CKAPLM.DOC September 1996 C-KERMIT PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL As of C-Kermit version: 6.0.192 This file last updated: Fri Sep 6 23:23:04 1996 Author: Frank da Cruz, Columbia University E-Mail: Copyright (C) 1985, 1996, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed or sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in or distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercial concerns to their clients or customers without written permission of the Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University. This copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured. DOCUMENTATION C-Kermit 6.0 is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Second Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1997, ISBN 1-55558-164-1, Price: US $39.95. To order call the Kermit Project at Columbia University, +1 212 854-3703, and order with Master Card or Visa, or call Digital Press, +1 800 366-2665, and order with Master Card, Visa, or American Express. INTRODUCTION This is an attempt at describing the relationship among the modules and functions of C-Kermit 6.0. Before reading this file, please read the file CKAAAA.HLP for an overview of C-Kermit file naming conventions. C-Kermit is designed to be portable to any kind of computer that has a C compiler. The source code is broken into many files that are grouped according to their function. There are several major groups: 1 (the protocol kernel), 2 (the user interface), 3 (system-dependent primitives), 4 (network support), and 5 (formatted screen support). FILES C-Kermit source files begin with the two letters CK (lowercase on UNIX systems, uppercase on most others). The third character denotes something about the function group and the expected level of portability. See the file CKAAAA.HLP for details of file naming conventions and organization. One hint before proceeding: functions are scattered all over the ckc*.c and ckuu*.c modules, where function size has begun to take precedence over the desirability of grouping related functions together, the aim being to keep any particular module from growing disproportionately large. The easiest way (in UNIX) to find out what source file a given function is defined in is like this (where the desired function is foo()...): grep ^foo ck*.c This works because the coding convention has been to make function names always start on the left margin, for example: static char * foo(x,y) int x, y; { ... } Also please note the style for bracket placement. This allows bracket-matching text editors (such as EMACS) to help you make sure you which opening bracket a closing bracket matches, particularly when it is no longer visible on the screen, and it also makes it easy to find the end of a function. Of course EMACS tags work nicely with this format too. SOURCE CODE PORTABILITY GUIDE When writing code for the system-indendent C-Kermit modules, please stick to the following coding conventions to ensure portability to the widest possible variety of C preprocessors, compilers, and linkers, as well as certain network and/or email transports: . All lines must no more than 79 characters wide after tab expansion, and tabs should be assumed every 8 spaces. . Note the distinction between physical tabs (ASCII 9) and the indentation conventions, which are: 4 for block contents, 2 for most other stuff. . Try to keep variable and function names unique within 6 characters, especially if they are used across modules, since 6 is the maximum for some linkers. . Keep preprocessor symbols unique within 8 characters. . Don't put #include directives inside functions or { blocks }. . Don't use the #if preprocessor construction, only use #ifdef, #ifndef, #undef . Put tokens after #endif in comment brackets, e.g. #endif /* FOO */. . Don't indent preprocessor statements - # must always be first char on line. . Don't put whitespace after # in preprocessor statements. . Don't use #pragma, even within #ifdefs - it makes some preprocessors give up. . Same goes for #module, #if, etc - #ifdefs do NOT protect them. . Don't use logical operators in preprocessor constructions. . Always cast strlen() to int, e.g. "if ((int)strlen(foo) < x)...". . Any variable whose value might exceed 16383 should be declared as long, or if that is not possible, then as unsigned. . Avoid the construction *++p -- the order of evaluation varies. . Reportedly, some compilers even mess up with *(++p). . Don't use triple assignments, like a = b = c = 0; (or quadruple, etc). Some compilers generate bad code for these, or crash, etc. . Structure members may not have the same names as other identifiers. . Avoid huge switch() statements with many case:s. . Don't put anything between "switch() {" and case:. Some compilers do not treat switch blocks like other blocks. . Don't make character-string constants longer than about 250. . Don't depend on '\r' being carriage return. . Don't depend on '\n' being linefeed or for that matter any SINGLE character. . Don't depend on '\r' and '\n' being different (e.g. in switch() statements). . In other words, don't use \n or \r to stand for specific characters; use \012 and \015 instead. . Don't code for "buzzword 1.0 compliance", unless "buzzword" is K&R first edition. . Don't use or depend on anything_t (size_t, time_t, etc). . Don't use or depend on internationalization features ("i18n"), wchar_t, locales, etc, in portable code; they are not portable. . Don't make any assumption about signal handler type. It can be void, int, long, or anything else. Always declare signal handlers as SIGTYP (see definition in ckcdeb.h and augment it if necessary) and always use SIGRETURN at exit points from signal handlers. . Signals should always be re-armed to be used again (this barely scratches the surface -- the difference between BSD/V7 and System V and POSIX signal handling are numerous, and some platforms do not even support signals, alarms, or longjmps correctly or at all -- avoid all of this stuff if you can). . memset() and memcpy() are not portable, don't use them without protecting them in ifdefs. bzero() too, except we're guaranteed to have bzero() when using the sockets library. See examples in the source. . Don't assume that strncpy() stops on the first null byte -- some versions always copy the number of bytes given in arg 3. Probably also true of other strnblah() functions. . DID YOU KNOW.. that some versions of inet_blah() routines return IP addresses in network byte order, while others return them local machine byte order? So passing them to htons(), etc, is not always the right thing to do. . Don't use ANSI-format function declarations without #ifdef CK_ANSIC, and always provide an #else for the non-ANSI case. . Don't depend on any other ANSI features like "preprocessor pasting" -- they are often missing or nonoperational. . Don't assume any C++ syntax or semantics. . Don't declare a string as "char foo[]" in one module and "extern char * foo" in another, or vice-versa. . With compiler makers falling all over themselves trying to outdo each other in ANSI strictness, it has become increasingly necessary to cast EVERYTHING. . a[x], where x is an unsigned char, can produce a wild memory reference if x, when promoted to an int, becomes negative. Cast it to (unsigned), even though it ALREADY IS unsigned. . Be careful how you declare functions that have char or long arguments; for ANSI compilers you MUST use ANSI declarations to avoid promotion problems, but you can't use ANSI declarations with non-ANSI compilers. Thus declarations of such functions must be hideously entwined in #ifdefs. . Be careful how you return characters from functions that return int values -- "getc-like functions" -- in the ANSI world. Unless you explicitly cast the return value to (unsigned), it is likely to be "promoted" to an int and have its sign extended. Example of the latter: int /* Put character in server command buffer */ #ifdef CK_ANSIC putsrv(char c) #else putsrv(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* putsrv */ { *srvptr++ = c; *srvptr = '\0'; /* Make sure buffer is null-terminated */ return(0); } (many, many more... This section needs massive filling in.) C-Kermit needs constant adjustment to new OS and compiler releases. Every new release shuffles header files or their contents, or prototypes, or data types, or levels of ANSI strictness, etc. Every time you make an adjustment to remove a new compilation error, BE VERY CAREFUL to #ifdef it on a symbol unique to the new configuration so that the previous configuration (and all other configurations on all other platforms) remain as before. Assume nothing. Don't assume header files are where they are supposed to be, that they contain what you think they contain, that they define specific symbols to have certain values -- or define them at all! Don't assume system header files protect themselves against multiple inclusion. Don't assume that particular system or library calls are available, or that the arguments are what you think they are -- order, data type, passed by reference vs value, etc. Be very conservative