char *ckomouv = "Mouse Support 8.0.093, 20 Oct 2002"; /* C K O M O U -- Kermit mouse support for OS/2 systems */ /* Author: Jeffrey Altman ( Secure Endpoints Inc., New York City Copyright (C) 1985, 2004, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. */ #include "ckcdeb.h" #ifdef OS2MOUSE #ifdef NT #include #else /* NT */ #define INCL_WINSHELLDATA #define INCL_VIO #define INCL_MOU #define INCL_ERRORS #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #define INCL_DOSSESMGR #define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #define INCL_DOSDEVIOCTL #define INCL_WINCLIPBOARD #define INCL_DOSDATETIME #define INCL_DOSASYNCTIMER #include #undef COMMENT /* COMMENT is defined in os2.h */ #endif /* NT */ #include "ckuusr.h" #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckocon.h" #include "ckokey.h" static BOOL SelectionValid = 0 ; con_event mousemap[MMBUTTONMAX][MMSIZE] ; #ifdef NT static USHORT Vrow, Vcol, n, ShiftState, Event ; static USHORT lastrow=0, lastcol=0 ; static struct { int state ; USHORT row ; USHORT col ; } b1 = {0,0,0}, b2 = {0,0,0}, b3 = {0,0,0}; int mouseon = 0 ; #else /* NT */ static HMOU hMouse = 0 ; static int dblclickspeed = 500 ; static TID tidMouse = 0 ; #endif /* NT */ extern int tnlm; extern int tt_status[VNUM]; extern vik_rec vik; /* Very Important Keys */ #define THRDSTKSIZ 131072 /* Needed for Mouse Thread */ int MouseCurX, MouseCurY; int MouseDebug = 0; /* Potential mouse events: MOUSE_MOTION MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN MOUSE_BN1_DOWN MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN MOUSE_BN2_DOWN MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN MOUSE_BN3_DOWN */ static BOOL ThreeButton = 0 ; /* 0 -two buttons, 1 - three buttons */ int mousebuttoncount() { return(ThreeButton?3:2); } #ifndef NT int querydblclickspeed( void ) { CHAR data[8] ; ULONG size = 8 ; if ( PrfQueryProfileData( HINI_USERPROFILE, "PM_ControlPanel", "DoubleClickSpeed", data, &size ) ) return atoi( data ) ; else return 500 ; /* the OS/2 default is 500 milliseconds */ } #endif /* NT */ char * mousename( int button, int event ) { static char mousename[64] ; char temp[17] ; mousename[0] = '\0' ; strcpy(mousename, "Button ") ; #ifdef NT ckstrncat(mousename, _itoa(button+1,temp,10), sizeof(mousename) ) ; #else /* NT */ ckstrncat(mousename, itoa(button+1,temp,10), sizeof(mousename) ) ; #endif /* NT */ ckstrncat(mousename, " ", sizeof(mousename) ) ; if ( event & MMCTRL ) ckstrncat( mousename, "Ctrl-", sizeof(mousename) ) ; if ( event & MMALT ) ckstrncat( mousename, "Alt-", sizeof(mousename) ) ; if ( event & MMSHIFT ) ckstrncat( mousename, "Shift-", sizeof(mousename) ) ; if ( event & MMDRAG ) ckstrncat( mousename, "Drag", sizeof(mousename) ) ; else if ( event & MMDBL ) ckstrncat( mousename, "Double-Click", sizeof(mousename) ) ; else ckstrncat (mousename, "Click", sizeof(mousename) ) ; return mousename ; } void mousemapinit( int button, int event ) { int x,y, resetall ; resetall = button < 0 || event < 0 || button >= MMBUTTONMAX || event >= MMEVENTSIZE ; if ( resetall ) for ( x = 0 ; x < MMBUTTONMAX ; x++ ) { for ( y = 0 ; y < MMSIZE ; y++ ) if ( y == MMCLICK ) { mousemap[x][y].type = kverb ; mousemap[x][y] = F_KVERB | K_IGNORE ; } else mousemap[x][y].type = error ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMDBL ) { /* Assign Cursor Positioning */ mousemap[MMB1][MMDBL].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMDBL] = F_KVERB | K_MOUSE_CURPOS ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMCTRL | MMCLICK ) { /* Assign URL Execution */ mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL|MMCLICK].