CKVAAA.HLP November 1994 C-KERMIT 5A FILES FOR VMS AND OPENVMS C-Kermit 5A(190) bears the following copyright notice: Copyright (C) 1985, 1994, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed or sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in or distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercial concerns to their clients or customers without written permission of the Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University. This copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured. DOCUMENTATION Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, "Using C-Kermit", Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1993, 514 pages, ISBN 1-55558-108-0 US single-copy price: $39.95; quantity discounts available. Available in computer bookstores or directly from Columbia University: Kermit Development and Distribution Columbia University Academic Information Systems 612 West 115th Street New York, NY 10025-7799 USA Telephone: +1 212 854-3703 Fax: +2 212 663-8202 Domestic and overseas orders accepted. Price: US $39.95 (US, Canada, and Mexico), US $50 elsewhere. Orders may be paid by MasterCard or Visa, or prepaid by check in US dollars. Add US $35 bank fee for checks not drawn on a US bank. Price includes shipping. Do not include sales tax. Inquire about quantity discounts. You can also order by phone from the publisher, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, with MasterCard, Visa, or American Express: +1 800 366-2665 (Woburn, Massachusetts office for USA & Canada) +44 1865 314627 (Oxford, England distribution centre for UK & Europe) +61 03 9245 7111 (Melbourne, Vic, office for Australia & NZ) +65 356-1968 (Singapore office for Asia) +27 (31) 2683111 (Durban office for South Africa) A German-language edition is also available: Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, "C-Kermit - Einfuehrung und Referenz", Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover, Germany (1994). ISBN 3-88229-023-4. Deutsch von Gisbert W. Selke. Price: DM 88,00. Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH & Co. KG, Helstorfer Strasse 7, D-30625 Hannover. Tel. +49 (05 11) 53 52-0, Fax. +49 (05 11) 53 52-1 29. PLEASE PURCHASE THE MANUAL. It will teach you how to use the C-Kermit software, it will answer your questions, and proceeds from the sales are a major source of funding for the Kermit effort. FTP ACCESS Host: []. Directory: Text files Binary files ---------------- --------------- Current release: kermit/f kermit/bin, kermit/vmshex Test version if any: kermit/test/text kermit/test/bin All files for VMS C-Kermit have names beginning with CK. Those particular to VMS begin with CKV. Those that VMS C-Kermit share in common with other C-Kermit implementations begin with CKE, CKC or CKU. When retrieving these files via ftp from, which is a UNIX system, use only lowercase letters in directory and filenames. For example, to get the file CKVKER.HEX, use the command "get ckvker.hex". Case matters. (Exception: some of the Kermit directories might contain a file called READ.ME or NEWS; again, case matters.) VMS C-KERMIT TEXT FILES: It is recommended that the following text files be placed in a KERMIT: directory on your (Open)VMS system, where all users can have read access to them for reference, except for CKVKER.HLP, which goes in the HELP library. These are all ordinary plain-text ASCII files that can type typed, edited, printed, etc. CKVAAA.HLP This file, which explains what the other files are for. Can be renamed to READ.ME. CKVINS.DOC IMPORTANT: READ THIS! VMS C-Kermit installation instructions. This file is for the system administrator. CKVKER.HLP A short VMS-style help file for VMS C-Kermit, to be installed in the system HELP library. See CKVINS.DOC for instructions. This is no substitute for the manual. CKERMIT.INI Standard C-Kermit initialization file. For users. This file defines the macros used by the services directory and other features. A single copy can be installed for system-wide use (see CKVINS.DOS for instructions). CKERMOD.INI Sample C-Kermit customization file. Each user would copy this file to her/his login directory and edit it to achieve the desired personal customizations. CKERMIT.KDD Sample dialing directory CKERMIT.KSD Sample services directory CKCKER.UPD Updates to C-Kermit since "Using C-Kermit" was published. For users. This is user-level documentation for features that were added to C-Kermit in edits 189 and 190. CKCKER.BWR General C-Kermit "Beware file". Troubleshooting hints and tips for users, pertaining to C-Kermit in general (C-Kermit runs on about ten major operating systems, of which VMS is just one). CKVKER.BWR VMS-specific C-Kermit "Beware File". VMS-specific hints and tips for users. CKETEST.INI, CKEDEMO.INI, CKEVT.INI Online copies of demonstration macros from "Using C-Kermit". BINARIES VMS C-Kermit binaries are available for both VAX and Alpha AXP, and for each processor in a variety of forms, depending on which, if any, TCP/IP networking product is available. The binaries are distributed in binary format for those who receive TK50 BACKUP-format media, or who can access them directly via FTP, and in a special "HEX" format, as text files. These