20-Nov-90 21:29:22-GMT,29002;000000000001 Return-Path: Received: by watsun.cc.columbia.edu (5.59/FCB) id AA02155; Tue, 20 Nov 90 16:21:26 EST Date: Tue, 20 Nov 90 16:21:26 EST From: Christine M Gianone To: Info-Kermit Subject: Info-Kermit Digest V12 #7 Reply-To: Info-Kermit@watsun.cc.columbia.edu Queries-To: Info-Kermit-Request@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Message-Id: Info-Kermit Digest Tue, 20 Nov 1990 Volume 12 : Number 7 Today's Topics: Announcing IBM Mainframe MVS/TSO Kermit-370 Version 4.2.1 Announcing CP/M Kermit Version 4.10 for Testing New Test Release of Microsoft Windows Kermit Another New Prerelease of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 Rainbow Kermit Updated Too (for testing) New Kermit for Gould/SEL 32/77 MPX MS-Kermit 3.02 Argument Handling, Keyboard Mapping Re: Kermit REMOTE SET Command Kermit for STRATUS/VOS? Kermit vs Hypercard? Digest submissions may be sent to Info-Kermit@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU or to KERMIT@CUVMA.BITNET. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a SUN-4/280 running UNIX (SUNOS 4.1), IP host number Login as user anonymous (note, lower case), any password, and GET or MGET (MULTIPLE GET) the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. Test versions are in kermit/test. Binaries are in kermit/bin (use ftp in binary mode). You can also get Kermit files over the BITNET/EARN network; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file kermit/a/aanetw.hlp (AANETW.HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu Nov 15 11:45:38 1990 From: "John F. Chandler" Subject: Announcing IBM Mainframe MVS/TSO Kermit-370 Version 4.2.1 Keywords: IBM 370 Kermit, MVS/TSO Kermit Xref: TSO Kermit, See MVS/TSO Kermit, IBM 370 Kermit Kermit-370 version 4.2.1 for TSO has now been released. For the most part, this release matches the version 4.2.1 for CMS announced in September, but there are some system-specific differences. Version 4.2.1 has several improvements over 4.2.0, the most important being: 1. Kermit-370 supports file transfers through the IBM 3174 AEA with B2 microcode (or higher). The support is restricted to terminals with the ASCII Graphics capability in three ways: a) The terminal type must be defined in the 3174 to support graphics (only the built-in VT241 and Tektronix 4205 types plus suitable user-defined terminal types). b) The line must be defined without an associated Host Addressable Printer. c) If the 3174 is owned by VTAM, the connection must be made with a logmode that allows the Read Partition Query (such as M2SDLCQ). Kermit-370 automatically detects the B2 AEA and sets CONTROLLER accordingly (to AEA if graphics is allowed, to NONE if not, or to GRAPHICS if Query is denied). Since the 3174 supports full 8-bit communication, it may be useful to configure the ports for 8-bit data and to set both SEND and RECEIVE PARITY to NONE in Kermit-370. 2. Overflow of the fullscreen buffer is now avoided when the receiving Kermit asks for 2K packets. 3. Kermit-370 now supports transfers in LATIN2 and LATIN3 and file storage in CP870, CP880, and CP905. In addition, L1, L2, and L3 are recognized as aliases for the three LATIN sets, and two-character abbreviations are accepted for the other transfer sets as well. The new sets add support for Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Esperanto, Galician, Hungarian, Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, and Turkish. 4. Kermit-370 has three new subcommands: REMOTE MAIL, REMOTE PRINT, and REMOTE SUBMIT. They transmit a file (or group of files via wild cards) tagged for mailing, printing, and submitting as job, respectively. 5. Spurious flow-control "packets" from MS-Kermit are now ignored. 6. When downloading ISPF PDS members, Kermit-TSO now uses the ISPF modification date as the time stamp (if attributes are enabled). 7. Kermit-370 now uses the FILE COLLISION settings for all files in a group rather than just the first. 8. The format of KER.LOG for SET DEBUG I/O has been extended to give hexadecimal buffer dumps like those of CMS Kermit. The new release is in the form of updates to be applied to the 4.2.0 source. The new files are IKTKER.UPD and IKTKER.BWR. The new code has been tested on both IBM 7171's (demonstrating downward compatibility) and IBM 3174's (many thanks to the beta testers!), and the CMS version had already been tested on other types of protocol converters, but problems may still turn up. Bug reports are welcome, as usual. A similar release 4.2.1 will soon be available for MUSIC. Also, watch for release 4.2.1 for CICS. [Ed. - Thanks, John! The new files are in in the B area of Kermit distribution: iktker.ann (this message), iktker.bwr (the beware file), and iktker.upd (the updates to be applied to the program to produce the new version; see iktker.ins for instructions.