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL|MMCLICK] = F_KVERB | K_MOUSE_URL ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB1][MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYCLIP ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB2 && event == MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB2][MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB2][MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYHOST ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMCTRL | MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL | MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL | MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYHOST ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMALT | MMDRAG) { mousemap[MMB1][MMALT | MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMALT | MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB2 && event == MMALT | MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB2][MMALT | MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB2][MMALT | MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMCTRL | MMALT | MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL | MMALT | MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMCTRL | MMALT | MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB1 && event == MMSHIFT | MMCTRL | MMDRAG ) { mousemap[MMB1][MMSHIFT | MMCTRL | MMDRAG].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB1][MMSHIFT | MMCTRL | MMDRAG] = F_KVERB | K_DUMP ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB2 && event == MMDBL ) { mousemap[MMB2][MMDBL].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB2][MMDBL] = F_KVERB | K_PASTE ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( resetall || button == MMB3 && event == MMDBL ) { mousemap[MMB3][MMDBL].type = kverb ; mousemap[MMB3][MMDBL] = F_KVERB | K_PASTE ; if ( !resetall ) return ; } if ( !resetall ) { if ( event == MMCLICK ) { mousemap[button][event].type = kverb ; mousemap[button][event] = F_KVERB | K_IGNORE ; } else mousemap[button][event].type = error ; return ; } } #ifndef NT APIRET os2_mouseshow( void ) { APIRET rc = 0 ; NOPTRRECT PtrArea ; CK_VIDEOMODEINFO ModeData ; if ( hMouse ) { GetMode( &ModeData ) ; PtrArea.row = ModeData.row - 1 ; PtrArea.col = 0 ; PtrArea.cRow = ModeData.row - 1; PtrArea.cCol = ModeData.col - 1 ; MouRemovePtr( &PtrArea, hMouse ) ; } return rc ; } APIRET os2_mousehide( void ) { APIRET rc = 0 ; NOPTRRECT PtrArea ; CK_VIDEOMODEINFO ModeData ; if (hMouse) { GetMode( &ModeData ) ; PtrArea.row = 0 ; PtrArea.col = 0 ; PtrArea.cRow = ModeData.row - 1; PtrArea.cCol = ModeData.col - 1 ; MouRemovePtr( &PtrArea, hMouse ) ; } return rc ; } #endif /* NT */ APIRET os2_mouseon( void ) { APIRET rc = 0 ; #ifdef NT extern HANDLE KbdHandle ; DWORD mode=0, count=0 ; GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons(&count) ; ThreeButton = ( count == 3 ) ; debug(F101,"os2_mouseon Button Count","",count ) ; debug(F111,"os2_mouseon","KbdHandle",KbdHandle); GetConsoleMode( KbdHandle, &mode ) ; debug(F111,"os2_mouseon GetConsoleMode","mode",mode); mode |= ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT ; debug(F111,"os2_mouseon","mode",mode); rc = SetConsoleMode( KbdHandle, mode ) ; mouseon = TRUE ; debug(F111,"os2_mouseon SetConsoleMode","rc",rc) ; #else /* NT */ PTRLOC PtrPos ; NOPTRRECT PtrArea ; CK_VIDEOMODEINFO ModeData ; USHORT ButtonCount ; USHORT EventMask ; extern BYTE vmode ; if (!tidMouse) { rc = MouOpen( 0, &hMouse ) ; debug(F101,"Mouse On","",rc) ; } if ( !rc ) { rc = MouDrawPtr( hMouse ) ; GetMode( &ModeData ) ; if ( IsOS2FullScreen() ) { PtrPos.row = ModeData.row - 1 ; PtrPos.col = VscrnGetWidth(vmode)-1 ; MouSetPtrPos( &PtrPos, hMouse ) ; } PtrArea.row = ModeData.row - 1 ; PtrArea.col = 0 ; PtrArea.cRow = ModeData.row - 1; PtrArea.cCol = ModeData.col - 1 ; MouRemovePtr( &PtrArea, hMouse ) ; MouGetNumButtons( &ButtonCount, hMouse ) ; debug(F101,"os2_mouseon Button Count","",ButtonCount ) ; if ( ButtonCount == 3 ) { ThreeButton = 1 ; EventMask = MOUSE_BN1_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN | MOUSE_BN2_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN | MOUSE_BN3_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN ; } else /* 2 buttons */ { ThreeButton = 0 ; EventMask = MOUSE_BN1_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN | MOUSE_BN2_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN ; } MouSetEventMask( &EventMask, hMouse ) ; dblclickspeed = querydblclickspeed() ; if (!tidMouse) { tidMouse = _beginthread( &os2_mouseevt, 0, THRDSTKSIZ, 0 ) ; } } #endif /* NT */ return rc ; } void mouseurl( int mode, USHORT row, USHORT col ) { #ifdef BROWSER extern char browsopts[]; extern char browser[]; char cmd[1024]="", tmpbuf[1024]=""; char *s, *d; int rc, x=0; #ifdef NT STARTUPINFO si; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; #else /* NT */ STARTDATA sd; PID pid; ULONG idSession; #endif /* NT */ const char * url; if ( VscrnURL( mode, row, col ) ) { bleep(BP_FAIL); return ; } url = GetURL(); if (browsopts[0]) { x = ckindex("%1",(char *)browsopts,0,0,1); if (x > 0) browsopts[x] = 's'; /* x is 1-based */ else x = ckindex("%s",(char *)browsopts,0,0,1); } if (x) sprintf(tmpbuf,browsopts,url); else sprintf(tmpbuf,"%s %s",browsopts,url); debug(F110,"mouseurl options and url",tmpbuf,0); #ifdef NT if ( (GetURLType() == HYPERLINK_UNC) || !browser[0] ) { if ( !Win32ShellExecute(url) ) bleep(BP_FAIL); debug(F111,"mouseurl ShellExecute",url,GetLastError()); } else { memset( &sa, 0, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) ); // Initialize struct sa.nLength=sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor=NULL; sa.bInheritHandle=1; memset( &si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); // Initialize struct si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = 1; // Don't show the console window (DOS box) sprintf(cmd,"%s %s",browser,tmpbuf); rc = CreateProcess ( NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, // bInheritHandler CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); debug(F111,"mouseurl",cmd,rc?0:GetLastError()); } #else /* NT */ memset(&sd,0,sizeof(STARTDATA)); sd.Length = sizeof(STARTDATA); sd.Related = SSF_RELATED_INDEPENDENT; sd.FgBg = SSF_FGBG_FORE; sd.TraceOpt = SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE; sd.PgmTitle = "K-95 Browser"; sd.PgmName = browser; sd.PgmInputs = tmpbuf; sd.TermQ = 0; sd.Environment = 0; sd.InheritOpt = SSF_INHERTOPT_SHELL; sd.SessionType = SSF_TYPE_DEFAULT; sd.IconFile = 0; sd.ObjectBuffer = cmd; sd.ObjectBuffLen = 1024; rc = DosStartSession( &sd, &idSession, &pid ); debug(F111,"mouseurl",cmd,rc); #endif /* NT */ #endif /* BROWSER */ } void mousecurpos( int mode, USHORT orow, USHORT ocol, USHORT nrow, USHORT ncol, BOOL kverb ) { #ifdef NT extern int win32ScrollUp, win32ScrollDown; #endif /* NT */ RequestKeyStrokeMutex( mode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); #ifdef NT /* only set the scroll flag if we are using kverbs and not keystrokes */ if ( kverb ) { win32ScrollUp = (nrow < 1); win32ScrollDown = (nrow >= (VscrnGetHeight(mode) -1 -(tt_status[mode]?1:0))); } #endif /* NT */ for (; ocol > ncol; ocol-- ) { !kverb ? putkey( mode, 4389 ) : putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_LFARR ) ; /* LEFT */ } for (; orow > nrow; orow-- ) { !kverb ? putkey( mode, 4390 ) : putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_UPARR ) ; /* UP */ } for (; orow < nrow; orow++ ) { !kverb ? putkey( mode, 4392 ) : putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_DNARR ) ; /* DOWN */ } for (; ocol < ncol; ocol++ ) { !kverb ? putkey( mode, 4391 ) : putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_RTARR ) ; /* RIGHT */ } ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(mode) ; } #ifdef NT void win32MouseEvent( int mode, MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD r ) { #ifdef NT extern int win32ScrollUp, win32ScrollDown; #endif /* NT */ position * ppos ; char buffer[1024] ; if ( MouseDebug ) { int needcomma = 0; printf("Mouse Event: (%d,%d)",r.dwMousePosition.X,r.dwMousePosition.Y); if ( r.dwButtonState & FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED ) { printf(" B1"); needcomma = 1; } if ( r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED : RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED) ) { if ( needcomma ) printf(",B2"); else { printf(" B2"); needcomma = 1; } } if ( r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED : 0) ) { if ( needcomma ) printf(",B3"); else { printf(" B3"); } } needcomma = 0; if ( r.dwControlKeyState & CONTROL ) { printf(" Ctrl"); needcomma = 1; } if ( r.dwControlKeyState & ALT ) { if ( needcomma ) printf("-Alt"); else { printf(" Alt"); needcomma = 1; } } if ( r.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT ) { if ( needcomma ) printf("-Shift"); else printf(" Shift"); } needcomma = 0; if ( r.dwEventFlags == 0 ) { printf(" Click"); } else { if ( r.dwEventFlags & DOUBLE_CLICK ) { printf(" Double"); needcomma = 1; } if ( r.