From: TC at BHVC 30-OCT-1985 13:03 To: SYSKERMIT Dear Alan, I have cobbled a version of 86kerio for the Future Computers FX30/FX20. It will run under both CP/M-86 and Concurrent CP/M. To work correctly with Concurrent it should be built with the Concurrent version of kerutl (by Mark Hewitt); the resulting kermit will then run correctly under both types of CP/M. Any mail should be sent to me (TC) at The Civ Eng Vax at Brum (DTE 000020010901). You might have problems with mail; you might get remote procedure errors. We believe this is a problem with our PSE software, so keep plugging away. An alternative route is to mail MJHewitt@lut.multics, and the message will be passed on. Tony Chabot, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Birmingham.