24-Jan-92 20:09:45-GMT,14634;000000000001 Return-Path: Received: by watsun.cc.columbia.edu (5.59/FCB) id AA23626; Fri, 24 Jan 92 15:09:42 EST Date: Fri, 24 Jan 92 15:09:40 EST From: Christine M Gianone To: Info-Kermit Subject: Info-Kermit Digest V15 #1 Reply-To: Info-Kermit@watsun.cc.columbia.edu Queries-To: Info-Kermit-Request@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU Errors-To: Info-Kermit-Request@watsun.cc.columbia.edu Message-Id: Info-Kermit Digest Fri, 24 Jan 1992 Volume 15 : Number 1 Today's Topics: PC-Initiated File Transfers with VM/CMS File Transfer Macros for MS-DOS Kermit / Kermit-CMS Mapping CR to CRLF in MS-DOS Kermit MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 43x132 WD VGA Screen Bug? MS-DOS Kermit and Screen Length Is the MS-DOS Kermit INPUT Command Buffer Accessible? Problems with MS-DOS Kermit and DOS 5 SHARE MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 w/ DECnet LAT & WP5.1 Digest submissions may be sent to Info-Kermit@WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU or KERMIT@CUVMA.BITNET. Requests for addition to or deletion from the Info-Kermit subscriber list should be sent to LISTSERV@CUVMA.BITNET or LISTSERV@CUVMA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU. These messages must be of the form: SUBSCRIBE I-KERMIT (To start a subscription) UNSUBSCRIBE I-KERMIT (To cancel a subscription) REGISTER I-KERMIT (To correct your name) Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host WATSUN.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, a SUN-4/280 running UNIX (SUNOS 4.1), IP host number Login as user anonymous (note, lower case), any password, and GET or MGET (MULTIPLE GET) the desired files. The Kermit files are in directories kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, and kermit/e. Test versions are in kermit/test. All files in these directories should be transferred in text (ASCII) mode. Binaries are in kermit/bin (use ftp in binary mode). You can also get Kermit files over the BITNET/EARN network; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file kermit/a/aanetw.hlp (AANETW.HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 19 Dec 91 15:10:58 CST From: "Ray Carlson 2-5805" Subject: PC-Initiated File Transfers with VM/CMS Keywords: VM/CMS Kermit, MS-DOS Kermit, Host-Initiated File Transfer Xref: CMS Kermit, See VM/CMS Kermit In Info-Kermit Digest V14 Number 11, Professor TJ Olney gave a couple of macros for for doing file transfers from your PC. The Editor replied with info about TERMINALS and TERMINALR macros and pages 180-181 of second edition of "Using MS-DOS Kermit". Since I wanted the ability to transfer files with a single command from the mainframe, I investigated further. The manual assumes C-Kermit 5A or later and 2 macro definitions: define pcsend echo \27[\{63}34l, send \%1 \%2 define pcget echo \27[\{63}34h, get \%1, finish However, I'm running Kermit-CMS version 4.2.2 XA, and it doesn't like macros. Is there any way of doing file transfers with a single command using MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 and Kermit-CMS version 4.2.2 XA, preferably from the mainframe side of Kermit. Thanks in advance for your help. [Ed. - Actually, this can be done with CMS Kermit. For downloading files, you can write a CMS EXEC that starts Kermit and gives it an XECHO (Transparent Mode Echo) command (for the escape sequence), and then a SEND command. Similarly for uploading. But if you want to initiate the transfers from the PC rather than the host, read the next message...] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jan 92 17:30 EST From: "H. D. Knoble" Subject: File Transfer Macros for MS-DOS Kermit / Kermit-CMS Keywords: VM/CMS Kermit, MS-DOS Kermit, PC-Initiated File Transfer In the Info-Kermit 14-11 Newsletter, a response was given to professor Olney who suggested macros for file transfer. That response suggested using the TerminalR/S macros. This requires sending those codes transparently to MS-DOS Kermit (e.g. via the Kermit-CMS XEcho subcommand) - a somewhat complicated slow procedure that can be timing dependent (among other anomalies). It seems that it would be desirable to have two hot keys, say Alt-D and Alt-U that would provide file xfer beginning at and ending with the host screen. To simplify it, these keys could work for the bulk of files (text files) that the majority of people work with. The filespecs could be provided via prompts, null responses to which which would immediately return to the clean host screen. The code The code and screens presented should be reasonably efficient, robust, and hopefully obviously easy to use. Many thanks; for your work and book too. Skip Knoble, Research Associate ;-------------------------- MSKERMIT.INI