ } } rs_len = (CK_OFF_T)0; o_isopen = 0; /* The file is not open any more. */ cxseen = 0; /* Reset per-file interruption flag */ return(x); /* Send back zclose() return code. */ } #ifdef SUNOS4S5 tolower(c) char c; { return((c)-'A'+'a'); } toupper(c) char c; { return((c)-'a'+'A'); } #endif /* SUNOS4S5 */ #endif /* NOXFER */