How to build an executable version of Kermit-TSO (3 Feb 1987) ================================================ Kermit-TSO is composed of four assembly language subroutines, and the PASCAL main program. They should separately be assembled resp. compiled and then linked together. 1. Extract four assembler routines from file KERMIT.ASM 2. Make sure a TSO command is installed, which allows you to run some other TSO commands and reroute their output to a file. 3. If your site's ASCII/EBCDIC translation table does not conform to the one implemeted in the PASCAL source, then enter the corresponding translation table for your site. The original translation tables look as follows: +--------------------------------------------------------+ | ASCIITOEBCDIC = | | '010203372D2E2F1605250B0C0D0E0F'XC || (* 0 *) | | '101112133C3D322618193F271C1D1E1F'XC || (* 1 *) | | '405A7F7B5B6C507D4D5D5C4E6B604B61'XC || (* 2 *) | | 'F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F97A5E4C7E6E6F'XC || (* 3 *) | | '7CC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9D1D2D3D4D5D6'XC || (* 4 *) | | 'D7D8D9E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9ADE0BD5F6D'XC || (* 5 *) | | '79818283848586878889919293949596'XC || (* 6 *) | | '979899A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9C04FD0A107'XC || (* 7 *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* 8 *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* 9 *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* A *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* B *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* C *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* D *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC || (* E *) | | '00000000000000000000000000000000'XC ; (* F *) | | | | | | EBCDICTOASCII = | | '0102030009007F0009000B0C0D0E0F'XC || (* 0 *) | | '1011121300000800181900001C1D1E1F'XC || (* 1 *) | | '00000000000A171B0000000000050607'XC || (* 2 *) | | '0000160000000004000000001415001A'XC || (* 3 *) | | '200000000000000000005C2E3C282B7C'XC || (* 4 *) | | '2600000000000000000021242A293B5E'XC || (* 5 *) | | '2D2F00000000000000007C2C255F3E3F'XC || (* 6 *) | | '000000000000000000603A2340273D22'XC || (* 7 *) | | '00616263646566676869007B00000000'XC || (* 8 *) | | '006A6B6C6D6E6F707172007D00000000'XC || (* 9 *) | | '007E737475767778797A0000005B0000'XC || (* A *) | | '000000000000000000000000005D0000'XC || (* B *) | | '7B414243444546474849000000000000'XC || (* C *) | | '7D4A4B4C4D4E4F505152000000000000'XC || (* D *) | | '5C00535455565758595A000000000000'XC || (* E *) | | '303132333435363738397C0000000000'XC ; (* F *) | +--------------------------------------------------------+ 4. Assemble the four assembler source files, and compile the PASCAL main program using the PASCAL/VS compiler (with NOOPT option!). 5. Link the files into a loadable module (system library). Example of points 4 & 5: ASMH KERM(TWRITE) (from library KERM.ASM) ASMH KERM(TREAD) ASMH KERM(WAIT) ASMH KERM(TERMSIZE) PASCALVS KERM(KERMIT) NOOPT (from library KERM.PASCAL) PASCMOD KERM(KERMIT) + OBJ(KERM(TREAD),KERM(TWRITE),KERM(WAIT),KERM(TERMSIZE)) + LOAD('''SYS1.CMDLIB(KERMIT)''') 6. Install a CLIST with the following content: PROC 0 CONTROL NOMSG NOFLUSH FREE FILE(DFILE,SFILE,RFILE,TSODS) FREE DA(TSODS) SET INIT = IF &SYSDSN(KERMIT.SETUP) = OK THEN SET INIT = &STR(@INIT) CALL 'SYS1.CMDLIB(KERMIT) '&SYSUID.&INIT' 7. Install a system help in one of the system help libraries )F Function - The KERMIT Command Procedure starts a filetransfer program, which implements the KERMIT file transfer protocol for IBM computers run- ning under the MVS/XA operating system. KERMIT supports transfer of most filetypes to and from the host. Notes: a) Filetransfer may only run over an ASCII (asynchronous) line. b) You may setup KERMIT by specifing some valid KERMIT commands in the dataset 'Uid.KERMIT.SETUP'. After processing all setup commands, KERMIT is ready for interactive use. c) KERMIT is delivered on an asis base, any problems should be re- ported to the 'Help desk' - Tel ....... )X Syntax - %KERMIT )O Operands - none To run TSO Kermit, simply type "%KERMIT" after the TSO system prompt. And now enjoy this new version of KERMIT running under MVS/TSO ... ---- Fritz