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:18:55 EST From: Mike Freeman Subject: Announcing CP/M Kermit Version 4.10 for Testing Keywords: CP/M-80 Kermit Just to prove that the CP/M world still exists, here is CP/M Kermit-80 Version 4.10. New features include: o SET COLLISION {BACKUP/DISCARD/RENAME/REPLACE} o SET INCOMPLETE-FILES {DISCARD/KEEP} o Many REMOTE commands, including some REMOTE SET commands o RENAME command to rename CP/M files from within Kermit-80 o SET RECEIVE/SEND PACKET-LENGTH nn (nn <= 94) o Many bug fixes o Kermit-80 Version 4.10 now supports the Microbee family of computers (56K, 64K, 128K and 256K) manufactured by Microbee Systems, Ltd, of Australia. Technical changes: o An "I" packet is now tried before the request for files is sent in a GET command o The overlay address is now 7000H o The overlay (CPXLNK.ASM) has an added INCFLG variable to handle INCOMPLETE-FILES status Syntax hints: In REMOTE commands such as REMOTE COPY, REMOTE MESSAGE, REMOTE RENAME, REMOTE WHO etc., where two arguments are required, the syntax is as for Vax VMS Kermit, i.e., REMOTE Prompt: For example: REMOTE COPY New file: The REMOTE LOGIN command has three arguments, of which the last two are prompted for an entered on new lines. Arguments are optional. In commands such as REMOTE SET FILE BLOCK-SIZE which take a numeric argument, Kermit-80 does not check the argument for validity. Whatever is typed is what the host sees. The FCOPY command has been renamed COPY. The syntax for the RENAME command is as for the COPY command, that is: RENAME More rigorous checking for wildcards is now done by both of these commands. SET BAUD-RATE is now SET SPEED. The CONNECT command no longer can be abbreviated to "C"; the minimum acceptable abbreviation is now "CON". The option SET FILE DEFAULT has ben re-enabled. Use a TAKE-file to set the initial file-mode to ASCII or BINARY. Building Kermit-80 ver. 4.10: Kermit-80 ver. 4.10 is built using the same procedure as for version 4.09. Many thanks to those who have contributed bug fixes, and, in particular, to Mr. Russell Lang of Monash University, Australia, for contributing a bug-fix and the family file for the Microbee systems. [Ed. - Many thanks, Mike! We hauled out our original Kermit Superbrain from nine years ago, downloaded the system-independent hex file and the "Brain"-dependent hex file, combined them with MLOAD, and the new version worked perfectly. But because CP/M Kermit runs on so many different computers, we are installing it in the Kermit test area for now. If you encounter any problems with it, send e-mail to Mike at the address above. After a decent testing interval, it will replace version 4.09 in the main distribution area. The Kermit test area is kermit/test on watsun, and T: on CUVMA. All CP/M-80 Kermit filenames start with the letters CP. There are more than a hundred files, so first get the file CPAAAA.HLP, which lists and describes the files, read it, and then request the files you need. An updated version of MLOAD is also included as MLOAD.*. An updated manual will be available shortly. Thanks again to Mike for all the work that went into this release.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Oct 90 18:10:57 PDT From: william@xlnvax.novell.com (William Hall) Subject: New Test Release of Microsoft Windows Kermit Keywords: Microsoft Windows Kermit WIN100.EXE, a version of Kermit with VT100 and VT52 terminal emulation for Microsoft Windows, is available on an experimental basis from the Kermit distribution center. Programs are available for both Windows 2.x and Windows 3.0 and replace the previously released WN100K.EXE. Except for bug fixes, the 2.x version will not receive further enhancements. The 3.0 version will undergo several improvements over the next several months as time permits including the release of all sources when legally possible. Plans include basic server support as well as extensions of the emulation to include VT220 and H19 as well as 8 bit character sets. 4010/4014 support and Telapi support are also planned for the future. Accompanying the programs is a font file suitable for use on VGA displays which allow for proper display of bold characters and DEC special graphics. [Ed. - Many, thanks, Bill! The new files are in ~kermit/test/win*.