Arnold Aronson














[[email protected]]









Arnold Aronson is Professor of Theatre at Columbia University and a theatre historian with specializations in scenography and avant-garde theatre. His classes include Theater History, History of Performance, Theory of Comedy, History of Design, and American Avant-Garde Theatre. Aronson served two terms as Chair of the Theatre Program at Columbia School of the Arts, 2008-12 and 1991-98. During his first term he worked with Professor and Director Andrei Serban to create the MFA Acting Program, he hired new faculty to enhance the directing program. and with Professor Austin Quigley established the PhD Program in Theatre.


Professor Aronson has a long association with the Prague Quadrennial of Stage Design and Theatre Architecture having served as President of the International Jury in 1991 and 1999, curator of the U.S. exhibit in 1995, General Commissioner in 2007, and editor of he The Disappearing Stage: Reflections on 2011 Prague Quadrennial. He is currently Co-Editor of Theatre and Performance Design Journal (Routledge), and Editor of The Routledge Companion to Scenography (Routledge Press, forthcoming 2016.)



Ming Cho Lee: A Life in Design
by Arnold Aronson
Theatre Communications Group, 2014


2016 Oscar G. Brockett Golden Pen Award, USITT

2014 George Freedley Memorial Award, TLA