char *ckzv = "Data General file support, 4C(034) 24 Jan 88"; /* C K U F I O -- Kermit file system support for Unix systems */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B), Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985. Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. This module was adapted to the Data General computers by: Phil Julian, SAS Institute, Inc., Box 8000, Cary, NC 27512-8000 Acknowledgements for addtional help: For using sys_gnfn() in fgen(), instead of my kludge: Victor Johansen, Micro_rel, 2343 W 10th Place, Tempe AZ 85281 For using dg_open() for the pipe in zxcmd(), and also for using sys_proc() in start_cli(): Richard Lamb, MIT, 77 Mass. Ave., Room 35-437, Cambridge MA 02139 */ /* Includes */ #include "ckcker.h" /* Kermit definitions */ #include "ckcdeb.h" /* Typedefs, debug formats, etc */ #include /* Character types */ #include /* Standard i/o */ #ifdef datageneral /* The DG compiler version 3.21 has a bug in the get*id() functions, which * cause the program to go into an infinite loop. These functions should * return -1 unless the system is in a UNIX environment, so I made the * appropriate kludges. -- Phil Julian, 8 April 87 */ #ifndef dgux #define getgid() -1 #define getuid() -1 #define geteuid() -1 #endif dgux #include #include #include #include #include /* Used for ?GNFN */ #include #include #define fork() vfork() int wildcarlb; /* Wild card ^ or # */ #else #include /* Data types */ #include /* Password file for shell name */ #endif datageneral #include /* Directory structure */ #include /* File status */ /* Berkeley Unix Version 4.x */ /* 4.1bsd support added by Charles E Brooks, EDN-VAX */ #ifdef BSD4 #ifdef MAXNAMLEN #define BSD42 char *ckzsys = " 4.2 BSD"; #else #ifdef FT17 #define BSD41 char *ckzsys = " For:Pro Fortune 1.7"; #else #define BSD41 char *ckzsys = " 4.1 BSD"; #endif #endif #endif /* 2.9bsd support contributed by Bradley Smith, UCLA */ #ifdef BSD29 char *ckzsys = " 2.9 BSD"; #endif /* Version 7 Unix */ #ifdef V7 char *ckzsys = " Version 7 Unix"; #endif /* Datageneral support contributed by Phil Julian, SAS Institute, Inc. */ #ifdef dgux char *ckzsys = " Data General DG/UX"; #else #ifdef datageneral char *ckzsys = " Data General AOS/VS"; #endif #endif /* DEC Professional-300 series with Venturcom Venix v1 */ #ifdef PROVX1 char *ckzsys = " DEC Pro-3xx/Venix v1"; #endif /* NCR Tower support contributed by John Bray, Auburn, AL. */ /* Tower OS is like Sys III but with BSD features -- mostly follows BSD. */ #ifdef TOWER1 char *ckzsys = " NCR Tower 1632, OS 1.02"; #endif /* Sys III/V, Xenix, PC/IX,... support by Herm Fischer, Litton Data Systems */ #ifdef UXIII #ifdef XENIX char *ckzsys = " Xenix/286"; #else #ifdef PCIX char *ckzsys = " PC/IX"; #else #ifdef ISIII char *ckzsys = " Interactive Systems Corp, System III"; #else #ifndef datageneral char *ckzsys = " AT&T System III/System V"; #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif /* Definitions of some Unix system commands */ #ifdef datageneral /* Definitions of system commands for AOS/VS */ char *DIRCMD = "filestatus/sort/assortment "; /* For directory listing */ char *DELCMD = "delete/v "; /* For file deletion */ char *TYPCMD = "type "; /* For typing a file */ char *PWDCMD = "directory "; /* For saying where I am */ /* Space/quota of home, not current directory. Note that 31 characters is * the longest name length, and so the home directory name cannot be * longer. */ char *SPACMD = "space :udd: "; char *SPACM2 = "space "; /* For space in specified directory */ char *WHOCMD = "who "; #else char *DIRCMD = "ls -l "; /* For directory listing */ char *DELCMD = "rm -f "; /* For file deletion */ char *TYPCMD = "cat "; /* For typing a file */ char *PWDCMD = "pwd "; /* For saying where I am */ #ifdef BSD4 char *SPACMD = "pwd ; quota ; df ."; /* Space/quota of current directory */ #else char *SPACMD = "df "; #endif char *SPACM2 = "df "; /* For space in specified directory */ #ifdef BSD4 char *WHOCMD = "finger "; /* For seeing who's logged in */ #else char *WHOCMD = "who "; /* For seeing who's logged in */ #endif #endif /* Functions (n is one of the predefined file numbers from ckermi.h): zopeni(n,name) -- Opens an existing file for input. zopeno(n,name) -- Opens a new file for output. zclose(n) -- Closes a file. zchin(n,&c) -- Gets the next character from an input file. zsout(n,s) -- Write a null-terminated string to output file, buffered. zsoutl(n,s) -- Like zsout, but appends a line terminator. zsoutx(n,s,x) -- Write x characters to output file, unbuffered. zchout(n,c) -- Add a character to an output file, unbuffered. zchki(name) -- Check if named file exists and is readable, return size. zchko(name) -- Check if named file can be created. znewn(name,s) -- Make a new unique file name based on the given name. zdelet(name) -- Delete the named file. zxpand(string) -- Expands the given wildcard string into a list of files. znext(string) -- Returns the next file from the list in "string". zxcmd(cmd) -- Execute the command in a lower fork. zclosf() -- Close input file associated with zxcmd()'s lower fork. zrtol(n1,n2) -- Convert remote filename into local form. zltor(n1,n2) -- Convert local filename into remote form. zchdir(dirnam) -- Change working directory. zhome() -- Return pointer to home directory name string. zkself() -- Kill self, log out own job. */ #ifdef aegis #include "/sys/ins/base.ins.c" #include "/sys/ins/error.ins.c" #include "/sys/ins/pgm.ins.c" #endif #ifdef FT17 #define PROVX1 #endif #ifndef PROVX1 #ifndef aegis #ifndef datageneral #include /* File access */ #endif #endif #endif #ifdef FT17 #undef PROVX1 #endif /* Some systems define these in include files, others don't... */ #ifndef R_OK #define R_OK 4 /* For access */ #endif #ifndef W_OK #define W_OK 2 #endif #ifdef PROVX1 #define MAXNAMLEN DIRSIZ /* Max file name length */ #endif #ifdef UXIII #include #define MAXNAMLEN DIRSIZ #endif #ifndef O_RDONLY #define O_RDONLY 000 #endif #ifndef MAXNAMLEN #define MAXNAMLEN 14 /* If still not defined... */ #endif #ifdef PROVX1 #define MAXWLD 50 /* Maximum wildcard filenames */ #else #ifdef BSD29 #define MAXWLD 50 /* Maximum wildcard filenames */ #else #define MAXWLD 500 #endif #endif /* Declarations */ FILE *fp[ZNFILS] = { /* File pointers */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static int pid; /* pid of child fork */ #ifdef SASMOD /* For remote Kermit command */ static int savout, saverr; /* saved stdout and stderr streams */ #endif static int fcount; /* Number of files in wild group */ static char nambuf[MAXNAMLEN+1]; /* Buffer for a filename */ char *malloc(), *getenv(), *strcpy(); /* System functions */ extern errno; /* System error code */ static char *mtchs[MAXWLD], /* Matches found for filename */ **mtchptr; /* Pointer to current match */ /* Z K S E L F -- Kill Self: log out own job, if possible. */ zkself() { /* For "bye", but no guarantee! */ #ifdef aegis return(kill(0,9)); #else #ifdef PROVX1 return(kill(0,9)); #else #ifdef V7 return(kill(0,9)); #else #ifdef TOWER1 return(kill(0,9)); #else #ifdef FT17 return(kill(0,9)); #else #ifdef datageneral /* sys_term works better than kill() on the DG, but does not log off. */ char *msg ="bye "; int ac2; ac2 = (int) msg; return(sys_term(getpid(),0,ac2)); #else return(kill(getppid(),1)); #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif } /* Z O P E N I -- Open an existing file for input. */ zopeni(n,name) int n; char *name; { debug(F111," zopeni",name,n); debug(F101," fp","",(int) fp[n]); if (chkfn(n) != 0) return(0); if (n == ZSYSFN) { /* Input from a system function? */ debug(F110," invoking zxcmd",name,0); return(zxcmd(name)); /* Try to fork the command */ } if (n == ZSTDIO) { /* Standard input? */ if (isatty(0)) { ermsg("Terminal input not allowed"); debug(F110,"zopeni: attempts input from unredirected stdin","",0); return(0); } fp[ZIFILE] = stdin; return(1); } fp[n] = fopen(name,"r"); /* Real file. */ debug(F111," zopeni", name, (int) fp[n]); if (fp[n] == NULL) perror("zopeni"); return((fp[n] != NULL) ? 1 : 0); } /* Z O P E N O -- Open a new file for output. */ zopeno(n,name) int n; char *name; { debug(F111," zopeno",name,n); if (chkfn(n) != 0) return(0); if ((n == ZCTERM) || (n == ZSTDIO)) { /* Terminal or standard output */ fp[ZOFILE] = stdout; debug(F101," fp[]=stdout", "", (int) fp[n]); return(1); } fp[n] = fopen(name,"w"); /* A real file, try to open */ if (fp[n] == NULL) { perror("zopeno can't open"); } else { chown(name, getuid(), getgid()); /* In case set[gu]id */ if (n == ZDFILE) setbuf(fp[n],NULL); /* Debugging file unbuffered */ } debug(F101, " fp[n]", "", (int) fp[n]); return((fp[n] != NULL) ? 1 : 0); } /* Z C L O S E -- Close the given file. */ /* Returns 0 if arg out of range, 1 if successful, -1 if close failed. */ zclose(n) int n; { int x; if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(0); /* Check range of n */ if ((n == ZIFILE) && fp[ZSYSFN]) { /* If system function */ x = zclosf(); /* do it specially */ } else { if ((fp[n] != stdout) && (fp[n] != stdin)) x = fclose(fp[n]); fp[n] = NULL; } return((x == EOF) ? -1 : 1); } /* Z C H I N -- Get a character from the input file. */ /* Returns -1 if EOF, 0 otherwise with character returned in argument */ zchin(n,c) int n; char *c; { int a; if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(-1); a = getc(fp[n]); if (a == EOF) return(-1); *c = a & 0377; return(0); } /* Z S O U T -- Write a string to the given file, buffered. */ zsout(n,s) int n; char *s; { if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(-1); fputs(s,fp[n]); return(0); } /* Z S O U T L -- Write string to file, with line terminator, buffered */ zsoutl(n,s) int n; char *s; { if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(-1); fputs(s,fp[n]); fputs("\n",fp[n]); return(0); } /* Z S O U T X -- Write x characters to file, unbuffered. */ zsoutx(n,s,x) int n, x; char *s; { if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(-1); /* return(write(fp[n]->_file,s,x)); */ return(write(fileno(fp[n]),s,x)); } /* Z C H O U T -- Add a character to the given file. */ /* Should return 0 or greater on success, -1 on failure (e.g. disk full) */ zchout(n,c) int n; char c; { if (chkfn(n) < 1) return(-1); if (n == ZSFILE) /* return(write(fp[n]->_file,&c,1)); */ return(write(fileno(fp[n]),&c,1)); /* Use unbuffered for session log */ else { /* Buffered for everything else */ if (putc(c,fp[n]) == EOF) /* If true, maybe there was an error */ return(ferror(fp[n])?