Design your own simulation set ============================== The target of this example is to get an even sampling of the cosmological parameter space in which points are as spread as possible, within some range; our first application is getting an even sampling of the :math:`(\Omega_m,w,\sigma_8)` parameter space. To do this we use a similar procedure as the Coyote2 people and reduce ourselves to the following problem: we want to draw :math:`N` sample points :math:`\mathbf{x}` in a :math:`D` dimensional hypercube of unit side :math:`(\mathbf{x}\in[0,1]^D)` so that the points are as spread as possible. We also want to enforce the *latin* hypercube structure: when projecting the sample on each dimension, the projected points must not overlap. To solve this problem we adopt an optimization approach, in which we define a measure of how "spread" the points are; given a set of :math:`N` points (or a *design* to use the same terminology as Coyote2) :math:`\mathcal{D}`, one can define a *cost* function :math:`d_{(p,\lambda)}(\mathcal{D})` .. math:: d_{(p,\lambda)}(\mathcal{D}) = \left(\frac{2}{N(N-1)}\sum_{i