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED ) { if ( needcomma ) printf("-Move"); else { printf(" Move"); needcomma = 1; } } #ifdef MOUSE_WHEELED if ( r.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED ) { if ( needcomma ) printf("-Wheel"); else { printf(" Wheel"); needcomma = 1; } } #endif /* MOUSE_WHEELED */ } printf("\n"); return; } /* \V() variables */ MouseCurX = r.dwMousePosition.X; MouseCurY = r.dwMousePosition.Y; if ( TRUE ) { Event = 0 ; if ( r.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT ) Event |= MMSHIFT ; if ( r.dwControlKeyState & ALT ) Event |= MMALT ; if ( r.dwControlKeyState & CONTROL ) Event |= MMCTRL ; sprintf(buffer, " Event: fs:%3x row:%3d col:%3d", r.dwButtonState, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X) ; debug(F110,"win32MouseEvent",buffer,0) ; ppos = VscrnGetCurPos(mode) ; Vrow = ppos->y ; Vcol = ppos->x ; if ( r.dwMousePosition.Y >= VscrnGetHeight(mode) -(tt_status[mode]?1:0) ) r.dwMousePosition.Y = VscrnGetHeight(mode) -(1+(tt_status[mode]?1:0)) ; if ( r.dwMousePosition.Y < 0 ) r.dwMousePosition.Y = 0 ; if ( r.dwMousePosition.X >= VscrnGetWidth(mode) ) r.dwMousePosition.X = VscrnGetWidth(mode) -1 ; if ( r.dwMousePosition.X < 0 ) r.dwMousePosition.X = 0 ; if ( (r.dwButtonState & FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED) && b1.state == 0 ) { if ( !SelectionValid && (r.dwEventFlags & DOUBLE_CLICK) ) { /* Double Click */ debug( F100, "mouse B1 double click", "", 0 ) ; b1.state = 2 ; b1.row = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; b1.col = r.dwMousePosition.X ; } else { /* Single Click */ b1.state = 1 ; b1.row = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; b1.col = r.dwMousePosition.X ; debug( F100, "mouse B1 single click", "", 0 ) ; } } else if ( (r.dwButtonState & FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED) && (r.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED) ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 drag", "", 0 ) ; if ( b1.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && (MouseCurY != b1.row || MouseCurX != b1.col)) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( mode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, b1.row, b1.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, b1.row, b1.col, MouseCurY, MouseCurX, TRUE ); ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(mode) ; } else if ( b1.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != r.dwMousePosition.Y || lastcol != r.dwMousePosition.X ) ) { mousecurpos( mode, lastrow, lastcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, TRUE ) ; } } if ( (r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED : RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)) && b2.state == 0 ) { if ( !SelectionValid && (r.dwEventFlags & DOUBLE_CLICK) ) { /* Double Click */ debug( F100, "mouse B2 double click", "", 0 ) ; b2.state = 2 ; b2.row = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; b2.col = r.dwMousePosition.X ; } else { /* Single Click */ b2.state = 1 ; b2.row = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; b2.col = r.dwMousePosition.X ; debug( F100, "mouse B2 single click", "", 0 ) ; } } else if ( (r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED : RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)) && (r.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED)) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 drag", "", 0 ) ; if ( b2.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && (MouseCurY != b2.row || MouseCurX != b2.col) ) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( mode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, b2.row, b2.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, b2.row, b2.col, MouseCurY, MouseCurX, TRUE ); ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(mode) ; } else if ( b2.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != