IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Term; (* TVI950 Terminal Emulation for Kermit *) FROM Drives IMPORT SetDrive; FROM Directories IMPORT FileAttributes, AttributeSet, DirectoryEntry, FindFirst, FindNext; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADR; FROM DosCalls IMPORT DosChDir, DosSleep; FROM Screen IMPORT ClrScr, ClrEol, GotoXY, GetXY, Right, Left, Up, Down, WriteAtt, WriteString, WriteLn, Write, attribute, NORMAL, HIGHLIGHT, REVERSE; FROM PMWIN IMPORT MPARAM, WinPostMsg; FROM Shell IMPORT comport, FrameWindow; FROM KH IMPORT COM_OFF; FROM CommPort IMPORT CommStatus, GetChar, SendChar; FROM Strings IMPORT Length, Concat; IMPORT ASCII; CONST (* Key codes: Note: F1 -- F12 are actually Shift-F1 -- Shift-F12 *) F1 = 124C; F2 = 125C; F3 = 126C; F4 = 127C; F5 = 130C; F6 = 131C; F7 = 132C; F8 = 133C; F9 = 134C; F10 = 135C; F11 = 207C; F12 = 210C; AF1 = 150C; (* Alt-F1 *) AF2 = 151C; (* Alt-F2 *) INS = 122C; DEL = 123C; HOME = 107C; PGDN = 121C; (* synonym for PF10 *) PGUP = 111C; (* synonym for PF11 *) ENDD = 117C; (* synonym for PF12 *) UPARROW = 110C; DOWNARROW = 120C; LEFTARROW = 113C; RIGHTARROW = 115C; CtrlX = 30C; CtrlCaret = 36C; CtrlZ = 32C; CtrlL = 14C; CtrlH = 10C; CtrlK = 13C; CtrlJ = 12C; CtrlV = 26C; ESC = 33C; BUFSIZE = 4096; (* character buffer used by term thread *) VAR commStat : CommStatus; echo : (Off, Local, On); newline: BOOLEAN; (* translate to *) Insert : BOOLEAN; MP1, MP2 : MPARAM; PROCEDURE Dir (path : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Change drive and/or directory; display a directory (in wide format) *) VAR gotFN : BOOLEAN; filename : ARRAY [0..20] OF CHAR; attr : AttributeSet; ent : DirectoryEntry; i, j, k : INTEGER; BEGIN filename := ""; (* in case no directory change *) i := Length (path); IF (i > 2) AND (path[1] = ':') THEN (* drive specifier *) DEC (i, 2); SetDrive (ORD (CAP (path[0])) - ORD ('A')); FOR j := 0 TO i DO (* strip off the drive specifier *) path[j] := path[j + 2]; END; END; IF i # 0 THEN gotFN := FALSE; WHILE (i >= 0) AND (path[i] # '\') DO IF path[i] = '.' THEN gotFN := TRUE; END; DEC (i); END; IF gotFN THEN j := i + 1; k := 0; WHILE path[j] # 0C DO filename[k] := path[j]; INC (k); INC (j); END; filename[k] := 0C; IF (i = -1) OR ((i = 0) AND (path[0] = '\')) THEN INC (i); END; path[i] := 0C; END; END; IF Length (path) # 0 THEN DosChDir (ADR (path), 0); END; IF Length (filename) = 0 THEN filename := "*.*"; END; attr := AttributeSet {ReadOnly, Directory, Archive}; i := 1; (* keep track of position on line *) ClrScr; gotFN := FindFirst (filename, attr, ent); WHILE gotFN DO WriteString (; j := Length (; WHILE j < 12 DO (* 12 is maximum length for "filename.typ" *) Write (' '); INC (j); END; INC (i); (* next position on this line *) IF i > 5 THEN i := 1; (* start again on new line *) WriteLn; ELSE WriteString (" | "); END; gotFN := FindNext (ent); END; WriteLn; END Dir; PROCEDURE InitTerm; (* Clear Screen, Home Cursor, Get Ready For Terminal Emulation *) BEGIN ClrScr; Insert := FALSE; attribute := NORMAL; END InitTerm; PROCEDURE PutKbdChar (ch1, ch2 : CHAR); (* Process a character received from the keyboard *) BEGIN IF ch1 = ASCII.enq THEN (* Control-E *) echo := On; ELSIF ch1 = ASCII.ff THEN (* Control-L *) echo := Local; ELSIF ch1 = ASCII.dc4 THEN (* Control-T *) echo := Off; ELSIF ch1 = THEN (* Control-N *) newline := TRUE; ELSIF ch1 = THEN (* Control-O *) newline := FALSE; ELSIF (ch1 = ASCII.can) OR (ch1 = ESC) THEN attribute := NORMAL; WinPostMsg (FrameWindow, WM_TERMQUIT, MPARAM (0), MPARAM (0)); ELSIF ch1 = 0C THEN Function (ch2); ELSE commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ch1, FALSE); IF (echo = On) OR (echo = Local) THEN WriteAtt (ch1); END; END; END PutKbdChar; PROCEDURE Function (ch : CHAR); (* handles the function keys -- including PF1 - PF12, etc. *) BEGIN CASE ch OF F1 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, '@', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F2 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'A', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F3 