# Kermit 95 setup script for SSH to Cunix at Columbia University. # Frank da Cruz - CUIT - The Kermit Project - http://kermit.columbia.edu # Thu Feb 18 14:42:36 2010 # .\%o = 0 define HR { echo "______________________________________________________" echo } define BAILOUT { if \f_status(\%o) fclose \%o echo "Problem creating \v(desktop)Cunix.ksc..." echo " \v(errstring)" echo " \f_errmsg()" hr set command color lgray black stop 1 } set term font courier_new 12 set command height 30 cls hr set command color lgreen black echo "Welcome to Kermit 95 - Columbia University Site License." xecho "Creating Cunix SSH access icon on your desktop..." kcd desktop if fail { echo "ERROR: Can't CD to to \v(desktop)" bailout } undef uni while not def uni { ask /gui uni "Please enter your Columbia UNI" } undef height ask /gui height "Enter desired screen height (default 52 lines)" if not def height .height = 52 fopen /write \%o \v(desktop)Cunix.ksc if fail bailout fwrite /line \%o "# Kermit 95 2.1.2 for Windows" if fail bailout fwrite /line \%o "# [\v(host)] \v(desktop)cunix.ksc" fwrite /line \%o "# Created \v(timestamp)" fwrite /line \%o "#" fwrite /line \%o "SET LOGIN USER \m(uni)" fwrite /line \%o "SET SSH COMPRESSION OFF" fwrite /line \%o "SET TERMINAL TYPE VT220" fwrite /line \%o "SET TERM CHARACTER-SET CP1252" fwrite /line \%o "SET GUI WINDOW RESIZE-MODE CHANGE-DIMENSIONS" fwrite /line \%o "SET GUI WINDOW POSITION 70 50" fwrite /line \%o "SET TERM FONT COURIER_NEW 12" fwrite /line \%o "SET TERM COLOR TERM LGRAY BLUE" fwrite /line \%o "SET TERM HEIGHT \m(height)" fwrite /line \%o "SSH cunix.cc.columbia.edu" fclose \%o echo " [OK]" echo "\v(desktop)Cunix.ksc created successfully." echo "You should see a Columbia Crown Cunix icon on your desktop." echo "You can start a secure SSH shell session to Cunix simply by" echo "double-clicking the icon." echo echo "Cunix.ksc is plain-text file; here is what's in it:" echo set command color yellow black type \v(desktop)Cunix.ksc if success echo set command color lgreen black echo "You can edit this file with Notepad to make any desired changes." set command color lgray black hr getok /gui "OK to quit Cunix setup? " if success exit echo "Use the Page Up / Page Down keys to see previous screens..." echo "Type 'exit' at the prompt to quit." echo stop 0