/* -> h.ckafio */ struct FileData {int loadaddr, execaddr, length, attrib;}; struct BTim {int low, high;}; /* * Functions (n is one of the predefined file numbers from ckermi.h): */ extern int chkfn( int ); extern int zopeni( int, char * ); /* Opens an existing file for input. */ extern int zopeno( int, char * ); /* Opens a new file for output. */ extern int zclose( int ); /* Closes a file. */ /* Gets the next character from an input file. */ extern int zchin( int, char * ); /* Write a null-terminated string to output file, buffered. */ extern int zsout( int, char * ); /* Like extern int zsout, but appends a line terminator. */ extern int zsoutl( int, char *); /* Write x characters to output file, unbuffered. */ extern int zsoutx( int, char *, int); /* Add a character to an output file, unbuffered. */ extern int zchout( int, char ); /* Check if named file exists and is readable, return siextern int ze. */ extern long zchki( char * ); /* Check if named file can be created. */ extern int zchko( char * ); /* Make a new unique file name based on the given name. */ extern void znewn(char *, char ** ); extern int zdelet( char * ); /* Delete the named file. */ /* Expands the given wildcard string into a list of files. */ extern int zxpand( char * ); /* Returns the next file from the list in "string". */ extern int znext( char * ); extern int zxcmd( char * ); /* Execute the command in a lower fork. */ /* Close input file associated with extern int zxcmd()'s lower fork. */ extern int zclosf( void ); /* Convert remote filename into local form. */ extern void zrtol( char *, char *); /* Convert local filename into remote form. */ extern void zltor(char *, char *); extern int zchdir( char *); /* Change working directory. */ extern char *zhome( void ); /* Return pointer to home directory name string. */ extern int zkself( void ); /* Kill self, log out own job. */