/*****************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 1994 by Jyrki Salmi */ /* You may modify, recompile and distribute this file freely. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Routines that load P.DLL and get the address of p_tranfer() entry function. */ #include #ifdef OS2 #ifdef NT #include #else #define INCL_DOSMODULEMGR #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #define INCL_DOSDEVICES #define INCL_DOSDEVIOCTL #define INCL_DOSNLS #define INCL_DOSASYNCTIMER #define INCL_DOSDATETIME #define INCL_DOSERRORS #include #undef COMMENT #endif #endif /* OS2 */ #include "ckcdeb.h" #ifndef NOXFER #ifdef XYZ_INTERNAL #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckuusr.h" #include "ckcnet.h" #include "ckocon.h" #include "p_type.h" #include "p.h" #include "ckop.h" #include "p_global.h" #include "p_callbk.h" #include "p_common.h" extern int rpackets, spackets, spktl, rpktl, what ; #ifdef XYZ_DLL #ifdef OS2 static HMODULE dll_handle; U32 (* _System p_transfer)(P_CFG *) = NULL; #endif /* OS2 */ #define PINBUFSIZE 8192 #define POUTBUFSIZE 4096 int load_p_dll(void) { int rc=0; CHAR *exe_path; CHAR path[256]; #ifdef NT dll_handle = LoadLibrary( "P95.DLL" ) ; if ( !dll_handle ) { rc = GetLastError() ; debug(F101,"load_p_dll - Unable to load module: rc","",rc); return rc; } (FARPROC) p_transfer = GetProcAddress( dll_handle, "p_transfer" ) ; if ( !p_transfer ) { rc = GetLastError() ; debug(F101,"load_p_dll - Unable to find p_transfer()","",rc); return rc; } #else exe_path = GetLoadPath(); sprintf(path, "%.*sP2.DLL", (int)get_dir_len(exe_path), exe_path); rc = DosLoadModule(NULL, 0L, path, &dll_handle); if (rc) { /* P.DLL was not found in directory specified with LIBPATH, let's look */ /* up for it from the directory where P.EXE was ran from. */ rc = DosLoadModule(NULL, 0L, "P2", &dll_handle); if (rc) debug(F101,"load_p_dll - Unable to load module: rc","",rc); } /* Query the address of p_transfer() entry function */ rc = DosQueryProcAddr(dll_handle, 0, "p_transfer", (PFN *)&p_transfer); if (rc) debug(F101,"load_p_dll - Unable to find p_transfer()","",rc); #endif return rc ; } int unload_p_dll(void) { int rc=0; #ifdef NT if ( !FreeLibrary( dll_handle ) ) rc = GetLastError() ; #else rc = DosFreeModule(dll_handle); #endif if (rc) debug(F101,"unload_p_dll - Unable to unload module - you must be kidding if you see this one! :-)","",rc); else p_transfer = NULL ; return rc ; } #endif /* XYZ_DLL */ U32 _System pushback_func( U8 * buf, U32 len ) { return le_puts( buf, len ); } U32 _System in_func( U8 * buf, U32 len, U32 * bytes_received ) { extern int network, carrier; int rc, avail, read, i ; if (!network) { /* if not a network */ if (carrier != CAR_OFF && /* && carrier-watch enabled */ (ttgmdm() & BM_DCD)==0) { /* check for carrier detect */ debug(F100,"P in_func carrier dropped","",0); *bytes_received = 0; *buf='\0'; return(-1); /* no? Carrier dropped */ } } avail = ttchk() ; debug(F111,"P in_func","ttchk",avail); if ( avail <= 0 ) return(avail); if ( !buf || !bytes_received ) return -1 ; *bytes_received = 0 ; *buf = '\0' ; if ( !len ) return 0 ; read = len > avail ? avail : len ; rc = ttxin( read, buf ) ; if ( rc > 0 ) { *bytes_received = rc ; hexdump("P in_func",buf,rc); if ( what == W_RECV ) { rpktl = rc ; rpackets++; } return 0; } else if ( rc < -1 ) return(rc); return(ERROR_NO_DATA); /* Either no data was received or timeout */ } U32 _System out_func( U8 * buf, U32 len, U32 * bytes_written ) { int rc = 0 ; if ( !buf || !bytes_written ) return -1 ; *bytes_written = 0 ; if ( !len ) return 0 ; if ( what == W_SEND ) { spktl = len ; spackets++ ; } hexdump("P out_func",buf,len); rc = ttxout( buf, len ) ; if ( rc >= 0 ) { *bytes_written = rc ; return 0; } else if ( rc == -1 ) return 0; /* No data written but connection not dropped */ else return 1 ; } #ifdef OS2ONLY USHORT DosDevIOCtl32(PVOID pData, USHORT cbData, PVOID pParms, USHORT cbParms, USHORT usFunction, USHORT usCategory, HFILE hDevice); #endif /* OS2ONLY */ U32 _System break_func( U8 on ) { extern int ttyfd, ttmdm ; #ifndef NT MODEMSTATUS ms; UINT data, i; #endif /* NT */ debug(F101,"P break_func","",on); #ifdef NETCONN if (ttmdm < 0) { if (on) return os2_netbreak(); else return (0); } #endif /* NETCONN */ #ifdef NT if (on) SetCommBreak( (HANDLE) ttyfd ) ; else ClearCommBreak( (HANDLE) ttyfd ) ; #else /* NT */ ms.fbModemOn = RTS_ON; ms.fbModemOff = 255; DosDevIOCtl32(&data,sizeof(data),&ms,sizeof(ms), ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); if ( on ) DosDevIOCtl32(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKON,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break on */ else DosDevIOCtl32(&i,sizeof(i),NULL,0, ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF,IOCTL_ASYNC,ttyfd); /* Break off */ #endif /* NT */ return 0; } U32 _System available_func( U32 * available ) { int rc = ttchk() ; if ( rc < 0 ) { *available = 0 ; return(1); } else { *available = rc ; return(0); } } int pxyz(int sstate) { extern struct ck_p ptab[] ; extern int ttyfd, protocol, mdmtyp, fncact, binary, moving, sendmode, prefixing, carrier, local, fdispla, nfils, parity, ttprty; extern int network; #ifndef NOLOCAL extern term_io; int term_io_sav = term_io; #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifdef TCPSOCKET extern int u_binary, me_binary, ttnproto, tn_b_meu, tn_b_ume ; #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ extern int retrans, crunched ; extern int timeouts, tsecs ; extern char * cmarg, * cmarg2, ** cmlist ; extern long ffc, filcnt ; extern short ctlp[] ; #ifdef NT extern int owwait, maxow ; /* overlapped writes wait for return ? */ #endif /* NT */ extern int nzxpand(char *,int) ; extern int znext( char *) ; #ifdef CK_TMPDIR extern char * dldir ; extern int f_tmpdir; extern char savdir[] ; extern char *fncnam[] ; #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ #ifndef NOMSEND extern struct filelist * filehead, * filenext; extern int addlist; #endif /* NOMSEND */ char filename[260] ; int savbin = binary ; char *tp; APIRET rc = 0; int i; #ifdef GFTIMER extern float fptsecs; #endif /* GFTIMER */ #ifdef PIPESEND #undef PIPESEND #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef PIPESEND extern int pipesend; #endif /* PIPESEND */ savfnc = fncact ; #ifdef XYZ_DLL if ( !p_transfer ) if ( load_p_dll() ) return -1 ; #endif /* XYZ_DLL */ memset(&p_cfg, '\0', sizeof(p_cfg)); p_cfg.inbuf_size = PINBUFSIZE; p_cfg.outbuf_size = POUTBUFSIZE; /* Initialize Receiver state flags */ checking_method = 0; receiver_flags = 0; receiver_window_size = -1; if (sstate != 's' && sstate != 'v') { printf("?Invalid start state for %s\n", ptab[protocol].p_name); return -1 ; } p_cfg.version = P_INTERFACE_VERSION; p_cfg.serial_num = 0 ; /* 0 means no serial number */ p_cfg.attn_seq = NULL; /* By default, we don't */ switch ( protocol ) { case PROTO_X: debug(F111,"pxyz()","Xmodem",protocol); p_cfg.protocol_type = PROTOCOL_X ; if (ptab[protocol].spktlen >= 1000) p_cfg.attr |= CFG_1K_BLOCKS ; break; case PROTO_XC: debug(F111,"pxyz()","Xmodem C",protocol); p_cfg.protocol_type = PROTOCOL_X ; p_cfg.attr |= CFG_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKING; if (ptab[protocol].spktlen >= 1000) p_cfg.attr |= CFG_1K_BLOCKS; break; case PROTO_Y: debug(F111,"pxyz()","Ymodem",protocol); p_cfg.protocol_type = PROTOCOL_Y ; if (ptab[protocol].spktlen >= 1000) p_cfg.attr |= CFG_1K_BLOCKS ; break; case PROTO_G: debug(F111,"pxyz()","Ymodem G",protocol); p_cfg.protocol_type = PROTOCOL_G ; if (ptab[protocol].spktlen >= 1000) p_cfg.attr |= CFG_1K_BLOCKS ; break; case PROTO_Z: debug(F111,"pxyz()","Zmodem",protocol); p_cfg.protocol_type = PROTOCOL_Z ; #ifdef COMMENT /* this is handled by ptab[protocol].h_init now */ p_cfg.attr |= CFG_SEND_RZ_CR ; #endif /* COMMENT */ if (ptab[protocol].winsize > -1) p_cfg.blk_size = ptab[protocol].winsize ; break; default: debug(F101,"P - unsupported protocol","",protocol); return -1; } p_cfg.dev_type = DEV_TYPE_EXE_IO ; #ifdef TCPSOCKET /* Just for debug purposes */ if ( deblog && mdmtyp < 0 && network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET) { debug(F110,"pxyz","CFG_DEV_TELNET",0); if ( TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY) || (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY) && tn_b_meu) ) { debug(F110,"pxyz","CFG_DEV_TELNET_U_BINARY",0); } if ( TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY) || (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY) && tn_b_ume) ) { debug(F110,"pxyz","CFG_DEV_TELNET_ME_BINARY",0); } } #endif /* TCPSOCKET */ if ( moving ) p_cfg.attr |= CFG_FILE_MOVE ; if (local && fdispla ) { opt_mileage = 1 ; opt_frameends = 0 ; opt_headers = 0 ; } switch (fncact) { /* Filename collision */ case XYFX_A: /* Append */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_APPEND ; break; case XYFX_B: /* Backup */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_BACKUP ; break; case XYFX_D: /* Discard */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_PROTECT ; break; case XYFX_R: /* Rename */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_RENAME ; break; case XYFX_X: /* Replace */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_REPLACE ; break; case XYFX_U: /* Update */ opt_management = Z_MANAGEMENT_NEWER ; break; } opt_text = !binary ; /* Text mode */ if (!cmarg2) cmarg2 = ""; if (sstate == 'v') { /* Receiving */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (dldir && !f_tmpdir) { /* If they have a download directory */ char * s = NULL ; debug(F110,"pxyz() download directory",dldir,0); if (s = zgtdir()) { /* Get current directory */ if (zchdir(dldir)) { /* Change to download directory */ strncpy(savdir,s,TMPDIRLEN); f_tmpdir = 1; /* Remember that we did this */ } } } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ if (ptab[protocol].fnrp == 0) { opt_paths = 1 ; opt_create = 1 ; } what = W_RECV ; p_cfg.transfer_direction = DIR_RECV; /* Must supply output filename */ if (p_cfg.protocol_type == PROTOCOL_X) { /* for XMODEM receive */ if (!