r.dwMousePosition.Y || lastcol != r.dwMousePosition.X ) ) { mousecurpos( mode, lastrow, lastcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, TRUE ) ; } } if ( (r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED : 0)) && b3.state == 0 ) { if ( !SelectionValid && (r.dwEventFlags & DOUBLE_CLICK) ) { /* Double Click */ b3.state = 2 ; debug( F100, "mouse B3 double click","",0) ; } else { /* Single Click */ b3.state = 1 ; b3.row = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; b3.col = r.dwMousePosition.X ; debug( F100, "mouse B3 single click","",0) ; } } else if ( (r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED : 0)) && (r.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_MOVED) ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 drag","",0) ; if ( b3.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && (MouseCurY != b3.row || MouseCurX != b3.col) ) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( mode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, b3.row, b3.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( mode, b3.row, b3.col, MouseCurY, MouseCurX, TRUE ); ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(mode) ; } else if ( b3.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != r.dwMousePosition.Y || lastcol != r.dwMousePosition.X ) ) { mousecurpos( mode, lastrow, lastcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, TRUE ) ; } } if ( !(r.dwButtonState & FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED) ) { /* button 1 may have been released */ if ( b1.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 single click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMCLICK ; if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; } /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB1][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } } else if (mousemap[MMB1][Event].type != error) { putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } else { putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b1.state = 0 ; b1.row = 0 ; b1.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } else if ( b1.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type == kverb) { switch (mousemap[MMB1][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } } else if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type != error ) { putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b1.state = 0 ; b1.row = 0 ; b1.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } } if ( !(r.dwButtonState & ( ThreeButton ? FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED : RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED ) ) ) { /* button 2 may have been released */ if ( b2.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 single click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMCLICK ; if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; } /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type == kverb) { switch (mousemap[MMB2][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } } else if (mousemap[MMB2][Event].type != error ) { putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } else { putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b2.state = 0 ; b2.row = 0 ; b2.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } else if ( b2.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB2][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } } else if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type != error ) { putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b2.state = 0 ; b2.row = 0 ; b2.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } } if ( !(r.dwButtonState & (ThreeButton ? RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED : 0) ) ) { /* button 3 may have been released */ if ( b3.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 single click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMCLICK ; if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; } /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB3][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } } else if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type != error ) { putevent( mode,mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } else { putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b3.state = 0 ; b3.row = 0 ; b3.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } else if ( b3.