0Help available: BYE CONNECT EXIT FINISH FLEX General GET QUIT RECEIVE SEND SERVER SET SHOW STATISTICS TAKE TRANSMIT 1BYE This command will cause Kermit-09 (when in local mode) to tell the other Kermit (which should be in server mode) to exit from Kermit and, if applicable, terminate its job (or process, etc.). When Kermit-09 receives the acknowledgement that this is being done, it will exit to FLEX. Kermit-09>BYE 1CONNECT The CONNECT command will allow you to connect in as a virtual terminal over the line that was specified by the SET LINE command, or to the terminal line specified in the command. Kermit-09>CONNECT or Kermit-09>CONNECT address where address is the hexadecimal terminal port address to be used. 1EXIT The EXIT command will cause Kermit to return to the FLEX command level. It is the same as the 'QUIT' command. Kermit-09>EXIT 1FINISH This command will cause Kermit-09 (when in local mode) to tell the other Kermit (which should be in server mode) to exit from Kermit. After receiving the acknowledgement that this is being done, Kermit-09 will prompt for another command. Kermit-09>FINISH 1FLEX This command provides the user with a possibility to execute FLEX commands. Make sure that the command called resides in the utility command space (hex C100 - C6FF). If this is not the case, bad things might happen! Kermit-09>FLEX or Kermit-09>FLEX command Where command is a legal FLEX command string. There will be a prompt for the string when not given. 1GENERAL Type ctrl-X to abort a single file transfer in progress, or ctrl-Z to abort the current file and all coming files. Typing a ctrl-D during file transfer will toggle debug mode on / off. An open debug log file will be closed. Wild cards known in filespecs are '*', which stands for "match all characters" or '?', which stands for "match one character". 1GET This command will cause the other Kermit (which should be running in server mode) to transmit one or more files to Kermit-09. Kermit-09 must be running as a local Kermit (i.e., no SET LINE REMOTE command may be done). Kermit-09 will then request the other Kermit to transfer the specified file (or set of files) to Kermit-09. The file specification must be in the format of the system on which the server Kermit is running. Kermit-09>GET file-spec [,file-spec...] Where "file-spec" is any valid file specification on the system on which the server Kermit is running. 1QUIT The QUIT command will cause Kermit to return to the FLEX command level. It is the same as the 'EXIT' command. Kermit-09>QUIT 1RECEIVE The RECEIVE command is used to put Kermit-09 into receive mode waiting for a single file transfer transaction. If no file specification is given, Kermit-09 will store the incoming files under the names specified in the received packets. If one filespec is given, the incoming file will be stored under that name, so that strange filenames can be overruled. Kermit-09>RECEIVE or Kermit-09>RECEIVE file-spec Where "file-spec" is a valid FLEX file specification. 1SET The SET command is used to set various parameters in Kermit. Commands available: BAUD BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE CONFIGURATION DEBUG DELAY DUPLEX EIGHT_BIT_QUOTE END_OF_LINE ESCAPE FILE_TYPE HANDSHAKE INCOMPLETE LINE LOG PACKET_LENGTH PADCHAR PADDING QUOTE REPEAT_QUOTE RETRY START_OF_PACKET TIMEOUT WARNING Kermit-09>SET command 2BAUD This command sets the baud rate to use for communications. Kermit-09>SET BAUD n Where n is one of 50, 75, 110, 135, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200. (If the hardware supports it). 2BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE The SET BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE command is used to determine the type of block check sequence which will be used during transmission. The block check sequence is used to detect transmission errors. There are three types of block check available. These are the single character checksum (default), the two character checksum, and the three character CRC (cyclic redundancy check). This command does not ensure that the desired type of block check will be used, since both Kermit's involved in the transfer must agree on the block check type. Kermit-09 will request that the type of block check set by this command be used for a transfer. If the other Kermit has also had the same block check type requested, then the desired block check type will be used. Otherwise, the single character checksum will be used. (See Kermit protocol manual for more information.) Kermit-09>SET BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE n Where n is a number of 1 - 3. 2CONFIGURATION This command determines the type of parity and the data length to use on the transmission line. Kermit normally uses characters which consist of eight data bits with no parity bit. For systems which require a specific parity type or data length, Kermit can send characters as seven data bits plus a parity bit. Kermit-09>SET CONFIGURATION number Where number is one of: 0. Seven data bits, even parity and two stop bits. 1. Seven data bits, odd parity and two stop bits. 2. Seven data bits, even parity and one stop bit. 3. Seven data bits, odd parity and one stop bit. 4. Eight data bits, no parity and two stop bits. 5. Eight data bits, no parity and one stop bit (default). 