5-Jan-91 3:01:32-GMT,16348;000000000001 Return-Path: Received: by watsun.cc.columbia.edu (5.59/FCB) id AA09528; Fri, 4 Jan 91 21:52:26 EST Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 21:52:25 EST From: Frank da Cruz To: Info-Kermit Subject: Info-Kermit Digest V13 #1 Reply-To: Info-Kermit@watsun.cc.columbia.edu Queries-To: Info-Kermit-Request@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Errors-To: Info-Kermit-Request@watsun.cc.columbia.edu Message-Id: Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 4 Jan 1991 Volume 13 : Number 1 Today's Topics: New Release of Apple II Kermit New Release of VAX/VMS Kermit-32 Another Prerelease of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 Ready for Testing New Update of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 for the Victor 9000 New Update of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 for the DEC Rainbow Updated Auxilliary Files for Kermit-370 CP/M Kermit version 4.10 Enhancements TOPS-10 Kermit Files Repaired Digest submissions may be sent to Info-Kermit@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list to Info-Kermit-Request@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU or to KERMIT@CUVMA.BITNET. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a SUN-4/280 running UNIX (SUNOS 4.1), IP host number Login as user anonymous (note, lower case), any password, and GET or MGET (MULTIPLE GET) the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. Test versions are in kermit/test. Binaries are in kermit/bin (use ftp in binary mode). You can also get Kermit files over the BITNET/EARN network; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file kermit/a/aanetw.hlp (AANETW.HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed Dec 5 09:16:51 1990 From: Christine M Gianone Subject: New Release of Apple II Kermit Keywords: Apple II Kermit 3.87 >From Ted Medin, . Here is his description of the new release: 1. Decimal numbers allowed in lots of places. 2. Screen restore on "connect" for //e or better. 3. Kermit file attributes are handled. 4. Percent of file transferred where possible (file attributes required). 5. Lots of bug fixes (will we ever get the vt100 right :-) 6. Kermit protocol bug fixes. 7. Escape character "\" can be used in file names for file xfers. 8. Show volumes - (ProDos only) shows the prefixes of the online volumes. 9. Escape V - When connected will toggle cursor-keys-vt100. 10. Some vt102 printer codes are handled - don't expect much. 11. New driver for the Ace dual card. Thanks to Andy Tefft. Now for a list of credits for those who helped. I'm sure I missed someone so please accept my appoligies: Doug Ashbrook, Todd Bakal, Ralph Carpenter, Grant Delaney, Les Ferch, Paul Hirose, Steve Kunz, Ted Lee, Murphy Sewell, Andy Tefft, Dick Wotiz. (End Quote) The new files are in kermit/a/app*.* on watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Internet) and they are available from KERMSRV at CUVMA (BITNET/EARN). ------------------------------ Date: Wed Dec 5 09:16:51 1990 From: Christine M Gianone Subject: New Release of VAX/VMS Kermit-32 Keywords: VAX/VMS Kermit >From Jonathan Welch, a minor new release of Kermit-32 for VAX/VMS, version 3.3.128. The new release replaces version 3.3.126, and contains two corrections: a bug when transferring files containing print carriage control, and problems operating in non-interactive (e.g. batch) mode. The files are in the B area, kermit/b/vms*.* on watsun, VMS*.* on CUVMA KERMSRV. The file vmsmit.hex is KERMIT.EXE encoded in hex format, which you can convert back to EXE format using the VMSDEH program, also supplied in the same area. See the file VMSAAA.HLP for instructions. Thanks to Jonathan for keeping Kermit-32 alive! ------------------------------ Date: Tue Jan 1 20:37:42 1991 From: Christine M Gianone Subject: Another Prerelease of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 Ready for Testing Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 3.02, IBM PC Here are the changes since the last announcement, from Joe Doupnik's MSR302.UPD file. The new version is ready for testing in kermit/test/mstibm.boo in BOO file format, convertible to executable .EXE file using any of the kermit/b/msbpct.* programs, or as a directly executable binary file in kermit/bin/mstibm.exe. As usual, many thanks to Joe for his constant and devoted attention to this program. 94. Make several internal changes to the code for SET PORT TES, with no changes to user level commands. File msxibm.asm. 95. 26 Nov. Fix two problems introduced this past week: unwanted ghost cursor boxes in graphics emulation mode if character writing is opaque and the display is CGA or Hercules, and loss of \Knethold for TES. Files changed are msgibm.asm and msxibm.asm. 96. Another graphics terminal emulation fix for the case of using opaque character writing with monochrome displays when the characters do not start on a multiple of 8 horizontal PC dots. File msgibm.asm 97. Add a problem solver from Frank da Cruz: if Kermit times out waiting for a packet character to arrive then send an XON to the host, if such flow control is active, to free a host which might have received an XOFF as a stray line noise character. File msscom.asm 98. Add more flexibility to the REMOTE LOGIN command so that it can be stated on one line, particularly for Take files, and yet retain the ability to use embedded spaces in all three fields. To use embedded spaces surround the quantity with curly braces, {..