* on watsun for Internet anonymous ftp access, and T:WIN*.* on CUVMA for BITNET KERMSRV access.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu Nov 15 11:47:07 1990 From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Another New Prerelease of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 >From Joe Doupnik's change log: 71. Expand the command line internal variable value substitution syntax \v(variable) to encompass internal variables: ARGC PATH COUNT TIME DATE VERSION ERRORLEVEL Allow "?" help and word completion on these items as well. Now scripts can include additional controls such as IF equal \v(date) 09-16-1990 echo it's \v(time) on Sunday Notice that \v(variable) yields a text string and cannot be combined with the strictly numerical IF test conditions of <, =, and >. For numerical tests employ the form IF > time 12:00 echo the time is past noon Some basic concepts are as follows. - Intrinsic (built-in) commands do not affect the \%0..\%9 variables, but user created commands (Macros) do create a private version of \%0..\%9. - To be a command the keyword, intrinsic or macro, must be the first word at the Kermit prompt. Commas in Macros start a fresh command line even though the Kermit prompt is usually not displayed on the screen while within a macro. Thus in the definition below of macro test DEFINE test echo \%0 \%1,mywords,echo test mywords \%1 there are three commands (they start at the effective Kermit prompt): echo TEST mywords becomes whatever macro mywords is defined as echo test mywords The argument to this last echo cmd is the simple text "test mywords" plus the first argument to test. In the text neither test nor mywords is replaced by its definition, and echo is an intrinsic command. - String substitution variables, \% and \v(variable), are always immediately replaced by their definition string no matter where they are used outside of a DEFINE command. - ASSIGN is similar to DEFINE except that whereas DEFINE uses the definition text as a literal string ASSIGN first evaluates the text, i.e. it replaces \% and \v(variable) items with their string, at the time the ASSIGN statement is executed. 72. More work on Tektronix BYPASS mode. By popular demand, ensure that BYPASS mode stays on (discards incoming characters) until a control character arrives from the host, or the screen is cleared, or the emulator is reset. Previous test editions of version 3.02 waited for a local control code to be generated. Files affected are msgibm.asm and msyibm.asm. 73. Correct tiny bug introduced by item 70. File mssker.asm And plug a security hole of two Control-C's in a row from a remote client causing server mode to exit if FIN/BYE is disabled. Files msscom.asm and mssser.asm. 74. Modify the action of the BYE/FINISH/LOGOUT command from an MS-DOS Kermit client. Previously these would complete successfully whether or not the server host sent an Error packet. It has been discovered that C Kermit version 5A sends an Error packet response if BYE has been Disabled. To keep things rational MS-DOS Kermit now stays active if an Error packet is received for these commands. Script writers may want to issue an extra command to EXIT Kermit regardless. An MS-DOS Kermit server returns an ACK with a message that the command is disabled, it logs out the user, it hangs up the connection, and it returns to being a server waiting for another customer, all if BYE is disabled. 75. Adjust the FILE TRANSFER CHARACTER-SET tables for LATIN5/Cyrillic to use ISO 8859-5 (Latin/Cyrillic) on the wire and presume Code Page 866 (Alternate Cyrillic) in the machine. Modify the character set name from LATIN5 to CYRILLIC. Cyrillic uses an ISO 2022 announcer of ESC L. File mssfil.asm is changed. 76. Add to list of \v(variable) items the variables PLATFORM and SYSTEM. Platform returns the machine name, such as IBM-PC, and System returns the operating system name, MS-DOS, for MS-DOS Kermit. This is to match C Kermit 5A. In addition, add the objects PLATFORM and SYSTEM to the WRITE command; they may be followed by optional text: WRITE SESSION Platform and this is a good machine. FIles changed are msscmd.asm and msster.asm 77. Correct a sneaky bug regarding testing for DESQview which led to over writing of a few Help messages in the main body of MS-DOS Kermit/IBM-PC. File msyibm.asm. 78. Add numerical variable KEYBOARD to IF statements, \v(variable), and WRITE statements so that Take files can be tailored to fit either 88 (so-called Old AT) or 101 (so-called Enhanced) keyboards. The value is either 88 (default) or 101 or 250. The determination of 88 or 101 is made at Kermit startup. The IBM PC version also permits the value 250 if the LK250 keyboard is selected (SET KEY LK250) and external driver is present for the Digital keyboard. Files affected are msuibm, msscmd, mssscp, and msster. 