Name: TRSKER, Minimal implementation of the Kermit protocol for the Radio-Shack Model II running under TRSDOS. Sysopsis: TRSKER { [S:R],F=filespec,B=baud,P=parity,W=word,C=channel,L=recl } Description: This version of the Kermit protocol implements only send and receive capabilities using the one-character checksum. The parameters are given on the command line, between curly braces as is usual under TRSDOS. S Send a file. R Receive a file. F=filespec Name of the file to send. TRSKER will scan drives in the usual TRSDOS order (0,1,2,3,4...) and abort if file cannot be found. B=baud Supported baud rates are 300,1200,2400,4800,9600. But if no baud rate is specified, TRSKER will assume 9600 baud. P=parity Supported parity codes are N for none, E for even, and O for odd. If no code is specified, TRSKER will assume no parity. W=word Word length is either 7 or 8. If no word length is specified, TRSKER will assume 8 bits per byte. C=channel Communication channel is either A or B. If no channel is specified, TRSKER will assume A. L=lrecl Logical record length can vary between 1 and 256 bytes per record. This is not used when sending a file but rather when receiving. When TRSKER opens a file to read it, record length will be set by TRSDOS. But when creating a file record length must be set by TRSKER, (if only because TRSDOS will not permit files over 64K records.). If no record length is specify, TRSKER will assume 1. User does not have to specify any of the communication channel parameters (B,P,W,C). In wich case TRSKER will assume the channel was already initialized by a TRSDOS command (namely SETCOM) and will use current settings. Bugs: Command parsing and recovery is minimal. During a file transfer, TRSKER remains silent. Only the noisy disk accesses of the equipment will tell you that a transfer is in progress. (But completion status is unambiguous...) TRSKER uses the TRSDOS clock interrupt services to timout an unanswered packet but it does'nt seem to work all the time... Author: Serge G. Kruk Systemes Temps Reel. 1030 Hodge St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada. H4N 2B7 (514) 748-0515