comment comment This macro compiles and links all of the C-Kermit sources necessary comment to build C-Kermit for AOS/VS (5A). It depends upon the existence of comment the following macros: comment ckdcc.cli comment ckdlnk.cli comment both of which you will need to edit to suit your particular comment environment. It also depends on the following file: comment ckdsrc.lis comment which is a list of the Kermit source modules. comment C-Kermit is built using version 3.22 of the C compiler and version comment 3.54 of the runtime library LANG_RT.LB. Newer C releases, like 4.10, comment are not recommended because of various compile and runtime errors. comment First compile and link the wart preprocessor. ckdcc/link%/% ckwart CKCMAI/DEFINE %-% x ckwart ckcpro.w ckcpro.c comment Now compile the sources listed in ckdsrc.lis. ckdcc%/% ([ckdsrc.lis]) %-% comment Link the program file from these. ckdlnk%/%