*cmarg2) cmarg2 = "XMODEM.XXX"; } if (*cmarg2) { tl_add( &tl, cmarg2, 0, NULL, !binary ) ; cmarg2 = ""; } } else { /* Sending */ int i, j, x, y; if (ptab[protocol].fnsp == 0) opt_paths = 1 ; if (binary && sendmode == SM_RESEND && protocol == PROTO_Z ) { opt_resume = 1 ; } for (i=0;i<256;i++) { if (ctlp[i]) { p_cfg.attr |= CFG_ESC_TABLE ; p_cfg.control_prefix_table = (unsigned short *)ctlp ; break; } } debug(F111,"ckop()","parity",parity); debug(F111,"ckop()","ttprty",ttprty); if ( parity ) { p_cfg.attr |= CFG_ESC_8TH ; } p_cfg.transfer_direction = DIR_SEND ; what = W_SEND ; if ( nfils < 0 ) { if (!cmarg[0]) return -1; #ifdef PIPESEND if ( pipesend ) { tl_add( &tl, cmarg, 0, (cmarg2 && *cmarg2) ? cmarg2 : NULL, !binary ) ; } else #endif /* PIPESEND */ for ( i=0, y=x=nzxpand(cmarg,1); i < x ; i++ ) { y = znext(filename); if ( !isdir(filename) ) tl_add( &tl, filename, zchki(filename), (x==1 && cmarg2 && *cmarg2) ? cmarg2 : NULL, !binary ) ; } } else { #ifndef NOMSEND if ( addlist ) { while( filenext ) if ( filenext->fl_name ) { for ( i=0, y=x=nzxpand(filenext->fl_name,1); i < x ; i++ ) { y = znext(filename); if ( !isdir(filename) ) tl_add( &tl, filename, zchki(filename), (x == 1 && filenext->fl_alias) ? filenext->fl_alias : NULL, !filenext->fl_mode ) ; } filenext = filenext->fl_next ; } else { printf("?Internal error expanding ADD list\n"); return(-1); } } else #endif /* NOMSEND */ for ( j=0; jcnt ; bytes_left = tl->size ; } p_cfg.status_func = status_func; p_cfg.r_open_func = r_open_func; p_cfg.s_open_func = s_open_func; p_cfg.close_func = close_func; p_cfg.seek_func = seek_func; p_cfg.read_func = read_func; p_cfg.write_func = write_func; p_cfg.exe_out_func = out_func; p_cfg.exe_in_func = in_func; p_cfg.exe_break_func = break_func; p_cfg.exe_available_func = available_func; p_cfg.exe_pushback_func = pushback_func; /* Transaction Log Begin */ ztime(&tp); tlog(F110,"Transaction begins",tp,0L); /* Make transaction log entry */ tlog(F110,"Global file mode:", binary ? "binary" : "text", 0L); if ( p_cfg.transfer_direction == DIR_RECV ) tlog(F110,"Collision action:", fncnam[fncact],0); tlog(F100,"","",0); ckscreen(SCR_PT,'S',0L,""); sprintf(filename, "%s %s is being initiated", ptab[protocol].p_name, p_cfg.transfer_direction == DIR_RECV ? "receiving" : "sending" ); ckscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0L,filename); install_interrupt_handler( 1 ) ; resetc() ; /* Reset per transaction counters */ rtimer() ; /* Reset timers for file transfer */ #ifdef GFTIMER rftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ spktl = 0 ; rpktl = 0 ; tsecs = -1 ; #ifndef NOLOCAL term_io = 0; /* Disable Emulator I/O */ #endif /* NOLOCAL */ filcnt = 0; if ( rc = p_transfer( &p_cfg ) ) { bleep(BP_FAIL) ; if ( we_aborted ) ckscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Transfer cancelled"); else ckscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Transfer failed"); } else bleep(BP_NOTE); install_interrupt_handler( 0 ) ; tl_free(&tl) ; #ifdef CK_TMPDIR /* If we were cd'd temporarily to another device or directory ... */ if (f_tmpdir) { int x; x = zchdir((char *) savdir); /* ... restore previous directory */ f_tmpdir = 0; /* and remember we did it. */ debug(F111,"ckcpro.w B tmpdir restoring",savdir,x); } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ tsecs = gtimer(); #ifdef GFTIMER fptsecs = gftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ ckscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); /* Close Display */ tstats() ; /* Generate output for Transaction Log */ binary = savbin ; /* Restore original settings */ fncact = savfnc ; #ifndef NOLOCAL term_io = term_io_sav; #endif /* NOLOCAL */ #ifdef PIPESEND pipesend = 0; /* Reset it for the next time */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ return rc ; } #endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */ #endif /* NOXFER */