when attempting to write portable code. Avoid all advanced features. Stick with K&R First Edition, and even then you're on shaky ground. If you see something that does not make sense, don't assume it's a mistake -- it is probably there for a reason, and changing it or removing is very likely to cause compilation, linking, or runtime failures sometime, somewhere. Some huge percentage of the code, especially in the system-dependent modules, is workarounds for compiler, linker, or API bugs. BUT... feel free to violate any or all of these rules in system-specific modules for environments in which the rules are certain not to apply. For example, in VMS-specific code, it is OK to use #if. But even then, allow for different compilers or compiler versions used in that same environment, e.g. VAX C vs DEC C vs GNU C. THE "CHAR" VS "UNSIGNED CHAR" DILEMMA This is one of the most aggravating and vexing things about C. By default, chars (and char *'s) are SIGNED. But in the modern era, we need to process characters that can have 8-bit values, such as ISO Latin-1, IBM CP 850, and other 8-bit (or 16-bit, etc) character sets, and so this data MUST be treated as unsigned. BUT... Some C compilers (such as those based on the Bell UNIX V7 compiler) do not support "unsigned char" as a data type. Therefore we have the macro or typedef CHAR, which we use when we need chars to be unsigned, but which, unfortunately, resolves itself to "char" on those compilers that don't support "unsigned char". AND SO... We have to do a lot of fiddling at runtime to avoid sign extension and so forth. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL... Now some modern compilers (e.g. IBM, DEC, Microsoft) have switches that say "make all chars be unsigned". We use these switches when they are available. Other compilers don't have these, and at the same time, are becoming increasingly strict about type mismatches, and spew out torrents of warnings when we use a CHAR where a char is expected, or vice versa. We fix these one by one using casts, and the code becomes increasingly ugly. But there remains a serious problem, namely that certain library and kernel functions have arguments that are declared as signed chars (or pointers to them), whereas our character data is unsigned. Fine, we can can use casts here too -- BUT WHO KNOWS WHAT HAPPENS inside these routines! CONTENTS: GROUP 1 System-independent file transfer protocol GROUP 1.5 Character set translation GROUP 2 User Interface GROUP 3 File & communications i/o and other system dependencies GROUP 4 Network support GROUP 5 Formatted screen support GROUP 1: The Kermit protocol kernel. The filenames start with CKC. C means that these files are supposed to be totally portable C, and are expected to compile correctly on any operating system. "Portable" does not mean the same as as "ANSI" -- these modules must compile on 10- and 20-year old computers, with C preprocessors, compilers, and/or linkers that have all sorts of restrictions. The group 1 modules do not include any header files other than those that come with Kermit itself. They do not contain any library calls (like printf) or any system calls (like open, close, read, write). Files: CKCSYM.H - For use by C compilers that don't allow -D on the command line. CKCASC.H - ASCII character symbol definitions. CKCSIG.H - System-independent signal-handling definitions and prototypes. CKCDEB.H - Originally, debugging definitions. Now this file also contains all definitions and prototypes that are shared by all modules in all groups. CKCKER.H - Kermit protocol symbol definitions. CKCNET.H - Network-related symbol definitions. CKCXLA.H - Character-set-related symbol definitions (see next section). CKCMAI.C - The main program. This module contains the declarations of all the protocol-related global variables that are shared among the other modules. CKCPRO.W - The protocol module itself, written in "wart", a lex-like preprocessor that is distributed with Kermit under the name CKWART.C. CKCFN*.C - The protocol support functions used by the protocol module. Group 1 modules may call upon functions from Group 3 modules, but not from Group 2 modules (with the single exception that the main program invokes the user interface, which is in Group 2). (This last assertion is really only a conjecture.) GROUP 1.5 Character set translation tables and functions. Used by the Group I protocol modules, but may be specific to different computers. (So far, all character character sets supported by C-Kermit are supported in CKUXLA.C and CKUXLA.H, including Macintosh and IBM character sets). These modules should be completely portable, and not rely on any kind of system or library services. CKCXLA.H - Character-set definitions usable by all versions of C-Kermit. CK?XLA.H - Character-set definitions for computer "?", e.g. U for UNIX. CK?XLA.C - Character-set translation tables and functions for computer "?", For example, CKUXLA.C for UNIX, CKMXLA.C for Macintosh. So far, these are the only two such modules. The UNIX module is used for all versions of C-Kermit except the Macintosh version. Used for file transfer (SEND, RECEIVE, GET, REMOTE, etc), TRANSMIT, CONNECT, etc. Here's how to add a new file character set. Assuming it is based on the Roman (Latin) alphabet. Let's call it "Barbarian". First, in CK?XLA.H, add a definition for FC_BARBA (8 chars maximum length) and increase MAXFCSETS by 1. Then, in CK?XLA.C: . Add a barbarian entry into the fcsinfo array. . Add a "barbarian" entry to file character set keyword table, fcstab. . Add a "barbarian" entry to terminal character set keyword table, ttcstab. . Add a translation table from Latin-1 to barbarian: yl1ba[]. . Add a translation table from barbarian to Latin-1: ybal1[]. . Add a translation function from Barbarian to ASCII: xbaas(). . Add a translation function from Barbarian to Latin-1: xbal1(). . Add a translation function from Latin-1 to Barbarian: xl1ba(). . etc etc for each transfer character set... . Add translation function pointers to the xls and xlr tables. Other translations involving Barbarian (e.g. from Barbarian to Latin-Cyrillic) are performed through these tables and functions. See CKUXLA.H and CKUXLA.C for extensive examples. GROUP 2: The user interface. This is the code that communicates with the user, gets her commands, informs her of the results. It may be command-line oriented, interactive prompting dialog, menus and arrow keys, windows and mice, speech recognition, telepathy, etc. The user interface has three major functions: 1. Sets the parameters for the file transfer and then starts it. This is done by setting certain (many) global variables, such as the protocol machine start state, the file specification, file type, communication parameters, packet length, window size, character set, etc. 2. Displays messages on the user's screen during the file transfer, using the screen() function, which is called by the group-1 modules. 3. Executes any commands directly that do not require Kermit protocol, such as the CONNECT command, local file management commands, parameter-setting commands, etc. If you plan to imbed the Group 1 files into a program with a different user interface, your interface must supply an appropriate screen() function, plus a couple related ones like chkint() and intmsg() for handling keyboard (or mouse, etc) interruptions during file transfer. The best way to find out about this is to link all the C-Kermit modules together except the CKUU*.O and CKUCON.O modules, and see which missing symbols turn up. C-Kermit's character-oriented user interface (as opposed to the Macintosh version's graphical user interface) consists of the following modules. C-Kermit can be built with an interactive command parser, a command-line- option-only parser, a graphical user interface, or any combination, and it can even be built with no user interface at all (in which case it runs as a remote-mode Kermit server). CKUUSR.H - Definitions of symbols used in Kermit's commands. CKUUSR.H, CKUUSR.C, CKUUS2.C, CKUUS3.C, CKUUS4.C, CKUUS5.C, ... - Kermit's interactive command parser, including the script programming language. CKUUSY.C - The command-line-option parser. CKUUSX.C - Functions that are common to both the interactive and command-line parsers. CKUCMD.H, CKUCMD.C - The command parsing primitives used by the interactive command parser to parse keywords, numbers, filenames, etc, and to give help, complete fields, supply defaults, allow abbreviations and editing, etc. This package is totally independent of Kermit, but does depend on the Group 3 functions. CKUVER.H - Version heralds for different implementations. CKUSCR.C - The (old, uucp-like) SCRIPT command. CKUDIA.C - The DIAL command. Includes specific knowledge of many types of modems. CK?CON.C - The CONNECT command. Terminal connection, and in some cases (Macintosh, OS/2) also terminal emulation. For other implementations, the files may, and probably do, have different names. For example, the Macintosh graphical user interface filenames start with CKM. OS/2 uses the CKUCMD and CKUUS* modules, but has its own CONNECT command in CKOCON.C. And so on. Here is a brief description of C-Kermit's "user interface interface", from CKUUSR.C. It is nowhere near complete; in particular, hundreds of global variables are shared among the many modules. These should, some day, be collected into classes or structures that can be passed around as needed; not only for purity's sake, but also to allow for multiple simultaneous communication sessions. The ckuus*.c modules depend on the existence of C library features like fopen, fgets, feof, (f)printf, argv/argc, etc. Other functions that are likely to vary among operating systems -- like setting terminal modes or interrupts -- are invoked via calls to functions that are defined in the system-dependent modules, ck?