AAAREAD.ME -- Brief Guide to Kermit Files, November 1994 File names all start with letters and are of the form "name.type", and will normally appear in alphabetical order in a directory listing or on a tape. Files whose names start with "aa" (like this one) -- normally appearing at the top of a directory listing -- give general information about Kermit. Kermit programs are stored in the Kermit distribution areas with related files grouped together using filename prefixes; the names of all the files for a certain implementation all start with the same 2- or 3-character prefix, for instance all the files for MS-DOS Kermit have names starting with "ms", the files names for C-Kermit all start with "ck". The following file describes what's available in the Kermit distribution: aafiles.hlp - Explanation of what files are available and how they are named. Files whose names start with AAV are brief, complete lists of existing, available Kermit versions, sorted in various ways: aavers.hlp -- Master list, in no particular order aavnew.hlp -- Listed in reverse chronological order of release date aavops.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by operating system only aavpfx.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by prefix, regardless of tape aavsys.hlp -- Listed alphabetically by machine and operating system aavtap.hlp -- Listed by tape (A,B,C,D,E), then alphabetically by file prefix And finally there are some bureaucratic files, whose names start with AAX: aaxfly.doc -- The Kermit flyer and mail-order form. aaxcom.doc -- The policy on commercial use and distribution of Kermit. (End of