KERMIT UCMICRO is a modification of KERMIT UCSD (UCTERAK version) written by Kate MacGregor of Cornell University. UCMICRO was created by Tim Shimeall of the University of California, Irvine, to run on a Western Digital Pascal Microengine. Rather widespread, but superficial, changes were made in the translation from UCTERAK to UCMICRO KERMIT. This version of KERMIT is written entirely in UCSD Pascal, version III.0, under the Vol- ition Systems operating system. It should work on any Pascal Microengine, since no version-dependent features were used. The following files make up KERMIT UCMICRO: kermit.text - Main program (declarations, show, set and connect commands with file inclusion commands to bring in the rest of the files) wdforw.text - "forward" declarations for routins in wdprocs.text help.text - segment procedure to provide on-line assistance sendsw.text - segment procedure to send files recsw.text - segment procedure to receive files parse.text - segment procedure to parse user commands wdprocs.text - Pascal Microengine specific device drivers utils.text - general utitility functions rsutils.text - utitility functions shared by recsw and sendsw segments help.doc - this file. In the Kermit distribution, the .TEXT files are concatenated together into a single file, UCMICRO.PAS. In this file, each file begins with a line like {>>>> name}, as follows: {>>>> KERMIT.TEXT} {>>>>WDFORW.TEXT} {>>>> HELP.TEXT} {>>>> SENDSW.TEXT} {>>>> RECSW.TEXT} {>>>> PARSE.TEXT} {>>>>WDPROCS.TEXT} {>>>>UTILS.TEXT} {>>>>RSUTILS.TEXT} The Pascal Microengine has the UCSD P-System interpreter implemented in microcode. It therefore has no accessible assembly language, so routines that were done in assembler under the UCTERAK version had to be redone in Pascal for the UCMICRO version. These routines were adapted from a set written by Tim Shimeall for PCNET, and are contained in the file "wdprocs.text". Further, the Microengine is not interrupt-driven, so the "input queue" approach taken in the UCTERAK version had to be replaced by polling in the UCMICRO version. Once operating, the program had two per- sistant problems: a) it would run out of memory, causing a program halt after each file send and receive, and b) it wouldn't wait long enough for a packet to arrive. To free up more memory during file transfers, the com- mand parser was converted from a "unit" (seperately compiled library module) to a "segment procedure" (overlay segment). The UCTERAK KERMIT version used a retry counter for packet timing. The retry limit specified only allowed for a 1 second tolerance on the Pascal Microengine (a Microen- gine is about 4 times faster than a Terak). UCMICRO has a machine- dependent package timeout feature, using a retry counter in a loop of known duration as a clock. UCMICRO has the following limitations: a) No wild card designations of file names b) No eight-bit file quoting c) No character repeat counts d) No '?' and at the end of a command line. e) No server communications f) Sending and receiving cannot be done on anything but .TEXT files (which contain a two block header and space compression codes, and are divided into two-block "pages" which are padded with nulls to ensure an integral number of lines in each "page"). g) Only one file is sent at a time (a break packet is sent after each file). KERMIT UCMICRO has been thoroughly tested in connections with UNIX KERMIT, but errors may persist. In particular, since polling has replaced interrupts in this version, characters may occasionally be lost. However, character loss has NOT been observed during testing of the final version of KERMIT UCMICRO. The commands recognized by KERMIT UCMICRO are the same as those for KERMIT UCTERAK. Another limitation on UCSD-KERMIT (shared between UCTERAK and the UCMICRO version): Each line in the file received can be no longer than 80 characters. There's a "quick fix" for this, but since I hope to make the file transfer capacity more general later on, I'll just list the fix here: To make the maximum length 255 chars instead of 80: 1) delete the first two statements and the declarations of the variables 'ls:integer' and 's:string' from the procedure "bufemp" in the file RSUTILS.TEXT 2) Add the following two statements to the procedure "initialize" in the file KERMIT.TEXT: s:=''; (* note: two single quotes with nothing between *) ls:=0; 3) change the declaration of "s:string" near line 129 of the file KERMIT.TEXT to s:string[255]; 4) add the following line immediately after the declaration of "s:string[255]" (line 129 of KERMIT.TEXT): ls:integer; What this does is to move "s" and "ls" (length of s) out to become global declarations ("s" is otherwise unused), and to expand "s"'s maximum length to 255 (maximum allowed by UCSD). As I said, I hope to make a more general file transfer mechanism soon (which will permit data and code files to be transferred as well as text), but "soon" can be a relatively long period of time. Maybe this fix can also be made to the other UC versions of kermit. Tim