[ft]io.c. The command line parser processes any arguments found on the command line, as passed to main() via argv/argc. The interactive parser uses the facilities of the cmd package (developed for this program, but usable by any program). Any command parser may be substituted for this one. The only requirements for the Kermit command parser are these: 1. Set parameters via global variables like duplex, speed, ttname, etc. See ckcmai.c for the declarations and descriptions of these variables. 2. If a command can be executed without the use of Kermit protocol, then execute the command directly and set the variable sstate to 0. Examples include 'set' commands, local directory listings, the 'connect' command. 3. If a command requires the Kermit protocol, set the following variables: sstate string data 'x' (enter server mode) (none) 'r' (send a 'get' command) cmarg, cmarg2 'v' (enter receive mode) cmarg2 'g' (send a generic command) cmarg 's' (send files) nfils, cmarg & cmarg2 OR cmlist 'c' (send a remote host command) cmarg cmlist is an array of pointers to strings. cmarg, cmarg2 are pointers to strings. nfils is an integer. cmarg can be a filename string (possibly wild), or a pointer to a prefabricated generic command string, or a pointer to a host command string. cmarg2 is the name to send a single file under, or the name under which to store an incoming file; must not be wild. If it's the name for receiving, a null value means to store the file under the name it arrives with. cmlist is a list of nonwild filenames, such as passed via argv. nfils is an integer, interpreted as follows: -1: filespec (possibly wild) in cmarg, must be expanded internally. 0: send from stdin (standard input). >0: number of files to send, from cmlist. The screen() function is used to update the screen during file transfer. The tlog() function writes to a transaction log (if TLOG is defined). The debug() function writes to a debugging log (if DEBUG is defined). The intmsg() and chkint() functions provide the user i/o for interrupting file transfers. GROUP 3: System-dependent function definitions. All the Kermit modules, including the command package, call upon these functions, which are designed to provide system-independent primitives for controlling and manipulating devices and files. For UNIX, these functions are defined in the files CKUFIO.C (files), CKUTIO.C (communication devices), and CKUSIG.C (signal handling). For VMS, the files are CKVFIO.C, CKVTIO.C, and CKUSIG.C (VMS can use the same signal handling routines as UNIX). For OS/2, CKOFIO.C, CKOTIO.C, CKOSIG.C (OS/2 has its own signal handling). It doesn't really matter what the files are called, except for Kermit distribution purposes (grouping related files together alphabetically), only that each function is provided with the name indicated, observes the same calling and return conventions, and has the same type. The Group 3 modules contain both functions and global variables that are accessed by modules in the other groups. These are now described. Changes since version 4E of C-Kermit are flagged by the symbol *NEW* (use grep). (By the way, I got this list by linking all the C-Kermit modules together except CKUTIO and CKUFIO. These are the symbols that ld reported as undefined) A. Variables: char *DELCMD; Pointer to string containing command for deleting files. Example: char *DELCMD = "rm -f "; (UNIX) Example: char *DELCMD = "delete "; (VMS) Note trailing space. Filename is concatenated to end of this string. char *DIRCMD; Pointer to string containing command for listing files when a filespec is given. Example: char *DIRCMD = "/bin/ls -l "; (UNIX) Example: char *DIRCMD = "directory "; (VMS) Note trailing space. Filename is concatenated to end of this string. char *DIRCM2; *NEW* Pointer to string containing command for listing files when a filespec is not given. (currently not used, handled in another way.) Example: char *DIRCMD = "/bin/ls -ld *"; char *PWDCMD; Pointer to string containing command to display current directory. Example: char *PWDCMD = "pwd "; char *SPACMD; Pointer to command to display free disk space in current device/directory. Example: char *SPACMD = "df ."; char *SPACM2; Pointer to command to display free disk space in another device/directory. Example: char *SPACM2 = "df "; Note trailing space. Device or directory name is added to this string. char *TYPCMD; Pointer to command for displaying the contents of a file. Example: char *TYPCMD = "cat "; Note trailing space. Device or directory name is added to this string. char *WHOCMD; Pointer to command for displaying logged-in users. Example: char *WHOCMD = "who "; Note trailing space. Specific user name may be added to this string. int backgrd = 0; Flag for whether program is running in foreground (0) or background (nonzero). Background operation implies that screen output should not be done and that all errors should be fatal. int ckxech; Flag for who is to echo console typein: 1 - The program (system is not echoing). 0 - The system, front end, terminal, etc (not this program) char *ckxsys; Pointer to string that names the computer and operating system. Example: char *ckxsys = " NeXT Mach 1.0"; Tells what computer system ckxv applies to. In UNIX Kermit, this variable is also used to print the program herald, and in the SHOW VERSION command. char *ckxv; Pointer to version/edit info of ck?tio.c module. Example: char *ckxv = "UNIX Communications Support, 6.0.169, 6 Sep 96"; Used by SHOW VERSION command. char *ckzsys; Like ckxsys, but briefer. Example: char *ckzsys = " 4.3 BSD"; Tells what platform ckzv applies to. Used by the SHOW VERSION command. char *ckzv; Pointer to version/edit info of ck?fio.c module. Example: char *ckzv = "UNIX File support, 6.0.113, 6 Sep 96"; Used by SHOW VERSION command. int dfflow; Default flow control. 0 = none, 1 = Xon/Xoff, ... (see FLO_xxx symbols in ckcdeb.h) Set to by group 3 module. Used by ckcmai.c to initialize flow control variable. int dfloc; Default location. 0 = remote, 1 = local. Set by group 3 module. Used by ckcmai.c to initialize local variable. Used in various places in the user interface. int dfprty; Default parity. 0 = none, 'e' = even, 'o' = odd, 'm' = mark, 's' = space. Set by Group 3 module. Used by ckcmai.c to initialize parity variable. char *dftty; Default communication device. Set by group 3 module. Used in many places. This variable should be initialized the the symbol CTTNAM, which is defined in ckcdeb.h, e.g. as "/dev/tty" for UNIX, "TT:" for VAX/VMS, etc. Example: char *dftty = CTTNAM; char *mtchs[]; *NEW* Array of string pointers to filenames that matched the most recent wildcard match, i.e. the most recent call to zxpand(). Used (at least) by command parsing package for partial filename completion. int tilde_expand; *NEW* Flag for whether to attempt to expand leading tildes in directory names (used in UNIX only, and then only when the symbol DTILDE is defined. int ttnproto; *NEW* The protocol being used to communicate over a network device. Values are defined in ckcnet.h. Example: NP_TELNET is network protocol "telnet". int maxnam; *NEW* The maximum length for a filename, exclusive of any device or directory information, in the format of the host operating system. int maxpath; *NEW* The maximum length for a fully specified filename, including device designator, directory name, network node name, etc, in the format of the host operating system, and including all punctuation. int ttyfd; *NEW* File descriptor of the communication device. -1 if there is no open or usable connection, including when C-Kermit is in remote mode. B. Functions. These are divided into three categories: file-related functions (B.1), communication functions (B.2), and miscellaneous functions (B.3). B.1. File-related functions. In most implementations, these are collected together into a module called CK?FIO.c, where ? = U (UNIX), V (VMS), O (OS/2), etc (see CKAAAA.HLP). To be totally system-independent, C-Kermit maintains its own file numbers, and provides the functions described in this section to deal with the files associated with them. The file numbers are referred to symbolically, and are defined as follows in CKCKER.H: #define ZCTERM 0 /* Console terminal */ #define ZSTDIO 1 /* Standard input/output */ #define ZIFILE 2 /* Current input file for SEND command */ #define ZOFILE 3 /* Current output file for