code segment begin------------- ; Define macros and hot keys to enable file transfer via prompts. ; Alt-D downloads a CMS text file, Alt-U uploads a DOS text file. ; The Kermits involved are MS-Kermit and Kermit-CMS in this case. ; File transfer is initiated and ends with any CMS screen where a ; command may be issued. The output commands are specific to an ; asynchronous connection to CMS through the Yale IUP (e.g. IBM Series 1, ; IBM 4994, IBM 7171); the rest of the code should be independent of ; that and Kermit-CMS. File type being called TEXT in the prompts ; assumes this setting for illustrative purposes. ; DEF fc finish, output \07, clear, c, stop; Ctrl-G = Yale IUP reset. ; Esc OM is Yale IUP (hard) clear screen. DEF DnLd def \%1, output \27OM, output kermit server\13, - Input 5 local Kermit,if failure do fc,run CLS, - Echo *** Download text file(s) from CMS to DOS ***\13, - Echo . (Press Enter for 1st prompt to cancel)\10\13, - Ask \%1 Please enter CMS filespec:\32, if not defined \%1 do fc, - Ask \%2 Please enter DOS path or DOS filespec:\32, - Get, \%1, \%2, if failure run PAUSE, do fc SET KEY \2336 {\KDnLd}; Alt-D Downloads a CMS text filespec to DOS. ; DEF UpLd def \%1, def \%3, output \27OM, output kermit server\13, - Input 5 local Kermit,if failure do fc,run CLS, - Echo *** Upload text file(s) from DOS to CMS ***\13, - Echo . (Press Enter for 1st prompt to cancel)\10\13, - Ask \%1 Please enter DOS filespec:\32, if not defined \%1 do fc, - Ask \%2 Please enter CMS filespec:\32, - Ask \%3 Please enter CMS destination disk filemode (press Enter=default)\32, - if defined \%3 remote kermit set dest \%3, if failure do fc, - Send \%1 \%2,if failure run PAUSE, do fc SET KEY \2326 {\KUpLd}; Alt-U Uploads a DOS text filespec to CMS. [Ed. - This is a fine example of how to use MS-DOS Kermit's script programming, macro, and key definition features to make life easy for users. Obviously, many of the items shown above are specific to Penn State's site configuration (Yale ASCII protocol converter, the reset character that is sent to the protocol converter, etc). But with minor changes, these "scripts on keys" should work at any CMS installation. Nice work!] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1991 21:09:07 GMT From: alistair@bcu.ubc.ca (Alistair Blachford) Subject: Mapping CR to CRLF in MS-DOS Kermit Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit Heath Terminal Emulation, Heath Terminal Emulation I'm running MS-DOS Kermit, talking down a serial line to a lab instrument that send back lines ending only with a bare carriage return character (Control-M, ^M). I'd like to read the received information properly, i.e. one line on the screen to each received line. For example, if the instrument sends out "hi^Mthere^Mworld^M", I'd like to see on my screen: hi there world I haven't managed to find the right incantation to do this. Thanks. Alistair Blachford Biosciences Computing Unit University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada, V6T 1W5 [Ed. - And a magic incantation it is! 1. SET TERMINAL TYPE HEATH 2. SET LOCAL ECHO ON 3. CONNECT 4. Type these three characters: ESC x 8 This tells the Heath terminal emulator to map incoming CR to CRLF. VT terminals do not have this capability. This is documented in "Using MS-DOS Kermit", second edition, on page 316. Unfortunately, the parameters 8 and 9 were inadvertantly exchanged in the book. "8" maps CR to CRLF, "9" maps LF to CRLF. "y" (as the second character) restores things to normal.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1991 15:54:20 -0600 From: "Dugal James P." Subject: MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 43x132 WD VGA Screen Bug? Subject: MS-DOS Kermit and Screen Length I have a problem retaining 43x132 and 50x132 mode in MS-Kermit 3.11 of 7 Sep 1991 patch level 7. I run MS-DOS 4.01 on a CompuAdd 386/25, with a stock VGA card. It appears to be a Western Digital card. I load ANSI.SYS high using QEMM 5.0, and then type: mode con: lines=50 (or 43, as desired) and get the appropriate results. When I invoke Kermit with a VT320 terminal width of 80, everything seems OK. When I escape to MS-Kermit command level and set terminal width to 132, and then reconnect, I lose the 50-line mode in favor of the 43-line mode. Could this be a VGA limitation? Further, when I escape to Kermit command level a second time, the display reverts to 25-line mode (but 132-column mode is retained). I must exit and re-run the mode command to regain 43/50 line mode. Help! James Dugal, N5KNX Internet: jpd@usl.edu Associate Director Ham packet: n5knx @k5arh (land), UO-14 (sat.) Computing Center US Mail: PO Box 42770 Lafayette, LA 70504 University of Southwestern LA. Tel. 318-231-6417 