/* C K C F T P -- FTP Client for C-Kermit */ char *ckftpv = "FTP Client, 8.0.140, 8 Dec 2001"; /* Authors: Jeff Altman Frank da Cruz , The Kermit Project, Columbia University. Copyright (C) 1985, 2001, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions. Portions of conditionally included code Copyright Regents of the University of California and The Stanford SRP Authentication Project; see notices below. */ /* Pending... . Implement recursive downloads by trying to CD to each filename. If it works, it's a directory; if not, it's a file -- GET it. But that won't work with wu-ftpd because it doesn't send directory names. . Implement MLST when it reaches RFC status. This is the real way to handle recursive downloads. . Make syslog entries for session? Files? . Messages are printed to stdout and stderr in random fashion. We should either print everything to stdout, or else be systematic about when to use stderr. . Adapt HELP text for SEND, GET, BYE, FINISH, REMOTE, etc, to FTP? . Get FEATures of server upon connection; set flags & variables. Test against ftp.ipswitch.com. . Implement mail (MAIL, MLFL, MSOM, etc) if any servers support it. . Adapt to VMS. Big job because of its record-oriented file system. RMS programmer required. There are probably also some VMS TCP/IP product-specific wrinkles, e.g. attribute preservation in VMS-to-VMS transfers using special options for Multinet or other FTP servers (find out about STRU VMS). . When using PASV mode, if we receive 0,0,0,0,N,M does that mean use the same IP address as the Command channel? Notes: . The reason that the default file type is TEXT is that it is required by FTP protocol. When the connection begins the client and server must agree to the type. The default is TEXT. (But then if we can find out what kind of host the server is on, we can and do switch automatically to binary if appropriate.) */ /* Quick FTP command reference: RFC765 (1980) and earlier: MODE S(tream), B(lock), C(ompressed) STRU F(ILE), R(ECORD), P(AGE) TYPE A(SCII) , E(BCDIC) , I(MAGE), L(OCAL) PORT - Port PASV - Passive mode USER - User PASS - Password ACCT - Account CWD - Change Working Directory REIN - Logout but not disconnect QUIT - Bye RETR - Retreive STOR - Store APPE - Append ALLO - Allocate REST - Restart RNFR - Rename from RNTO - Rename to ABOR - Cancel DELE - Delete LIST - Directory NLST - Name List SITE - Site parameters or commands STAT - Status HELP - Help NOOP - Noop RFC959 (1985): CDUP - Change to Parent Directory SMNT - Structure Mount STOU - Store Unique RMD - Remove Directory MKD - Make Directory PWD - Print Directory SYST - System RFC2389 (1998): FEAT - List Features (not done yet) OPTS - Send options (not done yet) RFC2640 (1999): LANG - Specify language for messages (not done) Pending (Internet Drafts): MDTM - File modification date-time (done) MLST - File name and attribute list (not done yet) MAIL, MLFL, MSOM - mail delivery (not done) Alphabetical syntax list: ABOR ACCT ALLO [ R ] APPE CDUP CWD DELE FEAT HELP [ ] LANG [ ] LIST [ ] MKD MODE NLST [ ] NOOP OPTS [ ] PASS PASV PORT PWD QUIT REIN REST RETR RMD RNFR RNTO SITE SMNT STAT [ ] STOR STOU STRU SYST TYPE USER */ #include "ckcsym.h" /* Standard includes */ #include "ckcdeb.h" #ifndef NOFTP /* NOFTP = no FTP */ #ifndef SYSFTP /* SYSFTP = use external ftp client */ #ifdef TCPSOCKET /* Build only if TCP/IP included */ #define CKCFTP_C /* Note: much of the following duplicates what was done in ckcdeb.h */ /* but let's not mess with it unless it causes trouble. */ #ifdef CK_ANSIC #include #else /* CK_ANSIC */ #include #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NOTIMEH #include #endif /* NOTIMEH */ #ifndef EPIPE #define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe error */ #endif /* EPIPE */ /* Kermit includes */ #include "ckcasc.h" #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckucmd.h" #include "ckuusr.h" #include "ckcnet.h" /* Includes ckctel.h */ #include "ckctel.h" /* (then why include it again?) */ #include "ckcxla.h" #ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATION #include "ckuath.h" #endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */ /* How to get the struct timeval definition so we can call select(). The xxTIMEH symbols are defined in ckcdeb.h, overridden in various makefile targets. The problem is: maybe we have already included some header file that defined struct timeval, and maybe we didn't. If we did, we don't want to include another header file that defines it again or the compilation will fail. If we didn't, we have to include the header file where it's defined. But in some cases even that won't work because of strict POSIX constraints or somesuch, or because this introduces other conflicts (e.g. struct tm multiply defined), in which case we have to define it ourselves, but this can work only if we didn't already encounter a definition. */ #ifndef DCLTIMEVAL #ifdef SV68R3V6 #define DCLTIMEVAL #else #ifdef SCO234 #define DCLTIMEVAL #endif /* SCO234 */ #endif /* SV68R3V6 */ #endif /* DCLTIMEVAL */ #ifdef DCLTIMEVAL /* Also maybe in some places the elements must be unsigned... */ struct timeval { long tv_sec; long tv_usec; }; #ifdef COMMENT /* Currently we don't use this... */ struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; int tz_dsttime; }; #endif /* COMMENT */ #else /* !DCLTIMEVAL */ #ifndef NOSYSTIMEH #ifdef SYSTIMEH #include #endif /* SYSTIMEH */ #endif /* NOSYSTIMEH */ #ifndef NOSYSTIMEBH #ifdef SYSTIMEBH #include #endif /* SYSTIMEBH */ #endif /* NOSYSTIMEBH */ #endif /* DCLTIMEVAL */ #ifndef NOSETTIME #ifdef COMMENT /* This section moved to ckcdeb.h */ #ifdef POSIX #define UTIMEH #else #ifdef HPUX9 #define UTIMEH #else #ifdef OS2 #define SYSUTIMEH #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* HPUX9 */ #endif /* POSIX */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef SYSUTIMEH #include #else #ifdef UTIMEH #include #define SYSUTIMEH #endif /* UTIMEH */ #endif /* SYSUTIMEH */ #endif /* NOSETTIME */ #ifndef SCO_OSR504 #ifdef SELECT_H #include #endif /* SELECT_H */ #endif /* SCO_OSR504 */ /* select() dialects... */ #ifdef UNIX #define BSDSELECT /* BSD select() syntax/semantics */ #else #ifdef OS2 /* OS/2 or Win32 */ #ifdef NT #define BSDSELECT #else /* NT */ #define IBMSELECT #endif /* NT */ #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* UNIX */ /* Other select() peculiarities */ #ifdef HPUX #ifndef HPUX10 /* HP-UX 9.xx and earlier */ #ifndef HPUX1100 /* The three interior args to select() are (int *) rather than (fd_set *) */ #ifndef INTSELECT #define INTSELECT #endif /* INTSELECT */ #endif /* HPUX1100 */ #endif /* HPUX10 */ #endif /* HPUX */ #ifdef CK_SOCKS /* SOCKS Internet relay package */ #ifdef CK_SOCKS5 /* SOCKS 5 */ #define accept SOCKSaccept #define bind SOCKSbind #define connect SOCKSconnect #define getsockname SOCKSgetsockname #define listen SOCKSlisten #else /* Not SOCKS 5 */ #define accept Raccept #define bind Rbind #define connect Rconnect #define getsockname Rgetsockname #define listen Rlisten #endif /* CK_SOCKS5 */ #endif /* CK_SOCKS */ #ifndef NOHTTP extern char * tcp_http_proxy; /* Name[:port] of http proxy server */ extern int tcp_http_proxy_errno; extern char * tcp_http_proxy_user; extern char * tcp_http_proxy_pwd; #define HTTPCPYL 1024 static char proxyhost[HTTPCPYL]; #endif /* NOHTTP */ int ssl_ftp_proxy = 0; /* FTP over SSL/TLS Proxy Server */ /* Feature selection */ #ifndef USE_SHUTDOWN /* We don't use shutdown() because (a) we always call it just before close() so it's redundant and unnecessary, and (b) it introduces a long pause on some platforms like SV/68 R3. */ /* #define USE_SHUTDOWN */ #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ #ifndef NORESEND #ifndef NORESTART /* Restart / recover */ #ifndef FTP_RESTART #define FTP_RESTART #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #endif /* NORESTART */ #endif /* NORESEND */ #ifndef NOUPDATE /* Update mode */ #ifndef DOUPDATE #define DOUPDATE #endif /* DOUPDATE */ #endif /* NOUPDATE */ #ifndef UNICODE /* Unicode required */ #ifndef NOCSETS /* for charset translation */ #define NOCSETS #endif /* NOCSETS */ #endif /* UNICODE */ #ifndef OS2 #ifndef HAVE_MSECS /* Millisecond timer */ #ifdef UNIX #ifdef GFTIMER #define HAVE_MSECS #endif /* GFTIMER */ #endif /* UNIX */ #endif /* HAVE_MSECS */ #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef PIPESEND /* PUT from pipe */ #ifndef PUTPIPE #define PUTPIPE #endif /* PUTPIPE */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifndef NOSPL /* PUT from array */ #ifndef PUTARRAY #define PUTARRAY #endif /* PUTARRAY */ #endif /* NOSPL */ /* Security... */ #ifdef CK_SRP #define FTP_SRP #endif /* CK_SRP */ #ifdef CK_KERBEROS #ifdef KRB4 /* There is a conflict between the Key Schedule formats used internally within the standalone MIT KRB4 library and that used by Eric Young in OpenSSL and his standalone DES library. Therefore, KRB4 FTP AUTH cannot be supported when either of those two packages are used. */ #ifdef KRB524 #define FTP_KRB4 #else /* KRB524 */ #ifndef CK_SSL #ifndef LIBDES #define FTP_KRB4 #endif /* LIBDES */ #endif /* CK_SSL */ #endif /* KRB524 */ #endif /* KRB4 */ #ifdef KRB5 #ifndef HEIMDAL #define FTP_GSSAPI #endif /* HEIMDAL */ #endif /* KRB5 */ #endif /* CK_KERBEROS */ #ifdef CK_DES #ifdef CK_SSL #ifndef LIBDES #define LIBDES #endif /* LIBDES */ #endif /* CK_SSL */ #endif /* CK_DES */ #ifdef CRYPT_DLL #ifndef LIBDES #define LIBDES #endif /* LIBDES */ #endif /* CRYPT_DLL */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 #define des_cblock Block #define des_key_schedule Schedule #ifdef KRB524 #ifdef NT #define _WINDOWS #endif /* NT */ #include "kerberosIV/krb.h" #else /* KRB524 */ #ifdef SOLARIS #ifndef sun /* For some reason lost in history the Makefile Solaris targets have -Usun */ #define sun #endif /* sun */ #endif /* SOLARIS */ #include "krb.h" #define krb_get_err_text_entry krb_get_err_text #endif /* KRB524 */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef CK_SSL #ifdef FTP_KRB4 #ifndef HEADER_DES_H #define HEADER_DES_H #endif /* HEADER_DES_H */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #include "ck_ssl.h" #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef FTP_SRP #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H #include "pwd.h" #endif /* HAVE_PWD_H */ #include "t_pwd.h" #include "t_client.h" #include "krypto.h" #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI #include /* Need to include the krb5 file, because we're doing manual fallback from the v2 mech to the v1 mech. Once there's real negotiation, we can be generic again. */ #include #include static gss_ctx_id_t gcontext; #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef OS2 #ifdef FTP_SRP #define MAP_KRYPTO #ifdef SRPDLL #define MAP_SRP #endif /* SRPDLL */ #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 #define MAP_KRB4 #define MAP_DES #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI #define MAP_GSSAPI #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #include "ckoath.h" #endif /* OS2 */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 static char ftp_realm[REALM_SZ + 1]; static KTEXT_ST ftp_tkt; #ifdef OS2 static LEASH_CREDENTIALS ftp_cred; #else /* OS2 */ static CREDENTIALS ftp_cred; #endif /* OS2 */ static MSG_DAT ftp_msg_data; static des_key_schedule ftp_sched; static int foo[4] = {99,99,99,99}; #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ /* FTP_SECURITY is defined if any of the above is selected */ #ifndef FTP_SECURITY #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI #define FTP_SECURITY #else #ifdef FTP_KRB4 #define FTP_SECURITY #else #ifdef FTP_SRP #define FTP_SECURITY #else #ifdef CK_SSL #define FTP_SECURITY #endif /* CK_SSL */ #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ /* Operational definitions */ #define DEF_VBM 0 /* Default verbose mode */ /* #define SETVBM */ /* (see getreply) */ #define URL_ONEFILE /* GET, not MGET, for FTP URL */ #define FTP_BUFSIZ 10240 /* Max size for FTP cmds & replies */ #define SRVNAMLEN 32 /* Max length for server type name */ #ifndef MGETMAX /* Max operands for MGET command */ #define MGETMAX 1000 #endif /* MGETMAX */ #ifdef FTP_SRP #define FUDGE_FACTOR 100 #endif /* FTP_SRP */ /* Amount of growth from cleartext to ciphertext. krb_mk_priv adds this number bytes. Must be defined for each auth type. GSSAPI appears to add 52 bytes, but I'm not sure it is a constant--hartmans 3DES requires 56 bytes. Lets use 96 just to be sure. */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI #ifndef FUDGE_FACTOR #define FUDGE_FACTOR 96 #endif /* FUDGE_FACTOR */ #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 #ifndef FUDGE_FACTOR #define FUDGE_FACTOR 32 #endif /* FUDGE_FACTOR */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifndef FUDGE_FACTOR /* In case no auth types define it */ #define FUDGE_FACTOR 0 #endif /* FUDGE_FACTOR */ /* Fascist compiler toadying */ #ifndef SENDARG2TYPE #ifdef COMMENT /* Might be needed here and there */ #define SENDARG2TYPE const char * #else #define SENDARG2TYPE char * #endif /* COMMENT */ #endif /* SENDARG2TYPE */ /* Common text messages */ static char * nocx = "?No FTP control connection\n"; static char *fncnam[] = { "rename", "overwrite", "backup", "append", "discard", "ask", "update", "" }; /* Macro definitions */ /* Used to speed up text-mode PUTs */ #define zzout(fd,c) \ ((fd<0)?(-1):((nout>ucbufsiz)?(zzsend(fd,c)):(ucbuf[nout++]=c))) #define CHECKCONN() if(!connected){printf(nocx);return(-9);} /* Externals */ #ifdef DYNAMIC extern char *zinbuffer, *zoutbuffer; /* Regular Kermit file i/o */ #else extern char zinbuffer[], zoutbuffer[]; #endif /* DYNAMIC */ extern char *zinptr, *zoutptr; extern int zincnt, zoutcnt, zobufsize, fncact; #ifdef CK_TMPDIR extern int f_tmpdir; /* Directory changed temporarily */ extern char savdir[]; /* For saving current directory */ extern char * dldir; #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ extern char * rfspec, * sfspec, * srfspec, * rrfspec; /* For WHERE command */ extern xx_strp xxstring; extern struct keytab onoff[], txtbin[], rpathtab[], colxtab[]; extern int nrpathtab, xfiletype, patterns, gnferror, moving, what, pktnum; extern int success, nfils, sndsrc, quiet, nopush, recursive, inserver, binary; extern int filepeek, nscanfile, fsecs, xferstat, xfermode, lastxfer, tsecs; extern int backgrd, spackets, rpackets, spktl, rpktl, xaskmore, cmd_rows; extern int ncolx, nolinks; extern long fsize, ffc, tfc, filcnt, xfsecs, tfcps, cps, oldcps; #ifdef GFTIMER extern CKFLOAT fptsecs, fpfsecs, fpxfsecs; #else extern long xfsecs; #endif /* GFTIMER */ extern char filnam[], * filefile, myhost[]; extern char * snd_move, * rcv_move, * snd_rename, * rcv_rename; extern int g_skipbup, skipbup, sendmode; extern int g_displa, fdispla, displa; #ifndef NOCSETS extern int nfilc, dcset7, dcset8, fileorder; extern struct csinfo fcsinfo[]; extern struct keytab fcstab[]; extern int fcharset; #endif /* NOCSETS */ extern char sndbefore[], sndafter[], *sndexcept[]; /* Selection criteria */ extern char sndnbefore[], sndnafter[], *rcvexcept[]; extern CHAR feol; extern long sendstart, sndsmaller, sndlarger, rs_len; extern char * remdest; extern int remfile, remappd, rempipe; #ifndef NOSPL extern int cmd_quoting; #ifdef PUTARRAY extern int sndxlo, sndxhi, sndxin; extern char sndxnam[]; extern char **a_ptr[]; /* Array pointers */ extern int a_dim[]; /* Array dimensions */ #endif /* PUTARRAY */ #endif /* NOSPL */ #ifndef NOMSEND /* MPUT and ADD SEND-LIST lists */ extern char *msfiles[]; extern int filesinlist; extern struct filelist * filehead; extern struct filelist * filetail; extern struct filelist * filenext; extern int addlist; extern char fspec[]; /* Most recent filespec */ extern int fspeclen; /* Length of fspec[] buffer */ #endif /* NOMSEND */ extern int pipesend; #ifdef PIPESEND extern char * sndfilter, * rcvfilter; #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef CKROOT extern int ckrooterr; #endif /* CKROOT */ #ifdef KRB4 extern int krb4_autoget; #endif /* KRB4 */ #ifdef KRB5 extern int krb5_autoget; extern int krb5_d_no_addresses; #endif /* KRB5 */ #ifdef DCMDBUF extern char *atmbuf; /* Atom buffer (malloc'd) */ extern char *cmdbuf; /* Command buffer (malloc'd) */ extern char *line; /* Big string buffer #1 */ extern char *tmpbuf; /* Big string buffer #2 */ #else extern char atmbuf[]; /* The same, but static */ extern char cmdbuf[]; extern char line[]; extern char tmpbuf[]; #endif /* DCMDBUF */ extern char * cmarg, * cmarg2, ** cmlist; /* For setting up file lists */ /* Public variables declared here */ #ifdef NOXFER int ftpget = 1; /* GET/PUT/REMOTE orientation FTP */ #else int ftpget = 2; /* GET/PUT/REMOTE orientation AUTO */ #endif /* NOXFER */ int ftpcode = -1; /* Last FTP response code */ int ftp_cmdlin = 0; /* FTP invoked from command line */ int ftp_fai = 0; /* FTP failure count */ int ftp_deb = 0; /* FTP debugging */ int ftp_knf = 0; /* Keep NLST file */ int ftp_log = 1; /* FTP Auto-login */ int ftp_action = 0; /* FTP action from command line */ int ftp_dates = 0; /* Set file dates from server */ char ftp_reply_str[FTP_BUFSIZ] = ""; /* Last line of previous reply */ char ftp_srvtyp[SRVNAMLEN] = { NUL, NUL }; /* Server's system type */ char * ftp_host = NULL; /* FTP hostname */ char * ftp_logname = NULL; /* FTP username */ char * ftp_rdir = NULL; /* Remote directory from cmdline */ /* Static global variables */ /* This is just a first stab -- these strings should match how the corresponding FTP servers identify themselves. */ #ifdef UNIX static char * myostype = "UNIX"; #else #ifdef VMS /* not yet... */ static char * myostype = "VMS"; #else #ifdef OS2 #ifdef NT static char * myostype = "WIN32"; #else static char * myostype = "OS/2"; #endif /* NT */ #else static char * myostype = "UNSUPPORTED"; #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* VMS */ #endif /* UNIX */ static int alike = 0; /* Client/server like platforms */ static int local = 1; /* Shadows Kermit global 'local' */ static int dout = -1; /* Data connection file descriptor */ static int dpyactive = 0; /* Data transfer is active */ static int globaldin = -1; /* Data connection f.d. */ static int out2screen = 0; /* GET output is to screen */ static int forcetype = 0; /* Force text or binary mode */ static int cancelfile = 0; /* File canceled */ static int cancelgroup = 0; /* Group canceled */ static int anonymous = 0; /* Logging in as anonymous */ static int loggedin = 0; /* Logged in (or not) */ static int puterror = 0; /* What to do on PUT error */ static int geterror = 0; /* What to do on GET error */ static int rfrc = 0; /* remote_files() return code */ static int okrestart = 0; /* Server understands REST */ static int printlines = 0; /* getreply()should print data lines */ static int haveurl = 0; /* Invoked by command-line FTP URL */ static int i, /* j, k, */ x, y, z; /* Volatile temporaries */ static int c0, c1; /* Temp variables for characters */ static char putpath[CKMAXPATH+1] = { NUL, NUL }; static char asnambuf[CKMAXPATH+1] = { NUL, NUL }; #define RFNBUFSIZ 4096 static unsigned int maxbuf = 0, actualbuf = 0; static CHAR *ucbuf = NULL; static int ucbufsiz = 0; static unsigned int nout = 0; /* Number of chars in ucbuf */ static jmp_buf recvcancel; static jmp_buf sendcancel; static jmp_buf ptcancel; static jmp_buf jcancel; static int ptabflg = 0; /* Protection level symbols */ #define FPL_CLR 1 /* Clear */ #define FPL_SAF 2 /* Safe */ #define FPL_PRV 3 /* Private */ #define FPL_CON 4 /* Confidential */ /* File type symbols keyed to the file-type symbols from ckcker.h */ #define FTT_ASC XYFT_T /* ASCII (text) */ #define FTT_BIN XYFT_B /* Binary (image) */ #define FTT_TEN XYFT_X /* TENEX (TOPS-20) */ /* SET FTP values */ static int /* SET FTP values... */ ftp_aut = 1, /* Auto-authentication */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY ftp_cry = 1, /* Auto-encryption */ ftp_cfw = 0, /* Credential forwarding */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ ftp_cpl = FPL_CLR, /* Command protection level */ ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR, /* Data protection level */ #ifdef FTP_PROXY ftp_prx = 0, /* Use proxy */ #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ sav_psv = -1, /* For saving passive mode */ ftp_psv = 1, /* Passive mode */ ftp_spc = 1, /* Send port commands */ ftp_typ = FTT_ASC, /* Type */ get_auto = 1, /* Automatic type switching for GET */ tenex = 0, /* Type is Tenex */ ftp_usn = 0, /* Unique server names */ ftp_prm = 0, /* Permissions */ ftp_cnv = 2, /* Filename conversion (2 = auto) */ ftp_vbm = DEF_VBM, /* Verbose mode */ ftp_vbx = DEF_VBM, /* Sticky version of same */ ftp_err = 0, /* Error action */ ftp_fnc = -1; /* Filename collision action */ static int #ifdef NOCSETS ftp_csr = -1, /* Remote (server) character set */ #else ftp_csr = FC_UTF8, #endif /* NOCSETS */ ftp_xla = 0; /* Character-set translation on/off */ int ftp_csx = -1, /* Remote charset currently in use */ ftp_csl = -1; /* Local charset currently in use */ static int g_ftp_typ = FTT_ASC; /* For saving and restoring ftp_typ */ char * ftp_nml = NULL; /* /NAMELIST */ char * ftp_tmp = NULL; /* Temporary string */ static char * ftp_acc = NULL; /* Account string */ static char * auth_type = NULL; /* Authentication type */ static char * srv_renam = NULL; /* Server-rename string */ FILE * fp_nml = NULL; /* Namelist file pointer */ static int csocket = -1; /* Control socket */ static int connected = 0; /* Connected to FTP server */ static short ftp_port = 0; /* FTP port */ #ifdef FTPHOST static int hostcmd = 0; /* Has HOST command been sent */ #endif /* FTPHOST */ static int form, mode, stru, bytesize, curtype = FTT_ASC; static char bytename[8]; /* For parsing replies to FTP server command */ static char *reply_parse, reply_buf[FTP_BUFSIZ], *reply_ptr; #ifdef FTP_PROXY static int proxy, unix_proxy #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ static char pasv[64]; /* Passive-mode port */ static int passivemode = 0; static int sendport = 0; static int servertype = 0; /* FTP server's OS type */ static int testing = 0; static char ftpcmdbuf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; /* Macro definitions */ #define UC(b) ckitoa(((int)b)&0xff) #define nz(x) ((x) == 0 ? 1 : (x)) /* Command tables and definitions */ #define FTP_ACC 1 /* FTP command keyword codes */ #define FTP_APP 2 #define FTP_CWD 3 #define FTP_CHM 4 #define FTP_CLS 5 #define FTP_DEL 6 #define FTP_DIR 7 #define FTP_GET 8 #define FTP_IDL 9 #define FTP_MDE 10 #define FTP_MDI 11 #define FTP_MGE 12 #define FTP_MKD 13 #define FTP_MOD 14 #define FTP_MPU 15 #define FTP_OPN 16 #define FTP_PUT 17 #define FTP_PWD 18 #define FTP_RGE 19 #define FTP_REN 20 #define FTP_RES 21 #define FTP_HLP 22 #define FTP_RMD 23 #define FTP_STA 24 #define FTP_SIT 25 #define FTP_SIZ 26 #define FTP_SYS 27 #define FTP_UMA 28 #define FTP_GUP 29 #define FTP_USR 30 #define FTP_QUO 31 #define FTP_TYP 32 #define FTP_FEA 33 #define FTP_OPT 34 #define FTP_CHK 35 #define FTP_VDI 36 struct keytab gprtab[] = { /* GET-PUT-REMOTE keywords */ { "auto", 2, 0 }, { "ftp", 1, 0 }, {"kermit", 0, 0 } }; static struct keytab qorp[] = { /* QUIT or PROCEED keywords */ { "proceed", 0, 0 }, /* 0 = proceed */ { "quit", 1, 0 } /* 1 = quit */ }; static struct keytab ftpcmdtab[] = { /* FTP command table */ { "account", FTP_ACC, 0 }, { "append", FTP_APP, 0 }, { "bye", FTP_CLS, 0 }, { "cd", FTP_CWD, 0 }, { "cdup", FTP_GUP, 0 }, { "check", FTP_CHK, 0 }, { "chmod", FTP_CHM, 0 }, { "close", FTP_CLS, 0 }, { "cwd", FTP_CWD, CM_INV }, { "delete", FTP_MDE, 0 }, { "directory", FTP_DIR, 0 }, { "features", FTP_FEA, 0 }, { "get", FTP_GET, 0 }, { "help", FTP_HLP, 0 }, { "idle", FTP_IDL, 0 }, { "login", FTP_USR, CM_INV }, { "mdelete", FTP_MDE, CM_INV }, { "mget", FTP_MGE, 0 }, { "mkdir", FTP_MKD, 0 }, { "modtime", FTP_MOD, 0 }, { "mput", FTP_MPU, 0 }, { "open", FTP_OPN, 0 }, { "opts", FTP_OPT, CM_INV }, { "options", FTP_OPT, 0 }, { "put", FTP_PUT, 0 }, { "pwd", FTP_PWD, 0 }, { "quit", FTP_CLS, CM_INV }, { "quote", FTP_QUO, 0 }, { "reget", FTP_RGE, 0 }, { "rename", FTP_REN, 0 }, { "reset", FTP_RES, 0 }, { "rmdir", FTP_RMD, 0 }, { "send", FTP_PUT, CM_INV }, { "site", FTP_SIT, 0 }, { "size", FTP_SIZ, 0 }, { "status", FTP_STA, 0 }, { "system", FTP_SYS, 0 }, { "type", FTP_TYP, 0 }, { "umask", FTP_UMA, 0 }, { "up", FTP_GUP, CM_INV }, { "user", FTP_USR, 0 }, { "vdirectory",FTP_VDI, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpcmd = (sizeof(ftpcmdtab) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #define OPN_ANO 1 #define OPN_PSW 2 #define OPN_USR 3 #define OPN_ACC 4 #define OPN_ACT 5 #define OPN_PSV 6 #define OPN_TLS 7 #ifdef FTP_SECURITY #ifdef CK_SSL #define USETLSTAB static struct keytab tlstab[] = { /* FTP SSL/TLS switches */ { "/ssl", OPN_TLS, 0 }, { "/tls", OPN_TLS, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int ntlstab = (sizeof(tlstab) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #endif /* CK_SSL */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ static struct keytab ftpswitab[] = { /* FTP command switches */ { "/account", OPN_ACC, CM_ARG }, { "/active", OPN_ACT, 0 }, { "/anonymous", OPN_ANO, 0 }, { "/passive", OPN_PSV, 0 }, { "/password", OPN_PSW, CM_ARG }, { "/user", OPN_USR, CM_ARG }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpswi = (sizeof(ftpswitab) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; /* SET FTP command keyword indices */ #define FTS_AUT 1 /* Autoauthentication */ #define FTS_CRY 2 /* Encryption */ #define FTS_LOG 3 /* Autologin */ #define FTS_CPL 4 /* Command protection level */ #define FTS_CFW 5 /* Credentials forwarding */ #define FTS_DPL 6 /* Data protection level */ #define FTS_DBG 7 /* Debugging */ #define FTS_PSV 8 /* Passive mode */ #define FTS_SPC 9 /* Send port commands */ #define FTS_TYP 10 /* (file) Type */ #define FTS_USN 11 /* Unique server names (for files) */ #define FTS_VBM 12 /* Verbose mode */ #define FTS_ATP 13 /* Authentication type */ #define FTS_CNV 14 /* Filename conversion */ #define FTS_TST 15 /* Test (progress) messages */ #define FTS_PRM 16 /* (file) Permissions */ #define FTS_XLA 17 /* Charset translation */ #define FTS_CSR 18 /* Server charset */ #define FTS_ERR 19 /* Error action */ #define FTS_FNC 20 /* Collision */ #define FTS_SRP 21 /* SRP options */ #define FTS_GFT 22 /* GET automatic file-type switching */ #define FTS_DAT 23 /* Set file dates */ /* FTP PUT options (mutually exclusive, not a bitmask) */ #define PUT_UPD 1 /* Update */ #define PUT_RES 2 /* Restart */ #define PUT_SIM 4 /* Simulation */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY /* FTP authentication options */ #define FTA_AUTO 0 /* Auto */ #define FTA_SRP 1 /* SRP */ #define FTA_GK5 2 /* Kerberos 5 */ #define FTA_K4 3 /* Kerberos 4 */ #define FTA_SSL 4 /* SSL */ #define FTA_TLS 5 /* TLS */ /* FTP authentication types */ #define FTPATYPS 8 static int ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS] = { #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI FTA_GK5, /* GSSAPI Kerberos 5 */ #endif /* FTP_GK5 */ #ifdef FTP_SRP FTA_SRP, /* SRP */ #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 FTA_K4, /* Kerberos 4 */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef CK_SSL FTA_TLS, /* TLS */ FTA_SSL, /* SSL */ #endif /* CK_SSL */ 0 }; static struct keytab ftpauth[] = { /* SET FTP AUTHTYPE cmd table */ { "automatic", FTA_AUTO, CM_INV }, #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI { "gssapi-krb5", FTA_GK5, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 { "k4", FTA_K4, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI { "k5", FTA_GK5, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 { "kerberos4", FTA_K4, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI { "kerberos5", FTA_GK5, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 { "kerberos_iv",FTA_K4, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI { "kerberos_v", FTA_GK5, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 { "krb4", FTA_K4, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI { "krb5", FTA_GK5, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_SRP { "srp", FTA_SRP, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef CK_SSL { "ssl", FTA_SSL, 0 }, { "tls", FTA_TLS, 0 }, #endif /* CK_SSL */ { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpauth = (sizeof(ftpauth) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #ifdef FTP_SRP #define SRP_CIPHER 1 #define SRP_HASH 2 static struct keytab ftpsrp[] = { /* SET FTP SRP command table */ { "cipher", SRP_CIPHER, 0 }, { "hash", SRP_HASH, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpsrp = (sizeof(ftpsrp) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ static struct keytab ftpset[] = { /* SET FTP commmand table */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY { "authtype", FTS_ATP, 0 }, { "autoauthentication", FTS_AUT, 0 }, { "autoencryption", FTS_CRY, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ { "autologin", FTS_LOG, 0 }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "character-set-translation",FTS_XLA, 0 }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ { "collision", FTS_FNC, 0 }, #ifdef FTP_SECURITY { "command-protection-level", FTS_CPL, 0 }, { "cpl", FTS_CPL, CM_INV }, { "credential-forwarding", FTS_CFW, 0 }, { "da", FTS_DAT, CM_INV|CM_ABR }, { "data-protection-level", FTS_DPL, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ { "dates", FTS_DAT, 0 }, { "debug", FTS_DBG, 0 }, #ifdef FTP_SECURITY { "dpl", FTS_DPL, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ { "error-action", FTS_ERR, 0 }, { "filenames", FTS_CNV, 0 }, { "get-filetype-switching", FTS_GFT, 0 }, { "passive-mode", FTS_PSV, 0 }, { "permissions", FTS_PRM, 0 }, { "progress-messages", FTS_TST, 0 }, { "send-port-commands", FTS_SPC, 0 }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "server-character-set", FTS_CSR, 0 }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef FTP_SRP { "srp", FTS_SRP, 0 }, #else { "srp", FTS_SRP, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_SRP */ { "type", FTS_TYP, 0 }, { "unique-server-names", FTS_USN, 0 }, { "verbose-mode", FTS_VBM, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpset = (sizeof(ftpset) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; /* GET and PUT switches are approximately the same as Kermit GET and SEND, and use the same SND_xxx definitions, but hijack a couple for FTP use. Don't just make up new ones, since the number of SND_xxx options must be known in advance for the switch-parsing arrays. */ #define SND_USN SND_PRO /* /UNIQUE instead of /PROTOCOL */ #define SND_PRM SND_PIP /* /PERMISSIONS instead of /PIPES */ #define SND_TEN SND_CAL /* /TENEX instead of /CALIBRATE */ static struct keytab putswi[] = { /* FTP PUT switch table */ { "/after", SND_AFT, CM_ARG }, #ifdef PUTARRAY { "/array", SND_ARR, CM_ARG }, #endif /* PUTARRAY */ { "/as", SND_ASN, CM_ARG|CM_INV|CM_ABR }, { "/as-name", SND_ASN, CM_ARG }, { "/ascii", SND_TXT, CM_INV }, { "/b", SND_BIN, CM_INV|CM_ABR }, { "/before", SND_BEF, CM_ARG }, { "/binary", SND_BIN, 0 }, #ifdef PUTPIPE { "/command", SND_CMD, CM_PSH }, #endif /* PUTPIPE */ { "/delete", SND_DEL, 0 }, #ifdef UNIXOROSK { "/dotfiles", SND_DOT, 0 }, #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ { "/error-action", SND_ERR, CM_ARG }, { "/except", SND_EXC, CM_ARG }, { "/filenames", SND_NAM, CM_ARG }, #ifdef PIPESEND #ifndef NOSPL { "/filter", SND_FLT, CM_ARG|CM_PSH }, #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef CKSYMLINK { "/followlinks", SND_LNK, 0 }, #endif /* CKSYMLINK */ #ifdef VMS { "/image", SND_IMG, 0 }, #else { "/image", SND_BIN, CM_INV }, #endif /* VMS */ { "/larger-than", SND_LAR, CM_ARG }, { "/listfile", SND_FIL, CM_ARG }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "/local-character-set", SND_CSL, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR { "/move-to", SND_MOV, CM_ARG }, #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ { "/nobackupfiles", SND_NOB, 0 }, #ifdef UNIXOROSK { "/nodotfiles", SND_NOD, 0 }, #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ #ifdef CKSYMLINK { "/nofollowlinks", SND_NLK, 0 }, #endif /* CKSYMLINK */ { "/not-after", SND_NAF, CM_ARG }, { "/not-before", SND_NBE, CM_ARG }, #ifdef UNIX { "/permissions", SND_PRM, CM_ARG }, #else { "/permissions", SND_PRM, CM_INV }, #endif /* UNIX */ { "/quiet", SND_SHH, 0 }, #ifdef FTP_RESTART { "/recover", SND_RES, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/recursive", SND_REC, 0 }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "/rename-to", SND_REN, CM_ARG }, #ifdef FTP_RESTART { "/restart", SND_RES, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifndef NOCSETS { "/server-character-set", SND_CSR, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ { "/server-rename-to", SND_SRN, CM_ARG }, { "/simulate", SND_SIM, 0 }, { "/since", SND_AFT, CM_INV|CM_ARG }, { "/smaller-than", SND_SMA, CM_ARG }, #ifdef COMMENT { "/starting-at", SND_STA, CM_ARG }, #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/subdirectories", SND_REC, CM_INV }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "/tenex", SND_TEN, 0 }, { "/text", SND_TXT, 0 }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "/transparent", SND_XPA, 0 }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ { "/type", SND_TYP, CM_ARG }, #ifdef DOUPDATE { "/update", SND_UPD, 0 }, #endif /* DOUPDATE */ { "/unique-server-names", SND_USN, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nputswi = (sizeof(putswi) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; static struct keytab getswi[] = { /* FTP GET switch table */ { "/after", SND_AFT, CM_INV }, { "/as", SND_ASN, CM_ARG|CM_INV|CM_ABR }, { "/as-name", SND_ASN, CM_ARG }, { "/ascii", SND_TXT, CM_INV }, { "/before", SND_BEF, CM_INV }, { "/binary", SND_BIN, 0 }, { "/collision", SND_COL, CM_ARG }, #ifdef PUTPIPE { "/command", SND_CMD, CM_PSH }, #endif /* PUTPIPE */ { "/delete", SND_DEL, 0 }, { "/error-action", SND_ERR, CM_ARG }, { "/except", SND_EXC, CM_ARG }, { "/filenames", SND_NAM, CM_ARG }, #ifdef PIPESEND #ifndef NOSPL { "/filter", SND_FLT, CM_ARG|CM_PSH }, #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef VMS { "/image", SND_IMG, 0 }, #else { "/image", SND_BIN, CM_INV }, #endif /* VMS */ { "/larger-than", SND_LAR, CM_ARG }, { "/listfile", SND_FIL, CM_ARG }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "/local-character-set", SND_CSL, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR { "/move-to", SND_MOV, CM_ARG }, #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ { "/namelist", SND_NML, CM_ARG }, { "/nobackupfiles", SND_NOB, 0 }, #ifdef UNIXOROSK { "/nodotfiles", SND_NOD, 0 }, #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ { "/not-after", SND_NAF, CM_INV }, { "/not-before", SND_NBE, CM_INV }, { "/permissions", SND_PRM, CM_INV }, { "/quiet", SND_SHH, 0 }, #ifdef FTP_RESTART { "/recover", SND_RES, 0 }, #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/recursive", SND_REC, 0 }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "/rename-to", SND_REN, CM_ARG }, #ifdef FTP_RESTART { "/restart", SND_RES, CM_INV }, #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifndef NOCSETS { "/server-character-set", SND_CSR, CM_ARG }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ { "/server-rename-to", SND_SRN, CM_ARG }, { "/smaller-than", SND_SMA, CM_ARG }, #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/subdirectories", SND_REC, CM_INV }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "/text", SND_TXT, 0 }, { "/tenex", SND_TEN, 0 }, #ifndef NOCSETS { "/transparent", SND_XPA, 0 }, #endif /* NOCSETS */ { "/to-screen", SND_MAI, 0 }, #ifdef DOUPDATE { "/update", SND_UPD, CM_INV }, #endif /* DOUPDATE */ { "", 0, 0 } }; static int ngetswi = (sizeof(getswi) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; static struct keytab delswi[] = { /* FTP [M]DELETE switch table */ { "/error-action", SND_ERR, CM_ARG }, { "/except", SND_EXC, CM_ARG }, { "/filenames", SND_NAM, CM_ARG }, { "/larger-than", SND_LAR, CM_ARG }, { "/nobackupfiles", SND_NOB, 0 }, #ifdef UNIXOROSK { "/nodotfiles", SND_NOD, 0 }, #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ { "/quiet", SND_SHH, 0 }, #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/recursive", SND_REC, 0 }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "/smaller-than", SND_SMA, CM_ARG }, #ifdef RECURSIVE { "/subdirectories", SND_REC, CM_INV }, #endif /* RECURSIVE */ { "", 0, 0 } }; static int ndelswi = (sizeof(delswi) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; static struct keytab fntab[] = { /* Filename conversion keyword table */ { "automatic", 2, 0 }, { "converted", 1, 0 }, { "literal", 0, 0 } }; static int nfntab = (sizeof(fntab) / sizeof(struct keytab)); static struct keytab ftptyp[] = { /* SET FTP TYPE table */ { "ascii", FTT_ASC, 0 }, { "binary", FTT_BIN, 0 }, { "tenex", FTT_TEN, 0 }, { "text", FTT_ASC, CM_INV }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftptyp = (sizeof(ftptyp) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #ifdef FTP_SECURITY static struct keytab ftppro[] = { /* SET FTP PROTECTION-LEVEL table */ { "clear", FPL_CLR, 0 }, { "confidential", FPL_CON, 0 }, { "private", FPL_PRV, 0 }, { "safe", FPL_SAF, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftppro = (sizeof(ftppro) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ /* Definitions for FTP from RFC765. */ /* Reply codes */ #define REPLY_PRELIM 1 /* Positive preliminary */ #define REPLY_COMPLETE 2 /* Positive completion */ #define REPLY_CONTINUE 3 /* Positive intermediate */ #define REPLY_TRANSIENT 4 /* Transient negative completion */ #define REPLY_ERROR 5 /* Permanent negative completion */ #define REPLY_SECURE 6 /* Security encoded message */ /* Form codes and names */ #define FORM_N 1 /* Non-print */ #define FORM_T 2 /* Telnet format effectors */ #define FORM_C 3 /* Carriage control (ASA) */ /* Structure codes and names */ #define STRU_F 1 /* File (no record structure) */ #define STRU_R 2 /* Record structure */ #define STRU_P 3 /* Page structure */ /* Mode types and names */ #define MODE_S 1 /* Stream */ #define MODE_B 2 /* Block */ #define MODE_C 3 /* Compressed */ /* Protection levels and names */ #define PROT_C 1 /* Clear */ #define PROT_S 2 /* Safe */ #define PROT_P 3 /* Private */ #define PROT_E 4 /* Confidential */ #ifdef COMMENT /* Not used */ #ifdef FTP_NAMES char *strunames[] = {"0", "File", "Record", "Page" }; char *formnames[] = {"0", "Nonprint", "Telnet", "Carriage-control" }; char *modenames[] = {"0", "Stream", "Block", "Compressed" }; char *levelnames[] = {"0", "Clear", "Safe", "Private", "Confidential" }; #endif /* FTP_NAMES */ /* Record Tokens */ #define REC_ESC '\377' /* Record-mode Escape */ #define REC_EOR '\001' /* Record-mode End-of-Record */ #define REC_EOF '\002' /* Record-mode End-of-File */ /* Block Header */ #define BLK_EOR 0x80 /* Block is End-of-Record */ #define BLK_EOF 0x40 /* Block is End-of-File */ #define BLK_REPLY_ERRORS 0x20 /* Block might have errors */ #define BLK_RESTART 0x10 /* Block is Restart Marker */ #define BLK_BYTECOUNT 2 /* Bytes in this block */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #define RADIX_ENCODE 0 /* radix_encode() function codes */ #define RADIX_DECODE 1 /* The default setpbsz() value in the Unix FTP client is 1<<20 (1MB). This results in a serious performance degradation due to the increased number of page faults and the inability to overlap encrypt/decrypt, file i/o, and network i/o. So instead we set the value to 1<<13 (8K), about half the size of the typical TCP window. Maybe we should add a command to allow the value to be changed. */ #define DEFAULT_PBSZ 1<<13 /* Definitions and typedefs needed for prototypes */ #define sig_t my_sig_t #define sigtype SIGTYP typedef sigtype (*sig_t)(); /* Prototypes */ _PROTOTYP(int remtxt, (char **) ); _PROTOTYP(char * gskreason, (int) ); _PROTOTYP(static int ftpclose,(void)); _PROTOTYP(static int zzsend, (int, CHAR)); _PROTOTYP(static int getreply,(int,int,int,int,int)); _PROTOTYP(static int radix_encode,(CHAR[], CHAR[], int, int *, int)); _PROTOTYP(static int setpbsz,(unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int recvrequest,(char *,char *,char *,char *, int,int,char *,int,int,int)); _PROTOTYP(static int ftpcmd,(char *,char *,int,int,int)); _PROTOTYP(static int fts_cpl,(int)); _PROTOTYP(static int fts_dpl,(int)); #ifdef FTP_SECURITY _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_auth, (void)); #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_user, (char *, char *, char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_login, (char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_reset, (void)); _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_rename, (char *, char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int ftp_umask, (char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int secure_flush, (int)); #ifdef COMMENT _PROTOTYP(static int secure_putc, (char, int)); #endif /* COMMENT */ _PROTOTYP(static int secure_write, (int, CHAR *, unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int scommand, (char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int secure_putbuf, (int, CHAR *, unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int secure_getc, (int)); _PROTOTYP(static int secure_read, (int, char *, int)); _PROTOTYP(static int initconn, (void)); _PROTOTYP(static int dataconn, (char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int setprotbuf,(unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int sendrequest, (char *, char *, char *, int,int,int,int)); _PROTOTYP(static char * radix_error,(int)); _PROTOTYP(static char * ftp_hookup,(char *, int, int)); _PROTOTYP(static CHAR * remote_files, (int, CHAR *, int)); _PROTOTYP(static VOID secure_error, (char *fmt, ...)); _PROTOTYP(static VOID lostpeer, (void)); _PROTOTYP(static VOID cancel_remote, (int)); _PROTOTYP(static VOID changetype, (int, int)); _PROTOTYP(static sigtype cmdcancel, (int)); #ifdef FTP_SRP _PROTOTYP(static int srp_reset, ()); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_ftp_auth, (char *,char *,char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_put, (CHAR *, CHAR **, int, int *)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_get, (CHAR **, CHAR **, int *, int *)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_encode, (int, CHAR *, CHAR *, unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_decode, (int, CHAR *, CHAR *, unsigned int)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_selcipher, (char *)); _PROTOTYP(static int srp_selhash, (char *)); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI _PROTOTYP(static void user_gss_error,(OM_uint32, OM_uint32,char *)); #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ /* D O F T P A R G -- Do an FTP command-line argument. */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY #ifndef NOICP #define FT_NOGSS 1 #define FT_NOK4 2 #define FT_NOSRP 3 #define FT_NOSSL 4 #define FT_NOTLS 5 #define FT_CERTFI 6 #define FT_OKCERT 7 #define FT_DEBUG 8 #define FT_KEY 9 #define FT_SECURE 10 #define FT_VERIFY 11 static struct keytab ftpztab[] = { { "!gss", FT_NOGSS, 0 }, { "!krb4", FT_NOK4, 0 }, { "!srp", FT_NOSRP, 0 }, { "!ssl", FT_NOSSL, 0 }, { "!tls", FT_NOTLS, 0 }, { "cert", FT_CERTFI, CM_ARG }, { "certsok", FT_OKCERT, 0 }, { "debug", FT_DEBUG, 0 }, { "key", FT_KEY, CM_ARG }, { "nogss", FT_NOGSS, 0 }, { "nokrb4", FT_NOK4, 0 }, { "nosrp", FT_NOSRP, 0 }, { "nossl", FT_NOSSL, 0 }, { "notls", FT_NOTLS, 0 }, #ifdef COMMENT { "secure", FT_SECURE, 0 }, #endif /* COMMENT */ { "verify", FT_VERIFY, CM_ARG }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftpztab = sizeof(ftpztab) / sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; /* The following cipher and hash tables should be replaced with dynamicly created versions based upon the linked library. */ #define SRP_BLOWFISH_ECB 1 #define SRP_BLOWFISH_CBC 2 #define SRP_BLOWFISH_CFB64 3 #define SRP_BLOWFISH_OFB64 4 #define SRP_CAST5_ECB 5 #define SRP_CAST5_CBC 6 #define SRP_CAST5_CFB64 7 #define SRP_CAST5_OFB64 8 #define SRP_DES_ECB 9 #define SRP_DES_CBC 10 #define SRP_DES_CFB64 11 #define SRP_DES_OFB64 12 #define SRP_DES3_ECB 13 #define SRP_DES3_CBC 14 #define SRP_DES3_CFB64 15 #define SRP_DES3_OFB64 16 static struct keytab ciphertab[] = { { "blowfish_ecb", SRP_BLOWFISH_ECB, 0 }, { "blowfish_cbc", SRP_BLOWFISH_CBC, 0 }, { "blowfish_cfb64", SRP_BLOWFISH_CFB64, 0 }, { "blowfish_ofb64", SRP_BLOWFISH_OFB64, 0 }, { "cast5_ecb", SRP_CAST5_ECB, 0 }, { "cast5_cbc", SRP_CAST5_CBC, 0 }, { "cast5_cfb64", SRP_CAST5_CFB64, 0 }, { "cast5_ofb64", SRP_CAST5_OFB64, 0 }, { "des_ecb", SRP_DES_ECB, 0 }, { "des_cbc", SRP_DES_CBC, 0 }, { "des_cfb64", SRP_DES_CFB64, 0 }, { "des_ofb64", SRP_DES_OFB64, 0 }, { "des3_ecb", SRP_DES3_ECB, 0 }, { "des3_cbc", SRP_DES3_CBC, 0 }, { "des3_cfb64", SRP_DES3_CFB64, 0 }, { "des3_ofb64", SRP_DES3_OFB64, 0 }, { "none", 0, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nciphertab = sizeof(ciphertab) / sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; #define SRP_MD5 1 #define SRP_SHA 2 static struct keytab hashtab[] = { { "md5", SRP_MD5, 0 }, { "none", 0, 0 }, { "sha", SRP_SHA, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nhashtab = sizeof(hashtab) / sizeof(struct keytab) - 1; #endif /* NOICP */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ static char * strval(s1,s2) char * s1, * s2; { if (!s1) s1 = ""; if (!s2) s2 = ""; return(*s1 ? s1 : (*s2 ? s2 : "(none)")); } #ifndef NOCSETS static char * rfnptr = NULL; static int rfnlen = 0; static char rfnbuf[RFNBUFSIZ]; /* Remote filename translate buffer */ static char * xgnbp = NULL; static int strgetc() { /* Helper function for xgnbyte() */ int c; if (!xgnbp) return(-1); if (!*xgnbp) return(-1); c = (unsigned) *xgnbp++; return(((unsigned) c) & 0xff); } static int /* Helper function for xpnbyte() */ #ifdef CK_ANSIC strputc(char c) #else strputc(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { rfnlen = rfnptr - rfnbuf; if (rfnlen >= (RFNBUFSIZ - 1)) return(-1); *rfnptr++ = c; *rfnptr = NUL; return(0); } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC xprintc(char c) #else xprintc(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { printf("%c",c); return(0); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef CKLOGDIAL char ftplogbuf[CXLOGBUFL] = { NUL, NUL }; /* Connection Log */ int ftplogactive = 0; long ftplogprev = 0L; VOID ftplogend() { extern int dialog; extern char diafil[]; long d1, d2, t1, t2; char buf[32], * p; debug(F111,"ftp cx log active",ckitoa(dialog),ftplogactive); debug(F110,"ftp cx log buf",ftplogbuf,0); if (!ftplogactive || !ftplogbuf[0]) /* No active record */ return; ftplogactive = 0; /* Record is not active */ d1 = mjd((char *)ftplogbuf); /* Get start date of this session */ ckstrncpy(buf,ckdate(),31); /* Get current date */ d2 = mjd(buf); /* Convert them to mjds */ p = ftplogbuf; /* Get start time */ p[11] = NUL; p[14] = NUL; /* Convert to seconds */ t1 = atol(p+9) * 3600L + atol(p+12) * 60L + atol(p+15); p[11] = ':'; p[14] = ':'; p = buf; /* Get end time */ p[11] = NUL; p[14] = NUL; t2 = atol(p+9) * 3600L + atol(p+12) * 60L + atol(p+15); t2 = ((d2 - d1) * 86400L) + (t2 - t1); /* Compute elapsed time */ if (t2 > -1L) { ftplogprev = t2; p = hhmmss(t2); strncat(ftplogbuf,"E=",CXLOGBUFL); /* Append to log record */ strncat(ftplogbuf,p,CXLOGBUFL); } else ftplogprev = 0L; debug(F101,"ftp cx log dialog","",dialog); if (dialog) { /* If logging */ int x; x = diaopn(diafil,1,1); /* Open log in append mode */ if (x > 0) { debug(F101,"ftp cx log open","",x); x = zsoutl(ZDIFIL,ftplogbuf); /* Write the record */ debug(F101,"ftp cx log write","",x); x = zclose(ZDIFIL); /* Close the log */ debug(F101,"ftp cx log close","",x); } } } VOID dologftp() { ftplogend(); /* Previous session not closed out? */ ftplogprev = 0L; ftplogactive = 1; /* Record is active */ ckmakxmsg(ftplogbuf,CXLOGBUFL, ckdate()," ",strval(ftp_logname,NULL)," ",ckgetpid(), " T=FTP N=", strval(ftp_host,NULL)," H=",myhost," ",NULL,NULL); debug(F110,"ftp cx log begin",ftplogbuf,0); } #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ static char * dummy[2] = { NULL, NULL }; static struct keytab modetab[] = { { "active", 0, 0 }, { "passive", 1, 0 } }; #ifndef NOCMDL int /* Called from ckuusy.c */ #ifdef CK_ANSIC doftparg(char c) #else doftparg(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* doftparg */ { int x, z; char *xp; extern char **xargv, *xarg0; extern int xargc, stayflg, haveftpuid; extern char uidbuf[]; xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ while (c) { if (ckstrchr("MuDPkcHzm",c)) { /* Options that take arguments */ if (*(xp+1)) { fatal("?Invalid argument bundling"); } xargv++, xargc--; if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) { fatal("?Required argument missing"); } } switch (c) { /* Big switch on arg */ case 'h': /* help */ printf("C-Kermit's FTP client command-line personality. Usage:\n"); printf(" %s [ options ] host [ port ] [-pg files ]\n\n",xarg0); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -h = help (this message)\n"); printf(" -m mode = \"passive\" (default) or \"active\"\n"); printf(" -u name = username for autologin (or -M)\n"); printf(" -P password = password for autologin (RISKY)\n"); printf(" -A = autologin anonymously\n"); printf(" -D directory = cd after autologin\n"); printf(" -b = force binary mode\n"); printf(" -a = force text (\"ascii\") mode (or -T)\n"); printf(" -d = debug (double to add timestamps)\n"); printf(" -n = no autologin\n"); printf(" -v = verbose (default)\n"); printf(" -q = quiet\n"); printf(" -S = Stay (issue command prompt when done)\n"); printf(" -Y = do not execute Kermit init file\n"); printf(" -p files = files to put after autologin (or -s)\n"); printf(" -g files = files to get after autologin\n"); printf(" -R = recursive (for use with -p)\n"); #ifdef FTP_SECURITY printf("\nSecurity options:\n"); printf(" -k realm = Kerberos 4 realm\n"); printf(" -f = Kerboros 5 credentials forwarding\n"); printf(" -x = autoencryption mode\n"); printf(" -c cipher = SRP cipher type\n"); printf(" -H hash = SRP encryption hash\n"); printf(" -z option = Security options\n"); #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ printf("\n-p or -g, if given, should be last. Example:\n"); printf(" ftp -A kermit.columbia.edu -D kermit -ag TESTFILE\n"); doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); break; case 'R': /* Recursive */ recursive = 1; break; case 'd': /* Debug */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { extern int debtim; debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); debok = 1; } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* fall thru on purpose */ case 't': /* Trace */ ftp_deb++; break; case 'n': /* No autologin */ ftp_log = 0; break; case 'i': /* No prompt */ case 'v': /* Verbose */ break; /* (ignored) */ case 'q': /* Quiet */ quiet = 1; break; case 'S': /* Stay */ stayflg = 1; break; case 'M': case 'u': /* My User Name */ if ((int)strlen(*xargv) > 63) { fatal("username too long"); } ckstrncpy(uidbuf,*xargv,UIDBUFLEN); haveftpuid = 1; break; case 'A': ckstrncpy(uidbuf,"anonymous",UIDBUFLEN); haveftpuid = 1; break; case 'T': /* Text */ case 'a': /* "ascii" */ case 'b': /* Binary */ binary = (c == 'b') ? FTT_BIN : FTT_ASC; xfermode = XMODE_M; filepeek = 0; patterns = 0; break; case 'g': /* Get */ case 'p': /* Put */ case 's': { /* Send (= Put) */ int havefiles, rc; if (ftp_action) { fatal("Only one FTP action at a time please"); } if (*(xp+1)) { fatal("invalid argument bundling after -s"); } nfils = 0; /* Initialize file counter */ havefiles = 0; /* Assume nothing to send */ cmlist = xargv + 1; /* Remember this pointer */ while (++xargv, --xargc > 0) { /* Traverse the list */ if (c == 'g') { havefiles++; nfils++; continue; } #ifdef RECURSIVE if (!strcmp(*xargv,".")) { havefiles = 1; nfils++; recursive = 1; } else #endif /* RECURSIVE */ if ((rc = zchki(*xargv)) > -1 || (rc == -2)) { if (rc != -2) havefiles = 1; nfils++; } else if (iswild(*xargv) && nzxpand(*xargv,0) > 0) { havefiles = 1; nfils++; } } xargc++, xargv--; /* Adjust argv/argc */ if (!havefiles) { if (c == 'g') { fatal("No files to put"); } else { fatal("No files to get"); } } ftp_action = c; break; } case 'D': /* Directory */ makestr(&ftp_rdir,*xargv); break; case 'm': /* Mode (Active/Passive */ ftp_psv = lookup(modetab,*xargv,2,NULL); if (ftp_psv < 0) fatal("Invalid mode"); break; case 'P': makestr(&ftp_tmp,*xargv); /* You-Know-What */ break; case 'Y': /* No initialization file */ break; /* (already done in prescan) */ #ifdef CK_URL case 'U': { /* URL */ /* These are set by urlparse() - any not set are NULL */ extern struct urldata g_url; if (g_url.hos) { /* Kermit has accepted host:port notation since many years before URLs were invented. Unfortunately, URLs conflict with this notation. Thus "ftp host:449" looks like a URL and results in service = host and host = 449. Here we try to catch this situation transparently to the user. */ if (ckstrcmp(g_url.svc,"ftp",-1,0) #ifdef CK_SSL && ckstrcmp(g_url.svc,"ftps",-1,0) #endif /* CK_SSL */ ) { if (!g_url.usr && !g_url.psw && !g_url.por && !g_url.pth) { g_url.por = g_url.hos; g_url.hos = g_url.svc; g_url.svc = "ftp"; } else { ckmakmsg(tmpbuf,TMPBUFSIZ,"Non-FTP URL: service=", g_url.svc," host=",g_url.hos); fatal(tmpbuf); } } makestr(&ftp_host,g_url.hos); if (g_url.usr) { haveftpuid = 1; ckstrncpy(uidbuf,g_url.usr,UIDBUFLEN); makestr(&ftp_logname,uidbuf); } if (g_url.psw) { makestr(&ftp_tmp,g_url.psw); } if (g_url.pth) { if (!g_url.usr) { haveftpuid = 1; ckstrncpy(uidbuf,"anonymous",UIDBUFLEN); makestr(&ftp_logname,uidbuf); } if (ftp_action) { fatal("Only one FTP action at a time please"); } if (!stayflg) quiet = 1; nfils = 1; dummy[0] = g_url.pth; cmlist = dummy; ftp_action = 'g'; } xp = NULL; haveurl = 1; } break; } #endif /* CK_URL */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY case 'k': { /* K4 Realm */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 ckstrncpy(ftp_realm,*xargv, REALM_SZ); #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ if (ftp_deb) printf("K4 Realm = [%s]\n",*xargv); break; } case 'f': { #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI ftp_cfw = 1; if (ftp_deb) printf("K5 Credentials Forwarding\n"); #else /* FTP_GSSAPI */ printf("K5 Credentials Forwarding not supported\n"); #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ break; } case 'x': { ftp_cry = 1; if (ftp_deb) printf("Autoencryption\n"); break; } case 'c': { /* Cipher */ #ifdef FTP_SRP if (!srp_selcipher(*xargv)) { if (ftp_deb) printf("SRP cipher type: \"%s\"\n",*xargv); } else printf("?Invalid SRP cipher type: \"%s\"\n",*xargv); #else /* FTP_SRP */ printf("?SRP not supported\n"); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ break; } case 'H': { #ifdef FTP_SRP if (!srp_selhash(*xargv)) { if (ftp_deb) printf("SRP hash type: \"%s\"\n",*xargv); } else printf("?Invalid SRP hash type: \"%s\"\n",*xargv); #else /* FTP_SRP */ printf("?SRP not supported\n"); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ break; } case 'z': { /* *xargv contains a value of the form tag=value */ /* we need to lookup the tag and save the value */ char * p, * q; makestr(&p,*xargv); y = ckindex("=",p,0,0,1); if (y > 0) p[y-1] = '\0'; x = lookup(ftpztab,p,nftpztab,&z); if (x < 0) { printf("?Invalid security option: \"%s\"\n",p); } else { printf("Security option: \"%s",p); if (ftpztab[z].flgs & CM_ARG) { q = &p[y]; if (!*q) fatal("?Missing required value"); if (ftp_deb) printf("=%s\"",q); } switch (ftpztab[z].kwval) { /* -z options w/args */ case FT_NOGSS: #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI for (z = 0; z < FTPATYPS && ftp_auth_type[z]; z++) { if (ftp_auth_type[z] == FTA_GK5) { for (y = z; y < (FTPATYPS-1) && ftp_auth_type[y]; y++ ) ftp_auth_type[y] = ftp_auth_type[y+1]; ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS-1] = 0; break; } } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ break; case FT_NOK4: #ifdef FTP_KRB4 for (z = 0; z < FTPATYPS && ftp_auth_type[z]; z++) { if (ftp_auth_type[z] == FTA_K4) { for (y = z; y < (FTPATYPS-1) && ftp_auth_type[y]; y++ ) ftp_auth_type[y] = ftp_auth_type[y+1]; ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS-1] = 0; break; } } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ break; case FT_NOSRP: #ifdef FTP_SRP for (z = 0; z < FTPATYPS && ftp_auth_type[z]; z++) { if (ftp_auth_type[z] == FTA_SRP) { for (y = z; y < (FTPATYPS-1) && ftp_auth_type[y]; y++ ) ftp_auth_type[y] = ftp_auth_type[y+1]; ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS-1] = 0; break; } } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ break; case FT_NOSSL: #ifdef CK_SSL for (z = 0; z < FTPATYPS && ftp_auth_type[z]; z++) { if (ftp_auth_type[z] == FTA_SSL) { for (y = z; y < (FTPATYPS-1) && ftp_auth_type[y]; y++ ) ftp_auth_type[y] = ftp_auth_type[y+1]; ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS-1] = 0; break; } } #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; case FT_NOTLS: #ifdef CK_SSL for (z = 0; z < FTPATYPS && ftp_auth_type[z]; z++) { if (ftp_auth_type[z] == FTA_TLS) { for (y = z; y < (FTPATYPS-1) && ftp_auth_type[y]; y++ ) ftp_auth_type[y] = ftp_auth_type[y+1]; ftp_auth_type[FTPATYPS-1] = 0; break; } } #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; case FT_CERTFI: #ifdef CK_SSL makestr(&ssl_rsa_cert_file,q); #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; case FT_OKCERT: #ifdef CK_SSL ssl_certsok_flag = 1; #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; case FT_DEBUG: #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { extern int debtim; debtim = 1; } else { deblog = debopn("debug.log",0); } #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case FT_KEY: #ifdef CK_SSL makestr(&ssl_rsa_key_file,q); #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; case FT_SECURE: /* no equivalent */ break; case FT_VERIFY: #ifdef CK_SSL if (!rdigits(q)) printf("?Bad number: %s\n",q); ssl_verify_flag = atoi(q); #endif /* CK_SSL */ break; } } if (ftp_deb) printf("\"\n"); free(p); break; } #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ default: fatal2(*xargv, "unknown command-line option, type \"ftp -h\" for help" ); } if (!xp) break; c = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } #endif /* NOCMDL */ int ftpisconnected() { return(connected); } int ftpisloggedin() { return(connected ? loggedin : 0); } int ftpissecure() { return((ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) ? 0 : 1); } static VOID ftscreen(n, c, z, s) int n; char c; long z; char * s; { if (displa && fdispla && !backgrd && !quiet && !out2screen) { if (!dpyactive) { ckscreen(SCR_PT,'S',0L,""); dpyactive = 1; } ckscreen(n,c,z,s); } } #ifndef OS2 /* g m s t i m e r -- Millisecond timer */ long gmstimer() { #ifdef HAVE_MSECS /* For those versions of ztime() that also set global ztmsec. */ char *p = NULL; long z; ztime(&p); if (!p) return(0L); if (!*p) return(0L); z = atol(p+11) * 3600L + atol(p+14) * 60L + atol(p+17); return(z * 1000 + ztmsec); #else return((long)time(NULL) * 1000L); #endif /* HAVE_MSECS */ } #endif /* OS2 */ /* d o s e t f t p -- The SET FTP command */ int dosetftp() { int cx; if ((cx = cmkey(ftpset,nftpset,"","",xxstring)) < 0) /* Set what? */ return(cx); switch (cx) { case FTS_FNC: /* Filename collision action */ if ((x = cmkey(colxtab,ncolx,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); ftp_fnc = x; return(1); case FTS_CNV: /* Filename conversion */ if ((x = cmkey(fntab,nfntab,"","automatic",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); ftp_cnv = x; return(1); case FTS_DBG: /* Debug messages */ return(seton(&ftp_deb)); case FTS_LOG: /* Auto-login */ return(seton(&ftp_log)); case FTS_PSV: /* Passive mode */ x = seton(&ftp_psv); if (x) passivemode = ftp_psv; return(x); case FTS_SPC: /* Send port commands */ x = seton(&ftp_spc); if (x) sendport = ftp_spc; return(x); case FTS_TYP: /* Type */ if ((x = cmkey(ftptyp,nftptyp,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); ftp_typ = x; g_ftp_typ = x; tenex = (ftp_typ == FTT_TEN); return(1); case FTS_USN: /* Unique server names */ return(seton(&ftp_usn)); case FTS_VBM: /* Verbose mode */ if ((x = seton(&ftp_vbm)) < 0) /* Per-command copy */ return(x); ftp_vbx = ftp_vbm; /* Global sticky copy */ return(x); case FTS_TST: /* "if (testing)" messages */ return(seton(&testing)); case FTS_PRM: /* Send permissions */ return(setonaut(&ftp_prm)); case FTS_AUT: /* Auto-authentication */ return(seton(&ftp_aut)); case FTS_ERR: /* Error action */ if ((x = cmkey(qorp,2,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); ftp_err = x; return(success = 1); #ifndef NOCSETS case FTS_XLA: /* Translation */ return(seton(&ftp_xla)); case FTS_CSR: /* Server charset */ if ((x = cmkey(fcstab,nfilc,"character-set","utf8",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); ftp_csr = x; ftp_xla = 1; /* Also enable translation */ return(success = 1); #endif /* NOCSETS */ case FTS_GFT: return(seton(&get_auto)); /* GET-filetype-switching */ case FTS_DAT: return(seton(&ftp_dates)); /* Set file dates */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY case FTS_CRY: /* Auto-encryption */ return(seton(&ftp_cry)); case FTS_CFW: /* Credential-forwarding */ return(seton(&ftp_cfw)); case FTS_CPL: /* Command protection level */ if ((x = cmkey(ftppro,nftppro,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); success = fts_cpl(x); return(success); case FTS_DPL: /* Data protection level */ if ((x = cmkey(ftppro,nftppro,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); success = fts_dpl(x); return(success); case FTS_ATP: { /* FTP Auth Type */ int i, j, atypes[8]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((y = cmkey(ftpauth,nftpauth,"", (i == 0) ? "automatic" : "", xxstring)) < 0) { if (y == -3) break; return(y); } if (i > 0 && (y == FTA_AUTO)) { printf("?Choice may only be used in first position.\r\n"); return(-9); } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (atypes[j] == y) { printf("\r\n?Choice has already been used.\r\n"); return(-9); } } atypes[i] = y; if (y == FTA_AUTO) { i++; break; } } if (i < 8) atypes[i] = 0; if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); if (atypes[0] == FTA_AUTO) { i = 0; #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI ftp_auth_type[i++] = FTA_GK5; #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_SRP ftp_auth_type[i++] = FTA_SRP; #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 ftp_auth_type[i++] = FTA_K4; #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef CK_SSL ftp_auth_type[i++] = FTA_TLS; ftp_auth_type[i++] = FTA_SSL; #endif /* CK_SSL */ ftp_auth_type[i] = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ftp_auth_type[i] = atypes[i]; } return(success = 1); } case FTS_SRP: #ifdef FTP_SRP if ((x = cmkey(ftpsrp,nftpsrp,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); switch (x) { case SRP_CIPHER: if ((x = cmkey(ciphertab,nciphertab,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); success = !srp_selcipher(ciphertab[x].kwd); return(success); case SRP_HASH: if ((x = cmkey(hashtab,nhashtab,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); success = !srp_selhash(hashtab[x].kwd); return(success = 1); default: if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); return(-2); } #else /* FTP_SRP */ if ((z = cmcfm()) < 0) return(z); return(-2); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ default: return(-2); } } int ftpbye() { int x; if (!connected) return(1); if (testing) printf(" ftp closing %s...\n",ftp_host); x = ftpclose(); return((x > -1) ? 1 : 0); } /* o p e n f t p -- Parse FTP hostname & port and open */ static int openftp(s,opn_tls) char * s; int opn_tls; { char c, * p, * hostname = NULL, *hostsave = NULL, * service = NULL; int i, n, havehost = 0, getval = 0, rc = -9, opn_psv = -1; struct FDB sw, fl, cm; extern int nnetdir; /* Network services directory */ extern int nhcount; /* Lookup result */ extern char *nh_p[]; /* Network directory entry pointers */ extern char *nh_p2[]; /* Network directory entry nettype */ if (!s) return(-2); if (!*s) return(-2); makestr(&hostname,s); hostsave = hostname; makestr(&ftp_logname,NULL); debug(F110,"ftp open",hostname,0); if (sav_psv > -1) { /* Restore prevailing active/passive */ ftp_psv = sav_psv; /* selection in case it was */ sav_psv = -1; /* temporarily overriden by a switch */ } cmfdbi(&sw, /* Switches */ _CMKEY, "Service name or port;\n or switch", "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ nftpswi, /* addtl numeric data 1: tbl size */ 4, /* addtl numeric data 2: none */ xxstring, /* Processing function */ ftpswitab, /* Keyword table */ &fl /* Pointer to next FDB */ ); cmfdbi(&fl, /* A host name or address */ _CMFLD, /* fcode */ "", /* help */ "xYzBoo", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ xxstring, NULL, &cm ); cmfdbi(&cm, /* Command confirmation */ _CMCFM, "", "", "", 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); for (n = 0;; n++) { rc = cmfdb(&sw); /* Parse a service name or a switch */ if (rc < 0) goto xopenftp; if (cmresult.fcode == _CMCFM) { /* Done? */ break; } else if (cmresult.fcode == _CMFLD) { /* Port */ if (ckstrcmp("xYzBoo",cmresult.sresult,-1,1)) makestr(&service,cmresult.sresult); else makestr(&service,opn_tls?"ftps":"ftp"); } else if (cmresult.fcode == _CMKEY) { /* Have a switch */ c = cmgbrk(); /* get break character */ getval = (c == ':' || c == '='); rc = -9; if (getval && !(cmresult.kflags & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch does not take arguments\n"); goto xopenftp; } if (!getval && (cmresult.kflags & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch requires an argument\n"); goto xopenftp; } switch (cmresult.nresult) { /* Switch */ case OPN_ANO: /* /ANONYMOUS */ anonymous++; break; case OPN_PSW: /* /PASSWORD */ if (!anonymous) /* Don't log real passwords */ debok = 0; rc = cmfld("Password for FTP server","",&p,xxstring); if (rc == -3) { makestr(&ftp_tmp,NULL); } else if (rc < 0) { goto xopenftp; } else { makestr(&ftp_tmp,p); } break; case OPN_USR: /* /USER */ rc = cmfld("Username for FTP server","",&p,xxstring); if (rc == -3) { makestr(&ftp_logname,NULL); } else if (rc < 0) { goto xopenftp; } else { anonymous = 0; makestr(&ftp_logname,p); } break; case OPN_ACC: rc = cmfld("Account for FTP server","",&p,xxstring); if (rc == -3) { makestr(&ftp_acc,NULL); } else if (rc < 0) { goto xopenftp; } else { makestr(&ftp_acc,p); } break; case OPN_ACT: opn_psv = 0; break; case OPN_PSV: opn_psv = 1; break; case OPN_TLS: opn_tls = 1; break; default: break; } } if (n == 0) { /* After first time through */ cmfdbi(&sw, /* accept only switches */ _CMKEY, "\nCarriage return to confirm to command, or switch", "", "", nftpswi, 4, xxstring, ftpswitab, &cm ); } } #ifdef COMMENT debug(F100,"ftp openftp while exit","",0); rc = cmcfm(); debug(F101,"ftp openftp cmcfm rc","",rc); if (rc < 0) goto xopenftp; #endif /* COMMENT */ if (opn_psv > -1) { /* /PASSIVE or /ACTIVE switch given */ sav_psv = ftp_psv; ftp_psv = opn_psv; } if (*hostname == '=') { /* Bypass directory lookup */ hostname++; /* if hostname starts with '=' */ havehost++; } else if (isdigit(*hostname)) { /* or if it starts with a digit */ havehost++; } #ifndef NODIAL if (!havehost && nnetdir > 0) { /* If there is a networks directory */ lunet(hostname); /* Look up the name */ debug(F111,"ftp openftp lunet",hostname,nhcount); if (nhcount == 0) { if (testing) printf(" ftp open trying \"%s %s\"...\n",hostname,service); success = ftpopen(hostname,service,opn_tls); debug(F101,"ftp openftp A ftpopen success","",success); rc = success; } else { int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < nhcount; i++) { if (nh_p2[i]) /* If network type specified */ if (ckstrcmp(nh_p2[i],"tcp/ip",strlen(nh_p2[i]),0)) continue; found++; makestr(&hostname,nh_p[i]); debug(F111,"ftpopen lunet substitution",hostname,i); if (testing) printf(" ftp open trying \"%s %s\"...\n",hostname,service); success = ftpopen(hostname,service,opn_tls); debug(F101,"ftp openftp B ftpopen success","",success); rc = success; if (success) break; } if (!found) { /* E.g. if no network types match */ if (testing) printf(" ftp open trying \"%s %s\"...\n",hostname,service); success = ftpopen(hostname,service,opn_tls); debug(F101,"ftp openftp C ftpopen success","",success); rc = success; } } } else { #endif /* NODIAL */ if (testing) printf(" ftp open trying \"%s %s\"...\n",hostname,service); success = ftpopen(hostname,service,opn_tls); debug(F111,"ftp openftp D ftpopen success",hostname,success); debug(F111,"ftp openftp D ftpopen connected",hostname,connected); rc = success; #ifndef NODIAL } #endif /* NODIAL */ xopenftp: debug(F101,"ftp openftp xopenftp rc","",rc); if (hostsave) free(hostsave); if (service) free(service); if (rc < 0 && ftp_logname) { free(ftp_logname); ftp_logname = NULL; } if (ftp_tmp) { free(ftp_tmp); ftp_tmp = NULL; } return(rc); } int doftpusr() { /* Log in as USER */ int x; char *s, * acct = ""; debok = 0; /* Don't log */ if ((x = cmfld("Remote username or ID","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmfld("Remote password","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) if (x != -3) return(x); ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,TMPBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmtxt("Remote account\n or Enter or CR to confirm the command", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (*s) { x = strlen(tmpbuf); if (x > 0) { acct = &tmpbuf[x+2]; ckstrncpy(acct,s,TMPBUFSIZ - x - 2); } } if (testing) printf(" ftp user \"%s\" password \"%s\"...\n",line,tmpbuf); success = ftp_user(line,tmpbuf,acct); #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dologftp(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ return(success); } /* DO (various FTP commands)... */ int doftptyp(type) int type; { /* TYPE */ CHECKCONN(); ftp_typ = type; changetype(ftp_typ,ftp_vbm); return(1); } static int doftpxmkd(s,vbm) char * s; int vbm; { /* MKDIR action */ int lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ debug(F110,"ftp doftpmkd",s,0); if (ftpcmd("MKD",s,lcs,rcs,vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); if (ftpcode == 500) { if (!quiet) printf("MKD command not recognized, trying XMKD\n"); if (ftpcmd("XMKD",s,lcs,rcs,vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); } return(0); } static int doftpmkd() { /* MKDIR parse */ int x; char * s; if ((x = cmtxt("Remote directory name", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp mkdir \"%s\"...\n",line); return(success = doftpxmkd(line,-1)); } static int doftprmd() { /* RMDIR */ int x, lcs = -1, rcs = -1; char * s; if ((x = cmtxt("Remote directory", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp rmdir \"%s\"...\n",line); #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (ftpcmd("RMD",line,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(success = 1); if (ftpcode == 500) { if (!quiet) printf("RMD command not recognized, trying XMKD\n"); success = (ftpcmd("XRMD",line,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); } else success = 0; return(success); } static int doftpren() { /* RENAME */ int x; char * s; if ((x = cmfld("Remote filename","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmfld("New name for remote file","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,TMPBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) printf(" ftp rename \"%s\" (to) \"%s\"...\n",line,tmpbuf); success = ftp_rename(line,tmpbuf); return(success); } int doftpres() { /* RESET (log out without close) */ int x; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) printf(" ftp reset...\n"); return(success = ftp_reset()); } static int doftpxhlp() { /* HELP */ int x; char * s; if ((x = cmtxt("Command name", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp help \"%s\"...\n",line); /* No need to translate -- all FTP commands are ASCII */ return(success = (ftpcmd("HELP",line,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE)); } static int doftpdir(cx) int cx; { /* [V]DIRECTORY */ int x, lcs = 0, rcs = 0, xlate = 0; char * p, * s, * m = ""; if (cx == FTP_VDI) { switch (servertype) { case SYS_VMS: case SYS_DOS: case SYS_TOPS10: case SYS_TOPS20: m = "*.*"; break; default: m = "*"; } } if ((x = cmtxt("Remote filespec",m,&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((x = remtxt(&s)) < 0) return(x); #ifdef NOCSETS xlate = 0; #else xlate = ftp_xla; #endif /* NOCSETS */ line[0] = NUL; ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); s = line; CHECKCONN(); #ifndef NOCSETS if (xlate) { /* SET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION */ lcs = ftp_csl; /* Local charset */ if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; if (lcs < 0) xlate = 0; } if (xlate) { /* Still ON? */ rcs = ftp_csx; /* Remote (Server) charset */ if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; if (rcs < 0) xlate = 0; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (testing) { p = s; if (!p) p = ""; if (*p) printf("Directory of files %s at %s:\n", line, ftp_host); else printf("Directory of files at %s:\n", ftp_host); } debug(F111,"doftpdir",s,cx); if (cx == FTP_DIR) { /* Translation of line[] is done inside recvrequest() */ /* when it calls ftpcmd(). */ return(success = (recvrequest("LIST","-",s,"wb",0,0,NULL,xlate,lcs,rcs) == 0)); } success = 1; /* VDIR - one file at a time... */ p = (char *)remote_files(1,(CHAR *)s,0); /* Get the file list */ cancelgroup = 0; if (!ftp_vbm && !quiet) printlines = 1; while (p && !cancelfile && !cancelgroup) { /* STAT one file */ if (ftpcmd("STAT",p,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) < 0) { success = 0; break; } p = (char *)remote_files(0,NULL,0); /* Get next file */ debug(F110,"ftp vdir file",s,0); } return(success); } static int doftppwd() { /* PWD */ int x, lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (ftpcmd("PWD",NULL,lcs,rcs,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE) { success = 1; } else if (ftpcode == 500) { if (ftp_deb) printf("PWD command not recognized, trying XPWD\n"); success = (ftpcmd("XPWD",NULL,lcs,rcs,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); } return(success); } static int doftpcwd(s,vbm) char * s; int vbm; { /* CD (CWD) */ int lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ debug(F110,"ftp doftpcwd",s,0); if (ftpcmd("CWD",s,lcs,rcs,vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); if (ftpcode == 500) { if (!quiet) printf("CWD command not recognized, trying XCWD\n"); if (ftpcmd("XCWD",s,lcs,rcs,vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); } return(0); } static int doftpcdup() { /* CDUP */ debug(F100,"ftp doftpcdup","",0); if (ftpcmd("CDUP",NULL,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); if (ftpcode == 500) { if (!quiet) printf("CDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP\n"); if (ftpcmd("XCUP",NULL,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE) return(1); } return(0); } /* s y n c d i r -- Synchronizes client & server directories */ /* Used with recursive PUTs; Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success */ static int cdlevel = 0, cdsimlvl = 0; static int syncdir(local,sim) char * local; int sim; { char buf[CKMAXPATH+1]; char tmp[CKMAXPATH+1]; char msgbuf[CKMAXPATH+64]; char c, * p = local, * s = buf, * q = buf; int i, k = 0, done = 0, itsadir = 0, saveq; debug(F110,"ftp syncdir local (new)",local,0); debug(F110,"ftp syncdir putpath (old)",putpath,0); itsadir = isdir(local); saveq = quiet; while ((*s = *p)) { /* Copy the argument filename */ if (++k == CKMAXPATH) /* so we can poke it. */ return(-1); if (*s == '/') /* Pointer to rightmost dirsep */ q = s; s++; p++; } if (!itsadir) *q = NUL; /* Keep just the path part */ debug(F110,"ftp syncdir buf",buf,0); if (!strcmp(buf,putpath)) { /* Same as for previous file? */ if (itsadir) { /* It's a directory? */ if (doftpcwd(local,0)) { /* Try to CD to it */ doftpcdup(); /* Worked - CD back up */ } else if (sim) { /* Simulating... */ if (fdispla == XYFD_B) { printf("WOULD CREATE DIRECTORY %s\n",local); } else if (fdispla) { ckmakmsg(msgbuf,CKMAXPATH, "WOULD CREATE DIRECTORY",local,NULL,NULL); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,msgbuf); } /* See note above */ return(0); } else if (!doftpxmkd(local,0)) { /* Can't CD - try to create */ return(0); } else { if (fdispla == XYFD_B) { printf("CREATED DIRECTORY %s\n",local); } else if (fdispla) { ckmakmsg(msgbuf,CKMAXPATH+64, "CREATED DIRECTORY ",local,NULL,NULL); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,msgbuf); } } } debug(F110,"ftp syncdir no change",buf,0); return(1); /* Yes, done. */ } ckstrncpy(tmp,buf,CKMAXPATH+1); /* Make a safe (pre-poked) copy */ debug(F110,"ftp syncdir new path",buf,0); /* for later (see end) */ p = buf; /* New */ s = putpath; /* Old */ debug(F110,"ftp syncdir A p",p,0); debug(F110,"ftp syncdir A s",s,0); while (*p != NUL && *s != NUL && *p == *s) p++,s++; if (*s == '/' && !*p) s++; /* Don't count initial slash */ debug(F110,"ftp syncdir B p",p,0); debug(F110,"ftp syncdir B s",s,0); /* p and s now point to the leftmost spot where they differ */ if (*s) { /* We have to back up */ k = 1; /* How many levels */ while ((c = *s++)) { /* Count dirseps */ if (c == '/' && *s) k++; } for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { /* Do that many CDUPs */ debug(F111,"ftp syncdir up",p,i+1); if (sim && cdsimlvl) { cdsimlvl--; } else { if (!doftpcdup()) { quiet = saveq; return(0); } } cdlevel--; } if (!*p) /* If we don't have to go down */ goto xcwd; /* we're done. */ } while (p > buf && *p && *p != '/') /* If in middle of segment */ p--; /* back up to beginning */ if (*p == '/') /* and terminate there */ p++; s = p; /* Point to start of new down path. */ while (1) { /* Loop through characters. */ if (*s == '/' || !*s) { /* Have a segment. */ if (!*s) /* If end of string, */ done++; /* after this segment we're done. */ else *s = NUL; /* NUL out the separator. */ if (*p) { /* If segment is not empty */ debug(F110,"ftp syncdir down segment",p,0); if (!doftpcwd(p,0)) { /* Try to CD to it */ if (sim) { if (fdispla == XYFD_B) { printf("WOULD CREATE DIRECTORY %s\n",local); } else if (fdispla) { ckmakmsg(msgbuf,CKMAXPATH,"WOULD CREATE DIRECTORY", local,NULL,NULL); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,msgbuf); } cdsimlvl++; } else { if (!doftpxmkd(p,0)) { /* Can't CD - try to create */ /* Suppose we are executing SEND /RECURSIVE. Locally we have a directory FOO but the remote has a regular file with the same name. We can't CD to it, can't MKDIR it either. There's no way out but to fail and let the user handle the problem. */ quiet = saveq; return(0); } if (fdispla == XYFD_B) { printf("CREATED DIRECTORY %s\n",p); } else if (fdispla) { ckmakmsg(msgbuf,CKMAXPATH, "CREATED DIRECTORY ",p,NULL,NULL); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,msgbuf); } if (!doftpcwd(p,0)) { /* Try again to CD */ quiet = saveq; return(0); } } } cdlevel++; } if (done) /* Quit if no next segment */ break; p = s+1; /* Point to next segment */ } s++; /* Point to next source char */ } xcwd: ckstrncpy(putpath,tmp,CKMAXPATH+1); /* All OK - make this the new path */ quiet = saveq; return(1); } #ifdef DOUPDATE #ifdef DEBUG static VOID dbtime(s,xx) char * s; struct tm * xx; { /* Write struct tm to debug log */ if (deblog) { debug(F111,"ftp year ",s,xx->tm_year); debug(F111,"ftp month",s,xx->tm_mon); debug(F111,"ftp day ",s,xx->tm_mday); debug(F111,"ftp hour ",s,xx->tm_hour); debug(F111,"ftp min ",s,xx->tm_min); debug(F111,"ftp sec ",s,xx->tm_sec); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* t m c o m p a r e -- Compare two struct tm's */ /* Like strcmp() but for struct tm's */ /* Returns -1 if xx < yy, 0 if they are equal, 1 if xx > yy */ static int tmcompare(xx,yy) struct tm * xx, * yy; { if (xx->tm_year < yy->tm_year) /* First year less than second */ return(-1); if (xx->tm_year > yy->tm_year) /* First year greater than second */ return(1); /* Years are equal so compare months */ if (xx->tm_mon < yy->tm_mon) /* And so on... */ return(-1); if (xx->tm_mon > yy->tm_mon) return(1); if (xx->tm_mday < yy->tm_mday) return(-1); if (xx->tm_mday > yy->tm_mday) return(1); if (xx->tm_hour < yy->tm_hour) return(-1); if (xx->tm_hour > yy->tm_hour) return(1); if (xx->tm_min < yy->tm_min) return(-1); if (xx->tm_min > yy->tm_min) return(1); if (xx->tm_sec < yy->tm_sec) return(-1); if (xx->tm_sec > yy->tm_sec) return(1); return(0); } #endif /* DOUPDATE */ #ifndef HAVE_TIMEGM /* For platforms that do not have timegm() */ static CONST int MONTHDAYS[] = { /* Number of days in each month. */ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /* Macro for whether a given year is a leap year. */ #define ISLEAP(year) \ (((year) % 4) == 0 && (((year) % 100) != 0 || ((year) % 400) == 0)) #endif /* HAVE_TIMEGM */ /* m k u t i m e -- Like mktime() but argument is already UTC */ static time_t #ifdef CK_ANSIC mkutime(struct tm * tm) #else mkutime(tm) struct tm * tm; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* mkutime */ { #ifdef HAVE_TIMEGM return(timegm(tm)); /* Have system service, use it. */ #else /* Contributed by Russ Allbery (rra@stanford.edu), used by permission. Given a struct tm representing a calendar time in UTC, convert it to seconds since epoch. Returns (time_t) -1 if the time is not convertable. Note that this function does not canonicalize the provided struct tm, nor does it allow out-of-range values or years before 1970. Result should be identical with timegm(). */ time_t result = 0; int i; /* We do allow some ill-formed dates, but we don't do anything special with them and our callers really shouldn't pass them to us. Do explicitly disallow the ones that would cause invalid array accesses or other algorithm problems. */ #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"mkutime tm_mon","",tm->tm_mon); debug(F101,"mkutime tm_year","",tm->tm_year); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (tm->tm_mon < 0 || tm->tm_mon > 11 || tm->tm_year < 70) return((time_t) -1); /* Convert to time_t. */ for (i = 1970; i < tm->tm_year + 1900; i++) result += 365 + ISLEAP(i); for (i = 0; i < tm->tm_mon; i++) result += MONTHDAYS[i]; if (tm->tm_mon > 1 && ISLEAP(tm->tm_year + 1900)) result++; result = 24 * (result + tm->tm_mday - 1) + tm->tm_hour; result = 60 * result + tm->tm_min; result = 60 * result + tm->tm_sec; debug(F101,"mkutime result","",result); return(result); #endif /* HAVE_TIMEGM */ } /* s e t m o d t i m e -- Set file modification time. f = char * filename; t = time_t date/time to set (Secs since 19700101 0:00:00 UTC, NOT local) UNIX-specific; isolates mainline code from hideous #ifdefs. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC setmodtime(char * f, time_t t) #else setmodtime(f,t) char * f; time_t t; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* setmodtime */ { #ifdef NT struct _stat sb; #else /* NT */ struct stat sb; #endif /* NT */ int x, rc = 0; #ifdef BSD44 struct timeval tp[2]; #else #ifdef V7 struct utimbuf { time_t timep[2]; } tp; #else #ifdef SYSUTIMEH #ifdef NT struct _utimbuf tp; #else /* NT */ struct utimbuf tp; #endif /* NT */ #else struct utimbuf { time_t atime; time_t mtime; } tp; #endif /* SYSUTIMEH */ #endif /* V7 */ #endif /* BSD44 */ if (stat(f,&sb) < 0) { debug(F111,"setmodtime stat failure",f,errno); return(-1); } #ifdef BSD44 tp[0].tv_sec = sb.st_atime; /* Access time first */ tp[1].tv_sec = t; /* Update time second */ debug(F111,"setmodtime BSD44",f,t); #else #ifdef V7 tp.timep[0] = t; /* Set modif. time to creation date */ tp.timep[1] = sb.st_atime; /* Don't change the access time */ debug(F111,"setmodtime V7",f,t); #else #ifdef SYSUTIMEH tp.modtime = t; /* Set modif. time to creation date */ tp.actime = sb.st_atime; /* Don't change the access time */ debug(F111,"setmodtime SYSUTIMEH",f,t); #else tp.mtime = t; /* Set modif. time to creation date */ tp.atime = sb.st_atime; /* Don't change the access time */ debug(F111,"setmodtime (other)",f,t); #endif /* SYSUTIMEH */ #endif /* V7 */ #endif /* BSD44 */ /* Try to set the file date */ #ifdef BSD44 x = utimes(f,tp); debug(F111,"setmodtime utimes()","BSD44",x); #else #ifdef IRIX65 { /* The following produces the nonsensical warning: Argument of type "const struct utimbuf *" is incompatible with parameter of type "const struct utimbuf *". If you can make it go away, be my guest. */ const struct utimbuf * t2 = &tp; x = utime(f,t2); } #else x = utime(f,&tp); debug(F111,"setmodtime utime()","other",x); #endif /* IRIX65 */ #endif /* BSD44 */ if (x) rc = -1; debug(F101,"setmodtime result","",rc); return(rc); } /* c h k m o d t i m e -- Check/Set file modification time. fc = function code: 0 = Check; returns: -1 on error, 0 if local older than remote, 1 if modtimes are equal, 2 if local newer remote. 1 = Set (local file's modtime from remote's); returns: -1 on error, 0 on success. */ static int chkmodtime(local,remote,fc) char * local, * remote; int fc; { #ifdef NT struct _stat statbuf; #else /* NT */ struct stat statbuf; #endif /* NT */ struct tm * tmlocal = NULL; struct tm tmremote; int rc = 0, havedate = 0, lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (fc == 0) { rc = stat(local,&statbuf); if (rc == 0) { /* Get local file's mod time */ tmlocal = gmtime(&statbuf.st_mtime); /* Convert to struct tm */ #ifdef DEBUG if (tmlocal) { dbtime(local,tmlocal); } #endif /* DEBUG */ } } /* Get remote file's mod time as yyyymmddhhmmss */ if (ftpcmd("MDTM",remote,lcs,rcs,0) == REPLY_COMPLETE) { int flag = 0; /* Good reply */ char c, * s; bzero((char *)&tmremote, sizeof(struct tm)); s = ftp_reply_str; while ((c = *s++)) { /* Skip past response code */ if (c == SP) { flag++; break; } } debug(F110,"ftp chkmodtime string",s,0); if (flag) { /* Convert to struct tm */ char * pat; int y2kbug = 0; /* Seen in Kerberos 4 FTP servers */ if (!ckstrcmp(s,"191",3,0)) { pat = "%05d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d"; y2kbug++; debug(F110,"ftp chkmodtime Y2K BUG detected",s,0); } else { pat = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d"; } if (sscanf(s, /* Parse into struct tm */ pat, &(tmremote.tm_year), &(tmremote.tm_mon), &(tmremote.tm_mday), &(tmremote.tm_hour), &(tmremote.tm_min), &(tmremote.tm_sec) ) == 6) { tmremote.tm_year -= (y2kbug ? 19000 : 1900); debug(F101,"ftp chkmodtime year","",tmremote.tm_year); tmremote.tm_mon--; #ifdef DEBUG dbtime(remote,&tmremote); #endif /* DEBUG */ havedate = 1; } } } else rc = -1; if (fc == 0) { /* Compare */ if (rc == 0 && havedate == 1) { /* Only if we have both file dates */ /* Compare with local file's time. We don't use clock time (time_t) here in case of signed/unsigned confusion, etc. */ return(tmcompare(tmlocal,&tmremote) + 1); } } else if (ftp_dates) { /* Set */ /* Here we must convert struct tm to time_t without applying timezone conversion, for which there is no portable API. The method is hidden in mkutime(), defined above. */ time_t utc; utc = mkutime(&tmremote); debug(F111,"ftp chkmodtime mkutime",remote,utc); if (utc != (time_t)-1) return(setmodtime(local,utc)); } return(-1); } /* getfile() returns: -1 on error, 0 if file received, 1 if file skipped */ static int getfile(remote,local,recover,append,pipename,xlate,fcs,rcs) char * local, * remote, * pipename; int recover, append, xlate, fcs, rcs; /* getfile */ { int rc = -1; ULONG t0, t1; #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ char fullname[CKMAXPATH+1]; debug(F110,"ftp getfile local A",local,0); debug(F110,"ftp getfile pipename",pipename,0); if (!remote) remote = ""; #ifdef PATTERNS if (patterns && get_auto && !forcetype) { /* Automatic type switching? */ int x; x = matchname(remote,0,servertype); debug(F111,"ftp getfile matchname",remote,x); switch (x) { case 0: ftp_typ = FTT_ASC; break; case 1: ftp_typ = tenex ? FTT_TEN : FTT_BIN; break; default: if (g_ftp_typ > -1) ftp_typ = g_ftp_typ; } changetype(ftp_typ,ftp_vbm); binary = ftp_typ; /* For file-transfer display */ } #endif /* PATTERNS */ #ifndef NOCSETS ftp_csx = -1; /* For file-transfer display */ ftp_csl = -1; /* ... */ if (rcs > -1) /* -1 means no translation */ if (ftp_typ == FTT_ASC) /* File type is "ascii"? */ if (fcs < 0) /* File charset not forced? */ fcs = fcharset; /* use prevailing FILE CHARACTER-SET */ if (fcs > -1 && rcs > -1) { /* Set up translation functions */ debug(F110,"ftp getfile","initxlate",0); initxlate(rcs,fcs); /* NB: opposite order of PUT */ ftp_csx = rcs; ftp_csl = fcs; } else xlate = 0; #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (!pipename && (!local || !local[0])) local = remote; out2screen = !strcmp(local,"-"); fullname[0] = NUL; if (pipename) { ckstrncpy(fullname,pipename,CKMAXPATH+1); } else { zfnqfp(local,CKMAXPATH,fullname); if (!fullname[0]) ckstrncpy(fullname,local,CKMAXPATH+1); } if (!out2screen && displa && fdispla) { /* Screen */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',(long)pktnum,remote); ftscreen(SCR_AN,0,0L,fullname); ftscreen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,""); } tlog(F110,ftp_typ ? "ftp get BINARY:" : "ftp get TEXT:", remote, 0); tlog(F110," as",fullname,0); debug(F111,"ftp getfile size",remote,fsize); debug(F111,"ftp getfile local",local,out2screen); ckstrncpy(filnam, pipename ? remote : local, CKMAXPATH); t0 = gmstimer(); /* Start time */ debug(F111,"ftp getfile t0",remote,t0); rc = recvrequest("RETR", local, remote, append ? "ab" : "wb", 0, recover, pipename, xlate, fcs, rcs ); t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ debug(F111,"ftp getfile t1",remote,t1); debug(F111,"ftp getfile sec",remote,(t1-t0)/1000); #ifdef GFTIMER sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ fpxfsecs = sec; /* (for doxlog()) */ #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; xfsecs = (int)sec; #endif /* GFTIMER */ debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest rc",remote,rc); if (cancelfile || cancelgroup) { debug(F111,"ftp get canceled",ckitoa(cancelfile),cancelgroup); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,""); } else if (rc > 0) { debug(F111,"ftp get skipped",ckitoa(cancelfile),cancelgroup); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,0l,cmarg); } else if (rc < 0) { switch (ftpcode) { case -4: /* Network error */ case -2: /* File error */ ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,ck_errstr()); break; case -3: ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,"Failure to make data connection"); break; case -1: ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,""); /* (should be covered above) */ break; default: ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0l,&ftp_reply_str[4]); } } else { /* Tudo bem */ ftscreen(SCR_PT,'Z',0L,""); if (rc == 0) { ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0L,""); /* For screen */ makestr(&rrfspec,remote); /* For WHERE command */ makestr(&rfspec,fullname); if (ftp_dates) { /* If FTP DATES ON... */ chkmodtime(local,remote,1); /* set local file date */ } } } filcnt++; /* Used by \v(filenum) */ #ifdef TLOG if (tralog) { if (rc > 0) { tlog(F100," recovery skipped","",0); } else if (rc == 0) { tlog(F101," complete, size", "", fsize); } else if (cancelfile) { tlog(F100," canceled by user","",0); } else { tlog(F110," failed:",ftp_reply_str,0); } if (!tlogfmt) doxlog(what,local,fsize,ftp_typ,!rc,""); } #endif /* TLOG */ return(rc); } /* putfile() returns: -1 on error, >0 if file not selected, 0 on success. */ /* Positive return value is Skip Reason, SKP_xxx, from ckcker.h. */ static int putfile(cx, local,remote,force,moving,mvto,rnto,srvrn,x_cnv,x_usn,xft,prm,fcs,rcs,flg) char * local, * remote, * mvto, *rnto, *srvrn; int cx, force, moving, x_cnv, x_usn, xft, fcs, rcs, flg; /* putfile */ { char asname[CKMAXPATH+1]; char fullname[CKMAXPATH+1]; int k = -1, x, y, o, rc, nc, xlate = 0, restart = 0, mt = -1; char * s, * cmd; ULONG t0, t1; /* Times for stats */ int ofcs, orcs; #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ debug(F111,"ftp putfile flg",local,flg); debug(F110,"ftp putfile srv_renam",srvrn,0); debug(F101,"ftp putfile fcs","",fcs); debug(F101,"ftp putfile rcs","",rcs); ofcs = fcs; /* Save charset args */ orcs = rcs; sendstart = 0L; restart = flg & PUT_RES; if (!remote) remote = ""; /* FTP protocol command to send to server */ cmd = (cx == FTP_APP) ? "APPE" : (x_usn ? "STOU" : "STOR"); if (x_cnv == SET_AUTO) { /* Name conversion is auto */ if (alike) { /* If server & client are alike */ nc = 0; /* no conversion */ } else { /* If they are different */ if (servertype == SYS_UNIX || servertype == SYS_WIN32) nc = -1; /* only minimal conversions needed */ else /* otherwise */ nc = 1; /* full conversion */ } } else /* Not auto - do what user said */ nc = x_cnv; if (filepeek && !pipesend) { /* Determine file type */ if (isdir(local)) { /* If it's a directory */ k = FT_BIN; /* skip the file scan */ } else { debug(F110,"FTP PUT calling scanfile",local,0); k = scanfile(local,&o,nscanfile); /* Scan the file */ } debug(F111,"FTP PUT scanfile",local,k); if (k > -1 && !forcetype) { ftp_typ = (k == FT_BIN) ? 