From: Kent Sullivan Date: Tue, 29 Sep 729 15:09:44 PDT Subject: Announcing Commodore 64/128 Kermit Version 2.2 for the SwiftLink-232 Keywords: Commodore 64 Kermit, SwiftLink-232 Xref: Commodore 128, See Commodore 64 Commodore 64/128 Kermit version 2.2 for the SwiftLink-232 serial interface is now available. This special adaptation of Commodore Kermit supports modems interfaced via the SwiftLink-232 serial port interface only. As such, this version is not considered to be a general upgrade from the existing Kermit v2.2. The SwiftLink-232 is a third-party, high-speed serial interface for the Commodore 64/128. With this interface, higher serial communication speeds are possible. Kermit for the SwiftLink-232 supports communication speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps. Information on ordering a SwiftLink-232 from its manufacturer (Creative Micro Designs) is provided in the file C64SLK.TXT in the Kermit archives (kermit/c directory). Commodore Kermit, both for the standard C-64/128 and the SwiftLink-232, may be downloaded from the Kermit archives or obtained on a CBM floppy disk. For instructions on downloading Kermit from the archives, see either C64KER.AAA (standard) or C64SLK.AAA (SwiftLink-232) in the kermit/c directory. For instructions on obtaining Kermit on a floppy disk, see the same files or send electronic mail to Kent Sullivan ( Many thanks to Matthew Sorrels and Ray Moody for making this program a reality. [Ed. - And thanks to Kent for putting everything together and sending it in! See next message for details about the files.] ------------------------------ From: Kent Sullivan Date: Tue, 29 Sep 729 19:17:48 PDT Subject: Reorganization and Updating of Commodore Kermit Files Keywords: Commodore 64 Kermit Following the release of C-64/128 Kermit for the SwiftLink-232 interface (see previous announcement), all of the C-64/128 Kermit v2.2 files have been re-organized and updated. Some files have changed, some have been deleted, and some new files have been created. However, the actual Kermit v2.2 program has not changed. Below is a summary of the major changes: 1) New Kermit v2.2 for the SwiftLink-232-interface-only released. 2) Documentation (C64KER.DOC) updated to reflect new native-media distribution arrangements and terms. 3) New "read me first" help file (C64KER.AAA for standard Kermit, C64SLK.AAA for SwiftLink-232 Kermit) created. 4) New instructions file (C64KER.PAL) created for modifying standard Kermit to run on European (PAL) C-64s and C-128s. 5) New utility to create an autoboot sector (C-128s only) for standard Kermit (C64KER.SEC) and SwiftLink-232 Kermit (C64SLK.SEC) added. 6) Bootstrapping utility (C64BOOT.BAS and C64BOOT.C) completely re-written to be more user-friendly and robust. Many thanks to Matt Sorrels and Ray Moody for overhauling this utility. 7) Binary versions of the Kermit files placed in the kermit/bin directory of the Kermit archives, as a convenience for those who can make use of them. 8) Outdated information in other files removed and/or updated. Below is a summary of the Commodore Kermit file groups in kermit/c (Tape C): C64BOOT.* Bootstrapping utility for standard or SwiftLink-232 Kermit C64KER.* Standard Commodore 64/128 Kermit v2.2 C64SLK.* Commodore 64/128 Kermit v2.2 for the SwiftLink-232 interface Note that the C64DXL.* files have been deleted; they are no longer needed. Below is a summary of the Commodore Kermit file groups in kermit/bin: C64HELP.TXT Short read-me file describing the binary files below C64KER.* Binary collection of standard Commodore 64/128 Kermit v2.2 files C64SLK.SDA Binary collection of Commodore 64/128 Kermit v2.2 files for the SwiftLink-232 interface [Ed. - Note: these files have lowercase names on and uppercase names on BITNET KERMSRV@CUVMA. The binary files are available on watsun only; use FTP in binary mode to retrieve them (except note that c64help.txt is actually a text file.]