29-Sep-86 22:26:11-EDT,1441;000000000011 Return-Path: Received: from cucca.columbia.edu by CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU with TCP; Mon 29 Sep 86 22:26:09-EDT Received: from columbia.edu (columbia.edu.ARPA) by cucca.columbia.edu (4.12/5.10) id AA21860; Mon, 29 Sep 86 22:25:38 edt Received: from seismo.CSS.GOV ([]) by columbia.edu (5.54/1.14) id AA08046; Mon, 29 Sep 86 22:26:26 EDT Received: from ubc-vision.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14) id AA25775; Mon, 29 Sep 86 22:17:54 EDT Received: by ubc-vision.UUCP id AA08713; Mon, 29 Sep 86 18:32:22 pdt Received: by watmath; Mon, 29 Sep 86 21:31:36 edt Date: Mon, 29 Sep 86 21:31:36 edt From: Guy Middleton Message-Id: <8609300131.AA21694@watmath.uucp> To: sy.fdc@cu20b.columbia.edu Subject: Honeywell Kermit Hi again. I got both Honeywell Kermits, and I have been trying them out. The one written in B (HDPS8.*) seems to be more complete, and has better documentation. One small problem is that it will compile under an old version of B, but not the current one. To bring it up-to-date, one should change all references to ".LCWD_" and ".LDUWD_", to ".LCWD" and ".LDUWD", dropping the underscore. Also, the routine 'rep.st' (in the file kermit/s/b_lib/rep.st.b) is no longer necessary. Are you the right person for me to be telling this? -Guy Middleton, University of Waterloo MFCF/ICR