Notes on LMKERMIT -- Kermit for LMI and Symbolics Lisp Machines This document created by Mark Ahlstrom starting 6/12/85. To build LMKERMIT on LMI systems, see the file lmilod.lisp **************************************************************** To build LMKERMIT on Symbolics systems, start by modifying the file lm3600.tra to include your physical host and translations for the location of the lmkermit files in your Symbolics file system. (For other examples, see the sections of the Symbolics documentation called "Loading the System Definition" and "Making a System" in the Program Development Utilities manual, Section II -- Maintaining Large Programs.) Then move both the lm3600.tra and lm3600.sys files in your sys:site; logical directory, and rename them to kermit.translations and kermit.system respectively. The kermit system can then be built using the command: (make-system 'kermit :compile) Once built in your environment, kermit can be run by selecting it from the system menu program menu, the system menu create menu, or by the select key sequence: