How to avoid duplicate posting on the discussion list. 

Because this page is a framed version of the CLS courseweb page, and not the original page, the automatic refresh function does not operate. 

This means that after posting or editing a message, you may not immediately see the new message.  Instead, where the new message should be, you will see [depending on what browser you are using] either a blank frame, or a frame that looks like the following:

     HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - No frame of specified name exists.

      Go back 

If you get this frame [or a blank frame], your message has gone through; you just cannot see it because the display has not been refreshed.  Please do not repost your message; do not click on the "Go back" link; and do not start over; any of these will result in multiple postings of the same message.   Instead, manually refresh the screen by clicking on any of the links on the left side of the page.  For instance, "All Documents View" will display all discussion posts, starting with the most recent [i.e., the one you just posted]. 

You can do this now in order to get to the discussion or course materials.