-1:0); /* Check to make sure */ else /* Otherwise... */ return(0); /* There was no error. */ } } /* C H K F N -- Internal function to verify file number is ok */ /* Returns: -1: File number n is out of range 0: n is in range, but file is not open 1: n in range and file is open */ chkfn(n) int n; { switch (n) { case ZCTERM: case ZSTDIO: case ZIFILE: case ZOFILE: case ZDFILE: case ZTFILE: case ZPFILE: case ZSFILE: case ZSYSFN: break; default: debug(F101,"chkfn: file number out of range","",n); fprintf(stderr,"?File number out of range - %d\n",n); return(-1); } return( (fp[n] == NULL) ? 0 : 1 ); } /* Z C H K I -- Check if input file exists and is readable */ /* Returns: >= 0 if the file can be read (returns the size). -1 if file doesn't exist or can't be accessed, -2 if file exists but is not readable (e.g. a directory file). -3 if file exists but protected against read access. */ /* For Berkeley Unix, a file must be of type "regular" to be readable. Directory files, special files, and symbolic links are not readable. */ long zchki(name) char *name; { #ifdef datageneral /* For some reason, the DG croaks intermittently with a call to stat(), * and goes into an infinite loop. This routine needs to see if the * file is okay to look at and access, so I will just call ?fstat to * do that. The only files that cannot be accessed by normal i/o routines * are directories. Other files are fair game. */ int x; long y; P_FSTAT buf; /* struct stat buf; */ int ac0,ac2; /* x = stat(name,&buf); */ ac0 = (int) name; ac2 = (int) &buf; x = sys_fstat(ac0,0,ac2); if (x != 0) { debug(F111,"zchki sys_fstat fails",name,ac0); return(-1); } x = buf.styp_type; /* Isolate file format field */ if ((x >= $LDIR) && (x <= $HDIR)) { debug(F111,"zchki skipping DIR type:",name,x); return(-2); } #else struct stat buf; int x; long y; x = stat(name,&buf); if (x < 0) { debug(F111,"zchki stat fails",name,errno); return(-1); } x = buf.st_mode & S_IFMT; /* Isolate file format field */ if ((x != 0) && (x != S_IFREG)) { debug(F111,"zchki skipping:",name,x); return(-2); } #endif datageneral debug(F111,"zchki stat ok:",name,x); if ((x = access(name,R_OK)) < 0) { /* Is the file accessible? */ debug(F111," access failed:",name,x); /* No */ return(-3); } else { #ifdef datageneral y = buf.sefm; #else y = buf.st_size; #endif debug(F111," access ok:",name,(int) y); /* Yes */ return( (y > -1) ? y : 0 ); } } /* Z C H K O -- Check if output file can be created */ /* Returns -1 if write permission for the file would be denied, 0 otherwise. */ zchko(name) char *name; { int i, x; char s[50], *sp; sp = s; /* Make a copy, get length */ x = 0; while ((*sp++ = *name++) != '\0') x++; if (x == 0) return(-1); /* If no filename, fail. */ debug(F101," length","",x); for (i = x; i > 0; i--) /* Strip filename. */ if (s[i-1] == '/') break; debug(F101," i","",i); if (i == 0) /* If no path, use current directory */ strcpy(s,"./"); else /* Otherwise, use given one. */ s[i] = '\0'; x = access(s,W_OK); /* Check access of path. */ if (x < 0) { debug(F111,"zchko access failed:",s,errno); return(-1); } else { debug(F111,"zchko access ok:",s,x); return(0); } } /* Z D E L E T -- Delete the named file. */ zdelet(name) char *name; { unlink(name); } /* Z R T O L -- Convert remote filename into local form */ /* For UNIX, this means changing uppercase letters to lowercase. */ zrtol(name,name2) char *name, *name2; { for ( ; *name != '\0'; name++) { *name2++ = isupper(*name) ? tolower(*name) : *name; } *name2 = '\0'; debug(F110,"zrtol:",name2,0); } /* Z L T O R -- Local TO Remote */ /* Convert filename from local format to common (remote) form. */ zltor(name,name2) char *name, *name2; { char work[100], *cp, *pp; int dc = 0; #ifdef aegis char *getenv(), *index(), *namechars; int tilde = 0, bslash = 0; if ((namechars = getenv("NAMECHARS")) != NULL) { if (index(namechars, '~' ) != NULL) tilde = '~'; if (index(namechars, '\\') != NULL) bslash = '\\'; } else { tilde = '~'; bslash = '\\'; } #endif debug(F110,"zltor",name,0); pp = work; #ifdef aegis cp = name; if (tilde && *cp == tilde) ++cp; for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { /* strip path name */ if (*cp == '/' || *cp == bslash) { #else #ifdef datageneral /* Strip off the DG directory prefix */ for (cp=name; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (*cp == ':') { #else for (cp = name; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { /* strip path name */ if (*cp == '/') { #endif #endif dc = 0; pp = work; } else if (islower(*cp)) *pp++ = toupper(*cp); /* Uppercase letters */ else if (*cp == '~') *pp++ = 'X'; /* Change tilde to 'X' */ else if (*cp == '#') *pp++ = 'X'; /* Change number sign to 'X' */ else if ((*cp == '.') && (++dc > 1)) *pp++ = 'X'; /* & extra dots */ else *pp++ = *cp; } *pp = '\0'; /* Tie it off. */ cp = name2; /* If nothing before dot, */ if (*work == '.') *cp++ = 'X'; /* insert 'X' */ strcpy(cp,work); debug(F110," name2",name2,0); } /* Z C H D I R -- Change directory */ zchdir(dirnam) char *dirnam; { char *hd; if (*dirnam == '\0') hd = getenv("HOME"); else hd = dirnam; return((chdir(hd) == 0) ? 