Kermit for Intel ISIS The ISIS Kermit program was received from Columbia University. Since there was no documentation, this User's Guide is provided by the DSSO department of Intel (1). The ISIS Kermit provides dumb terminal emulation and file transfer for Intel Series II, Series III and Series IV computers running the ISIS operation system. It has the basic Kermit features. Kermit is invoked as follows:- KERMIT [baud rate] [port] The default baud rate is 2400 and the default port is 1. The allowable choices are:- . Baud rate: 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 . Port: 1 2 On some systems the highest reliable baud rate may only be 1200, however, 2400 baud has proved to be reliable enough when the host machine was either a DECSystem-20 (running TOPS-20) or a VAX-11/785 (running VMS). The command set is listed below. All commands may be abbreviated with the first letter, however, commands are only accepted if they are typed in lower-case. o connect Connects as a dumb terminal to remote systems. To get back to ISIS-Kermit level from connect mode, the escape sequence is just the single character: Control-D. To avoid characters being lost whilst in dumb terminal mode and operating at a baud rate of 2400 (or greater) it is recommended that you set some appropriate terminal characteristics. For example:- 1. For TOPS-20 use:- TERMINAL SYSTEM-DEFAULT TERMINAL WIDTH 80 TERMINAL NO RAISE 2. For VMS use:- SET TERMINAL/CRFILL:8/LFFILL:8 (1) Corrections/additions by Paul Hare, Open University, Academic Computing Service. Page 2 00 00 00 o send [filename] [filename] [filename] ... 00 00 Sends files to remote Kermit. 00 00 o receive 00 00 Receive files from remote Kermit. 00 00 o exit 00 00 Exit from ISIS Kermit. 00 00 o debug 00 00 Turns on debug mode. 00 00 ^^