500-699  Special Note.

The long history of these books was not fully recorded.  They must have been
separated into a sciene collection early on, perhaps 1900-1910.  From that
point, only the minority marked with the L prefix (L500-L699) were part of
General Library.  In about 1970, most of the old 500-699 books were collected
from various storage areas in the science libraries and shelved in the Stack
2 Annex of Butler, combined in one sequence together with L500-L699.  Those
500-699 books kept in science libraries (mostly Science Library) after that
date had to be marked in the catalog as such, since 500-699 without L prefix
now meant General Library.  The shelflist cards for 500-699 also had to be
sorted into General Library and science libraries.  Because of errors, there
is noticeable disagreement between the catalog and the shelflist and the
shelves for 500-699.

600     Useful Arts, general
601             Philosophy of useful arts
602             Compends, outlines
603             Dictionaries, encyclopedias
604             Essays
605             Periodicals
606             Societies and transactions. Exhibitions
607             Study and teaching
608             Polygraphy, extracts
609             History of useful arts

606.5: Exhibitions, including World's Fairs.  This uses a special table of
letters that is not listed here.  The letter-number code on the first line
indicates which exhibition and the code on the second line is the type of

607: Technical colleges.  First line has decimal ethnic divisions (table 2)
(.1 USA, .2 English...) plus Cutter number for school; the second line is
Cutter number for author.

610     Medicine
611             Anatomy
612             Physiology
613             Personal hygiene. Physical education
614             Public health. Firefighting
615             Materia medica. Therapeutics
616             Pathology. Disease. Treatment
617             Surgery
618             Gynecology and Obstetrics
619             Veterinary medicine

620     Engineering
621             Mechanical. Steam. Electrical
622             Mining
623             Military and naval
624             Bridge and roof
625             Railroad and road
626             Canal
627             River, Harbor. Hydraulic
628             Sanitary. Waterworks
629             Other branches of engineering

630     Agriculture
631             Soil. Fertility. Drainage
632     --
633             Grains. Grasses. Fibers. Tea. Tobacco
634             Fruits. Orchards. Vineyards
635             Kitchen garden
636             Domestic animals
637             Dairy. Milk. Butter. Cheese
638             Bees. Silkworms
639             Fishing. Trapping

630-639: Called Agricultural Reading Room in catalog.  Some to General
Library, some to New York Botanical Garden Library.  338.1 was used for
General Library works about agriculture as an economic activity.

640     --
641     Cookery.
642     --
643     --
644     --
645     --
646     --
647     --
648     --
649     --

640-649: DDC Domestic economy.  No one knows whether the other divisions were
used at Columbia.

650     --
651     --
652     Writing. Typewriters. Ciphers
653     --
654     Telegraphy. Cables. Signals
655     Printing. Publishing. Copyright
656     Navigation
657     Bookkeeping. Accounts
658     Business manuals
659     Advertising. Other business topics

650-659: DDC Business.  Partly moved to 380; also, Business Library.

660     Chemical technology
661             Chemicals
662             Pyrotechnics. Explosives
663             Beverages
664             Foods
665             Oils. Gases. Candles
666             Ceramics. Glass
667             Bleaching. Dyeing
668             Other organic chemical industries
669             Metallurgy. Assaying

670     Manufactures
671             Articles made of metal
672             of iron and steel. Stoves. Cutlery
673             of brass and bronze. Bells
674             of wood. Lumber
675             of leather
676             of paper
677             of cotton, wool, silk, linen
678             of rubber
679             of celluloid, other substances

680     --
681     Watch- and instrument-making
682     Blacksmithing
683     Lock- and gun-making
684     Carriage- and cabinet-making
685     Saddlery and shoe-making
686     --
687     --
688     --
689     Other trades

690     Building
691             Materials. Processes. Preservatives
692             Plans. Specifications
693             Masonry. Plastering
694             Carpentry. Joinery. Stair-building
695     --
696             Plumbing. Gas- and steam-fitting
697             Heating and ventilation
698     --
699     Car- and ship-building