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB3][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: case K_IGNORE: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( mode, Vrow, Vcol, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( mode, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X ); break; default: putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } } else if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type != error ) { putevent( mode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b3.state = 0 ; b3.row = 0 ; b3.col = 0 ; #ifdef NT win32ScrollUp = win32ScrollDown = 0; #endif /* NT */ } } lastrow = r.dwMousePosition.Y ; lastcol = r.dwMousePosition.X ; } else /* No Mouse Event */ { char buffer[1024] ; if ( SelectionValid ) { ppos = VscrnGetCurPos(mode) ; Vrow = ppos->y ; Vcol = ppos->x ; if ( lastrow == 0 && VscrnGetBegin(mode) != VscrnGetScrollTop(mode)+Vrow ) { putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_UPONE ) ; } else if ( lastrow == VscrnGetHeight(mode) -2 && VscrnGetEnd(mode) != VscrnGetScrollTop(mode)+Vrow ) { putkverb( mode, F_KVERB | K_DNONE ) ; } sprintf(buffer, "AutoScroll: fs:%3x row:%3d col:%3d", r.dwButtonState, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X) ; debug(F110,"win32MouseEvent",buffer,0) ; } #ifdef COMMENT else { sprintf(buffer, "NoEvent: fs:%3x row:%3d col:%3d", r.dwButtonState, r.dwMousePosition.Y, r.dwMousePosition.X) ; debug(F110,"win32MouseEvent",buffer,0) ; } #endif /* COMMENT */ } } #else /* NT */ void os2_mouseevt(void *pArgList) { APIRET rc ; MOUEVENTINFO MouseEventInfo ; USHORT ReadType = MOU_NOWAIT ; position * ppos ; USHORT Vrow, Vcol, n, ShiftState, Event ; USHORT lastrow=0, lastcol=0 ; ULONG postcount ; extern BYTE vmode; struct { int state ; USHORT row ; USHORT col ; HTIMER timer ; HEV sem ; } b1 = {0,0,0,0,(HEV) 0}, b2 = {0,0,0,0,(HEV) 0}, b3 = {0,0,0,0,(HEV) 0}; ResetThreadPrty() ; DosCreateEventSem( NULL, &b1.sem, DC_SEM_SHARED, FALSE ) ; DosCreateEventSem( NULL, &b2.sem, DC_SEM_SHARED, FALSE ) ; DosCreateEventSem( NULL, &b3.sem, DC_SEM_SHARED, FALSE ) ; while (hMouse) { memset( &MouseEventInfo, 0, sizeof( MOUEVENTINFO ) ) ; rc = MouReadEventQue( &MouseEventInfo, &ReadType, hMouse ) ; if ( rc == NO_ERROR && MouseEventInfo.time ) { char buffer[1024] ; ShiftState = getshiftstate() ; Event = 0 ; if ( ShiftState & SHIFT ) Event |= MMSHIFT ; if ( ShiftState & ALT ) Event |= MMALT ; if ( ShiftState & CONTROL ) Event |= MMCTRL ; sprintf(buffer, " Event: fs:%3x time:%10d row:%3d col:%3d", MouseEventInfo.fs, MouseEventInfo.time, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col) ; debug(F110,"os2_mouseevt",buffer,0) ; if ( MouseDebug ) printf(buffer); /* \V() variables */ MouseCurX = MouseEventInfo.col; MouseCurY = MouseEventInfo.row; ppos = VscrnGetCurPos(vmode) ; Vrow = ppos->y ; Vcol = ppos->x ; if ( MouseEventInfo.row == VscrnGetHeight(vmode) -(tt_status[vmode]?1:0) ) MouseEventInfo.row-- ; if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_BN1_DOWN ) { DosQueryEventSem( b1.sem, &postcount ) ; if ( b1.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && !postcount && MouseEventInfo.row == b1.row && MouseEventInfo.col == b1.col ) { /* Double Click */ debug( F100, "mouse B1 double click", "", 0 ) ; b1.state = 2 ; } else { /* Single Click */ b1.state = 1 ; b1.row = MouseEventInfo.row ; b1.col = MouseEventInfo.col ; DosResetEventSem( b1.sem, &postcount ) ; debug( F100, "mouse B1 single click", "", 0 ) ; } } else if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 drag", "", 0 ) ; if ( b1.state == 1 && !SelectionValid ) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( vmode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, b1.row, b1.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(vmode) ; } else if ( b1.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != MouseEventInfo.row || lastcol != MouseEventInfo.col ) ) { mousecurpos( vmode, lastrow, lastcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, TRUE ) ; } } if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_BN2_DOWN ) { DosQueryEventSem( b2.sem, &postcount ) ; if ( b2.