1 : 0; if (xft > -1 && ftp_typ != xft) { if (flg & PUT_SIM) tlog(F110,"ftp put SKIP (Type):", fullname, 0); return(SKP_TYP); } if (ftp_typ == 1 && tenex) /* User said TENEX? */ ftp_typ = FTT_TEN; } } #ifndef NOCSETS ftp_csx = -1; /* For file-transfer display */ ftp_csl = -1; /* ... */ if (rcs > -1) { /* -1 means no translation */ if (ftp_typ == 0) { /* File type is "ascii"? */ if (fcs < 0) { /* File charset not forced? */ if (k < 0) { /* If we didn't scan */ fcs = fcharset; /* use prevailing FILE CHARACTER-SET */ } else { /* If we did scan, use scan result */ switch (k) { case FT_TEXT: /* Unknown text */ fcs = fcharset; break; case FT_7BIT: /* 7-bit text */ fcs = dcset7; break; case FT_8BIT: /* 8-bit text */ fcs = dcset8; break; case FT_UTF8: /* UTF-8 */ fcs = FC_UTF8; break; case FT_UCS2: /* UCS-2 */ fcs = FC_UCS2; if (o > -1) /* Input file byte order */ fileorder = o; break; default: rcs = -1; } } } } } if (fcs > -1 && rcs > -1) { /* Set up translation functions */ debug(F110,"ftp putfile","initxlate",0); initxlate(fcs,rcs); debug(F111,"ftp putfile rcs",fcsinfo[rcs].keyword,rcs); xlate = 1; ftp_csx = rcs; ftp_csl = fcs; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ binary = ftp_typ; /* For file-transfer display */ if (recursive) { /* If sending recursively, */ if (!syncdir(local,flg & PUT_SIM)) /* synchronize directories. */ return(-1); /* Don't PUT if it fails. */ else if (isdir(local)) /* It's a directory */ return(0); /* Don't send it! */ } if (*remote) { /* If an as-name template was given */ #ifndef NOSPL if (cmd_quoting) { /* and COMMAND QUOTING is ON */ y = CKMAXPATH; /* evaluate it for this file */ s = asname; zzstring(remote,&s,&y); } else #endif /* NOSPL */ ckstrncpy(asname,remote,CKMAXPATH); /* (or take it literally) */ } else { /* No as-name */ nzltor(local,asname,nc,0,CKMAXPATH); /* use local name strip path */ debug(F110,"FTP PUT nzltor",asname,0); } /* Preliminary messages and log entries */ fullname[0] = NUL; zfnqfp(local,CKMAXPATH,fullname); if (!fullname[0]) ckstrncpy(fullname,local,CKMAXPATH+1); if (displa && fdispla) { /* Screen */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',(long)pktnum,local); ftscreen(SCR_AN,0,0L,asname); ftscreen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,""); } #ifdef DOUPDATE if (flg & PUT_UPD) { /* Update mode... */ mt = chkmodtime(fullname,asname,0); debug(F111,"ftp putfile chkmodtime",asname,mt); if (mt == 0) { /* Remote is older */ tlog(F110,"ftp put /update SKIP (Older modtime): ",fullname,0); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,SKP_DAT,fullname); filcnt++; return(SKP_DAT); } else if (mt == 1) { /* Times are equal */ tlog(F110,"ftp put /update SKIP (Equal modtime): ",fullname,0); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,SKP_EQU,fullname); filcnt++; return(SKP_DAT); } tlog(F110,ftp_typ ? "ftp put /update BINARY:" : "ftp put /update TEXT:", fullname, 0); } else if (flg & PUT_RES) { tlog(F110,ftp_typ ? "ftp put /recover BINARY:" : "ftp put /recover TEXT:", fullname, 0); } else { tlog(F110,ftp_typ ? "ftp put BINARY:" : "ftp put TEXT:", fullname, 0); } #else tlog(F110,ftp_typ ? "ftp put BINARY:" : "ftp put TEXT:", fullname, 0); #endif /* DOUPDATE */ tlog(F110," as",asname,0); #ifndef NOCSETS if (xlate) { debug(F111,"ftp putfile fcs",fcsinfo[fcs].keyword,fcs); tlog(F110," file character set:",fcsinfo[fcs].keyword,0); tlog(F110," server character set:",fcsinfo[rcs].keyword,0); } else if (!ftp_typ) { tlog(F110," character sets:","no conversion",0); fcs = ofcs; /* Binary file but we still must */ rcs = orcs; /* translate its name */ } #endif /* NOCSETS */ /* PUT THE FILE */ t0 = gmstimer(); /* Start time */ if (flg & PUT_SIM) { /* rc > 0 is a skip reason code */ if (flg & PUT_UPD) { /* (see SKP_xxx in ckcker.h) */ rc = (mt < 0) ? /* Update mode... */ SKP_XNX : /* Remote file doesn't exist */ SKP_XUP; /* Remote file is older */ } else { rc = SKP_SIM; /* "Would be sent", period. */ } } else { rc = sendrequest(cmd,local,asname,xlate,fcs,rcs,restart); } t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ filcnt++; /* File number */ #ifdef GFTIMER sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ fpxfsecs = sec; /* (for doxlog()) */ #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; xfsecs = (int)sec; #endif /* GFTIMER */ debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest rc",local,rc); if (cancelfile || cancelgroup) { debug(F111,"ftp put canceled",ckitoa(cancelfile),cancelgroup); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,""); } else if (rc > 0) { debug(F101,"ftp put skipped",local,rc); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,rc,fullname); } else if (rc < 0) { debug(F111,"ftp put error",local,ftpcode); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0L,&ftp_reply_str[4]); } else { debug(F111,"ftp put not canceled",ckitoa(displa),fdispla); ftscreen(SCR_PT,'Z',0L,""); debug(F111,"ftp put ST_OK",local,rc); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0L,""); makestr(&sfspec,fullname); /* For WHERE command */ makestr(&srfspec,asname); } /* Final log entries */ #ifdef TLOG if (tralog) { if (rc > 0) { if (rc == SKP_XNX) tlog(F100," /simulate: WOULD BE SENT:","no remote file",0); else if (rc == SKP_XUP) tlog(F100," /simulate: WOULD BE SENT:","remote file older",0); else if (rc == SKP_SIM) tlog(F100," /simulate: WOULD BE SENT","",0); else tlog(F110," skipped:",gskreason(rc),0); } else if (rc == 0) { tlog(F101," complete, size", "", fsize); } else if (cancelfile) { tlog(F100," canceled by user","",0); } else { tlog(F110," failed:",ftp_reply_str,0); } if (!tlogfmt) doxlog(what,local,fsize,ftp_typ,!rc,""); } #endif /* TLOG */ if (rc < 0) /* PUT did not succeed */ return(-1); /* so done. */ if (flg & PUT_SIM) /* Simulating, skip the rest. */ return(SKP_SIM); #ifdef UNIX /* Set permissions too? */ if (prm) { /* Change permissions? */ s = zgperm(local); /* Get perms of local file */ if (!s) s = ""; x = strlen(s); if (x > 3) s += (x - 3); if (rdigits(s)) { ckmakmsg(ftpcmdbuf,FTP_BUFSIZ,s," ",asname,NULL); x = ftpcmd("SITE CHMOD",ftpcmdbuf,fcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE; tlog(F110, x ? " chmod" : " chmod failed", s, 0 ); if (!x) return(-1); } } #endif /* UNIX */ /* Disposition of source file */ if (moving) { x = zdelet(local); tlog(F110, (x > -1) ? " deleted" : " failed to delete", local, 0 ); if (x < 0) return(-1); } else if (mvto) { x = zrename(local,mvto); tlog(F110, (x > -1) ? " moved source to" : " failed to move source to", mvto, 0 ); if (x < 0) return(-1); /* ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0L,mvto); */ } else if (rnto) { char * s = rnto; #ifndef NOSPL int y; /* Pass it thru the evaluator */ extern int cmd_quoting; /* for \v(filename) */ if (cmd_quoting) { /* But only if cmd_quoting is on */ y = CKMAXPATH; s = (char *)asname; zzstring(rnto,&s,&y); s = (char *)asname; } #endif /* NOSPL */ if (s) if (*s) { int x; x = zrename(local,s); tlog(F110, (x > -1) ? " renamed source file to" : " failed to rename source file to", s, 0 ); if (x < 0) return(-1); /* ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0L,s); */ } } /* Disposition of destination file */ if (srvrn) { /* /SERVER-RENAME: */ char * s = srvrn; #ifndef NOSPL int y; /* Pass it thru the evaluator */ extern int cmd_quoting; /* for \v(filename) */ debug(F111,"ftp putfile srvrn",s,1); if (cmd_quoting) { /* But only if cmd_quoting is on */ y = CKMAXPATH; s = (char *)fullname; /* We can recycle this buffer now */ zzstring(srvrn,&s,&y); s = (char *)fullname; } #endif /* NOSPL */ debug(F111,"ftp putfile srvrn",s,2); if (s) if (*s) { int x; x = ftp_rename(asname,s); debug(F111,"ftp putfile ftp_rename",asname,x); tlog(F110, (x > 0) ? " renamed destination file to" : " failed to rename destination file to", s, 0 ); if (x < 1) return(-1); } } return(0); } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC xxout(char c) #else xxout(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { return(zzout(dout,c)); } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC scrnout(char c) #else scrnout(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { return(putchar(c)); } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC pipeout(char c) #else pipeout(c) char c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { return(zmchout(c)); } static int ispathsep(c) int c; { switch (servertype) { case SYS_VMS: case SYS_TOPS10: case SYS_TOPS20: return(((c == ']') || (c == '>') || (c == ':')) ? 1 : 0); case SYS_OS2: case SYS_WIN32: case SYS_DOS: return(((c == '\\') || (c == '/') || (c == ':')) ? 1 : 0); case SYS_VOS: return((c == '>') ? 1 : 0); default: return((c == '/') ? 1 : 0); } } static int iscanceled() { #ifdef CK_CURSES extern int ck_repaint(); #endif /* CK_CURSES */ int x, rc = 0; char c = 0; if (cancelfile) return(1); x = conchk(); /* Any chars waiting at console? */ if (x-- > 0) { /* Yes... */ c = coninc(5); /* Get one */ switch (c) { case 032: /* Ctrl-X or X */ case 'z': case 'Z': cancelgroup++; /* fall thru on purpose */ case 030: /* Ctrl-Z or Z */ case 'x': case 'X': cancelfile++; rc++; break; #ifdef CK_CURSES case 'L': case 'l': case 014: /* Ctrl-L or L or Ctrl-W */ case 027: ck_repaint(); /* Refresh screen */ #endif /* CK_CURSES */ } } while (x-- > 0) /* Soak up any rest */ c = coninc(1); return(rc); } /* zzsend - used by buffered output macros. */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC zzsend(int fd, CHAR c) #else zzsend(fd,c) int fd; CHAR c; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { int rc; if (iscanceled()) /* Check for cancellation */ return(0); rc = (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) ? send(fd, (SENDARG2TYPE)ucbuf, nout, 0) : secure_putbuf(fd, ucbuf, nout); ucbuf[nout] = NUL; nout = 0; ucbuf[nout++] = c; spackets++; pktnum++; if (rc > -1 && fdispla != XYFD_B) { spktl = nout; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',spackets,NULL); } return(rc); } /* c m d l i n p u t -- Command-line PUT */ int cmdlinput(stay) int stay; { int x, rc = 0, done = 0, good = 0, status = 0; ULONG t0, t1; /* Times for stats */ #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ if (quiet) { /* -q really means quiet */ displa = 0; fdispla = 0; } else { displa = 1; fdispla = XYFD_B; } testing = 0; out2screen = 0; dpyactive = 0; what = W_FTP|W_SEND; #ifndef NOSPL cmd_quoting = 0; #endif /* NOSPL */ sndsrc = nfils; t0 = gmstimer(); /* Record starting time */ while (!done && !cancelgroup) { /* Loop for all files */ cancelfile = 0; x = gnfile(); /* Get next file from list(s) */ if (x == 0) /* (see gnfile() comments...) */ x = gnferror; switch (x) { case 1: /* File to send */ rc = putfile(FTP_PUT, /* Function (PUT, APPEND) */ filnam, /* Local file to send */ filnam, /* Remote name for file */ forcetype, /* Text/binary mode forced */ 0, /* Not moving */ NULL, /* No move-to */ NULL, /* No rename-to */ NULL, /* No server-rename */ ftp_cnv, /* Filename conversion */ 0, /* Unique-server-names */ -1, /* All file types */ 0, /* No permissions */ -1, /* No character sets */ -1, /* No character sets */ 0 /* No update or restart */ ); if (rc > -1) { good++; status = 1; } if (cancelfile) { continue; /* Or break? */ } if (rc < 0) { ftp_fai++; } continue; /* Or break? */ case 0: /* No more files, done */ done++; continue; case -2: case -1: printf("?%s: file not found - \"%s\"\n", puterror ? "Fatal" : "Warning", filnam ); continue; /* or break? */ case -3: printf("?Warning access denied - \"%s\"\n", filnam); continue; /* or break? */ case -5: printf("?Too many files match\n"); done++; break; case -6: if (good < 1) printf("?No files selected\n"); done++; break; default: printf("?getnextfile() - unknown failure\n"); done++; } } if (status > 0) { if (cancelgroup) status = 0; else if (cancelfile && good < 1) status = 0; } success = status; x = success; if (x > -1) { lastxfer = W_FTP|W_SEND; xferstat = success; } t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ #ifdef GFTIMER sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ if (!sec) sec = 0.001; fptsecs = sec; #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; if (!sec) sec = 1; #endif /* GFTIMER */ tfcps = (long) (tfc / sec); tsecs = (int)sec; lastxfer = W_FTP|W_SEND; xferstat = success; if (dpyactive) ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); if (!stay) doexit(success ? GOOD_EXIT : BAD_EXIT, -1); return(success); } /* d o f t p p u t -- Parse and execute PUT, MPUT, and APPEND */ int #ifdef CK_ANSIC doftpput(int cx, int who) /* who == 1 for ftp, 0 for kermit */ #else doftpput(cx,who) int cx, who; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { struct FDB sf, fl, sw, cm; int n, rc, confirmed = 0, wild = 0, getval = 0, mput = 0, done = 0; int x_cnv = 0, x_usn = 0, x_prm = 0, putflags = 0, status = 0, good = 0; char * s, * s2; int x_csl, x_csr = -1; /* Local and remote charsets */ int x_xla = 0; int x_recurse = 0; char c, * p; /* Workers */ #ifdef PUTARRAY int range[2]; /* Array range */ char ** ap = NULL; /* Array pointer */ int arrayx = -1; /* Array index */ #endif /* PUTARRAY */ ULONG t0 = 0L, t1 = 0L; /* Times for stats */ #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ struct stringint { /* Temporary array for switch values */ char * sval; int ival; } pv[SND_MAX+1]; success = 0; /* Assume failure */ forcetype = 0; /* No /TEXT or /BINARY given yet */ out2screen = 0; /* Not outputting file to screen */ putflags = 0; /* PUT options */ x_cnv = ftp_cnv; /* Filename conversion */ x_usn = ftp_usn; /* Unique server names */ x_prm = ftp_prm; /* Permissions */ if (x_prm == SET_AUTO) /* Permissions AUTO */ x_prm = alike; #ifndef NOCSETS x_csr = ftp_csr; /* Inherit global server charset */ x_csl = ftp_csl; if (x_csl < 0) x_csl = fcharset; x_xla = ftp_xla; #endif /* NOCSETS */ makestr(&filefile,NULL); /* No filename list file yet. */ putpath[0] = NUL; /* Initialize for syncdir(). */ puterror = ftp_err; /* Inherit global error action. */ what = W_SEND|W_FTP; /* What we're doing (sending w/FTP) */ asnambuf[0] = NUL; /* Clear as-name buffer */ if (g_ftp_typ > -1) { /* Restore TYPE if saved */ ftp_typ = g_ftp_typ; /* g_ftp_typ = -1; */ } for (i = 0; i <= SND_MAX; i++) { /* Initialize switch values */ pv[i].sval = NULL; /* to null pointers */ pv[i].ival = -1; /* and -1 int values */ } if (who == 0) { /* Called with unprefixed command */ switch (cx) { case XXRSEN: pv[SND_RES].ival = 1; break; case XXCSEN: pv[SND_CMD].ival = 1; break; case XXMOVE: pv[SND_MOV].ival = 1; break; case XXMMOVE: pv[SND_MOV].ival = 1; /* fall thru */ case XXMSE: mput++; break; } } else { if (cx == FTP_MPU) mput++; } cmfdbi(&sw, /* First FDB - command switches */ _CMKEY, /* fcode */ "Filename, or switch", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ nputswi, /* addtl numeric data 1: tbl size */ 4, /* addtl numeric data 2: 4 = cmswi */ xxstring, /* Processing function */ putswi, /* Keyword table */ &sf /* Pointer to next FDB */ ); cmfdbi(&fl, /* 3rd FDB - local filespec */ _CMFLD, /* fcode */ "", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ xxstring, NULL, &cm ); cmfdbi(&cm, /* 4th FDB - Confirmation */ _CMCFM, /* fcode */ "", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ NULL, NULL, NULL ); again: cmfdbi(&sf, /* 2nd FDB - file to send */ _CMIFI, /* fcode */ "", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ /* 0 = parse files, 1 = parse files or dirs, 2 = skip symlinks */ nolinks | x_recurse, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* dirflg 0 means "not dirs only" */ xxstring, NULL, mput ? &cm : &fl ); while (1) { /* Parse 0 or more switches */ x = cmfdb(&sw); /* Parse something */ debug(F101,"ftp put cmfdb","",x); debug(F101,"ftp put fcode","",cmresult.fcode); if (x < 0) /* Error */ goto xputx; /* or reparse needed */ if (cmresult.fcode != _CMKEY) /* Break out of loop if not a switch */ break; c = cmgbrk(); /* Get break character */ getval = (c == ':' || c == '='); /* to see how they ended the switch */ if (getval && !(cmresult.kflags & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch does not take arguments\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } if (!getval && (cmgkwflgs() & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch requires an argument\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } n = cmresult.nresult; /* Numeric result = switch value */ debug(F101,"ftp put switch","",n); switch (n) { /* Process the switch */ case SND_AFT: /* Send /AFTER:date-time */ case SND_BEF: /* Send /BEFORE:date-time */ case SND_NAF: /* Send /NOT-AFTER:date-time */ case SND_NBE: /* Send /NOT-BEFORE:date-time */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmdate("File date-time","",&s,0,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?Date-time required\n"); x = -9; } goto xputx; } pv[n].ival = 1; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); break; case SND_ASN: /* /AS-NAME: */ debug(F101,"ftp put /as-name getval","",getval); if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Name to send under","",&s,NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?name required\n"); x = -9; } goto xputx; } makestr(&(pv[n].sval),brstrip(s)); debug(F110,"ftp put /as-name 1",pv[n].sval,0); if (pv[n].sval) pv[n].ival = 1; break; #ifdef PUTARRAY case SND_ARR: /* /ARRAY */ if (!getval) break; ap = NULL; if ((x = cmfld("Array name (a single letter will do)", "", &s, NULL )) < 0) { if (x == -3) break; else return(x); } if ((x = arraybounds(s,&(range[0]),&(range[1]))) < 0) { printf("?Bad array: %s\n",s); return(-9); } if (!(ap = a_ptr[x])) { printf("?No such array: %s\n",s); return(-9); } pv[n].ival = 1; pv[SND_CMD].ival = 0; /* Undo any conflicting ones... */ pv[SND_RES].ival = 0; pv[SND_FIL].ival = 0; arrayx = x; break; #endif /* PUTARRAY */ case SND_BIN: /* /BINARY */ case SND_TXT: /* /TEXT or /ASCII */ case SND_TEN: /* /TENEX */ pv[SND_BIN].ival = 0; pv[SND_TXT].ival = 0; pv[SND_TEN].ival = 0; pv[n].ival = 1; break; #ifdef PUTPIPE case SND_CMD: /* These take no args */ if (nopush) { printf("?Sorry, system command access is disabled\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #ifdef PIPESEND else if (sndfilter) { printf("?Sorry, no PUT /COMMAND when SEND FILTER selected\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #endif /* PIPESEND */ sw.hlpmsg = "Command, or switch"; /* Change help message */ pv[n].ival = 1; /* Just set the flag */ pv[SND_ARR].ival = 0; break; #endif /* PUTPIPE */ #ifdef CKSYMLINK case SND_LNK: nolinks = 0; goto again; case SND_NLK: nolinks = 2; goto again; #endif /* CKSYMLINK */ #ifdef FTP_RESTART case SND_RES: /* /RECOVER (resend) */ pv[SND_ARR].ival = 0; /* fall thru on purpose... */ #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ case SND_NOB: case SND_DEL: /* /DELETE */ case SND_SHH: /* /QUIET */ case SND_UPD: /* /UPDATE */ case SND_SIM: /* /UPDATE */ case SND_USN: /* /UNIQUE */ pv[n].ival = 1; /* Just set the flag */ break; case SND_REC: /* /RECURSIVE */ recursive = 2; /* Must be set before cmifi() */ x_recurse = 1; goto again; break; #ifdef UNIXOROSK case SND_DOT: /* /DOTFILES */ matchdot = 1; break; case SND_NOD: /* /NODOTFILES */ matchdot = 0; break; #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ case SND_ERR: /* /ERROR-ACTION */ if ((x = cmkey(qorp,2,"","",xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; pv[n].ival = x; break; case SND_EXC: /* Excludes */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Pattern","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?Pattern required\n"); x = -9; } goto xputx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); if (pv[n].sval) pv[n].ival = 1; break; case SND_PRM: /* /PERMISSIONS */ if (!getval) x = 1; else if ((x = cmkey(onoff,2,"","on",xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; pv[SND_PRM].ival = x; break; #ifdef PIPESEND case SND_FLT: /* /FILTER */ debug(F101,"ftp put /filter getval","",getval); if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Filter program to send through","",&s,NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) s = ""; else goto xputx; } s = brstrip(s); y = strlen(s); for (x = 0; x < y; x++) { /* Make sure they included "\v(...)" */ if (s[x] != '\\') continue; if (s[x+1] == 'v') break; } if (x == y) { printf( "?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename.\n" ); x = -9; goto xputx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); if (pv[n].sval) pv[n].ival = 1; break; #endif /* PIPESEND */ case SND_NAM: /* /FILENAMES */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmkey(fntab,nfntab,"","automatic",xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; debug(F101,"ftp put /filenames","",x); pv[n].ival = x; break; case SND_SMA: /* Smaller / larger than */ case SND_LAR: if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmnum("Size in bytes","0",10,&y,xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; pv[n].ival = y; break; case SND_FIL: /* Name of file containing filenames */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmifi("Name of file containing list of filenames", "",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?Filename required\n"); x = -9; } goto xputx; } else if (y && iswild(s)) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); if (pv[n].sval) { pv[n].ival = 1; pv[SND_ARR].ival = 0; } else { pv[n].ival = 0; } mput = 0; break; case SND_MOV: /* MOVE after */ case SND_REN: /* RENAME after */ case SND_SRN: { /* SERVER-RENAME after */ char * m = ""; switch (n) { case SND_MOV: m = "device and/or directory for source file after sending"; break; case SND_REN: m = "new name for source file after sending"; break; case SND_SRN: m = "new name for destination file after sending"; break; } if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld(m, "", &s, n == SND_MOV ? xxstring : NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("%s\n", n == SND_MOV ? "?Destination required" : "?New name required" ); x = -9; } goto xputx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),brstrip(s)); pv[n].ival = (pv[n].sval) ? 1 : 0; break; } case SND_STA: /* Starting position (= PSEND) */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmnum("0-based position","0",10,&y,xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; pv[n].ival = y; break; case SND_TYP: /* /TYPE */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmkey(txtbin,3,"","all",xxstring)) < 0) goto xputx; pv[n].ival = (x == 2) ? -1 : x; break; #ifndef NOCSETS case SND_CSL: /* Local character set */ case SND_CSR: /* Remote (server) charset */ if ((x = cmkey(fcstab,nfilc,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return((x == -3) ? -2 : x); if (n == SND_CSL) x_csl = x; else x_csr = x; x_xla = 1; /* Overrides global OFF setting */ break; case SND_XPA: /* Transparent */ x_xla = 0; x_csr = -1; x_csl = -1; break; #endif /* NOCSETS */ } } #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_RES].ival > 0) { /* /RECOVER */ if (sndfilter || pv[SND_FLT].ival > 0) { printf("?Sorry, no /RECOVER or /START if SEND FILTER selected\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } } #endif /* PIPESEND */ cmarg = ""; cmarg2 = asnambuf; line[0] = NUL; s = line; wild = 0; switch (cmresult.fcode) { /* How did we get out of switch loop */ case _CMIFI: /* Input filename */ if (pv[SND_FIL].ival > 0) { printf("?You may not give a PUT filespec and a /LISTFILE\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } ckstrncpy(line,cmresult.sresult,LINBUFSIZ); /* Name */ if (pv[SND_ARR].ival > 0) ckstrncpy(asnambuf,line,CKMAXPATH); else wild = cmresult.nresult; /* Wild flag */ debug(F111,"ftp put wild",line,wild); if (!wild && !recursive && !mput) nolinks = 0; break; case _CMFLD: /* Field */ /* Only allowed with /COMMAND and /ARRAY */ if (pv[SND_FIL].ival > 0) { printf("?You may not give a PUT filespec and a /LISTFILE\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } if (pv[SND_CMD].ival < 1 && pv[SND_ARR].ival < 1) { #ifdef CKROOT if (ckrooterr) printf("?Off limits: %s\n",cmresult.sresult); else #endif /* CKROOT */ printf("?%s - \"%s\"\n", iswild(cmresult.sresult) ? "No files match" : "File not found", cmresult.sresult ); x = -9; goto xputx; } ckstrncpy(line,cmresult.sresult,LINBUFSIZ); if (pv[SND_ARR].ival > 0) ckstrncpy(asnambuf,line,CKMAXPATH); break; case _CMCFM: /* Confirmation */ confirmed = 1; break; default: printf("?Unexpected function code: %d\n",cmresult.fcode); x = -9; goto xputx; } debug(F110,"ftp put string",s,0); debug(F101,"ftp put confirmed","",confirmed); /* Save and change protocol and transfer mode */ /* Global values are restored in main parse loop */ g_displa = fdispla; g_skipbup = skipbup; if (pv[SND_NOB].ival > -1) { /* /NOBACKUP (skip backup file) */ g_skipbup = skipbup; skipbup = 1; } if (pv[SND_TYP].ival > -1) { /* /TYPE */ xfiletype = pv[SND_TYP].ival; if (xfiletype == 2) xfiletype = -1; } if (pv[SND_BIN].ival > 0) { /* /BINARY really means binary... */ forcetype = 1; /* So skip file scan */ ftp_typ = FTT_BIN; /* Set binary */ } else if (pv[SND_TXT].ival > 0) { /* Similarly for /TEXT... */ forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = FTT_ASC; } else if (pv[SND_TEN].ival > 0) { /* and /TENEX*/ forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = FTT_TEN; } else if (ftp_cmdlin && xfermode == XMODE_M) { forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = binary; g_ftp_typ = binary; } #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_CMD].ival > 0) { /* /COMMAND - strip any braces */ debug(F110,"PUT /COMMAND before stripping",s,0); s = brstrip(s); debug(F110,"PUT /COMMAND after stripping",s,0); if (!*s) { printf("?Sorry, a command to send from is required\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } cmarg = s; } #endif /* PIPESEND */ /* Set up /MOVE and /RENAME */ if (pv[SND_DEL].ival > 0 && (pv[SND_MOV].ival > 0 || pv[SND_REN].ival > 0)) { printf("?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (pv[SND_MOV].ival > 0) { int len; char * p = pv[SND_MOV].sval; len = strlen(p); if (!isdir(p)) { /* Check directory */ #ifdef CK_MKDIR char * s = NULL; s = (char *)malloc(len + 4); if (s) { strcpy(s,p); /* safe */ #ifdef datageneral if (s[len-1] != ':') { s[len++] = ':'; s[len] = NUL; } #else if (s[len-1] != '/') { s[len++] = '/'; s[len] = NUL; } #endif /* datageneral */ s[len++] = 'X'; s[len] = NUL; #ifdef NOMKDIR x = -1; #else x = zmkdir(s); #endif /* NOMKDIR */ free(s); if (x < 0) { printf("?Can't create \"%s\"\n",p); x = -9; goto xputx; } } #else printf("?Directory \"%s\" not found\n",p); x = -9; goto xputx; #endif /* CK_MKDIR */ } makestr(&snd_move,p); } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ if (pv[SND_REN].ival > 0) { /* /RENAME */ char * p = pv[SND_REN].sval; if (!p) p = ""; if (!*p) { printf("?New name required for /RENAME\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } p = brstrip(p); #ifndef NOSPL /* If name given is wild, rename string must contain variables */ if (wild) { char * s = tmpbuf; x = TMPBUFSIZ; zzstring(p,&s,&x); if (!strcmp(tmpbuf,p)) { printf( "?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \\v(filename)\n" ); x = -9; goto xputx; } } #endif /* NOSPL */ makestr(&snd_rename,p); debug(F110,"FTP snd_rename",snd_rename,0); } if (pv[SND_SRN].ival > 0) { /* /SERVER-RENAME */ char * p = pv[SND_SRN].sval; if (!p) p = ""; if (!*p) { printf("?New name required for /SERVER-RENAME\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } p = brstrip(p); #ifndef NOSPL if (wild) { char * s = tmpbuf; x = TMPBUFSIZ; zzstring(p,&s,&x); if (!strcmp(tmpbuf,p)) { printf( "?/SERVER-RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \\v(filename)\n" ); x = -9; goto xputx; } } #endif /* NOSPL */ makestr(&srv_renam,p); debug(F110,"ftp put srv_renam",srv_renam,0); } if (!confirmed) { /* CR not typed yet, get more fields */ char * lp; if (mput) { /* MPUT or MMOVE */ nfils = 0; /* We already have the first one */ #ifndef NOMSEND msfiles[nfils++] = line; /* Store pointer */ lp = line + (int)strlen(line) + 1; /* Point past it */ debug(F111,"ftp put mput",msfiles[nfils-1],nfils-1); while (1) { /* Get more filenames */ if ((x = cmifi("Names of files to send, separated by spaces", "", &s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x != -3) goto xputx; if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) goto xputx; break; } msfiles[nfils++] = lp; /* Got one, count it, point to it, */ p = lp; /* remember pointer, */ while ((*lp++ = *s++)) /* and copy it into buffer */ if (lp > (line + LINBUFSIZ)) { /* Avoid memory leak */ printf("?MPUT list too long\n"); line[0] = NUL; x = -9; goto xputx; } debug(F111,"ftp put mput nfils",msfiles[nfils-1],nfils-1); if (nfils == 1) fspec[0] = NUL; /* Take care of \v(filespec) */ #ifdef ZFNQFP zfnqfp(p,TMPBUFSIZ,tmpbuf); p = tmpbuf; #endif /* ZFNQFP */ if (((int)strlen(fspec) + (int)strlen(p) + 1) < fspeclen) { strcat(fspec,p); /* safe */ strcat(fspec," "); /* safe */ } else #ifdef COMMENT printf("WARNING - \\v(filespec) buffer overflow\n"); #else debug(F101,"doxput filespec buffer overflow","",0); #endif /* COMMENT */ } #endif /* NOMSEND */ } else { /* Regular SEND */ nfils = -1; if ((x = cmtxt(wild ? "\nOptional as-name template containing replacement variables \ like \\v(filename)" : "Optional name to send it with", "",&p,NULL)) < 0) goto xputx; if (p) if (!*p) p = NULL; p = brstrip(p); if (p && *p) { makestr(&(pv[SND_ASN].sval),p); if (pv[SND_ASN].sval) pv[SND_ASN].ival = 1; debug(F110,"ftp put /as-name 2",pv[SND_ASN].sval,0); } } } /* Set cmarg2 from as-name, however we got it. */ CHECKCONN(); if (pv[SND_ASN].ival > 0 && pv[SND_ASN].sval && !asnambuf[0]) { char * p; p = brstrip(pv[SND_ASN].sval); ckstrncpy(asnambuf,p,CKMAXPATH+1); } debug(F110,"ftp put asnambuf",asnambuf,0); if (pv[SND_FIL].ival > 0) { if (confirmed) { if (zopeni(ZMFILE,pv[SND_FIL].sval) < 1) { debug(F110,"ftp put can't open",pv[SND_FIL].sval,0); printf("?Failure to open %s\n",pv[SND_FIL].sval); x = -9; goto xputx; } makestr(&filefile,pv[SND_FIL].sval); /* Open, remember name */ debug(F110,"ftp PUT /LISTFILE opened",filefile,0); wild = 1; } } if (confirmed && !line[0] && !filefile) { #ifndef NOMSEND if (filehead) { /* OK if we have a SEND-LIST */ nfils = filesinlist; sndsrc = nfils; /* Like MSEND */ addlist = 1; /* But using a different list... */ filenext = filehead; goto doput; } #endif /* NOMSEND */ printf("?Filename required but not given\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #ifndef NOMSEND addlist = 0; /* Don't use SEND-LIST. */ #endif /* NOMSEND */ if (mput) { /* MPUT (rather than PUT) */ #ifndef NOMSEND cmlist = msfiles; /* List of filespecs */ sndsrc = nfils; /* rather filespec and as-name */ #endif /* NOMSEND */ pipesend = 0; } else if (filefile) { /* File contains list of filenames */ s = ""; cmarg = ""; line[0] = NUL; nfils = 1; sndsrc = 1; } else if (pv[SND_ARR].ival < 1 && pv[SND_CMD].ival < 1) { /* Not MSEND, MMOVE, /LIST, or /ARRAY */ nfils = sndsrc = -1; if (!wild) { y = zchki(s); if (y < 0) { printf("?Read access denied - \"%s\"\n", s); x = -9; goto xputx; } } if (s != line) /* We might already have done this. */ ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); /* Copy of string just parsed. */ #ifdef DEBUG else debug(F110,"doxput line=s",line,0); #endif /* DEBUG */ cmarg = line; /* File to send */ } #ifndef NOMSEND zfnqfp(cmarg,fspeclen,fspec); /* Get full name */ #endif /* NOMSEND */ if (!mput) { /* For all but MPUT... */ #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_CMD].ival > 0) /* /COMMAND sets pipesend flag */ pipesend = 1; debug(F101,"ftp put /COMMAND pipesend","",pipesend); if (pipesend && filefile) { printf("?Invalid switch combination\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifndef NOSPL /* If as-name given and filespec is wild, as-name must contain variables */ if ((wild || mput) && asnambuf[0]) { char * s = tmpbuf; x = TMPBUFSIZ; zzstring(asnambuf,&s,&x); if (!strcmp(tmpbuf,asnambuf)) { printf( "?As-name for file group must contain variables such as \\v(filename)\n" ); x = -9; goto xputx; } } #endif /* NOSPL */ } doput: if (pv[SND_SHH].ival > 0) { /* SEND /QUIET... */ g_displa = fdispla; fdispla = 0; debug(F101,"ftp put display","",fdispla); } else { displa = 1; if (ftp_deb) { g_displa = fdispla; fdispla = XYFD_B; } } #ifdef PUTARRAY /* SEND /ARRAY... */ if (pv[SND_ARR].ival > 0) { if (!ap) { x = -2; goto xputx; } /* (shouldn't happen) */ if (range[0] == -1) /* If low end of range not specified */ range[0] = 1; /* default to 1 */ if (range[1] == -1) /* If high not specified */ range[1] = a_dim[arrayx]; /* default to size of array */ if ((range[0] < 0) || /* Check range */ (range[0] > a_dim[arrayx]) || (range[1] < range[0]) || (range[1] > a_dim[arrayx])) { printf("?Bad array range - [%d:%d]\n",range[0],range[1]); x = -9; goto xputx; } sndarray = ap; /* Array pointer */ sndxin = arrayx; /* Array index */ sndxlo = range[0]; /* Array range */ sndxhi = range[1]; sndxnam[7] = (char)((sndxin == 1) ? 64 : sndxin + ARRAYBASE); if (!asnambuf[0]) ckstrncpy(asnambuf,sndxnam,CKMAXPATH); cmarg = ""; } #endif /* PUTARRAY */ moving = 0; if (pv[SND_ARR].ival < 1) { /* File selection & disposition... */ if (pv[SND_DEL].ival > 0) /* /DELETE was specified */ moving = 1; if (pv[SND_AFT].ival > 0) /* Copy SEND criteria */ ckstrncpy(sndafter,pv[SND_AFT].sval,19); if (pv[SND_BEF].ival > 0) ckstrncpy(sndbefore,pv[SND_BEF].sval,19); if (pv[SND_NAF].ival > 0) ckstrncpy(sndnafter,pv[SND_NAF].sval,19); if (pv[SND_NBE].ival > 0) ckstrncpy(sndnbefore,pv[SND_NBE].sval,19); if (pv[SND_EXC].ival > 0) makelist(pv[SND_EXC].sval,sndexcept,8); if (pv[SND_SMA].ival > -1) sndsmaller = pv[SND_SMA].ival; if (pv[SND_LAR].ival > -1) sndlarger = pv[SND_LAR].ival; if (pv[SND_NAM].ival > -1) x_cnv = pv[SND_NAM].ival; if (pv[SND_USN].ival > -1) x_usn = pv[SND_USN].ival; if (pv[SND_ERR].ival > -1) puterror = pv[SND_ERR].ival; #ifdef DOUPDATE if (pv[SND_UPD].ival > 0) { if (x_usn) { printf("?Conflicting switches: /UPDATE /UNIQUE\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } putflags |= PUT_UPD; } #endif /* DOUPDATE */ if (pv[SND_SIM].ival > 0) putflags |= PUT_SIM; #ifdef UNIX if (pv[SND_PRM].ival > -1) { if (x_usn) { printf("?Conflicting switches: /PERMISSIONS /UNIQUE\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } x_prm = pv[SND_PRM].ival; } #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef FTP_RESTART if (pv[SND_RES].ival > 0) { if (x_usn || putflags) { printf("?Conflicting switches: /RECOVER %s\n", x_usn && putflags ? "/UNIQUE /UPDATE" : (x_usn ? "/UNIQUE" : "/UPDATE") ); x = -9; goto xputx; } #ifndef NOCSETS if (x_xla && (x_csl == FC_UCS2 || x_csl == FC_UTF8 || x_csr == FC_UCS2 || x_csr == FC_UTF8)) { printf("?/RECOVER can not be used with Unicode translation\n"); x = -9; goto xputx; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ putflags = PUT_RES; } #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ } debug(F101,"ftp PUT restart","",putflags == PUT_RES); debug(F101,"ftp PUT update","",putflags == PUT_UPD); #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_FLT].ival > 0) { /* Have SEND FILTER? */ if (!pv[SND_FLT].sval) { sndfilter = NULL; } else { sndfilter = (char *) malloc((int) strlen(pv[SND_FLT].sval) + 1); if (sndfilter) strcpy(sndfilter,pv[SND_FLT].sval); /* safe */ } debug(F110,"ftp put /FILTER", sndfilter, 0); } if (sndfilter || pipesend) /* No /UPDATE or /RESTART */ if (putflags) /* with pipes or filters */ putflags = 0; #endif /* PIPESEND */ tfc = 0L; /* Initialize stats and counters */ filcnt = 0; pktnum = 0; spackets = 0L; if (wild) /* (is this necessary?) */ cx = FTP_MPU; t0 = gmstimer(); /* Record starting time */ done = 0; /* Loop control */ cancelgroup = 0; cdlevel = 0; cdsimlvl = 0; while (!done && !cancelgroup) { /* Loop for all files */ /* or until canceled. */ #ifdef FTP_PROXY /* If we are using a proxy, we don't use the local file list; instead we use the list on the remote machine which we want sent to someone else, and we use remglob() to get the names. But in that case we shouldn't even be executing this routine; see ftp_mput(). */ #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ cancelfile = 0; x = gnfile(); /* Get next file from list(s) */ if (x == 0) /* (see gnfile() comments...) */ x = gnferror; debug(F111,"FTP PUT gnfile",filnam,x); switch (x) { case 1: /* File to send */ s2 = asnambuf; #ifndef NOSPL if (asnambuf[0]) { /* As-name */ int n; char *p; /* to be evaluated... */ n = TMPBUFSIZ; p = tmpbuf; zzstring(asnambuf,&p,&n); s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F110,"ftp put asname",s2,0); } #endif /* NOSPL */ rc = putfile(cx, /* Function (PUT, APPEND) */ filnam, s2, /* Name to send, as-name */ forcetype, moving, /* Parameters from switches... */ snd_move, snd_rename, srv_renam, x_cnv, x_usn, xfiletype, x_prm, #ifndef NOCSETS x_csl, (!x_xla ? -1 : x_csr), #else -1, -1, #endif /* NOCSETS */ putflags ); debug(F111,"ftp put putfile rc",filnam,rc); debug(F111,"ftp put putfile cancelfile",filnam,cancelfile); debug(F111,"ftp put putfile cancelgroup",filnam,cancelgroup); if (rc > -1) { good++; status = 1; } if (cancelfile) continue; if (rc < 0) { ftp_fai++; if (puterror) { status = 0; printf("?Fatal upload error: %s\n",filnam); done++; } } continue; case 0: /* No more files, done */ done++; continue; case -1: printf("?%s: file not found - \"%s\"\n", puterror ? "Fatal" : "Warning", filnam ); if (puterror) { status = 0; done++; break; } continue; case -2: if (puterror) { printf("?Fatal: file not found - \"%s\"\n", filnam); status = 0; done++; break; } continue; /* Not readable, keep going */ case -3: if (puterror) { printf("?Fatal: Read access denied - \"%s\"\n", filnam); status = 0; done++; break; } printf("?Warning access denied - \"%s\"\n", filnam); continue; #ifdef COMMENT case -4: /* Canceled */ done++; break; #endif /* COMMENT */ case -5: printf("?Too many files match\n"); done++; break; case -6: if (good < 1) printf("?No files selected\n"); done++; break; default: printf("?getnextfile() - unknown failure\n"); done++; } } if (cdlevel > 0) { while (cdlevel--) { if (cdsimlvl) { cdsimlvl--; } else if (!doftpcdup()) break; } } if (status > 0) { if (cancelgroup) status = 0; else if (cancelfile && good < 1) status = 0; } success = status; x = success; xputx: if (x > -1) { #ifdef GFTIMER t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ if (!sec) sec = 0.001; fptsecs = sec; #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; if (!sec) sec = 1; #endif /* GFTIMER */ tfcps = (long) (tfc / sec); tsecs = (int)sec; lastxfer = W_FTP|W_SEND; xferstat = success; if (dpyactive) ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); } for (i = 0; i <= SND_MAX; i++) { /* Free malloc'd memory */ if (pv[i].sval) free(pv[i].sval); } ftreset(); /* Undo switch effects */ dpyactive = 0; return(x); } static char ** mgetlist = NULL; /* For MGET */ static int mgetn = 0, mgetx = 0; static char xtmpbuf[4096]; /* c m d l i n g e t Get files specified by -g command-line option. File list is set up in cmlist[] by ckuusy.c; nfils is length of list. */ int cmdlinget(stay) int stay; { extern int fncnv; int i, x, rc = 0, done = 0, good = 0, status = 0, append = 0; int lcs = -1, rcs = -1, xlate = 0; int first = 1; int mget = 1; int nc; char * s, * s2, * s3; ULONG t0, t1; /* Times for stats */ #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ if (quiet) { /* -q really means quiet */ displa = 0; fdispla = 0; } else { displa = 1; fdispla = XYFD_B; } testing = 0; dpyactive = 0; out2screen = 0; what = W_FTP|W_RECV; #ifndef NOSPL cmd_quoting = 0; #endif /* NOSPL */ debug(F101,"ftp cmdlinget nfils","",nfils); if (ftp_cnv == SET_AUTO) { /* Name conversion is auto */ if (alike) { /* If server & client are alike */ nc = 0; /* no conversion */ } else { /* If they are different */ if (servertype == SYS_UNIX || servertype == SYS_WIN32) nc = -1; /* only minimal conversions needed */ else /* otherwise */ nc = 1; /* full conversion */ } } else /* Not auto - do what user said */ nc = ftp_cnv; if (nfils < 1) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); t0 = gmstimer(); /* Starting time for this batch */ #ifndef NOCSETS if (xlate) { /* SET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION */ lcs = ftp_csl; /* Local charset */ if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; if (lcs < 0) xlate = 0; } if (xlate) { /* Still ON? */ rcs = ftp_csx; /* Remote (Server) charset */ if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; if (rcs < 0) xlate = 0; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ /* If we have only one file and it is a directory, then we ask for a listing of its contents, rather than retrieving the directory file itself. This is what (e.g.) Netscape does. */ if (nfils == 1) { if (doftpcwd((CHAR *)cmlist[mgetx],-1)) { /* If we can CD to it, it must be a directory */ if (recursive) { cmlist[mgetx] = "*"; } else { status = (recvrequest("LIST","-","","wb",0,0,NULL,xlate,lcs,rcs)==0); done = 1; } } } /* The following is to work around UNIX servers which, when given a command like "NLST path/blah" (not wild) returns the basename without the path. */ if (!done && servertype == SYS_UNIX && nfils == 1) { mget = iswild(cmlist[mgetx]); } if (!mget && !done) { /* Invoked by command-line FTP URL */ if (ftp_deb) printf("DOING GET...\n"); done++; cancelfile = 0; /* This file not canceled yet */ s = cmlist[mgetx]; rc = 0; /* Initial return code */ x = ftpcmd("SIZE",s,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm); /* Get remote file's size */ fsize = -1L; if (x == REPLY_COMPLETE) fsize = atol(&ftp_reply_str[4]); ckstrncpy(filnam,s,CKMAXPATH); /* For \v(filename) */ debug(F111,"ftp cmdlinget filnam",filnam,fsize); nzrtol(s,tmpbuf,nc,0,CKMAXPATH); /* Strip path and maybe convert */ s2 = tmpbuf; /* If local file already exists, take collision action */ x = zchki(s2); if (x > -1) { switch (fncnv) { case XYFX_A: /* Append */ append = 1; break; case XYFX_R: /* Rename */ case XYFX_B: { /* Backup */ char * p = NULL; int x = -1; znewn(s2,&p); /* Make unique name */ debug(F110,"ftp get znewn",p,0); if (fncnv == XYFX_B) { /* Backup existing file */ x = zrename(s2,p); debug(F111,"ftp get backup zrename",p,x); } else { /* Rename incoming file */ x = ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,p,CKMAXPATH+1); s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get rename incoming",p,x); } if (x < 0) { printf("?Backup/Rename failed\n"); return(success = 0); } break; } case XYFX_D: /* Discard */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',0L,s); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,SKP_NAM,s); tlog(F100," refused: name","",0); debug(F110,"ftp get skip name",s2,0); goto xclget; case XYFX_X: /* Overwrite */ case XYFX_U: /* Update (already handled above) */ break; } } rc = getfile(s, /* Remote name */ s2, /* Local name */ 0, /* Recover/Restart */ append, /* Append */ NULL, /* Pipename */ 0, /* Translate charsets */ -1, /* File charset (none) */ -1 /* Server charset (none) */ ); debug(F111,"ftp get rc",s,rc); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelfile",s,cancelfile); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelgroup",s,cancelgroup); if (rc < 0 && haveurl && s[0] == '/') /* URL failed - try again */ rc = getfile(&s[1], /* Remote name without leading '/' */ s2, /* Local name */ 0, /* Recover/Restart */ append, /* Append */ NULL, /* Pipename */ 0, /* Translate charsets */ -1, /* File charset (none) */ -1 /* Server charset (none) */ ); if (rc > -1) { good++; status = 1; } if (cancelfile) goto xclget; if (rc < 0) { ftp_fai++; if (geterror) { status = 0; done++; } } } if (ftp_deb && !done) printf("DOING MGET...