; 23 jly esj on cr, add lf ; 18 jly 85 esj converted ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BUFILL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E'F A:S(NWLS) E'O BUFILL.(BUFFER) ; fill up the buffer with character byte from the sending disk file ; BUFFER is used to stored the data from the sending disk file /INCLUDE BYU.PROG.KERMIT.SYM.EQU.KERCOM /INCLUDE BYU.PROG.KERMIT.SYM.EQU.KERDEF I'R I,BUFFER(132) I=0 R'T E'E DGETCH.(T,FD) ;keep reading byte from the d W'R T .E. -1 , B'K ;file until we reach an EOF,o ;we have enough byte to fill ;buffer, return from within t ;directly W'R ((T.LT.BLANK).OR.(T.EQ.DEL).OR.(T.EQ.QUOTE)) W'R (T.EQ.CR) ;it is the line delimiter of BUFFER(I)=QUOTE ;this system, insert the CR I=I+1 ;before the LF BUFFER(I)=CTL.(CR) I=I+1 T = LF ; and put lf in buffer E'L BUFFER(I)=QUOTE ;we got a character that I=I+1 ;quoting W'R (T.NE.QUOTE),T=CTL.(T) E'L BUFFER(I)=T I=I+1 W'R (I.GT.(SPSIZ-8)) ;read up to spsiz-8 byte from disk LCLSTATE=I ;I byte was read F'N LCLSTATE E'L F'R W'R (I.EQ.0) LCLSTATE=EOF ;zero byte was read F'N LCLSTATE O'E LCLSTATE=I ;partial EOF was detected F'N LCLSTATE E'L F'N LCLSTATE E'N