6. Eight data bits, even parity and one stop bit. 7. Eight data bits, odd parity and one stop bit. 2DEBUG The SET DEBUG command is used to set the debug type out on the user's terminal. The command will accept either the keywords ON, OFF or LOG. Kermit-09 can only do debugging type out when running as a local Kermit (no SET LINE REMOTE command done). This is because the debugging type-out would interfere with the file transfer if it were sent to the controlling terminal line in remote mode. If 'LOG' is specified, a filename must be given. All debug info will then be displayed on the screen as well as in the log file. This can be very handy in debugging transfer problems. An eventual open log file will be closed if 'ON' or 'OFF' is specified. Kermit-09>SET DEBUG state or Kermit-09>SET DEBUG LOG file-spec Where state is either 'ON' or 'OFF'. 2DELAY The DELAY parameter is the number of seconds to wait before sending data after a SEND command is given. This is used when Kermit-09 is running in remote mode to allow the user time to escape back to the other Kermit and give a RECEIVE command. Kermit-09>SET DELAY number-of-seconds Where number of seconds is the (decimal) number of seconds to wait before sending data. 2DUPLEX The SET DUPLEX command specifies whether characters should be echoed locally when CONNECTing to another system. If DUPLEX is set to ON, any character typed on the terminal will be echoed immediately to the terminal, as well as being sent to the other system. If DUPLEX is set to OFF (the default), the characters typed on the terminal are only sent to the other system (which would normally be echoing the characters). Kermit-09>SET DUPLEX keyword Where keyword is either ON or OFF. 2EIGHT_BIT_QUOTE This command sets the character to be used (when necessary) to quote characters which have the eight bit (parity bit) set. This is used to transfer eight-bit bytes on a transmission medium which only supports seven data bits. The default value is $26 (ASCII "&"). Eight-bit quoting will only be used if both Kermit's can handle it, and the transmission medium does not transmit eight data bits (as indicated by the SET CONFIGURATION command). Kermit-09>SET EIGHT_BIT_QUOTE n Where n is the ASCII character to use for quoting characters which have the eight bit set. The character 'N' will disable eight_bit quoting. 2END_OF_LINE This will set the end of line character the Kermit-09 expects to receive from the remote Kermit. This is the character which terminates a packet. The default value is $13 (ASCII CR, CTRL-M). Kermit-09>SET END_OF_LINE n Where n is the value of the character to use for the end of line character (in hex). 2ESCAPE This command will set the escape character for the CONNECT processing. The command will take the ascii value of the character to use as the escape character. This is the character which is used to "escape" back to Kermit-09 after using the CONNECT command. It defaults to ^ (hex 5E). It is usually a good idea to set this character to something which is not used (or at least not used very much) on the system being to which Kermit-09 is CONNECTing. Kermit-09>SET ESCAPE character Where character is the ASCII character to use as the escape character. 2FILE_TYPE This command will set the file type that Kermit is receiving. A file type of ASCII should be used to receive text files which are to be used as text files on the FLEX system. The file type BINARY should be used for binary files, such as FLEX .CMD files, which need to be kept in a format that allows the file to be returned without any changes. Kermit-09>SET FILE_TYPE type Where type is either ASCII or BINARY. 2HANDSHAKE This command sets the characters used to synchronize the data flow. If the input buffers become full, the stop character will be sent. The start character will be sent if Kermit is able to receive data again. The defaults are XOFF (hex 19) and XON (hex 17). Kermit-09>SET HANDSHAKE start stop Where start and stop are hexadecimal numbers. 2INCOMPLETE The SET INCOMPLETE allows the user to determine what is done with a file that is not completely received. If the disposition is KEEP, all files received will be kept, even if only a portion of the file is received. If the disposition is DISCARD (the default), files which are not completely received are discarded. Kermit-09>SET INCOMPLETE keyword Where keyword is either DISCARD or KEEP. 2LINE This will set the terminal line that you are using. It may be either a hexadecimal address, or 'REMOTE' to indicate that the line from which KERMIT gets it's commands will be used. Kermit automatically detects the type of interface being used. Kermit-09>SET LINE address Where address is either 'REMOTE' or the hexadecimal port address to be used. 2LOG This will open a log file where the data from the CONNECT command will be stored. The file will be closed when Kermit is terminated, or when the filespec is a dash ("-"). Kermit-09>SET LOG file-spec Where "file-spec" is a valid FLEX file specification. 2PACKET_LENGTH This will set the packet length. The value for this parameter must be between 10 and 94. Packet lengths outside of this range are illegal. The default value is 94. Kermit-09>SET PACKET_LENGTH n Where n is a decimal number. 2PADCHAR This parameter is the padding character that is sent to the remote Kermit. The parameter must be a decimal number in the range of 0 to 31. The default value is 0 (an ASCII NUL). Kermit-09>SET PADCHAR n Where n is the value of the character to be used as a pad character (in decimal). 