NPS Modifications for KERMIT Installation The primary communication requirements for KERMIT operation are that async lines on the DATANET pass all printable ASCII characters (as spececified in the KERMIT protocol manual) and the CTL-A (SOH) character be passed to Time Sharing. As released NPS does not support these requirements, therefore modifications must be made prior to KERMIT installation. NPS modules NHMP and NTAB must be modified to change the character delete from the @ character. Most sites will use the backspace character. The NPS Software Release Bulletin addresses the required changes in Section 18 for the NT4 release. In the base release the CTL-A (SOH) is used as a connect character for a private DAC line. The SOH must be replaced with an alternate control character (ie: CTL-T). This modification is made in the module NHMP. The code to be changed resides in the DACSOH locmop. Any site customization which could effect transparency of any ASCII characters or the CTL-A character through the DATANET should be reworked prior KERMIT installation. DAVE HARSHBARGER HONEYWELL-FSD (202) 696-6016