function [analysis params] = SDT_MLE_fit(nR_S1, nR_S2) % [analysis params] = SDT_MLE_fit(nR_S1, nR_S2) % % Find a maximum-likelihood fit of the unequal variance signal detection % theory model to the input data. % % INPUTS % % * nR_S1, nR_S2 % these are vectors containing the total number of responses in % each response category, conditional on presentation of S1 and S2. % % e.g. if nR_S1 = [100 50 20 10 5 1], then when stimulus S1 was % presented, the subject had the following response counts: % responded S1, rating=3 : 100 times % responded S1, rating=2 : 50 times % responded S1, rating=1 : 20 times % responded S2, rating=1 : 10 times % responded S2, rating=2 : 5 times % responded S2, rating=3 : 1 time % % % OUTPUTS % % * analysis % This is a struct containing information about the data fitting procedure. % Its fields are: % % analysis.logL - the log likelihood of the fit % analysis.k - number of model parameters (d', s, and criteria) % analysis.n - total number of data points being estimated % analysis.AIC - Akaike Information Criterion, -2*logL + 2*k % analysis.AICc - Small sample correction for AIC, -2*logL + (2*k*n)/(n-k-1) % analysis.BIC - Bayesian Information Criterion, -2*logL + k*log(n) % % * params % This is a struct containing the MLE parameter values for the SDT model. % In the following, let S1 and S2 represent the distributions of evidence % generated by stimulus classes S1 and S2. % Then the params fields are: % % params.d1 - mean(S2) - mean(S1), in sd(S1) units % params.c1 - decision criteria, in sd(S1) units % params.s - sd(S1) / sd(S2) % params.da - mean(S2) - mean(S1), in room-mean-square(sd(S1),sd(S2)) units % - decision criteria (in RMS units) % params.guess - the initial guess for model parameter values % (d1, s, and c1) nRatings = length(nR_S1) / 2; nCriteria = 2*nRatings - 1; %% write the data for logL function save current_SDTMLE_data.mat nR_S1 nR_S2 nCriteria nRatings %% set up constraints A = []; b = []; % constrain criteria values, % such that c(i) is always <= c(i+1) % want c(i) <= c(i+1) % --> c(i+1) >= c(i) + 1e-5 (i.e. very small deviation from equality) % --> c(i) - c(i+1) <= -1e-5 offset = 2; for crit = 1 : nCriteria-1 % c(crit) <= c(crit+1) --> c(crit) - c(crit+1) <= -1e-5 A(end+1,[offset+crit offset+crit+1]) = [1 -1]; b(end+1) = -1e-5; end % lower bounds on parameter values LB = []; LB = [LB -10]; % d1 LB = [LB 1/10]; % s LB = [LB -20*ones(1,nCriteria)]; % c1 % upper bounds on parameter values UB = []; UB = [UB 10]; % d1 UB = [UB 10]; % s UB = [UB 20*ones(1,nCriteria)]; % c1 %% set up initial guess at parameter values ratingHR = []; ratingFAR = []; for c = 2:nRatings*2 ratingHR(end+1) = sum(nR_S2(c:end)) / sum(nR_S2); ratingFAR(end+1) = sum(nR_S1(c:end)) / sum(nR_S1); end if isempty(ratingFAR) || all(ratingFAR == ratingFAR(1)) s = 1; else p = polyfit(norminv(ratingFAR), norminv(ratingHR), 1); s = p(1); end t1_index = nRatings; d1 = (1/s) * norminv( ratingHR ) - norminv( ratingFAR ); % d1 = d1(t1_index); d1 = mean(d1); c1 = (-1/(1+s)) * ( norminv( ratingHR ) + norminv( ratingFAR ) ); guess = [d1 s c1]; %% do maximum likelihood estimation and package output op = optimset(@fmincon); op = optimset(op,'MaxFunEvals',100000); [x f]=fmincon(@SDT_logL,guess,A,b,[],[],LB,UB,[],op); logL = -f; k = length(guess); n = length(nR_S1) + length(nR_S2); analysis.logL = logL; analysis.k = k; analysis.n = n; analysis.AIC = -2*logL + 2*k; analysis.AICc = -2*logL + (2*k*n)/(n-k-1); analysis.BIC = -2*logL + k*log(n); params.d1 = x(1); params.c1 = x(3 : end); params.s = x(2); params.da = sqrt(2/(1+params.s^2)) * params.s * params.d1; = ( sqrt(2).*params.s ./ sqrt(1+params.s.^2) ) .* params.c1; params.guess = guess; delete current_SDTMLE_data.mat end %% log likelihood function function logL = SDT_logL(parameters) % loads: % nR_S1 nR_S2 nCriteria nRatings load current_SDTMLE_data.mat % initialize parameters S1mu = -parameters(1)/2; S2mu = parameters(1)/2; S1sd = 1; S2sd = 1/parameters(2); c1 = parameters(3 : end); % calculate response probabilities ci = [-Inf c1]; cj = [c1 Inf]; pC_S1 = normcdf(cj,S1mu,S1sd) - normcdf(ci,S1mu,S1sd); pC_S2 = normcdf(cj,S2mu,S2sd) - normcdf(ci,S2mu,S2sd); pC_S1(pC_S1==0) = 1e-10; pC_S2(pC_S2==0) = 1e-10; % calculate likelihood logL = sum( nR_S1 .* log( pC_S1 ) ) + sum( nR_S2 .* log( pC_S2 ) ); if isnan(logL), logL=-Inf; end logL = -1 * logL; end