.LM0.RM80 .NPA The following reflects Kermit-10 version 3(123). .B .C;New features and changes in Kermit-10 .C;------------------------------------- .B There have been a number of new features which have been added to Kermit-10. .LS .LE;The "SET PROMPT xxx" command has been added. .le;When running as a user Kermit (i.e., talking to a server), it is possible to access all of the generic command functions (REMOTE commands) that were specified in edition 4 of the protocol manual. .le;When Kermit-10 is running as a remote Kermit (i.e., transferring over a terminal other than the controlling terminal line), typing a control-A will give a single status line, typing a control-D will toggle debugging on or off, and typing a carriage return will force a timeout (usually causing a NAK or retransmission). .LE;There is now a SET SERVER-TIMER command to set the period for NAKs to be sent when the server is idle. If this value is set to zero, the server will only send out NAKs if it receives a bad message. This is useful when the Kermit on the other end cannot clear its buffers. .le;It is now possible to assign a terminal other than the jobs controlling terminal as the default device for file transfers. If the logical name "KERMIT" is assigned to a terminal, that terminal will be the default device for all transfer operations (and for the CONNECT command). This acts as if a "SET LINE KERMIT:" command was given upon startup. .le;Kermit-10 should now work correctly on non-network systems. .le;A few bugs in wild-card file specification processing have been fixed. Kermit-10 should now handle pathological and ersatz device names correctly. .le;A TAKE command has been added. Note that a file being "TAKEn" cannot contain TAKE commands, since OPRPAR does not handle more than one level of indirection. .le;A DEFINE commands has been added. This allows macros to be defined for collections of setable parameters. Any items which can be SET with the SET command can be used within a macro definition. Commas are used to separate parameters. The SET command can also now take multiple parameters separated by commas. .le;The SET FILE-BYTE-SIZE and SET FILE-WARNING commands have been changed to SET FILE BYTE-SIZE and SET FILE WARNING. This is both to make the commands easier to type (SET F B instead of SET FILE-B), and to allow for the new command SET FILE NAMING. The new command specifies how file names being sent and received are to be treated. The possible arguments are: .LS1.LE;FULL-FILE-SPECIFICATION - include the device name and path in any file name being sent. When receiving a file name, do not do any special processing on the name before trying to use it as a file name. .LE;NORMAL-FORM - include only the file name and extension (no device or path) in any file name being sent. Convert any non-alphanumeric characters to "X". When receiving a file specification, convert any non-alphanumeric characters to "X". .LE;UNTRANSLATED - include only the file name and extension when sending a file name, do not change any characters in the file name or extension. When receiving a file specification, do not do any special processing on the name before trying to use it. .ELS .LE;The KL10 only instructions (ADJBP's) have been replaced with more acceptable ones. This should make Kermit-10 run on KI10s without problems. .le;When running as a server Kermit, some of the generic command functions are processed. The following generic server commands (REMOTE commands) are supported in server mode (and as LOCAL commands): .LS1 .LE;CWD - Change working directory. The default path for the job will be set to the path supplied as an argument. Any password supplied is ignored. If no arguments are supplied, the default path is set to that which was in effect when Kermit-10 was started (not necessarily the user's PPN). .LE;DELETE/ERASE - Delete files. The files specified by the (possibly wildcard) file specification supplied as an argument are deleted. For each file that matches the file specification Kermit-10 will reply with the file specification and size of file (in blocks). .le;DIRECTORY - List directory. The files which match the file specification supplied as an argument are listed along with their size (in blocks) and their creation dates. .LE;HELP - Give help message. Kermit-10 will reply with a help message indicating which server commands are supported, and what the arguments should be. Any argument to the HELP command are ignored. .LE;SPACE - Show disk space usage. Kermit-10 will reply with a message indicating the amount of space in use and amount remaining with respect to logged in and logged out quotas, and total free space remaining on the structure. If no argument is given, the values will be listed for all structures for the user's PPN. .LE;STATUS - Status of Kermit-10. Kermit-10 will reply with a message that indicates the amount of data that has been sent or received. .LE;TYPE - Type a file or files. The file specification supplied may be wild-carded. .ELS .le;The LOG command has been added to support log files. There are currently two types of log files implemented - SESSION and DEBUG. The SESSION log is used in connection with the CONNECT command to log all characters which are being typed on the user's terminal. The DEBUG log is used for debugging output (when debugging is enabled). The LOG DEBUG command is an alternative to the previous SET DEBUGGING-LOG, but does not enable debugging output. With both types of log files, the user may specify whether the file should supersede an already existing file by the same name, or append to it. Since Kermit-10 only opens the file during either a connect session (the SESSION log) or a file transfer transaction (the DEBUG log), it will switch to appending to the file after it has initially opened it. .ELS .b .c;Kermit Sources .c;------ ------- .b The following describes the various source files which make up Kermit-10. The names used are those which are normally used when Kermit-10 is distributed along with other Kermits. Before using these files, the "K10" prefix must be changed to "KER" (i.e., K10MSG.MAC ==> KERMSG.MAC). Note that the .BLI files are common to Kermit-10, VAX/VMS Kermit-32, and Pro/Kermit. In certain cases, the K10xxx.BLI files may only contain a pointer to the actual file containing the full source (for example, K10MSG.BLI may say "The complete source may be found in VMSMSG.BLI."). .b Common BLISS source modules: .ls .LE;K10TT.BLI - Common BLISS source for the terminal text output support. This module produces K10TT.MAC. .LE;K10GLB.BLI - Common BLISS source for the global storage for K10MSG.BLI. This module produces K10GLB.MAC. .LE;K10MSG.BLI - Common BLISS source for the protocol handling module. This module produces K10MSG.MAC. .LE;K10COM.REQ - Common BLISS require file which defines various common parameters. This is required by K10MSG.BLI. This must be renamed to KERMSG.BLI. .els The following files are specific to Kermit-10: .LS .LE;K10UNV.MAC - Definitions of common symbols. Must be renamed to KERUNV.MAC. .LE;K10MIT.MAC - Command parser, basic support routines for file and terminal I/O. .le;K10WLD.MAC - Wild-card file processor (derived from WILD). .LE;K10SYS.MAC - System interface routines. This contains system dependent routines for K10MSG for handling various server commands. .le;K10MSG.MAC - Protocol handling module. This is actually produced by BLISS-36 from K10MSG.BLI. .LE;K10MSG.MAI - KI10 verison of K10MSG.MAC. This contains no KL10 only instructions. .le;K10GLB.MAC - Global storage used by the message processing. .le;K10ERR.R36 - BLISS-36 require file needed by K10MSG.BLI to define the error codes passed between the protocol module and the rest of Kermit-10. This file must be renamed to KERERR.R36. .LE;K10TT.MAC - Terminal text output support routines for the protocol module. This are used for debugging output as well as file specification and packet number typeout. This file is generated by BLISS-36 from K10TT.BLI. .LE;K10TT.MAI - KI10 version of K10TT.MAC. .LE;K10MIT.RNH - RUNOFF (DSR) source for Kermit-10 help file. .LE;K10MIT.HLP - Help file for Kermit-10. This is formatted for the OPRPAR help subroutine. .LE;K10MIT.CCL - Command file for Link-10 to load Kermit-10. .ELS The following files are included only if the distribution path supported full 36-bit binary files. .LS1 .LE;K10MIT.EXE - Executable version of Kermit-10 for KL10 based systems. .LE;K10KIT.EXE - Executable version of Kermit-10 for KI10 based systems. .ELS