The Kermit Project - Other Software

Some software besides Kermit itself is available on the Kermit Project
ftp site, and/or by Kermit Project members, or historically related to Kermit:
- mm -
text-based e-mail client, based on the DEC-20 MM (Mail Manager) program,
written in C for UNIX (UPDATED September 2002 to include
Kermit downloading of messages and send/reply-to 8-bit text messages).
for more info on MM. Also included is CCMD,
an interactive text-mode command parsing library based on DEC-20 COMND JSYS.
- textps.c -
Converts plain text to PostScript with character-set translation for Latin-1,
DEC MCS, Code Pages 437 and 850, Apple Quickdraw, and NeXT.
- Sredir -
An RFC 2217 Telnet
Com-Port server, allowing Unix-based modems to be shared over a network.
Version 2.0 has been built and tested only in Linux but "should work on
any POSIX compliant operating system".
- telnetcpcd -
Another RFC 2217 Telnet
Com-Port server.
- add.c -
Adds columns of numbers, either interactively (like an adding machine)
or from a file.
- xxu.c -
Fixes UNIX filenames (lowercases them, strips foreign paths, etc).
- rmescseq.c -
A standard in/out filter to remove ANSI X3.64 escape sequences (such as
VT100, VT220, VT320, Linux console, etc) from the input file or stream.
- trim.c -
Trims trailing whitespace from file lines and optionally expands tabs, warns
about long lines, etc.
- Assorted magtape utilities.
- More tape
utilities (offsite).
- Still more tape
utilities (offsite).
[Kermit Home Page]
The Kermit Project - Other Software / Columbia University /
[email protected] /
1 Aug 2004