1 : 0); } /* Z H O M E -- Return pointer to user's home directory */ char * zhome() { return(getenv("HOME")); } /* Z G T D I R -- Return pointer to user's current directory */ char * zgtdir() { char *getcwd(); char cwdbuf[100]; char *buf; buf = cwdbuf; return(getcwd(buf,100)); } #ifdef datageneral /********************************************************************* P I P E _ C A L L Split off the arguments from a command to the system, and pass the command and arguments to the system routine. Return the name of the temp file which stored the results of the command. This routine assumes that the "l=" option is available on all commands, which is true of AOS/VS CLI. Other DG systems may need another method, if the l= option is not available. Returns 0 if the system() function succeeds (>1 status) 1 if the system() function fails. I would have deleted this routine, except that I use it in zxpand() if a # is used as a wild card character. I used to depend on this routine for zxcmd() as well as zxpand(), but I now use sys_proc and sys_gnfn() respectively. *********************************************************************/ int pipe_call(command,output_fname) char *command,output_fname[]; { /* Look for the first semi-colon, if any, and strip up to that point, plus any blanks following it. Because the system() command refers to the initial working directory, a "dir xxx;" is usually pre-pended. */ char *arguments, syscommand[512], locommand[512]; char *insert,*fname,*cp,*tempname; FILE *dummy; strcpy(locommand,command); /* Find the first ;, if any */ for (insert=locommand; ((*insert) && (*insert!=';')); insert++); if (*insert) arguments = insert+1; else arguments = locommand; /* No ; found */ /* Skip leading spaces */ for (; ((*arguments) && isspace(*arguments)); arguments++); /* Find the end of the command to CLI */ for (; ((*arguments) && (*arguments!=',') && !isspace(*arguments)); arguments++); /* If *arguments is NULL, there are no parameters to the command. Otherwise, null-terminate command and address the arguments */ if (*arguments) *arguments++ = '\0'; /* create the @OUTPUT file name -- a unique file name */ fname = getenv("HOME"); for (cp=fname; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == '/') *cp=':'; strcpy(syscommand,fname); strcat(syscommand,":?kermit_pipe_123456"); fname = &syscommand[0]; mktemp(fname); strcpy(output_fname,fname); /* Create the file to establish its file type first */ close(dummy=open(output_fname,O_WRONLY)); /* Append an L= (listing =) switch. All CLI commands have this. */ sprintf(syscommand,"%s/l=%s %s",locommand,output_fname,arguments); /* now execute the command */ if (system(syscommand) > 1) { perror("system"); return(1); } return(0); } #endif /* Z X C M D -- Run a system command so its output can be read like a file */ zxcmd(comand) char *comand; { #ifdef datageneral /******** Start of Rick Lamb's addition to Kermit history. ****************/ #include /* I modified Rick's code to use a tempname type of file. -- Phil Julian. */ /* Can open and start a task in AOS using their dg_open command * and a system call "sys_proc" in "start_cli". R.H.Lamb 12/86 */ FILE *piped; char temp[132]; char *tempfile,*cp,pipename[256]; int i; /* Create a unique pipe file in the users home directory, because * the actual working directory could be where the user has no * write privelages, or two users may collide in the same directory. */ tempfile = getenv("HOME"); for (cp = tempfile; *cp; cp++) if (*cp == '/') *cp=':'; /* Make sure and copy the NULL also */ memcpy (pipename, tempfile, strlen(tempfile)+1); strcat (pipename,":?kermit_pipe_123456"); mktemp(pipename); /* The command interpreter for AOS is "" * for MV/UX its :bin:sh:pr */ if ((piped=dg_open(pipename,$ICRF+$OFIN+$OFCR+$RTDY,$FPIP))==NULL) { perror("Trouble creating a pipe in zxcmd\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Pipe filename was [%s]\n",pipename); return(0); } #ifdef mvux /* I think Rick's comment above may be wrong: "sh:pr" ?? */ strcpy(temp,","); strcpy(&temp[11],comand); #else strcpy(temp,","); strcpy(&temp[8],comand); #endif if (start_cli(temp,pipename)) {perror("Can't execute command in zxcmd\n"); return(0);} fp[ZIFILE]=piped; fp[ZSYSFN]=fp[ZIFILE]; return(1); #else datageneral /* old unix stuff */ int pipes[2]; if (pipe(pipes) != 0) return(0); /* can't make pipe, fail */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ /*#if BSD4*/ /* Code from Dave Tweten@AMES-NAS */ /* readapted to use getpwuid to find login shell */ /* -- H. Fischer */ char *shpath, *shname, *shptr; /* to find desired shell */ struct passwd *p; extern struct passwd * getpwuid(); extern int getuid(); char *defShel = "/bin/sh"; /* default shell */ /*#endif*/ close(pipes[0]); /* close input side of pipe */ close(0); /* close stdin */ if (open("/dev/null",0) < 0) return(0); /* replace input by null */ #ifndef UXIII dup2(pipes[1],1); /* replace stdout & stderr */ dup2(pipes[1],2); /* by the pipe */ #else close(1); /* simulate dup2 */ if (dup(pipes[1]) != 1 ) conol("trouble duping stdout in routine zxcmd\n"); close(2); /* simulate dup2 */ if (dup(pipes[1]) != 2 ) conol("trouble duping stderr in routine zxcmd\n"); #endif close(pipes[1]); /* get rid of this copy of the pipe */ /**** shptr = shname = shpath = getenv("SHELL"); /* What shell? */ p = getpwuid( getuid() ); /* get login data */ if ( p == (struct passwd *) NULL || !