TRS-80 Model 4(p) KERMIT version 5.2 for TRSDOS 6.x, January 1986: An advanced Kermit derived from TRS-80 Kermit, which was in turn derived from CP/M-80 Kermit. Sum bugs have been fixed, as well as the addition of wild cards in the SEND command. The SET command was modified with regard to the FILE-TYPE, and FILE-DISPOSITION options. These have become sub commands to a new SET FILE command. The equivalent functions are now accessed via SET FILE TYPE, and SET FILE DISPOSITION. The following files are provided in the Kermit distribution: Assembler source, consisting of the following modules: M4ADD.ASM M4H191.ASM M4KEY.ASM M4MIT.ASM M4SEND.ASM M4STR.ASM M4CMD.ASM M4H192.ASM M4LOG.ASM M4PKT.ASM M4SET.ASM M4TERM.ASM M4GET.ASM M4H19S.ASM M4MAC.ASM M4RMT.ASM M4SHOW.ASM M4WILD.ASM M4XFER.ASM Documentation: M4MIT.HEX -- Hexified object module for KERMIT executable M4H19.HEX -- Hexified object module for H19 filter M4H19S.HEX -- Hexified object module for SETH19 program M4MIT.NR -- Nroff source for M4MIT.DOC M4MIT.DOC -- Documentation M4MIT.HLP -- This file M4BOO.BAS -- Basic program for converting the hex files to runnable programs Here is a list of all of the command line commands that are currently functional: BYE CLEAR INPUT-PORT SCREEN CLOSE SESSION-LOG CONNECT DIR partspec EXIT FINISH GET filespec INPUT control string KILL filespec LOCAL TRSDOS command LOG filespec LOGOUT OUTPUT control string PAUSE number of seconds PULSE control string REMOTE command CLOSE-LOG COPY CWD DELETE DIR DISK HELP HOST KERMIT LOGIN MESSAGE PROGRAM QUERY-VARIABLE RENAME SEND-LOG SET-VARIABLE START-LOG STOP-LOG TYPE WHO SEND filespec(s) SET parameter [value(s)] ... BELL ON (or OFF) BLOCK-CHECK-TYPE 1 2 3 DEBUGGING OFF (or ON) DEFAULT-DISK (drive number) EIGHT-BIT-QUOTING ON (or OFF) EMULATION NONE (or DUMB) ESCAPE FILE DISPOSITION KEEP (or DISCARD) TYPE (ASCII or BINARY) FLOW-CONTROL XON/XOFF (or NONE) INPUT CASE-IGNORE OFF (or ON) DISPLAY OFF (or ON) KEY string LOCAL-ECHO OFF (or ON) OUTPUT HOST-ECHO ON (or OFF) DISPLAY OFF (or ON) PRINTER OFF (or ON) RECEIVE END-OF-LINE ascii code PAD-CHAR ascii code PADDING decimal number QUOTE-CHARACTER ascii code START-OF-PACKET ascii code TIME-OUT decimal number TURN-CHAR SEND END-OF-LINE ascii code PAD-CHAR ascii code PADDING decimal number QUOTE-CHARACTER ascii code START-OF-PACKET ascii code TIME-OUT decimal number TURN-CHAR TAKE-DISPLAY OFF (or ON) WARNING ON (or OFF) SETCOM SHOW STATUS TAKE filespec