RECEIVE command */ #define ZDFILE 4 /* Current debugging log file */ #define ZTFILE 5 /* Current transaction log file */ #define ZPFILE 6 /* Current packet log file */ #define ZSFILE 7 /* Current session log file */ #define ZSYSFN 8 /* Input from a system function (pipe) */ #define ZRFILE 9 /* Local file for READ command */ (NEW) #define ZWFILE 10 /* Local file for WRITE command */ (NEW) #define ZNFILS 11 /* How many defined file numbers */ In the descriptions below, fn refers to a filename, and n refers to one of these file numbers. Functions are of type int unless otherwise noted, and are listed alphabetically. int chkfn(n) int n; Checks the file number n. Returns: -1: File number n is out of range 0: n is in range, but file is not open 1: n in range and file is open int iswild(filspec) char *filespec; *NEW* Checks if the file specification is "wild", i.e. contains metacharacters or other notations intended to match multiple filenames. Returns: 0: not wild 1: wild int isdir(string) char *string; *NEW* Checks if the string is the name of an existing directory. Returns: 0: not a directory (including any kind of error) 1: it is an existing directory The idea is to check whether the string can be "cd'd" to, so in some cases (e.g. OS/2) it might also indicate any file structured device, such as a disk drive (like A:). In VMS, isdir("DEV:[USER.TMP]") would succeed, but isdir("DEV:[BLAH]TMP.DIR") would fail because, even though it *is* a directory file, you can't "cd" to it. The other way to check if a file is a directory (which would work even in the aforecited VMS case) would be if zchki(name) returned -2; we use this test for skipping over directory files (or recursing into them, etc) when sending a wildcard file group or other kind of file list, or in implementing the IF DIRECTORY command, etc. char * zfcdat(name) char *name; *NEW* Returns modification (preferably, otherwise creation) date/time of file whose name is given in the argument string. Return value is a pointer to a string of the form yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss, for example 19931231 23:59:59, which represents the local time (no timezone or daylight savings time finagling required). Returns the null string ("") on failure. The text pointed to by the string pointer might be in a static buffer, and so should be copied to a safe place by the caller before any subsequent calls to this function. struct zfnfp * zfnqfp(fname, buflen, buf) char * fname; int buflen; char * buf; *NEW* Given the filename "fname", the corresponding fully qualified, absolute filename is placed into the buffer buf, with maximum length buflen. On failure returns a NULL pointer. On success returns a pointer to a struct zfnfp (see ckcdeb.h) containing pointers to the full pathname and to just the filename. All references to this function in mainline code must be protected by #ifdef ZFNQFP..#endif, because it is not present in all of the ck*fio.c modules. So if you implement this function in a version that did not have it before, be sure to add #define ZFNQFP in the appropriate spot in ckcdeb.h. int zfseek(pos) long pos; *NEW* Positions the input pointer on the current input file to the given position. The pos argument is 0-based, the offset (distance in bytes) from beginning of the file. Needed for RESEND, PSEND, and other recovery operations. This function is not necessarily possible on all systems, e.g. record-oriented systems. It should only be used on binary files (i.e. files we are sending in binary mode) and stream-oriented file systems. Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success. int zchdir(dirnam) char *dirnam; Change current or default directory to the one given in dirnam. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. long zchki(fn) char *fn; Check to see if file with name fn is a regular, readable, existing file, suitable for Kermit to send -- not a directory, not a symbolic link, etc. Returns: -3 if file exists but is not accessible (e.g. read-protected) -2 if file exists but is not of a readable type -1 on error (e.g. file does not exist, or fn is garbage) >= 0 (length of file) if file exists and is readable int zchko(fn) char *fn; Checks to see if a file of the given name can be created. Returns: -1 if file cannot be created, or on any kind of error. 0 if file can be created. int zchkspa(fn,len) char *f; long len; *NEW* Check to see if there is sufficient space to store the file named fn, which is len bytes long. Returns: -1 on error. 0 if there is not enough space. 1 if there is enough space. If you can't write a function to do this, then just make a dummy that always returns 1. Higher level code will recover from disk-full errors. The receiving Kermit uses this function to refuse an incoming file based on its size, via the attribute mechanism. int zchin(n,c) int n; int *c; Get a character from file number n, return it in c (call with &c). Returns: -1 on failure, including EOF. 0 on success with character in c. int zchout(n,c) int n; char c; Write the character c to file number n. Returns: -1 error 0 OK int zclose(n) int n; Close file number n. Returns: -1 error 1 OK int zdelet(fn) char *name; *NEW* Attempts to delete the named file. Returns: -1 on error 0 if file was deleted successfully char * zgtdir() *NEW* Returns a pointer to the name of the current directory, folder, etc, or a NULL pointer if the current directory cannot be determined. Most Kermit versions currently do something like "system(PWDCMD)", but Macintoshes don't support system(). char * zhome() Returns a pointer to a string containing the user's home directory, or NULL upon error. int zinfill() *NEW* This function is used by the macro zminchar(), which is defined in ckcker.h. zminchar() manages its own buffer, and calls zinfill() to fill it whenever it becomes empty. It is only used for sending files, and reads characters only from file number ZIFILE. zinfill() returns -1 upon end of file, otherwise it returns the first character from the buffer it just read. int zkself() Kills the current job, session, process, etc, logs out, disappears. Used by the Kermit server when it receives a BYE command. On failure, returns -1. On success, does not return at all! This function should not be called until all other steps have been taken to close files, etc. VOID zstrip(fn,&fn2) char *fn1, **fn2; Strip device and directory, etc, from file specification, leaving only the filename. For example DUA0:[PROGRAMS]OOFA.C;3 becomes OOFA.C, or /usr/fdc/oofa.c becomes oofa.c. Returns pointer to result in fn2. VOID zltor(fn,fn2) char *fn1, *fn2; Local-To-Remote filename translation. Translates the local filename fn into a format suitable for transmission to an arbitrary type of computer, and copies the result into the buffer pointed to by fn2. Translation may involve (a) stripping the device and/or directory/path name, (b) converting lowercase to uppercase, (c) removing spaces and strange characters, or converting them to some innocuous alphabetic character like X, (d) discarding or converting extra periods (there should not be more than one). Does its best. Returns no value. name2 is a pointer to a buffer, furnished by the caller, into which zltor() writes the resulting name. No length checking is done. int zmail(addr,fn) char *addr, fn; *NEW* Send the local, existing file fn as e-mail to the address addr. Returns: Returns 0 on success 2 if mail delivered but temp file can't be deleted -2 if mail can't be delivered int zmkdir(path) char *path; *NEW* Given a pointer to a file specification that might contain directory information, in which the filename is expected to be included, this routine attempts to create any directories in the file specification that don't already exist. Returns: 0 on success: no directories needed creation, or else all directories that needed creation were created successfully. -1 on failure to create any of the needed directories. VOID znewn(fn,s) char *fn, **s; Transforms the name fn into a filename which is guaranteed to be unique. If the file fn does not exist, then the new name will be the same as fn. Otherwise, it will be different. Does its best, returns no value. New name is created in caller's space. Call like this: znewn(old,&new);. The second parameter is a pointer to the new name. This pointer is set by znewn() to point to a static string in its own space. int znext(fn) char *fn; Copies the next file name from a file list created by zxpand() into the string pointed to by fn (see zxpand). If no more files, then the null string is placed there. Returns the number of files remaining in the list. int zopeni(n,fn) int n; char *fn; Opens the file named fn for input as file number n. Returns: 0 on failure. 1 on success. *NEW* (zopeno - the second two parameters are new) int zopeno(n,fn,zz,fcb) int n; char *name; struct zattr *zz; struct filinfo *fcb; Attempts to open the named file for output as file number n. zz is a Kermit file attribute structure as defined in ckcdeb.h, containing various information about the file, including its size, creation date, and so forth. This function should attempt to honor as many of these as possible. fcb is a "file control block" in the traditional sense, defined in ckcdeb.h, containing information of interest to complicated file systems like VAX/VMS, IBM MVS, etc, like blocksize, record length, organization, record format, carriage control, disposition (like create vs append), etc. Returns: 0 on failure. 