810-899: Special Notes.

This section resembles DDC only in broad outline.  It makes extensive use of
alphabetic tables (see standard tables 6,7,8).  

The general scheme for literary works is to indicate the author in the first
line and to use the second line to differentiate works.  

Critical works can appear in three places: (a) at the beginning of the
section for the language or period, (b) at the beginning of the section for
an author, and (c) at the beginning of the section for each work.

The following examples illustrate the use of the alphabetic tables (tables 6,
7, 8) to designate works by and about authors.  There are really two schemes:
one for most authors, and a special one for designated "voluminous authors".
The following call numbers are the ones that use the scheme:
 184,189                831-834,838-839         87,878-879
 191-199                841-844,849             88,889
 811-813                85,851-853,855          891-899--always with a
 821-825                86,868-869                       decimal subdivision

The scheme for most authors is:
 (call number) + (Cutter) over (type) [ + (more) ...]
  812             C59     over  A          J
  88              Ar51    over  I          E88

The scheme for voluminous authors is:
 (call number) + (Initial) + (type) over (more) [+ ...]
  823             S           A     over  Sm57
  823             S           O3    over  I        E96

In both cases above, "more" further identifies the work.  For works about the
author (bibliography, biography, criticism), "more" usually means a Cutter or
initial for the author of the book.  For collected works, "more" usually
comes from the time number and language tables.

Here is Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, as an example of the normal scheme.

812C59          812 + C59=Cutter for Clemens, Samuel
over    AJ      A=Bibliography + J=initial of author, Johnson
        BF      B=Biography + F=initial of author, Fischer
        BF4     B=Biography + F4=shortened Cutter for author, Ferguson
        BF41    later edition of the same work as BF4
        DL4     D=Life and times + L4=shortened Cutter for author, Leary
        DL43    different work with same subject and author as DL4
        GM      G=Periodical + M=initial of title, Mark Twain Journal
        I       I=Complete works, first set acquired
        I1...   I1, I2... for subsequent complete works, in order acquired
        M...    partial works are in M, M1, ...
        O to Z  individual works, in alphabetical order, so O1-O4 for A, 
                O5-O9 for B, etc.
        O1      Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
        O2      Autobiography of Mark Twain
        O3      American Claimant
        O5      Birds

"Complete works" is used loosely; some such sets omit minor works.

Aristotle is a second example of the normal scheme.  Here in the Classics,
the use of time numbers and language letters is more common, because there
are many sets of works and many of them are in translation.  This also shows
the use of a special scheme for a particular author, since the meaning here
of X and Z is peculiar to Aristotle.

88Ar51          88 + Ar51=Cutter number for Aristotle
over    IE88    I=Complete works + E88=time number, 1888
        JI      J=Translated works + I=language letter, English
        JI1...  further English translations, in the order acquired
        JP      J=Translated works + P=other languages, Latin in this case
        K to Z  individual works in alphabetical order
        KE77    K=De Anima + E77=time number, 1877
        KF47    K + F47=time number, 1947
        KI      K + I=language letter, English
        KM      K + M=language letter, French
        KXK     K + X=with notes + K=language letter, German
        KZA     K + Z=with commentary + A=initial of commentator, Averroes
        KZA4    K + Z + A4=shortened Cutter for "anonymous" (!)

Voluminous Authors and special schemes.

Several authors, mostly voluminous, use special variations, more or less,
from the usual alphabetic form table (6).  Some of these variant tables are
in the Columbia Classification microfilm, and for others there is a note to
see the shelflist for the special scheme.  The most important examples are
the two most voluminous authors in the library, Shakespeare and Goethe, so
the complete tables are given here.  Goethe is also the subject of a
so-called special classification, G, although Goethe G is essentially 833G;
why this was done only for Goethe is unknown-- there is no comment in the

These schemes are clearly derived from the alphabetic form table (6), and
bear similarities to each other.