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'B', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F4 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'C', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F5 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'D', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F6 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'E', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F7 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'F', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F8 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'G', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F9 : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'H', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F10, PGDN: commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'I', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F11, AF1, PGUP: commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ASCII.soh, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'J', FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF,, FALSE); | F12, AF2, ENDD: commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ESC, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'Q', FALSE); | INS : IF NOT Insert THEN commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ESC, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'E', FALSE); END; | DEL : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ESC, FALSE); commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, 'R', FALSE); | HOME : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, CtrlZ, FALSE); | UPARROW : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, CtrlK, FALSE); | DOWNARROW : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, CtrlV, FALSE); | LEFTARROW : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, CtrlH, FALSE); | RIGHTARROW : commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, CtrlL, FALSE); ELSE (* do nothing *) END; END Function; PROCEDURE TermThrProc; (* Thread to get characters from port, put into buffer *) VAR ch : CHAR; BEGIN LOOP IF GetChar (comport - COM_OFF, ch) = Success THEN MP1.W1 := ORD (ch); MP1.W2 := 0; MP2.L := 0; WinPostMsg (FrameWindow, WM_TERM, MP1, MP2); ELSE DosSleep (0); END END; END TermThrProc; VAR EscState, CurState1, CurState2 : BOOLEAN; CurChar1 : CHAR; PROCEDURE PutPortChar (ch : CHAR); (* Process a character received from the port *) BEGIN IF EscState THEN EscState := FALSE; IF ch = '=' THEN CurState1 := TRUE; ELSE Escape (ch); END; ELSIF CurState1 THEN CurState1 := FALSE; CurChar1 := ch; CurState2 := TRUE; ELSIF CurState2 THEN CurState2 := FALSE; Cursor (ch); ELSE CASE ch OF CtrlCaret, CtrlZ : ClrScr; | CtrlL : Right; | CtrlH : Left; | CtrlK : Up; | CtrlJ : Down; | ESC : EscState := TRUE; ELSE WriteAtt (ch); IF newline AND (ch = THEN WriteLn; END; END; END; IF echo = On THEN commStat := SendChar (comport - COM_OFF, ch, FALSE); END; END PutPortChar; PROCEDURE Escape (ch : CHAR); (* handles escape sequences *) BEGIN CASE ch OF '*' : ClrScr; | 'T', 'R' : ClrEol; | ')' : attribute := NORMAL; | '(' : attribute := HIGHLIGHT; | 'f' : InsertMsg; | 'g' : InsertOn; ELSE (* ignore *) END; END Escape; PROCEDURE Cursor (ch : CHAR); (* handles cursor positioning *) VAR x, y : CARDINAL; BEGIN y := ORD (CurChar1) - 20H; x := ORD (ch) - 20H; GotoXY (x, y); (* adjust for HOME = (1, 1) *) END Cursor; VAR cx, cy : CARDINAL; PROCEDURE InsertMsg; (* get ready insert mode -- place a message at the bottom of the screen *) BEGIN IF NOT Insert THEN GetXY (cx, cy); (* record current position *) GotoXY (1, 24); ClrEol; attribute := REVERSE; ELSE (* exit Insert mode *) GetXY (cx, cy); GotoXY (1, 24); ClrEol; GotoXY (cx, cy); Insert := FALSE; END; END InsertMsg; PROCEDURE InsertOn; (* enter insert mode -- after INSERT MODE message is printed *) BEGIN attribute := NORMAL; GotoXY (cx, cy); Insert := TRUE; END InsertOn; BEGIN (* module initialization *) echo := Off; newline := FALSE; Insert := FALSE; EscState := FALSE; CurState1 := FALSE; CurState2 := FALSE; END Term.