*(p->pw_shell) ) shpath = defShel; else shpath = p->pw_shell; shptr = shname = shpath; while (*shptr != '\0') if (*shptr++ == dsep) shname = shptr; debug(F100,"zxcmd...","",0); debug(F110,shpath,shname,0); execl(shpath,shname,"-c",comand,(char *)NULL); /* Execute the command */ /**** execl("/bin/sh","sh","-c",comand,(char *)NULL); /* Execute the command */ exit(0); /* just punt if it didnt work */ } else if (pid == -1) { debug(F100,"zxcmd fork failure","",0); return(0); } close(pipes[1]); /* don't need the output side */ fp[ZIFILE] = fdopen(pipes[0],"r"); /* open a stream for it */ fp[ZSYSFN] = fp[ZIFILE]; /* Remember. */ return(1); #endif datageneral } #ifdef SASMOD /* For remote Kermit command */ /* Z X L O G -- redirect stderr and stdout for logging. */ zxlog() { FILE *tmpf, *tmpfile(); if (chkfn(ZSYSFN) != 0) return(0); /* Unix magic to redirect stdout and stderr to temporary file */ fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); /* synchronize */ if ((tmpf = tmpfile()) == NULL) return(0); if ((savout = dup(1)) < 0 || (saverr = dup(2)) < 0) return(0); dup2(fileno(tmpf), 1); dup2(fileno(tmpf), 2); fp[ZSYSFN] = tmpf; return(1); } /* Z X U N L O G -- restore stderr and stdout from logging. */ zxunlog() { /* restore stdout and stderr */ fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); /* synchronize */ dup2(savout, 1); close(savout); dup2(saverr, 2); close(saverr); /* rewind to start of temporary file */ rewind(fp[ZSYSFN]); fp[ZIFILE] = fp[ZSYSFN]; pid = 0; return(1); } #endif SASMOD /* Z C L O S F - wait for the child fork to terminate and close the pipe. */ zclosf() { int wstat; fclose(fp[ZIFILE]); fp[ZIFILE] = fp[ZSYSFN] = NULL; #ifndef datageneral while ((wstat = wait(0)) != pid && wstat != -1) ; #endif return(1); } #ifdef datageneral /******** More of Rick Lamb's addition to Kermit history. */ /* S T A R T _ C L I - starts a command as another concurrent task. * The command is equivalent to the CLI command of * "proc/def/output=pipename :cli command" */ start_cli(command,pipename) char *command,*pipename; { P_PROC packet; P_ISEND message; int len,pid,err; short int *string = (short int *)command; debug(F110,"Start_cli: command = ",command,0); len = strlen(command); command[len] = '\0'; /* Null terminate the string */ message.isfl = (short) 0; /* System flags */ message.iufl = (short) $RFCF; /* User flags */ message.idph = (long) 0; /* Destination port number */ message.iopn = (short) 0; /* Local origin port number */ message.ilth = (short) (len / 2 + 1); /* Length (in words) of message */ message.iptr = string; /* Pointer to message buffer */ packet.pflg = (short) 0; /* Flags for process creation */ packet.ppri = (short) -1; /* Process priority -- was 3 */ packet.psnm = ""; /* Byte pointer to program name */ packet.pipc = &message; /* Pointer to initial msg. or -1 */ packet.pnm = (char *) -1; /* Byte ptr to process name or -1 */ packet.pmem = (long) -1; /* Maximum memory pages or -1 */ packet.pdir = (char *) 0; /* Byte ptr to initial dir. or -1/0 */ packet.pcon = (char *) 0; /* Byte ptr to console name or -1/0 */ packet.pcal = (short) -1; /* Max concurrent system calls or -1 */ packet.pwss = (short) -1; /* Max working set size or -1 */ packet.punm = -1; /* Byte ptr to username or -1 */ /* Note that $PVPC (unlimited sons) causes privelage violations * for users that are not royally endowed. Anyway, following are * the privileges bits. -- Phil Julian */ packet.pprv = (short) ( /* $PVPC+ */ $PVWS+$PVEX+$PVIP); packet.ppcr = (short) -1; /* Maximum sons or -1 */ packet.pwmi = (short) -1; /* Working set minimum or -1 */ /* reserved */ packet.pifp = "@Null"; /* Byte ptr to @INPUT or -1/0 */ packet.pofp = pipename; /* Byte ptr to @OUTPUT or -1/0 */ packet.plfp = (char *) 0; /* Byte ptr to @LIST or -1/0 */ packet.pdfp = (char *) 0; /* Byte ptr to @DATA or -1/0 */ packet.smch = (_ulong) -1; /* Max CPU time or -1 */ if (err = sys_proc(&packet,&pid)) { perror("Start_cli: sys_proc "); fprintf(stderr,"Start_cli: Error in sys_proc = %#o\n",err); return(1); } else return(0); } /******** End of Rick Lamb's addition to Kermit history. */ #endif datageneral /* Z X P A N D -- Expand a wildcard string into an array of strings */ /* Returns the number of files that match fn1, with data structures set up so that first file (if any) will be returned by the next znext() call. */ zxpand(fn) char *fn; { #ifdef datageneral /* Victor Johansen's code requires no change in zxpand(). * However, it is difficult to expand wild card strings that * contain some ^ or #. For a #, you must check