\n"); while (!done && !cancelgroup) { cancelfile = 0; /* This file not canceled yet */ s = (char *)remote_files(first,(CHAR *)cmlist[mgetx],0); if (!s) s = ""; if (!*s) { first = 1; mgetx++; if (mgetx < nfils) s = (char *)remote_files(first,(CHAR *)cmlist[mgetx],0); else s = NULL; debug(F111,"ftp mget remote_files B",s,0); if (!s) { done = 1; break; } } /* The semantics of NLST are ill-defined. Suppose we have just sent NLST /path/[a-z]*. Most servers send back names like /path/foo, /path/bar, etc. But some send back only foo and bar, and subsequent RETR commands based on the pathless names are not going to work. */ if (servertype == SYS_UNIX && !ckstrchr(s,'/')) { if ((s3 = ckstrrchr(cmlist[mgetx],'/'))) { int len, left = 4096; char * tmp = xtmpbuf; len = s3 - cmlist[mgetx] + 1; ckstrncpy(tmp,cmlist[mgetx],left); tmp += len; left -= len; ckstrncpy(tmp,s,left); s = xtmpbuf; } } first = 0; /* Not first any more */ rc = 0; /* Initial return code */ x = ftpcmd("SIZE",s,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm); /* Get remote file's size */ fsize = -1L; if (x == REPLY_COMPLETE) fsize = atol(&ftp_reply_str[4]); ckstrncpy(filnam,s,CKMAXPATH); /* For \v(filename) */ debug(F111,"ftp cmdlinget filnam",filnam,fsize); nzrtol(s,tmpbuf,nc,0,CKMAXPATH); /* Strip path and maybe convert */ s2 = tmpbuf; /* If local file already exists, take collision action */ x = zchki(s2); if (x > -1) { switch (fncnv) { case XYFX_A: /* Append */ append = 1; break; case XYFX_R: /* Rename */ case XYFX_B: { /* Backup */ char * p = NULL; int x = -1; znewn(s2,&p); /* Make unique name */ debug(F110,"ftp get znewn",p,0); if (fncnv == XYFX_B) { /* Backup existing file */ x = zrename(s2,p); debug(F111,"ftp get backup zrename",p,x); } else { /* Rename incoming file */ x = ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,p,CKMAXPATH+1); s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get rename incoming",p,x); } if (x < 0) { printf("?Backup/Rename failed\n"); return(success = 0); } break; } case XYFX_D: /* Discard */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',0L,s); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,SKP_NAM,s); tlog(F100," refused: name","",0); debug(F110,"ftp get skip name",s2,0); continue; case XYFX_X: /* Overwrite */ case XYFX_U: /* Update (already handled above) */ break; } } /* ^^^ ADD CHARSET STUFF HERE ^^^ */ rc = getfile(s, /* Remote name */ s2, /* Local name */ 0, /* Recover/Restart */ append, /* Append */ NULL, /* Pipename */ 0, /* Translate charsets */ -1, /* File charset (none) */ -1 /* Server charset (none) */ ); debug(F111,"ftp get rc",s,rc); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelfile",s,cancelfile); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelgroup",s,cancelgroup); if (rc > -1) { good++; status = 1; } if (cancelfile) continue; if (rc < 0) { ftp_fai++; if (geterror) { status = 0; done++; } } } xclget: if (status > 0) { if (cancelgroup) status = 0; else if (cancelfile && good < 1) status = 0; } success = status; #ifdef GFTIMER t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ if (!sec) sec = 0.001; fptsecs = sec; #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; if (!sec) sec = 1; #endif /* GFTIMER */ tfcps = (long) (tfc / sec); tsecs = (int)sec; lastxfer = W_FTP|W_RECV; xferstat = success; if (dpyactive) ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); if (!stay) doexit(success ? GOOD_EXIT : BAD_EXIT, -1); return(success); } /* d o f t p g e t -- Parse and execute GET, MGET, MDELETE, ... */ /* Note: if we wanted to implement /AFTER:, /BEFORE:, etc, we could use zstrdat() to convert to UTC-based time_t. But it doesn't make sense from the user-interface perspective, since the server's directory listings show its own local times and since we don't know what timezone it's in, there's no way to reconcile our local times with the server's. */ int doftpget(cx,who) int cx, who; { /* who == 1 for ftp, 0 for kermit */ struct FDB fl, sw, cm; int i, n, rc, getval = 0, mget = 0, done = 0, pipesave = 0; int x_cnv = 0, x_prm = 0, restart = 0, status = 0, good = 0; int x_fnc = 0, first = 0, skipthis = 0, append = 0; int renaming = 0, mdel = 0, listfile = 0, updating = 0, getone = 0; int moving = 0, deleting = 0, toscreen = 0, haspath = 0; long getlarger = -1, getsmaller = -1; char * msg, * s, * s2, * nam, * pipename = NULL, * pn = NULL; char * src = "", * local = ""; int x_csl = -1, x_csr = -1; /* Local and remote charsets */ int x_xla = 0; char c; /* Worker char */ ULONG t0 = 0L, t1; /* Times for stats */ #ifdef GFTIMER CKFLOAT sec; #else int sec = 0; #endif /* GFTIMER */ struct stringint { /* Temporary array for switch values */ char * sval; int ival; } pv[SND_MAX+1]; success = 0; /* Assume failure */ forcetype = 0; /* No /TEXT or /BINARY given yet */ restart = 0; /* No restart yet */ out2screen = 0; x_cnv = ftp_cnv; /* Filename conversion */ if (x_cnv == SET_AUTO) /* Auto? */ x_cnv = alike ? 0 : 1; /* No conversion if alike */ x_fnc = ftp_fnc > -1 ? ftp_fnc : fncact; /* Filename collision action */ x_prm = ftp_prm; /* Permissions */ if (x_prm == SET_AUTO) /* Permissions AUTO */ x_prm = alike; #ifndef NOCSETS x_csr = ftp_csr; /* Inherit global server charset */ x_csl = ftp_csl; /* Inherit global local charset */ if (x_csl < 0) /* If none, use current */ x_csl = fcharset; /* file character-set. */ x_xla = ftp_xla; /* Translation On/Off */ #endif /* NOCSETS */ geterror = ftp_err; /* Inherit global error action. */ asnambuf[0] = NUL; /* No as-name yet. */ pipesave = pipesend; pipesend = 0; if (g_ftp_typ > -1) { /* Restore TYPE if saved */ ftp_typ = g_ftp_typ; /* g_ftp_typ = -1; */ } for (i = 0; i <= SND_MAX; i++) { /* Initialize switch values */ pv[i].sval = NULL; /* to null pointers */ pv[i].ival = -1; /* and -1 int values */ } zclose(ZMFILE); /* In case it was left open */ if (fp_nml) { /* Reset /NAMELIST */ if (fp_nml != stdout) fclose(fp_nml); fp_nml = NULL; } makestr(&ftp_nml,NULL); /* Initialize list of remote filespecs */ if (!mgetlist) { mgetlist = (char **)malloc(MGETMAX * sizeof(char *)); if (!mgetlist) { printf("?Memory allocation failure - MGET list\n"); return(-9); } for (i = 0; i < MGETMAX; i++) mgetlist[i] = NULL; } mgetn = 0; /* Items in list */ mgetx = 0; /* Current item */ ftp_knf = ftp_deb; /* Keep NLST file? */ if (who == 0) { /* Called with unprefixed command */ if (cx == XXGET || cx == XXREGET) getone++; switch (cx) { case XXREGET: pv[SND_RES].ival = 1; break; case XXRETR: pv[SND_DEL].ival = 1; break; case XXGET: case XXMGET: mget++; break; } } else { /* FTP command */ if (cx == FTP_GET || cx == FTP_RGE) getone++; switch (cx) { case FTP_DEL: /* (fall thru on purpose) */ case FTP_MDE: mdel++; /* (ditto) */ case FTP_GET: /* (ditto) */ case FTP_MGE: mget++; break; case FTP_RGE: pv[SND_RES].ival = 1; break; } } cmfdbi(&sw, /* First FDB - command switches */ _CMKEY, /* fcode */ "Remote filename;\n or switch", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ mdel ? ndelswi : ngetswi, /* addtl numeric data 1: tbl size */ 4, /* addtl numeric data 2: 4 = cmswi */ xxstring, /* Processing function */ mdel ? delswi : getswi, /* Keyword table */ &fl /* Pointer to next FDB */ ); cmfdbi(&fl, /* 2nd FDB - remote filename */ _CMFLD, /* fcode */ "", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ xxstring, NULL, &cm ); cmfdbi(&cm, /* 3rd FDB - Confirmation */ _CMCFM, /* fcode */ "", /* hlpmsg */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ NULL, NULL, NULL ); while (1) { /* Parse 0 or more switches */ x = cmfdb(&sw); /* Parse something */ debug(F101,"ftp get cmfdb","",x); if (x < 0) /* Error */ goto xgetx; /* or reparse needed */ if (cmresult.fcode != _CMKEY) /* Break out of loop if not a switch */ break; c = cmgbrk(); /* Get break character */ getval = (c == ':' || c == '='); /* to see how they ended the switch */ if (getval && !(cmresult.kflags & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch does not take arguments\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } n = cmresult.nresult; /* Numeric result = switch value */ debug(F101,"ftp get switch","",n); if (!getval && (cmgkwflgs() & CM_ARG)) { printf("?This switch requires an argument\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } switch (n) { /* Process the switch */ case SND_ASN: /* /AS-NAME: */ debug(F101,"ftp get /as-name getval","",getval); if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Name to store it under","",&s,NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?name required\n"); x = -9; } goto xgetx; } s = brstrip(s); if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); pv[n].ival = 1; break; case SND_BIN: /* /BINARY */ case SND_TXT: /* /TEXT or /ASCII */ case SND_TEN: /* /TENEX */ pv[SND_BIN].ival = 0; pv[SND_TXT].ival = 0; pv[SND_TEN].ival = 0; pv[n].ival = 1; break; #ifdef PUTPIPE case SND_CMD: /* These take no args */ if (nopush) { printf("?Sorry, system command access is disabled\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } #ifdef PIPESEND else if (rcvfilter) { printf("?Sorry, no PUT /COMMAND when SEND FILTER selected\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } #endif /* PIPESEND */ sw.hlpmsg = "Command, or switch"; /* Change help message */ pv[n].ival = 1; /* Just set the flag */ pv[SND_ARR].ival = 0; break; #endif /* PUTPIPE */ case SND_SHH: /* /QUIET */ case SND_RES: /* /RECOVER (reget) */ case SND_NOB: /* /NOBACKUPFILES */ case SND_DEL: /* /DELETE */ case SND_UPD: /* /UPDATE */ case SND_USN: /* /UNIQUE */ case SND_NOD: /* /NODOTFILES */ case SND_REC: /* /NODOTFILES */ case SND_MAI: /* /TO-SCREEN */ pv[n].ival = 1; /* Just set the flag */ break; case SND_COL: /* /COLLISION: */ if ((x = cmkey(colxtab,ncolx,"","",xxstring)) < 0) goto xgetx; pv[n].ival = x; break; case SND_ERR: /* /ERROR-ACTION */ if ((x = cmkey(qorp,2,"","",xxstring)) < 0) goto xgetx; pv[n].ival = x; break; case SND_EXC: /* Exception list */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Pattern","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?Pattern required\n"); x = -9; } goto xgetx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); if (pv[n].sval) pv[n].ival = 1; break; #ifdef PIPESEND case SND_FLT: debug(F101,"ftp get /filter getval","",getval); if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld("Filter program to send through","",&s,NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) s = ""; else goto xgetx; } s = brstrip(s); if (pv[SND_MAI].ival < 1) { y = strlen(s); /* Make sure they included "\v(...)" */ for (x = 0; x < y; x++) { if (s[x] != '\\') continue; if (s[x+1] == 'v') break; } if (x == y) { printf( "?Filter must contain a replacement variable for filename.\n" ); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } if (*s) { pv[n].ival = 1; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); } else { pv[n].ival = 0; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),NULL); } break; #endif /* PIPESEND */ case SND_NAM: if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmkey(fntab,nfntab,"","automatic",xxstring)) < 0) goto xgetx; debug(F101,"ftp get /filenames","",x); pv[n].ival = x; break; case SND_SMA: /* Smaller / larger than */ case SND_LAR: if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmnum("Size in bytes","0",10,&y,xxstring)) < 0) goto xgetx; pv[n].ival = y; break; case SND_FIL: /* Name of file containing filnames */ if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmifi("Name of file containing list of filenames", "",&s,&y,xxstring)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?Filename required\n"); x = -9; } goto xgetx; } else if (y && iswild(s)) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed BBB\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } if (s) if (!*s) s = NULL; makestr(&(pv[n].sval),s); if (pv[n].sval) pv[n].ival = 1; break; case SND_MOV: /* MOVE after */ case SND_REN: /* RENAME after */ case SND_SRN: { /* SERVER-RENAME */ char * m = ""; switch (n) { case SND_MOV: m = "Device and/or directory for incoming file after reception"; break; case SND_REN: m = "New name for incoming file after reception"; break; case SND_SRN: m = "New name for source file on server after reception"; break; } if (!getval) break; if ((x = cmfld(m, "", &s, n == SND_MOV ? xxstring : NULL)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("%s\n", n == SND_MOV ? "?Destination required" : "?New name required" ); x = -9; } goto xgetx; } makestr(&(pv[n].sval),brstrip(s)); pv[n].ival = (pv[n].sval) ? 1 : 0; break; } #ifndef NOCSETS case SND_CSL: /* Local character set */ case SND_CSR: /* Remote (server) charset */ if ((x = cmkey(fcstab,nfilc,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return((x == -3) ? -2 : x); if (n == SND_CSL) x_csl = x; else x_csr = x; x_xla = 1; /* Overrides global OFF setting */ break; case SND_XPA: /* Transparent */ x_xla = 0; x_csr = -1; x_csl = -1; break; #endif /* NOCSETS */ case SND_NML: if ((x = cmofi("Local filename","-",&s,xxstring)) < 0) goto xgetx; makestr(&ftp_nml,s); break; default: /* /AFTER, /PERMISSIONS, etc... */ printf("?Sorry, \"%s\" works only with [M]PUT\n",atmbuf); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } line[0] = NUL; cmarg = line; cmarg2 = asnambuf; s = line; /* For GET, we want to parse an optional as-name, like with PUT. For MGET, we must parse a list of names, and then send NLST commands for each name separately. */ switch (cmresult.fcode) { /* How did we get out of switch loop */ case _CMFLD: /* Field */ if (!getone) { s = brstrip(cmresult.sresult); makestr(&(mgetlist[mgetn++]),s); while ((x = cmfld("Remote filename","",&s,xxstring)) != -3) { if (x < 0) goto xgetx; makestr(&(mgetlist[mgetn++]),brstrip(s)); if (mgetn >= MGETMAX) { printf("?Too many items in MGET list\n"); goto xgetx; } } if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) goto xgetx; } else { s = brstrip(cmresult.sresult); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmfld("Name to store it under","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) if (x != -3) goto xgetx; s = brstrip(s); ckstrncpy(asnambuf,s,CKMAXPATH+1); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) goto xgetx; } break; case _CMCFM: /* Confirmation */ break; default: printf("?Unexpected function code: %d\n",cmresult.fcode); x = -9; goto xgetx; } if (pv[SND_REC].ival > 0) /* /RECURSIVE */ recursive = 2; if (pv[SND_BIN].ival > 0) { /* /BINARY really means binary... */ forcetype = 1; /* So skip file scan */ ftp_typ = XYFT_B; /* Set binary */ } else if (pv[SND_TXT].ival > 0) { /* Similarly for /TEXT... */ forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = XYFT_T; } else if (pv[SND_TEN].ival > 0) { /* and /TENEX*/ forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = FTT_TEN; } else if (ftp_cmdlin && xfermode == XMODE_M) { forcetype = 1; ftp_typ = binary; g_ftp_typ = binary; } if (pv[SND_ASN].ival > 0 && pv[SND_ASN].sval && !asnambuf[0]) { char * p; p = brstrip(pv[SND_ASN].sval); /* As-name */ ckstrncpy(asnambuf,p,CKMAXPATH+1); } debug(F110,"ftp get asnambuf",asnambuf,0); #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_CMD].ival > 0) { /* /COMMAND - strip any braces */ char * p; p = asnambuf; debug(F110,"GET /COMMAND before stripping",p,0); p = brstrip(p); debug(F110,"GET /COMMAND after stripping",p,0); if (!*p) { printf("?Sorry, a command to write to is required\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } pipename = p; pipesend = 1; } #endif /* PIPESEND */ /* Set up /MOVE and /RENAME */ if (pv[SND_DEL].ival > 0 && (pv[SND_MOV].ival > 0 || pv[SND_REN].ival > 0)) { printf("?Sorry, /DELETE conflicts with /MOVE or /RENAME\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (pv[SND_MOV].ival > 0 && pv[SND_MOV].sval) { int len; char * p = pv[SND_MOV].sval; len = strlen(p); if (!isdir(p)) { /* Check directory */ #ifdef CK_MKDIR char * s = NULL; s = (char *)malloc(len + 4); if (s) { strcpy(s,p); /* safe */ #ifdef datageneral if (s[len-1] != ':') { s[len++] = ':'; s[len] = NUL; } #else if (s[len-1] != '/') { s[len++] = '/'; s[len] = NUL; } #endif /* datageneral */ s[len++] = 'X'; s[len] = NUL; #ifdef NOMKDIR x = -1; #else x = zmkdir(s); #endif /* NOMKDIR */ free(s); if (x < 0) { printf("?Can't create \"%s\"\n",p); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } #else printf("?Directory \"%s\" not found\n",p); x = -9; goto xgetx; #endif /* CK_MKDIR */ } makestr(&rcv_move,p); moving = 1; } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ if (pv[SND_REN].ival > 0) { /* /RENAME */ char * p = pv[SND_REN].sval; if (!p) p = ""; if (!*p) { printf("?New name required for /RENAME\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } p = brstrip(p); #ifndef NOSPL /* If name given is wild, rename string must contain variables */ if (mget && !getone) { char * s = tmpbuf; x = TMPBUFSIZ; zzstring(p,&s,&x); if (!strcmp(tmpbuf,p)) { printf( "?/RENAME for file group must contain variables such as \\v(filename)\n" ); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } #endif /* NOSPL */ renaming = 1; makestr(&rcv_rename,p); debug(F110,"FTP rcv_rename",rcv_rename,0); } if (!cmarg[0] && mgetn == 0 && pv[SND_FIL].ival < 1) { printf("?Filename required but not given\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } else if ((cmarg[0] || mgetn > 0) && pv[SND_FIL].ival > 0) { printf("?You can't give both /LISTFILE and a remote filename\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } CHECKCONN(); /* Check connection */ #ifndef NOSPL /* If as-name given for MGET, as-name must contain variables */ if (mget && !getone && asnambuf[0]) { char * s = tmpbuf; x = TMPBUFSIZ; zzstring(asnambuf,&s,&x); if (!strcmp(tmpbuf,asnambuf)) { printf( "?As-name for MGET must contain variables such as \\v(filename)\n" ); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } #endif /* NOSPL */ /* doget: */ if (pv[SND_SHH].ival > 0 || ftp_nml) { /* GET /QUIET... */ g_displa = fdispla; fdispla = 0; } else { displa = 1; if (mdel || ftp_deb) { g_displa = fdispla; fdispla = XYFD_B; } } deleting = 0; if (pv[SND_DEL].ival > 0) /* /DELETE was specified */ deleting = 1; if (pv[SND_EXC].ival > 0) makelist(pv[SND_EXC].sval,rcvexcept,8); if (pv[SND_SMA].ival > -1) getsmaller = pv[SND_SMA].ival; if (pv[SND_LAR].ival > -1) getlarger = pv[SND_LAR].ival; if (pv[SND_NAM].ival > -1) x_cnv = pv[SND_NAM].ival; if (pv[SND_ERR].ival > -1) geterror = pv[SND_ERR].ival; if (pv[SND_COL].ival > -1) x_fnc = pv[SND_COL].ival; if (pv[SND_MAI].ival > -1) toscreen = 1; #ifdef FTP_RESTART if (pv[SND_RES].ival > 0) { if (!ftp_typ) { printf("?Sorry, GET /RECOVER requires binary mode\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; #ifdef COMMENT /* Not true - the fact that the initial REST fails does not mean */ /* it will fail here. */ } else if (!okrestart) { printf("WARNING: Server might not support restart...\n"); #endif /* COMMENT */ } restart = 1; } #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifdef PIPESEND if (pv[SND_FLT].ival > 0) { /* Have SEND FILTER? */ if (pipesend) { printf("?Switch conflict: /FILTER and /COMMAND\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } makestr(&rcvfilter,pv[SND_FLT].sval); debug(F110,"ftp get /FILTER", rcvfilter, 0); } if (rcvfilter || pipesend) { /* /RESTART */ #ifdef FTP_RESTART if (restart) { /* with pipes or filters */ printf("?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and /RECOVER\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ if (pv[SND_UPD].ival > 0 || x_fnc == XYFX_U) { printf("?Switch conflict: /FILTER or /COMMAND and Update\n"); x = -9; goto xgetx; } } #endif /* PIPESEND */ tfc = 0L; /* Initialize stats and counters */ filcnt = 0; pktnum = 0; rpackets = 0L; if (pv[SND_FIL].ival > 0) { if (zopeni(ZMFILE,pv[SND_FIL].sval) < 1) { debug(F111,"ftp get can't open listfile",pv[SND_FIL].sval,errno); printf("?Failure to open listfile - \"%s\"\n",pv[SND_FIL].sval); x = -9; goto xgetx; } if (zsinl(ZMFILE,tmpbuf,CKMAXPATH) < 0) { /* Read a line */ zclose(ZMFILE); /* Failed */ debug(F110,"ftp get listfile EOF",pv[SND_FIL].sval,0); printf("?Empty listfile - \"%s\"\n",pv[SND_FIL].sval); x = -9; goto xgetx; } listfile = 1; debug(F110,"ftp get listfile first",tmpbuf,0); makestr(&(mgetlist[0]),tmpbuf); } t0 = gmstimer(); /* Record starting time */ updating = pv[SND_UPD].ival > 0 || (!mdel && x_fnc == XYFX_U); what = mdel ? W_FTP|W_FT_DELE : W_RECV|W_FTP; /* What we're doing */ cancelgroup = 0; /* Group not canceled yet */ changetype(ftp_typ,0); /* Change to requested type */ binary = ftp_typ; /* For file-transfer display */ first = 1; /* For MGET list */ done = 0; /* Loop control */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (dldir && !f_tmpdir) { /* If they have a download directory */ if ((s = zgtdir())) { /* Get current directory */ if (zchdir(dldir)) { /* Change to download directory */ ckstrncpy(savdir,s,TMPDIRLEN); f_tmpdir = 1; /* Remember that we did this */ } } } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ if (ftp_nml) { /* /NAMELIST */ debug(F110,"ftp GET ftp_nml",ftp_nml,0); if (ftp_nml[0] == '-' && ftp_nml[1] == 0) fp_nml = stdout; else fp_nml = fopen(ftp_nml, "wb"); if (!fp_nml) { printf("?%s: %s\n",ftp_nml,ck_errstr()); goto xgetx; } } while (!done && !cancelgroup) { /* Loop for all files */ /* or until canceled. */ #ifdef FTP_PROXY /* do something here if proxy */ #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ rs_len = 0L; /* REGET position */ cancelfile = 0; /* This file not canceled yet */ haspath = 0; /* Recalculate this each time thru */ if (getone) { /* GET */ s = line; src = line; done = 1; debug(F111,"ftp get file",s,0); } else if (mget) { /* MGET */ src = mgetlist[mgetx]; debug(F111,"ftp mget remote_files A",src,first); s = (char *)remote_files(first,(CHAR *)mgetlist[mgetx],0); if (!s) s = ""; if (!*s) { first = 1; if (listfile) { again: tmpbuf[0] = NUL; while (!tmpbuf[0]) { if (zsinl(ZMFILE,tmpbuf,CKMAXPATH) < 0) { zclose(ZMFILE); debug(F110,"ftp get listfile EOF", pv[SND_FIL].sval,0); makestr(&(mgetlist[0]),NULL); s = NULL; done = 1; break; } } if (done) continue; makestr(&(mgetlist[0]),tmpbuf); s = (char *)remote_files(first,(CHAR *)mgetlist[0],0); if (!s) { ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',0L,s); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_MSG,0L,"File not found"); tlog(F110,"ftp get file not found:",s,0); goto again; } } else { mgetx++; if (mgetx < mgetn) s = (char *)remote_files(first,(CHAR *)mgetlist[mgetx],0); else s = NULL; } debug(F111,"ftp mget remote_files B",s,0); if (!s) { done = 1; break; } } } /* The semantics of NLST are ill-defined. Suppose we have just sent NLST /path/[a-z]*. Most servers send back names like /path/foo, /path/bar, etc. But some send back only foo and bar, and subsequent RETR commands based on the pathless names are not going to work. */ if (servertype == SYS_UNIX && !ckstrchr(s,'/')) { char * s3; if ((s3 = ckstrrchr(mgetlist[mgetx],'/'))) { int len, left = 4096; char * tmp = xtmpbuf; len = s3 - mgetlist[mgetx] + 1; ckstrncpy(tmp,mgetlist[mgetx],left); tmp += len; left -= len; ckstrncpy(tmp,s,left); s = xtmpbuf; } } first = 0; skipthis = 0; /* File selection... */ msg = ""; nam = s; /* Filename (without path) */ rc = 0; /* Initial return code */ s2 = ""; if (!getone && !skipthis) { /* For MGET and MDELETE... */ char c, * p = s; int srvpath = 0; int usrpath = 0; int i, k = 0; /* Explanation: Some ftp servers (such as wu-ftpd) return a recursive list. But if the client did not ask for a recursive list, we have to ignore any server files that include a pathname that extends beyond any path that was included in the user's request. User's filespec is blah or path/blah (or other non-UNIX syntax). We need to get the user's path segment. Then, for each incoming file, if it begins with the same path segment, we must strip it (point past it). */ src = mgetlist[mgetx]; /* In case it moved! */ for (i = 0; src[i]; i++) { /* Find rightmost path separator */ if (ispathsep(src[i])) /* in user's pathname */ k = i + 1; } usrpath = k; /* User path segment length */ debug(F111,"ftp get usrpath",src,usrpath); p = s; /* Server filename */ while ((c = *p++)) { /* Look for path in server filename */ if (ispathsep(c)) { nam = p; /* Pathless name (for ckmatch) */ srvpath = p - s; /* Server path segment length */ } } debug(F111,"ftp get srvpath",s,srvpath); /* If as-name not given and server filename includes path that matches the pathname from the user's file specification, we must trim the common path prefix from the server's name when constructing the local name. */ if (!asnambuf[0] && (srvpath > 0) && !strncmp(src,s,usrpath)) { s2 = s + usrpath; /* Local name skips past remote path */ if (srvpath > usrpath) /* If there is still some path left */ haspath = 1; /* in the server name, remember. */ } debug(F111,"ftp get haspath",s+usrpath,haspath); if (haspath) { /* Server file has path segments? */ if (!recursive) { /* [M]GET /RECURSIVE? */ /* We did not ask for a recursive listing, but the server is sending us one anyway (as wu-ftpd is known to do). We get here if the current filename includes a path segment beyond any path segment we asked for in our non-recursive [M]GET command. We MUST skip this file. */ debug(F111,"ftp get skipping because of path",s,0); #ifdef COMMENT skipthis++; #else continue; #endif /* COMMENT */ } } } if (!*nam) /* Name without path */ nam = s; if (!skipthis && rcvexcept[0]) { /* /EXCEPT: list */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (!rcvexcept[i]) { break; } if (ckmatch(rcvexcept[i], nam, servertype == SYS_UNIX, 1)) { tlog(F100," refused: exception list","",0); skipthis++; break; } } } if (!skipthis && pv[SND_NOD].ival > 0) { /* /NODOTFILES */ if (nam[0] == '.') skipthis++; } if (!skipthis && pv[SND_NOB].ival > 0) { /* /NOBACKUPFILES */ if (ckmatch( #ifdef CKREGEX "*.~[0-9]*~" #else "*.~*~" #endif /* CKREGEX */ ,nam,0,1) > 0) skipthis++; } if (!x_xla) { /* If translation is off */ x_csl = -2; /* unset the charsets */ x_csr = -2; } /* Initialize file size to -1 in case server doesn't understand */ /* SIZE command, so xxscreen() will know we don't know the size */ fsize = -1L; if (!mdel && !skipthis) { /* Don't need size for DELE... */ x = ftpcmd("SIZE",s,x_csl,x_csr,ftp_vbm); /* Remote file's size */ if (x == REPLY_COMPLETE) { fsize = atol(&ftp_reply_str[4]); if (getsmaller > -1L && fsize >= getsmaller) skipthis++; if (getlarger > -1L && fsize <= getlarger) skipthis++; if (skipthis) { debug(F111,"ftp get skip size",s,fsize); tlog(F100," refused: size","",0); msg = "Refused: size"; } /* Here we should see if SIZE is an unknown command to the server and if */ /* so, set a flag to inhibit further SIZE queries. */ #ifdef COMMENT } else if (getone) { /* SIZE can fail for many reasons. Does the file exist? */ x = ftpcmd("NLST",s,x_csl,x_csr,ftp_vbm); if (x != REPLY_COMPLETE) { printf(">>> FILE NOT FOUND: %s\n",s); break; } #endif /* COMMENT */ } } ckstrncpy(filnam,s,CKMAXPATH); /* For \v(filename) */ if (!*s2) /* Local name */ s2 = asnambuf; /* As-name */ debug(F110,"ftp get filnam ",s,0); debug(F110,"ftp get asnam A",s2,0); /* Receiving to real file */ if (!pipesend && #ifdef PIPESEND !rcvfilter && #endif /* PIPESEND */ !toscreen) { #ifndef NOSPL /* Do this here so we can decide whether to skip */ if (cmd_quoting && !skipthis && asnambuf[0]) { int n; char *p; n = TMPBUFSIZ; p = tmpbuf; zzstring(asnambuf,&p,&n); s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get asname B",s2,updating); } #endif /* NOSPL */ #ifdef DOUPDATE if (!skipthis && updating) { /* If updating and not skipping */ local = *s2 ? s2 : s; if (zchki(local) > -1) { x = chkmodtime(local,s,0); debug(F111,"ftp get /update chkmodtime",local,x); if (x == 2) { skipthis++; tlog(F100," refused: date","",0); msg = "Refused: date"; debug(F110,"ftp get skip date",local,0); } } } #endif /* DOUPDATE */ } if (skipthis) { /* Skipping this file? */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',0L,s); if (msg) ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_ERR,0L,msg); else ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,0L,s); continue; } if (fp_nml) { /* /NAMELIST only - no transfer */ fprintf(fp_nml,"%s\n",s); continue; } if (recursive && haspath && !pipesend #ifdef PIPESEND && !rcvfilter #endif /* PIPESEND */ ) { if ( #ifdef NOMKDIR 1 #else zmkdir(s2) < 0 /* Try to make the directory */ #endif /* NOMKDIR */ ) { rc = -1; /* Failure is fatal */ if (geterror) { status = 0; ftscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Directory creation failure"); break; } } } /* Not skipping */ pn = NULL; if (mdel) { /* [M]DELETE */ if (displa && !ftp_vbm) printf(" %s...",s); rc = (ftpcmd("DELE",s,x_csl,x_csr,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) ? 1 : -1; if (rc > -1) { tlog(F110,"ftp mdelete",s,0); if (displa && !ftp_vbm) printf("OK\n"); } else { tlog(F110,"ftp mdelete failed:",s,0); if (displa) printf("Failed\n"); } #ifndef NOSPL #ifdef PIPESEND } else if (rcvfilter) { /* [M]GET with filter */ int n; char * p; n = CKMAXPATH; p = tmpbuf; /* Safe - no asname with filter */ zzstring(rcvfilter,&p,&n); if (n > -1) pn = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get rcvfilter",pn,n); #endif /* PIPESEND */ #endif /* NOSPL */ if (toscreen) s2 = "-"; } else if (pipesend) { /* [M]GET /COMMAND */ int n; char * p; n = CKMAXPATH; p = tmpbuf; /* Safe - no asname with filter */ zzstring(pipename,&p,&n); if (n > -1) pn = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get pipename",pipename,n); if (toscreen) s2 = "-"; } else { /* [M]GET with no pipes or filters */ debug(F111,"ftp get s2 A",s2,x_cnv); if (toscreen) { s2 = "-"; /* (hokey convention for stdout) */ } else if (!*s2) { /* No asname? */ if (x_cnv) { /* If converting */ int nc = x_cnv; if (x_cnv == SET_AUTO) { if (alike) nc = 0; } else { if (servertype == SYS_UNIX || servertype == SYS_WIN32) nc = -1; /* only minimal conversions needed */ else /* otherwise */ nc = 1; /* full conversion */ } nzrtol(s,tmpbuf,nc,1,CKMAXPATH); /* convert */ s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F110,"ftp get nzrtol",s2,0); } else /* otherwise */ s2 = s; /* use incoming file's name */ } debug(F110,"ftp get s2 B",s2,0); /* If local file already exists, take collision action */ if (!pipesend && #ifdef PIPESEND !rcvfilter && #endif /* PIPESEND */ !toscreen) { x = zchki(s2); debug(F111,"ftp get zchki",s2,x); debug(F111,"ftp get x_fnc",s2,x_fnc); if (x > -1 && !restart) { switch (x_fnc) { case XYFX_A: /* Append */ append = 1; break; case XYFX_R: /* Rename */ case XYFX_B: { /* Backup */ char * p = NULL; int x = -1; znewn(s2,&p); /* Make unique name */ debug(F110,"ftp get znewn",p,0); if (x_fnc == XYFX_B) { /* Backup existing file */ x = zrename(s2,p); debug(F111,"ftp get backup zrename",p,x); } else { /* Rename incoming file */ x = ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,p,CKMAXPATH+1); s2 = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get rename incoming",p,x); } if (x < 0) { ftscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Backup/Rename failed"); x = 0; goto xgetx; } break; } case XYFX_D: /* Discard */ ftscreen(SCR_FN,'F',0L,s); ftscreen(SCR_ST,ST_SKIP,SKP_NAM,s); tlog(F100," refused: name","",0); debug(F110,"ftp get skip name",*s2 ? s2 : s,0); continue; case XYFX_X: /* Overwrite */ case XYFX_U: /* Update (already handled above) */ break; } } } } if (!mdel) { #ifdef PIPESEND debug(F111,"ftp get pn",pn,rcvfilter ? 1 : 0); #endif /* PIPESEND */ if (pipesend && !toscreen) s2 = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F101,"ftp get x_xla","",x_xla); debug(F101,"ftp get x_csl","",x_csl); debug(F101,"ftp get x_csr","",x_csr); } #endif /* DEBUG */ rc = getfile(s,s2,restart,append,pn,x_xla,x_csl,x_csr); #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F111,"ftp get rc",s,rc); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelfile",s,cancelfile); debug(F111,"ftp get cancelgroup",s,cancelgroup); debug(F111,"ftp get renaming",s,renaming); } #endif /* DEBUG */ } if (rc > -1) { good++; status = 1; if (!cancelfile) { if (deleting) { /* GET /DELETE (source file) */ rc = (ftpcmd("DELE",s,x_csl,x_csr,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) ? 1 : -1; tlog(F110, (rc > -1) ? " deleted" : " failed to delete", s, 0); } else if (renaming && rcv_rename && !toscreen) { char *p; /* Rename downloaded file */ #ifndef NOSPL char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; int n; n = CKMAXPATH; p = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get /rename",rcv_rename,0); zzstring(rcv_rename,&p,&n); debug(F111,"ftp get /rename",rcv_rename,0); p = tmpbuf; #else p = rcv_rename; #endif /* NOSPL */ rc = (zrename(s2,p) < 0) ? -1 : 1; debug(F111,"doftpget /RENAME zrename",p,rc); tlog(F110, (rc > -1) ? " renamed to" : " failed to rename to", p, 0 ); } else if (moving && rcv_move && !toscreen) { char *p; /* Move downloaded file */ #ifndef NOSPL char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; int n; n = TMPBUFSIZ; p = tmpbuf; debug(F111,"ftp get /move-to",rcv_move,0); zzstring(rcv_move,&p,&n); p = tmpbuf; #else p = rcv_move; #endif /* NOSPL */ debug(F111,"ftp get /move-to",p,0); rc = (zrename(s2,p) < 0) ? -1 : 1; debug(F111,"doftpget /MOVE zrename",p,rc); tlog(F110, (rc > -1) ? " moved to" : " failed to move to", p, 0); } if (pv[SND_SRN].ival > 0 && pv[SND_SRN].sval) { char * s = pv[SND_SRN].sval; char * srvrn = pv[SND_SRN].sval; char tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH+1]; #ifndef NOSPL int y; /* Pass it thru the evaluator */ extern int cmd_quoting; /* for \v(filename) */ debug(F111,"ftp get srv_renam",s,1); if (cmd_quoting) { y = CKMAXPATH; s = (char *)tmpbuf; zzstring(srvrn,&s,&y); s = (char *)tmpbuf; } #endif /* NOSPL */ debug(F111,"ftp get srv_renam",s,1); if (s) if (*s) { int x; x = ftp_rename(s2,s); debug(F111,"ftp get ftp_rename",s2,x); tlog(F110, (x > 0) ? " renamed source file to" : " failed to rename source file to", s, 0 ); if (x < 1) return(-1); } } } } if (cancelfile) continue; if (rc < 0) { ftp_fai++; if (geterror) { status = 0; ftscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Fatal download error"); done++; } } } if (status > 0) { if (cancelgroup) status = 0; else if (cancelfile && good < 1) status = 0; } success = status; x = success; xgetx: pipesend = pipesave; /* Restore global pipe selection */ if (fp_nml) { /* Close /NAMELIST */ if (fp_nml != stdout) fclose(fp_nml); fp_nml = NULL; } if (x > -1) { /* Download successful */ #ifdef GFTIMER t1 = gmstimer(); /* End time */ sec = (CKFLOAT)((CKFLOAT)(t1 - t0) / 1000.0); /* Stats */ if (!sec) sec = 0.001; fptsecs = sec; #else sec = (t1 - t0) / 1000; if (!sec) sec = 1; #endif /* GFTIMER */ tfcps = (long) (tfc / sec); tsecs = (int)sec; lastxfer = W_FTP|W_RECV; xferstat = success; } if (dpyactive) ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); #ifdef CK_TMPDIR if (f_tmpdir) { /* If we changed to download dir */ zchdir((char *) savdir); /* Go back where we came from */ f_tmpdir = 0; } #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ for (i = 0; i <= SND_MAX; i++) { /* Free malloc'd memory */ if (pv[i].sval) free(pv[i].sval); } for (i = 0; i < mgetn; i++) /* MGET list too */ makestr(&(mgetlist[i]),NULL); ftreset(); /* Undo switch effects */ dpyactive = 0; return(x); } static struct keytab ftprmt[] = { { "cd", XZCWD, 0 }, { "cdup", XZCDU, 0 }, { "cwd", XZCWD, CM_INV }, { "delete", XZDEL, 0 }, { "directory", XZDIR, 0 }, { "exit", XZXIT, 0 }, { "help", XZHLP, 0 }, { "login", XZLGI, 0 }, { "logout", XZLGO, 0 }, { "mkdir", XZMKD, 0 }, { "pwd", XZPWD, 0 }, { "rename", XZREN, 0 }, { "rmdir", XZRMD, 0 }, { "type", XZTYP, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; static int nftprmt = (sizeof(ftprmt) / sizeof(struct keytab)) - 1; /* d o f t p r m t -- Parse and execute REMOTE commands */ int doftprmt(cx,who) int cx, who; { /* who == 1 for ftp, 0 for kermit */ /* cx == 0 means REMOTE */ /* cx != 0 is a XZxxx value */ char * s; if (who != 0) return(0); if (cx == 0) { if ((x = cmkey(ftprmt,nftprmt,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); cx = x; } switch (cx) { case XZCDU: /* CDUP */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); return(doftpcdup()); case XZCWD: /* RCD */ if ((x = cmtxt("Remote directory", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); return(doftpcwd((char *)line,1)); case XZPWD: /* RPWD */ return(doftppwd()); case XZDEL: /* RDEL */ return(doftpget(FTP_MDE,1)); case XZDIR: /* RDIR */ return(doftpdir(FTP_DIR)); case XZHLP: /* RHELP */ return(doftpxhlp()); case XZMKD: /* RMKDIR */ return(doftpmkd()); case XZREN: /* RRENAME */ return(doftpren()); case XZRMD: /* RRMDIR */ return(doftprmd()); case XZLGO: /* LOGOUT */ return(doftpres()); case XZXIT: /* EXIT */ return(ftpbye()); } printf("?Not usable with FTP - \"%s\"\n", atmbuf); return(-9); } int doxftp() { /* Command parser for built-in FTP */ int cx, n; struct FDB kw, fl; char * s; int usetls = 0; int lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (inserver) /* FTP not allowed in IKSD. */ return(-2); if (g_ftp_typ > -1) { /* Restore TYPE if saved */ ftp_typ = g_ftp_typ; /* g_ftp_typ = -1; */ } #ifdef COMMENT /* We'll set the collision action locally in doftpget() based on whether ftp_fnc was ever set to a value. if not, we'll use the fncact value. */ if (ftp_fnc < 0) /* Inherit global collision action */ ftp_fnc = fncact; /* if none specified for FTP */ #endif /* COMMENT */ /* Restore global verbose mode */ if (ftp_deb) ftp_vbm = 1; else if (quiet) ftp_vbm = 0; else ftp_vbm = ftp_vbx; dpyactive = 0; /* Reset global transfer-active flag */ printlines = 0; /* Reset printlines */ if (fp_nml) { /* Reset /NAMELIST */ if (fp_nml != stdout) fclose(fp_nml); fp_nml = NULL; } makestr(&ftp_nml,NULL); cmfdbi(&kw, /* First FDB - commands */ _CMKEY, /* fcode */ "Hostname; or FTP command", /* help */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ nftpcmd, /* addtl numeric data 1: tbl size */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2: none */ xxstring, /* Processing function */ ftpcmdtab, /* Keyword table */ &fl /* Pointer to next FDB */ ); cmfdbi(&fl, /* A host name or address */ _CMFLD, /* fcode */ "Hostname or address", /* help */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ xxstring, NULL, NULL ); x = cmfdb(&kw); /* Parse a hostname or a keyword */ if (x == -3) { printf("?ftp what? \"help ftp\" for hints\n"); return(-9); } if (x < 0) return(x); if (cmresult.fcode == _CMFLD) { /* If hostname */ return(openftp(cmresult.sresult,0)); /* go open the connection */ } else { cx = cmresult.nresult; } switch (cx) { case FTP_ACC: /* ACCOUNT */ if ((x = cmtxt("Remote account", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); makestr(&ftp_acc,s); if (testing) printf(" ftp account: \"%s\"\n",ftp_acc); success = (ftpcmd("ACCT",ftp_acc,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_GUP: /* Go UP */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) printf(" ftp cd: \"(up)\"\n"); return(success = doftpcdup()); case FTP_CWD: /* CD */ if ((x = cmtxt("Remote directory", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp cd: \"%s\"\n", line); return(success = doftpcwd(line,1)); case FTP_CHM: /* CHMOD */ if ((x = cmfld("Permissions or protection code","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,TMPBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmtxt("Remote filename", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckmakmsg(ftpcmdbuf,FTP_BUFSIZ,tmpbuf," ",s,NULL); if (testing) printf(" ftp chmod: %s\n",ftpcmdbuf); success = (ftpcmd("SITE CHMOD",ftpcmdbuf,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_CLS: /* CLOSE FTP connection */ if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) printf(" ftp closing...\n"); ftpclose(); return(success = 1); case FTP_DIR: /* DIRECTORY of remote files */ case FTP_VDI: return(doftpdir(cx)); case FTP_GET: /* GET a remote file */ case FTP_RGE: /* REGET */ case FTP_MGE: /* MGET */ case FTP_MDE: /* MDELETE */ return(doftpget(cx,1)); case FTP_IDL: /* IDLE */ if ((x = cmnum("Number of seconds","-1",10,&z,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); CHECKCONN(); if (z < 0) { /* Display idle timeout */ if (testing) printf(" ftp query idle timeout...\n"); success = (ftpcmd("SITE IDLE",NULL,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); } else { /* Set idle timeout */ if (testing) printf(" ftp idle timeout set: %d...\n",z); success = (ftpcmd("SITE IDLE",ckitoa(z),0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); } return(success); case FTP_MKD: /* MKDIR */ return(doftpmkd()); case FTP_MOD: /* MODTIME */ if ((x = cmtxt("Remote filename", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp modtime \"%s\"...\n",line); success = 0; if (ftpcmd("MDTM",line,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) { int flag = 0; char c, * s; struct tm tmremote; bzero((char *)&tmremote, sizeof(struct tm)); s = ftp_reply_str; while ((c = *s++)) { if (c == SP) { flag++; break; } } if (flag) { if (sscanf(s, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", &tmremote.tm_year, &tmremote.tm_mon, &tmremote.tm_mday, &tmremote.tm_hour, &tmremote.tm_min, &tmremote.tm_sec ) == 6) { success = 1; printf(" %s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\n", line, tmremote.tm_year, tmremote.tm_mon, tmremote.tm_mday, tmremote.tm_hour, tmremote.tm_min, tmremote.tm_sec ); } } } return(success); case FTP_OPN: /* OPEN connection */ #ifdef COMMENT x = cmfld("IP hostname or address","",&s,xxstring); if (x < 0) { success = 0; return(x); } ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); s = line; return(openftp(s,0)); #else { /* OPEN connection */ char name[TTNAMLEN+1], *p; extern int network; extern char ttname[]; if (network) /* If we have a current connection */ ckstrncpy(name,ttname,LINBUFSIZ); /* get the host name */ else *name = '\0'; /* as default host */ for (p = name; *p; p++) /* Remove ":service" from end. */ if (*p == ':') { *p = '\0'; break; } #ifndef USETLSTAB x = cmfld("IP hostname or address",name,&s,xxstring); #else cmfdbi(&kw, /* First FDB - commands */ _CMKEY, /* fcode */ "Hostname or switch", /* help */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ ntlstab, /* addtl numeric data 1: tbl size */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2: none */ xxstring, /* Processing function */ tlstab, /* Keyword table */ &fl /* Pointer to next FDB */ ); cmfdbi(&fl, /* A host name or address */ _CMFLD, /* fcode */ "Hostname or address", /* help */ "", /* default */ "", /* addtl string data */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 1 */ 0, /* addtl numeric data 2 */ xxstring, NULL, NULL ); for (n = 0;; n++) { x = cmfdb(&kw); /* Parse a hostname or a keyword */ if (x == -3) { printf("?ftp open what? \"help ftp\" for hints\n"); return(-9); } if (x < 0) break; if (cmresult.fcode == _CMFLD) { /* Hostname */ s = cmresult.sresult; break; } else if (cmresult.nresult == OPN_TLS) { usetls = 1; } } #endif /* USETLSTAB */ if (x < 0) { success = 0; return(x); } ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); s = line; return(openftp(s,usetls)); } #endif /* COMMENT */ case FTP_PUT: /* PUT */ case FTP_MPU: /* MPUT */ case FTP_APP: /* APPEND */ return(doftpput(cx,1)); case FTP_PWD: /* PWD */ x = doftppwd(); if (x > -1) success = x; return(x); case FTP_REN: /* RENAME */ return(doftpren()); case FTP_RES: /* RESET */ return(doftpres()); case FTP_HLP: /* (remote) HELP */ return(doftpxhlp()); case FTP_RMD: /* RMDIR */ return(doftprmd()); case FTP_STA: /* STATUS */ if ((x = cmtxt("Command", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp status \"%s\"...\n",line); success = (ftpcmd("STAT",line,lcs,rcs,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_SIT: { /* SITE */ int reply; if ((x = cmtxt("Command", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp site \"%s\"...\n",line); if ((reply = ftpcmd("SITE",line,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm)) == REPLY_PRELIM) { do { reply = getreply(0,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm,0); } while (reply == REPLY_PRELIM); } return(success = (reply == REPLY_COMPLETE)); } case FTP_SIZ: /* (ask for) SIZE */ if ((x = cmtxt("Remote filename", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if (testing) printf(" ftp size \"%s\"...