Os9 kermit (Glen Seaton/Robert Larson/James Jones) (01/26/86) (ral) Compilation warnings: Use the switches defined in os9ker.hlp to configure for your system. Compilation on a coco takes 165 pages of free memory, and takes about 40 min. on a stock system. Single sided disk users will have to move the documentation, etc. elsewhere to have enough room for the .r files. Known bugs: Server functions were not completely correct when I got them. I tried to fix the get and quit functions, but not the actual host server mode. Use server functions with caution. Timeout interval is unstable and incorrect. I did not consider this a problem worth worrying about. It does do timeouts reliably and with no system dependent code. (Except a few compile time constants.) Messages should go to stderr rather than stdout. Connect mode on a Coco bit banger port has been reported to be unreliable. The problems is the bit banger port uses more than 90% of the cpu time to receive characters at full speed, so insufficent time is left to display them one at a time. I have modified the os9con.c routine to do multi-character i/o if the sgstat routine returns the number of characters available. It would be nice if someone could contribute an interupt driven /t1 driver that does this. (possilbly based on the public domain one in the os9 users group library.) Note this has yet to be tested on a coco. Spelling in documentation, messages and comments may be incorrect. Still untested: Os9 system acting as host, especially in server mode. Desired features: Speed setting of external line. (Use xmode or tmode currently.) Simple single compile switches for systems other that COCO. More server functions, for both host and guest modes. 8-bit quoting. Make overlap a function of the device being written to. (I.e. QT+ needs it for floppy but not ramdisk or hard disk.) ------------------------------