ADDENDUM TO THE KERMIT USER'S GUIDE Some minor changes were made to the set of programs used for bootstrapping Kermit for the IBM PC. These include: - PCKSEND.FOR - PCKEXE.BAS - PCKGET.BAS - PCKFIX.ASM The file PCKERMIT.FIX (the printable version of PCKERMIT.EXE) now uses characters 30-3F (hex) rather than 20-2F (hex) to represent the digits 0 through F (hex). Since many systems strip off trailing blanks, a significant amount of data was sometimes lost when sending the FIX file to the PC. The new format will not have this problem. Each line now has only 62 characters rather than 64. So, on IBM mainframes, the file should be save with Recfm = Fixed, Lrecl = 62. Also, when bootstrapping from an IBM mainframe, the filedef for the disk file should be: filedef 7 disk kermit fix a (lrecl 62 recfm f block 62 perm To modify PCKGET.BAS to create PCKEXE.BAS, follow the directions in the User's Guide except for the change: In line 70, change the "63" to a "62". The original versions of the files mentionned above will remain part of the distribution during the testing period. Note, however, that they will be useful only to sites that have FIX files in the older format. They have been renamed by adding an "O" to the end of the file name. PCKERMIT.FIX and STRIP.FIX have been modified to reflect the new format. ; PCKFIX.ASM -- ; Input file: KERMIT.EXE ; Output file: KERMIT.FIX ; The new file is a printable version of the executable file. Each byte ; in the EXE file is converted to two bytes in the FIX file: a constant ; of "0" (30H) is added to each nibble. ; ; Daphne Tzoar, December 1983 ; Columbia University Center for Computing Activities DOS EQU 21H STACK SEGMENT PARA STACK 'STACK' DW 100 DUP (0) STK EQU THIS WORD STACK ENDS DATAS SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'DATAS' buff db 80H DUP(0) ; Use our own DTA. bufone db 80H DUP(0) ; Data read from EXE file. buftwo db 80H DUP(0) ; Data to write out to FIX file. fcbold db 25H DUP(0) ; For the EXE file. fcbnew db 25H DUP(0) ; File the FIX file. oldstk dw ? kold db 'KERMIT EXE$' knew db 'KERMIT FIX$' chrcnt db 0 ; Number of chars left in BUFONE. datcnt db 0 ; Number of chars in BUFTWO. eoflag db 0 ; Remember when we hit the EOF. crflg db 0 ; Flag when it's time to add a CRLF. cnt db 0 ; Determine when to add a CRLF. DATAS ENDS MAIN SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'MAIN' START PROC FAR ASSUME CS:MAIN,DS:DATAS,SS:STACK,ES:NOTHING push ds ; Initialization sub ax,ax push ax mov ax,datas ; More of the same....... mov ds,ax sub ax,ax mov oldstk,sp mov ah,1AH ; Use my own DTA mov dx,offset buff int dos call one ; Do the important stuff. mov sp,oldstk ret ; Done. START ENDP ONE PROC NEAR mov bx,offset fcbold mov ah,0 mov [bx],ah ; Use default drive. inc bx mov di,offset kold ; Get name of original file. kerm3: mov ah,[di] cmp ah,'$' ; Got all the data? je kerm4 mov [bx],ah inc di inc bx jmp kerm3 kerm4: mov bx,offset fcbnew ; Put name of new file here. mov ah,0 mov [bx],ah inc bx mov di,offset knew kerm5: mov ah,[di] cmp ah,'$' je kerm6 mov [bx],ah inc di inc bx jmp kerm5 kerm6: mov ax,0 mov bx,offset fcbold+0CH mov [bx],ax ; Zero current block number. mov bx,offset fcbold+0EH mov [bx],ax ; Lrecl. mov bx,offset fcbold+20H mov [bx],ah ; Current record (of block). inc bx mov [bx],ax ; Current record (of