K E R M I T F O R RT-11 Version: 2.2C NOTE: Use @RTREN to rename files This version of KERMIT is primarily written OSMI Pascal (v1.2) and is based on an earlier 'portable' version written with some of techniques outlined in "Software Tools in Pascal" (Kernighan & Plauger). The current version is oriented to RT-11 and includes: - Time out support. - Support for DLV11-J or DL11-E or equivalent. - A 'KERMIT style' parser The following files are included: README.TXT This file. KERMIT.COM Command to compile & link KERMIT USR.COM Fiddles USR address OPT.PAS Compiler options EDLOG.PAS Header file KERMIT.PAS Main KERMIT Program GLOBAL.PAS Global variables etc. KEXT.PAS External definitions KPROC.PAS External Procedures KPARSE.PAS Parser overlay KINIT.PAS Init overlay KSEND.PAS Send overly KRECV.PAS Receive overlay KTIME.PAS Procedure to handle timer and console KLINE.PAS Proceurres to handle DL11 KERMIT.MAP Link Map for distributed program KERMIT.HEX 'HEX' file for distributed program LOAD.MAC Loading program. INSTAL.COM Command file to load 'HEX' and configure it KERFIX.COM Patches CSR and VEC for Distributed version. XLOAD.C The Program used to create KERMIT.HEX KERMIT.HLP 'Help' file RTREN.COM Renames files from RT****.*** to above names For RT-11 Systems with OMSI Pascal: Make modifications in KLINE.PAS for your DL11 Vector and CSR and in KTIME.PAS (if necessary for LTC). Use @KERMIT to compile and link KERMIT. For RT-11 Systems without OMSI Pascal: The included 'HEX' file, command file INSTAL.COM and a loading program (LOAD.MAC) should allow this version of KERMIT to run on most any RT-11 system that has the following: - Line Time Clock. - DLV11-J, DL11 or equivalent. See INSTAL.COM to see how to set vector and CSR. - Note, in particular, that this version does NOT make any assumption about floating point hardware. In both cases this version of KERMIT should be run under RT11SJ (version 4 or 5). It will not run under FB or XM. Notes on Commands Most of the commands are fairly standard; see KERMIT.HLP. The following are somewhat different: - SEND - NO wildcards. - SET EIGTH-BIT ON/OFF - OFF implies default use of Parity bit for binary transfers; ON implies use of eight-bit quoting. - SET DEBUGGING - ON Debugging information is printed. - OFF No debugging information - Default. - VERBOSE An message printed per packet sent/received. - TESTING Special test mode. KERMIT sends or receives without waiting for ACK. (Also use- ful: STDIN & STDOUT can be re-directed; e.g; SEND file-spec >output-file