unit helper; interface procedure help; implementation uses {$U kermglob.code} kermglob; procedure keypress; var ch: char; begin writeln('---------------Press any key to continue---------------'); read( keyboard, ch ); page(output); {SP} end; (* keypress *) procedure help1; var ch: char; begin { help1 } if (noun = nullsym) then begin writeln('KERMIT is a family of programs that do reliable file transfer'); writeln('between computers over TTY lines.', ' KERMIT can also be used to make the '); writeln('microcomputer behave as a terminal', ' for a mainframe. These are the '); writeln('commands for the UCSD p-system version, KERMIT-UCSD:'); writeln end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = consym) then begin writeln(' CONNECT To make a "virutual terminal" connection to a remote'); writeln(' ':14, 'system.'); writeln; writeln(' ':14, 'To break the connection and "escape" back to the micro,'); writeln(' ':14, 'type the escape sequence (CTRL-] C, that is Control '); writeln(' ':14, 'rightbracket followed immediately by the letter C.)'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = exitsym) then begin writeln(' EXIT To return back to main command level of the p-system.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = helpsym) then begin writeln(' HELP To get a list of KERMIT commands.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = quitsym) then begin writeln(' QUIT Same as EXIT.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = recsym) then begin writeln(' RECEIVE To accept a file from the remote system.'); writeln; end; (* if *) end; (* help1 *) procedure help2; var ch: char; begin { help2 } if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = sendsym) then begin writeln(' SEND To send a file or group of files to the remote system.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) then keypress; if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = setsym) then begin writeln(' SET To establish system-dependent parameters. The '); writeln(' SET options are as follows: '); writeln; if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = debugsym) then begin writeln(' DEBUG To set debug mode ON or OFF '); writeln(' ':31, '(default is OFF).'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = escsym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'ESCAPE To change the escape sequence that '); writeln(' ':31, 'lets you return to the PC Kermit from'); writeln(' ':31, 'the remote host. The default is CTRL-] c.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = filewarnsym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'FILE-WARNING ON/OFF, default is OFF. If ON, '); writeln(' ':31, 'Kermit will warn you and rename an '); writeln(' ':31, 'incoming file so as not to write over'); writeln(' ':31, 'a file that currently exists with the'); writeln(' ':31, 'same name'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = baudsym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'BAUD To set the serial baud rate.' ); writeln(' ':31, 'Choices are: 110/300/1200/2400/4800/9600.' ); writeln(' ':31, 'The default is 1200.'); writeln end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) then keypress; end; (* if *) end; (* help2 *) procedure help3; begin if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = setsym) then begin if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = ibmsym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'IBM ON/OFF, default is OFF. This flag '); writeln(' ':31, 'should be ON only when transfering files'); writeln(' ':31, 'between the micro and an IBM VM/CMS'); writeln(' ':31, 'system. It also causes the parity to'); writeln(' ':31, 'be set appropriately (mark) and activates'); writeln(' ':31, 'local echoing'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = localsym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'LOCAL-ECHO ON/OFF, default is OFF. This sets the'); writeln(' ':31, 'duplex. It should be ON when using '); writeln(' ':31, 'the IBM and OFF for the DEC-20.'); writeln; end; (* if *) if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = emulatesym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'EMULATE ON/OFF, default is OFF. This sets the'); writeln(' ':31, 'DataMedia 1520A terminal emulation on or off.'); writeln; end; (* if *) end; (* if *) end; (* help3 *) procedure help4; begin if (noun = setsym) or (noun = nullsym) then begin if (adj = nullsym) or (adj = paritysym) then begin writeln(' ':14, 'PARITY EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE, or NONE.'); writeln(' ':31, 'NONE is the default but if the IBM '); writeln(' ':31, 'flag is set, parity is set to MARK. '); writeln(' ':31, 'This flag selects the parity for '); writeln(' ':31, 'outgoing and incoming characters during'); writeln(' ':31, 'CONNECT and file transfer to match the'); writeln(' ':31, 'requirements of the host.'); writeln; end; (* if *) end; (* if *) if (noun = nullsym) or (noun = showsym) then begin writeln(' SHOW To see the values of parameters that can be modified'); writeln(' via the SET command.'); end; (* if *) end; (* help4 *) procedure help; begin help1; help2; help3; help4 end; (* help *) end. { unit helper }