; 18 jly 85 esj converted ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BUFEMP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E'F A:S(NWLS) E'O BUFEMP.(BUFFER,LEN) ; write out the content of the buffer out to the receiving disk file ; BUFFER is an integer array which holds the data ; LEN tells how many bytes are there in this buffer array ; ; NOTE -- the following /INCLUDES refer to files that are included below ; without the "BYU.PROG." prefix. There are many /INCLUDES for these files, ; so watch out! /INCLUDE BYU.PROG.KERMIT.SYM.EQU.KERCOM /INCLUDE BYU.PROG.KERMIT.SYM.EQU.KERDEF I'R BUFFER(132),LEN,CH,I,T # E'E HEXDMPP.(0,LEN,0,BUFFER) I=0 ;start with the very first charact W'E (I.L.LEN) ;put LEN characters into disk file T=BUFFER(I) ;get the next character from buffe W'R (T.EQ.MYQUOTE) ;is this my quote character I=I+1 ;increment the counter T=BUFFER(I) ;get next character from buffer W'R (T.NE.MYQUOTE), T=CTL.(T) ;is this quote character the ;actual QUOTE character E'L W'R (T.NE.LF), E'E DPUTCH.(T,FD) ;filter out LF I=I+1 E'W F'N E'N