79. Enhancements to SET PORT EBIOS for IBM LANACS. - Let the baud rate be set for BIOSn and EBIOS ports for IBM-PC version. Initially they will show as "unknown" until set by the user. In addition to the speed 8 data bits and no parity are set. For EBIOS, the port being adjusted is really that on the asynchronous server; the local PC uses NetBios and EBIOS to simulate that remote port across the network. - Add new optional final command argument of the EBIOS server port name SET PORT EBIOS such as SET PORT EBIOS 1 modem-2400 If the server port name is omitted then the port name is taken from the EBIOS table on the client machine, such as resuming an old connection. This option removes the necessity of using the REDIRECT.EXE program, part of the LANACS package, because Kermit does a simple redirection of the selected local port to the named host port (and the name is persumed to be a unique one rather than a group name). If another type of connection is desired then (a) omit the sever port name in the SET PORT EBIOS cmd and (b) perform the redirection with REDIRECT.EXE. Each instance of SET PORT EBIOS uses its own port information of speed, parity, flow control, handshake, and local-echo. msxibm.asm, msster.asm 80. On the formatted file transfer screen add " of n" to the Window slots line, where n is the maximum number negotiated between Kermits. msssho.asm 81. Correct bug in processing CSI ? 256 n leading to crashes. Thanks to Risto Laitinen. File msgibm.asm 82. Modify the strategy for DEC Autoprint, CSI ? 5 (and 4) i from printing each character as it arrives to printing display lines only as the cursor is moved off it by an autowrap or LF, FF, or VT (otherwise do not print the line). Thanks to Michael Wolter for pointing out the problem. mszibm 83. Also, preserve the state of VTxxx terminal emulator printing around processing of DEC Set Conformance Level commands, e.g. CSI 63; 1 " p. Plus, correct a small bug resetting the cursor column to zero when writing to a host owned status line. Tnx to Michael Wolter and John E. Davis. 84. 12 Oct, two small fixes - ensure REM FILE TYPE remembers the command while being an MS-DOS Kermit server (mssser.asm), and cure a small \v(variable) bug in file msscmd.asm. 85. Correct a problem of not sending an XON following a failed RUN or PUSH command. An XOFF sent automatically as Kermit shells to DOS. The XOFF/XON pair is used to suspend host output while DOS is in charge. mssker.asm 86. 25 Oct. Fix some parser problems (Control-C handling, ASK command line editing) introduced with internal changes made over the past three weeks. Files changed are msscmd.asm and mssset.asm. 87. Modify the action of pressing the Enter key while a script INPUT command is in progress. Previously it meant "assume a match has occurred" so the script could progress. Now it means "assume a timeout has occurred" and report a failure status. People seem to prefer the latter approach. mssscp 88. 2 Nov. Add internal support of Microsoft compatible mouse for Tektronix GIN crosshairs. Both the regular cursor keys and the mouse can function together. Pressing either mouse button is the same as pressing the Enter key. The mouse driver must be active for Kermit to use it (include line DEVICE=path\MOUSE.SYS in file CONFIG.SYS for permanent residency, or give the DOS command MOUSE ON for temporary residency of the MS mouse driver). This addition bypasses any active mouse menu programs such as DEFAULT.COM during Tektronix emulation but they continue to run otherwise. MS-DOS Kermit uses standard Microsoft Interrupt 33h mouse calls. msgibm.asm 89. Extend automatic detection of unexpected parity in packets to include the first four protocol characters rather than the first two. In addition, perform the test only on the first good received packet of a file transfer group. The test is effective only if the local parity setting is NONE, and if another setting is detected from the host then the local setting is changed permanently. Files msscom, mssrcv, msssen, msssser.asm. 90. Correct some