the file type for * being a directory, then open up the directory, and keep searching * for sub-directories, etc. However, an simple kludge can be used * in this case, which saves me the programming effort. Anyone * using the # should pay an execution time penalty for using it. * So when a string contains the #, we use the original kludge that * I used before getting Victor's code. Victor Johansen's code is more * efficient because it uses sys_gnfn(), but I have to do more work * in some cases. With the ^'s, the directory name must be parsed * and adjusted, before opening the correct directory. */ char tempname[256],command[256]; int pipe_call(); FILE *sysout; char *curptr, *saveptr, buffer[257], *pos, *end; int n; wildcarlb = 0; for (curptr = fn; *curptr; curptr++) if (*curptr == '#') { wildcarlb = 0; goto nonvictor; } wildcarlb = 1; goto victor; nonvictor: curptr = command; sprintf(curptr, "filestatus/cpl=16/nheader %s", fn); curptr = tempname; pipe_call(command,curptr); /* Read the file of filenames, and parse out a universal name */ sysout = fopen(tempname,"r"); for (fcount=0; n=dg_fgets(buffer,256,sysout); ) { curptr = (char *) malloc(min(256,strlen(buffer))); mtchs[fcount]=curptr; /* delete leading spaces, leading directory name, and and trailing LF */ if (iscntrl(*(pos = &buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]))) *pos-- = '\0'; /* First char will be =, if working dir, or : or @ if not. Delete the =, but keep others. */ for (pos=buffer; *pos; pos++) { if (*pos == '=') break; if ((*pos == ':') || (*pos == '@')) { pos--; break; } } strcpy(mtchs[fcount],pos+1); fcount++; } fclose(sysout); zdelet(tempname); victor: if (wildcarlb) fcount = fgen(fn,mtchs,MAXWLD); /* Look up the file. */ #else fcount = fgen(fn,mtchs,MAXWLD); /* Look up the file. */ #endif datageneral if (fcount > 0) { mtchptr = mtchs; /* Save pointer for next. */ } debug(F111,"zxpand",mtchs[0],fcount); return(fcount); } /* Z N E X T -- Get name of next file from list created by zxpand(). */ /* Returns >0 if there's another file, with its name copied into the arg string, or 0 if no more files in list. */ znext(fn) char *fn; { if (fcount-- > 0) #ifdef datageneral { /* Victor Johansen's code requires no change in znext(), but my * code does. The flag, wildcardlb is 1, if Victor's code is * in effect. */ strcpy(fn,*mtchptr++); if (wildcarlb == 0) /* My old code: Phil Julian */ free (*(mtchptr-1)); } #else strcpy(fn,*mtchptr++); #endif datageneral else *fn = '\0'; debug(F111,"znext",fn,fcount+1); return(fcount+1); } /* Z N E W N -- Make a new name for the given file */ znewn(fn,s) char *fn, **s; { #ifdef BSD4 static char buf[256]; #else static char buf[100]; #endif char *bp, *xp; int len = 0, n = 0, d = 0, t, i, power = 1; #ifdef MAXNAMLEN int max = MAXNAMLEN; #else int max = 14; #endif bp = buf; while (*fn) { /* Copy name into buf */ *bp++ = *fn++; len++; } if (len > max-2) { /* Don't let it get too long */ bp = buf + max-2; len = max - 2; } for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { /* Try up to 999 times */ power *= 10; *bp++ = '*'; /* Put a star on the end */ *bp-- = '\0'; n = zxpand(buf); /* Expand the resulting wild name */ while (n-- > 0) { /* Find any existing name~d files */ xp = *mtchptr++; xp += len; if (*xp == '~') { t = atoi(xp+1); if (t > d) d = t; /* Get maximum d */ } } if (d < power-1) { sprintf(bp,"~%d",d+1); /* Make name~(d+1) */ *s = buf; return; } bp--; len--; } /* If we ever get here, we'll overwrite the xxx~100 file... */ } /* Directory Functions for Unix, written by Jeff Damens, CUCCA, 1984. */ /* * The path structure is used to represent the name to match. * Each slash-separated segment of the name is kept in one * such structure, and they are linked together, to make * traversing the name easier. */ struct path { char npart[MAXNAMLEN]; /* name part of path segment */ struct path *fwd; /* forward ptr */ }; #ifdef PROVX1 #define SSPACE 500 #else #ifdef BSD29 #define SSPACE 500 #else #ifdef aegis #define SSPACE 10000 /* size of string-generating buffer */ #else #ifdef datageneral #define SSPACE 10000 /* size of string-generating buffer */ #else #define SSPACE 2000 /* size of string-generating buffer */ #endif #endif #endif #endif static char sspace[SSPACE]; /* buffer to generate names in */ static char *freeptr,**resptr; /* copies of caller's arguments */ static int remlen; /* remaining length in caller's array*/ static int numfnd; /* number of matches found */ /* * splitpath: * takes a string and splits the slash-separated portions into * a list of path structures. Returns the head of the list. The * structures are allocated by malloc, so they must be freed. * Splitpath is used internally by the filename generator. * * Input: A string. * Returns: A linked list of the slash-separated segments of the input. */ struct path * #ifdef aegis splitpath(p, bslash) char *p; int bslash; #else splitpath(p) char *p; #endif { struct path *head,*cur,*prv; int i; head = prv = NULL; if (*p == '/') p++; /* skip leading slash */ while (*p != '\0') { cur = (struct path *) malloc(sizeof (struct path)); debug(F101,"splitpath