.AP.SP 2 .PS 60,70 Kermit-10 now has a lot of patches put into it. The first set of patches is based on those submitted by PIMA. The subsequent patches are added in order to make Kermit-10 similar to Kermit-32. The last patch is to change all the search file names to K10??? as opposed to KER???. .B 2 .HL 1;PATCH [127] Based on the patches we received from PIMA the following changes have been added to KERMIT and KERUNV. .B.LS .LE;Fix IFN stopcode if syntax error in KERMIT.INI. .LE;Add help text for connect mode ESCape commands. Q (Quit) and R (Resume) logging .LE;Add SET XON-XOFF-PROCESSING to determine how Xon/Xoff should be handled during connect. .LE;Add a new File Byte Size of 36-Bits for 10/20 transfers .ELS.B These changes are in Modules KERMIT and KERUNV .b .HL 1;PATCH [130] _& [3_.1_.045] When attempting to do multiple file sends from Kermit-10, the prompt indicating subsequent sends is screwed up. It sends: the sent file name, followed by, "as ", "Sending: ", and then, the original file name. This is due to the timing of when NEXT__FILE prints the "Sending: " prompt. The fix is to take the subsequent file sending prompt out of KERMSG and put it into KERMIT. This fixes the problem, but it also requires a similar patch to be put into KERMIT-32 and PROKERMIT. .B Changes were to Modules KERMIT and KERMSG. .B .HL 1;PATCH [131], [132], _& [133] Make KERMIT-10 look similar to KERMIT-32. Alow KERMIT to set the IBM handshaking character, incase the IBM character is something other than _^Q. Fix the IBM macro defined to set up the three parameters required for IBM transfers, this means to add in the setting of the handshake character. The kludge use of IBM-MODE is no longer needed, remove it. .B The changes are in Module KERMIT .B .HL 1;PATCH [134] Since the distribution files for KERMIT-10 are changed to K10???.???, lets make the source file names that in the first place. This requires that all search file names must be changed to K10???. The prologue in K10UNV should remain as KERMIT or else you won't be able to find the help file for KERMIT. Also there is a new help file which contains the SET HANDSHAKE and SET XON-XOFF-PROCESSING help. The help file also modifies the the SET IBM-MODE command to SET IBM which initiates the IBM macro. .B These changes were done to ALL Modules.