HEX files may be decoded back into their original binary format using the CKVDEH.MAR program, which you can assemble on your VAX or Alpha AXP system. Complete instructions for how to do this are included in the CKVDEH.HLP file. Summary of executable names -- XXX is replaced by EXE for a binary executable and HEX for a HEX-encoded executable which must be decoded by CKVDEH. The *.HEX files are in the kermit/vmshex directory and the *.EXE files are in the kermit/bin directory: VAX AXP Network CKVVKER.XXX CKVAKER.XXX No network support, VMS 5.x and later CKVVMS4.XXX (N/A) Ditto, VMS 4.x CKVVTGV.XXX CKVATGV.XXX TGV MultiNet CKVVTWG.XXX CKVATWG.XXX Wollongong TCP/IP (PathWay) CKVVUCX.XXX CKVAUCX.XXX DEC TCP/IP (UCX) CKVVPST.XXX CKVAPST.XXX Process Software TCPware CKVVCMU.XXX (N/A) CMU/Tek TCP/IP In more detail: CKVVKER.XXX - C-Kermit for the VAX built with no network support under VMS 5.5-1 and should run on VAX/VMS / (Open)VMS/VAX 5-point-anything and above. CKVVMS4.XXX - C-Kermit for VAX/VMS 4.x, no networks, built on a VMS 4.5. CKVVCMU.XXX - C-Kermit for VMS 5.x on a VAX with CMU/Tek TCP/IP network support. CKVVPST.XXX - C-Kermit for VMS 5.x on a VAX with Process Software TCPware support. Built on VMS 5.5-2. CKVVTGV.XXX - C-Kermit for VMS 5.x on a VAX with TGV MultiNet network support. Built on VMS 5.3. CKVVTWG.XXX - C-Kermit for VMS 5.x and 6.x on a VAX with Wollongong WIN/TCP (Pathway) network support. Built on VMS 5.1. CKVVUCX.XXX - C-Kermit for VMS 5.x on a VAX with DEC TCP/IP (UCX) network support. It should also be possible to use this one on a MultiNet and TCPware systems, since those products offer "UCX compatibility mode". Built on VMS 5.5-1; should run on all 5.x and 6.x systems. CKVAXP.XXX - (Remember, XXX = .EXE or .HEX) C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP. This version was built with no network support under OpenVMS AXP 1.5, and should also run on versions 6.0 and 6.1. CKVAPST.XXX - C-Kermit for OpenVMS 1.x or 6.x on the Alpha with Process Software TCPware support. Built on OpenVMS/AXP 1.5. CKVATGV.XXX - C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP 1.x or 6.x with TGV MultiNet TCP/IP network support. Built on OpenVMS 1.5. CKVATWG.XXX - C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP 6.1 with Wollongong Pathway 1.1.2 TCP/IP network support. Built on OpenVMS 1.5. CKVAUCX.XXX - C-Kermit for OpenVMS AXP 1.x or 6.x with DEC TCP/IP (UCX) network support. It should also be possible to use this one on a MultiNet or TCPware AXP VMS system if CKVATGV.XXX is not available. Built on OpenVMS/AXP 1.5. FILES FOR BUILDING C-KERMIT FOR VMS FROM SOURCE CODE (also see CKVINS.DOC): CKVKER.MAK - A makefile used with VMS MAKE (supplied along with C-Kermit as CKVMAK.*, see below) to build C-Kermit from the source files. Must be renamed to "MAKEFILE." (with a period) before use. CKVKER.COM - A DCL procedure for building C-Kermit from the source files on a VAX. This procedure compiles all modules unconditionally. NOTE: CKVKER.COM is generated automatically from CKVKER.MAK by giving the following command to MAKE/VMS: $ MAKE/KEEP/NOEXECUTE/FORCE/OUT=CKVKER.COM ANOTHER NOTE: You should use the Makefile to build C-Kermit, and not the .COM file. The .COM file only applies to the kind of system (VAX or AXP) that it was generated on. VMS MAKE comes on the C-Kermit distribution tape, and it's available on the network and from DECUS. CKVAXP.COM - Like CKVKER.COM, but for the Alpha/AXP. CKVMAK.HEX - Source, documentation, and executable for VMS MAKE itself, for the VAX and Alpha AXP. This is a BACKUP saveset encoded as a printable ASCII text file using the CKVHEX program. Use CKVDEH to decode it. This software is freely distributable for noncommercial purposes (see copyright notice in CKVMAK.HLP). CKVMAK.HLP - Instructions for unpacking and installation of VMS MAKE. CKVLCMU.HEX - Berkeley sockets library for CMU/Tek TCP/IP, as a BACKUP saveset, hexified. Dehexify with CKVDEH. CKVKER.MMS - An obsolete, not recommended MMS build procedure. Rename this file to DESCRIP.MMS and then run MMS. Read CKVINS.DOC for detailed installation instructions. C-KERMIT SOURCE FILES: CKVCON.C - The VMS C-Kermit CONNECT command. CKVFIO.C - VMS system-specific file i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVTIO.C - VMS system-specific communications i/o module for C-Kermit. CKVIOC.H - ioctl() simulation for VMS, needed with DEC TCP/IP product. CKVIOC.C CKVVMS.H - Header file used by VMS C-Kermit source files. CKVCVT.C - A standalone program for decoding VMS labeled files. CKVCVT.COM - DCL procedure for building the CKVCVT program. CKVVCVT.XXX - VAX binary for CKCVT (HEX or EXE) CKVACVT.XXX - Alpha AXP binary for CKCVT (HEX or EXE) Of course, you also need the non-VMS-specific C-Kermit files too: CKC*.C, CKC*.H, CKU*.C, CKU*.H, CKCPRO.W, CKWART.C. The source files are also available in a hexified BACKUP saveset: kermit/archives/ckvsrc.hex Transfer in text (ascii) mode and then dehexified using the CKVDEH program; it will have the right file attributes after dehexification. Then use BACKUP to restore the files: $ backup ckvsrc.bck/save/log *.* And then build the according to the directions in CKVINS.DOC. [End of CKVAAA.HLP]