U.S.A. [From jrd - Every board on the market has a different way of doing screen shapes. Kermit can't track all of them and thus has to revert to closest standard values that make some sense. Western Digital has made boards and OEM'd their video controller to many companies and each can add some special modes to the BIOS. Kermit knows about mode 54 (132x43) and 55 (132x25, but it's also 132x35 on fixed frequency monitors) for this chip, but not about 132x50. Kermit inquires about the video mode when it starts up and tries to use it when returning to the Kermit prompt. If the mode is something Kermit does not understand it drops back to a close standard value. We won't be adding piles of code to handle all the screen shapes vendors supply, that's not reasonable. I have a board similar to yours and *x50 is not in its manual.] ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 20:16:22 GMT From: weissh@nextadm.cc.vt.edu (Hugh Weiss) Subject: Is the MS-DOS Kermit INPUT Command Buffer Accessible? Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit INPUT Command Hi. Is was wondering if the characters read by the Kermit INPUT command and stored in a buffer somewhere are accessible in any way in a script. What I would like to do is to be able to copy the information from the INPUT command's buffer to a file with the WRITE FILE command. Something like: WRITE FILE \v(input) Does anything like this exist? Thanks in advance. Virginia Tech Computing Center - Distributed Computing Group weissh@nextadm.cc.vt.edu OR weissh@vtcc1.cc.vt.edu [from jrd - The INPUT buffer can be as large as the user wishes, via DOS environment variable INPUT-BUFFER-LENGTH . But this does not mesh well with making it a variable, \v(input), because the internal command procedures are unable to accomodate both a raw binary object of this kind and one of a size much larger than the work buffers normally employed.] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 Jan 92 12:56:32 CST From: John Perry Subject: Problems with MS-DOS Kermit and DOS 5 SHARE Keywords: MS-DOS Kermit and DOS 5.0 I was wondering if anyone could provide a little insight to the problem outlined below? The closing of the session log appears to work with versions of DOS less than 5. The problem seems to manifest itself when sharing is used under DOS 5. Please advise. > Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1992 11:58:27 -0600 (CST) > From: CDENNEY@beach.gal.utexas.edu (Cecil Denney) > Subject: DOS 5 SHARE Violation and Kermit Session Logs > > Using DOS 5, with "install=C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE" in CONFIG.SYS... > Get into Kermit, log onto a computer, and then ALT-X to kermit prompt and > > MS-Kermit> log session kermit.log > MS-Kermit> connect > > run your terminal session and then ALT-X again, and > > MS-Kermit> close session > MS-Kermit> type kermit.log > MS-Kermit> del kermit.log > > you get a "Share Violation" from DOS 5 and can not delete the file from > within kermit. > > It appears to me that Kermit is not properly closing the file so that SHARE > thinks it is still open and will not allow it to be erased, renamed, etc. > Could you inquire about this for me? Thanks... > [from jrd - This will be fixed in a forthcoming maintenance release of MS-DOS Kermit, which will be called 3.12. In 3.11, the actual file closure was delayed longer than it should have been, hence the sharing violation.] [Ed. - Watch future issues of the Info-Kermit Digest for more news about version 3.12.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1992 16:28 CST From: "Jon Sonntag (LutherNet)" Subject: MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 w/ DECnet LAT & WP5.1 Keywords: WordPerfect, MS-DOS Kermit and WordPerfect Keywords: LAT, MS-DOS Kermit and LAT I personally prefer to use MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 to DEC's SETHOST program with our DEC Pathworks LAN. The auto switching from 80 to 132 columns and text to graphics modes is great! But, as stated or hinted at in the .BWR or .HLP files, when starting up VAX WordPerfect 5.1 using MS-DOS Kermit over DECnet, we continue to lose the connection. Is there anything we can do either in MS-DOS Kermit or in VMS to eliminate this? [Ed. - As it says in the .BWR file, enable Xon/Xoff flow control in both directions: SET FLOW XON/XOFF in MS-DOS Kermit, and SET TERMINAL /HOSTSYNC /TTSYNC in VMS. Or use CTERM rather than LAT.] Also, is there a mac version of Kermit available? [Ed. - A pre-pre-pre-release in kermit/test/ckmut9.hqx, which was announced in a recent digest.] Jon Sonntag Concordia University Information Systems sonntajm@crf.cuis.edu (internet) ------------------------------ End of Info-Kermit Digest *************************