1 on success. int zoutdump() *NEW* Dumps an output buffer. Used with the macro zmchout() defined in ckcker.h. Used only with file number ZOFILE, i.e. the file that is being received by Kermit during file transfer. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. int zprint(p,fn) char *p, *f; *NEW* Prints the file with name fn on a local printer, with options p. Returns: Returns 0 on success 3 if file sent to printer but can't be deleted -3 if file can't be printed int zrename(fn,fn2) char *fn, *fn2; *NEW* Changes the name of file fn to fn2. If fn2 is the name of an existing directory, or a file-structured device, then file fn1 is moved to that directory or device, keeping its original name. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. VOID zrtol(fn,fn2) char *fn, *fn2; Remote-To-Local filename translation. Translates a "standard" filename (see zrtol) to a local filename. For example, in Unix this function converts uppercase letters to lowercase. Does its best, returns no value. New name is in string pointed to by fn2. int zsattr(xx) struct zattr *xx; { *NEW* Fills in a Kermit file attribute structure for the file which is to be sent, namely the currently open ZIFILE. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success with the structure filled in. If any string member is null, then it should be ignored by the caller. If any numeric member is -1, then it should be ignored by the caller. int zshcmd(s) char *s; s contains to pointer to a command to be executed by the host computer's shell, command parser, or operating system. If the system allows the user to choose from a variety of command processors (shells), then this function should employ the user's preferred shell. If possible, the user's job (environment, process, etc) should be set up to catch keyboard interruption signals to allow the user to halt the system command and return to Kermit. The command must run in ordinary, unprivileged user mode. If possible, this function should return -1 on failure to start the command, or else it should return 1 if the command succeeded and 0 if it failed. int zsyscmd(s) char *s; *NEW* s contains to pointer to a command to be executed by the host computer's shell, command parser, or operating system. If the system allows the user to choose from a variety of command processors (shells), then this function should employ the system standard shell (e.g. /bin/sh for Unix), so that the results will always be the same for everybody. If possible, the user's job (environment, process, etc) should be set up to catch keyboard interruption signals to allow the user to halt the system command and return to Kermit. The command must run in ordinary, unprivileged user mode. If possible, this function should return -1 on failure to start the command, or else it should return 1 if the command succeeded and 0 if it failed. int zsinl(n,s,x) int n, x; char *s; *NEW* Reads a line from file number n. Writes the line into the address s provided by the caller. Writing terminates when newline is read, but with newline discarded. Writing also terminates upon EOF or if length x is exhausted. Returns: -1 on EOF or error. 0 on success. int zsout(n,s) int n; char *s; Writes the string s out to file number n. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. int zsoutl(n,s) int n; char *s; Writes the string s out to file number n and adds a line (record) terminator (boundary) appropriate for the system and the file format. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. int zsoutx(n,s,x) int n, x; char *s; Writes exactly x characters from string s to file number n. If s has fewer than x characters, then the entire string s is written. Returns: -1 on error. >= 0 on success, the number of characters actually written. int zstime(f,yy,x) char *f; struct zattr *yy; int x; *NEW* Sets the creation date of an existing file, or compares a file's creation date with a given date. Call with: f = pointer to name of existing file. yy = pointer to a Kermit file attribute structure in which yy->date.val is a date of the form yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss, e.g. 19900208 13:00:00, which is to be used for setting the date. x = is a function code: 0 means to set the file's creation date as given. 1 means compare the given date with the file creation date. Returns: -1 on any kind of error. 0 if x is 0 and the file date was set successfully. 0 if x is 1 and date from attribute structure > file creation date. 1 if x is 1 and date from attribute structure <= file creation date. VOID zstrip(name,name2) char *name, **name2; *NEW* Strips pathname from filename "name". Constructs the resulting string in a static buffer in its own space and returns a pointer to it in name2. Also strips device name, file version numbers, and other "non-name" material. *NEW* (zxcmd - arguments are new, writing to a command is new) int zxcmd(n,s) char *s; Runs a system command so its output can be accessed as if it were file n. The command is run in ordinary, unprivileged user mode. If n is ZSTDIO or ZCTERM, returns -1. If n is ZIFILE or ZRFILE, then Kermit reads from the command, otherwise Kermit writes to the command. Returns 0 on error, 1 on success. int zxpand(fn) char *fn; Expands a wildcard string into an array of strings. Returns the number of files that match fn1, with data structures set up so that first filename (if any) will be returned by the next znext() call. If no files match, or if there is any kind of error, zxpand returns 0. int xsystem(cmd) char *cmd; Executes the system command without redirecting any of its i/o, similar (well, identical) to system() in Unix. But before passing the command to the system, xsystem() ensures that all privileges are turned off, so that the system command will execute in ordinary unprivileged user mode. B.1.5 Security/Privilege Functions (all *NEW*) These functions are used by C-Kermit to adapt itself to operating systems where the program can be made to run in a "privileged" mode. C-Kermit should NOT read and write files or start subprocesses as a privileged program. This would present a serious threat to system security. The security package has been installed to prevent such security breaches by turning off the program's special privileges at all times except when they are needed. In UNIX, the only need Kermit has for privileged status is access to the UUCP lockfile directory, in order to read, create, and destroy lockfiles, and to open communication devices that are normally protected against the user. Therefore, privileges should only be enabled for these operations and disabled at all other times. This relieves the programmer of the responsibility of putting expensive and unreliable access checks around every file access and subprocess creation. Strictly speaking, these functions are not required in all C-Kermit implementations, because their use (so far, at least) is internal to the group 3 modules. However, they should be included in all C-Kermit implementations for operating systems that support the notion of a privileged program (UNIX, RSTS/E, what else?). int priv_ini() *NEW* Determine whether the program is running in privileged status. If so, turn off the privileges, in such a way that they can be turned on again when needed. Called from sysinit() at program startup time. Returns: 0 on success nonzero on failure, in which case the program should halt immediately. int priv_on() *NEW* If the program is not privileged, this function does nothing. If the program is privileged, this function returns it to privileged status. priv_ini() must have been called first. Returns: 0 on success nonzero on failure int priv_off() *NEW* Turns privileges off (if they are on) in such a way that they can be turned back on again. Returns: 0 on success nonzero on failure int priv_can() *NEW* Turns privileges off in such a way that they cannot be turned back on. Returns: 0 on success nonzero on failure int priv_chk() *NEW* Attempts to turns privileges off in such a way that they can be turned on again later. Then checks to make sure that they were really turned off. If they were not really turned off, then they are cancelled permanently. Returns: 0 on success nonzero on failure B.2. Console-Related Functions. These relate to the program's "console", or controlling terminal, i.e. the terminal that the user is logged in on and types commands at, or on a PC or workstation, the actual keyboard and screen. int conbin(esc) char esc; Puts the console into "binary" mode, so that Kermit's command parser can control echoing and other treatment of characters that the user types. esc is the character that will be used to get Kermit's attention during packet mode; puts this in a global place. Sets the ckxech variable. Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int concb(esc) char esc; Put console in "cbreak" (single-character wakeup) mode. That is, ensure that each console character is available to the program immediately when the user types it. Otherwise just like conbin(). Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int conchk() Returns a number, 0 or greater, the number of characters waiting to be read from the console, i.e. the number of characters that the user has typed that have not been read yet. long congspd(); *NEW* Returns the speed ("baud rate") of the controlling terminal, if known, otherwise -1L. int congks(timo) int timo; *NEW* Get Keyboard Scancode. Reads a keyboard scan code from the physical console keyboard. If the timo parameter is greater than zero, then times out and returns -2 if no character appears within the given number of seconds. Upon any other kind of error, returns -1. Upon success returns a scan code, which may be any positive integer. For situations where scan codes cannot be read (for example, when an ASCII terminal is used as the job's controlling terminal), this function is identical to coninc(), i.e. it returns an 8-bit character value. congks() is for use with workstations whose keyboards have Alternate, Command, Option, and similar modifier keys, and Function keys that generate codes greater than 255. int congm() Console get modes. Gets the current console terminal modes and saves them so that conres() can restore them later. Returns 1 if it got the modes OK, 0 if it did nothing (e.g. because Kermit is not connected with any terminal), -1 on error. int coninc(timo) int timo; Console Input Character. Reads a character from the console. If the timo parameter is greater than zero, then coninc() times out and returns -2 if no character appears within the given number of seconds. Upon any other kind of error, returns -1. Upon success, returns the character itself, with a value in the range 0-255 decimal. VOID conint(f,s) SIGTYP (*f)(), (*s)(); *NEW* Sets the console to generate an interrupt if the user types a keyboard interrupt character, and to transfer control the signal-handling function f. For systems with job control, s is the address of the function that suspends the job. Sets the global variable "backgrd" to zero if Kermit is running in the foreground, and to nonzero if Kermit is running in the background. See ckcdeb.h for the definition of SIGTYP. No return value. VOID connoi() Console no interrupts. Disable keyboard interrupts on the console. No return value. int conoc(c) char c; Write character c to the console terminal. Returns: 0 on failure, 1 on success. int conol(s) char *s; Write string s to the console. Returns -1 on error, 0 or greater on success. int conola(s) char *s[]; { Write an array of strings to the console. Returns -1 on error, 0 or greater on success. int conoll(s) char *s; Write string s to the console, followed by the necessary line termination characters to put the console cursor at the beginning of the next line. Returns -1 on error, 0 or greater on success. int conres() Restore the console terminal to the modes obtained by congm(). Returns: -1 on error, 0 on success. int conxo(x,s) int x; char *s; Write x characters from string s to the console. Returns 0 or greater on success, -1 on error. char * conkbg(); *NEW* Returns a pointer to the designator of the console keyboard type. For example, on a PC, this function would return "88", "101", etc. Upon failure, returns a pointer to the empty string. B.3 - Communication Device Functions The communication device is the device used for terminal emulation and file transfer. It may or may not be the same device as the console, and it may or may not be a terminal device (it could also be a network device). For brevity, the communication device is referred to here as the "tty". When the communication device is the same as the console device, Kermit is said to be in remote mode. When the two devices are different, Kermit is in local mode. int ttchk() Returns the number of characters that have arrived at the communication device but have not yet been read by ttinc, ttinl, and friends. If communication input is buffered (and it should be), this is the sum of the number of unread characters in Kermit's buffer PLUS the number of unread characters in the operating system's internal buffer. int ttclos() Closes the communication device (tty or network). If there were any kind of exclusive access locks connected with the tty, these are released. If the tty has a modem connection, it is hung up. For true tty devices, the original tty device modes are restored. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. int ttflui() Flush communications input buffer. If any characters have arrived but have not yet been read, discard these characters. If communications input is buffered by Kermit (and it should be), this function flushes Kermit's buffer as well as the operating system's internal input buffer. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. int ttfluo() *NEW* Flush tty output buffer. If any characters have been written but not actually transmitted (e.g. because the system has been flow-controlled), remove them from the system's output buffer. (Note, this function is not actually used, but it is recommended that all C-Kermit programmers add it for future use, even if it is only a dummy function that returns 0 always.) int ttgmdm() *NEW* Looks for the modem signals CTS, DSR, and CTS, and returns those that are on in as its return value, in a bit mask as described for ttwmdm, in which a bit is on (1) or off (0) according to whether the corresponding signal is on (asserted) or off (not asserted). Return values: -3 Not implemented -2 if the line does not have modem control -1 on error >= 0 on success, with bit mask containing the modem signals. long ttgspd() *NEW* Returns the current tty speed in BITS (not CHARACTERS) per second, or -1 if it is not known or if the tty is really a network, or upon any kind of error. On success, the speed returned is the actual number of bits per second, like 1200, 9600, 19200, etc. int ttgwsiz() *NEW* Get terminal window size. Returns -1 on error, 0 if the window size can't be obtained, 1 if the window size has been successfully obtained. Upon success, the external global variables tt_rows and tt_cols are set to the number of screen rows and number of screen columns, respectively. As this function is not implemented in all ck*tio.c modules, calls to it must be wrapped in #ifdef CK_TTGWSIZ..#endif. NOTE: This function must be available to use the TELNET NAWS feature (Negotiate About Window Size) as well as Rlogin. int tthang() Hang up the current tty device. For real tty devices, turn off DTR for about 1/3-1/2 second (or other length of time, depending on the system). If the tty is really a network connection, close it. Returns: -1 on failure. 0 if it does not even try to hang up. 1 if it believes it hung up successfully. VOID ttimoff() *NEW* Turns off all pending timer interrupts. int ttinc(timo) int timo; *NEW* (function is old, return codes are new) Reads one character from the communication device. If timo is greater than zero, wait the given number of seconds and then time out if no character arrives, otherwise wait forever for a character. Returns: -3 internal error (e.g. tty modes set wrong) -2 communications disconnect -1 timeout or other error >= 0 the character that was read. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that ttinc() be internally buffered so that calls to it are relatively inexpensive. If it is possible to to implement ttinc() as a macro, all the better, for example something like: #define ttinc(t) ( (--txbufn >= 0) ? txbuf[ttbufp++] : txbufr(t) ) (see description of txbufr() below) *NEW* (ttinl - 5th arg, requirement not to destroy read-ahead characters) int ttinl(dest,max,timo,eol,start) int max,timo; CHAR *dest, eol, start; ttinl() is Kermit's packet reader. Reads a packet from the communications device, or up to max characters, whichever occurs first. A line is a string of characters starting with the start character up to and including the character given in eol. If timo is greater than zero, then this function times out if the eol character is not encountered within the given number of seconds. The characters that were input are copied into "dest" with their parity bits stripped if parity is not none. The first character copied into dest should be the start character, and the last should be the eol character, followed by a null (0) character. Returns the number of characters read. Characters after the eol must be available upon the next call to this function. (If they are discarded, sliding windows will not work.) Optionally, ttinl() can sense the parity of incoming packets. If it does this, then it should set the global variable ttprty accordingly. This function should be coded to be as efficient as possible, since it is at the "inner loop" of packet reception. Returns: -1 Timeout or other possibly correctable error. -2 Interrupted from keyboard. -3 Uncorrectable i/o error -- connection lost, configuration problem, etc. >= 