Andrew Kosenko

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Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Finance at the School of Management at Marist College.

I am the organizer of the Marist School of Management research seminar series (RSS) for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 academic years.

My research interests are in microeconomic theory - information economics (strategic communication and information design), and the implications of memory imperfections for strategic behavior. Aside from that I am interested in repeated games, experimental economics, and the neuroscience of learning and memory.

Curriculum Vitae


Book Chapters

  • Algorithms and Forward Externalities. Chapter forthcoming in the Festschrift in honor of Joseph Stiglitz.

Working Papers and Work In Progress

  • Bayes vs Skinner: Motivated Learning Under Uncertainty (with Nate Neligh, in progress)


  • Spring 2024 - ECON GU4911: Senior Seminar: Information Economics at Columbia. ECON 104L: Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 383L: Behavioral Economics, and ECON 477L: Contemporary Economic Issues, at Marist.

Writing and Personal

  • I was very grateful to have been nominated and selected for a profile by For The Record, an initiative of Marist College's student newspaper Marist Circle. The profile tells a large part of my personal story, and includes an interview, with a story by Maddi Langweil and photography by Ale Basalo, to whom I extend my warmest thanks.
  • I am a member of the "Economists for Ukraine" open collective. To learn more about out efforts please visit our site.