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && !postcount && MouseEventInfo.row == b2.row && MouseEventInfo.col == b2.col ) { /* Double Click */ debug( F100, "mouse B2 double click", "", 0 ) ; b2.state = 2 ; } else { /* Single Click */ b2.state = 1 ; b2.row = MouseEventInfo.row ; b2.col = MouseEventInfo.col ; DosResetEventSem( b2.sem, &postcount ) ; debug( F100, "mouse B2 single click", "", 0 ) ; } } else if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 drag", "", 0 ) ; if ( b2.state == 1 && !SelectionValid ) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( vmode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, b2.row, b2.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(vmode) ; } else if ( b2.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != MouseEventInfo.row || lastcol != MouseEventInfo.col ) ) { mousecurpos( vmode, lastrow, lastcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, TRUE ) ; } } if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_BN3_DOWN ) { DosQueryEventSem( b3.sem, &postcount ); if ( b3.state == 1 && !SelectionValid && !postcount && MouseEventInfo.row == b3.row && MouseEventInfo.col == b3.col ) { /* Double Click */ b3.state = 2 ; debug( F100, "mouse B3 double click","",0) ; } else { /* Single Click */ b3.state = 1 ; b3.row = MouseEventInfo.row ; b3.col = MouseEventInfo.col ; DosResetEventSem( b3.sem, &postcount ) ; debug( F100, "mouse B3 single click","",0) ; } } else if ( MouseEventInfo.fs & MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 drag","",0) ; if ( b3.state == 1 && !SelectionValid ) { SelectionValid = 1 ; RequestKeyStrokeMutex( vmode, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT); putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, b3.row, b3.col, TRUE ) ; putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_START ) ; ReleaseKeyStrokeMutex(vmode) ; } else if ( b3.state == 1 && SelectionValid && ( lastrow != MouseEventInfo.row || lastcol != MouseEventInfo.col ) ) { mousecurpos( vmode, lastrow, lastcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, TRUE ) ; } } if ( !(MouseEventInfo.fs & ( MOUSE_BN1_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN) ) ) { /* button 1 may have been released */ if ( b1.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 single click released", "" , 0 ); if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB1][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; default: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type != error ) */ { putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b1.state = 0 ; b1.row = 0 ; b1.col = 0 ; } else { DosResetEventSem( b1.sem, &postcount ) ; DosAsyncTimer( dblclickspeed, (HSEM) b1.sem, &b1.timer ) ; } } else if ( b1.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB1][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } b1.state = 0 ; b1.row = 0 ; b1.col = 0 ; } } if ( !(MouseEventInfo.fs & ( MOUSE_BN2_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN) ) ) { /* button 2 may have been released */ if ( b2.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 single click released", "" , 0 ); if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB2][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( vmode,F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; break; default: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type != error ) */ { putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b2.state = 0 ; b2.row = 0 ; b2.col = 0 ; } else { DosResetEventSem( b2.sem, &postcount ) ; DosAsyncTimer( dblclickspeed, (HSEM) b2.sem, &b2.timer ) ; } } else if ( b2.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type == kverb) { switch (mousemap[MMB2][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } b2.state = 0 ; b2.row = 0 ; b2.col = 0 ; } } if ( !