malloc","",cur); if (cur == NULL) fatal("malloc fails in splitpath()"); cur -> fwd = NULL; if (head == NULL) head = cur; else prv -> fwd = cur; /* link into chain */ prv = cur; #ifdef aegis /* treat backslash as "../" */ if (bslash && *p == bslash) { strcpy(cur->npart, ".."); ++p; } else { for (i=0; i < MAXNAMLEN && *p && *p != '/' && *p != bslash; i++) cur -> npart[i] = *p++; cur -> npart[i] = '\0'; /* end this segment */ if (i >= MAXNAMLEN) while (*p && *p != '/' && *p != bslash) p++; } if (*p == '/') p++; #else for (i=0; i < MAXNAMLEN && *p != '/' && *p != '\0'; i++) cur -> npart[i] = *p++; cur -> npart[i] = '\0'; /* end this segment */ if (i >= MAXNAMLEN) while (*p != '/' && *p != '\0') p++; if (*p == '/') p++; #endif } return(head); } /* * fgen: * This is the actual name generator. It is passed a string, * possibly containing wildcards, and an array of character pointers. * It finds all the matching filenames and stores them into the array. * The returned strings are allocated from a static buffer local to * this module (so the caller doesn't have to worry about deallocating * them); this means that successive calls to fgen will wipe out * the results of previous calls. This isn't a problem here * because we process one wildcard string at a time. * * Input: a wildcard string, an array to write names to, the * length of the array. * Returns: the number of matches. The array is filled with filenames * that matched the pattern. If there wasn't enough room in the * array, -1 is returned. * By: Jeff Damens, CUCCA, 1984. */ fgen(pat,resarry,len) char *pat,*resarry[]; int len; { #ifdef datageneral /* Victor Johannsen helped out with this addition to Kermit. The use of * sys_gnfn() is the proper way to solve this problem. But, I would prefer * not building up the static string space. This can be a problem when a * long, full-qualified directory name pattern is used, since this directory * name would be pre-pended to each file name. * A later fix would actually not build a list, but call sys_gnfn() within * znext(), and update the counters appropriately. Several systems support * this model, which seems much more flexible and not at all space-limited. * -- Phil Julian, 30 April 1987 */ P_GNFN packet; /* packet for gnfn call */ char prefix[256]; char dirname[256]; int chan; /* Channel for open the DIR */ FILE *Ftemp; char *DIRptr; /* DIR name */ int i,off; int got_dir = 0; char *pattern,*cp; /* If a directory prefix is passed in, and possibly some wild cards, we * will need to parse off the directory to open. We do not assume that * directories can be descended ad infinitum. */ i = strlen(pat); zero(prefix,min(i+1,256)); for (cp = pat+i-1; i-- >= 0; cp--) if ((*cp == ':') || (*cp == '^') || (*cp == '=') || (*cp == '@')) { memcpy(prefix,pat,off = i+1); memcpy(dirname,prefix,off-1), dirname[off-1] = 0; DIRptr = dirname, pattern = cp+1; got_dir = 1; /* Parse ^ for moving up a directory */ if (*pat == '^') { /* From the tail of the current dir, back up to : */ char *kp,*dp; int pos = 0; i = strlen(dp = getdir()) - 1; for (kp = pat; *kp == '^'; kp++,i--,pos++) for (;dp[i] != ':';i--); i++; if (strlen(DIRptr)) { /* Less ^s */ memcpy(prefix,DIRptr+pos,strlen(DIRptr)-pos); prefix[strlen(DIRptr)-pos] = 0; /* Terminate */ } else prefix[0] = 0; memcpy(dirname,dp,i); /* The ^'d DIR */ off -= pos; if (pos = strlen(prefix)) { memcpy(dirname+i,":",1); /* Dir separator */ memcpy(dirname+i+1,prefix,pos); /* Rest of dir name */ } dirname[i+off] = 0; /* Null terminate */ memcpy(prefix,dirname,off = strlen(dirname)); prefix[off] = ':'; prefix[++off] = 0; } break; } if (got_dir == 0) { DIRptr = getdir(); pattern = pat; } if ( (Ftemp = fopen(DIRptr,"r")) == NULL) return(0); chan = fchannel(Ftemp); numfnd = 0; freeptr = sspace; resptr = resarry; remlen = len; packet.nfky = 0; packet.nftp = pattern; packet.nfnm = nambuf; while (i = !sys_gnfn(chan,&packet)) { if (got_dir == 0) addresult( nambuf ); else { memcpy(prefix+off,nambuf,strlen(nambuf)+1); addresult( prefix ); } } fclose(Ftemp); #else datageneral struct path *head; char scratch[100],*sptr; #ifdef aegis char *getenv(), *index(), *namechars; int tilde = 0, bslash = 0, bquote = 0; if ((namechars = getenv("NAMECHARS")) != NULL) { if (index(namechars, '~' ) != NULL) tilde = '~'; if (index(namechars, '\\') != NULL) bslash = '\\'; if (index(namechars, '`' ) != NULL) bquote = '`'; } else { tilde = '~'; bslash = '\\'; bquote = '`'; } sptr = scratch; /* copy "`node_data", etc. anchors */ if (bquote && *pat == bquote) while (*pat && *pat != '/' && *pat != bslash) *sptr++ = *pat++; else if (tilde && *pat == tilde) *sptr++ = *pat++; while (*pat == '/') *sptr++ = *pat++; if (sptr == scratch) { strcpy(scratch,"./"); sptr = scratch+2; } /* init buffer correctly */ head = splitpath(pat, bslash); #else head = splitpath(pat); if (*pat == '/') { scratch[0] = '/'; sptr = scratch+1; } else { strcpy(scratch,"./"); sptr = scratch+2; } /* init buffer correctly */ #endif numfnd = 0; /* none found yet */ freeptr = sspace; /* this is where matches are copied */ resptr = resarry; /* static copies of these so*/ remlen = len; /* recursive calls can alter them */ traverse(head,scratch,sptr); /* go walk the directory tree */ for (; head != NULL; head = head -> fwd) free(head); /* return the path segments */ #endif datageneral return(numfnd); /* and return the number of matches */ } /* traverse: * Walks the directory tree looking for matches to its arguments. * The algorithm is, briefly: * If the current pattern segment contains no wildcards, that * segment is added to what we already have. If the name so far * exists, we call ourselves recursively with the next segment * in the pattern string; otherwise, we just return. * * If the current pattern segment contains wildcards, we open the name * we've accumulated so far (assuming it is really a directory), then read * each filename in it, and, if it matches the wildcard pattern segment, add * that filename to what we have so far and call ourselves recursively on the * next segment. * * Finally, when no more pattern segments remain, we add what's accumulated * so far to the result array and increment the number of matches. * * Input: a pattern path list (as generated by splitpath), a string * pointer that points to what we've traversed so far (this * can be initialized to "/" to start the search at the root * directory, or to "./" to start the search at the current * directory), and a string pointer to the end of the string * in the previous argument. * Returns: nothing. */ traverse(pl,sofar,endcur) struct path *pl; char *sofar,*endcur; { #ifdef BSD42 DIR *fd, *opendir(); struct direct *dirbuf; #else #ifdef BSD29 DIR *fd, *opendir(); struct direct *dirbuf; #else int fd; struct direct dir_entry; struct direct *dirbuf = &dir_entry; #endif #endif struct stat statbuf; if (pl == NULL) { *--endcur = '\0'; /* end string, overwrite trailing / */ addresult(sofar); return; } if (!iswild(pl -> npart)) { strcpy(endcur,pl -> npart); endcur += strlen(pl -> npart); *endcur = '\0'; /* end current string */ if (stat(sofar,&statbuf) == 0) /* if current piece exists */ { *endcur++ = '/'; /* add slash to end */ *endcur = '\0'; /* and end the string */ traverse(pl -> fwd,sofar,endcur); } return; } /* cont'd... */ /*...traverse, cont'd */ /* segment contains wildcards, have to search directory */ *endcur = '\0'; /* end current string */ if (stat(sofar,&statbuf) == -1) return; /* doesn't exist, forget it */ if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0) return; /* not a directory, skip */ #ifdef BSD42 /* ==BSD4 */ if ((fd = opendir(sofar)) == NULL) return; /* can't open, forget it */ while (dirbuf = readdir(fd)) #else #ifdef BSD29 /* ==BSD29 */ if ((fd = opendir(sofar)) == NULL) return; /* can't open, forget it */ while (dirbuf = readdir(fd)) #else if ((fd = open(sofar,O_RDONLY)) < 0) return; /* can't open, forget it */ while ( read(fd,dirbuf,sizeof dir_entry) ) #endif #endif { strncpy(nambuf,dirbuf->d_name,MAXNAMLEN); /* Get a null terminated copy!!! */ nambuf[MAXNAMLEN] = '\0'; if (dirbuf->d_ino != 0 && match(pl -> npart,nambuf)) { char *eos; strcpy(endcur,nambuf); eos = endcur + strlen(nambuf); *eos = '/'; /* end this segment */ traverse(pl -> fwd,sofar,eos+1); } } #ifdef BSD42 /* ==BSD4 */ closedir(fd); #else #ifdef BSD29 closedir(fd); #else close(fd); #endif #endif } /* * addresult: * Adds a result string to the result array. Increments the number * of matches found, copies the found string into our string * buffer, and puts a pointer to the buffer into the caller's result * array. Our free buffer pointer is updated. If there is no * more room in the caller's array, the number of matches is set to -1. * Input: a result string. * Returns: nothing. */ addresult(str) char *str; { int l; if (strncmp(str,"./",2) == 0) str += 2; if (--remlen < 0) { numfnd = -1; return; } l = strlen(str) + 1; /* size this will take up */ if ((freeptr + l) > &sspace[SSPACE]) { numfnd = -1; /* do not record if not enough space */ return; } strcpy(freeptr,str); *resptr++ = freeptr; freeptr += l; numfnd++; } iswild(str) char *str; { char c; while ((c = *str++) != '\0') if (c == '*' || c == '?') return(1); return(0); } /* * match: * pattern matcher. Takes a string and a pattern possibly containing * the wildcard characters '*' and '?'. Returns true if the pattern * matches the string, false otherwise. * by: Jeff Damens, CUCCA * * Input: a string and a wildcard pattern. * Returns: 1 if match, 0 if no match. */ match(pattern,string) char *pattern,*string; { char *psave,*ssave; /* back up pointers for failure */ psave = ssave = NULL; while (1) { for (; *pattern == *string; pattern++,string++) /* skip first */ if (*string == '\0') return(1); /* end of strings, succeed */ if (*string != '\0' && *pattern == '?') { pattern++; /* '?', let it match */ string++; } else if (*pattern == '*') { /* '*' ... */ psave = ++pattern; /* remember where we saw it */ ssave = string; /* let it match 0 chars */ } else if (ssave != NULL && *ssave != '\0') { /* if not at end */ /* ...have seen a star */ string = ++ssave; /* skip 1 char from string */ pattern = psave; /* and back up pattern */ } else return(0); /* otherwise just fail */ } }