subtlities in command line parsing when a local prompt is offered, such as in GETting files with an overriding local name. Files msscmd.asm and mssker.asm. 91. Add a text cursor symbol, an 8x8 dot hollow box, in Tektronix graphics terminal emulation mode so we can see where we are. The box is removed before generating a TIFF format screen dump (default keys Control-End) and it is restored afterward. The box is XOR'd with the picture so that no information is lost. File msgibm.asm. 92. Add command SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS CURSOR {ON, OFF}, default is ON. This permits one to turn off the text cursor while in graphics (Tek) mode. The cursor is suppressed around almost all drawing and Sixel commands. Add command SET TERMINAL GRAPHICS COLOR which is analogous to the text mode command SET TERM COLOR and uses the same color values. Two technical notes: the background color cannot be given bold attributes, and the colors are stored in DEC VT340 color palette slots 0 (background) and 7 (foreground). Be wary of two side effects of colored graphics screens: most Print Screen programs will put a black dot on the printer paper if a dot is illuminated at all, and Sixel graphics normally add (OR) to the exiting dot coloring and hence the coloring may not be what was intended. Resetting the emulator restores the colors specified by these SET TERMINAL commands. Files msyibm.asm and msgibm.asm 93. To the mouse support add setting of the span of cursor motions to be the current screen dimensions, for mouse drivers which may not do this automatically. An internal item, no user commands. Thanks to Leland Bruns of Intel. More changes are expected. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Nov 90 22:55:21 EST From: Robert Weiner Subject: Rainbow Kermit Updated Too (for testing) Keywords: Rainbow Kermit, DEC Rainbow, MS-DOS The current version of DEC Rainbow 100 MS-DOS Kermit is ready for testing and is available on watsun.cc.columbia.edu in the following files: ~kermit/test/mstrb1.boo BOO Encoded MS-DOS Executable ~kermit/bin/mstrb1.exe MS-DOS Executable This version was built using the current generic MS-DOS Kermit modules which exist on watsun.cc.columbia.edu in the ~kermit/test directory, and therefore contains many of the bugfixes and enhancements which have been mentioned for the IBM-PC version. [Ed. - A version of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 for the Heath/Zenith 100 is expected soon too. Watch Info-Kermit for an announcement.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed Nov 7 17:01:54 1990 From: Christine M Gianone Subject: New Kermit for Gould/SEL 32/77 MPX Keywords: Gould/SEL Kermit, MPX Kermit This is to announce a Kermit server program for the Gould/SEL 32/77 computer with the MPX 1.5E operating system, from Barry M. Wilson, Queensland Electricity Commision, Belmont State Control Centre, 311 Wecker Road, Mansfield, Queensland 4122, Australia, phone (07) 343 0211. There is no user interface, it is a server only. It supports long packets, up to 768 bytes in and 1000 bytes out. It handles run-length compression encoding in incoming packets, but does not compress when sending. There is no further documentation. The source files and build procedure are collected together into a single file, kermit/d/gm3ker.jar (a "join archive") on watsun for anonymous FTP (Internet) and GM3KER.JAR from KERMSRV at CUVMA (BITNET). Thanks to Barry for doing the work and sending it in! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Oct 90 17:20:36 -0700 From: mcc@WLV.IMSD.CONTEL.COM (Merton Campbell Crockett) Subject: MS-Kermit 3.02 Argument Handling, Keyboard Mapping Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 When using version 3.02 of MS-Kermit, I get an error, "?word xxxxx not usable here.", when entering the command dial xxxxx however, although an error is reported, the HAYES.TAK command file is invoked and attempts to dial "ATDTxxxxx"--not exactly the intended operation. The DIAL macro is the one defined in Christine Gianone's MSKERMIT.INI file. The LOOKUP macro was modified as shown below. The macros worked under version 3.00 and 3.01. [Ed. - Right you are. There were many complaints about the way Kermit's macro arguments were handled -- they were not saved and restored across calls like real function arguments. Now they are. Unfortunately this breaks the nice LOOKUP and DIAL macros. They must be slightly recoded to use a global variable. Hopefully the benefits are worth it. Something like this, maybe: def lookup - if eq \%1 compuserve def \%9 7654321,- if eq \%1 telenet def \%9 8765432,- if eq \%1 fishnet def \%9 9876543,- if eq \%1 hairnet def \%9 5551234,- if def \%9 assign \%n \%9 ; DIAL macro to dial a number. The argument can be either a telephone ; number or a string defined in a lookup(x) macro. The macro requires ; HAYES.TAK to be in the current directory or in a defined DOS PATH. def dial if = argc 2 assign \%n \%1,- if < argc 2 if not def \%n fatal {Dial what?