\n",line); success = (ftpcmd("SIZE",line,lcs,rcs,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_SYS: /* Ask for server's SYSTEM type */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) printf(" ftp system...\n"); success = (ftpcmd("SYST",NULL,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_UMA: /* Set/query UMASK */ if ((x = cmfld("Umask to set or nothing to query","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) if (x != -3) return(x); ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,s,TMPBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); if (testing) { if (tmpbuf[0]) printf(" ftp umask \"%s\"...\n",tmpbuf); else printf(" ftp query umask...\n"); } success = ftp_umask(tmpbuf); return(success); case FTP_USR: return(doftpusr()); case FTP_QUO: if ((x = cmtxt("FTP protocol command", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); success = (ftpcmd(s,NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); case FTP_TYP: /* Type */ if ((x = cmkey(ftptyp,nftptyp,"","",xxstring)) < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); CHECKCONN(); ftp_typ = x; g_ftp_typ = x; tenex = (ftp_typ == FTT_TEN); changetype(ftp_typ,ftp_vbm); return(1); case FTP_CHK: /* Check if remote file(s) exist(s) */ if ((x = cmtxt("remote filename", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); success = remote_files(1,(CHAR *)s,0) ? 1 : 0; return(success); /* If there is a useful reply we should parse it & remember results */ case FTP_FEA: /* RFC2389 */ if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); CHECKCONN(); return(success = (ftpcmd("FEAT",NULL,0,0,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE)); case FTP_OPT: /* RFC2389 */ /* Perhaps this should be a keyword list... */ if ((x = cmfld("FTP command","",&s,xxstring)) < 0) return(x); CHECKCONN(); ckstrncpy(line,s,LINBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmtxt("Options for this command", "", &s, xxstring)) < 0) return(x); success = (ftpcmd("OPTS",line,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(success); } return(-2); } #ifndef NOSHOW static char * shopl(x) int x; { switch (x) { case FPL_CLR: return("clear"); case FPL_PRV: return("private"); case FPL_SAF: return("safe"); case 0: return("(not set)"); default: return("(unknown)"); } } int shoftp(brief) { char * s = "?"; int n; if (g_ftp_typ > -1) { /* Restore TYPE if saved */ ftp_typ = g_ftp_typ; /* g_ftp_typ = -1; */ } printf("\n"); printf("FTP connection: %s\n",connected ? ftp_host : "(none)" ); n = 2; if (connected) { n++; printf("FTP server type: %s\n", ftp_srvtyp[0] ? ftp_srvtyp : "(unknown)"); } if (loggedin) printf("Logged in as: %s\n", strval(ftp_logname,"(unknown)")); else printf("Not logged in\n"); n++; if (brief) return(0); printf("\nSET FTP values:\n\n"); n += 3; printf(" ftp auto-login: %s\n",showoff(ftp_log)); printf(" ftp auto-authentication: %s\n",showoff(ftp_aut)); switch (ftp_typ) { case FTT_ASC: s = "text"; break; case FTT_BIN: s = "binary"; break; case FTT_TEN: s = "tenex"; break; } printf(" ftp type: %s\n",s); printf(" ftp get-filetype-switching: %s\n",showoff(get_auto)); printf(" ftp dates: %s\n",showoff(ftp_dates)); printf(" ftp error-action: %s\n",ftp_err ? "quit":"proceed"); printf(" ftp filenames: %s\n", ftp_cnv == 2 ? "auto" : (ftp_cnv ? "converted" : "literal") ); printf(" ftp debug %s\n",showoff(ftp_deb)); printf(" ftp passive-mode: %s\n",showoff(ftp_psv)); printf(" ftp permissions: %s\n",showooa(ftp_prm)); printf(" ftp verbose-mode: %s\n",showoff(ftp_vbx)); printf(" ftp send-port-commands: %s\n",showoff(ftp_psv)); printf(" ftp unique-server-names: %s\n",showoff(ftp_usn)); #ifdef COMMENT /* See note in doxftp() */ if (ftp_fnc < 0) ftp_fnc = fncact; #endif /* COMMENT */ printf(" ftp collision: %s\n", fncnam[ftp_fnc > -1 ? ftp_fnc : fncact]); n += 14; #ifndef NOCSETS printf(" ftp character-set-translation: %s\n",showoff(ftp_xla)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp server-character-set: %s\n",fcsinfo[ftp_csr].keyword); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" file character-set: %s\n",fcsinfo[fcharset].keyword); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ switch (fdispla) { case XYFD_N: s = "none"; break; case XYFD_R: s = "serial"; break; case XYFD_C: s = "fullscreen"; break; case XYFD_S: s = "crt"; break; case XYFD_B: s = "brief"; break; } printf(" transfer display: %s\n",s); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } switch (ftpget) { case 0: s = "kermit"; break; case 1: s = "ftp"; break; case 2: s = "auto"; break; default: s = "?"; } printf(" get-put-remote: %s\n",s); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf("\n"); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } #ifdef FTP_SECURITY printf("Available security methods: "); #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI printf("GSSAPI "); #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 printf("Kerberos4 "); #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_SRP printf("SRP "); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_SSL printf("SSL "); #endif /* FTP_SSL */ n++; printf("\n\n"); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp authtype: %s\n",strval(auth_type,NULL)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp auto-encryption: %s\n",showoff(ftp_cry)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp credential-forwarding: %s\n",showoff(ftp_cfw)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp command-protection-level: %s\n",shopl(ftp_cpl)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp data-protection-level: %s\n",shopl(ftp_dpl)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } printf(" ftp secure proxy: %s\n",shopl(ssl_ftp_proxy)); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } #else printf("Available security methods: (none)\n"); if (++ n > cmd_rows-3) { if (!askmore()) return 0; else n = 0; } #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ if (n <= cmd_rows - 3) printf("\n"); return(0); } #endif /* NOSHOW */ #ifndef NOHELP /* FTP HELP text strings */ static char * fhs_ftp[] = { "Syntax: FTP subcommand [ operands ]", " Makes an FTP connection, or sends a command to the FTP server.", " To see a list of available FTP subcommands, type \"ftp ?\".", " and then use HELP FTP xxx to get help about subcommand xxx.", " Also see HELP SET FTP, HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE, and HELP FIREWALL.", "" }; static char * fhs_acc[] = { /* ACCOUNT */ "Syntax: FTP ACCOUNT text", " Sends an account designator to an FTP server that needs one.", " Most FTP servers do not use accounts; some use them for other", " other purposes, such as disk-access passwords.", "" }; static char * fhs_app[] = { /* APPEND */ "Syntax: FTP APPEND filname", " Equivalent to [ FTP ] PUT /APPEND. See HELP FTP PUT.", "" }; static char * fhs_cls[] = { /* BYE, CLOSE */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] BYE", " Logs out from the FTP server and closes the FTP connection.", " Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonym: [ FTP ] CLOSE.", "" }; static char * fhs_cwd[] = { /* CD, CWD */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] CD directory", " Asks the FTP server to change to the given directory.", " Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonyms: [ FTP ] CWD, RCD, RCWD.", "" }; static char * fhs_gup[] = { /* CDUP, UP */ "Syntax: FTP CDUP", " Asks the FTP server to change to the parent directory of its current", " directory. Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE. Synonym: FTP UP.", "" }; static char * fhs_chm[] = { /* CHMOD */ "Syntax: FTP CHMOD filename permissions", " Asks the FTP server to change the permissions, protection, or mode of", " the given file. The given permissions must be in the syntax of the", " the server's file system, e.g. an octal number for UNIX. Also see", " FTP PUT /PERMISSIONS", "" }; static char * fhs_mde[] = { /* DELETE */ "Syntax: FTP DELETE [ switches ] filespec", " Asks the FTP server to delete the given file or files.", " Synonym: MDELETE (Kermit makes no distinction between single and", " multiple file deletion). Optional switches:", " ", " /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT}", " /EXCEPT:pattern", " /FILENAMES:{AUTO,CONVERTED,LITERAL}", " /LARGER-THAN:number", #ifdef UNIXOROSK " /NODOTFILES", #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ " /QUIET", #ifdef RECURSIVE " /RECURSIVE (depends on server)", " /SUBDIRECTORIES", #endif /* RECURSIVE */ " /SMALLER-THAN:number", "" }; static char * fhs_dir[] = { /* DIRECTORY */ "Syntax: FTP DIRECTORY [ filespec ]", " Asks the server to send a directory listing of the files that match", " the given filespec, or if none is given, all the files in its current", " directory. The filespec, including any wildcards, must be in the", " syntax of the server's file system. Also see HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE.", " Synonym: RDIRECTORY.", "" }; static char * fhs_vdi[] = { /* VDIRECTORY */ "Syntax: FTP VDIRECTORY [ filespec ]", " Asks the server to send a directory listing of the files that match", " the given filespec, or if none is given, all the files in its current", " directory. VDIRECTORY is needed for getting verbose directory", " listings from certain FTP servers, such as on TOPS-20. Try it if", " FTP DIRECTORY lists only filenames without details.", "" }; static char * fhs_fea[] = { /* FEATURES */ "Syntax: FTP FEATURES", " Asks the FTP server to list its special features. Most FTP servers", " do not recognize this command.", "" }; static char * fhs_mge[] = { /* MGET */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] MGET [ options ] filespec [ filespec [ filespec ... ] ]", " Download a single file or multiple files. Asks the FTP server to send", " the given file or files. Also see FTP GET. Optional switches:", " ", " /AS-NAME:text", " Name under which to store incoming file.", " Pattern required for for multiple files.", " /BINARY", /* /IMAGE */ " Force binary mode. Synonym: /IMAGE.", " /COLLISION:{BACKUP,RENAME,UPDATE,DISCARD,APPEND,OVERWRITE}", " What to do if an incoming file has the same name as an existing file.", #ifdef PUTPIPE " /COMMAND", " Specifies that the as-name is a command to which the incoming file", " is to be piped as standard input.", #endif /* PUTPIPE */ " /DELETE", " Specifies that each file is to be deleted from the server after,", " and only if, it is successfully downloaded.", " /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT}", " When downloading a group of files, what to do upon failure to", " transfer a file: quit or proceed to the next one.", " /EXCEPT:pattern", " Exception list: don't download any files that match this pattern.", " See HELP WILDCARD for pattern syntax.", " /FILENAMES:{AUTOMATIC,CONVERTED,LITERAL}", " Whether to convert incoming filenames to local syntax.", #ifdef PIPESEND #ifndef NOSPL " /FILTER:command", " Pass incoming files through the given command.", #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ " /LARGER-THAN:number", " Only download files that are larger than the given number of bytes.", " /LISTFILE:filename", " Obtain the list of files to download from the given file.", #ifndef NOCSETS " /LOCAL-CHARACTER-SET:name", " When downloading in text mode and character-set conversion is", " desired, this specifies the target set.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR " /MOVE-TO:directory", " Each file that is downloaded is to be moved to the given local", " directory immediately after, and only if, it has been received", " successfully.", #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ " /NAMELIST:filename", " Instead of downloading the files, stores the list of files that", " would be downloaded in the given local file, one filename per line.", " /NOBACKUPFILES", " Don't download any files whose names end with .~~.", #ifdef UNIXOROSK " /NODOTFILES", " Don't download any files whose names begin with period (.).", #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ " /QUIET", " Suppress the file-transfer display.", #ifdef FTP_RESTART " /RECOVER", /* /RESTART */ " Resume a download that was previously interrupted from the point of", " failure. Works only in binary mode. Not supported by all servers.", " Synonym: /RESTART.", #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifdef RECURSIVE " /RECURSIVE", /* /SUBDIRECTORIES */ " Create subdirectories automatically if the server sends files", " recursively and includes pathnames (most don't).", #endif /* RECURSIVE */ " /RENAME-TO:text", " Each file that is downloaded is to be renamed as indicated just,", " after, and only if, it has arrived successfully.", #ifndef NOCSETS " /SERVER-CHARACTER-SET:name", " When downloading in text mode and character-set conversion is desired" , " this specifies the original file's character set on the server.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ " /SERVER-RENAME:text", " Each server source file is to be renamed on the server as indicated", " immediately after, but only if, it has arrived succesfully.", " /SMALLER-THAN:number", " Download only those files smaller than the given number of bytes.", " /TEXT", /* /ASCII */ " Force text mode. Synonym: /ASCII.", " /TENEX", " Force TENEX (TOPS-20) mode (see HELP SET FTP TYPE).", #ifndef NOCSETS " /TRANSPARENT", " When downloading in text mode, do not convert chracter-sets.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ " /TO-SCREEN", " The downloaded file is to be displayed on the screen.", #ifdef DOUPDATE " /UPDATE", " Equivalent to /COLLISION:UPDATE. Download only those files that are", " newer than than their local counterparts.", #endif /* DOUPDATE */ "" }; static char * fhs_hlp[] = { /* HELP */ "Syntax: FTP HELP [ command [ subcommand... ] ]", " Asks the FTP server for help about the given command. First use", " FTP HELP by itself to get a list of commands, then use HELP FTP xxx", " to get help for command \"xxx\". Synonyms: REMOTE HELP, RHELP.", "" }; static char * fhs_idl[] = { /* IDLE */ "Syntax: FTP IDLE [ number ]", " If given without a number, this asks the FTP server to tell its", " current idle-time limit. If given with a number, it asks the server", " to change its idle-time limit to the given number of seconds.", "" }; static char * fhs_usr[] = { /* USER, LOGIN */ "Syntax: FTP USER username [ password [ account ] ]", " Log in to the FTP server. To be used when connected but not yet", " logged in, e.g. when SET FTP AUTOLOGIN is OFF or autologin failed.", " If you omit the password, and one is required by the server, you are", " prompted for it. If you omit the account, no account is sent.", " Synonym: FTP LOGIN.", "" }; static char * fhs_get[] = { /* GET */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] GET [ options ] filename [ as-name ]", " Download a single file. Asks the FTP server to send the given file.", " The optional as-name is the name to store it under when it arrives;", " if omitted, the file is stored with the name it arrived with, as", " modified according to the FTP FILENAMES setting or /FILENAMES: switch", " value. Aside from the file list and as-name, syntax and options are", " the same as for FTP MGET, which is used for downloading multiple files." , "" }; static char * fhs_mkd[] = { /* MKDIR */ "Syntax: FTP MKDIR directory", " Asks the FTP server to create a directory with the given name,", " which must be in the syntax of the server's file system. Synonyms:", " REMOTE MKDIR, RMKDIR.", "" }; static char * fhs_mod[] = { /* MODTIME */ "Syntax: FTP MODTIME filename", " Asks the FTP server to send the modification time of the given file,", " to be displayed on the screen. The date-time format is all numeric:", " yyyymmddhhmmssxxx... (where xxx... is 0 or more digits indicating", " fractions of seconds).", "" }; static char * fhs_mpu[] = { /* MPUT */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] MPUT [ switches ] filespec [ filespec [ filespec ... ] ]", " Uploads files. Sends the given file or files to the FTP server.", " Also see FTP PUT. Optional switches are:", " ", " /AFTER:date-time", " Uploads only those files newer than the given date-time.", " HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. Synonym: /SINCE.", #ifdef PUTARRAY " /ARRAY:array-designator", " Tells Kermit to upload the contents of the given array, rather than", " a file.", #endif /* PUTARRAY */ " /AS-NAME:text", " Name under which to send files.", " Pattern required for for multiple files.", " /BEFORE:date-time", " Upload only those files older than the given date-time.", " /BINARY", " Force binary mode. Synonym: /IMAGE.", #ifdef PUTPIPE " /COMMAND", " Specifies that the filespec is a command whose standard output is", " to be sent.", #endif /* PUTPIPE */ " /DELETE", " Specifies that each source file is to be deleted after, and only if,", " it is successfully uploaded.", " /DOTFILES", " Include files whose names begin with period (.).", " /ERROR-ACTION:{PROCEED,QUIT}", " When uploading a group of files, what to do upon failure to", " transfer a file: quit or proceed to the next one.", " /EXCEPT:pattern", " Exception list: don't upload any files that match this pattern.", " See HELP WILDCARD for pattern syntax.", " /FILENAMES:{AUTOMATIC,CONVERTED,LITERAL}", " Whether to convert outbound filenames to common syntax.", #ifdef PIPESEND #ifndef NOSPL " /FILTER:command", " Pass outbound files through the given command.", #endif /* NOSPL */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef CKSYMLINK " /FOLLOWINKS", " Send files that are pointed to by symbolic links.", " /NOFOLLOWINKS", " Skip over symbolic links (default).", #endif /* CKSYMLINK */ " /LARGER-THAN:number", " Only upload files that are larger than the given number of bytes.", " /LISTFILE:filename", " Obtain the list of files to upload from the given file.", #ifndef NOCSETS " /LOCAL-CHARACTER-SET:name", " When uploading in text mode and character-set conversion is", " desired, this specifies the source-file character set.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ #ifdef CK_TMPDIR " /MOVE-TO:directory", " Each source file that is uploaded is to be moved to the given local", " directory when, and only if, the transfer is successful.", #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */ " /NOBACKUPFILES", " Don't upload any files whose names end with .~~.", #ifdef UNIXOROSK " /NODOTFILES", " Don't upload any files whose names begin with period (.).", #endif /* UNIXOROSK */ " /NOT-AFTER:date-time", " Upload only files that are not newer than the given date-time", " /NOT-BEFORE:date-time", " Upload only files that are not older than the given date-time", #ifdef UNIX " /PERMISSIONS", " Ask the server to set the permissions of each file it receives", " according to the source file's permissions.", #endif /* UNIX */ " /QUIET", " Suppress the file-transfer display.", #ifdef FTP_RESTART " /RECOVER", " Resume an upload that was previously interrupted from the point of", " failure. Synonym: /RESTART.", #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ #ifdef RECURSIVE " /RECURSIVE", " Send files from the given directory and all the directories beneath", " it. Synonym: /SUBDIRECTORIES.", #endif /* RECURSIVE */ " /RENAME-TO:text", " Each source file that is uploaded is to be renamed on the local", " local computer as indicated when and only if, the transfer completes", " successfully.", #ifndef NOCSETS " /SERVER-CHARACTER-SET:name", " When uploading in text mode and character-set conversion is desired,", " this specifies the character set to which the file should be", " converted for storage on the server.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ " /SERVER-RENAME:text", " Each file that is uploaded is to be renamed as indicated on the", " server after, and only if, if arrives successfully.", " /SIMULATE", " Show which files would be sent without actually sending them.", " /SMALLER-THAN:number", " Upload only those files smaller than the given number of bytes.", " /TEXT", " Force text mode. Synonym: /ASCII.", " /TENEX", " Force TENEX (TOPS-20) mode (see HELP SET FTP TYPE).", #ifndef NOCSETS " /TRANSPARENT", " When uploading in text mode, do not convert chracter-sets.", #endif /* NOCSETS */ " /TYPE:{TEXT,BINARY}", " Upload only files of the given type.", #ifdef DOUPDATE " /UPDATE", " If a file of the same name exists on the server, upload only if", " the local file is newer.", #endif /* DOUPDATE */ " /UNIQUE-SERVER-NAMES", " Ask the server to compute new names for any incoming file that has", " the same name as an existing file.", "" }; static char * fhs_opn[] = { /* OPEN */ #ifdef CK_SSL "Syntax: FTP [ OPEN ] [ { /SSL, /TLS } ] hostname [ port ] [ switches ]", " Opens a connection to the FTP server on the given host. The default", " TCP port is 21 (990 if SSL/TLS is used), but a different port number", " can be supplied if necessary. Optional switches are:", #else /* CK_SSL */ "Syntax: FTP [ OPEN ] hostname [ port ] [ switches ]", " Opens a connection to the FTP server on the given host. The default", " TCP port is 21, but a different port number can be supplied if", " necessary. Optional switches are:", #endif /* CK_SSL */ " ", " /ANONYMOUS", " Logs you in anonymously.", " /USER:text", " Supplies the given text as your username.", " /PASSWORD:text", " Supplies the given text as your password. If you include a username", " but omit this switch and the server requires a password, you are", " prompted for it.", " /ACCOUNT:text", " Supplies the given text as your account, if required by the server.", " /ACTIVE", " Forces an active (rather than passive) connection.", " /PASSIVE", " Forces a passive (rather than active) connection.", "" }; static char * fhs_opt[] = { /* OPTS, OPTIONS */ "Syntax: FTP OPTIONS", " Asks the FTP server to list its current options. Advanced, new,", " not supported by most FTP servers.", "" }; static char * fhs_put[] = { /* PUT, SEND */ "Syntax: [ FTP ] PUT [ switches ] filespec [ as-name ]", " Like FTP MPUT, but only one filespec is allowed, and if it is followed", " by an additional field, this is interpreted as the name under which", " to send the file or files. See HELP FTP MPUT.", "" }; static char * fhs_pwd[] = { /* PWD */ "Syntax: FTP PWD", " Asks the FTP server to reveal its current working directory.", " Synonyms: REMOTE PWD, RPWD.", "" }; static char * fhs_quo[] = { /* QUOTE */ "Syntax: FTP QUOTE text", " Sends an FTP protocol command to the FTP server. Use this command", " for sending commands that Kermit might not support.", "" }; static char * fhs_rge[] = { /* REGET */ "Syntax: FTP REGET", " Synonym for FTP GET /RECOVER.", "" }; static char * fhs_ren[] = { /* RENAME */ "Syntax: FTP RENAME name1 name1", " Asks the FTP server to change the name of the file whose name is name1", " and which resides in the FTP server's file system, to name2. Works", " only for single files; wildcards are not accepted.", "" }; static char * fhs_res[] = { /* RESET */ "Syntax: FTP RESET", " Asks the server to log out your session, terminating your access", " rights, without closing the connection.", "" }; static char * fhs_rmd[] = { /* RMDIR */ "Syntax: FTP RMDIR directory", " Asks the FTP server to remove the directory whose name is given.", " This usually requires the directory to be empty. Synonyms: REMOTE", " RMDIR, RRMDIR.", "" }; static char * fhs_sit[] = { /* SITE */ "Syntax: FTP SITE text", " Sends a site-specific command to the FTP server.", "" }; static char * fhs_siz[] = { /* SIZE */ "Syntax: FTP SIZE filename", " Asks the FTP server to send a numeric string representing the size", " of the given file.", "" }; static char * fhs_sta[] = { /* STATUS */ "Syntax: FTP STATUS [ filename ]", " Asks the FTP server to report its status. If a filename is given,", " the FTP server should report details about the file.", "" }; static char * fhs_sys[] = { /* SYSTEM */ "Syntax: FTP SYSTEM", " Asks the FTP server to report its operating system type.", "" }; static char * fhs_typ[] = { /* TYPE */ "Syntax: FTP TYPE { TEXT, BINARY, TENEX }", " Puts the client and server in the indicated transfer mode.", " ASCII is a synonym for TEXT. TENEX is used only for uploading 8-bit", " binary files to a 36-bit platforms such as TENEX or TOPS-20 and/or", " downloading files from TENEX or TOPS-20 that have been uploaded in", " TENEX mode.", "" }; static char * fhs_uma[] = { /* UMASK */ "Syntax: FTP UMASK number", " Asks the FTP server to set its file creation mode mask. Applies", " only (or mainly) to UNIX-based FTP servers.", "" }; static char * fhs_chk[] = { /* CHECK */ "Syntax: FTP CHECK remote-filespec", " Asks the FTP server if the given file or files exist. If the", " remote-filespec contains wildcards, this command fails if no server", " files match, and succeeds if at least one file matches. If the", " remote-filespec does not contain wildcards, this command succeeds if", " the given file exists and fails if it does not.", "" }; #endif /* NOHELP */ int doftphlp() { int cx; if ((cx = cmkey(ftpcmdtab,nftpcmd,"","",xxstring)) < 0) if (cx != -3) return(cx); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); #ifdef NOHELP printf("Sorry, no help available\n"); #else switch (cx) { case -3: return(hmsga(fhs_ftp)); case FTP_ACC: /* ACCOUNT */ return(hmsga(fhs_acc)); case FTP_APP: /* APPEND */ return(hmsga(fhs_app)); case FTP_CLS: /* BYE, CLOSE */ return(hmsga(fhs_cls)); case FTP_CWD: /* CD, CWD */ return(hmsga(fhs_cwd)); case FTP_GUP: /* CDUP, UP */ return(hmsga(fhs_gup)); case FTP_CHM: /* CHMOD */ return(hmsga(fhs_chm)); case FTP_MDE: /* DELETE, MDELETE */ return(hmsga(fhs_mde)); case FTP_DIR: /* DIRECTORY */ return(hmsga(fhs_dir)); case FTP_VDI: /* VDIRECTORY */ return(hmsga(fhs_vdi)); case FTP_FEA: /* FEATURES */ return(hmsga(fhs_fea)); case FTP_GET: /* GET */ return(hmsga(fhs_get)); case FTP_HLP: /* HELP */ return(hmsga(fhs_hlp)); case FTP_IDL: /* IDLE */ return(hmsga(fhs_idl)); case FTP_USR: /* USER, LOGIN */ return(hmsga(fhs_usr)); case FTP_MGE: /* MGET */ return(hmsga(fhs_mge)); case FTP_MKD: /* MKDIR */ return(hmsga(fhs_mkd)); case FTP_MOD: /* MODTIME */ return(hmsga(fhs_mod)); case FTP_MPU: /* MPUT */ return(hmsga(fhs_mpu)); case FTP_OPN: /* OPEN */ return(hmsga(fhs_opn)); case FTP_OPT: /* OPTS, OPTIONS */ return(hmsga(fhs_opt)); case FTP_PUT: /* PUT, SEND */ return(hmsga(fhs_put)); case FTP_PWD: /* PWD */ return(hmsga(fhs_pwd)); case FTP_QUO: /* QUOTE */ return(hmsga(fhs_quo)); case FTP_RGE: /* REGET */ return(hmsga(fhs_rge)); case FTP_REN: /* RENAME */ return(hmsga(fhs_ren)); case FTP_RES: /* RESET */ return(hmsga(fhs_res)); case FTP_RMD: /* RMDIR */ return(hmsga(fhs_rmd)); case FTP_SIT: /* SITE */ return(hmsga(fhs_sit)); case FTP_SIZ: /* SIZE */ return(hmsga(fhs_siz)); case FTP_STA: /* STATUS */ return(hmsga(fhs_sta)); case FTP_SYS: /* SYSTEM */ return(hmsga(fhs_sys)); case FTP_TYP: /* TYPE */ return(hmsga(fhs_typ)); case FTP_UMA: /* UMASK */ return(hmsga(fhs_uma)); case FTP_CHK: /* CHECK */ return(hmsga(fhs_chk)); default: printf("Sorry, FTP command help not available yet\n"); break; } #endif /* NOHELP */ return(0); } int dosetftphlp() { int cx; if ((cx = cmkey(ftpset,nftpset,"","",xxstring)) < 0) if (cx != -3) return(cx); if (cx != -3) ckstrncpy(tmpbuf,atmbuf,TMPBUFSIZ); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); #ifdef NOHELP printf("Sorry, no help available\n"); #else switch (cx) { case -3: printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP parameter value\n"); printf(" Type \"help set ftp ?\" for a list of parameters.\n"); printf(" Type \"help set ftp xxx\" for information about setting\n"); printf(" parameter xxx. Type \"show ftp\" for current values.\n\n"); return(0); #ifdef FTP_SECURITY case FTS_ATP: /* "authtype" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP AUTHTYPE list\n"); printf(" Specifies an ordered list of authentication methods to be\n" ); printf(" when FTP AUTOAUTHENTICATION is ON. The default list is:\n"); printf(" GSSAPI-KRB5, SRP, KERBEROS_V4, TLS, SSL.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_AUT: /* "autoauthentication" */ printf("\nSyntax:SET FTP AUTOAUTHENTICATION { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells whether authentication should be negotiated by the\n"); printf(" FTP OPEN command. Default is ON.\n\n"); break; case FTS_CRY: /* "autoencryption" */ printf("\nSET FTP AUTOENCRYPTION { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells whether encryption (privacy) should be negotiated\n"); printf(" by the FTP OPEN command. Default is ON.\n\n"); break; #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ case FTS_LOG: /* "autologin" */ printf("\nSET FTP AUTOLOGIN { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells Kermit whether to try to log you in automatically\n"); printf(" as part of the connection process.\n\n"); break; #ifndef NOCSETS case FTS_XLA: /* "character-set-translation" */ printf("\nSET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to translate character sets when transferring\n"); printf(" text files with FTP. OFF by default.\n\n"); break; #endif /* NOCSETS */ case FTS_FNC: /* "collision" */ printf("\n"); printf( "Syntax: SET FTP COLLISION { BACKUP,RENAME,UPDATE,DISCARD,APPEND,OVERWRITE }\n" ); printf(" Tells what do when an incoming file has the same name as\n"); printf(" an existing file when downloading with FTP.\n\n"); break; #ifdef FTP_SECURITY case FTS_CPL: /* "command-protection-level" */ printf("\n"); printf( "Syntax: SET FTP COMMAND-PROTECTION-LEVEL { CLEAR,CONFIDENTIAL,PRIVATE,SAFE }" ); printf("\n"); printf( " Tells what level of protection is applied to the FTP command channel.\n\n"); break; case FTS_CFW: /* "credential-forwarding" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP CREDENTIAL-FORWARDING { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells whether end-user credentials are to be forwarded\n"); printf(" to the server if supported by the authentication method\n"); printf(" (GSSAPI-KRB5 only).\n\n"); break; case FTS_DPL: /* "data-protection-level" */ printf("\n"); printf( "Syntax: SET FTP DATA-PROTECTION-LEVEL { CLEAR,CONFIDENTIAL,PRIVATE,SAFE }" ); printf("\n"); printf( " Tells what level of protection is applied to the FTP data channel.\n\n"); break; #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ case FTS_DBG: /* "debug" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP DEBUG { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to print FTP protocol messages.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_ERR: /* "error-action" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP ERROR-ACTION { QUIT, PROCEED }\n"); printf(" What to do when an error occurs when transferring a group\n") ; printf(" of files: quit and fail, or proceed to the next file.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_CNV: /* "filenames" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP FILENAMES { AUTO, CONVERTED, LITERAL }\n"); printf(" What to do with filenames: convert them, take and use them\n" ); printf(" literally; or choose what to do automatically based on the\n" ); printf(" OS type of the server. The default is AUTO.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_PSV: /* "passive-mode" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP PASSIVE-MODE { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to use passive mode, which helps to get through\n"); printf(" firewalls. ON by default.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_PRM: /* "permissions" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP PERMISSIONS { AUTO, ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to try to send file permissions when uploading.\n"); printf(" OFF by default. AUTO means only if client and server\n"); printf(" have the same OS type.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_TST: /* "progress-messages" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP PROGRESS-MESSAGES { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether Kermit should print locally-generated feedback\n"); printf(" messages for each non-file-transfer command."); printf(" ON by default.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_SPC: /* "send-port-commands" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP SEND-PORT-COMMANDS { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether Kermit should send a new PORT command for each"); printf(" task.\n\n"); return(0); #ifndef NOCSETS case FTS_CSR: /* "server-character-set" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP SERVER-CHARACTER-SET name\n"); printf(" The name of the character set used for text files on the\n"); printf(" server. Enter a name of '?' for a menu.\n\n"); return(0); #endif /* NOCSETS */ case FTS_TYP: /* "type" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP TYPE { TEXT, BINARY, TENEX }\n"); printf(" Establishes the default transfer mode.\n"); printf(" TENEX is used for uploading 8-bit binary files to 36-bit\n"); printf(" platforms such as TENEX and TOPS-20 and for downloading\n"); printf(" them again.\n"); return(0); #ifdef PATTERNS case FTS_GFT: printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP GET-FILETYPE-SWITCHING { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells whether GET and MGET should automatically switch\n"); printf(" the appropriate file type, TEXT, BINARY, or TENEX, by\n"); printf(" matching the name of each incoming file with its list of\n"); printf(" FILE TEXT-PATTERNS and FILE BINARY-PATTERNS. ON by\n"); printf(" default. SHOW PATTERNS displays the current pattern\n"); printf(" list. HELP SET FILE to see how to change it.\n"); break; #endif /* PATTERNS */ case FTS_USN: /* "unique-server-names" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP UNIQUE-SERVER-NAMES { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Tells whether to ask the server to create unique names\n"); printf(" for any uploaded file that has the same name as an\n"); printf(" existing file. Default is OFF.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_VBM: /* "verbose-mode" */ printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP VERBOSE-MODE { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to display all responses from the FTP server.\n"); printf(" OFF by default.\n\n"); return(0); case FTS_DAT: printf("\nSyntax: SET FTP DATES { ON, OFF }\n"); printf(" Whether to set date of incoming files from the file date\n"); printf(" on the server. OFF by default. Note: there is no way to\n") ; printf(" set the date on files uploaded to the server.\n\n"); return(0); default: printf("Sorry, help not available for \"set ftp %s\"\n",tmpbuf); } #endif /* NOHELP */ return(0); } #ifndef L_SET #define L_SET 0 #endif /* L_SET */ #ifndef L_INCR #define L_INCR 1 #endif /* L_INCR */ #ifdef FTP_SRP char srp_user[BUFSIZ]; /* where is BUFSIZ defined? */ char *srp_pass; char *srp_acct; #endif /* FTP_SRP */ static int kerror; /* Needed for all auth types */ static struct sockaddr_in hisctladdr; static struct sockaddr_in hisdataaddr; static struct sockaddr_in data_addr; static int data = -1; static int ptflag = 0; static struct sockaddr_in myctladdr; #ifdef COMMENT #ifndef OS2 UID_T getuid(); #endif /* OS2 */ #endif /* COMMENT */ #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64 #endif /* MAXHOSTNAMELEN */ #define herror() printf("Unknown host\n") static int cpend = 0; /* No pending replies */ #ifdef CK_SSL extern SSL *ssl_ftp_con; extern SSL_CTX *ssl_ftp_ctx; extern SSL *ssl_ftp_data_con; extern int ssl_ftp_active_flag; extern int ssl_ftp_data_active_flag; #endif /* CK_SSL */ /* f t p c m d -- Send a command to the FTP server */ /* Call with: char * cmd: The command to send. char * arg: The argument (e.g. a filename). int lcs: The local character set index. int rcs: The remote (server) character set index. int vbm: Verbose mode: 0 = force verbosity off >0 = force verbosity on If arg is given (not NULL or empty) and lcs != rcs and both are > -1, and neither lcs or rcs is UCS-2, the arg is translated from the local character set to the remote one before sending the result to the server. Returns: 0 on failure with ftpcode = -1 >= 0 on success (getreply() result) with ftpcode = 0. */ static char xcmdbuf[RFNBUFSIZ]; static int ftpcmd(cmd,arg,lcs,rcs,vbm) char * cmd, * arg; int lcs, rcs, vbm; { char * s; int r, x, len = 0, cmdlen = 0; sig_t oldintr; if (ftp_deb) /* DEBUG */ vbm = 1; else if (quiet || dpyactive) /* QUIET or File Transfer Active */ vbm = 0; else if (vbm < 0) /* VERBOSE */ vbm = ftp_vbm; cancelfile = 0; if (!cmd) cmd = ""; if (!arg) arg = ""; cmdlen = (int)strlen(cmd); len = cmdlen + (int)strlen(arg) + 1; if (ftp_deb /* && !dpyactive */ ) { #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (ftp_prx) printf("%s ", ftp_host); #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ printf("---> "); if (!anonymous && strcmp("PASS",cmd) == 0) printf("PASS XXXX"); else printf("%s %s",cmd,arg); printf("\n"); } /* bzero(xcmdbuf,RFNBUFSIZ); */ ckmakmsg(xcmdbuf,RFNBUFSIZ, cmd, *arg ? " " : "", arg, NULL); #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { if (!anonymous && strcmp("PASS", cmd) == 0) { debug(F111,"ftpcmd buf1","PASS XXXX",csocket); } else { debug(F111,"ftpcmd buf1",xcmdbuf,csocket); } debug(F101,"ftpcmd lcs","",lcs); debug(F101,"ftpcmd rcs","",rcs); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (csocket == -1) { perror("No control connection for command"); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } oldintr = signal(SIGINT, cmdcancel); #ifndef NOCSETS if (*arg && /* If an arg was given */ lcs > -1 && /* and a local charset */ rcs > -1 && /* and a remote charset */ lcs != rcs && /* and the two are not the same */ lcs != FC_UCS2 && /* and neither one is UCS-2 */ rcs != FC_UCS2 /* ... */ ) { initxlate(lcs,rcs); /* Translate arg from lcs to rcs */ xgnbp = arg; /* Global pointer to input string */ rfnptr = rfnbuf; /* Global pointer to output buffer */ while (1) { c0 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,lcs,strgetc); /* Get byte from name string */ if (c0 < 0) break; c1 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,lcs,strgetc); /* Second byte from string */ if (c1 < 0) break; if ((x = xpnbyte(c0,TC_UCS2,rcs,strputc)) < 0) break; if ((x = xpnbyte(c1,TC_UCS2,rcs,strputc)) < 0) break; } /* We have to copy here instead of translating directly into xcmdbuf[] so strputc() can check length. Alternatively we could write yet another xpnbyte() output function. */ if ((int)strlen(rfnbuf) > (RFNBUFSIZ - (cmdlen+1))) { printf("?FTP command too long: %s + arg\n",cmd,arg); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } x = ckstrncpy(&xcmdbuf[cmdlen+1], rfnbuf, RFNBUFSIZ - (cmdlen+1)); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ s = xcmdbuf; /* Command to send to server */ debug(F110,"ftpcmd buf2",s,0); #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION again: #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ if (scommand(s) == 0) /* Send it. */ return(0); cpend = 1; r = getreply(!strcmp(cmd, "QUIT"),lcs,rcs,vbm, !(strncmp(cmd, "AUTH ", 5) #ifdef FTPHOST && strncmp(cmd, "HOST ",5) #endif /* FTPHOST */ )); #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION if (ftpcode == 533 && ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV) { fprintf(stderr, "ENC command not supported at server; retrying under MIC...\n"); ftp_cpl = FPL_SAF; goto again; } #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ #ifdef COMMENT if (cancelfile && oldintr != SIG_IGN) (*oldintr)(SIGINT); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); #endif /* COMMENT */ return(r); } static VOID lostpeer() { debug(F100,"lostpeer","",0); if (connected) { if (csocket != -1) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_con); ssl_ftp_proxy = 0; ssl_ftp_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(csocket, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ csocket = -1; } if (data != -1) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = -1; } connected = 0; anonymous = 0; loggedin = 0; auth_type = NULL; ftp_cpl = ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; #ifdef CKLOGDIAL ftplogend(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ } #ifdef FTP_PROXY pswitch(1); if (connected) { if (csocket != -1) { #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(csocket, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ csocket = -1; } connected = 0; anonymous = 0; loggedin = 0; auth_type = NULL; ftp_cpl = ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; } proxflag = 0; pswitch(0); #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ } int ftpisopen() { return(connected); } static int ftpclose() { if (!connected) return(0); if (!ftp_vbm && !quiet) printlines = 1; ftpcmd("QUIT",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (csocket) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_con); ssl_ftp_proxy = 0; ssl_ftp_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(csocket, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ } csocket = -1; connected = 0; anonymous = 0; loggedin = 0; data = -1; globaldin = -1; #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (!proxy) macnum = 0; #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ auth_type = NULL; ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; #ifdef CKLOGDIAL ftplogend(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ return(0); } int ftpopen(remote, service, use_tls) char * remote, * service; int use_tls; { char * host; if (connected) { printf("?Already connected to %s, use FTP CLOSE first.\n", ftp_host); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } #ifdef FTPHOST hostcmd = 0; #endif /* FTPHOST */ alike = 0; ftp_srvtyp[0] = NUL; if (!service) service = ""; if (!*service) service = use_tls ? "ftps" : "ftp"; if (!isdigit(service[0])) { struct servent *destsp; destsp = getservbyname(service, "tcp"); if (!destsp) { if (!ckstrcmp(service,"ftp",-1,0)) { ftp_port = 21; } else if (!ckstrcmp(service,"ftps",-1,0)) { ftp_port = 990; } else { printf("?Bad port name - \"%s\"\n", service); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } } else { ftp_port = destsp->s_port; ftp_port = ntohs(ftp_port); } } else ftp_port = atoi(service); if (ftp_port <= 0) { printf("?Bad port name - \"%s\"\n", service); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } host = ftp_hookup(remote, ftp_port, use_tls); if (host) { connected = 1; /* Set FTP defaults */ ftp_cpl = ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; curtype = FTT_ASC; /* Server uses ASCII mode */ form = FORM_N; mode = MODE_S; stru = STRU_F; strcpy(bytename, "8"); bytesize = 8; if (ftp_aut) { #ifdef FTP_SECURITY if (ftp_auth()) { if (ftp_cry) { if (!quiet) printf("FTP Command channel is Private (encrypted)\n"); ftp_cpl = FPL_PRV; if (setpbsz(DEFAULT_PBSZ) < 0) { /* a failure here is most likely caused by a mixup */ /* in the session key used by client and server */ return(0); } if (ftpcmd("PROT P",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE) { if (!quiet) printf("FTP Data channel is Private (encrypted)\n"); ftp_dpl = FPL_PRV; } else printf("?Unable to enable encryption on data channel\n"); } else { ftp_cpl = FPL_SAF; } } #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ } if (ftp_log) ftp_login(remote); #ifdef CKLOGDIAL dologftp(); #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */ passivemode = ftp_psv; sendport = ftp_spc; if (ucbuf == NULL) { actualbuf = DEFAULT_PBSZ; while (actualbuf && (ucbuf = (CHAR *)malloc(actualbuf)) == NULL) actualbuf >>= 2; } if (!maxbuf) ucbufsiz = actualbuf - FUDGE_FACTOR; return(1); } printf("?Can't FTP connect to %s:%s\n",remote,service); ftpcode = -1; return(0); } #ifdef CK_SSL int ssl_auth() { int i; char* p; if (ssl_debug_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"SSL DEBUG ACTIVE\n"); fflush(stderr); /* for the moment I want the output on screen */ } if (ssl_ftp_data_con != NULL) { SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } if (ssl_ftp_con != NULL) { SSL_free(ssl_ftp_con); ssl_ftp_con=NULL; } if (ssl_ftp_ctx != NULL) { SSL_CTX_free(ssl_ftp_ctx); ssl_ftp_ctx = NULL; } #ifdef COMMENT if (auth_type && !strcmp(auth_type,"TLS")) { ssl_ftp_ctx=SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method()); if (!ssl_ftp_ctx) return(0); SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ftp_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE|SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA ); } else { ssl_ftp_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method()); if (!ssl_ftp_ctx) return(0); SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ftp_ctx,SSL_OP_ALL); } #else /* COMMENT */ ssl_ftp_ctx=SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method()); if (!ssl_ftp_ctx) return(0); SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ftp_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE|SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA ); #endif /* COMMENT */ SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(ssl_ftp_ctx, (pem_password_cb *)ssl_passwd_callback); SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ssl_ftp_ctx,ssl_client_info_callback); SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ssl_ftp_ctx,SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT); SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ssl_ftp_ctx); SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ssl_ftp_ctx,ssl_verify_file,ssl_verify_dir); /* set up the new CRL Store */ crl_store = (X509_STORE *)X509_STORE_new(); if (crl_store) { if (ssl_crl_file || ssl_crl_dir) { X509_STORE_load_locations(crl_store,ssl_crl_file,ssl_crl_dir); } else { X509_STORE_set_default_paths(crl_store); } } SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ftp_ctx,ssl_verify_flag, ssl_client_verify_callback); ssl_verify_depth = -1; ssl_ftp_con=(SSL *)SSL_new(ssl_ftp_ctx); tls_load_certs(ssl_ftp_ctx,ssl_ftp_con,0); SSL_set_fd(ssl_ftp_con,csocket); SSL_set_verify(ssl_ftp_con,ssl_verify_flag,NULL); if (ssl_cipher_list) { SSL_set_cipher_list(ssl_ftp_con,ssl_cipher_list); } else { char * p; if (p = getenv("SSL_CIPHER")) { SSL_set_cipher_list(ssl_ftp_con,p); } else { SSL_set_cipher_list(ssl_ftp_con, "HIGH:MEDIUM:LOW:ADH+3DES:ADH+RC4:ADH+DES:+EXP" ); } } if (ssl_debug_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"=>START SSL/TLS connect on COMMAND\n"); fflush(stderr); } if (SSL_connect(ssl_ftp_con) <= 0) { static char errbuf[1024]; ckmakmsg(errbuf,1024,"ftp: SSL/TLS connect COMMAND error: ", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL),NULL,NULL); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", errbuf); fflush(stderr); ssl_ftp_active_flag=0; SSL_free(ssl_ftp_con); ssl_ftp_con = NULL; } else { ssl_ftp_active_flag = 1; if (!ssl_certsok_flag && !tls_is_krb5(1)) { char *subject = ssl_get_subject_name(ssl_ftp_con); if (!subject) { if (ssl_verify_flag & SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT) { debug(F110,"ssl_auth","[SSL - FAILED]",0); auth_finished(AUTH_REJECT); return(ssl_ftp_active_flag = 0); } else { char * prmpt = "Warning: Server didn't provide a certificate, continue? (Y/N) "; if (!getyesno(prmpt,0)) { debug(F110, "ssl_auth","[SSL - FAILED]",0); return(ssl_ftp_active_flag = 0); } } } else if (ssl_check_server_name(ssl_ftp_con, ftp_host)) { debug(F110,"ssl_auth","[SSL - FAILED]",0); return(ssl_ftp_active_flag = 0); } } debug(F110,"ssl_auth","[SSL - OK]",0); ssl_display_connect_details(ssl_ftp_con,0,ssl_verbose_flag); } if (ssl_debug_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"=>DONE SSL/TLS connect on COMMAND\n"); fflush(stderr); } return(ssl_ftp_active_flag); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ static sigtype cmdcancel(sig) int sig; { printf("^C...