CURRENT KNOWN BUGS WITH AMIGA KERMIT It is probably time for someone to upgrade this for the current version of the Lattice C compiler. This has not been done for two years. No DIAL or SCRIPT commands yet. Workbench invocation of C Kermit is not yet supported. However, one can simply use IconX (which is included with V1.3) and attach an icon to an AmigaDOS Execute script which starts up Kermit. The current directory name is constructed from the previous current directory name and a new relative name. This is similar to the way the CD command operates, but it is subject to some peculiarities. For instance, 'CWD C:' followed by 'CWD /' results in the current directory being the the parent of C: and a directory name of 'C:/'. It is possible to reconstruct the name using the Parent() AmigaDOS function, and this should be done; a previous bing in the RAM: handler has been fixed. There should be some form of output control and input for one-liners invoked with the '!' command. An audible bell is needed, but can be added with a PD program called InstallBeep. The use of 'SET MODEM-TYPE type' to select modem control usage will have to change when the DIAL command is supported. The 23 by 77 window in connect mode is incompatible with the assumptions of many editors. A PD program called MoreRows allows the size of the Workbench screen to be increased; an extra 16 columns and 8 rows allows a 24 by 80 window for Kermit. Emulation of a real terminal like a "not quite" ANSI VT100 would be nice. Kermit should support AmigaDOS wildcarding, especially for SEND's. It can be argued that Unix wildcarding is often appropriate for remote GET's from the Amiga server, but AmigaDOS wildcarding should be optionally available. This code probably won't work if the eol character changes as a result of the startup packet negotiation. See the comment in ttinl() in ckitio.c for the gory details.