0 on success, the number of characters that were actually read and placed in the dest buffer, not counting the trailing null. NOTE: This description is somewhat obsolete. To implement "Doomsday Kermit", ttinl() (at least for UNIX and VMS) has got its fingers even more deeply into the packet format. I would like to get rid of this function entirely, and move all packet-related operations to rpack() where they belong. rpack() would simply call ttinc() to get each character. But that demands that ttinc() be efficient and fully buffered, going to the operating system with relative infrequency. See ttinc() and txbufr(). int ttoc(c) char c; Outputs the character c to the communication line. If the operation fails to complete within two seconds, this function returns -1. Otherwise it returns the number of characters actually written to the tty (0 or 1). This function should only be used for interactive, character-mode operations, like terminal connection, script execution, dialer i/o, where the overhead of the signals and alarms does not create a bottleneck. (THIS DESCRIPTION NEEDS IMPROVEMENT -- If the operation fails within a "certain amount of time"... which might be dependent on the communication method, speed, etc. In particular, flow-control deadlocks must be accounted for and broken out of to prevent the program from hanging indefinitely, etc.) int ttol(s,n) int n; char *s; Kermit's packet writer. Writes the first n characters of the "line" pointed to by s. NOTE: It is ttol's responsibility to write ALL of the characters, not just some of them. Returns: -1 on a possibly correctable error (so it can be retried). -3 on a fatal error, e.g. connection lost. >= 0 on success, the actual number of characters written (the specific number is not actually used for anything). *NEW* (ttopen - negative value for modem = network, new timeout feature) int ttopen(ttname,lcl,modem,timo) char *ttname; int *lcl, modem, timo; Opens a tty device, if it is not already open. ttopen must check to make sure the SAME device is not already open; if it is, ttopen returns successfully without doing anything. If a DIFFERENT device is currently open, ttopen() must call ttclos() to close it before opening the new one. Parameters: ttname: character string - device name or network host name. lcl: If called with lcl < 0, sets value of lcl as follows: 0: the terminal named by ttname is the job's controlling terminal. 1: the terminal named by ttname is not the job's controlling terminal. If the line is already open, or if the requested line can't be opened, then lcl remains (and is returned as) -1. modem: Less than zero: this is the negative of the network type, and ttname is a network host name. Network types (from ckcnet.h): NET_TCPB 1 TCP/IP Berkeley (socket) (implemented in ckutio.c) NET_TCPA 2 TCP/IP AT&T (streams) (not yet implemented) NET_DEC 3 DECnet (not yet implemented) Zero or greater: ttname is a terminal device name. Zero means a direct connection (don't use modem signals). Positive means use modem signals depending on the current setting of ttcarr ( see ttscarr() ). timo: > 0: number of seconds to wait for open() to return before timing out. <=0: no timer, wait forever (e.g. for incoming call). For real tty devices, ttopen() attempts to gain exclusive access to the tty device, for example in UNIX by creating a "lockfile" (in other operating systems, like VMS, exclusive access probably requires no special action). Side effects: Copies its arguments and the tty file descriptor to global variables that are available to the other tty-related functions, with the lcl value altered as described above. Gets all parameters and settings associated with the line and puts them in a global area, so that they can be restored by ttres(), e.g. when the device is closed. Returns: 0 on success -5 if device is in use -4 if access to device is denied -3 if access to lock mechanism denied -2 upon timeout waiting for device to open -1 on other error int ttpkt(speed,flow,parity) long speed; int flow, parity; Puts the currently open tty device into the appropriate modes for transmitting Kermit packets. The arguments are interpreted as follows: speed: if speed > -1, and the device is a true tty device, and Kermit is in local mode, ttpkt also sets the speed. flow: if in the range 0-3, ttpkt selects the corresponding type of flow control. Currently 0 is defined as no flow control, 1 is Xon/Xoff, and no other types are defined. If (and this is a horrible hack, but it goes back many years and will be hard to eradicate) flow is 4, then the appropriate tty modes are set for modem dialing, a special case in which we talk to a modem-controlled line without requiring carrier. If flow is 5, then we require carrier. parity: This is simply copied into a global variable so that other functions (like ttinl, ttinc, etc) can use it. Side effects: Copies its arguments to global variables, flushes the terminal device input buffer. Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int ttsetflow(int) Enables the given type of flow control on the open serial communications device immediately. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. This definition added 6 Sep 96. int ttres() Restores the tty device to the modes and settings that were in effect at the time it was opened (see ttopen). Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int ttruncmd(string) char * string; *NEW* Runs the given command on the local system, but redirects its input and output to the communication (SET LINE, SET PORT, or SET HOST) device. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. int ttscarr(carrier) int carrier; *NEW* Copies its argument to a variable that is global to the other tty-related functions, and then returns it. The values for carrier are defined in ckcdeb.h: CAR_ON, CAR_OFF, CAR_AUTO. ttopen(), ttpkt(), and ttvt() use this variable when deciding how to open the tty device and what modes to select. The meanings are these: CAR_OFF: Ignore carrier at all times. CAR_ON: Require carrier at all times, except when dialing. This means, for example, that ttopen() could hang forever waiting for carrier if it is not present. CAR_AUTO: If the modem type is zero (i.e. the connection is direct), this is the same as CAR_OFF. If the modem type is positive, then heed carrier during CONNECT (ttvt mode), but ignore it at other times (packet mode, during SET LINE, etc). Compatible with pre-5A versions of C-Kermit. This should be the default carrier mode. Kermit's DIAL command ignores the carrier setting, but ttopen(), ttvt(), and ttpkt() all honor the carrier option in effect at the time they are called. None of this applies to remote mode (the tty device is the job's controlling terminal) or to network host connections (modem type is negative). int ttsndb() Send a BREAK signal on the tty device. On a real tty device, send a real BREAK lasting approximately 275 milliseconds. If this is not possible, simulate a BREAK by (for example) dropping down some very low baud rate, like 50, and sending a bunch of null characters. On a network connection, do the appropriate network protocol for BREAK. Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int ttsndlb() *NEW* Like ttsndb(), but sends a "Long BREAK" (approx 1.5 seconds). For network connections, it is identical to ttsndb(). Currently, this function is used only if CK_LBRK is defined (as it is for UNIX and VAX/VMS). int ttsspd(cps) int cps; *NEW* (argument is now cps instead of bps) For real tty devices only, set the device transmission speed to (note carefully) TEN TIMES the argument. The argument is in characters per second, but transmission speeds are in bits per second. cps are used rather than bps because high speeds like 38400 are not expressible in a 16-bit int but longs cannot be used because keyword-table values are ints and not longs. If the argument is 7, then the bps is 75, not 70. If the argument is 888, this is a special code for 75/1200 split-speed operation (75 bps out, 1200 bps in). Returns: -1 on error, meaning the requested speed is not valid or available. >= 0 on success (don't try to use this value for anything). int ttvt(speed,flow) long speed; int flow; Puts the currently open tty device into the appropriate modes for terminal emulation. The arguments are interpreted as in ttpkt(). Side effects: ttvt() stores its arguments in global variables, and sets a flag that it has been called so that subsequent calls can be ignored so long as the arguments are the same as in the last effective call. Other functions, such as ttopen(), ttclose(), ttres(), ttvt(), etc, that change the tty device in any way must unset this flag. In UNIX Kermit, this flag is called tvtflg. int ttwmdm(mdmsig,timo) int mdmsig, timo; *NEW* Waits up to timo seconds for all of the given modem signals to appear. mdmsig is a bit mask, in which a bit is on (1) or off (0) according to whether the corresponding signal is to be waited for. These symbols are defined in ckcdeb.h: BM_CTS (bit 0) means wait for Clear To Send BM_DSR (bit 1) means wait for Data Set Ready BM_DCD (bit 2) means wait for Carrier Detect Returns: -3 Not implemented. -2 This line does not have modem control. -1 Timeout: time limit exceeded before all signals were detected. 