SUBROUTINE SQUIT C C **************************************************************** C C KERMIT for the MODCOMP MAXIV operating system C C Compliments of: C C SETPOINT, Inc. C 10245 Brecksville Rd. C Brecksville, Ohio 44141 C C C KERMIT is a copyrighted protocol of Columbia Univ. The authors C of this version hereby grant permission to copy this software C provided that it is not used for an explicitly commercial C purpose and that proper credit be given. SETPOINT, Inc. makes C no warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy of this package C and will assume no liability resulting from it's use. C C **************************************************************** C C Abstract: Final EXIT from Kermit program. If any files have been C received, let user change to MAXIV compatible names C and select their USL source library. C C MODIFICATION HISTORY C C BY DATE REASON PROGRAMS AFFECTED C C **************************************************************** C C Author: Rick Burke Version: A.0 Date: Aug-86 C C Calling Parameters: None C C **************************************************************** C C Messages generated by this module : None C C **************************************************************** C C Subroutines called directly : EXIT, RSTORE, WEOF C C **************************************************************** C C Files referenced : None C C **************************************************************** C C Local variable definitions : None C C **************************************************************** C C Commons referenced : UFTTBL C C **************************************************************** C C (*$END.DOCUMENT*) C C **************************************************************** C * * C * D I M E N S I O N S T A T E M E N T S * C * * C **************************************************************** C IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) C C **************************************************************** C * * C * T Y P E S T A T E M E N T S * C * * C **************************************************************** C C C **************************************************************** C * * C * C O M M O N S T A T E M E N T S * C * * C **************************************************************** C INCLUDE USL/KERCOM INCLUDE USL/KERPMC INCLUDE USL/UFTTBC C C **************************************************************** C * * C * E Q U I V A L E N C E S T A T E M E N T S * C * * C **************************************************************** C C C **************************************************************** C * * C * D A T A S T A T E M E N T S * C * * C **************************************************************** C C C **************************************************************** C C Code starts here : C C-----> First, write EOF at the end of the received file list. C CALL WEOF(IUFT(1,5)) C C-----> Next, terminate any read to the remote Kermit. C CALL TERMIN (IUFT(1,4),.FALSE.) C C----> CALL ROUTINE TO CATALOG FILES C CALL RSTORE C C WRITE(LOCALO,1000) 1000 FORMAT(' KERMIT-MAXIV EXITING...') CALL EXIT RETURN END