},- if > argc 2 fatal {No spaces please.},- lookup \%n,- assign \%1 \%n,- take hayes.tak I connect to several different office automation systems based on Unix platforms which presume that the "terminal" is a DEC VT100 class terminal and make heavy use of the VT100 keypad for functions and subfunctions. I also use EDT on IAS and VMS platforms. The following excerpt from my MSKERMIT.INI command file may be of interest to others with 101 key keyboards who find MS-DOS Kermit standard mappings hard to remember or would just prefer to have the keypad in a manner more similar to a VT100, VT200, or VT300 class terminal. [Ed. - Many thanks, your contribution has been added to MSIVT3.INI, our collection VT300 keyboard mappings...] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1990 Oct 10 22:35 EDT From: "John F. Chandler" Subject: Re: Kermit REMOTE SET Command Keywords: REMOTE SET, Kermit Commands, Remote Commands > This is actually a tricky situation. The idea was that TRANSPARENT should > be the default, for compatibility with the hundreds of Kermit programs that > do not support the character-set extension. > Let's not forget that it would be the default only for systems whose native character set is ASCII. Its meaning, in fact, is rather nebulous, since it is very similar to FILE TYPE BINARY for ASCII systems. What it means, in short, is "use the FILE CHARACTER-SET for the TRANSFER (or vice versa)." However, a TRANSPARENT sender cannot presume to tell the receiver what character set to use, so the situation is, indeed, tricky. The natural Encoding attribute for TRANSPARENT transfers is "*!A" on all ASCII systems (or perhaps no attribute at all), but there is *no* natural value on non-ASCII (e.g., EBCDIC) systems. > Adding a new designator to denote TRANSPARENT might confuse Kermits that > don't understand it, including Kermits that support the character-set > extension, if that designator were to arrive in an Attribute packet. > You bet. > So far, it has been an implementation decision about whether character-set > changes based on incoming attribute packets are "sticky". If they are, this > presents the problem that there is no way for a client to tell a server to > switch from translation to transparent. > .. except, of course, REMOTE KERMIT SET TRANSF CHAR TRANSP. > So it would appear that a decent compromise would be to invent a new > designator, say K0, for TRANSPARENT, and to support it in REMOTE SET > TRANSFER CHARACTER-SET commands, but, at least for a time, not use it in > Attribute packets. Opinions?] > Yes. I would say, though, that K0 should never be allowed in A-packets. John ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 90 20:17:40 GMT From: dje@uswat.uswest.com Subject: Kermit for STRATUS/VOS? Keywords: Stratus, VOS Looking for a version of KERMIT that runs on STRATUS and supports full set of KERMIT commands. Currently have a version of KERMIT that only knows how to receive ASCII files. Would like to have a version that supports both sending and the receiving and can act as both the initiating and terminating end of a KERMIT session. Also, would like a version that supports the transportation of binary files. A portable version would be acceptable. [Ed. - Good luck! In fact, you seem to have more than we do -- our listings don't show any entries for Stratus at all. Anybody out there know anything or working on anything for the Stratus? We have a similar request from Bill Oliver, MD, Department of Hospital Labs, UNC Hospitals, oliver@durham.med.unc.edu.] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Oct 90 18:15:13 GMT From: gf07+@andrew.cmu.edu (Gordon Maskew Fair, III) Subject: Kermit vs Hypercard? Keywords: Hypercard Kermit Has there been a stack created that will allow one to use all the kermit, and/or xmodem, and/or ymodem commands? If there is anything somewhat like this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance, Gordon ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest *************************