file). mov bx,offset fcbold+23H mov [bx],ax mov ah,0FH ; Open file. mov dx,offset fcbold int dos mov ax,0 mov bx,offset fcbnew+0CH mov [bx],ax ; Zero current block number. mov bx,offset fcbnew+0EH mov [bx],ax ; Lrecl. mov bx,offset fcbnew+20H mov [bx],ah ; Current record (of block). inc bx mov [bx],ax ; Current record (of file). mov bx,offset fcbnew+23H mov [bx],ax mov ah,16H ; Create file. mov dx,offset fcbnew int dos mov eoflag,0 ; Not end-of-file yet. mov datcnt,0 ; Chars in write-out buffer. mov chrcnt,0 ; Chars in read-to buffer. mov crflg,0 mov cnt,0 mov bx,offset bufone mov di,offset buftwo kerm1: cmp chrcnt,0H ; Any chars left in buffer? jne kerm0 ; Yes, continue. call inbuf ; Else get a buffer-full. jmp kerm9 ; Hit the EOF. mov ax,ds mov es,ax ; Move for Dest uses ES register. mov si,offset buff push di mov di,offset bufone ; Move read-in data to bufone. mov cx,80H rep movs es:bufone,buff pop di mov bx,offset bufone ; Where the chars are. mov chrcnt,80H ; Number of chars. kerm0: cmp datcnt,80H ; Time to write out the buffer? je kerm2 ; Yup. dec chrcnt mov ah,[bx] ; Get a char. mov ch,ah ; Save here. and ah,0F0H ; Get high nibble. and ch,0FH ; Lower nibble. mov cl,4 shr ax,cl add ah,'0' ; Make printable. mov [di],ah inc datcnt inc di add ch,'0' mov [di],ch inc datcnt inc di inc bx add cnt,2 cmp cnt,3EH ; Time to add CRLF? jne kerm1 ; Nope, keep going. mov cnt,0 ; Reset counter. cmp datcnt,80H ; Have room for it? jne kerm8 ; Yup, we do. mov crflg,0FFH ; No - remember add it later. jmp kerm2 kerm8: mov crflg,0 mov ax,0A0DH ; Add the CRLF. mov [di],ax inc di inc di add datcnt,2 jmp kerm1 kerm2: mov ax,ds mov es,ax ; Move for Dest uses ES register. mov si,offset buftwo mov di,offset buff mov cx,80H rep movs es:buff,buftwo ; Must use BUFF for r/w to file. mov ah,15H ; Write out to file two. mov dx,offset fcbnew int dos mov datcnt,0 mov di,offset buftwo ; Start at beginning of buffer. cmp crflg,0FFH ; Had our buffer filled prior to CRLF? je kerm8 ; Yup. jmp kerm1 ; Get new buffer-full. kerm9: mov ah,10H ; Close files. mov dx,offset fcbold int dos mov dx,offset fcbnew int dos ret inbuf: cmp eoflag,0 ; End of file? je inbuf0 ; Nope. ret inbuf0: mov dx,offset fcbold mov ah,14H ; Read from file. int dos cmp al,0 je inbuf2 mov eoflag,0FFH inbuf2: jmp rskp ONE ENDP RSKP PROC NEAR pop bp add bp,3 push bp ret RSKP ENDP MAIN ENDS END START PCKGET.BAS 5 'Run this program on the PC in conjunction with a Fortran program on the 6 ' mainframe to get Kermit to the PC 7 ' Daphne Tzoar , December 1983 8 ' Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 9 ' 10 OPEN "com1:4800,n,8,1" AS #1 ' Clear the port status. 20 CLOSE #1 30 OPEN "com1:4800,n,8,1,cs,ds,cd" AS #1 40 OPEN "KERMIT.EXE" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 50 OK$ = "ok" 60 PRINT#1,OK$ ' Tell host we're ready for data 70 X$=INPUT$(63,#1) ' Data plus semi-colon 80 VALUE$ = LEFT$(X$,1) 'First char of input 90 VALUE = ASC(VALUE$) 100 IF VALUE = 64 OR VALUE = 192 GOTO 430 ' @ means we're done 110 IF VALUE >= 176 AND VALUE <= 191 THEN GOTO 140 ' Kill all illegal chars 120 IF VALUE >= 48 AND VALUE <= 63 THEN GOTO 140 130 X$ = MID$(X$,2) : GOTO 80 140 IF VALUE <> 174 GOTO 210 ' Not a dot (for read) - don't worry 150 TWO$ = MID$(X$,2,1) ' Look at char after the dot. 160 TWO = ASC(TWO$) 170 IF TWO >= 176 AND