GA to GH, 823SA to 823SH: Second line has Cutter number.
  GA   823SA    Bibliography
       823SAI   Editions, Publishers [should be SA1?]
       823SA2   Editions, Publishers of Bacon controversy
       823SA3   Bacon controversy
  GB   823SB    Biography
  GC   823SC    Biography collateral. Life and times
  GC1  823SCI   Goethe/Shakespeare as a character in fiction [should be SC1?]
       823SC5   Eulogies. Poems in honor of
  GC6           Monuments
  GC7  823SC7   Portraits
  GC8  823SC8   Goethe/Shakespeare and his age
  GD   823SD    Literary criticism
       823SD5   Characters
       823SD7   Foreign influence
  GE   823SE    Philological and textual criticism
  GF   823SF    Opinions and learning
       823SF2   Sources
       823SF3   Contemporaries
       823SF4   Allusions
       823SF5   Actors
       823SF7   Illustrations
  GG            Miscellaneous
       823SG    Societies
  GG3  823SG    Dictionaries. Concordances
  GG5  823SG5   Periodicals
  GG7  823SG7   Celebrations  [second line: time numbers]
  GH   823SH    Quotations
       823SH2   Manuals
       823SH3   Tales
       823SH4   Travesties. Burlesques. Adaptations
       823SH5   Miscellaneous

GI to GN, 823SI to 823SN: Second line uses time numbers and language letters.
  GI   823SI    Complete works
  GJ            Complete works with notes
  GK   823SJ    Complete works in translation
  GL   823SL    Partial works
  GM            Partial works with notes
  GN   823SM    Partial works in translation

GO to GZ: Individual works.  Second line is a Cutter number; texts by Goethe
use the Cutter number for Goethe!  Most of the following are further
subdivided by number.
  GO-GP   Faust
  GQ      Drama                   GV      Literary criticism by Goethe
  GR      Poems                   GW      Naturwissenschaften
  GS      Prose                   GX      Art criticism
  GT      Novels                  GY      Journals
  GU      Letters                 GZ      Biographical sketches

823SO to 823SZ: Individual works. Second lines use another table: A-H from
alphabetic form table; I-P as language letters, followed either by nothing or
by the initial or Cutter number for the author or translator.
  823SO                      Comedies
  823SO1-SR9 (with number)   Individual comedies
  823SS                      Tragedies
  823SS1-SV9 (with number)   Individual tragedies
  823SW                      Histories
  823SW1-SX9 (with number)   Individual histories
  823SY                      Sonnets
  823SZ                      Disputed works. Pseudo-Shakespeare

Here are some real examples for Shakespeare.
823SA over Sm57   A=Bibliography over Sm57=Cutter for author, Smith
823SB over M42    B=Biography over M42=Cutter for author, Mathew
823SI over B91    I=Works over B91=1591 (a reprint in this case)
823SI over E96    I=Works over E96=1896
823SI over F512   I=Works over F51=1951 + 2 [2d 1951 edition]
823SJ over KG     J=Translated works over K=German + G=initial of translator, 
823SO over DP1    O=Comedies over D=Literary criticism + P1=short Cutter 
                      for author
823SO over FO6    O=Comedies over F06=1906 (a set of all the comedies)
823SO3 over IE96  O3="As you like it" over I=text + E96=1896
823SO3 over MW    O3 over M=French + W=initial of translator, Wolff
823ST7 over AT    T7="Othello" over A=Bibliography + T=initial of author, 
                      Tannenbaum (a list of books about Othello)
823ST7 over EG    T7 over E=Textual criticism + G=initial of author, Gilman
                      (about French translations of Othello-- they missed
                      their chance at also using a language letter)
823ST7 over H471  T7 over H=Travesties + 47=unknown code (not 1947)
823ST7 over IF41  T7 over I=text + F41=1941
823ST7 over MH    T7 over M=French + H=initial of translator, Hugo
823SW1 over O     W1="Henry IV" over O=Spanish