Blake Harding / About / CV / Contact

Blake Harding is an anthropologist, visual artist and psychotherapist, currently affiliated with Columbia University in the City of New York and University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Blake’s work centers on economic disparities / inequalities, migration, social studies of medicine, global health, border studies, visual identities, the built environment, psychotherapy and resilience. Previously, Blake has been a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar at Yale University and an Amgen Scholar at Stanford University. In 2017, Blake completed multi-year fieldwork that spanned across Finland, Sweden and the United States which resulted in the book titled, “The Field Guide to ADHD: What They Don’t Want You to Know.” This work primarily elucidates Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the context of global health, education and economic inequalities.

Blake is currently performing field-work in Southern Africa and the United States-Mexico for the project titled, “BORDERS: Life on The Brink." Blake is particularly interested in innovative uses of cross / multidisciplinary research and mixed method qualitative approaches that integrate public and participatory visual practices.  

When not doing field-work, Blake lives in New York City and Tucson with his partner.