\n"); fflush(stdout); cancelfile++; #ifndef OS2 if (ptflag) /* proxy... */ longjmp(ptcancel,1); #endif /* OS2 */ } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC scommand(char * s) /* Was secure_command() */ #else scommand(s) char * s; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { int length = 0, len2; char in[FTP_BUFSIZ], out[FTP_BUFSIZ]; #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { int error, rc; length = strlen(s) + 2; length = ckmakmsg(out,sizeof(out),s,"\r\n",NULL,NULL); rc = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_con,out,length); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_con,rc); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: return(1); case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: #ifdef NT { int gle = GetLastError(); } #endif /* NT */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: lostpeer(); } return(0); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ if (auth_type && ftp_cpl != FPL_CLR) { #ifdef FTP_SRP if (ck_srp_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type,"SRP") == 0)) if ((length = srp_encode(ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV, (CHAR *)s, (CHAR *)out, strlen(s))) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SRP failed to encode message\n"); return(0); } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 if (ck_krb4_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type, "KERBEROS_V4") == 0)) { if (ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV) { length = krb_mk_priv((CHAR *)s, (CHAR *)out, strlen(s), ftp_sched, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &myctladdr, &hisctladdr); } else { length = krb_mk_safe((CHAR *)s, (CHAR *)out, strlen(s), #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &myctladdr, &hisctladdr); } if (length == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "krb_mk_%s failed for KERBEROS_V4\n", ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV ? "priv" : "safe"); return(0); } } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI /* Scommand (based on level) */ if (ck_gssapi_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type, "GSSAPI") == 0)) { gss_buffer_desc in_buf, out_buf; OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; int conf_state; in_buf.value = s; in_buf.length = strlen(s) + 1; maj_stat = gss_seal(&min_stat, gcontext, (ftp_cpl==FPL_PRV), /* private */ GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT, &in_buf, &conf_state, &out_buf); if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE) { /* Generally need to deal */ user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, (ftp_cpl==FPL_PRV)? "gss_seal ENC didn't complete": "gss_seal MIC didn't complete"); } else if ((ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV) && !conf_state) { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI didn't encrypt message"); } else { if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "sealed (%s) %d bytes\n", ftp_cpl==FPL_PRV?"ENC":"MIC", out_buf.length); memcpy(out, out_buf.value, length=out_buf.length); gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, &out_buf); } } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ /* Other auth types go here ... */ len2 = FTP_BUFSIZ; if ((kerror = radix_encode((CHAR *)out, (CHAR *)in, length, &len2, RADIX_ENCODE)) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't base 64 encode command (%s)\n", radix_error(kerror)); return(0); } if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "scommand(%s)\nencoding %d bytes\n", s, length); len2 = ckmakmsg(out,sizeof(out),ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV ? "ENC " : "MIC ", in, "\r\n", NULL); send(csocket,(SENDARG2TYPE)out,len2,0); } else { char out[FTP_BUFSIZ]; int len = ckmakmsg(out,sizeof(out),s,"\r\n",NULL,NULL); send(csocket,(SENDARG2TYPE)out,len,0); } return(1); } static int mygetc() { static char inbuf[4096]; static int bp = 0, ep = 0; int rc; if (bp == ep) { bp = ep = 0; #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { int error; rc = SSL_read(ssl_ftp_con,inbuf,4096); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_con,rc); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: return(0); case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if (rc == 0) { /* EOF */ break; } else { #ifdef NT int gle = GetLastError(); #endif /* NT */ break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: break; } } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ rc = recv(csocket,(char *)inbuf,4096,0); if (rc <= 0) return(EOF); ep = rc; } return(inbuf[bp++]); } /* x l a t e c -- Translate a character */ /* Call with: fc = Function code: 0 = translate, 1 = initialize. c = Character (as int). incs = Index of charsets to translate from. outcs = Index of charsets to translate to. Returns: 0: OK -1: Error */ static int xlatec(fc,c,incs,outcs) int fc, c, incs, outcs; { #ifdef NOCSETS return(c); #else static char buf[128]; static int cx; int c0; if (fc == 1) { /* Initialize */ cx = 0; /* Catch-up buffer write index */ xgnbp = buf; /* Catch-up buffer read pointer */ buf[0] = NUL; /* Buffer is empty */ return(0); } if (cx >= 127) { /* Catch-up buffer full */ debug(F100,"xlatec overflow","",0); /* (shouldn't happen) */ printf("?Translation buffer overflow\n"); return(-1); } /* Add char to buffer. */ /* The buffer won't grow unless incs is a multibyte set, e.g. UTF-8. */ debug(F000,"xlatec buf",ckitoa(cx),c); buf[cx++] = c; buf[cx] = NUL; while ((c0 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,incs,strgetc)) > -1) { if (xpnbyte(c0,TC_UCS2,outcs,xprintc) < 0) return(-1); } /* If we're caught up, reinitialize the buffer */ return((cx == (xgnbp - buf)) ? xlatec(1,0,0,0) : 0); #endif /* NOCSETS */ } /* g e t r e p l y -- (to an FTP command sent to server) */ static int getreply(expecteof,lcs,rcs,vbm,auth) int expecteof, lcs, rcs, vbm, auth; { /* lcs, rcs, vbm parameters as in ftpcmd() */ register int i, c, n; register int dig; register char *cp; int xlate = 0; int originalcode = 0, continuation = 0; sig_t oldintr; int pflag = 0; char *pt = pasv; char ibuf[FTP_BUFSIZ], obuf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; /* (these are pretty big...) */ int safe = 0; #ifndef NOCSETS debug(F101,"ftp getreply lcs","",lcs); debug(F101,"ftp getreply rcs","",rcs); if (lcs > -1 && rcs > -1 && lcs != rcs) { xlate = 1; initxlate(rcs,lcs); xlatec(1,0,rcs,lcs); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (ftp_deb) /* DEBUG */ vbm = 1; else if (quiet || dpyactive) /* QUIET or File Transfer Active */ vbm = 0; else if (vbm < 0) /* VERBOSE */ vbm = ftp_vbm; ibuf[0] = '\0'; if (reply_parse) reply_ptr = reply_buf; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, cmdcancel); for (;;) { obuf[0] = '\0'; dig = n = ftpcode = i = 0; cp = ftp_reply_str; while ((c = ibuf[0] ? ibuf[i++] : mygetc()) != '\n') { if (c == IAC) { /* Handle telnet commands */ switch (c = mygetc()) { case WILL: case WONT: c = mygetc(); obuf[0] = IAC; obuf[1] = DONT; obuf[2] = c; obuf[3] = NUL; #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { int error, rc; rc = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_con,obuf,3); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_con,rc); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: return(0); case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if (rc == 0) { /* EOF */ break; } else { #ifdef NT int gle = GetLastError(); #endif /* NT */ break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: break; } } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ send(csocket,(SENDARG2TYPE)obuf,3,0); break; case DO: case DONT: c = mygetc(); obuf[0] = IAC; obuf[1] = WONT; obuf[2] = c; obuf[3] = NUL; #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { int error, rc; rc = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_con,obuf,3); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_con,rc); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: return(0); case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: if (rc == 0) { /* EOF */ break; } else { #ifdef NT int gle = GetLastError(); #endif /* NT */ break; } case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: break; } } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ send(csocket,(SENDARG2TYPE)obuf,3,0); break; default: break; } continue; } dig++; if (c == EOF) { if (expecteof) { signal(SIGINT,oldintr); ftpcode = 221; debug(F101,"ftp getreply EOF","",ftpcode); return(0); } lostpeer(); if (vbm) { printf( "421 Service not available, connection closed by server\n"); fflush(stdout); } ftpcode = 421; debug(F101,"ftp getreply EOF","",ftpcode); return(4); } if (n == 0) n = c; if (auth_type && #ifdef CK_SSL !ssl_ftp_active_flag && #endif /* CK_SSL */ !ibuf[0] && (n == '6' || continuation)) { if (c != '\r' && dig > 4) obuf[i++] = c; } else { if (auth_type && #ifdef CK_SSL !ssl_ftp_active_flag && #endif /* CK_SSL */ !ibuf[0] && dig == 1 && vbm) printf("Unauthenticated reply received from server:\n"); if (reply_parse) { *reply_ptr++ = c; *reply_ptr = NUL; } if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb) && /* Don't mess up xfer display */ ftp_cmdlin < 2) { if ((c != '\r') && (ftp_deb || ((vbm || (!auth && n == '5')) && (dig > 4 || ( dig <= 4 && !isdigit(c) && ftpcode == 0 ))))) { #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (ftp_prx && (dig == 1 || (dig == 5 && vbm == 0))) printf("%s:",ftp_host); #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ if (!quiet) { #ifdef NOCSETS printf("%c",c); #else if (xlate) { xlatec(0,c,rcs,lcs); } else { printf("%c",c); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ } } } } if (auth_type && #ifdef CK_SSL !ssl_ftp_active_flag && #endif /* CK_SSL */ !ibuf[0] && n != '6') continue; if (dig < 4 && isdigit(c)) ftpcode = ftpcode * 10 + (c - '0'); if (!pflag && ftpcode == 227) pflag = 1; if (dig > 4 && pflag == 1 && isdigit(c)) pflag = 2; if (pflag == 2) { if (c != '\r' && c != ')') *pt++ = c; else { *pt = '\0'; pflag = 3; } } if (dig == 4 && c == '-' && n != '6') { if (continuation) ftpcode = 0; continuation++; } if (cp < &ftp_reply_str[sizeof(ftp_reply_str) - 1]) { *cp++ = c; *cp = NUL; } } if (deblog || #ifdef COMMENT /* Sometimes we need to print the server reply. printlines is nonzero for any command where the results are sent back on the control connection rather than the data connection, e.g. STAT. In the TOPS-20 case, each file line has ftpcode 213. But if you do this with a UNIX server, it sends "213-Start STAT", , "213-End" or somesuch. So when printlines is nonzero, we want the 213 lines from TOPS-20 and we DON'T want the 213 lines from UNIX. Further experimentation needed with other servers. Of course RFC959 is mute as to the format of the server reply. 'printlines' is also true for PWD and BYE. */ (printlines && ((ftpcode == 0) || (servertype == SYS_TOPS20))) #else /* No, we can't be that clever -- it breaks other things like RPWD... */ (printlines && (ftpcode != 631 && ftpcode != 632 && ftpcode != 633)) #endif /* COMMENT */ ) { char * q = cp; char *r = ftp_reply_str; *q-- = NUL; /* NUL-terminate */ while (*q < '!' && q > r) /* Strip CR, etc */ *q-- = NUL; if (!ftp_deb && printlines) { /* If printing */ if (ftpcode != 0) /* strip ftpcode if any */ r += 4; #ifdef NOCSETS printf("%s\n",r); /* and print */ #else if (!xlate) { printf("%s\n",r); } else { xgnbp = r; while ((c0 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,rcs,strgetc)) > -1) { if (xpnbyte(c0,TC_UCS2,lcs,xprintc) < 0) { return(-1); } } printf("\n"); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ } debug(F111,"ftp reply",ftp_reply_str,ftpcode); } if (auth_type && #ifdef CK_SSL !ssl_ftp_active_flag && #endif /* CK_SSL */ !ibuf[0] && n != '6') return(getreply(expecteof,lcs,rcs,vbm,auth)); ibuf[0] = obuf[i] = '\0'; if (ftpcode && n == '6') if (ftpcode != 631 && ftpcode != 632 && ftpcode != 633) { printf("Unknown reply: %d %s\n", ftpcode, obuf); n = '5'; } else safe = (ftpcode == 631); if (obuf[0] /* if there is a string to decode */ #ifdef CK_SSL && !ssl_ftp_active_flag /* and not SSL/TLS */ #endif /* CK_SSL */ ) { if (!auth_type) { printf("Cannot decode reply:\n%d %s\n", ftpcode, obuf); n = '5'; } #ifndef CK_ENCRYPTION else if (ftpcode == 632) { printf("Cannot decrypt %d reply: %s\n", ftpcode, obuf); n = '5'; } #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ #ifdef NOCONFIDENTIAL else if (ftpcode == 633) { printf("Cannot decrypt %d reply: %s\n", ftpcode, obuf); n = '5'; } #endif /* NOCONFIDENTIAL */ else { int len = FTP_BUFSIZ; if ((kerror = radix_encode((CHAR *)obuf, (CHAR *)ibuf, 0, &len, RADIX_DECODE)) ) { printf("Can't decode base 64 reply %d (%s)\n\"%s\"\n", ftpcode, radix_error(kerror), obuf); n = '5'; } #ifdef FTP_SRP else if (strcmp(auth_type, "SRP") == 0) { int outlen; outlen = srp_decode(!safe, (CHAR *)ibuf, (CHAR *) ibuf, len); if (outlen < 0) { printf("Warning: %d reply %s!\n", ftpcode, safe ? "modified" : "garbled"); n = '5'; } else { ckstrncpy(&ibuf[outlen], "\r\n",FTP_BUFSIZ-outlen); if (ftp_deb) printf("%c:", safe ? 'S' : 'P'); continue; } } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 else if (strcmp(auth_type, "KERBEROS_V4") == 0) { if (safe) { kerror = krb_rd_safe((CHAR *)ibuf, len, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &hisctladdr, &myctladdr, &ftp_msg_data ); } else { kerror = krb_rd_priv((CHAR *)ibuf, len, ftp_sched, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &hisctladdr, &myctladdr, &ftp_msg_data ); } if (kerror != KSUCCESS) { printf("%d reply %s! (krb_rd_%s: %s)\n", ftpcode, safe ? "modified" : "garbled", safe ? "safe" : "priv", krb_get_err_text(kerror)); n = '5'; } else if (ftp_msg_data.app_length >= FTP_BUFSIZ - 3) { kerror = KFAILURE; n = '5'; printf("reply data too large for buffer\n"); } else { if (ftp_deb) printf("%c:", safe ? 'S' : 'P'); memcpy(ibuf,ftp_msg_data.app_data, ftp_msg_data.app_length); ckstrncpy(&ibuf[ftp_msg_data.app_length], "\r\n", FTP_BUFSIZ - ftp_msg_data.app_length); continue; } } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI else if (strcmp(auth_type, "GSSAPI") == 0) { gss_buffer_desc xmit_buf, msg_buf; OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; int conf_state; xmit_buf.value = ibuf; xmit_buf.length = len; /* decrypt/verify the message */ conf_state = safe; maj_stat = gss_unseal(&min_stat, gcontext, &xmit_buf, &msg_buf, &conf_state, NULL); if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE) { user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, "failed unsealing reply"); n = '5'; } else { memcpy(ibuf, msg_buf.value, msg_buf.length); ckstrncpy(&ibuf[msg_buf.length], "\r\n", FTP_BUFSIZ-msg_buf.length); gss_release_buffer(&min_stat,&msg_buf); if (ftp_deb) printf("%c:", safe ? 'S' : 'P'); continue; } } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ /* Other auth types go here... */ } } else if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb) && ftp_cmdlin < 2 && !quiet && (vbm || (!auth && n == '5'))) { #ifdef NOCSETS printf("%c",c); #else if (xlate) { xlatec(0,c,rcs,lcs); } else { printf("%c",c); } #endif /* NOCSETS */ fflush (stdout); } if (continuation && ftpcode != originalcode) { if (originalcode == 0) originalcode = ftpcode; continue; } *cp = '\0'; if (n != '1') cpend = 0; signal(SIGINT,oldintr); if (ftpcode == 421 || originalcode == 421) lostpeer(); if ((cancelfile != 0) && #ifndef ULTRIX3 /* Ultrix 3.0 cc objects violently to this clause */ (oldintr != cmdcancel) && #endif /* ULTRIX3 */ (oldintr != SIG_IGN)) { if (oldintr) (*oldintr)(SIGINT); } if (reply_parse) { *reply_ptr = '\0'; if ((reply_ptr = ckstrstr(reply_buf, reply_parse))) { reply_parse = reply_ptr + strlen(reply_parse); if ((reply_ptr = ckstrpbrk(reply_parse, " \r"))) *reply_ptr = '\0'; } else reply_parse = reply_ptr; } while (*cp < '!' && cp > ftp_reply_str) /* Remove trailing junk */ *cp-- = NUL; debug(F111,"ftp getreply",ftp_reply_str,n - '0'); return(n - '0'); } /* for (;;) */ } #ifdef BSDSELECT static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC empty(fd_set * mask, int sec) #else empty(mask, sec) fd_set * mask; int sec; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { struct timeval t; t.tv_sec = (long) sec; t.tv_usec = 0L; debug(F100,"ftp empty calling select...","",0); #ifdef INTSELECT x = select(32, (int *)mask, NULL, NULL, &t); #else x = select(32, mask, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &t); #endif /* INTSELECT */ debug(F101,"ftp empty select","",x); return(x); } #else /* BSDSELECT */ #ifdef IBMSELECT static int empty(mask, cnt, sec) int * mask, sec; int cnt; { return(select(mask,cnt,0,0,sec*1000)); } #endif /* IBMSELECT */ #endif /* BSDSELECT */ static sigtype cancelsend(sig) int sig; { cancelgroup++; cancelfile = 0; printf(" Canceled...\n"); debug(F101,"ftp cancelsend","",sig); fflush(stdout); #ifndef OS2 longjmp(sendcancel, 1); #endif /* OS2 */ } static VOID #ifdef CK_ANSIC secure_error(char *fmt, ...) #else /* VARARGS1 */ secure_error(fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) char *fmt; int p1, p2, p3, p4, p5; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { #ifdef CK_ANSIC va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); #else fprintf(stderr, fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); #endif fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* * Internal form of settype; changes current type in use with server * without changing our notion of the type for data transfers. * Used to change to and from ascii for listings. */ static VOID changetype(newtype, show) int newtype, show; { int comret; char * s; if (newtype == curtype) return; switch (newtype) { case FTT_ASC: s = "A"; break; case FTT_BIN: s = "I"; break; case FTT_TEN: s = "L 8"; break; default: s = "I"; break; } comret = ftpcmd("TYPE",s,-1,-1,show); if (comret == REPLY_COMPLETE) curtype = newtype; } /* PUT a file. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success, 1 if file skipped */ static int sendrequest(cmd, local, remote, xlate, incs, outcs, restart) char *cmd, *local, *remote; int xlate, incs, outcs, restart; { ULONG start = 0, stop; register int c, d = 0; int n, t, x, notafile = 0; sig_t oldintr, oldintp; long bytes = 0; char *lmode, buf[FTP_BUFSIZ], *bufp; sigtype cancelsend(); if (!remote) remote = ""; /* Check args */ if (!*remote) remote = local; if (!local) local = ""; if (!*local) return(-1); if (!cmd) cmd = ""; if (!*cmd) cmd = "STOR"; debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest restart",local,restart); dout = -1; #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy) { proxtrans(cmd, local, remote, !strcmp(cmd,"STOU")); return(0); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ nout = 0; /* Init output buffer count */ bytes = 0; /* File input byte count */ changetype(ftp_typ,0); /* Change type for this file */ oldintr = NULL; /* Set up interrupt handler */ oldintp = NULL; lmode = "wb"; /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ if (setjmp(sendcancel)) { while (cpend) { getreply(0,incs,outcs,ftp_vbm,0); } if (data >= 0) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = -1; } if (oldintr) signal(SIGINT,oldintr); #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE,oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } oldintr = signal(SIGINT, cancelsend); #ifdef PIPESEND /* Use Kermit API for file i/o... */ if (sndfilter) { char * p = NULL, * q; #ifndef NOSPL n = CKMAXPATH; if (cmd_quoting && (p = (char *) malloc(n + 1))) { q = p; debug(F110,"sendrequest pipesend filter",sndfilter,0); zzstring(sndfilter,&p,&n); debug(F111,"sendrequest pipename",q,n); if (n <= 0) { printf("?Sorry, send filter + filename too long, %d max.\n", CKMAXPATH ); free(q); return(-1); } ckstrncpy(filnam,q,CKMAXPATH+1); free(q); local = filnam; } #endif /* NOSPL */ } #endif /* PIPESEND */ notafile = sndarray || pipesend; #ifdef PIPESEND if (sndfilter) /* If sending thru a filter */ pipesend = 1; /* set this for open and i/o */ #endif /* PIPESEND */ if (openi(local) == 0) /* Try to open the input file */ return(-1); if (initconn()) { #ifndef NOHTTP int y = -1; debug(F101,"ftp send_request","tcp_http_proxy",tcp_http_proxy); /* If the connection failed and we are using an HTTP Proxy * and the reason for the failure was an authentication * error, then we need to give the user to ability to * enter a username and password, just like a browser. * * I tried to do all of this within the netopen() call * but it is much too much work. */ while (y != 0 && tcp_http_proxy != NULL ) { if (tcp_http_proxy_errno == 401 || tcp_http_proxy_errno == 407 ) { char uid[UIDBUFLEN]; char pwd[256]; readtext("Proxy Userid: ",uid,UIDBUFLEN); if (uid[0]) { char * proxy_user, * proxy_pwd; readpass("Proxy Password: ",pwd,256); proxy_user = tcp_http_proxy_user; proxy_pwd = tcp_http_proxy_pwd; tcp_http_proxy_user = uid; tcp_http_proxy_pwd = pwd; y = initconn(); debug(F101,"ftp send_request()","y",y); memset(pwd,0,sizeof(pwd)); tcp_http_proxy_user = proxy_user; tcp_http_proxy_pwd = proxy_pwd; } else break; } else break; } if ( y != 0 ) { #endif /* NOHTTP */ signal(SIGINT, oldintr); #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ ftpcode = -1; zclose(ZIFILE); return(-1); #ifndef NOHTTP } #endif /* NOHTTP */ } /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ if (setjmp(sendcancel)) goto cancel; #ifdef FTP_RESTART if (restart && ((curtype == FTT_BIN) || (alike > 0))) { char * p; changetype(FTT_BIN,0); /* Change to binary */ /* Ask for remote file's size */ x = ftpcmd("SIZE",remote,incs,outcs,ftp_vbm); if (x == REPLY_COMPLETE) { /* Have reply */ p = &ftp_reply_str[4]; /* Parse it */ while (isdigit(*p)) { sendstart = sendstart * 10 + (int)(*p - '0'); p++; } if (*p && *p != CR) { /* Bad number */ debug(F110,"ftp sendrequest bad size",ftp_reply_str,0); sendstart = 0L; } else if (sendstart > fsize) { /* Remote file bigger than local */ debug(F110,"ftp sendrequest big size",ckltoa(fsize),sendstart); sendstart = 0L; } debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest size",remote,sendstart); if (chkmodtime(local,remote,0) == 2) { /* Local is newer */ debug(F110,"ftp sendrequest date mismatch",ftp_reply_str,0); sendstart = 0L; /* Send the whole file */ } } changetype(ftp_typ,0); /* Change back to appropriate type */ if (sendstart > 0L) { /* Still restarting? */ if (sendstart == fsize) { /* Same size - no need to send */ debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest /restart SKIP",fsize,sendstart); zclose(ZIFILE); return(SKP_RES); } errno = 0; /* Restart needed, seek to the spot */ if (zfseek((long)sendstart) < 0) { debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest zfseek fails",local,sendstart); fprintf(stderr, "FSEEK: %s: %s\n", local, ck_errstr()); sendstart = 0; zclose(ZIFILE); return(-1); } #ifdef COMMENT debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest zfseek ok",local,sendstart); x = ftpcmd("REST",ckltoa(sendstart),-1,-1,ftp_vbm); if (x != REPLY_CONTINUE) { sendstart = 0; zclose(ZIFILE); return(-1); } else { cmd = "STOR"; } #else sendmode = SM_RESEND; cmd = "APPE"; #endif /* COMMENT */ /* sendstart = 0L; */ } } #endif /* FTP_RESTART */ x = ftpcmd(cmd,remote,incs,outcs,ftp_vbm); if (x != REPLY_PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ zclose(ZIFILE); #ifdef PIPESEND if (sndfilter) pipesend = 0; #endif /* PIPESEND */ return(-1); } dout = dataconn(lmode); /* Get data connection */ if (dout == -1) goto cancel; /* Initialize per-file stats */ ffc = 0L; /* Character counter */ cps = oldcps = 0L; /* Thruput */ start = gmstimer(); /* Start time (msecs) */ #ifdef GFTIMER rftimer(); /* reset f.p. timer */ #endif /* GFTIMER */ #ifdef SIGPIPE oldintp = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ switch (curtype) { case FTT_BIN: /* Binary mode */ case FTT_TEN: errno = d = 0; while ((n = zxin(ZIFILE,buf,FTP_BUFSIZ)) > 0 && !cancelfile) { bytes += n; ffc += n; debug(F111,"ftp sendrequest zxin",ckltoa(n),ffc); hexdump("ftp sendrequest zxin",buf,16); #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { for (bufp = buf; n > 0; n -= d, bufp += d) { if ((d = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_data_con, bufp, n)) <= 0) break; spackets++; pktnum++; if (fdispla != XYFD_B) { spktl = d; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',spackets,NULL); } } } else { #endif /* CK_SSL */ for (bufp = buf; n > 0; n -= d, bufp += d) { if (((d = secure_write(dout, (CHAR *)bufp, n)) <= 0) || iscanceled()) break; spackets++; pktnum++; if (fdispla != XYFD_B) { spktl = d; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',spackets,NULL); } } #ifdef CK_SSL } #endif /* CK_SSL */ if (d <= 0) break; } if (n < 0) fprintf(stderr, "local: %s: %s\n", local, ck_errstr()); if (d < 0 || (d = secure_flush(dout)) < 0) { if (d == -1 && errno && errno != EPIPE) perror("netout"); bytes = -1; } break; case FTT_ASC: /* Text mode */ #ifndef NOCSETS if (xlate) { /* With translation */ initxlate(incs,outcs); while (!cancelfile) { c0 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,incs,NULL); if (c0 < 0) /* EOF */ break; c1 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,incs,NULL); /* Convert to UCS-2 */ if (c1 < 0) /* EOF */ break; if (fileorder > 0) { /* Little Endian */ t = c1; /* so swap them */ c1 = c0; c0 = t; } if ((x = xpnbyte(c0,TC_UCS2,outcs,xxout)) < 0) break; if ((x = xpnbyte(c1,TC_UCS2,outcs,xxout)) < 0) break; } } else { #endif /* NOCSETS */ /* Text mode, no translation */ while (((c = zminchar()) > -1) && !cancelfile) { ffc++; if (c == '\012') { if (zzout(dout,(CHAR)'\015') < 0) break; bytes++; } if (zzout(dout,(CHAR)c) < 0) break; bytes++; } d = 0; #ifndef NOCSETS } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (dout == -1 || (d = secure_flush(dout)) < 0) { if (d == -1 && errno && errno != EPIPE) perror("netout"); bytes = -1; } break; } tfc += ffc; /* Total file chars */ stop = gmstimer(); /* Timing stats */ #ifdef GFTIMER fpfsecs = gftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ zclose(ZIFILE); /* Close input file */ #ifdef PIPESEND if (sndfilter) /* Undo this (it's per file) */ pipesend = 0; #endif /* PIPESEND */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(dout); /* Close data connection */ #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(dout, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(dout); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ getreply(0,incs,outcs,ftp_vbm,0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); /* Put back interrupts */ #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ if (cancelfile) { debug(F101,"ftp sendrequest canceled","",bytes); return(-1); } else { debug(F101,"ftp sendrequest ok","",bytes); return(0); } cancel: debug(F101,"ftp sendrequest canceled","",bytes); tfc += ffc; stop = gmstimer(); #ifdef GFTIMER fpfsecs = gftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ zclose(ZIFILE); #ifdef PIPESEND if (sndfilter) pipesend = 0; #endif /* PIPESEND */ signal(SIGINT, oldintr); #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ if (!cpend) { ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } if (data >= 0) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = -1; } if (dout) { #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(dout); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(dout, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(dout); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ } getreply(0,incs,outcs,ftp_vbm,0); ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } static sigtype cancelrecv(sig) int sig; { cancelfile = 0; printf(" Canceling...\n"); fflush(stdout); if (fp_nml) { if (fp_nml != stdout) fclose(fp_nml); fp_nml = NULL; } #ifndef OS2 longjmp(recvcancel, 1); #endif /* OS2 */ } /* Argumentless front-end for secure_getc() */ static int netgetc() { return(secure_getc(globaldin)); } /* Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success, 1 if file skipped */ /* Sets ftpcode < 0 on failure if failure reason is not server reply code: -1: interrupted by user. -2: error opening or writing output file (reason in errno). -3: failure to make data connection. -4: network read error (reason in errno). */ static int recvrequest(cmd, local, remote, lmode, printnames, recover, pipename, xlate, fcs, rcs) char *cmd, *local, *remote, *lmode, *pipename; int printnames, recover, xlate, fcs, rcs; { int din = -1; sig_t oldintr, oldintp; int is_retr, tcrflag, bare_lfs = 0; int blksize = 0; long bytes = 0L; long localsize = 0L; register int c, d; ULONG start = 0L, stop; sigtype cancelrecv(); #ifdef NT struct _stat stbuf; #else /* NT */ struct stat stbuf; #endif /* NT */ char * p; static char * rcvbuf = NULL; static int rcvbufsiz = 0; #ifdef DEBUG if (deblog) { debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest cmd",cmd,recover); debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest local ",local,0); debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest remote",remote,ftp_typ); debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest pipename ",pipename,0); debug(F101,"ftp recvrequest xlate","",xlate); debug(F101,"ftp recvrequest fcs","",fcs); debug(F101,"ftp recvrequest rcs","",rcs); } #endif /* DEBUG */ if (remfile) { /* See remcfm(), remtxt() */ if (rempipe) { pipename = remdest; } else { local = remdest; if (remappd) lmode = "ab"; } } out2screen = 0; if (!cmd) cmd = ""; /* Core dump prevention */ if (!remote) remote = ""; if (!lmode) lmode = ""; if (pipename) { /* No recovery for pipes. */ recover = 0; if (!local) local = pipename; } else { if (!local) /* Output to screen? */ local = "-"; out2screen = !strcmp(local,"-"); } debug(F101,"ftp recvrequest out2screen","",out2screen); if (out2screen) /* No recovery to screen */ recover = 0; if (!ftp_typ) /* No recovery in text mode */ recover = 0; is_retr = (strcmp(cmd, "RETR") == 0); if (!is_retr) /* No recovery except for RETRieve */ recover = 0; localsize = 0L; /* Local file size */ rs_len = 0L; /* Recovery point */ if (recover) { /* Recovering... */ if (stat(local, &stbuf) < 0) { /* Can't stat local file */ recover = 0; /* So cancel recovery */ } else { /* Have local file info */ localsize = stbuf.st_size; /* Get size */ if (fsize < localsize) { /* Remote file smaller than local */ recover = 0; /* Recovery can't work */ } else if (fsize == localsize) { /* Sizes are equal */ debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest skipping",remote,localsize); return(1); } if (recover) { /* Remote is bigger */ x = chkmodtime(local,remote,0); /* It must also be older */ debug(F111,"ftp getfile chkmodtime",remote,x); if (x < 2) recover = 0; /* If not, get whole file */ } } debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest recover",remote,recover); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy && is_retr) return(proxtrans(cmd, local ? local : remote, remote)); #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ oldintr = NULL; oldintp = NULL; tcrflag = (feol != CR) && is_retr; ftpcode = 0; /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ if (setjmp(recvcancel)) { while (cpend) { getreply(0,fcs,rcs,ftp_vbm,0); } if (data >= 0) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = -1; } if (oldintr) signal(SIGINT, oldintr); ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } oldintr = signal(SIGINT, cancelrecv); if (!out2screen && !pipename) { if (zchko(local) < 0) { if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) fprintf(stderr,"Temporary file %s: %s\n", local, ck_errstr()); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); ftpcode = -2; return(-1); } } changetype((!is_retr) ? FTT_ASC : ftp_typ, 0); if (initconn()) { /* Initialize the data connection */ signal(SIGINT, oldintr); ftpcode = -1; return(-3); } /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ if (setjmp(recvcancel)) goto cancel; if (recover) { /* Initiate recovery */ x = ftpcmd("REST",ckltoa(localsize),-1,-1,ftp_vbm); debug(F111,"ftp reply","REST",x); if (x == REPLY_CONTINUE) { lmode = "ab"; rs_len = localsize; } else { recover = 0; } } /* IMPORTANT: No FTP commands can come between REST and RETR! */ debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest recover E",remote,recover); /* Send the command and get reply */ debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest cmd",cmd,0); debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest remote",remote,0); if (ftpcmd(cmd,remote,fcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) != REPLY_PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); /* Bad reply, fail. */ return(-1); /* ftpcode is set by ftpcmd() */ } din = dataconn("r"); /* Good reply, open data connection */ globaldin = din; /* Global copy of file descriptor */ if (din == -1) { /* Check for failure */ ftpcode = -3; /* Code for no data connection */ goto cancel; } x = 1; /* Output file open OK? */ if (pipename) { /* Command */ x = zxcmd(ZOFILE,pipename); debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest zxcmd",pipename,x); } else if (!out2screen) { /* File */ struct filinfo xx; xx.bs = 0; xx.cs = 0; xx.rl = 0; xx.org = 0; xx.cc = 0; xx.typ = 0; xx.os_specific = NUL; xx.lblopts = 0; xx.dsp = !strcmp(lmode,"ab") ? XYFZ_A : XYFZ_N; /* Append or New */ x = zopeno(ZOFILE,local,NULL,&xx); debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest zopeno",local,x); } if (x < 1) { /* Failure to open output file */ if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) fprintf(stderr, "local(2): %s: %s\n", local, ck_errstr()); goto cancel; } blksize = FTP_BUFSIZ; /* Allocate input buffer */ if (rcvbufsiz < blksize) { /* if necessary */ if (rcvbuf) { free(rcvbuf); rcvbuf = NULL; } rcvbuf = (char *)malloc((unsigned)blksize); if (!rcvbuf) { ftpcode = -2; #ifdef ENOMEM errno = ENOMEM; #endif /* ENOMEM */ if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) perror("malloc"); rcvbufsiz = 0; goto cancel; } rcvbufsiz = blksize; } debug(F111,"ftp get rcvbufsiz",local,rcvbufsiz); ffc = 0L; /* Character counter */ cps = oldcps = 0L; /* Thruput */ start = gmstimer(); /* Start time (msecs) */ #ifdef GFTIMER rftimer(); /* Start time (float) */ #endif /* GFTIMER */ debug(F111,"ftp get type",local,curtype); debug(F101,"ftp recvrequest ftp_dpl","",ftp_dpl); switch (curtype) { case FTT_BIN: /* Binary mode */ case FTT_TEN: /* TENEX mode */ d = 0; while (1) { errno = 0; c = secure_read(din, rcvbuf, rcvbufsiz); if (cancelfile) goto cancel; if (c < 1) break; #ifdef printf /* (What if it isn't?) */ if (out2screen && !pipename) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) printf("%c",rcvbuf[i]); } else #endif /* printf */ { register int i; i = 0; errno = 0; while (i < c) { if (zmchout(rcvbuf[i++]) < 0) { d = i; break; } } } bytes += c; ffc += c; } if (c < 0) { debug(F111,"ftp recvrequest errno",ckitoa(c),errno); if (c == -1 && errno != EPIPE) if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) perror("netin"); bytes = -1; ftpcode = -4; } if (d < c) { ftpcode = -2; if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) { char * p; p = local ? local : pipename; if (d < 0) fprintf(stderr, "local(3): %s: %s\n", local, ck_errstr()); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: short write\n", local); } } break; case FTT_ASC: /* Text mode */ #ifndef NOCSETS if (xlate) { int t; #ifdef CK_ANSIC int (*fn)(char); #else int (*fn)(); #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest (data)","initxlate",0); initxlate(rcs,fcs); /* (From,To) */ if (pipename) { fn = pipeout; debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest ASCII","pipeout",0); } else { fn = out2screen ? scrnout : putfil; debug(F110,"ftp recvrequest ASCII", out2screen ? "scrnout" : "putfil",0); } while (1) { c0 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,rcs,netgetc); /* Get byte from net */ if (cancelfile) goto cancel; if (c0 < 0) break; c1 = xgnbyte(FC_UCS2,rcs,netgetc); /* Second byte from net */ if (cancelfile) goto cancel; if (c1 < 0) break; if (fileorder > 0) { /* Little Endian */ t = c1; /* so swap them */ c1 = c0; c0 = t; } if ((x = xpnbyte(c0,TC_UCS2,fcs,fn)) < 0) break; if ((x = xpnbyte(c1,TC_UCS2,fcs,fn)) < 0) break; } } else { #endif /* NOCSETS */ while (1) { c = secure_getc(din); if (cancelfile) goto cancel; if (c < 0 || c == EOF) break; if (c == '\n') bare_lfs++; while (c == '\r') { bytes++; if ((c = secure_getc(din)) != '\n' || tcrflag) { if (cancelfile) goto cancel; if (c < 0 || c == EOF) goto break2; if (c == '\0') { bytes++; goto contin2; } } } if (c < 0) break; if (out2screen && !pipename) #ifdef printf printf("%c",(char)c); #else putchar((char)c); #endif /* printf */ else if ((d = zmchout(c)) < 0) break; bytes++; ffc++; contin2: ; } break2: if (bare_lfs && (!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) { printf("WARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode\n", bare_lfs); printf("File might not have transferred correctly.\n"); } if (din == -1) { bytes = -1; } if (c == -2) bytes = -1; break; #ifndef NOCSETS } #endif /* NOCSETS */ } if (pipename || !out2screen) zclose(ZOFILE); /* If ftpcode < 0 fail and if keep == 0 delete the partial file */ signal(SIGINT, oldintr); #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintp); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ stop = gmstimer(); #ifdef GFTIMER fpfsecs = gftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ tfc += ffc; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(din); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(din, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(din); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ getreply(0,fcs,rcs,ftp_vbm,0); return(ftpcode < 0 ? -1 : 0); cancel: /* Cancel using RFC959 recommended IP,SYNC sequence */ debug(F100,"ftp recvrequest CANCEL","",0); stop = gmstimer(); #ifdef GFTIMER fpfsecs = gftimer(); #endif /* GFTIMER */ #ifdef SIGPIPE if (oldintp) signal(SIGPIPE, oldintr); #endif /* SIGPIPE */ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); if (!cpend) { ftpcode = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return(-1); } cancel_remote(din); if (ftpcode > -1) ftpcode = -1; if (data >= 0) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = -1; } if (!out2screen) zclose(ZOFILE); if (din) { #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(din); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(din, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(din); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ } signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return(-1); } /* * Need to start a listen on the data channel before we send the command, * otherwise the server's connect may fail. */ static int initconn() { register char *p, *a; int result, tmpno = 0; int on = 1; GSOCKNAME_T len; #ifndef NO_PASSIVE_MODE int a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2; if (passivemode) { data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); globaldin = data; if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); return(-1); } if (ftpcmd("PASV",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) != REPLY_COMPLETE) { printf("Passive mode refused\n"); passivemode = 0; return(initconn()); } /* Now we have a string of comma-separated one-byte unsigned integer values, The first four are the an IP address. The fifth is the MSB of the port number, the sixth is the LSB. From that we can make a sockaddr_in. */ if (sscanf(pasv,"%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&a1,&a2,&a3,&a4,&p1,&p2) != 6) { printf("Passive mode address scan failure\n"); return(-1); }; #ifndef NOHTTP if (tcp_http_proxy) { #ifdef OS2 char * agent = "Kermit 95"; /* Default user agent */ #else char * agent = "C-Kermit"; #endif /* OS2 */ register struct hostent *hp = 0; struct servent *destsp; char host[512], *p, *q; #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT int tos; #endif /* IPTOS_THROUGHPUT */ #endif /* IP_TOS */ int s; #ifdef DEBUG extern int debtim; int xdebtim; xdebtim = debtim; debtim = 1; #endif /* DEBUG */ ckmakxmsg(proxyhost,sizeof(proxyhost),ckuitoa(a1),".",ckuitoa(a2), ".",ckuitoa(a3),".",ckuitoa(a4),":",ckuitoa((p1<<8)|p2), NULL,NULL,NULL ); memset((char *)&hisctladdr, 0, sizeof (hisctladdr)); for (p = tcp_http_proxy, q=host; *p != '\0' && *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); if (hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr != -1) { debug(F110,"initconn A",host,0); hisctladdr.sin_family = AF_INET; } else { debug(F110,"initconn B",host,0); hp = gethostbyname(host); #ifdef HADDRLIST hp = ck_copyhostent(hp); /* make safe copy that won't change */ #endif /* HADDRLIST */ if (hp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ftp: %s: ", host); herror(); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } hisctladdr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; #ifdef HADDRLIST memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #else /* HADDRLIST */ memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #endif /* HADDRLIST */ } data = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); debug(F101,"initconn socket","",data); if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } if (*p == ':') p++; else p = "http"; destsp = getservbyname(p,"tcp"); if (destsp) hisctladdr.sin_port = destsp->s_port; else if (p) hisctladdr.sin_port = htons(atoi(p)); else hisctladdr.sin_port = htons(80); errno = 0; #ifdef HADDRLIST debug(F100,"initconn HADDRLIST","",0); while #else debug(F100,"initconn no HADDRLIST","",0); if #endif /* HADDRLIST */ (connect(data, (struct sockaddr *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr)) < 0) { debug(F101,"initconn connect failed","",errno); #ifdef HADDRLIST if (hp && hp->h_addr_list[1]) { int oerrno = errno; fprintf(stderr, "ftp: connect to address %s: ", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr) ); errno = oerrno; perror((char *)0); hp->h_addr_list++; memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); fprintf(stdout, "Trying %s...