C K U U S R -- "User Interface" for PC-DOS Kermit C M D L I N -- Get arguments from command line cmdlin() { D O A R G -- Do a command-line argument. */ doarg(x) char x = character on command line to be evaluated U S A G E -- Print help message , how to use usage() F A T A L -- Print error message and exit to dos through doexit() fatal(msg) char *msg = message to print D O E X I T -- Close files, turn of interrupt and exit from the program doexit(exitstat) int exitstat = type of exit to pass to exit(). B L D L E N -- Make length-encoded copy of string */ char *bldlen(str,dest) char *str = string to copy char *dest = destination string D E B O P N -- Open a debugging file */ debopn(s) char *s = name of debug file C H K S P D -- Check if argument is a valid baud rate */ chkspd(x) int x = baud rate to check I N T M S G -- Issue message about terminal interrupts during file transfer if not quiet intmsg(n) long n = if 1 print message else print ignored C H K I N T -- Check for console interrupts during file transfer and execute them if any. Ignored if quiet = TRUE chkint() D E B U G -- Enter a record in the debugging log debug(f,s1,s2,n) Call with a format, two strings, and a number: int f - Format, a bit string in range 0-7. If bit x is on, then argument number x is printed. char *s1 - String, argument number 1. Printed as is. char *s2 - String, argument number 2. Printed in brackets. int n - Int, argument 3. Printed preceded by equals sign. f=0 is special: print s1,s2, and interpret n as a char. T L O G -- Log a record in the transaction file tlog(f,s1,s2,n) Call with a format and 3 arguments: two strings and a number: int f - Format, a bit string in range 0-7, bit x is on, arg #x is printed. char *s1,s2 - String arguments 1 and 2. long n - Int, argument 3. E R M S G -- Print an error message on file stderr ermsg(msg) char *msg = message to print P E R R O R -- Print a error message and associated errno perror(s) char *s = message to print S C R E E N -- Screen display function screen(f,c,n,s) int f - argument descriptor (format to use) int c - a character or small integer long n - a long integer (used for packet number) char *s - a string to print. The possible values of f currently accepted are defined as SCR_??? in the lckerm.h header file