1 Success. int ttxin(n,buf) int n; CHAR *buf; (note: CHAR is used throughout this program, and should be typedef'd to unsigned char if your C compiler supports it. See ckcdeb.h.) Read x characters from the tty device into the specified buf, stripping parity if parity is not none. This call waits forever, there is no timeout. This function is designed to be called only when you know that at least x characters are waiting to be read (as determined, for example, by ttchk()). This function should use the same buffer as ttinc(). int txbufr(timo) int timo; *NEW* Read characters into the interal communications input buffer. timo is a timeout interval, in seconds. 0 means no timeout, wait forever. Called by ttinc() (and possibly ttxin() and ttinl()) when the communications input buffer is empty. The buffer should be called ttxbuf[], its length is defined by the symbol TXBUFL. The global variable txbufn is the number of characters available to be read from ttxbuf[], and txbufp is the index of the next character to be read. Should not be called if txbufn > 0, in which case the buffer does not need refilling. This routine returns: -2 Communications disconnect -1 Timeout >= 0 A character (0 - 255), the first character that was read, with the variables txbufn and txbufp set appropriately for any remaining characters. NOTE: Currently this routine is used internally only by the UNIX and VMS versions. The aim is to make it available to all versions so there is one single coherent and efficient way of reading from the communications device or network. B.4 - Miscellaneous system-dependent functions. VOID ztime(s) char **s; Return a pointer, s, to the current date-and-time string in s. This string must be in the fixed-field format associated with the C language "asctime()" function, like: "Sun Sep 16 13:23:45 1973\n" so that callers of this function can extract the different fields. The pointer value is filled in by ztime, and the data it points to is not safe, so should be copied to a safe place before use. ztime() has no return value. int gtimer() Returns the current value of the elapsed time counter in seconds (see rtimer), or 0 on any kind of error. int msleep(m) int m; Sleeps (pauses, does nothing) for m milliseconds (a millisecond is one thousandth of a second). Returns: -1 on failure. 0 on success. VOID rtimer() Sets the elapsed time counter to zero. If you want to time how long an operation takes, call rtimer() when it starts and gtimer when it ends. rtimer() has no return value. int sysinit() Does whatever needs doing upon program start. In particular, if the program is running in any kind of privileged mode, turns off the privileges (see priv_ini()). Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int syscleanup() Does whatever needs doing upon program exit. Returns: -1 on error. 0 on success. int psuspend() *NEW* Suspends the Kermit process, puts it in the background so it can be continued ("foregrounded") later. Returns: -1 if this function is not supported. 0 on success. GROUP 4 - Network Support. As of version 5A, C-Kermit includes support for several networks. Originally, this was just worked into the ttopen(), ttclos(), ttinc(), ttinl(), and similar routines in CKUTIO.C. However, this made it impossible to share this code with non-UNIX versions, like VMS. As of edit 168, this support has been separated out into its own module and header file, CKCNET.C and CKCNET.H. The routines and variables in this module fall into two categories: (1) support for specific network packages like SunLink X.25 and TGV MultiNet, and (2) support for specific network virtual terminal protocols like CCITT X.3 and TCP/IP telnet. Category (1) functions are analogs to the tt*() functions, and have names like netopen, netclos, nettinc, etc. Group I and II modules do not (and must not) know anything about these functions -- they continue to call the old Group III functions (ttopen, ttinc, etc). Category (2) functions are protocol specific and have names prefixed by a protocol identifier, like tn for telnet x25 for X.25. CKCNET.H contains prototypes for all these functions, as well as symbol definitions for network types, protocols, and network- and protocol- specific symbols, as well as #includes for the header files necessary for each network and protocol. The following functions are to be provided for networks that do not use normal system i/o (open, read, write, close): int netopen() To be called from within ttopen() when a network connection is requested. Calling conventions and purpose same as Group III ttopen(). int netclos() To be called from within ttclos() when a network connection is being closed. Calling conventions and purpose same as Group III ttclos(). int nettchk() To be called from within ttchk(). Calling conventions and purpose same as Group III ttchk(). int netflui() To be called from within ttflui(). Calling conventions and purpose same as Group III ttflui(). int netbreak() To send a network break (attention) signal. Calling conventions and purpose same as Group III ttsndbrk(). int netinc() To get a character from the network. Calling conventions same as Group III ttsndbrk(). int nettoc() Send a "character" (byte) to the network. Calling conventions same as Group III ttoc(). int nettol() Send a "line" (sequence of bytes) to the network. Calling conventions same as Group III ttol(). Conceivably, some systems support network connections simply by letting you open a device of a certain name and letting you do i/o to it. Others (like the Berkeley sockets TCP/IP library on UNIX) require you to open the connection in a special way, but then do normal i/o (read, write). In such a case, you would use netopen(), but you would not use nettinc, nettoc, etc. TGV MultiNET on VAX/VMS has its own set of functions for all network operations, so in that case the full range of netxxx() functions is used. The technique is to put a test in each corresponding ttxxx() function to see if a network connection is active (or is being requested), test for which kind of network it is, and if necessary route the call to the corresponding netxxx() function. The netxxx() function must also contain code to test for the network type, which is available via the global variable ttnet. TELNET SUPPORT: The telnet protocol is supported by the following variables and routines: (global) int tn_init: nonzero if telnet protocol initialized, zero otherwise. int tn_init() Initialize the telnet protocol (send initial options). int tn_sopt() Send a telnet option. int tn_doop() Receive and act on a telnet option from the remote. int tn_sttyp() Send terminal type using telnet protocol. X.25 SUPPORT: These are presently specific to SunLink X.25, but it is hoped that they can be integrated better with the functions above, and made more general so they could be used, for instance, with VAX PSI. x25diag() Read and print X.25 diagnostic x25oobh() X.25 out of band signal handler x25intr() Send X.25 interrupt packet x25reset() Reset X.25 virtual circuit x25clear() Clear X.25 virtual circuit x25stat() X.25 status setqbit() Set X.25 Q-bit resetqbit() Reset X.25 Q-bit x25xin() Read n characters from X.25 circuit. x25inl() Read a Kermit packet from X.25 circuit. GROUP 5 - Formatted Screen Support So far, this is used only for the fullscreen local-mode file transfer display. In the future, it might be extended to other uses. The fullscreen display code is in and around the routine screenc() in ckuusx.c. In the UNIX version, we use the curses library, plus one call from the termcap library. In other versions (OS/2, VMS, etc) we insert dummy routines that have the same names as curses routines. So far, there are two methods for simulating curses routines: 1. In VMS, we use the Screen Management Library (SMG), and insert stubs to convert curses calls into SMG calls. 2. In OS/2, we use the MYCURSES code, in which the stub routines actually emit the appropriate escape sequences themselves. Here are the stub routines: tgetent(char *buf, char *term) Arguments are ignored. Returns 1 if the user has a supported terminal type, 0 otherwise. Sets a global variable (for example, "isvt52" or "isdasher") to indicate the terminal type. move(int row, int col) Sends the escape sequence to position the cursor at the indicated row and column. The numbers are 0-based, e.g. the home position is 0,0. clear() Sends the escape sequence to clear the screen. clrtoeol() Sends the escape sequence to clear from the current cursor position to the end of the line. In the MYCURSES case, code must be added to each of the last three routines to emit the appropriate escape sequences for a new terminal type. clearok(curscr), wrefresh() In real curses, these two calls are required to refresh the screen, for example after it was fractured by a broadcast message. These are useful only if the underlying screen management service keeps a copy of the entire screen, as curses and SMG do. C-Kermit does not do this itself. (End of CKAPLM.DOC)