C This Fortran program should be run on the mainframe in conjunction C with a Basic program on the IBM PC to transfer Kermit.Fix to the PC. INTEGER LINE(62),ACK(2) WRITE(6,50) 50 FORMAT(' Ready to transfer data......') C Get terminal handshake 100 READ (5,10,END=35)ACK 10 FORMAT(2A1) C Did the other side like it? IF (ACK(1) .EQ. 'O') GO TO 35 C No, retransmit the old line. GO TO 200 C Get line from file 35 READ (7,20,END=90)LINE 20 FORMAT(80A1) C Write to tty 200 WRITE (6,25)LINE 25 FORMAT(80A1) GOTO 100 90 CONTINUE C Get final handshake WRITE (6,30) 30 FORMAT(' ',63('@')) STOP END