TWO <= 191 THEN GOTO 210 ' It's ok. 180 IF TWO >= 48 AND TWO <= 63 THEN GOTO 210 190 X$ = MID$(X$,3) ' Kill the char 200 GOTO 80 210 SIZ = LEN(X$) ' How much input was actual data 220 READIN = 64 - SIZ 225 IF READIN = 0 GOTO 260 230 XTWO$=INPUT$(READIN,#1) ' Get rest of data 240 X$ = X$ + XTWO$ : X$ = LEFT$(X$,62) 250 PRINT X$ ' Optional - use this line to follow the transmission 260 GOSUB 290 270 PRINT#2,X$; ' Put data to the file. 280 GOTO 60 290 ' GET TWO CHARS, SUBTRACT SPACE (20 HEX) FROM EACH, AND COMBINE 300 ' TO ONE DIGIT. 310 FOR A = 1 TO 31 320 Y$ = MID$(X$,A,1) 330 Z$ = MID$(X$,A+1,1) 340 YNUM = ASC(Y$) : ZNUM = ASC(Z$) 350 IF YNUM > 127 THEN YNUM = YNUM - 128 ' Turn off hi bit if on 360 IF ZNUM > 127 THEN ZNUM = ZNUM - 128 370 YNUM = YNUM -48 : ZNUM = ZNUM -48 ' Subtract the space 380 XNUM = (16 * YNUM) +ZNUM 390 NEWCHR$ = CHR$(XNUM) 400 X$ = MID$(X$,1,A-1) + NEWCHR$ + MID$(X$,A+2) 410 NEXT A 420 RETURN 430 PRINT " [All done.]" 440 CLOSE #1,#2 ' Clean up. 450 END PCKEXE.BAS 4 ' Use this BASIC program on the PC to convert the printable file 5 ' KERMIT.FIX to the executable file KERMIT.EXE. Before running this 6 ' program, if the file KERMIT.EXE already exists, rename it just in case. 7 ' Daphne Tzoar , December 1983 8 ' Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 9 ' 10 ON ERROR GOTO 430 30 OPEN "KERMIT.FIX" FOR INPUT AS #1 40 OPEN "KERMIT.EXE" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 50 OK$ = "ok" 70 X$=INPUT$(62,#1) 80 VALUE$ = LEFT$(X$,1) 'First char of input 90 VALUE = ASC(VALUE$) 100 IF VALUE = 64 OR VALUE = 192 GOTO 430 ' @ means we're done 110 IF VALUE >= 176 AND VALUE <= 191 THEN GOTO 140 ' Kill all illegal chars 120 IF VALUE >= 48 AND VALUE <= 63 THEN GOTO 140 130 X$ = MID$(X$,2) : GOTO 80 140 IF VALUE <> 174 GOTO 210 ' Not a dot (for read) - don't worry 150 TWO$ = MID$(X$,2,1) ' Look at char after the dot. 160 TWO = ASC(TWO$) 170 IF TWO >= 176 AND TWO <= 191 THEN GOTO 210 ' It's ok. 180 IF TWO >= 48 AND TWO <= 63 THEN GOTO 210 190 X$ = MID$(X$,3) ' Kill the char 200 GOTO 80 210 SIZ = LEN(X$) ' How much input was actual data 220 READIN = 64- SIZ 225 IF READIN = 0 GOTO 260 230 XTWO$=INPUT$(READIN,#1) ' Get rest of data 240 X$ = X$ + XTWO$ : X$ = LEFT$(X$,62) 260 GOSUB 290 270 PRINT#2,X$; ' Put data to the file. 280 GOTO 70 290 ' GET TWO CHARS, SUBTRACT SPACE (20 HEX) FROM EACH, AND COMBINE 300 ' TO ONE DIGIT. 310 FOR A = 1 TO 31 320 Y$ = MID$(X$,A,1) 330 Z$ = MID$(X$,A+1,1) 340 YNUM = ASC(Y$) : ZNUM = ASC(Z$) 350 IF YNUM > 127 THEN YNUM = YNUM - 128 ' Turn off hi bit if on 360 IF ZNUM > 127 THEN ZNUM = ZNUM - 128 370 YNUM = YNUM -48 : ZNUM = ZNUM -48 ' Subtract the space 380 XNUM = (16 * YNUM) +ZNUM 390 NEWCHR$ = CHR$(XNUM) 400 X$ = MID$(X$,1,A-1) + NEWCHR$ + MID$(X$,A+2) 410 NEXT A 420 RETURN 430 PRINT " [All done.]" 440 CLOSE #1,#2 ' Clean up. 450 END PCKSEND.FOR C This Fortran program should be run on the mainframe in conjunction C with a Basic program on the IBM PC to transfer Kermit.Fix to the PC. INTEGER A(62) WRITE(6,50) 50 FORMAT(' Ready to transfer data......') C Get terminal handshake 100 READ (5,10,END=35)X 10 FORMAT(A1) C Get line from file 35 READ (7,20,END=90)A 20 FORMAT(62A1) C Write to tty WRITE (6,25)A 25 FORMAT(' ',62A1,';') GOTO 100 90 CONTINUE C Get final handshake WRITE (6,30) 30 FORMAT(' ',63('@')) STOP END