2PADDING This command will set the number of padding characters that will be sent to the other Kermit. The default value is 0. Kermit-09>SET PADDING n Where n is the decimal number of padding characters to use. 2PROMPT This command allows you to set the prompt of Kermit. This is useful if you are working with two Kermit's and get confused to which one you are talking to. Kermit-09>SET PROMPT string Where string is any character string up to twenty characters. 2QUOTE This will set the quoting character that Kermit-09 will expect on incoming messages. This is the character used to quote control characters. The default value is $23 (ASCII "#"). Kermit-09>SET QUOTE n Where n is the ASCII character to be used as a quoting character. 2REPEAT_QUOTE This command sets the character to be used as the lead-in character for a repeat sequence (a string of characters which represents some number of characters which are repeated in the data). Both Kermit's must support repeat compression for this to be in effect. The character set by this command must be in the range $21 ("!") to $3E (">") or $7B ("{") to $7E ("~") or $60 ("`"). The character will only be used on files which are being transmitted by Kermit-09. The REPEAT_QUOTE character used for incoming files is decided on by the other Kermit. The default value is $7E ("~"). Kermit-09>SET REPEAT_QUOTE character Where character is the ASCII character for the repeat quoting character. The character 'N' will disable repeat compression. 2RETRY This command sets the maximum number of times Kermit-09 should try to send or receive a specific packet. The default value is 10. Kermit-09>SET RETRY n Where n is the decimal number of retries to attempt. 2START_OF_PACKET This command will set the start of packet character for Kermit. The start of packet character must be in the range of 0 to 31 decimal. The default value is 1 (ASCII SOH, CTRL-A). This value should only be changed if absolutely necessary. It must be set the same in both Kermit's. Kermit-09>SET START_OF_PACKET n Where n is the value of the character to be used as a start character (in hex). 2TIMEOUT This will set the number of seconds before Kermit-09 will time out the attempt to receive a message. This time out is used to handle transmission errors which totally lose a message. The default value is 5 seconds. Kermit-09>SET TIMEOUT n Where n is the number of seconds to wait for a message (in decimal). 2WARNING This will set the filename conflict warning flag. If Kermit is directed to store an incoming file under a name which already exists, and the warning is on, an attempt will be made to create a new and non-existing filename. If the flag is off, the existing file will be overwritten. The default is 'ON'. Kermit-09>SET WARNING state Where state is 'ON' or 'OFF'. 1SEND The SEND command will allow you to send a file(s) to the other Kermit. The SEND command will allow file wild card processing as is found in UNIX. If Kermit-09 is running in remote mode, the file will be sent on the controlling terminal line after waiting the number of seconds specified by the SET DELAY command. This gives the user time to escape back to the other Kermit and issue a receive command. If Kermit-09 is running in local mode, the file will be sent immediately on the terminal line specified by the SET LINE command. Kermit-09>SEND file-spec [,file-spec...] Where "file-spec" is any normal FLEX file specification. Wild cards are fully supported. 1SERVER This command will cause Kermit-09 to enter server mode. The other Kermit can then issue server commands to send and receive files without having to give SEND or RECEIVE commands to Kermit-09. Kermit-09 may be put into SERVER mode while running as either a remote Kermit (transmitting over the controlling terminal line), or as a local Kermit (transmitting over a terminal specified by a SET LINE command). Note that in order to correctly receive binary files while in SERVER mode, a SET FILETYPE BINARY must be done first. At this time there is no way for Kermit-09 to determine whether an incoming file is ASCII or binary. Kermit-09>SERVER 1SHOW The SHOW command will allow you to show the various parameters that are set with the SET command. Commands available: ALL BAUD BLOCK_CHECK_TYPE CONFIGURATION DEBUG DELAY DUPLEX EIGHT_BIT_QUOTE END_OF_LINE ESCAPE FILE_TYPE HANDSHAKE INCOMPLETE LINE LOG PACKET_LENGTH PADCHAR PADDING QUOTE REPEAT_QUOTE RETRY START_OF_PACKET TIMEOUT WARNING Kermit-09>SHOW command 1STATISTICS The transfer statistics of Kermit-09 will be displayed. This includes the number of characters that have been sent and received from the remote Kermit. Also included is an estimate of the effective baud- rate of the transfer (only if a hardware clock is available). This number is not intended to be exact, but only an indication of what range of throughput has been provided. Kermit-09>STATISTICS 1TAKE This command allows KERMIT commands to be executed from a file. This makes a quick change of parameters possible. The file may contain any valid KERMIT commands, including other TAKE commands. Kermit-09>TAKE file-spec Where "file-spec" is a valid FLEX file specification. 1TRANSMIT This command allows you to send a file "as it is", without protocol. That might be useful if the other side doesn't have a Kermit. Kermit-09>TRANSMIT file-spec Where "file-spec" is a valid FLEX file specification.