\n", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } continue; } #endif /* HADDRLIST */ perror("ftp: connect"); ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } if (http_connect(data,agent,NULL, tcp_http_proxy_user, tcp_http_proxy_pwd, 0, proxyhost ) < 0) { #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ perror("ftp: connect"); ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } } else #endif /* NOHTTP */ { data_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; data_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl((a1<<24)|(a2<<16)|(a3<<8)|a4); data_addr.sin_port = htons((p1<<8)|p2); if (connect(data, (struct sockaddr *)&data_addr, sizeof(data_addr)) < 0 ) { perror("ftp: connect"); return(-1); } } debug(F100,"initconn connect ok","",0); #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT on = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; if (setsockopt(data, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&on, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)"); #endif /* IPTOS_THROUGHPUT */ #endif /* IP_TOS */ memcpy(&hisdataaddr,&data_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); return(0); } #endif /* NO_PASSIVE_MODE */ noport: memcpy(&data_addr,&myctladdr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (sendport) data_addr.sin_port = 0; /* let system pick one */ if (data != -1) { #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ } data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); globaldin = data; if (data < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); if (tmpno) sendport = 1; return(-1); } if (!sendport) { if (setsockopt(data, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof (on) ) < 0 ) { perror("ftp: setsockopt (reuse address)"); goto bad; } } if (bind(data, (struct sockaddr *)&data_addr, sizeof (data_addr)) < 0) { perror("ftp: bind"); goto bad; } len = sizeof (data_addr); if (getsockname(data, (struct sockaddr *)&data_addr, &len) < 0) { perror("ftp: getsockname"); goto bad; } if (listen(data, 1) < 0) { perror("ftp: listen"); goto bad; } if (sendport) { a = (char *)&data_addr.sin_addr; p = (char *)&data_addr.sin_port; ckmakxmsg(ftpcmdbuf,FTP_BUFSIZ,"PORT ", UC(a[0]),",",UC(a[1]),",", UC(a[2]),",", UC(a[3]),",", UC(p[0]),",", UC(p[1])); result = ftpcmd(ftpcmdbuf,NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (result == REPLY_ERROR && sendport) { sendport = 0; tmpno = 1; goto noport; } return(result != REPLY_COMPLETE); } if (tmpno) sendport = 1; #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT on = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; if (setsockopt(data, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&on, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)"); #endif #endif return(0); bad: #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; if (tmpno) sendport = 1; return(-1); } #ifdef CK_SSL static int ssl_dataconn() { if (ssl_ftp_data_con!=NULL) { /* Do SSL */ SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_con=NULL; } ssl_ftp_data_con=(SSL *)SSL_new(ssl_ftp_ctx); SSL_set_fd(ssl_ftp_data_con,data); SSL_set_verify(ssl_ftp_data_con,ssl_verify_flag,NULL); SSL_copy_session_id(ssl_ftp_data_con,ssl_ftp_con); if (ssl_debug_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"=>START SSL connect on DATA\n"); fflush(stderr); } if (SSL_connect(ssl_ftp_data_con) <= 0) { static char errbuf[1024]; ckmakmsg(errbuf,1024,"ftp: SSL_connect DATA error: ", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL),NULL,NULL); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", errbuf); fflush(stderr); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } else { ssl_ftp_data_active_flag=1; if (!ssl_certsok_flag && !tls_is_krb5(2)) { char *subject = ssl_get_subject_name(ssl_ftp_data_con); if (!subject) { if (ssl_verify_flag & SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT) { debug(F110,"dataconn","[SSL _- FAILED]",0); auth_finished(AUTH_REJECT); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } else { char * prmpt = "Warning: Server didn't provide a certificate, continue? (Y/N) "; if (!out2screen && displa && fdispla) { ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,"Display canceled"); /* fdispla = XYFD_B; */ } if (!getyesno(prmpt,0)) { debug(F110, "dataconn","[SSL - FAILED]",0); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } } } else { if (!out2screen && displa && fdispla == XYFD_C) { ftscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,"Display canceled"); /* fdispla = XYFD_B; */ } if (ssl_check_server_name(ssl_ftp_data_con,ftp_host)) { debug(F110,"dataconn","[SSL - FAILED]",0); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } } } debug(F110,"dataconn","[SSL - OK]",0); #ifdef COMMENT /* This messes up the full screen file transfer display */ ssl_display_connect_details(ssl_ftp_con,0,ssl_verbose_flag); #endif /* COMMENT */ } if (ssl_debug_flag) { fprintf(stderr,"=>DONE SSL connect on DATA\n"); fflush(stderr); } return(data); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ static int dataconn(lmode) char *lmode; { int s; #ifdef IP_TOS int tos; #endif /* IP_TOS */ #ifdef UCX50 static u_int fromlen; #else static SOCKOPT_T fromlen; #endif /* UCX50 */ fromlen = sizeof(hisdataaddr); #ifndef NO_PASSIVE_MODE if (passivemode) { #ifdef CK_SSL ssl_ftp_data_active_flag=0; if (ssl_ftp_active_flag && (ssl_ftp_proxy || ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV)) return(ssl_dataconn()); #endif /* CK_SSL */ return(data); } #endif /* NO_PASSIVE_MODE */ s = accept(data, (struct sockaddr *) &hisdataaddr, &fromlen); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: accept"); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = s; globaldin = data; #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT tos = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT; if (setsockopt(data, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&tos, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)"); #endif /* IPTOS_THROUGHPUT */ #endif /* IP_TOS */ #ifdef CK_SSL ssl_ftp_data_active_flag=0; if (ssl_ftp_active_flag && (ssl_ftp_proxy || ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV)) return(ssl_dataconn()); #endif /* CK_SSL */ return(data); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY static sigtype pscancel(sig) int sig; { cancelfile++; } static VOID pswitch(flag) int flag; { extern int proxy; sig_t oldintr; static struct comvars { int connect; char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; struct sockaddr_in mctl; struct sockaddr_in hctl; FILE *in; FILE *out; int tpe; int curtpe; int cpnd; int sunqe; int runqe; int mcse; int ntflg; char nti[17]; char nto[17]; int mapflg; char mi[CKMAXPATH]; char mo[CKMAXPATH]; char *authtype; int clvl; int dlvl; #ifdef FTP_KRB4 des_cblock session; des_key_schedule ftp_sched; #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI gss_ctx_id_t gcontext; #endif /* GSSAPI */ } proxstruct, tmpstruct; struct comvars *ip, *op; cancelfile = 0; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, pscancel); if (flag) { if (proxy) return; ip = &tmpstruct; op = &proxstruct; proxy++; } else { if (!proxy) return; ip = &proxstruct; op = &tmpstruct; proxy = 0; } ip->connect = connected; connected = op->connect; if (ftp_host) { strncpy(ip->name, ftp_host, sizeof(ip->name) - 1); ip->name[strlen(ip->name)] = '\0'; } else ip->name[0] = 0; ftp_host = op->name; ip->hctl = hisctladdr; hisctladdr = op->hctl; ip->mctl = myctladdr; myctladdr = op->mctl; ip->in = csocket; csocket = op->in; ip->out = csocket; csocket = op->out; ip->tpe = ftp_typ; ftp_typ = op->tpe; ip->curtpe = curtype; curtype = op->curtpe; ip->cpnd = cpend; cpend = op->cpnd; ip->sunqe = ftp_usn; ftp_usn = op->sunqe; ip->mcse = mcase; mcase = op->mcse; ip->ntflg = ntflag; ntflag = op->ntflg; strncpy(ip->nti, ntin, 16); (ip->nti)[strlen(ip->nti)] = '\0'; strcpy(ntin, op->nti); strncpy(ip->nto, ntout, 16); (ip->nto)[strlen(ip->nto)] = '\0'; strcpy(ntout, op->nto); ip->mapflg = mapflag; mapflag = op->mapflg; strncpy(ip->mi, mapin, CKMAXPATH - 1); (ip->mi)[strlen(ip->mi)] = '\0'; strcpy(mapin, op->mi); strncpy(ip->mo, mapout, CKMAXPATH - 1); (ip->mo)[strlen(ip->mo)] = '\0'; strcpy(mapout, op->mo); ip->authtype = auth_type; auth_type = op->authtype; ip->clvl = ftp_cpl; ftp_cpl = op->clvl; ip->dlvl = ftp_dpl; ftp_dpl = op->dlvl; if (!ftp_cpl) ftp_cpl = FPL_CLR; if (!ftp_dpl) ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; #ifdef FTP_KRB4 memcpy(ip->session, ftp_cred.session, sizeof(ftp_cred.session)); memcpy(ftp_cred.session, op->session, sizeof(ftp_cred.session)); memcpy(ip->schedule, ftp_sched, sizeof(ftp_sched)); memcpy(ftp_sched, op->schedule, sizeof(ftp_sched)); #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI ip->gcontext = gcontext; gcontext = op->gcontext; #endif /* GSSAPI */ signal(SIGINT, oldintr); if (cancelfile) { cancelfile = 0; debug(F101,"pswitch cancelfile B","",cancelfile); (*oldintr)(SIGINT); } } static sigtype cancelpt(sig) int sig; { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); ptabflg++; cancelfile = 0; #ifndef OS2 longjmp(ptcancel, 1); #endif /* OS2 */ } void proxtrans(cmd, local, remote, unique) char *cmd, *local, *remote; int unique; { sig_t oldintr; int secndflag = 0, prox_type, nfnd; char *cmd2; #ifdef BSDSELECT fd_set mask; #endif /* BSDSELECT */ sigtype cancelpt(); if (strcmp(cmd, "RETR")) cmd2 = "RETR"; else cmd2 = unique ? "STOU" : "STOR"; if ((prox_type = type) == 0) { if (servertype == SYS_UNIX && unix_proxy) prox_type = FTT_BIN; else prox_type = FTT_ASC; } if (curtype != prox_type) changetype(prox_type, 1); if (ftpcmd("PASV",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) != REPLY_COMPLETE) { printf("Proxy server does not support third party transfers.\n"); return; } pswitch(0); if (!connected) { printf("No primary connection\n"); pswitch(1); ftpcode = -1; return; } if (curtype != prox_type) changetype(prox_type, 1); if (ftpcmd("PORT",pasv,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) != REPLY_COMPLETE) { pswitch(1); return; } /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ if (setjmp(ptcancel)) goto cancel; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, cancelpt); if (ftpcmd(cmd,remote,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) != PRELIM) { signal(SIGINT, oldintr); pswitch(1); return; } sleep(2000); pswitch(1); secndflag++; if (ftpcmd(cmd2,local,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) != PRELIM) goto cancel; ptflag++; getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); pswitch(0); getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); signal(SIGINT, oldintr); pswitch(1); ptflag = 0; return; cancel: signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); ptflag = 0; if (strcmp(cmd, "RETR") && !proxy) pswitch(1); else if (!strcmp(cmd, "RETR") && proxy) pswitch(0); if (!cpend && !secndflag) { /* only here if cmd = "STOR" (proxy=1) */ if (ftpcmd(cmd2,local,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) != PRELIM) { pswitch(0); if (cpend) cancel_remote(0); } pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } if (cpend) cancel_remote(0); pswitch(!proxy); if (!cpend && !secndflag) { /* only if cmd = "RETR" (proxy=1) */ if (ftpcmd(cmd2,local,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) != PRELIM) { pswitch(0); if (cpend) cancel_remote(0); pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); return; } } if (cpend) cancel_remote(0); pswitch(!proxy); if (cpend) { #ifdef BSDSELECT FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(csocket, &mask); if ((nfnd = empty(&mask, 10)) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("cancel"); } if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; lostpeer(); } #else /* BSDSELECT */ #ifdef IBMSELECT if ((nfnd = empty(&csocket, 1, 10)) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("cancel"); } if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; lostpeer(); } #endif /* IBMSELECT */ #endif /* BSDSELECT */ getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); } if (proxy) pswitch(0); pswitch(1); if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; signal(SIGINT, oldintr); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI #ifdef OS2 /** exported constants defined in gssapi_krb5{,_nx}.h **/ /* these are bogus, but will compile */ /* * The OID of the draft krb5 mechanism, assigned by IETF, is: * iso(1) org(3) dod(5) internet(1) security(5) * kerberosv5(2) = * The OID of the krb5_name type is: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * krb5(2) krb5_name(1) = 1.2.840.113554. * The OID of the krb5_principal type is: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * krb5(2) krb5_principal(2) = 1.2.840.113554. * The OID of the proposed standard krb5 mechanism is: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * krb5(2) = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 * The OID of the proposed standard krb5 v2 mechanism is: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * krb5v2(3) = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.3 * */ /* * Encoding rules: The first two values are encoded in one byte as 40 * * value1 + value2. Subsequent values are encoded base 128, most * significant digit first, with the high bit (\200) set on all octets * except the last in each value's encoding. */ CONST gss_OID_desc ck_krb5_gss_oid_array[] = { /* this is the official, rfc-specified OID */ {9, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\002"}, /* this is the unofficial, wrong OID */ {5, "\053\005\001\005\002"}, /* this is the v2 assigned OID */ {9, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\003"}, /* these two are name type OID's */ {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\002\001"}, {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\002\002"}, { 0, 0 } }; CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST gss_mech_krb5 = ck_krb5_gss_oid_array+0; CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST gss_mech_krb5_old = ck_krb5_gss_oid_array+1; CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST gss_mech_krb5_v2 = ck_krb5_gss_oid_array+2; CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST gss_nt_krb5_name = ck_krb5_gss_oid_array+3; CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST gss_nt_krb5_principal = ck_krb5_gss_oid_array+4; /* * See krb5/gssapi_krb5.c for a description of the algorithm for * encoding an object identifier. */ /* * The OID of user_name is: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * generic(1) user_name(1) = 1.2.840.113554. * machine_uid_name: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * generic(1) machine_uid_name(2) = 1.2.840.113554. * string_uid_name: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * generic(1) string_uid_name(3) = 1.2.840.113554. * service_name: * iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) * generic(1) service_name(4) = 1.2.840.113554. * exported_name: * 1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security), 6(nametypes), * 4(gss-api-exported-name) * host_based_service_name (v2): * iso (1) org (3), dod (6), internet (1), security (5), nametypes(6), * gss-host-based-services(2) */ static gss_OID_desc oids[] = { {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\001\001"}, {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\001\002"}, {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\001\003"}, {10, "\052\206\110\206\367\022\001\002\001\004"}, { 6, "\053\006\001\005\006\004"}, { 6, "\053\006\001\005\006\002"}, }; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_user_name = oids+0; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_machine_uid_name = oids+1; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_string_uid_name = oids+2; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_service_name = oids+3; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_exported_name = oids+4; static gss_OID ck_gss_nt_service_name_v2 = oids+5; #endif /* OS2 */ struct { CONST gss_OID_desc * CONST * mech_type; char *service_name; } gss_trials[] = { { &gss_mech_krb5, "ftp" }, { &gss_mech_krb5, "host" }, }; int n_gss_trials = sizeof(gss_trials)/sizeof(gss_trials[0]); #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ static int ftp_auth() { extern int setsafe(); int j = 0, n; #ifdef FTP_KRB4 char *service, inst[INST_SZ]; ULONG cksum; ULONG checksum = (ULONG) getpid(); CHAR out_buf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; int i; #else /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI CHAR out_buf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; int i; #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ if (ssl_ftp_proxy) /* Do not allow AUTH over SSL proxy */ return(0); if (auth_type) return(1); /* auth already succeeded */ /* Try each auth type as specified by the end user */ for (j = 0; j < 8 && ftp_auth_type[j] != 0; j++) { #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI if (ftp_auth_type[j] == FTA_GK5 && ck_gssapi_is_installed()) { n = ftpcmd("AUTH GSSAPI",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; gss_name_t target_name; gss_buffer_desc send_tok, recv_tok, *token_ptr; char stbuf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; int comcode, trial; struct gss_channel_bindings_struct chan; char * realm = NULL; char tgt[256]; chan.initiator_addrtype = GSS_C_AF_INET; /* OM_uint32 */ chan.initiator_address.length = 4; chan.initiator_address.value = &myctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr; chan.acceptor_addrtype = GSS_C_AF_INET; /* OM_uint32 */ chan.acceptor_address.length = 4; chan.acceptor_address.value = &hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr; chan.application_data.length = 0; chan.application_data.value = 0; if (!quiet) printf("GSSAPI accepted as authentication type\n"); realm = ck_krb5_realmofhost(ftp_host); if (realm) { ckmakmsg(tgt,sizeof(tgt),"krbtgt/",realm,"@",realm); debug(F110,"ftp_auth(GSSAPI) TGT",tgt,0); if ( krb5_autoget && !((ck_krb5_tkt_isvalid(NULL,tgt) > 0) || (ck_krb5_is_tgt_valid() > 0)) ) ck_krb5_autoget_TGT(realm); } /* Blob from gss-client */ for (trial = 0; trial < n_gss_trials; trial++) { /* ftp@hostname first, the host@hostname */ /* the V5 GSSAPI binding canonicalizes this for us... */ ckmakmsg(stbuf,FTP_BUFSIZ, gss_trials[trial].service_name, "@", ftp_host, NULL ); if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "Authenticating to <%s>...\n", stbuf); send_tok.value = stbuf; send_tok.length = strlen(stbuf); maj_stat = gss_import_name(&min_stat, &send_tok, gss_nt_service_name, &target_name ); if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE) { user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, "parsing name"); secure_error("name parsed <%s>\n", stbuf); continue; } token_ptr = GSS_C_NO_BUFFER; gcontext = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT; /* structure copy */ do { if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "calling gss_init_sec_context\n"); maj_stat = gss_init_sec_context(&min_stat, GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL, &gcontext, target_name, (gss_OID) * gss_trials[trial].mech_type, GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | GSS_C_REPLAY_FLAG | (ftp_cfw ? GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG : 0), 0, /* channel bindings */ (krb5_d_no_addresses ? GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS : &chan), token_ptr, NULL, /* ignore mech type */ &send_tok, NULL, /* ignore ret_flags */ NULL ); /* ignore time_rec */ if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE && maj_stat != GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { if (trial == n_gss_trials-1) user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, "initializing context" ); gss_release_name(&min_stat, &target_name); /* maybe we missed on the service name */ goto outer_loop; } if (send_tok.length != 0) { int len; reply_parse = "ADAT="; /* for ftpcmd() later */ len = sizeof(out_buf); kerror = radix_encode(send_tok.value, out_buf, send_tok.length, &len, RADIX_ENCODE ); if (kerror) { fprintf(stderr, "Base 64 encoding failed: %s\n", radix_error(kerror) ); goto gss_complete_loop; } comcode = ftpcmd("ADAT",out_buf,-1,-1,0); if (comcode != REPLY_COMPLETE /* && comcode != 3 (335)*/ ) { if (trial == n_gss_trials-1) { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI ADAT failed\n"); /* force out of loop */ maj_stat = GSS_S_FAILURE; } /* Backoff to the v1 gssapi is still possible. Send a new AUTH command. If that fails, terminate the loop. */ if (ftpcmd("AUTH GSSAPI",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) != REPLY_CONTINUE) { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI ADAT failed, AUTH restart failed\n"); /* force out of loop */ maj_stat = GSS_S_FAILURE; } goto outer_loop; } if (!reply_parse) { fprintf(stderr, "No authentication data received from server\n"); if (maj_stat == GSS_S_COMPLETE) { fprintf(stderr, "...but no more was needed\n"); goto gss_complete_loop; } else { user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, "no reply, huh?" ); goto gss_complete_loop; } } len = sizeof(out_buf); kerror = radix_encode(reply_parse,out_buf,i,&len, RADIX_DECODE); if (kerror) { fprintf(stderr, "Base 64 decoding failed: %s\n", radix_error(kerror)); goto gss_complete_loop; } /* everything worked */ token_ptr = &recv_tok; recv_tok.value = out_buf; recv_tok.length = len; continue; /* get out of loop clean */ gss_complete_loop: trial = n_gss_trials-1; gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, &send_tok); gss_release_name(&min_stat, &target_name); goto outer_loop; } } while (maj_stat == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED); outer_loop: if (maj_stat == GSS_S_COMPLETE) break; } if (maj_stat == GSS_S_COMPLETE) { printf("GSSAPI authentication succeeded\n"); reply_parse = NULL; auth_type = "GSSAPI"; return(1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI authentication failed\n"); reply_parse = NULL; } } else if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI rejected as an authentication type\n"); } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifdef FTP_SRP if (ftp_auth_type[j] == FTA_SRP && ck_srp_is_installed()) { if (srp_ftp_auth(ftp_host,NULL,NULL)) return(1); } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 if (ftp_auth_type[j] == FTA_K4 && ck_krb4_is_installed()) { n = ftpcmd("AUTH KERBEROS_V4",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { char tgt[4*REALM_SZ+1]; int rc; if (!quiet) printf("KERBEROS_V4 accepted as authentication type\n"); ckstrncpy(inst, (char *) krb_get_phost(ftp_host),INST_SZ); ckstrncpy(ftp_realm, (char *)krb_realmofhost(ftp_host), REALM_SZ ); ckmakmsg(tgt,sizeof(tgt),"krbtgt.",ftp_realm,"@",ftp_realm); rc = ck_krb4_tkt_isvalid(tgt); if (rc <= 0 && krb4_autoget) ck_krb4_autoget_TGT(ftp_realm); service = "ftp"; kerror = krb_mk_req(&ftp_tkt,service,inst,ftp_realm,checksum); if (kerror == KDC_PR_UNKNOWN) { service = "rcmd"; kerror = krb_mk_req(&ftp_tkt, service, inst, ftp_realm, checksum ); } if (kerror) fprintf(stderr, "Kerberos V4 krb_mk_req failed: %s\n", krb_get_err_text(kerror)); if (!kerror) { kerror = krb_get_cred(service, inst, ftp_realm, (CREDENTIALS *)&ftp_cred); if (kerror) fprintf(stderr, "Kerberos V4 krb_get_cred failed: %s\n", krb_get_err_text(kerror)); } if (!kerror) { int rc; rc = des_key_sched(ftp_cred.session, ftp_sched); if (rc == -1) { printf("?Invalid DES key specified in credentials\r\n"); debug(F110,"ftp_auth", "invalid DES Key specified in credentials",0); } else if ( rc == -2 ) { printf("?Weak DES key specified in credentials\r\n"); debug(F110,"ftp_auth", "weak DES Key specified in credentials",0); } else if ( rc != 0 ) { printf("?DES Key Schedule not set by credentials\r\n"); debug(F110,"ftp_auth", "DES Key Schedule not set by credentials",0); } reply_parse = "ADAT="; i = sizeof(out_buf); kerror = radix_encode(ftp_tkt.dat, out_buf, ftp_tkt.length, &i, RADIX_ENCODE); if (kerror) { fprintf(stderr, "Base 64 encoding failed: %s\n", radix_error(kerror)); goto krb4_err; } if (i > FTP_BUFSIZ - 6) printf("?ADAT data too long\n"); if (ftpcmd("ADAT",out_buf,-1,-1,0) != REPLY_COMPLETE) { fprintf(stderr, "Kerberos V4 authentication failed\n"); goto krb4_err; } if (!reply_parse) { fprintf(stderr, "No authentication data received from server\n"); goto krb4_err; } i = sizeof(out_buf); kerror = radix_encode(reply_parse, out_buf, 0, &i, RADIX_DECODE); if (kerror) { fprintf(stderr, "Base 64 decoding failed: %s\n", radix_error(kerror)); goto krb4_err; } kerror = krb_rd_safe(out_buf, i, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &hisctladdr, &myctladdr, &ftp_msg_data ); if (kerror) { fprintf(stderr, "Kerberos V4 krb_rd_safe failed: %s\n", krb_get_err_text(kerror)); goto krb4_err; } /* fetch the (modified) checksum */ memcpy(&cksum, ftp_msg_data.app_data, sizeof(cksum)); if (ntohl(cksum) == checksum + 1) { if (ftp_vbm) printf("Kerberos V4 authentication succeeded\n"); reply_parse = NULL; auth_type = "KERBEROS_V4"; return(1); } else fprintf(stderr, "Kerberos V4 mutual authentication failed\n"); krb4_err: reply_parse = NULL; } } else if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type\n"); } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef CK_SSL if (ftp_auth_type[j] == FTA_TLS && ck_ssleay_is_installed()) { #ifdef FTPHOST if (!hostcmd) { ftpcmd("HOST",ftp_host,0,0,0); hostcmd = 1; } #endif /* FTPHOST */ n = ftpcmd("AUTH TLS",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) n = ftpcmd("AUTH TLS-P",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) { if (!quiet) printf("TLS accepted as authentication type\n"); auth_type = "TLS"; ssl_auth(); if (ssl_ftp_active_flag ) { ftp_dpl = FPL_CLR; ftp_cpl = FPL_PRV; return(1); } else { fprintf(stderr,"TLS authentication failed\n"); auth_type = NULL; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(csocket, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ csocket = -1; if (ftp_hookup(ftp_host,ftp_port,0) == NULL) return(0); } } else if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr,"TLS rejected as an authentication type\n"); } if (ftp_auth_type[j] == FTA_SSL && ck_ssleay_is_installed()) { #ifdef FTPHOST if (!hostcmd) { ftpcmd("HOST",ftp_host,0,0,0); hostcmd = 1; } #endif /* FTPHOST */ n = ftpcmd("AUTH SSL",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE || n == REPLY_COMPLETE) { if (!quiet) printf("SSL accepted as authentication type\n"); auth_type = "SSL"; ssl_auth(); if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { ftp_dpl = FPL_PRV; ftp_cpl = FPL_PRV; setprotbuf(1<<20); return(1); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SSL authentication failed\n"); auth_type = NULL; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(csocket, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ csocket = -1; if (ftp_hookup(ftp_host,ftp_port,0) == NULL) return(0); } } else if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "SSL rejected as an authentication type\n"); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ /* Other auth types go here ... */ } /* for (j;;) */ return(0); } #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC setprotbuf(unsigned int size) #else setprotbuf(size) unsigned int size; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* setprotbuf */ { if (ucbuf) free(ucbuf); ucbuf = NULL; ucbufsiz = 0; actualbuf = size; while ((ucbuf = (CHAR *)malloc(actualbuf)) == NULL) { if (actualbuf) actualbuf /= 2; else return(0); } ucbufsiz = actualbuf - FUDGE_FACTOR; if (ucbufsiz < 128) { printf("WARNING: tiny ucbufsiz: %d\n",ucbufsiz); } else if (ucbufsiz < 0) { printf("ERROR: ucbuf allocation failure\n"); return(-1); } maxbuf = actualbuf; return(1); } static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC setpbsz(unsigned int size) #else setpbsz(size) unsigned int size; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* setpbsz */ { if (!setprotbuf(size)) { perror("?Error while trying to malloc PROT buffer:"); #ifdef FTP_SRP srp_reset(); #endif /* FTP_SRP */ ftpclose(); return(-1); } reply_parse = "PBSZ="; ckmakmsg(ftpcmdbuf,FTP_BUFSIZ,"PBSZ ", #ifdef CK_SSL ssl_ftp_active_flag ? "0" : #endif /* CK_SSL */ ckuitoa(actualbuf),NULL,NULL); if (ftpcmd(ftpcmdbuf,NULL,0,0,0) != REPLY_COMPLETE) { if (connected) { printf("?Unable to negotiate PROT buffer size with FTP server\n"); ftpclose(); } return(-1); } if (reply_parse) { if ((maxbuf = (unsigned int) atol(reply_parse)) > actualbuf) maxbuf = actualbuf; } else maxbuf = actualbuf; ucbufsiz = maxbuf - FUDGE_FACTOR; reply_parse = NULL; return(0); } static VOID cancel_remote(din) int din; { CHAR buf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; int x, nfnd; #ifdef BSDSELECT fd_set mask; #endif /* BSDSELECT */ #ifdef IBMSELECT int fds[2], fdcnt = 0; #endif /* IBMSELECT */ #ifdef DEBUG extern int debtim; int xdebtim; xdebtim = debtim; debtim = 1; #endif /* DEBUG */ debug(F100,"ftp cancel_remote entry","",0); #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_active_flag) { /* * Send Telnet IP, Telnet DM but do so inline and within the * TLS channel */ int count, error; buf[0] = IAC; buf[1] = TN_IP; buf[2] = IAC; buf[3] = TN_DM; buf[4] = NUL; count = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_con, buf, 4); debug(F111,"ftp cancel_remote","SSL_write(IAC IP IAC DM)",count); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_con,count); debug(F111,"ftp cancel_remote","SSL_get_error()",error); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: #ifdef NT { int gle = GetLastError(); } #endif /* NT */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: lostpeer(); return; } } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ { /* * send IAC in urgent mode instead of DM because 4.3BSD places oob mark * after urgent byte rather than before as is protocol now. */ buf[0] = IAC; buf[1] = TN_IP; buf[2] = IAC; buf[3] = NUL; if ((x = send(csocket, (SENDARG2TYPE)buf, 3, MSG_OOB)) != 3) perror("cancel"); debug(F101,"ftp cancel_remote send 1","",x); buf[0] = TN_DM; x = send(csocket,(SENDARG2TYPE)buf,1,0); debug(F101,"ftp cancel_remote send 2","",x); } x = scommand("ABOR"); debug(F101,"ftp cancel_remote scommand","",x); #ifdef BSDSELECT FD_ZERO(&mask); FD_SET(csocket, &mask); if (din) { FD_SET(din, &mask); } nfnd = empty(&mask, 10); debug(F101,"ftp cancel_remote empty","",nfnd); if ((nfnd) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("cancel"); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ lostpeer(); } debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","D",0); if (din && FD_ISSET(din, &mask)) { /* Security: No threat associated with this read. */ /* But you can't simply read the TLS data stream */ #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { int count, error; while ((count = SSL_read(ssl_ftp_data_con, buf, FTP_BUFSIZ)) > 0) /* LOOP */ ; } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ { while (recv(din, (SENDARG2TYPE)buf, FTP_BUFSIZ,0) > 0) /* LOOP */ ; } } debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","E",0); #else /* BSDSELECT */ #ifdef IBMSELECT fds[0] = csocket; fdcnt++; if (din) { fds[1] = din; fdcnt++; } nfnd = empty(fds, fdcnt, 10); debug(F101,"ftp cancel_remote empty","",nfnd); if ((nfnd) <= 0) { if (nfnd < 0) { perror("cancel"); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (ptabflg) ftpcode = -1; #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ lostpeer(); } debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","D",0); if (din && select(&din, 1,0,0,1) ) { #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { int count, error; while ((count = SSL_read(ssl_ftp_data_con, buf, FTP_BUFSIZ)) > 0) /* LOOP */ ; } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ { while (recv(din, (SENDARG2TYPE)buf, FTP_BUFSIZ,0) > 0) /* LOOP */ ; } } debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","E",0); #else /* IBMSELECT */ Some form of select is required. #endif /* IBMSELECT */ #endif /* BSDSELECT */ if (getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0) == REPLY_ERROR && ftpcode == 552) { debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","F",0); /* 552 needed for NIC style cancel */ getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","G",0); } debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","H",0); getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); debug(F110,"ftp cancel_remote","I",0); #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ } static int fts_dpl(x) int x; { if (!auth_type) { switch ( x ) { case FPL_PRV: printf("?Cannot set protection level to PRIVATE\n"); return(0); case FPL_SAF: printf("?Cannot set protection level to SAFE\n"); return(0); } ftp_dpl = x; return(1); } #ifdef CK_SSL if (x == FPL_SAF && (!strcmp(auth_type,"SSL") || !strcmp(auth_type,"TLS"))) { printf("Cannot set protection level to safe\n"); return(0); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ /* Start with a PBSZ of 1 meg */ if (x != FPL_CLR) { if (setpbsz(DEFAULT_PBSZ) < 0) return(0); } y = ftpcmd(x == FPL_CLR ? "PROT C" : (x == FPL_SAF ? "PROT S" : "PROT P"), NULL, 0, 0,ftp_vbm); if (y == REPLY_COMPLETE) { ftp_dpl = x; return(1); } return(0); } static int fts_cpl(x) int x; { if (!auth_type) { switch ( x ) { case FPL_PRV: printf("?Cannot set protection level to PRIVATE\n"); return(0); case FPL_SAF: printf("?Cannot set protection level to SAFE\n"); return(0); } ftp_cpl = x; return(1); } if (x == FPL_CLR) { y = ftpcmd("CCC",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (y == REPLY_COMPLETE) { ftp_cpl = x; return(1); } return(0); } ftp_cpl = x; return(1); } #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI static VOID user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, s) OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; char *s; { /* a lot of work just to report the error */ OM_uint32 gmaj_stat, gmin_stat, msg_ctx; gss_buffer_desc msg; msg_ctx = 0; while (!msg_ctx) { gmaj_stat = gss_display_status(&gmin_stat, maj_stat, GSS_C_GSS_CODE, GSS_C_NULL_OID, &msg_ctx, &msg ); if ((gmaj_stat == GSS_S_COMPLETE)|| (gmaj_stat == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED)) { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI error major: %s\n", (char*)msg.value); gss_release_buffer(&gmin_stat, &msg); } if (gmaj_stat != GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) break; } msg_ctx = 0; while (!msg_ctx) { gmaj_stat = gss_display_status(&gmin_stat, min_stat, GSS_C_MECH_CODE, GSS_C_NULL_OID, &msg_ctx, &msg ); if ((gmaj_stat == GSS_S_COMPLETE)|| (gmaj_stat == GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED)) { fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI error minor: %s\n", (char*)msg.value); gss_release_buffer(&gmin_stat, &msg); } if (gmaj_stat != GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) break; } fprintf(stderr, "GSSAPI error: %s\n", s); } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ #ifndef NOMHHOST #ifdef datageneral #define NOMHHOST #else #ifdef HPUX5WINTCP #define NOMHHOST #endif /* HPUX5WINTCP */ #endif /* datageneral */ #endif /* NOMHHOST */ #ifdef INADDRX static struct in_addr inaddrx; #endif /* INADDRX */ static char * ftp_hookup(host, port, tls) char * host; int port; int tls; { register struct hostent *hp = 0; #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_THROUGHPUT int tos; #endif /* IPTOS_THROUGHPUT */ #endif /* IP_TOS */ int s; GSOCKNAME_T len; static char hostnamebuf[512]; char hostname[512] /* , *p, *q */ ; int cport; #ifdef DEBUG extern int debtim; int xdebtim; xdebtim = debtim; debtim = 1; #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifndef NOHTTP if (tcp_http_proxy) { struct servent *destsp; char *p, *q; ckmakmsg(proxyhost,sizeof(proxyhost),host,":",ckuitoa(port),NULL); for (p = tcp_http_proxy, q = hostname; *p != '\0' && *p != ':'; p++, q++ ) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; if (*p == ':') p++; else p = "http"; destsp = getservbyname(p,"tcp"); if (destsp) cport = ntohs(destsp->s_port); else if (p) { cport = atoi(p); } else cport = 80; } else #endif /* NOHTTP */ { ckstrncpy(hostname,host,sizeof(hostname)); cport = port; } memset((char *)&hisctladdr, 0, sizeof (hisctladdr)); hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); if (hisctladdr.sin_addr.s_addr != -1) { debug(F110,"ftp hookup A",hostname,0); hisctladdr.sin_family = AF_INET; ckstrncpy(hostnamebuf, hostname, sizeof(hostnamebuf)); } else { debug(F110,"ftp hookup B",hostname,0); hp = gethostbyname(hostname); #ifdef HADDRLIST hp = ck_copyhostent(hp); /* make safe copy that won't change */ #endif /* HADDRLIST */ if (hp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ftp: %s: ", host); herror(); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return((char *) 0); } hisctladdr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; #ifdef HADDRLIST memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #else /* HADDRLIST */ memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #endif /* HADDRLIST */ ckstrncpy(hostnamebuf, hp->h_name, sizeof(hostnamebuf)); } debug(F110,"ftp hookup C",hostnamebuf,0); ftp_host = hostnamebuf; s = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); debug(F101,"ftp hookup socket","",s); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } hisctladdr.sin_port = htons(cport); errno = 0; #ifdef HADDRLIST debug(F100,"ftp hookup HADDRLIST","",0); while #else debug(F100,"ftp hookup no HADDRLIST","",0); if #endif /* HADDRLIST */ (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&hisctladdr, sizeof (hisctladdr)) < 0) { debug(F101,"ftp hookup connect failed","",errno); #ifdef HADDRLIST if (hp && hp->h_addr_list[1]) { int oerrno = errno; fprintf(stderr, "ftp: connect to address %s: ", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); errno = oerrno; perror((char *) 0); hp->h_addr_list++; memcpy((char *)&hisctladdr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); fprintf(stdout, "Trying %s...\n", inet_ntoa(hisctladdr.sin_addr)); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(s); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(s); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ s = socket(hisctladdr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("ftp: socket"); ftpcode = -1; #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(0); } continue; } #endif /* HADDRLIST */ perror("ftp: connect"); ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } debug(F100,"ftp hookup connect ok","",0); len = sizeof (myctladdr); errno = 0; if (getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *)&myctladdr, &len) < 0) { debug(F101,"ftp hookup getsockname failed","",errno); perror("ftp: getsockname"); ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } debug(F100,"ftp hookup getsockname ok","",0); #ifndef NOHTTP if (tcp_http_proxy) { #ifdef OS2 char * agent = "Kermit 95"; /* Default user agent */ #else char * agent = "C-Kermit"; #endif /* OS2 */ if (http_connect(s,agent,NULL, tcp_http_proxy_user, tcp_http_proxy_pwd, 0, proxyhost ) < 0) { char * foo = NULL; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(s); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(s); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ while (foo == NULL && tcp_http_proxy != NULL ) { if (tcp_http_proxy_errno == 401 || tcp_http_proxy_errno == 407 ) { char uid[UIDBUFLEN]; char pwd[256]; readtext("Proxy Userid: ",uid,UIDBUFLEN); if (uid[0]) { char * proxy_user, * proxy_pwd; readpass("Proxy Password: ",pwd,256); proxy_user = tcp_http_proxy_user; proxy_pwd = tcp_http_proxy_pwd; tcp_http_proxy_user = uid; tcp_http_proxy_pwd = pwd; foo = ftp_hookup(host, port, 0); debug(F110,"ftp_hookup()",foo,0); memset(pwd,0,sizeof(pwd)); tcp_http_proxy_user = proxy_user; tcp_http_proxy_pwd = proxy_pwd; } else break; } else break; } if (foo != NULL) return(foo); perror("ftp: connect"); ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } ckstrncpy(hostnamebuf, proxyhost, sizeof(hostnamebuf)); } #endif /* NOHTTP */ csocket = s; #ifdef CK_SSL if (tls) { /* FTP over SSL * If the connection is over an SSL proxy then the * auth_type will be NULL. However, I'm not sure * whether we should protect the data channel in * that case or not. */ debug(F100,"ftp hookup use_tls","",0); if (!ssl_auth()) { debug(F100,"ftp hookup ssl_auth failed","",0); auth_type = NULL; ftpcode = -1; csocket = -1; goto bad; } ssl_ftp_proxy = 1; } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef IP_TOS #ifdef IPTOS_LOWDELAY tos = IPTOS_LOWDELAY; if (setsockopt(csocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&tos, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("ftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)"); #endif #endif if (!quiet) printf("Connected to %s.\n", ftp_host); /* Read greeting from server */ if (getreply(0,ftp_csl,ftp_csr,ftp_vbm,0) > 2) { debug(F100,"ftp hookup bad reply","",0); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(csocket); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(csocket); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ ftpcode = -1; goto bad; } #ifdef SO_OOBINLINE { int on = 1; errno = 0; if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) { perror("ftp: setsockopt"); debug(F101,"ftp hookup setsockopt failed","",errno); } #ifdef DEBUG else debug(F100,"ftp hookup setsockopt ok","",0); #endif /* DEBUG */ } #endif /* SO_OOBINLINE */ #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ return(ftp_host); bad: debug(F100,"ftp hookup bad","",0); #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(s); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ close(s); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef DEBUG debtim = xdebtim; #endif /* DEBUG */ csocket = -1; return((char *)0); } static VOID ftp_init() { int n; /* The purpose of the initial REST 0 is not clear, but other FTP */ /* clients do it. In any case, failure of this command is not a */ /* reliable indication that the server does not support Restart. */ okrestart = 0; n = ftpcmd("REST 0",NULL,0,0,0); if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) okrestart = 1; #ifdef COMMENT else if (ftp_deb) printf("WARNING: Unable to restore file pointer.\n"); #endif /* COMMENT */ n = ftpcmd("SYST",NULL,0,0,0); /* Get server system type */ if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) { register char *cp, c = NUL; cp = ckstrchr(ftp_reply_str+4,' '); /* Get first word of reply */ if (cp == NULL) cp = ckstrchr(ftp_reply_str+4,'\r'); if (cp) { if (cp[-1] == '.') cp--; c = *cp; /* Save this char */ *cp = '\0'; /* Replace it with NUL */ } if (!quiet) printf("Remote system type is %s.\n",ftp_reply_str+4); ckstrncpy(ftp_srvtyp,ftp_reply_str+4,SRVNAMLEN); if (cp) /* Put back saved char */ *cp = c; } alike = !ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,myostype,-1,0); if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"UNIX",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_UNIX; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"WIN32",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_WIN32; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"OS/2",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_WIN32; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"VMS",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_VMS; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"DOS",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_DOS; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"TOPS20",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_TOPS20; else if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_srvtyp,"TOPS10",-1,0)) servertype = SYS_TOPS10; #ifdef FTP_PROXY unix_proxy = 0; if (servertype == SYS_UNIX && proxy) unix_proxy = 1; #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ if (ftp_cmdlin && xfermode == XMODE_M) ftp_typ = binary; /* Type given on command line */ else /* Otherwise set it automatically */ ftp_typ = alike ? FTT_BIN : FTT_ASC; changetype(ftp_typ,0); /* Change to this type */ g_ftp_typ = ftp_typ; /* Make it the global type */ if (!quiet) printf("Default transfer mode is %s\n", ftp_typ ? "BINARY" : "TEXT (\"ASCII\")" ); n = ftpcmd("MODE S",NULL,0,0,0); /* We always send in Stream mode */ #ifdef COMMENT if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) printf("WARNING: Server does not accept MODE S(TREAM)\n"); #endif /* COMMENT */ n = ftpcmd("STRU F",NULL,0,0,0); /* STRU File (not Record or Page) */ #ifdef COMMENT if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) printf("WARNING: Server does not accept STRU F(ILE)\n"); #endif /* COMMENT */ } static int ftp_login(host) char * host; { /* (also called from ckuusy.c) */ char tmp[256]; char *user = NULL, *pass = NULL, *acct = NULL; int n, aflag = 0; debug(F111,"ftp_login",ftp_logname,ftp_log); if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_logname,"anonymous",-1,0)) anonymous = 1; if (!ckstrcmp(ftp_logname,"ftp",-1,0)) anonymous = 1; #ifdef FTP_SRP if (auth_type && !strcmp(auth_type, "SRP")) { user = srp_user; pass = srp_pass; acct = srp_acct; } else #endif /* FTP_SRP */ if (anonymous) { user = "anonymous"; if (ftp_tmp) { pass = ftp_tmp; } else { ckmakmsg(tmp,256,whoami(),"@",myhost,NULL); pass = tmp; } } else { #ifdef USE_RUSERPASS if (ruserpass(host, &user, &pass, &acct) < 0) { ftpcode = -1; return(0); } #endif /* USE_RUSERPASS */ user = ftp_logname; pass = ftp_tmp; acct = ftp_acc; while (user == NULL) { char *myname, prompt[256]; myname = whoami(); if (myname) ckmakxmsg(prompt,256," Name (",host,":",myname,"): ", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); else ckmakmsg(prompt,256," Name (",host,"): ",NULL); tmp[0] = '\0'; readtext(prompt,tmp,80); if (*tmp == '\0') user = myname; else user = tmp; } } n = ftpcmd("USER",user,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) { /* determine if we need to send a dummy password */ if (ftpcmd("PWD",NULL,0,0,0) != REPLY_COMPLETE) ftpcmd("PASS dummy",NULL,0,0,1); } else if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION int oldftp_cpl; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ if (pass == NULL) { static char ftppass[80]; setint(); readpass(" Password:",ftppass,80); pass = ftppass; } #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION oldftp_cpl = ftp_cpl; ftp_cpl = FPL_PRV; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ n = ftpcmd("PASS",pass,-1,-1,1); if (!anonymous && pass) { char * p = pass; while (*p++) *(p-1) = NUL; makestr(&ftp_tmp,NULL); } #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION /* level may have changed */ if (ftp_cpl == FPL_PRV) ftp_cpl = oldftp_cpl; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { aflag++; if (acct == NULL) { static char ftpacct[80]; setint(); readpass(" Account:",ftpacct,80); acct = ftpacct; } n = ftpcmd("ACCT",acct,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); } if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) { fprintf(stderr, "FTP login failed.