}. An example is a username of "my name" and a password of "no show": REM LOGIN {my name}{no show} or equivalently REM LOGIN {my name} {no show} The account name is omitted in this example. Kermit will prompt for the items only if nothing is specified after the word LOGIN. File mssser.asm, done on 6 Dec. 99. Improve performance of the Novell TELAPI communications path. Command TELAPI between single Character and Line Mode depending on what Kermit sends, because otherwise TELAPI will send Kermit packets as a long burst of TCP/IP Telnet packets each holding one data character. This boosted the Kermit to Kermit file sending speed from 240 to 1990 file characters per second in one test situation (an 8MHz AT to a MicroVAX II using Kermit-32 version 3.3.126 and 1000 byte packets). However, because of the way TELAPI Line Mode works this gain is obtained only if the end-of-packet character on packets sent by MS-DOS Kermit is the default 13 (Carriage Return); other values will result in TELAPI using its method of a single character per Telnet packet. That is, when TELAPI is in Line Mode a Carriage Return is required to send its buffer. Second, side step a particularly slow TELAPI operation when receiving characters. This boosted reception from 240 to 1720 file characters/sec in a similar test. All changes are in file msxibm.asm. Done on 8 Dec 1990. 100. Add a finishing touch to SET PORT TELAPI to handle the case of starting a NEW or RESUMING an existing connection when the command is given. 101. By request, add additional Tek submode entry and exit commands of ESC 1 enter Tek submode from text emulator and clear Tek screen; ignored if Tek mode is disabled. ESC 2 exit Tek submode from text emulator; ignored if acting as a full Tek terminal (SET TERM TEK). Files changed are msgibm.asm and mszibm.asm 102. Make a couple small changes to files msxibm.asm and mssset.asm to ensure that changes to flow control take effect immediately rather than waiting for the serial port to be closed and reopened manually (by changing ports and changing back again). 103. Two small changes. Ensure received packet retry counter does not increase when any legally framed packet arrives, rather than considering only those in the current window. File mssrcv.asm. Add tiny time windows when the serial port interrupt routine can permit other interrupts to be serviced while it reads bytes from the FIFO of a 16550A UART chip. Previously interrupts were turned off during the entire read process. Improvments will be noticed only on machines already running in a nearly overloaded situation. This feature may be removed if any bad reports arrive. File msxibm.asm. 104. Add screen-clear command CLS to clear the screen at Kermit command level, especially for Take files and Macros (Control-L does it by hand). File mssker.asm, done 17 Dec 1990. 105. Add correction to file msxibm.asm to prevent sending an XOFF if the communications port is inactive. Affects situations such as starting Kermit and saying DIR before doing anything else. 106. Remove item 97. At least one IBM mainframe Kermit objects to an XON when reading packets (however slowly it may respond). File msscom.asm, 23 Dec. 107. Add support for 132x25 screens with the new IBM XGA display adapter. Tnx to Bert Tyler at NIH. File msyibm.asm 108. Small correction in file msuibm.asm, IBM PC keyboard reader, to work around a PS/2 keyboard Bios problem with the keypad "5" key. 109. Ensure that during terminal emulation out going bytes of values greater than 9fh are not converted into 7-bit control form (ESC letter) under any circumstance. Only bytes in the C1 control code area may be converted. File msyibm.asm 110. Correct small error in identifying the transfer character set given in received attributes packets. Also, if an arriving file indicates a Transfer Character Set of CYRILLIC then force use of CP866 for that particular file and revert back to normal afterward. File mssrcv.asm And if the user manually selects CP866 then retain that setting around pushing to DOS. File msxibm.asm 111. During file transfers pressing either Control-Q or just Q sends an XON code to the other side, regardless of our flow control setting. This is to manually free a host blocked by a stray XOFF. File msscom.asm Joe has also written a capsule summary of the changes from version 3.01 to 3.02. It is available in the file kermit/test/msr302.doc, about 36K in length. Thanks again, Joe! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 23:53:57 EST From: "Joe R. Doupnik" Subject: New Update of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 for the Victor 9000 Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 3.02, Victor 9000 Kermit I completed a quick upgrade of the Victor 9000 (Sirius 1) Kermit material from version 2.29 to 3.02 and placed the files on ~kermit/test. I lack a Victor upon which to test these changes so we need to hear from volunteers. File mstv90.boo is accompanied by the three main source files msuv90.asm, msxv90.asm and msyv90.asm. The startup banner carries the date of 17 Dec 1990. Joe D. [Ed. - Thanks, Joe. Reports from Victor 9000 users would be much appreciated.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Dec 90 03:05:16 EST From: Robert Weiner Subject: New Update of MS-DOS Kermit 3.02 for the DEC Rainbow Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit 3.02, Rainbow Here is the latest version of DEC Rainbow Test Kermit built from current MS-DOS Kermit sources in ~kermit/test. Nothing Rainbow specific new here. -Rob [Ed. - Thanks, Rob! Readers can find this contribution in kermit/test/mstrb1.boo (boo file) and kermit/bin/mstrb1.exe (binary).] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1990 Dec 17 14:56 EST From: "John F. Chandler" Subject: Updated Auxilliary Files for Kermit-370 Keywords: Kermit-370, IBM Mainframe, CMS Kermit Two files have recently been updated. One is IK0VER.FOR, a comparison program which generates a difference file in the form of CMS-style updates: there was a sequencing problem in the output difference file whenever a matching stretch of exactly one card appeared in the midst of differences. IK0VER is of interest primarily to programmers on non-CMS systems who wish to send code improvements in a compressed and uniform fashion. The other file is IKCACT.ASM, the sample accounting exit routine for Kermit-CMS. Nothing has been changed in the way it works, but some new options have been added for recording the accounting information. Also, a note of caution: the punch option, as a quick examination of the code would indicate, does NOT work in an XA-mode virtual machine. Andre Pirard has signaled an intention to make an XA-mode version some day, but not right away. John [Ed. - Thanks, John! John has also sent in a set of Kermit-370 documentation files that contain "Fortran" carriage control in column 1, and that are fully paginated, with an index and a table of contents that make sense. These are available in the "B" area as IK*.LPT.] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 90 18:28:30 EST From: Mike Freeman Subject: CP/M Kermit version 4.10 Enhancements Keywords: CP/M Kermit As a result of an E-Mail discussion with Dr. Russell Lang at Monash University in Australia, I have made the following enhancement to Kermit-80 Version 4.10: when receiving or getting files, if a "disk full" condition is found, rather than aborting with no other action, the enhanced Kermit now deletes the file causing the "disk full" condition, complains to the user (which it always did) and sends an "E" packet to the other side to tell it to stop sending. These changes are in cpsker.asm, cpspk1.asm, cpsker.hex in my area, /uw/guests/freeman/. Except for bug fixes as a result of the test release, I believe this will be the last work on Kermit-80 ver. 4.10. Future enhancements will go into Kermit-80 ver. 4.11. After checking with Joe Doupnik, I've modified CP/M Kermit to take account of the SET INCOMPLETE-FILES setting when receiving files and a disk-full error occurs. If SET INCOMPLETE KEEP is in effect, the incomplete file will be closed and kept, else it will be deleted. The user will still know that the transmission was unsuccessful as the "Failed" message will appear even with SET TERMINAL QUIET. The "E" packet will still be sent to the remote Kermit. This is the behavior before my last change except that under all circumstances, an incomplete file is closed (errors ignored), so that, if SET INCOMPLETE-FILES KEEP is in effect, an attempt wil be made to output the last buffer. -- Mike Freeman K7UIJ -- [Ed. - Thanks, Mike! CP/M Kermit users should continue to check the new files in kermit/test/cp*.* for updates. Reports and contributions continue to arrive from far and wide, showing that CP/M is still alive. When they have settled down, version 4.10 will replace 4.09 in the standard Kermit distribution.] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Nov 90 17:00:55 EST From: Mike Freeman Subject: TOPS-10 Kermit Files Repaired Keywords: TOPS-10 Kermit, DECsystem-10 Kermit In Kermit Digest V10#4, I noticed that Chuck Bacon noticed that s had been inserted in the Macro-10 sources for DECsystem-10 Kermit in such a way that the Macro compilation was broken. Did Mr. Bacon ever get a corrected set of files to you? It would appear not as a cursory perusal of the ~kermit/b/ area shows you still have the chopped files (as I presume they came from Mr. Norstedt). In any case, I have sent you reformatted files to compile/load/execute properly on the DECsystem-10. The Bliss modules are unaffected. These sources also include my bug fixes also. Everything works correctly as far as I can tell. Ciao. -- Mike K7UIJ -- [Ed. - Many thanks, Mike! TOPS-10 lives too, eh?] ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest *************************