(MouseEventInfo.fs & ( MOUSE_BN3_DOWN | MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN) ) ) { /* button 3 may have been released */ if ( b3.state == 1 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 single click released", "" , 0 ); if ( SelectionValid ) { Event |= MMDRAG ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB3][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; case K_MARK_COPYCLIP: case K_MARK_COPYHOST: case K_MARK_COPYCLIP_NOEOL: case K_MARK_COPYHOST_NOEOL: case K_DUMP: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; break; default: putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type != error ) */ { putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_MARK_CANCEL ) ; putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } SelectionValid = 0 ; b3.state = 0 ; b3.row = 0 ; b3.col = 0 ; } else { DosResetEventSem( b3.sem, &postcount ) ; DosAsyncTimer( dblclickspeed, (HSEM) b3.sem, &b3.timer ) ; } } else if ( b3.state == 2 ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 double click released", "" , 0 ); Event |= MMDBL ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB3][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } b3.state = 0 ; b3.row = 0 ; b3.col = 0 ; } } lastrow = MouseEventInfo.row ; lastcol = MouseEventInfo.col ; } else /* No Mouse Event */ { char buffer[1024] ; if ( SelectionValid ) { ppos = VscrnGetCurPos(vmode) ; Vrow = ppos->y ; Vcol = ppos->x ; if ( lastrow == 0 && VscrnGetBegin(vmode) != VscrnGetScrollTop(vmode)+Vrow ) { putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_UPONE ) ; } else if ( lastrow == VscrnGetHeight(vmode) -(tt_status[vmode]?2:1) && VscrnGetEnd(vmode) != VscrnGetScrollTop(vmode)+Vrow ) { putkverb( vmode, F_KVERB | K_DNONE ) ; } sprintf(buffer, "AutoScroll: fs:%3x time:%10d row:%3d col:%3d", MouseEventInfo.fs, MouseEventInfo.time, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col) ; debug(F110,"os2_mouseevt",buffer,0) ; } else if ( b1.state == 1 && b1.timer && !DosQueryEventSem( b1.sem, &postcount ) && postcount ) { debug( F100, "mouse B1 timeout, must be a click", "", 0 ) ; Event |= MMCLICK ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB1][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, lastrow, lastcol, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, lastrow, lastcol ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB1][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB1][Event] ) ; } b1.state = 0 ; b1.row = 0 ; b1.col = 0 ; DosStopTimer( b1.timer ) ; b1.timer = 0 ; } else if ( b2.state == 1 && b2.timer && !DosQueryEventSem( b2.sem, &postcount ) && postcount ) { debug( F100, "mouse B2 timeout, must be a click", "", 0 ) ; Event |= MMCLICK ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB2][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, lastrow, lastcol, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, lastrow, lastcol ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB2][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB2][Event] ) ; } b2.state = 0 ; b2.row = 0 ; b2.col = 0 ; DosStopTimer( b2.timer ) ; b2.timer = 0 ; } else if ( b3.state == 1 && b3.timer && !DosQueryEventSem( b3.sem, &postcount ) && postcount ) { debug( F100, "mouse B3 timeout, must be a click", "", 0 ) ; Event |= MMCLICK ; /* Handle special Mouse Kverbs */ if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type == kverb ) { switch (mousemap[MMB3][Event] & ~(F_KVERB)) { case K_MOUSE_MARK: break; case K_MOUSE_CURPOS: mousecurpos( vmode, Vrow, Vcol, lastrow, lastcol, FALSE ) ; break; case K_MOUSE_URL: mouseurl( vmode, lastrow, lastcol ); break; default: putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } } else /* if ( mousemap[MMB3][Event].type != error ) */ { putevent( vmode, mousemap[MMB3][Event] ) ; } b3.state = 0 ; b3.row = 0 ; b3.col = 0 ; DosStopTimer( b3.timer ) ; b3.timer = 0 ; } #ifdef COMMENT else { sprintf(buffer, "NoEvent: fs:%3x time:%10d row:%3d col:%3d", MouseEventInfo.fs, MouseEventInfo.time, MouseEventInfo.row, MouseEventInfo.col) ; debug(F110,"os2_mouseevt",buffer,0) ; } #endif /* COMMENT */ } msleep(1) ; } DosCloseEventSem( b1.sem ) ; DosCloseEventSem( b2.sem ) ; DosCloseEventSem( b3.sem ) ; ckThreadEnd(pArgList); } #endif /* NT */ APIRET os2_mouseoff( void ) { APIRET rc = 0 ; #ifdef NT extern HANDLE KbdHandle ; DWORD mode ; mouseon = FALSE ; GetConsoleMode( KbdHandle, &mode ) ; mode &= ~ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT ; rc = SetConsoleMode( KbdHandle, mode ) ; debug(F101,"Mouse Off","",rc) ; #else /* NT */ if ( hMouse ) { rc = MouClose( hMouse ) ; debug(F101,"Mouse Off","",rc) ; hMouse = 0 ; DosWaitThread( &tidMouse, DCWW_WAIT ) ; debug(F100,"os2_mouevt() thread dead","",0) ; tidMouse = 0 ; } #endif /* NT */ return rc ; } #endif /* OS2MOUSE */