\n"); if (haveurl) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); return(0); } if (!aflag && acct != NULL) { ftpcmd("ACCT",acct,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); } makestr(&ftp_logname,user); loggedin = 1; ftp_init(); if (anonymous && !quiet) { printf(" Logged in as anonymous (%s)\n",pass); memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass)); } if (ftp_rdir) { if (doftpcwd(ftp_rdir,-1) < 1) doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy) return(1); #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ return(1); } static int ftp_reset() { int rc; #ifdef BSDSELECT int nfnd = 1; fd_set mask; FD_ZERO(&mask); while (nfnd > 0) { FD_SET(csocket, &mask); if ((nfnd = empty(&mask,0)) < 0) { perror("reset"); ftpcode = -1; lostpeer(); return(0); } else if (nfnd) { getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); } } #else /* BSDSELECT */ #ifdef IBMSELECT int nfnd = 1; while (nfnd > 0) { if ((nfnd = empty(&csocket,1,0)) < 0) { perror("reset"); ftpcode = -1; lostpeer(); return(0); } else if (nfnd) { getreply(0,-1,-1,ftp_vbm,0); } } #endif /* IBMSELECT */ #endif /* BSDSELECT */ rc = (ftpcmd("REIN",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); if (rc > 0) loggedin = 0; return(rc); } static int ftp_rename(from, to) char * from, * to; { int lcs = -1, rcs = -1; #ifndef NOCSETS if (ftp_xla) { lcs = ftp_csl; if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; rcs = ftp_csx; if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ if (ftpcmd("RNFR",from,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_CONTINUE) { return(ftpcmd("RNTO",to,lcs,rcs,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); } return(0); /* Failure */ } static int ftp_umask(mask) char * mask; { int rc; rc = (ftpcmd("SITE UMASK",mask,-1,-1,1) == REPLY_COMPLETE); return(rc); } static int ftp_user(user,pass,acct) char * user, * pass, * acct; { int n = 0, aflag = 0; char pwd[80]; if (!auth_type && ftp_aut) { #ifdef FTP_SRP if (ck_srp_is_installed()) { if (srp_ftp_auth( NULL, user, pass)) { makestr(&pass,srp_pass); } } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ } n = ftpcmd("USER",user,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) n = ftpcmd("PASS dummy",NULL,0,0,1); else if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION int oldftp_cpl; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ if (pass == NULL || !pass[0]) { pwd[0] = '\0'; setint(); readpass(" Password: ",pwd,sizeof(pwd)); pass = pwd; } #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION if ((oldftp_cpl = ftp_cpl) == PROT_S) ftp_cpl = PROT_P; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ n = ftpcmd("PASS",pass,-1,-1,1); memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass)); #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION /* level may have changed */ if (ftp_cpl == PROT_P) ftp_cpl = oldftp_cpl; #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { if (acct == NULL || !acct[0]) { pwd[0] = '\0'; setint(); readpass(" Account: ",pwd,sizeof(pwd)); acct = pwd; } n = ftpcmd("ACCT",acct,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); aflag++; } if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) { printf("Login failed.\n"); return(0); } if (!aflag && acct != NULL && acct[0]) { n = ftpcmd("ACCT",acct,-1,-1,ftp_vbm); } if (n == REPLY_COMPLETE) { makestr(&ftp_logname,user); loggedin = 1; ftp_init(); return(1); } return(0); } char * ftp_authtype() { if (!connected) return("NULL"); return(auth_type ? auth_type : "NULL"); } char * ftp_cpl_mode() { switch (ftp_cpl) { case FPL_CLR: return("clear"); case FPL_SAF: return("safe"); case FPL_PRV: return("private"); case FPL_CON: return("confidential"); default: return("(error)"); } } char * ftp_dpl_mode() { switch (ftp_dpl) { case FPL_CLR: return("clear"); case FPL_SAF: return("safe"); case FPL_PRV: return("private"); case FPL_CON: return("confidential"); default: return("(error)"); } } #ifdef NOT_USED /* The following code is from the Unix FTP client. Be sure to make sure that the functionality is not lost. Especially the Proxy stuff even though we have not yet implemented it. */ /* Send multiple files */ static int ftp_mput(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; sig_t oldintr; int ointer; char *tp; sigtype mcancel(); if (argc < 2 && !another(&argc, &argv, "local-files")) { printf("usage: %s local-files\n", argv[0]); ftpcode = -1; return; } mname = argv[0]; mflag = 1; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, mcancel); /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ setjmp(jcancel); #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy) { char *cp, *tp2, tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH]; while ((cp = remglob(argv,0)) != NULL) { if (*cp == 0) { mflag = 0; continue; } if (mflag && confirm(argv[0], cp)) { tp = cp; if (mcase) { while (*tp && !islower(*tp)) { tp++; } if (!*tp) { tp = cp; tp2 = tmpbuf; while ((*tp2 = *tp) != 0) { if (isupper(*tp2)) { *tp2 = 'a' + *tp2 - 'A'; } tp++; tp2++; } } tp = tmpbuf; } if (ntflag) { tp = dotrans(tp); } if (mapflag) { tp = domap(tp); } sendrequest((sunique) ? "STOU" : "STOR", cp, tp, 0, -1, -1, 0); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with","mput")) { mflag++; } interactive = ointer; } } } signal(SIGINT, oldintr); mflag = 0; return; } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { register char **cpp, **gargs; if (mflag && confirm(argv[0], argv[i])) { tp = argv[i]; sendrequest((ftp_usn) ? "STOU" : "STOR", argv[i], tp, 0,-1,-1, 0); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with","mput")) { mflag++; } interactive = ointer; } } continue; gargs = ftpglob(argv[i]); if (globerr != NULL) { printf("%s\n", globerr); if (gargs) { blkfree(gargs); free((char *)gargs); } continue; } for (cpp = gargs; cpp && *cpp != NULL; cpp++) { if (mflag && confirm(argv[0], *cpp)) { tp = *cpp; sendrequest((sunique) ? "STOU":"STOR", *cpp, tp, 0, -1, -1, 0); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with","mput")) { mflag++; } interactive = ointer; } } } if (gargs != NULL) { blkfree(gargs); free((char *)gargs); } } signal(SIGINT, oldintr); mflag = 0; } /* Get multiple files */ static int ftp_mget(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int rc = -1; sig_t oldintr; int ointer; char *cp, *tp, *tp2, tmpbuf[CKMAXPATH]; sigtype mcancel(); if (argc < 2 && !another(&argc, &argv, "remote-files")) { printf("usage: %s remote-files\n", argv[0]); ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } mname = argv[0]; mflag = 1; oldintr = signal(SIGINT,mcancel); /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ setjmp(jcancel); while ((cp = remglob(argv,proxy)) != NULL) { if (*cp == '\0') { mflag = 0; continue; } if (mflag && confirm(argv[0], cp)) { tp = cp; if (mcase) { while (*tp && !islower(*tp)) { tp++; } if (!*tp) { tp = cp; tp2 = tmpbuf; while ((*tp2 = *tp) != 0) { if (isupper(*tp2)) { *tp2 = 'a' + *tp2 - 'A'; } tp++; tp2++; } } tp = tmpbuf; } rc = (recvrequest("RETR", tp, cp, "wb", tp != cp || !interactive) == 0,0,NULL,0,0,0); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with","mget")) { mflag++; } interactive = ointer; } } } signal(SIGINT,oldintr); mflag = 0; return(rc); } /* Delete multiple files */ static int mdelete(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { sig_t oldintr; int ointer; char *cp; sigtype mcancel(); if (argc < 2 && !another(&argc, &argv, "remote-files")) { printf("usage: %s remote-files\n", argv[0]); ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } mname = argv[0]; mflag = 1; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, mcancel); /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ setjmp(jcancel); while ((cp = remglob(argv,0)) != NULL) { if (*cp == '\0') { mflag = 0; continue; } if (mflag && confirm(argv[0], cp)) { rc = (ftpcmd("DELE",cp,-1,-1,ftp_vbm) == REPLY_COMPLETE); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with", "mdelete")) { mflag++; } interactive = ointer; } } } signal(SIGINT, oldintr); mflag = 0; return(rc); } /* Get a directory listing of multiple remote files */ static int mls(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { sig_t oldintr; int ointer, i; char *cmd, mode[1], *dest; sigtype mcancel(); int rc = -1; if (argc < 2 && !another(&argc, &argv, "remote-files")) goto usage; if (argc < 3 && !another(&argc, &argv, "local-file")) { usage: printf("usage: %s remote-files local-file\n", argv[0]); ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } dest = argv[argc - 1]; argv[argc - 1] = NULL; if (strcmp(dest, "-") && *dest != '|') if (!globulize(&dest) || !confirm("output to local-file:", dest)) { ftpcode = -1; return(-1); } cmd = argv[0][1] == 'l' ? "NLST" : "LIST"; mname = argv[0]; mflag = 1; oldintr = signal(SIGINT, mcancel); /* Replace with calls to cc_execute() */ setjmp(jcancel); for (i = 1; mflag && i < argc-1; ++i) { *mode = (i == 1) ? 'w' : 'a'; rc = recvrequest(cmd, dest, argv[i], mode, 0,0,NULL,0,0,0); if (!mflag && fromatty) { ointer = interactive; interactive = 1; if (confirm("Continue with", argv[0])) { mflag ++; } interactive = ointer; } } signal(SIGINT, oldintr); mflag = 0; return(rc); } static char * remglob(argv,doswitch) char *argv[]; int doswitch; { char temp[16]; static char buf[CKMAXPATH]; static FILE *ftemp = NULL; static char **args; int oldhash; char *cp, *mode; if (!mflag) { if (!doglob) { args = NULL; } else { if (ftemp) { (void) fclose(ftemp); ftemp = NULL; } } return(NULL); } if (!doglob) { if (args == NULL) args = argv; if ((cp = *++args) == NULL) args = NULL; return(cp); } if (ftemp == NULL) { (void) strcpy(temp, _PATH_TMP); #ifdef MKTEMP #ifndef MKSTEMP (void) mktemp(temp); #endif /* MKSTEMP */ #endif /* MKTEMP */ verbose = 0; oldhash = hash, hash = 0; #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (doswitch) { pswitch(!proxy); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ for (mode = "wb"; *++argv != NULL; mode = "ab") recvrequest ("NLST", temp, *argv, mode, 0); #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (doswitch) { pswitch(!proxy); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ hash = oldhash; ftemp = fopen(temp, "r"); unlink(temp); if (ftemp == NULL && (!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) { printf("Can't find list of remote files, oops\n"); return(NULL); } } if (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), ftemp) == NULL) { fclose(ftemp), ftemp = NULL; return(NULL); } if ((cp = ckstrchr(buf,'\n')) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; return(buf); } #endif /* NOT_USED */ /* remote_files() */ /* Returns next remote filename on success; NULL on error or no more files with global rfrc set to: -1: Bad argument -2: Server error response to NLST, e.g. file not found -3: No more files -9: Internal error */ static CHAR * #ifdef CK_ANSIC remote_files(int new_query, CHAR * pattern, int proxy_switch) #else /* CK_ANSIC */ remote_files(new_query, pattern, proxy_switch) int new_query; CHAR * pattern; int proxy_switch; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* remote_files */ { static CHAR temp[CKMAXPATH]; static CHAR buf[CKMAXPATH]; static FILE *ftemp = NULL; CHAR *cp; int x; int lcs = 0, rcs = 0, xlate = 0; debug(F111,"ftp remote_files",pattern,new_query); rfrc = -1; if (new_query) { if (!pattern) pattern = (CHAR *)""; if (!*pattern) return(NULL); } if (new_query) { if (ftemp) { fclose(ftemp); ftemp = NULL; #ifdef OS2 if (!ftp_knf) unlink((char *)temp); #endif /* OS2 */ } } if (ftemp == NULL) { extern char * tempdir; char * p; debug(F110,"ftp remote_files tempdir",tempdir,0); if (tempdir) { p = tempdir; } else { #ifdef OS2 #ifdef NT p = getenv("K95TMP"); #else p = getenv("K2TMP"); #endif /* NT */ if (!p) #endif /* OS2 */ p = getenv("CK_TMP"); if (!p) p = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (!p) p = getenv("TEMP"); if (!p) p = getenv("TMP"); #ifdef OS2ORUNIX if (p) { int len = strlen(p); if (p[len-1] != '/' #ifdef OS2 && p[len-1] != '\\' #endif /* OS2 */ ) { static char foo[CKMAXPATH]; ckstrncpy(foo,p,CKMAXPATH); ckstrncat(foo,"/",CKMAXPATH); p = foo; } } else #else /* OS2ORUNIX */ if (!p) #endif /* OS2ORUNIX */ #ifdef UNIX /* Systems that have a standard */ p = "/tmp/"; /* temporary directory... */ #else #ifdef datageneral p = ":TMP:"; #else p = ""; #endif /* datageneral */ #endif /* UNIX */ } debug(F110,"ftp remote_files p",p,0); ckmakmsg((char *)temp,CKMAXPATH,p,"ckXXXXXX",NULL,NULL); debug(F110,"ftp remote_files temp",temp,0); #ifdef MKTEMP #ifdef MKSTEMP mkstemp((char *)temp); #else mktemp((char *)temp); #endif /* MKSTEMP */ /* if no mktemp() the name will just be "ckXXXXXX"... */ #endif /* MKTEMP */ #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy_switch) { pswitch(!proxy); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ #ifndef NOCSETS xlate = ftp_xla; /* SET FTP CHARACTER-SET-TRANSLATION */ if (xlate) { /* ON? */ lcs = ftp_csl; /* Local charset */ if (lcs < 0) lcs = fcharset; if (lcs < 0) xlate = 0; } if (xlate) { /* Still ON? */ rcs = ftp_csx; /* Remote (Server) charset */ if (rcs < 0) rcs = ftp_csr; if (rcs < 0) xlate = 0; } #endif /* NOCSETS */ x = recvrequest("NLST", (char *)temp, (char *)pattern, "wb", 0, 0, NULL, xlate, lcs, rcs ); if (x < 0) { rfrc = -2; return(NULL); } #ifdef FTP_PROXY if (proxy_switch) { pswitch(!proxy); } #endif /* FTP_PROXY */ ftemp = fopen((char *)temp, "r"); #ifndef OS2 if (!ftp_knf) unlink((char *)temp); #endif /* OS2 */ if (!ftemp) { debug(F110,"ftp remote_files open fail",temp,0); if ((!dpyactive || ftp_deb)) printf("?Can't find list of remote files, oops\n"); rfrc = -9; return(NULL); } } if (fgets((char *)buf, sizeof (buf), ftemp) == NULL) { fclose(ftemp); ftemp = NULL; #ifdef OS2 if (!ftp_knf) unlink((char *)temp); #endif /* OS2 */ if (ftp_knf) { printf("(Temporary file %s NOT deleted)\n",(char *)temp); } rfrc = -3; return(NULL); } if ((cp = (CHAR *)ckstrchr((char *)buf,'\n')) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; if ((cp = (CHAR *)ckstrchr((char *)buf,'\r')) != NULL) *cp = '\0'; rfrc = 0; return(buf); } /* N O T P O R T A B L E !!! */ #if (SIZEOF_SHORT == 4) typedef unsigned short ftp_uint32; typedef short ftp_int32; #else #if (SIZEOF_INT == 4) typedef unsigned int ftp_uint32; typedef int ftp_int32; #else #if (SIZEOF_LONG == 4) typedef ULONG ftp_uint32; typedef long ftp_int32; #endif #endif #endif /* Perhaps use these in general, certainly use them for GSSAPI */ #ifndef looping_write #define ftp_int32 int #define ftp_uint32 unsigned int static int looping_write(fd, buf, len) int fd; register CONST char *buf; int len; { int cc; register int wrlen = len; do { cc = send(fd, (SENDARG2TYPE)buf, wrlen, 0); if (cc < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return(cc); } else { buf += cc; wrlen -= cc; } } while (wrlen > 0); return(len); } #endif #ifndef looping_read static int looping_read(fd, buf, len) int fd; register char *buf; register int len; { int cc, len2 = 0; do { cc = recv(fd, (char *)buf, len,0); if (cc < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return(cc); /* errno is already set */ } else if (cc == 0) { return(len2); } else { buf += cc; len2 += cc; len -= cc; } } while (len > 0); return(len2); } #endif /* looping_read */ #define ERR -2 #ifdef COMMENT static secure_putbyte(fd, c) int fd; CHAR c; { int ret; ucbuf[nout++] = c; if (nout == (maxbuf ? maxbuf : actualbuf) - FUDGE_FACTOR) { nout = 0; if (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) ret = send(fd, (SENDARG2TYPE)ucbuf, (maxbuf ? maxbuf : actualbuf) - FUDGE_FACTOR, 0); else ret = secure_putbuf(fd, ucbuf, (maxbuf ? maxbuf : actualbuf) - FUDGE_FACTOR ); return(ret?ret:c); } return(c); } #endif /* COMMENT */ /* returns: * 0 on success * -1 on error (errno set) * -2 on security error */ static int secure_flush(fd) int fd; { int rc = 0; int len = 0; if (nout > 0) { len = nout; if (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) { rc = send(fd, (SENDARG2TYPE)ucbuf, nout, 0); nout = 0; goto xflush; } else { rc = secure_putbuf(fd, ucbuf, nout); if (rc) goto xflush; } } rc = (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) ? 0 : secure_putbuf(fd, (CHAR *)"", nout = 0); xflush: if (rc > -1 && len > 0 && fdispla != XYFD_B) { spktl = len; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',spackets,NULL); } return(rc); } #ifdef COMMENT /* (not used) */ /* returns: * c>=0 on success * -1 on error * -2 on security error */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC secure_putc(char c, int fd) #else secure_putc(c, fd) char c; int fd; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ /* secure_putc */ { return(secure_putbyte(fd, (CHAR) c)); } #endif /* COMMENT */ /* returns: * nbyte on success * -1 on error (errno set) * -2 on security error */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC secure_write(int fd, CHAR * buf, unsigned int nbyte) #else secure_write(fd, buf, nbyte) int fd; CHAR * buf; unsigned int nbyte; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { int ret; if (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) { if (nout > 0) { if ((ret = send(fd, (SENDARG2TYPE)ucbuf, nout, 0)) < 0) return(ret); nout = 0; } return(send(fd,(SENDARG2TYPE)buf,nbyte,0)); } else { int ucbuflen = (maxbuf ? maxbuf : actualbuf) - FUDGE_FACTOR; int bsent = 0; while (bsent < nbyte) { int b2cp = ((nbyte - bsent) > (ucbuflen - nout) ? (ucbuflen - nout) : (nbyte - bsent)); memcpy(&ucbuf[nout],&buf[bsent],b2cp); nout += b2cp; bsent += b2cp; if (nout == ucbuflen) { nout = 0; ret = secure_putbuf(fd, ucbuf, ucbuflen); if (ret < 0) return(ret); } } return(bsent); } } /* returns: * 0 on success * -1 on error (errno set) * -2 on security error */ static int #ifdef CK_ANSIC secure_putbuf(int fd, CHAR * buf, unsigned int nbyte) #else secure_putbuf(fd, buf, nbyte) int fd; CHAR * buf; unsigned int nbyte; #endif /* CK_ANSIC */ { static char *outbuf = NULL; /* output ciphertext */ #ifdef FTP_SECURITY static unsigned int bufsize = 0; /* size of outbuf */ #endif /* FTP_SECURITY */ ftp_int32 length = 0; ftp_uint32 net_len = 0; /* Other auth types go here ... */ #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { int count, error; count = SSL_write(ssl_ftp_data_con, buf, nbyte); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_data_con,count); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: return(0); case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: #ifdef NT { int gle = GetLastError(); } #endif /* NT */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; return(-1); } return(-1); } #endif /* CK_SSL */ #ifdef FTP_SRP if (ck_srp_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type, "SRP") == 0)) { if (bufsize < nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR) { if (outbuf? (outbuf = realloc(outbuf, (unsigned) (nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR))): (outbuf = malloc((unsigned) (nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR)))) { bufsize = nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR; } else { bufsize = 0; secure_error("%s (in malloc of PROT buffer)", ck_errstr()); return(ERR); } } if ((length = srp_encode(ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV, (CHAR *) buf, (CHAR *) outbuf, nbyte ) ) < 0) { secure_error ("srp_encode failed"); return ERR; } } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 if (ck_krb4_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type, "KERBEROS_V4") == 0)) { struct sockaddr_in myaddr, hisaddr; GSOCKNAME_T len; len = sizeof(myaddr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&myaddr, &len) < 0) { secure_error("secure_putbuf: getsockname failed"); return(ERR); } len = sizeof(hisaddr); if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&hisaddr, &len) < 0) { secure_error("secure_putbuf: getpeername failed"); return(ERR); } if (bufsize < nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR) { if (outbuf ? (outbuf = realloc(outbuf, (unsigned) (nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR))): (outbuf = malloc((unsigned) (nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR)))) { bufsize = nbyte + FUDGE_FACTOR; } else { bufsize = 0; secure_error("%s (in malloc of PROT buffer)", ck_errstr()); return(ERR); } } if (ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV) { length = krb_mk_priv(buf, (CHAR *) outbuf, nbyte, ftp_sched, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &myaddr, &hisaddr ); } else { length = krb_mk_safe(buf, (CHAR *) outbuf, nbyte, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &myaddr, &hisaddr ); } if (length == -1) { secure_error("krb_mk_%s failed for KERBEROS_V4", ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV ? "priv" : "safe"); return(ERR); } } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI if (ck_gssapi_is_installed() && (strcmp(auth_type, "GSSAPI") == 0)) { gss_buffer_desc in_buf, out_buf; OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; int conf_state; in_buf.value = buf; in_buf.length = nbyte; maj_stat = gss_seal(&min_stat, gcontext, (ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV), /* confidential */ GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT, &in_buf, &conf_state, &out_buf ); if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE) { /* generally need to deal */ /* ie. should loop, but for now just fail */ user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV? "GSSAPI seal failed": "GSSAPI sign failed"); return(ERR); } if (bufsize < out_buf.length) { if (outbuf ? (outbuf = realloc(outbuf, (unsigned) out_buf.length)): (outbuf = malloc((unsigned) out_buf.length))) { bufsize = out_buf.length; } else { bufsize = 0; secure_error("%s (in malloc of PROT buffer)", ck_errstr()); return(ERR); } } memcpy(outbuf, out_buf.value, length=out_buf.length); gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, &out_buf); } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ net_len = htonl((ULONG) length); if (looping_write(fd, (char *)&net_len, 4) == -1) return(-1); if (looping_write(fd, outbuf, length) != length) return(-1); return(0); } static int secure_getbyte(fd) int fd; { /* number of chars in ucbuf, pointer into ucbuf */ static unsigned int nin = 0, bufp = 0; int kerror; ftp_uint32 length; if (nin == 0) { if (iscanceled()) return(0); #ifdef CK_SSL if (ssl_ftp_data_active_flag) { int count, error; count = SSL_read(ssl_ftp_data_con, ucbuf, sizeof(ucbuf)); error = SSL_get_error(ssl_ftp_data_con,count); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: nin = bufp = count; rpackets++; pktnum++; if (fdispla != XYFD_B) { rpktl = count; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',rpackets,NULL); } break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: #ifdef NT { int gle = GetLastError(); } #endif /* NT */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: nin = bufp = count = 0; SSL_shutdown(ssl_ftp_data_con); SSL_free(ssl_ftp_data_con); ssl_ftp_data_active_flag = 0; ssl_ftp_data_con = NULL; #ifdef TCPIPLIB socket_close(data); #else /* TCPIPLIB */ #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN shutdown(data, 1+1); #endif /* USE_SHUTDOWN */ close(data); #endif /* TCPIPLIB */ data = -1; globaldin = data; break; } } else #endif /* CK_SSL */ { kerror = looping_read(fd, (char *)&length, sizeof(length)); if (kerror != sizeof(length)) { secure_error("Couldn't read PROT buffer length: %d/%s", kerror, kerror == -1 ? ck_errstr() : "premature EOF" ); return(ERR); } debug(F101,"secure_getbyte length","",length); debug(F101,"secure_getbyte ntohl(length)","",ntohl(length)); length = (ULONG) ntohl(length); if (length > maxbuf) { secure_error("Length (%d) of PROT buffer > PBSZ=%u", length, maxbuf ); return(ERR); } if ((kerror = looping_read(fd, ucbuf, length)) != length) { secure_error("Couldn't read %u byte PROT buffer: %s", length, kerror == -1 ? ck_errstr() : "premature EOF" ); return(ERR); } /* Other auth types go here ... */ #ifdef FTP_SRP if (strcmp(auth_type, "SRP") == 0) { if ((nin = bufp = srp_decode (ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV, (CHAR *) ucbuf, ucbuf, length ) ) == -1) { secure_error ("srp_encode failed" ); return ERR; } } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #ifdef FTP_KRB4 if (strcmp(auth_type, "KERBEROS_V4") == 0) { struct sockaddr_in myaddr, hisaddr; GSOCKNAME_T len; len = sizeof(myaddr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&myaddr, &len) < 0) { secure_error("secure_putbuf: getsockname failed"); return(ERR); } len = sizeof(hisaddr); if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&hisaddr, &len) < 0) { secure_error("secure_putbuf: getpeername failed"); return(ERR); } if (ftp_dpl) { kerror = krb_rd_priv(ucbuf, length, ftp_sched, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &hisaddr, &myaddr, &ftp_msg_data); } else { kerror = krb_rd_safe(ucbuf, length, #ifdef KRB524 ftp_cred.session, #else /* KRB524 */ &ftp_cred.session, #endif /* KRB524 */ &hisaddr, &myaddr, &ftp_msg_data); } if (kerror) { secure_error("krb_rd_%s failed for KERBEROS_V4 (%s)", ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV ? "priv" : "safe", krb_get_err_text(kerror)); return(ERR); } memcpy(ucbuf,ftp_msg_data.app_data,ftp_msg_data.app_length); nin = bufp = ftp_msg_data.app_length; } #endif /* FTP_KRB4 */ #ifdef FTP_GSSAPI if (strcmp(auth_type, "GSSAPI") == 0) { gss_buffer_desc xmit_buf, msg_buf; OM_uint32 maj_stat, min_stat; int conf_state; xmit_buf.value = ucbuf; xmit_buf.length = length; conf_state = (ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV); /* decrypt/verify the message */ maj_stat = gss_unseal(&min_stat, gcontext, &xmit_buf, &msg_buf, &conf_state, NULL); if (maj_stat != GSS_S_COMPLETE) { user_gss_error(maj_stat, min_stat, (ftp_dpl == FPL_PRV)? "failed unsealing ENC message": "failed unsealing MIC message"); return ERR; } memcpy(ucbuf, msg_buf.value, nin = bufp = msg_buf.length); gss_release_buffer(&min_stat, &msg_buf); } #endif /* FTP_GSSAPI */ /* Other auth types go here ... */ } } if (nin == 0) return(EOF); else return(ucbuf[bufp - nin--]); } /* returns: * c>=0 on success * -1 on EOF * -2 on security error */ static int secure_getc(fd) int fd; { if (ftp_dpl == FPL_CLR) { static unsigned int nin = 0, bufp = 0; if (nin == 0) { if (iscanceled()) return(-9); nin = bufp = recv(fd,(char *)ucbuf,actualbuf,0); if (nin <= 0) { debug(F111,"secure_getc recv errno",ckitoa(nin),errno); debug(F101,"secure_getc returns EOF","",EOF); nin = bufp = 0; return(EOF); } debug(F101,"ftp secure_getc recv","",nin); hexdump("ftp secure_getc recv",ucbuf,16); rpackets++; pktnum++; if (fdispla != XYFD_B) { rpktl = nin; ftscreen(SCR_PT,'D',rpackets,NULL); } } return(ucbuf[bufp - nin--]); } else return(secure_getbyte(fd)); } /* returns: * n>0 on success (n == # of bytes read) * 0 on EOF * -1 on error (errno set), only for FPL_CLR * -2 on security error */ static int secure_read(fd, buf, nbyte) int fd; char *buf; int nbyte; { static int c = 0; int i; if (c == EOF) return(c = 0); for (i = 0; nbyte > 0; nbyte--) { c = secure_getc(fd); switch (c) { case -9: /* Canceled from keyboard */ debug(F101,"ftp secure_read interrupted","",c); return(0); case ERR: debug(F101,"ftp secure_read error","",c); return(c); case EOF: debug(F101,"ftp secure_read EOF","",c); if (!i) c = 0; return(i); default: buf[i++] = c; } } return(i); } #ifdef USE_RUSERPASS /* BEGIN_RUSERPASS * * Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ruserpass.c 5.3 (Berkeley) 3/1/91"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64 #endif char * renvlook(); static FILE * cfile; #define DEFAULT 1 #define LOGIN 2 #define PASSWD 3 #define ACCOUNT 4 #define MACDEF 5 #define ID 10 #define MACH 11 static char tokval[100]; static struct toktab { char *tokstr; int tval; } toktab[]= { "default", DEFAULT, "login", LOGIN, "password", PASSWD, "passwd", PASSWD, "account", ACCOUNT, "machine", MACH, "macdef", MACDEF, 0, 0 }; static int token() { char *cp; int c; struct toktab *t; if (feof(cfile)) return(0); while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ' || c == ',')) continue; if (c == EOF) return(0); cp = tokval; if (c == '"') { while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '"') { if (c == '\\') c = getc(cfile); *cp++ = c; } } else { *cp++ = c; while ((c = getc(cfile)) != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != ' ' && c != ',') { if (c == '\\') c = getc(cfile); *cp++ = c; } } *cp = 0; if (tokval[0] == 0) return(0); for (t = toktab; t->tokstr; t++) if (!strcmp(t->tokstr, tokval)) return(t->tval); return(ID); } ruserpass(host, aname, apass, aacct) char *host, **aname, **apass, **aacct; { char *hdir, buf[FTP_BUFSIZ], *tmp; char myname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN], *mydomain; int t, i, c, usedefault = 0; #ifdef NT struct _stat stb; #else /* NT */ struct stat stb; #endif /* NT */ hdir = getenv("HOME"); if (hdir == NULL) hdir = "."; ckmakmsg(buf,FTP_BUFSIZ,hdir,"/.netrc",NULL,NULL); cfile = fopen(buf, "r"); if (cfile == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) perror(buf); return(0); } if (gethostname(myname, sizeof(myname)) < 0) myname[0] = '\0'; if ((mydomain = ckstrchr(myname, '.')) == NULL) mydomain = ""; next: while ((t = token())) switch(t) { case DEFAULT: usedefault = 1; /* FALL THROUGH */ case MACH: if (!usedefault) { if (token() != ID) continue; /* * Allow match either for user's input host name * or official hostname. Also allow match of * incompletely-specified host in local domain. */ if (ckstrcmp(host, tokval,-1,1) == 0) goto match; if (ckstrcmp(ftp_host, tokval,-1,0) == 0) goto match; if ((tmp = ckstrchr(ftp_host, '.')) != NULL && ckstrcmp(tmp, mydomain,-1,1) == 0 && ckstrcmp(ftp_host, tokval, tmp-ftp_host,0) == 0 && tokval[tmp - ftp_host] == '\0') goto match; if ((tmp = ckstrchr(host, '.')) != NULL && ckstrcmp(tmp, mydomain,-1,1) == 0 && ckstrcmp(host, tokval, tmp - host, 0) == 0 && tokval[tmp - host] == '\0') goto match; continue; } match: while ((t = token()) && t != MACH && t != DEFAULT) switch(t) { case LOGIN: if (token()) if (*aname == 0) { *aname = malloc((unsigned) strlen(tokval) + 1); strcpy(*aname, tokval); /* safe */ } else { if (strcmp(*aname, tokval)) goto next; } break; case PASSWD: if (strcmp(*aname, "anonymous") && fstat(fileno(cfile), &stb) >= 0 && (stb.st_mode & 077) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - .netrc file not correct mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Remove password or correct mode.\n"); goto bad; } if (token() && *apass == 0) { *apass = malloc((unsigned) strlen(tokval) + 1); strcpy(*apass, tokval); /* safe */ } break; case ACCOUNT: if (fstat(fileno(cfile), &stb) >= 0 && (stb.st_mode & 077) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - .netrc file not correct mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Remove account or correct mode.\n"); goto bad; } if (token() && *aacct == 0) { *aacct = malloc((unsigned) strlen(tokval) + 1); strcpy(*aacct, tokval); /* safe */ } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown .netrc keyword %s\n", tokval); break; } goto done; } done: fclose(cfile); return(0); bad: fclose(cfile); return(-1); } #endif /* USE_RUSERPASS */ static char *radixN = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static char pad = '='; static int radix_encode(inbuf, outbuf, inlen, outlen, decode) CHAR inbuf[], outbuf[]; int inlen, *outlen, decode; { int i, j, D = 0; char *p; CHAR c = NUL; if (decode) { for (i = 0, j = 0; inbuf[i] && inbuf[i] != pad; i++) { if ((p = ckstrchr(radixN, inbuf[i])) == NULL) return(1); D = p - radixN; switch (i&3) { case 0: outbuf[j] = D<<2; break; case 1: outbuf[j++] |= D>>4; outbuf[j] = (D&15)<<4; break; case 2: outbuf[j++] |= D>>2; outbuf[j] = (D&3)<<6; break; case 3: outbuf[j++] |= D; } if (j == *outlen) return(4); } switch (i&3) { case 1: return(3); case 2: if (D&15) return(3); if (strcmp((char *)&inbuf[i], "==")) return(2); break; case 3: if (D&3) return(3); if (strcmp((char *)&inbuf[i], "=")) return(2); } *outlen = j; } else { for (i = 0, j = 0; i < inlen; i++) { switch (i%3) { case 0: outbuf[j++] = radixN[inbuf[i]>>2]; c = (inbuf[i]&3)<<4; break; case 1: outbuf[j++] = radixN[c|inbuf[i]>>4]; c = (inbuf[i]&15)<<2; break; case 2: outbuf[j++] = radixN[c|inbuf[i]>>6]; outbuf[j++] = radixN[inbuf[i]&63]; c = 0; } if (j == *outlen) return(4); } if (i%3) outbuf[j++] = radixN[c]; switch (i%3) { case 1: outbuf[j++] = pad; case 2: outbuf[j++] = pad; } outbuf[*outlen = j] = '\0'; } return(0); } static char * radix_error(e) int e; { switch (e) { case 0: return("Success"); case 1: return("Bad character in encoding"); case 2: return("Encoding not properly padded"); case 3: return("Decoded # of bits not a multiple of 8"); case 4: return("Output buffer too small"); default: return("Unknown error"); } } /* END_RUSERPASS */ #ifdef FTP_SRP /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Package: srpftp | | Author: Eugene Jhong | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 The Stanford SRP Authentication Project * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL STANFORD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * In addition, the following conditions apply: * * 1. Any software that incorporates the SRP authentication technology * must display the following acknowlegment: * "This product uses the 'Secure Remote Password' cryptographic * authentication system developed by Tom Wu (tjw@CS.Stanford.EDU)." * * 2. Any software that incorporates all or part of the SRP distribution * itself must also display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by Tom Wu and Eugene * Jhong for the SRP Distribution (http://srp.stanford.edu/srp/)." * * 3. Redistributions in source or binary form must retain an intact copy * of this copyright notice and list of conditions. */ #define SRP_PROT_VERSION 1 #ifdef CK_ENCRYPTION #define SRP_DEFAULT_CIPHER CIPHER_ID_CAST5_CBC #else #define SRP_DEFAULT_CIPHER CIPHER_ID_NONE #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */ #define SRP_DEFAULT_HASH HASH_ID_SHA CHAR srp_pref_cipher = CIPHER_ID_DES3_ECB; CHAR srp_pref_hash = HASH_ID_SHA; static struct t_client *tc = NULL; static CHAR *skey = NULL; static krypto_context *incrypt = NULL; static krypto_context *outcrypt = NULL; typedef unsigned int srp_uint32; /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_selcipher: select cipher | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_selcipher (cname) char *cname; { cipher_desc *cd; if (!(cd = cipher_getdescbyname (cname))) { int i; CHAR *list = cipher_getlist (); fprintf (stderr, "ftp: supported ciphers:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < strlen (list); i++) fprintf (stderr, " %s\n", (cipher_getdescbyid(list[i]))->name); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); return -1; } srp_pref_cipher = cd->id; return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_selhash: select hash | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_selhash (hname) char *hname; { hash_desc *hd; if (!(hd = hash_getdescbyname (hname))) { int i; CHAR *list = hash_getlist (); fprintf (stderr, "ftp: supported hash functions:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < strlen (list); i++) fprintf (stderr, " %s\n", (hash_getdescbyid(list[i]))->name); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); return -1; } srp_pref_hash = hd->id; return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_userpass: get username and password | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_userpass (host) char *host; { char tmp[BUFSIZ], prompt[256]; char *user; user = NULL; #ifdef USE_RUSERPASS ruserpass (host, &user, &srp_pass, &srp_acct); #endif /* USE_RUSERPASS */ while (user == NULL) { char *myname; myname = whoami(); if (!myname) myname = ""; if (myname[0]) ckmakxmsg(prompt,sizeof(prompt)," Name (",host,":",myname,"): ", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); else ckmakmsg(prompt,sizeof(prompt)," Name (",host,"): ",NULL); tmp[0] = '\0'; readtext(prompt,tmp,sizeof(tmp)); if ((*tmp == '\0')) user = myname; else user = tmp; } ckstrncpy (srp_user, user,BUFSIZ); return(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_reset: reset srp information | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_reset () { if (tc) { t_clientclose (tc); tc = NULL; } if (incrypt) { krypto_delete (incrypt); incrypt = NULL; } if (outcrypt) { krypto_delete (outcrypt); outcrypt = NULL; } return(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_ftp_auth: perform srp authentication | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_ftp_auth(host, user, pass) char *host; char *user; char *pass; { struct t_num *wp; struct t_num N; struct t_num g; struct t_num s; struct t_num yp; CHAR buf[FTP_BUFSIZ]; CHAR tmp[FTP_BUFSIZ]; CHAR *bp, *cp; int n, e, clen, blen, len, i; CHAR cid = 0; CHAR hid = 0; srp_pass = srp_acct = 0; n = ftpcmd("AUTH SRP",NULL,0,0,ftp_vbm); if (n != REPLY_CONTINUE) { if (ftp_deb) fprintf(stderr, "SRP rejected as an authentication type\n"); return(0); } else { /* Send protocol version */ CHAR vers[4]; memset (vers, 0, 4); vers[3] = SRP_PROT_VERSION; if (!quiet) printf ("SRP accepted as authentication type.\n"); bp = tmp; blen = 0; srp_put (vers, &bp, 4, &blen); len = FTP_BUFSIZ; if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { /* Get protocol version */ bp = buf; if (!reply_parse) goto data_error; blen = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode(reply_parse, bp, 0, &blen, RADIX_DECODE)) goto decode_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &cp, &blen, &clen) != 4) goto data_error; if (host) { /* Get username/password if needed */ srp_userpass (host); } else { ckstrncpy (srp_user, user, BUFSIZ); srp_pass = pass; } bp = tmp; blen = 0; /* Send username */ srp_put (srp_user, &bp, strlen (srp_user), &blen); len = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { /* Get N, g and s */ bp = buf; if (!reply_parse) goto data_error; blen = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (reply_parse, bp, 0, &blen, RADIX_DECODE)) goto decode_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &(N.data), &blen, &(N.len)) < 0) goto data_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &(g.data), &blen, &(g.len)) < 0) goto data_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &(s.data), &blen, &(s.len)) < 0) goto data_error; if ((tc = t_clientopen (srp_user, &N, &g, &s)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open SRP client structure.\n"); goto bad; } wp = t_clientgenexp (tc); /* Send wp */ bp = tmp; blen = 0; srp_put (wp->data, &bp, wp->len, &blen); len = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { /* Get yp */ bp = buf; if (!reply_parse) goto data_error; blen = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (reply_parse, bp, 0, &blen, RADIX_DECODE)) goto decode_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &(yp.data), &blen, &(yp.len)) < 0) goto data_error; if (!srp_pass) { static char ftppass[80]; setint(); readpass(" SRP Password:",ftppass,80); srp_pass = ftppass; } t_clientpasswd (tc, srp_pass); memset (srp_pass, 0, strlen (srp_pass)); skey = t_clientgetkey (tc, &yp); /* Send response */ bp = tmp; blen = 0; srp_put (t_clientresponse (tc), &bp, 20, &blen); len = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { /* Get response */ bp = buf; if (!reply_parse) goto data_error; blen = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (reply_parse, bp, 0, &blen, RADIX_DECODE)) goto encode_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &cp, &blen, &clen) != 20) goto data_error; if (t_clientverify (tc, cp)) { fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: bad response to client challenge.\n"); goto bad; } bp = tmp; blen = 0; /* Send nothing */ srp_put ("\0", &bp, 1, &blen); len = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); } if (n == REPLY_CONTINUE) { /* Get cipher & hash lists, seqnum */ CHAR seqnum[4]; CHAR *clist; CHAR *hlist; CHAR *p1; int clist_len, hlist_len; bp = buf; if (!reply_parse) goto data_error; blen = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (reply_parse, bp, 0, &blen, RADIX_DECODE)) goto encode_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &clist, &blen, &clist_len) < 0) goto data_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &hlist, &blen, &hlist_len) < 0) goto data_error; if (srp_get (&bp, &cp, &blen, &clen) != 4) goto data_error; memcpy (seqnum, cp, 4); if (cipher_supported (clist, srp_pref_cipher)) /* Choose cipher */ cid = srp_pref_cipher; if (!cid && cipher_supported (clist, SRP_DEFAULT_CIPHER)) cid = SRP_DEFAULT_CIPHER; if (!cid) { CHAR *loclist = cipher_getlist (); for (i = 0; i < strlen (loclist); i++) if (cipher_supported (clist, loclist[i])) { cid = loclist[i]; break; } } if (!cid) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to agree on cipher.\n"); goto bad; } /* Choose hash */ if (srp_pref_hash && hash_supported (hlist, srp_pref_hash)) hid = srp_pref_hash; if (!hid && hash_supported (hlist, SRP_DEFAULT_HASH)) hid = SRP_DEFAULT_HASH; if (!hid) { CHAR *loclist = hash_getlist (); for (i = 0; i < strlen (loclist); i++) if (hash_supported (hlist, loclist[i])) { hid = loclist[i]; break; } } if (!hid) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to agree on hash.\n"); goto bad; } /* Set incrypt */ if (!(incrypt = krypto_new (cid, hid, skey, 20, NULL, 0, seqnum, KRYPTO_DECODE))) goto bad; /* Generate random number for outkey and outseqnum */ t_random (seqnum, 4); /* Send cid, hid, outkey, outseqnum */ bp = tmp; blen = 0; srp_put (&cid, &bp, 1, &blen); srp_put (&hid, &bp, 1, &blen); srp_put (seqnum, &bp, 4, &blen); len = sizeof(buf); if (e = radix_encode (tmp, buf, blen, &len, RADIX_ENCODE)) goto encode_error; reply_parse = "ADAT="; n = ftpcmd("ADAT",buf,-1,-1,0); /* Set outcrypt */ if (!(outcrypt = krypto_new (cid, hid, skey+20, 20, NULL, 0, seqnum, KRYPTO_ENCODE))) goto bad; t_clientclose (tc); tc = NULL; } if (n != REPLY_COMPLETE) goto bad; if (ftp_vbm) { if (ftp_deb) printf("\n"); printf ("SRP authentication succeeded.\n"); printf ("Using cipher %s and hash function %s.\n", (cipher_getdescbyid(cid))->name, (hash_getdescbyid(hid))->name ); } reply_parse = NULL; auth_type = "SRP"; return(1); encode_error: fprintf (stderr, "Base 64 encoding failed: %s.\n", radix_error (e)); goto bad; decode_error: fprintf (stderr, "Base 64 decoding failed: %s.\n", radix_error (e)); goto bad; data_error: fprintf (stderr, "Unable to unmarshal authentication data.\n"); goto bad; bad: fprintf (stderr, "SRP authentication failed, trying regular login.\n"); reply_parse = NULL; return(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_put: put item to send buffer | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_put (in, out, inlen, outlen) CHAR *in; CHAR **out; int inlen; int *outlen; { srp_uint32 net_len; net_len = htonl (inlen); memcpy (*out, &net_len, 4); *out += 4; *outlen += 4; memcpy (*out, in, inlen); *out += inlen; *outlen += inlen; return(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_get: get item from receive buffer | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_get (in, out, inlen, outlen) CHAR **in; CHAR **out; int *inlen; int *outlen; { srp_uint32 net_len; if (*inlen < 4) return -1; memcpy (&net_len, *in, 4); *inlen -= 4; *in += 4; *outlen = ntohl (net_len); if (*inlen < *outlen) return -1; *out = *in; *inlen -= *outlen; *in += *outlen; return *outlen; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_encode: encode control message | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_encode (private, in, out, len) int private; CHAR *in; CHAR *out; unsigned len; { if (private) return krypto_msg_priv (outcrypt, in, out, len); else return krypto_msg_safe (outcrypt, in, out, len); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------+ | srp_decode: decode control message | +--------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int srp_decode (private, in, out, len) int private; CHAR *in; CHAR *out; unsigned len; { if (private) return krypto_msg_priv (incrypt, in, out, len); else return krypto_msg_safe (incrypt, in, out, len); } #endif /* FTP_SRP */ #endif /* TCPSOCKET (top of file) */ #endif /* SYSFTP (top of file) */ #endif /* NOFTP (top of file) */